The Signs of the Times, vol. 10


May 29, 1884

“Southern California Camp-Meeting” The Signs of the Times, 10, 21.

E. J. Waggoner

There is not much concerning this meeting, to be added to our report of last week. The time was fully occupied with meetings, as is customary at our camp-meetings. The days were devoted to Bible-readings and instruction concerning our important work. Each evening there was a sermon, which was listened to by a large number not of our faith. The interest was good until the close. As an immediate result of this meeting, twenty-two signed the covenant to keep all the “commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus,” and eleven presented themselves as candidates for baptism. SITI May 29, 1884, page 336.1

The little company at Los Angeles were very much encouraged, and feel determined to take hold of the work with new energy. As proof of this, an old debt which had hung over their missionary Society was lifted, and their club of SIGNS was increased from ten to fifty copies, and the money all pledged. When our people all learn the power of little sums when combined, and adopt the Bible plan of systematically laying aside certain sums, as God has prospered them, we shall see the work increase beyond all our expectations. SITI May 29, 1884, page 336.2

Elders Healey, Israel, and Briggs, together with a large corp of canvassers and colporteurs, remain in Los Angeles to carry forward the work, and take advantage of the good impression that has already been made. May the Lord prosper them in all their efforts. E. J. W. SITI May 29, 1884, page 336.3