The Present Truth, vol. 9

December 28, 1893

“Haven’t Time” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

“Haven’t Time.”—Have you no time to think of God, to seek Him, to study His word, and to learn of Him? “Are there not twelve hours in the day”—yes, in your day? Is it not as long as any other person’s day? “From him that hath not,” said the Saviour, “shall be taken away even that which he hath.” If you have no time now, you will have none hereafter. None are so short of time as those who have no time to prepare for eternity. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.1

“Speaking for God” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Speaking for God.-Who will speak of the wonderful love and power of God? Are there any special ones of His followers who are privileged to tell of His goodness, while others must keep silence? Hear what is written: “The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” Amos 3:8. Evidently none can help speaking His word, save those who have not heard it. Jeremiah once, because of the criticism of men, thought he would not make mention of the Lord any more; but he said, “His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” Jeremiah 20:9. And so when the apostles were even commanded not to speak any more in the name of Jesus, they said “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20. And so it will always be; none will keep silence except those who have not known the voice of God speaking to them. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.2

“Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God;
But servants of the Heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad.”
PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.3

“Our Song” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Our Song.-“The Lord is my strength and song.” Exodus 15:2. Why then should it be thought that there is anything about the service of God that is dismal and sad? It is a service of song. The psalmist says, “He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psalm 40:3. We are called to “show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvellous light.” 1 Peter 2:9. Is there anything sad about coming out from darkness into the bright light? This is what the service of God is,-standing in the light where His glory can be seen upon us (Isaiah 60:2), and rejoicing in it. And if we stand there, that song will be in our mouth, and not words of discouragement and lamentation; and then, many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:3. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.4

“Supping with Christ” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Supping with Christ.-Jesus says: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any an hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20. He is the King of kings, yet He consents to sit as a guest with “any man,” even the humblest. Nay, He begs the privilege of associating with us. but what shall we set before Him, for He comes and knocks when we are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” He knows this, and so He brings abundant provision with Him. He Himself is the Bread of life. He says, “Hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.” Isaiah 55:2. But do not forget that we must sup with Him. What that means we learn from His prayer in the garden. Matthew 26, 27:42. If we would sup with Him, we must not refuse the cup of temptation, suffering, and reproach. The joy of it is that we have the presence of Christ with it. In Him we have peace in the midst of tribulation. There is exquisite joy in sorrow when Christ shares it with us. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.5

“Workers with God” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

To the Corinthians Paul wrote “We are labourers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. The work of God is carried forward by cooperation. But it is the cooperation of the branch with the vine. The branch bears fruit, but it receives all its nourishment, its strength, from the vine. “Without Me,” said Christ, “Ye can do nothing.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.6

No person can do anything that would save himself from the penalty of even the smallest sin. He might work all his life, and work harder than any man ever worked, and at the end he would be no nearer to salvation than he was at first. Yet he is required to cooperate with God, and he will not obtain salvation unless he does. All men are sinners, and before they can be saved that sin must be removed. God has provided a way whereby sin may be removed, but He did not in that act actually remove it. He opened “a fountain for sin and uncleanness;” and now all who will may come to that fountain and become clean. None are compelled to come; and all who do not come will die in their sins. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.7

God works through man; but He works always for His own glory, and therefore He can use only those who will give Him the glory. And these are only those who deny (know not) self. Man can place himself where God can use him by denying self. In this work he can cooperate with God. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.8

This thought is prominently set forth in the first part of Philippians 2; and then in verse eleven the apostle adds, “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” But how can that be?—“For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Verses 12, 13. Thus man cooperates with God, and thus is it possible to “work out your own salvation.” The work of man is self-denial; the work of God is to fill the vacuum made thereby with His own life and power. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 609.9

“A Positive Force” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

A writer in the News has been discussing the question, “Is Protestantism a mere negation?” The answer to such a question must depend very much upon that signification given to the term “Protestantism.” If by that word is meant only what is seen in the most of that worship which differs in form from Catholicism, it may be doubtful whether it is a “mere negation” or not. Certainly a large part of it is not much more than this, and is so rapidly identifying itself with Romanism that it will soon cease to be even that. But if by that term we mean the faith of men like Luther, Wycliffe, and others who in former times earnestly contended against Rome for “the faith once delivered unto the saints,” and of the few who are contending in like manner to-day, then the question may be answered with an emphatic negative. Protestantism is not a mere negation, but a positive and most powerful force. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.1

True Protestantism is something carried different from a mere denial of the errors of popery. It is a denial of those doctrines, just as truth is always a denial of error, although this is not the proper way to speak of truth. Truth comes first and error afterwards, so that error is a denial of truth, rather than truth a denial of error. And this is all error is; but truth is a positive, living force. It stands alone, beautiful and complete in itself, ignoring all error, and clothed with the power and life of Him who gave it birth. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.2

True Protestantism is the Gospel of God, it is “Protestantism” only because of the protest of the princes whose faith led them to stand out against the corrupt communion of Rome. It is a belief, a faith. It was not created by the protest of the princes, but only acquired by that a new name. It existed long before “Protestantism,” as a name, was known; long before there was any occasion for such a name. It existed, indeed, for all eternity; for the Gospel of God is the “everlasting Gospel,” being “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.” Romans 1:16; Revelation 14:6. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.3

The only protest that is needed against Rome’s errors is the proclamation of this Gospel, this power of God unto salvation. This is the most effective protest that could be made, for the straightforward proclamation of Divine truth is the best barrier that can be raised across the path of the error that denies it. The worst thing that can happen for error is to be contrasted with the truth. The worst thing that can happen for popery,-the power of the pope and the priest and the virgin unto salvation,-is to be contrasted with the power of God unto salvation, which is the gospel. This Gospel can be proclaimed without any reference to popery whatever, and still be just as strong and effective a protest against it. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.4

But the adherents of the papacy wish to make it appear that Protestantism is something dependent upon popery, a mere denial of the doctrines of popery, and therefore something which could not have existed without it. They wish it to appear that popery was first, and Protestantism came after it. But it is only the name that came after it, and not the principles. Popery is the thing that denies, and not Protestantism. Gospel truth was first in the field; it was there for all eternity. It was preached to the children of Israel in the wilderness (Hebrews 4:1, 2); it was preached by the apostles eighteen hundred years ago; it was preached by a faithful few in the dark ages; it is preached by the “remnant” of Christ’s followers to-day. The Gospel is not on the defensive; it does not care for popish innovations; but now, as ever, it calmly and majestically pursues its way to every nation and people and tongue, being “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.5

The Gospel is a positive force; it is an infinite force. Popery cannot stop it, nor any other power that can be brought against it. This is the force which is in the true religion, the true Protestantism. It is a force which lives and works in individuals, and the word of God which abides in the hearts of Christians. If your religion does not contain this force, it is not the Gospel of God. If your heart does not feel this power, if your life does not manifest it, you are not yet in the way of salvation. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.6

“Abiding in God” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

The Saviour says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.” John 15:4. If we abide not in Him, our whole lives will be utterly barren. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.7

How may we abide in Him? Turning to the fourth chapter of 1 John, we read (verses 7, 8), “Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” If therefore we cherish enmity and hatred toward those around us, we cannot abide in God; we cannot even know Him. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.8

But again we read (verse 16), “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.9

And what must we do to love? Can we love by trying to love, by exerting ourselves to make love come into our hearts? Who was ever able to love in that way? Who ever seriously tries to get love for another by such a process? But if we cannot love one of the human family by trying and exerting ourselves to love them, no more can we love God in that way. “He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, cannot love God whom he hath not seen.” 1 John 4:20, R.V. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.10

Love comes by beholding. We see one on earth whom we admire, and almost before we know it love has sprung up in our hearts. We made no exertion, but simply let it come, there was no barrier in its way. And that is the only way that love ever comes. “Love is of God,”-all love that is true love,-and whether it be love toward God or man, it comes in the same way. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.11

The trouble is, there is a barrier in the way of our love toward God. Sin placed that barrier there; it is self. The door of the natural heart is closed to that which is Divine. Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20. Open that door, and the love of God will come in. Jesus will come in, and we shall see Him, “the chiefest among ten thousand,” and “ altogether lovely”; and love will be the inevitable consequence. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 610.12

But until the door is open, we do not see Christ. There is much rubbish about the door, which must be cleared away,-the rubbish of self, selfish ambition, pride, jealousies, and all the other works of the flesh. We cannot see Christ through self. Though He is the beauty and the majesty of heaven, so long as we look at self, we shall not be able to discern Him. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.1

We may remove this rubbish by counting ourselves dead unto sin (Romans 6:11), dead to all selfish desires and selfish acts. Then there will be no difficulty about opening the door; and then we shall see our Heavenly Visitor in His beauty, and our hearts will be filled with His grace. We will abide in Him. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.2

“We love, because He first loved us;” because “love is of God” and we have opened our hearts and let that love in. And “love is the fulfilling of the law.” Romans 13:8, 10. By love will the keeping of the law be manifested to those around us. “He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in Him. But whoso keepeth His word, in Him verily is the love of God perfected; hereby know we that we are in Him.” 1 John 2:4, 5. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.3

“The Word of Power” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

The Word of Power.-When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary the coming birth of Jesus, and how it was to be brought about, he said, “No word from God shall be void of power.” Luke 1:37, Revised Version. Every word of God is living, and active; every word is life, so that man may live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Therefore the Lord says: “As the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goeth forth out of My mouth; it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10, 11. His word cannot return to Him void, because it is power and life; it will produce life, just a surely as the rain causes the earth to bring forth fruit. Therefore all that ministers and teachers of the Gospel have to do, is to let the word of God dwell in them, so that they can speak it, and God will see that it reaches those who need it. “He that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfully.” “Is not My word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.4

“The Grace of Giving” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

The matter of raising money for religious work is one of the greatest perplexities connected with such work in these days. In almost every church the question of raising the minister’s salary and meeting other incidental expenses, takes more consultation and planning than the salvation of the people. Almost every denomination has its special agents to raise money for foreign missions,-men who have great power of persuasion,-and the successful pleader for money is considered the most useful man in the cause. And then there are the other methods for coaxing a few shillings out of people, such as suppers, fairs, and bazaars, with devices that ought not ever to be named as becoming Christians. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.5

Now there cannot be any question about the necessity for money and the work of the Gospel. “The labourer is worthy of his hire,” and the Lord has “ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:14. The only question is, How shall the means be raised? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.6

This question is answered in the statement last quoted. “They which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel.” God Himself has ordained this. It arises from the very nature of the Gospel, which begins and ends in giving. If sufficient attention were given to the Gospel, the money question would settle itself. Let us read a few texts about giving. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.7

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.8

“Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.” Galatians 1:3, 4. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.9

“The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.10

“He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.11

“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.12

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to “abound in this grace also,” the grace of giving; for, says he, “Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.13

From these texts, and there are many other similar ones, we learn that the grace of God consists in giving. Grace itself is a gift. Ephesians 2:8; Romans 5:15-17. Righteousness is a gift, and so is eternal life. It is the love of God that leads Him to bestow these gifts upon us. The love of God must manifest itself in giving. Therefore when the love of God is shed abroad in the hearts of men, they will give according to their ability, just as freely as God Himself does. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.14

See how this was demonstrated in the case of the believers in Macedonia. “Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace of God which hath been given in the churches of Macedonia; how that in much proof of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For according to their power, I bear witness, yea, and beyond their power, they gave of their own accord, beseeching us with much entreaty in regard to this grace and the fellowship in the ministering to the saints; and this, not as we had hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.” 2 Corinthians 8:1-5. They knew the grace of the Lord, who gave Himself, and so they gave themselves; and in giving themselves they gave all that they had. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.15

Notice also how the love of the brethren in Galatia showed itself. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, he would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.” Galatians 4:15. Nothing that they could give was withheld. What was the cause of this?—Jesus Christ had been set forth evidently crucified among them. Galatians 3:1. Let the Gospel be preached with the power of the Spirit, so that it becomes a living reality to the hearers, and there will be no trouble in regard to gifts. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.16

All that is necessary, therefore, in order to raise money for the support of the Gospel, is to preach the Gospel of free grace of God. Men in whose hearts the love of God finds a place, will give without urging, and the Lord does not desire offerings from any others. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, nor of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7. God desires gifts from people who give without urging. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 611.17

This is shown in the call for offerings for the tabernacle in the wilderness. “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering; of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.” Exodus 25:1, 2. “And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all His service, and for the holy garments. And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold; and every man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the Lord.” Exodus 35:21, 22. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.1

That shows the kind of offerings that the Lord requires; and now for the result of such giving: “And all the wise men, that wrought all the work of the sanctuary, came every man from his work which they made; and they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make. And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.” Exodus 36:4-7. What a sensation it would make for such a proclamation to be made in some congregation in these days. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.2

Since not even the brethren are to be urged to give against their free will, it is very evident that it is not according to the will of God that contributions for the Gospel should be solicited from unbelievers. God is not so poor that He is obliged to beg for the support of His cause. “For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains; and the wild beasts of the field are Mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is Mine, and the fulness thereof.” Psalm 50:10-12. There is nothing more dishonouring to the cause of Christ, than the desperate efforts that are put forth by many who profess it, to induce the world to give to its support. The Apostle John says of the early ministers of Christ that “for His names sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles.” 3 John 7. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.3

The love of God is the secret of real giving. When Christ dwells in the heart, the language will be “I am debtor.” This was the case with the early disciples. “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own.” Acts 4:32. The mind that was in them, that made them one, was the mind of Christ, who gave Himself. Such ones delight to give, and thank God for the privilege, so that they can say with David: “Now therefore, our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name. But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.4

“The Glory of God” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Man was created for the glory of God. “Thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.” “Even every one that is called by My name; for I have created him for My glory.” Isaiah 43:1, 7. Also in Revelation we read that the four and twenty elders before the throne of God worship Him, saying, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power, for Thou has created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:10, 11. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.5

But God is not arbitrary in any of His acts. He is not selfish in any of His dealings. In creating man for His glory He had in view not only that glory but the good of man. God existed before any of His creatures were brought into existence, and He was then the Omniscient and the Omnipotent, just as He is to-day. He was dependent on nothing; He needed nothing. But He did not choose to enjoy existence by Himself; for “God is love,” “the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever;” and love demanded that His power should be exercised for the good of others. The glory of a Being whose very nature is love must consist in the manifestation of that love; and hence man and all created things were created for the glory of God. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.6

The word of God abounds with exhortations to man to give glory to Him. “Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.” Psalm 96:7, 8. “For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:20. But who is meant to glorify God? He has no glory in himself; he has nothing about him which is worthy of being offered to God. He has no power to get anything that would be worthy. Only that which comes from God Himself can be worthy of presenting back to Him. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.7

God knew this when He created man, and provided that man should be given that which he did not possess himself for an offering to his Creator. From the Saviour’s words in John 17:1, we learn how it is that man is to glorify God: “Father, the hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee.” God bestows His love and favour upon His children, and they, in making manifest that love, can glorify Him. As we are told by Peter, we are chosen of God that we should “show forth the praises” of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvellous light. 1 Peter 2:9. And God has said, “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me.” Psalm 50:23. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.8

God bestows His love upon man, and He in return manifests the love of God. God delights in acts of love and mercy, and His creatures thereby delight themselves in Him. The arrangement is a reciprocal one, and no less for the benefit of one party than for the other. That which is for the glory of God is for the benefit of man; and that which has been given for man’s benefit, if not perverted, redounds to the glory of God. And when God does some act of seeming severity, to maintain in the world the majesty and glory of His name, it is done really for the benefit of His creatures who depend upon Him. That which guards His glory, also guards their happiness. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.9

But most men pervert that which God bestows upon them, using it to the glorification of self. Instead of reflecting the glory of God, by words and acts of praise to Him, they absorb it with the idea of thereby calling attention to themselves. This, of course, entirely fails of its objects, and robs God of His glory. Hence it is that He cannot bestow His glory in large measure upon those who would serve self. But He has bestowed some degree of it upon all, so that each one may, if he will, do something to the glory of God. And God will bestow upon a person just as much glory as he will use properly. He gives to each one all that can safely be entrusted to him. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 612.10

The message God sends His people is, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1. In manifesting to them the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ, which is “unto all and upon all them that believe,” He has shewn His people the worthlessness and sinfulness of self, that they may cast self utterly away. And self being cast out, they are prepared to glorify God, to reflect back to Him the light which He sends upon them. And thus this call, this message, is the signal for God’s name to be glorified in the earth. No man will be glorified in it; but “His glory” shall be seen upon His people, and all the earth will note that it is the glory of God. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.1

All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. They have come short of giving to God the glory that is His. When sin is in the heart, the glory that God sends will not be perfectly reflected, but a part if not all of it will be absorbed by self. Self never throws out anything good, but always seeks to retain it. And therefore to make ourselves perfect reflectors of the glory of God, we must cast out self. To cast out out self we must look to Christ. Looking into His face, beholding the beauty and glory of “the chiefest among ten thousand and the One altogether lovely,” we will soon cease to be conscious of self; and then self is gone, and only the image of Him we see, remains with us. And Jesus is “the Light of the world” and the brightness of the glory of God. Hebrews 1:3; John 8:12. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.2

When Isaiah beheld in vision the Lord seated upon His throne, he exclaimed, “Woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen that King, the Lord of Hosts.” We, like him, are men of unclean lips; but when our lips have been touched by a live coal from off the altar of the Lord, we can be sent forth with His message. “O Lord, open Thou My lips, and my mouth shall shew forth Thy praise.” Psalm 51:15. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.3

“Note” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

An address by Mr. Charles Booth, recently read before the Royal Statistical Society, shows that there are in London 172,502 single room tenements; 189,700 tenements consisting of two rooms; 153,189 of three rooms; and 115,117 of four rooms. Of the single-room tenements, 60,115 are inhabited by one person only; 55,766 by two persons; 29,005 by three; 16,111 by four persons; 7,409 by five; 2,871 by six; 879 by seven; 231 by eight; 72 by nine; and three are some single rooms that are actually occupied by ten, eleven, and “twelve or more” persons. These figures tell their own story. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.4

“What Is Christmas?” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Possibly ninety-nine out of every hundred people who give the matter any thought at all, would answer that it is the anniversary of the birth of Christ. So general has this idea become, that many people regard Christmas as a sacred day, and think that labour thereon is a sin. In the Catholic Church it is regarded as far more holy than Sunday. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.5

As a matter of fact, nobody knows the month nor the day of the month on which Jesus of Nazareth was born. The only place where we could hope to find any definite information on the subject, namely, the Bible, is utterly silent regarding the matter. The fact that the Bible gives no sanction whatever to the celebration of the birth of Christ, not even mentioning when it occurred, is sufficient evidence that the Lord did not wish to have it celebrated. Whatever the Bible does not mention is forbidden. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.6

There is only one thing that we can know with any certainty about the birth of Christ, and that is that it did not take place on the twenty-fifth of December, nor in the month of December. Read the record: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:8-11. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.7

Winter in Palestine is the season of rain. Snow falls, and there are sharp frosts. While it is a subtropical country, it is certain that in the winter season sheep are not kept in the field, and shepherds do not in winter, watch their flocks by night “all seated on the ground,” as the hymn has it. Christ was undoubtedly born in the spring or summer, although at what day nobody knows, for no record has been kept. No one thought of celebrating any day as the birthday of Christ until about three hundred years after His ascension. Dr. Schaff tells us that we first find Christmas in Rome, “in the time of the Bishop Liberius, who on the twenty-fifth of December, 360, consecrated Marcella, the sister of St. Ambrose, nun or bride of Christ, and addressed her with the words, ‘Thou seest what multitudes are come to the birth festival of thy bridegroom.’ This passage implies that the festival was already existing, and familiar. Christmas was introduced in Antioch about the year 380; in Alexandria, where the feast of the Epiphany was celebrated as the nativity of Christ, not till about 430.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.8

Dr. Schaff also tells us something about the origin of the Christmas festival. He says:- PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.9

The Christmas festival was probably the Christian transformation or regeneration of a series of kindred festivals-the Saturnalia, Sigillaria, Juvenalia, and Brumalia-which were kept in Rome in the month of December, in commemoration of the golden age of unbridled freedom and equality, and in honour of the unconquered sun, and which were great holidays especially for slaves and children. This connection accounts for many customs of the Christmas season, like the giving of presents to children and to the poor, the lighting of wax tapers, perhaps also the erection of Christmas trees.... Had the Christmas festival arisen in the period of the persecution, its derivation from these pagan festivals would be refuted by the reigning abhorrence of everything heathen; but in the Nicene age this rigidness of opposition between the church and the world was in a great measure softened by the general conversion of the heathen. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.10

When we recall the fact, stated by Mosheim, that in consequence of the introduction of pagan philosophy into the church, the heathen came into the church in great numbers, without thinking it necessary to materially change any of their former practices, we can understand how the opposition between the church and the world came to be softened by the general “conversion” of the heathen. As Dr. Schaff says, Christmas was adopted after the close of persecution, when abhorrence of everything heathen had ceased. There is not the slightest question but that Christmas is of purely heathen origin, and is one of the things which marked the progress of the transformation of Paganism into Roman Catholicism. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.11

In the paragraph quoted above, Dr. Schaff says that the heathen festival which later became Christmas, was “in honour of the unconquered sun.” In heathen times, when sun-worship was universal, there was a festival in the latter part of December, to hail what the heathen termed the birth of the sun, when the sun began to rise higher and higher, after its decline. The professed Christian bishops, who were willing to make almost any compromise to enlarge “the church” numerically, adopted this festival, identifying the sun with Christ, “the Sun of righteousness,” so that the heathen could keep their old customs and still be called Christians. They continued to worship the sun, but were told that in doing so they were worshipping Christ. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 613.12

Mosheim tells us that even in the second century, a large part of the Christian observances and institutions had the aspect of the pagan mysteries. This was because “the Christian bishops purposely multiplied sacred rites” for the purpose of conciliating the pagans. As illustrating the spirit of compromise he quotes the following from Gregory Nyssen’s life of Gregory Thaumaturgus: “When Gregory perceived that the ignorant and simple multitude persisted in their idolatry, on account of the sensitive pleasures and delights it afforded, he allowed them in celebrating the memory of the holy martyrs, to indulge themselves, and give a loose to pleasure (i.e., as the thing itself, and both what precedes and follows, placed beyond all controversy, he allowed them at the sepulchres of the martyrs on their feast days, to dance, use sports, to indulge conviviality, and to do all things that the worshippers of idols were accustomed to do in their temples on their festival days), hoping that in process of time they would spontaneously come over to a more becoming and more correct manner of life.”-Ecclesiastical History, Cent. 2, part 2, chap. 4, section 2, note 3. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.1

When “Christian” bishops would allow that, it would be but a light thing to them to adopt the very days themselves that the heathen celebrated. This is shown very fully in the following by Dean Milman:- PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.2

The festivals in honour of the martyrs were avowedly instituted, or, at least, conducted on a sumptuous scale, in rivalry of the banquets which performed so important and attractive a part of the pagan ceremonial.... Panegyrical operations were delivered by the best preachers. The day closed with an open banquet, in which all the worshippers were invited to partake. The wealthy heathens had been accustomed to propitiate the Manes of their departed friends by these costly festivals; the banquet was almost an integral part of the heathen religious ceremony. The custom passed into the church; and with the pagan feeling, the festival assumed a pagan character of gaiety and joyous excitement, and even of luxury.... As the evening drew on, the solemn and religious thoughts gave way to other emotions; the wine flowed freely, and the health of the martyrs were pledged, not unfrequently, to complete inebriety. All the luxuries of the Roman banquet were imperceptibly introduced. Dances were admitted, pantomimic spectacles were exhibited, the festivals were prolonged till late in the evening, or to midnight, so that other criminal irregularities profaned, if not the sacred edifice, its immediate neighbourhood. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.3

The bishops had some time sanctioned these pious hilarities with their presence; they had freely partaken of the banquets, and their attendants were accused of plundering the remains of the feast, which ought to have been preserved for the use of the poor.-History of Latin Christianity, Book 4, chap. 2. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.4

The Dean says that “the heathen calendar still regulated the amusements of the people.” These amusements, be it remembered, where the festival days of the church; so that the “church year” is but little else than the old heathen round of festivals. The heathen had a festival on the day that the sun was longest seen in the heavens,-the midsummer holiday. This was, of course, just six months before the winter festival which afterwards became Christmas, and so it was very conveniently adopted as the birthday of John the Baptist, and is known as St. John’s day. Most of the other church festivals had a similar origin and connection with sun worship. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.5

Thus much for the compromising spirit in general, which adopted heathen customs, so that the heathen could be brought into the church. Now for one more statement, bringing the matter home. In “The Story of Religion in England,” by Brooke Herefore, D. D., we find the following in connection with the history of Saxon times:- PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.6

Gradually Christianity became the general religion of the whole people. The change was made easier by its not destroying all their old associations, but rather turning them to account. Augustine had found that at various times in the year there were great religious festivals kept up all over the land, and he knew that it would be very difficult to put these down, for they have been so kept up for centuries, yet he did not like them because they were associated with the old heathenism, and helped to keep it alive. So he sent to Rome to ask what he must do. The Pope wisely replied that he had better let the people keep them as before, and indeed keep their old customs generally, but that he must teach them new meanings for them, and turn them into festivals and customs of Christianity. Thus there was a great religious festival kept by the Saxons in honour of their goddess Eostre, in the spring, about the time when the Christians kept the festival of the resurrection, so it was changed into the Christian festival, but the old name, Eostre-our Easter-remained for it among the people, and still remains. Then in the winter the Saxons, like all the northern people, kept the great Yule feast, so this was turned into a festival of the birth of Christ, and by-and-by people forgot that Christmas had ever been anything else. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.7

The wisdom of the Pope in giving the advice he did to Augustine, was worldly wisdom, and not the wisdom of Christ. The Apostolic injunction was, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness”; but “the church,” in its desire to become “Catholic,” went into full fellowship with those unfruitful works, and thus brought the darkness into the professed church of Christ. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.8

“But is not Christmas a Christian festival now, since it is associated only with the birth of Christ?” It is just as much a Christian institution as a statue of the Emperor Nero would be a true image of Jesus, if people associated it with thoughts of Christ, and called it His statue. Thinking so, and calling it so, could not make it so. Calling the twenty-fifth of December Christmas does not the least take away the fact that it is a purely heathen affair. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.9

The existence of such festival days in the professed Protestant Church to-day, only shows how incomplete was the work of the Reformation of the sixteenth century. That was only a beginning, and much yet remains to be done; for when Christ appears the second time He will find a church as free from Paganism as it was when He left it. The finishing of the work of the Reformation will not be brought about en masse, nor by any general or formal action, but by individuals taking the Bible alone as their guide, and daring to be counted peculiar for the sake of Christ. Who will be among the number? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.10

“Reproving the Works of Darkness” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

In the home or at business many Christians are brought into association with those who do not honour Christ,-whose ways are a source of pain. At every turn we are reminded that, though not “of the world,” we are yet “in the world,” and surrounded by the darkness of the world. The Lord tells us what should be our relation to all this. “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them.” Ephesians 5:5. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.11

How is this reproof to be given? Is it by telling the wrong-doer of this or that act, and arraying before him its wickedness? Sometimes, when we knew no better, we have tried this way, and have found a warmth of spirit generated which left matters worse than before. In the verse following the one quoted, the Lord shows that this is not the way: “For the things which are done by them in secret it is a shame even to speak of.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.12

Then sins may be reproved without even speaking of them. “But all things when they are reproved are made manifest by the light.” We reprove the works of darkness by holding forth the light. “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” In the light sin is its own condemnation, and as Christ “was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,” every man in sin knows the condemnation. Therefore the Christian is to be simply a light, a reflection of the glory of the life of Christ, and the light will reprove sin, and work with persuasive force to lead the sinner to yield. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 614.13

It is not by pressing upon associates some form of words, or setting forth even various truths as a matter of doctrine, that we let the light shine. Many who are continually besieging their friends in this way cannot understand why their efforts are so unfruitful. The difficulty is this: the light is life. “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.” Only as we have the life can we have the light. But the life of Christ lived in the home or the place of business is the powerful and constant reprover of sin, even though no words are spoken. And the words spoken will not be to press condemnation more heavily upon the one in darkness, but they will flow out from the life within, full of light and helpfulness. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.1

This is the way the Lord treated us. Dead in trespasses and sins he called to us, “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee.” Then in the brightness of His glory self was made manifest. And we who “were once darkness,” became “light in the Lord,” and rejoiced in the life which He gave. Let us then “walk as children of light (for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth), proving what is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.2

“When Popery Comes In” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

When Popery Comes In.-This is when men began to turn away from the Bible as the very word of God. For instance, in Scotland for a series of years there has been a desperate effort on the part of many to overtake the advanced Biblical critics in other lands, and instead of the preaching of the word, the errancy of the word has been preached. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.3

Now there is a marked Romeward tendency, which surprises many. A Scottish correspondent of a London paper calls attention to the spectacle of “multitudes running headlong to the superstitions of the Middle Ages,” and the other day Professor Blakie, presiding at a Protestant lecture, referred to the fact that some ministers of the Presbyterian Church had been expressing themselves in favour of the practice of prayers for the dead. All this is the sure result of shutting away the word of God from the people. The darkness of popery must follow as surely as the night the day. The only way to keep the spirit of the Papacy out of our own hearts is to let the word of God dwell in us, subduing self unto God. The man who slights the word of God may not be a Romanist, but he cannot avoid being a papist in principle; for the mystery of God, the word of the Gospel, is the one thing which is able to vanquish the mystery of iniquity, which has its seat in every unrenewed heart. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.4

“Speedy Deliverance” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

“Pray without ceasing,” is the inspired injunction. “Continuing steadfast in prayer,’ is another expression. “In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” “Man ought always to pray, and not to faint,’ is what the Saviour said. Few understand the reason for these directions, and that is the reason why there is so much praying that seems to be to no purpose. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.5

Prayer is not for the purpose of changing the mind of God, nor to make Him favourably disposed toward us. That is the heathen idea of prayer, and so the heathen connects with his prayer a sacrifice made by himself. Often it is a money offering as a bribe to God, and sometimes it is a self-inflicted injury, as was the case with the prophets of Baal, as recorded in 1 Kings 18:26-28. But God Himself has provided the sacrifice which brings the things that we ask for, and is willing and anxious to bestow good gifts upon us even before we are ready to receive them. It is His promise alone that is the basis of all true prayer. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.6

The fact that God has made “exceeding great and precious promises” to us, and that in our prayers we have only to claim those promises, shows that prayer, instead of changing the mind of God, is simply coming to take what He unchangeablely holds out to us. He “satisfieth the desire of every living thing.” Wherever there is an intense, earnest desire for God’s good gifts, there follows the bestowal of them. “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.7

Why, then, the necessity for continual, unceasing prayer?—Because there is continual need. “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” John 3:27. “Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17. We are to pray every day, “Give us this day our daily bread,” because we need food every day. The fact that we have eaten and been satisfied to-day, will not do away with the necessity for food to-morrow. So with all spiritual blessings. Our inward man must be “renewed day by day;” and it is just when we realise the necessity for natural food, that we get a continual supply. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.8

This is the lesson conveyed by the parable of the importunate one and the unjust judge. The widow kept coming continually, because she realised that she was in extreme need. Her very existence depended upon her being delivered from the adversary who was about to devour her property. She would not be satisfied with anything less than complete deliverance. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.9

The widow in the parable is an apt illustration of our case. We are in great need. Our “adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8. His power is the power of death (Hebrews 2:14), with which he would devour our life; and the sting of it is sin, which he leads us into. See 1 Corinthians 15:56; 1 John 3:8. What we need is deliverance from sin; the only difference between us and the widow is that she realised her need, while as a general thing we do not. See Revelation 3:17. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.10

The poor widow obtained her request even from the judge who “feared not God, neither regarded man” (Luke 18:2), because she would not give him any rest until he granted it. He finally said, “Because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest she wear me out by her continual coming.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.11

“And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.” The Greek word rendered “though” in the above, is a regular word for “and,” which is given in the Revised Version. The whole sentence is, “And He is long-suffering over them.” Liddell and Scott’s Greek Lexicon renders the same expression, “long-suffering towards.” Wycliffe rendered “patience,” instead of “long-suffering,” the meaning of course being the same. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 615.12

We may therefore read the passage thus: “And shall not God avenge [give satisfaction to] His own elect, that cry to Him day and night, and He is long-suffering [or patient] toward them?” Now we see the contrast clearly brought out between the Lord, “the righteous judge,” and the unrighteous judge. The latter forced the poor people to “bear long” with him; taxed their patience to the utmost. But with the righteous Judge, it is different; it is He that is long-suffering and patient. Whereas the unjust judge did not wish to do justice, and forced the people to wait long upon him, God is most intensely anxious to confer benefits, and is begging us to come to Him and be saved, but yet is extremely patient with our unwillingness. Here is the sharp contrast: The unjust judge did finally, much against his will, give the poor widow satisfaction, because her need made her importunate, how much more, then, we may expect God to give satisfaction to those who cry to Him, since He has long been imploring them to come to Him for deliverance, and has been patiently waiting upon them. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 616.1

But what about their crying day and night unto Him? Does that mean that He will keep them waiting a long time? Will He hold them off as long as possible? By no means. “I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.” When will He avenge them, or give them satisfaction speedily?—When they are so in earnest that they will cry day and night for deliverance. When we ask God once or twice for deliverance from sin, but have so little burden for it that we may forget it for days, or even weeks, there is no real sense of need, and consequently no real desire for help, nor willingness to receive it. But when our whole being cries out for the righteousness of God, just as every fiber of a starving man’s body cries out for food, then the promise is, He will give speedy deliverance. What a blessed comfort is given us in the parable of the unjust judge. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 616.2

Have we sins that have long beset us, with which we have kept up an intermittent struggle, sometimes in dead earnest, and sometimes willingly overcome, yet all the time feeling guilty and ashamed? Let us fully realise that those sins will shut us out of heaven, so that we shall cry out “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” and be so much in earnest that we must have that deliverance above all things else, and the promise is that it will speedily come. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 616.3

“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 616.4

“Water Animals” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

“Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.1

Last week, we learned about the sun, and the moon, and the stars that we see in the heavens above us, this week we shall learn about the “stars of the sea,” and about the many other curious and wonderful things that are found in the oceans, lakes, and rivers. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.2

If you were to visit the sea-shore, and go down among the great rocks, and lift up the long sea-weeds that hang from their sides, you would find stars clinging tightly to the rocks,-not shining stars like the one in heaven, to be sure, but little, five-pointed, living stars. These star-fish, as they are called, are of different colours, but generally reddish orange yellowish. The upper part is hard and rough, while the underside is soft and contains the mouth, and an eye is said to be at the end of each of its five rays. This odd little creature sometimes presses the points of its rays upon the sand, and raises itself in the middle, until it looks like a five-legged stool. If one of its points, or rays, is bitten off, another grows in its place, and if the fish is torn entirely in two and thrown back into the water, the two parts will get new rays and grow into two perfect star-fish. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.3

But this fish is but one of the many strange things that live in the water. The ocean is just swarming with the living creatures. Some of them are very large and many are too small to be seen; yet they are all wonderful. Most of the animals that live in the water have a broad tail and fans with which to swim, “but some crawl, as the crab, some float about, like the jelly-fish, and some lie still, like the oyster.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.4

Each animal has just such covering or clothing as it needs. The whale, the largest water animal, is so heavy, and goes to such great depths in the water that it needs a very strong covering to protect it from the pressure of the water and the force of the waves. We therefore find it covered with a thick “blanket,” as it is called. Its skin is so made that it can hold a great mass of oily matter, which, it is said, is never less than several inches in thickness, in many places nearly two feet deep, and as elastic or springy as India-rubber. The outside of the skin has no hair, but looks like velvet because of the oil that oozes from it. This causes the great animal to move easily through the water. We find the seals and some other animals dressed in soft, warm fur. One kind, called the Crested Seal, has even a little wood which it can fill with air to protect its head and nose. One animal is called the Sea Mouse, because it has such a hairy coat. It is small, and lives under stones and shells, at the muddy bottom of the sea; but it is exceedingly beautiful. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet flesh from every hair in its little coat, and make it seem like a tiny “breathing rainbow.” The fish are dressed in suits, hard, different-coloured scales, so lapped one upon the other that they keep out all the water and yet allow the fish to bend in any direction. The scales are kept oiled in order that the fish may glide swiftly through the water. Some animals are covered with sharp, needle-like spines, and others, like the turtle, with thick, bony armour, and still others which lead quiet lives, in houses of the most beautifully-tinted and pearly-lined shell. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.5

Each animal has just such tools as it can use. The whale carries in its mouth a strainer made of fringed whale-bone with which to restrain the water out of its food. The Sword-fish has a sword, the Saw-fish a saw, and the Cuttle-fish and Squids carry pen and ink. The pen looks like an islinglass quill pen, and lies along the body just under the back. The black ink is carried in a little sac, and when the animal is in danger of being caught, it fills the water with ink. Then it cannot be seen and quickly darts away. The Angler-fish has fishing-rod, and line and bait, and can fish with them as deftly as any fisherman you ever saw. A small round fish called the Beaked Chætodon, has a little gun, or bow, and can shoot as straight as you can. The gun is on the end of its nose, and the bullet or arrow is nothing but a drop of water. If it sees a fly or other insects, hanging on the grass over the water, the fish comes up quietly and points its little gun towards the victim. Suddenly it shoots a drop of water at the fly, knocking it off its perch and into the water, where it is quickly snapped up by the cunning hunter. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 621.6

But the creatures that live in the water are more than interesting; they are useful. Sometimes one hundred barrels of oil are obtained from one whale, besides the whale bone that is taken from its mouth, and the boot that is made from its tail. Food, oil, leather, fur, ivory, isinglass, trumpets, costly pearls, ornaments, and many other things are obtained from the creatures in the sea. Many of the windows and lanterns in China are made of the clear Chinese Window Shells; and your sponges are but the skeletons of animals that live in the bottom of the ocean. But what seem to be the most wonderful of all are the little coral insects, many scarcely larger than the head of a pin. And yet we find places in the bottom of the ocean that look like a beautiful flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and large forests; and more wonderful still, we find great islands miles and miles in length, which were made by these tiny builders of the sea. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.1

Oh, where did they come from, all these wonderful, beautiful, and useful creatures? Being fitted each one with just the clothing that it needs, and gave it just the tools that it can use? Who taught them all to use their tools? Who painted the lovely shells and caused each hair of the Sea Mouse to reflect a rainbow? Surely it could have been no other than the Creator of the heavens and earth. The Bible says that on the fifth day He said, Let these things be; and they were. How wise, and how good! He has strewn “beautiful things even on the bottom of the ocean before us.” Shall we not love Him with our whole hearts, and praise Him continually? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.2

1. Have you been trying to be a light-bearer for Jesus this week? How? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.3

2. On the fourth day, what light-bearers did He place in the sky? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.4

3. Where else may we find stars? Describe them. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.5

4. Are these the only living things that live in the oceans, and lakes, and rivers? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.6

5. Name a few others. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.7

6. What kind of clothing does each animal have? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.8

7. How is the great whale covered? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.9

8. How are the seals dressed? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.10

9. What kind of coat has the little Sea Mouse? The fish? the turtle? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.11

10. In what kinds of houses to some of the quiet animals live? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.12

11. What kinds of tools do the animals all have? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.13

12. Name a few of the strange tools that are used by some of them. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.14

13. Of what use is the whale? The seal? The Pearl Oyster? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.15

14. Can you name any fish that are used for food? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.16

15. Where did your sponge come from? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.17

16. Did you ever see a piece of coral? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.18

17. What wonderful things are done by the coral insects? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.19

18. Were these marvellous creatures always in the waters of the seas and rivers? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.20

19. Who placed them there? When? How? Genesis 1:20-23. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.21

20. Who alone could give them just the clothes they need, and the tools that they can use? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.22

21. What must they have to keep them alive? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.23

22. Who gives it to them? Psalm 104:24-28. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.24

23. Then could they live without God? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.25

24. What must we have to keep us alive? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.26

25. Who gives it to us? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.27

26. Then could we live without God any longer than they? PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.28

27. What does the Bible say we should do when we see these wonderful things that He has made? Job 37:14. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.29

28. Why? They will teach us to know God and to love Him better. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.30

“Interesting Items” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

—The Baptist denomination has now through-out the world 44,502 churches and 30,548 ministers. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.31

—Mr. John P. Hopkins, a Democrat, has been elected Mayor of Chicago, in place of the late Mr. Harrison. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.32

—Wages in Germany, in the iron, steel, and metal industries are very low, ranging from 11s. 6d to 19s. per work. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.33

—Manchester is now constituted a harbour and port under the Manchester Ship Canal Act of 1865. Both this port and Southampton are now said to be nearer to New York by ship than Liverpool. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.34

—A Vienna telegram gives details of a colonising experiment to he tried in British East Africa by a number of colonists of all nationalities, including, Englishmen and Americans, at a place some 190 miles south of Mount Kenia. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.35

—As a result of the Anarchist outrage in Paris, every person entering or leaving France will be closely scrutinised by police, who are provided with descriptions of a number of well-known anarchists and revolutionists. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.36

—A terrific bombardment of Rio is reported to have taken place at Rio do Janeiro, by which many persons were killed. It is also stated that Admiral de Mello is preparing to engage the new Government vessels America and Nichtheroy. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.37

—Severe weather continues to prevail on the Atlantic. The Allan line steamer Carean, from Glasgow, recently arrived at St. John’s, Newfoundland, completely covered with ice. On one day of her voyage she made but fifty-six miles. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.38

—It is reported that two hundred foreign Anarchists and Socialists are about to be expelled from France. This raises the question, Where will they go? They are considered more likely to come to England than to any other European country. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.39

—Temperance women of Norway asked the public authorities a short time ago to make it unlawful for women or girls to serve in publichouses. The request has been granted, and at present an alehouse keeper cannot employ any other woman than his own wife. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.40

—A freight train on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway recently fell down an embankment 135ft. high. Three persons were killed, and four others have received such injuries that it is not likely they will recover four hundred pigs and one hundred head of cattle were crushed to death. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.41

—In President Cleveland’s Message to Congress dealing with Hawaiian affairs, it is stated that the American Minister has been directed to aid in the restoration of the Queen, provided an amnesty is granted to those who took part in the recent revolt. This the ex-queen is unwilling to grant. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.42

—The new Italian ministry propose to tread closely in the path of national economy. Signor Crispi will propose the retrenchment of 6,000,000 lire in the military and 4,000,000 in the Naval budget. In the ether State departments, savings to the amount of about 10,000,000 lire will be announced. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.43

—Virginia raises 5,000,000 bushels of peanuts and $4,000,000 worth of fruits and vegetables. The iron product is 200,000 tons, and over $2,000,000 of gold has been sent to the United States Mint. This State has the largest lead mines in the South, and the greatest maganese mines in the world. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.44

—It is announced that Signor Crispi will shortly pay a visit to Sicily to examine into the causes of the popular dissatisfaction there. From Palermo it is announced that further serious rioting has taken place at Monreale, where the rioters attacked the Customs House officers. The military had to intervene, and some of the combatants were wounded. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.45

—Philanthropists in Maine have been fruitlessly endeavouring to induce unemployed factory girls in some of the Massachusetts mill centres to go out to domestic service. Most of these young women appear willing to undergo almost any hardship rather than accept employment in honourable work that offers them better remuneration and less hours than they can find in almost any other industry. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.46

—Mr. F. Wheelock, an engineer at St. Paul, Minnesota, has just completed a model of a new electric fire engine. It does away with the use of coal, and can be put in motion with one horse and one man loss than the engines now in use. The engine weighs but 4,500 pounds, and is of 70 horse-power. This makes the machine weigh 9,000 to 10,000 pounds less than the apparatus now in use, while its efficiency is claimed to be much greater. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.47

—In response to the alarming talk of several prominent ex-officials relative to the condition of the British navy, M. Clémenceau has started a similar campaign against the defective condition of the French Navy. He gives a deplorable account of the defence of the coasts, owing to the bad state of the torpedo service and the insufficiency of the fortresses, his object being to stimulate the French Government to keep pace with England in naval expenditure. Thus the process of adding to the military strain goes on. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.48

—Statistics of the 1891 census dealing with the occupations of the people show that in England and Wales there are 24,232 clergymen of the Established Church, 2,511 Roman Catholic priests, and 10,057 ministers of other religious bodies. As compared with 1881, the priests and ministers in these classes have increased respectively by 2,569, 422, and 323. In the ministry of the Established Church there are seventy-three foreigners of European birth, in the Roman Catholic priesthood 365, in the ministry of other bodies 149, and amongst missionaries, etc., 121. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.49

—According to authoritative information received at Vienna, the relations between the Vatican and Russia are not at present marked by the same cordiality as war the ease sumo time ago. It is understood that in an autograph letter recently addressed to the Czar, Leo XIII. complained of several acts on the part of the Russian Government contrary to the liberty of the Catholics in Russian Poland. It is added that, in the event of the Pope’s demands on behalf of the Polish Catholics not being well received at St. Petersburg, it will not be a matter of surprise if the supreme Pontiff makes the matter the subject of a public pronouncement. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 622.50

“Back Page” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Three new tracts have just been issued by the International Tract Society, which should have a wide circulation. “What to Do with Doubt” (1d.) is a timely tract, not only for the professed doubter, but for the professed believer as well; for scepticism, the sin of all ages, is specially characteristic of this age. “The Sinner’s Need of Christ,” and “Consecration,” half-penny tracts, are full of gospel truth, simply and powerfully stated. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.1

Nearly half of the wealthy people of Germany are Jews. Pastor Theodor Jellinghaus gives as the principal reason for this, the fact that in Germany it is not considered gentlemanly to be engaged in trade, and that the sons of wealthy Germans seek positions in the army, which is the sure road to admittance to “good society.” Of course their wealth decreases, passing into the hands of the Jews, who care more for wealth than for artificial respectability. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.2

A letter from a friend in Basel, a few weeks ago, told of the zeal of the authorities of that city to enforce the Sunday law. All in the establishment with which he is connected observe the Sabbath day according to the commandment, and having rested on the seventh day by the command of the Lord, they do not feel free to dishonour Him by resting on the first day by the command of man. They had been warned by the officials, and were consequently expecting trouble the next Sunday; but a more recent letter says:- PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.3

The authorities have not as yet made us any trouble, and we hardly expect any this month, as the Sunday law is laid on the table for the last three Sundays of this month, on account of the extra amount of work. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.4

Nothing could more clearly expose the shallowness, to say nothing of the wickedness, of all Sunday legislation. It is claimed that Sunday is a Divine institution, yet the city authorities grant indulgence to work on it when it suits their convenience. Who cannot see that the enforcement of Sunday laws is an act of the most arbitrary tyranny? It is all summed up in this: Certain ones say, in effect, “I do not want to work to-day, and so you shall not,” and then they get the government to enforce their decision. Even if Sunday were the Sabbath, such a proceeding would be a denial of the very foundation principles of Christianity. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.5

“True Worship of God” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

True Worship of God.-“The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23, 24. Mark, that spiritual worship is not a privilege merely, but a necessity. Jesus did not say that they that worship God may worship Him in Spirit, but that they must do so. There is no worship of God but spiritual worship. All professed worship of God, that is not in spirit, is but idolatry, and the taking of His name in vain. How can we worship Him in spirit?—By taking His Spirit, which He freely gives to all. Men cannot give it to us, they cannot compel us to have it; but God gives it as freely as the air, and we may have it as abundantly. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.6

“Celebrating Christ’s Birth” The Present Truth 9, 39.


E. J. Waggoner

Many people think that it is almost infidelity, or even sacrilege, not to celebrate the birthday of Christ, even though no man has the slightest knowledge of the day or the month when it occurred. They would ask, “Shall we not devote at least one day in the year to thinking of the miraculous birth of the Saviour?” We would reply, not one day only, but every day. Let us see how this may be. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.7

The birth of Jesus was by the Holy Spirit. The angel said to Mary, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.8

By that same Spirit’s power Christ dwells in the hearts of all who believe. The Apostle Paul prayed to God for us, “That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.” Ephesians 3:16, 17. That is the only way that we can have real life, for Christ is our life. Colossians 1:27. Christ in us is the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.9

Now the birth of Christ is nothing to anyone in whom His birth is not repeated. Indeed, he in whom Christ’s life has not sprung up, does not know of a certainty that He was ever born, and that He was crucified and raised. These things are known only by faith, and faith brings the life of Christ into our mortal bodies. No one can certainly know anything about Christ’s birth, if he does not know Christ Himself; and we know Him only by His life. See John 17:8; 1 John 1:1-3; 5:20. The birth of Christ, therefore, can be known and celebrated only through the new birth. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.10

But this is not accomplished once for all. That is to say, the new birth is not an event of one hour or one day, to be celebrated ever after looked back upon and celebrated. “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” 1 John 5:1. Note that he is born while he is believing. The new birth is complete only as it is continually progressing. PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.11

To this end are the words of the Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:10, 11, 16: “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” Here we have Christ formed within, the real life of Christ. Now read, “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.12

He in whose heart Christ’s life is not daily renewed, cannot celebrate His birth, because he knows nothing about it. The birth of Christ is not a thing of memory, but of present experience. We commemorate it not by observing days, but by putting on the new man “which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.” PTUK December 28, 1893, page 624.13