The Present Truth, vol. 9


October 12, 1893

“Front Page” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The condition of things which prevails in a great civilised country of the world attracts our attention by reason of its peculiar as well as serious nature. United States journals tell us of bread riots in the streets, and at the same time state that the farmers have difficulty in finding sufficient help to harvest their crops. There is a riot and starvation in a land of peace and plenty. Surely this is an emergency not generally contemplated hitherto by the statesmen who have in charge the welfare and prosperity of nations. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.1

Such a state of things would never exist in the ordinary course of nature. The natural condition of things is that there should be peace and prosperity where there is plenty, and riot and depression and want where there is a dearth; but in this last decade of the ninteenth century the world beholds the strange and unnatural spectacle of prosperity and plenty going hand in hand with riot and want. A new lesson must be taken in the science of statesmanship; and upon the interpretation of that lesson will turn the outcome of the present situation. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.2

The writer of Ecclesiastes states a fact which lies at the bottom of the whole difficulty. “Lo, this have I found,” says he, “that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” Ecclesiastes 7:29. Nothing but an invention of man could produce the artificial condition of affairs which we have before us. Man has sought out these inventions for the reason that the conditions of things as he found them did not afford such opportunities as he desired to gratify his perverted taste. The selfish nature within him clamoured for opportunities for a fuller exercise of its depraved desires, and man, obedient thereto, has exercised his God-given faculties to devise ways by which such opportunities could be had. And one of the selfish desires-the most prominent one, perhaps-is the desire for worldly gain. “The love of money is the root of all evil.” The conditions which exist naturally in the domain of trade and commerce, will not enable men to get rich as fast as they want to. Therefore some artificial conditions must be produced which will allow of attaining the selfish goal. And as men cannot compel the natural source of wealth-the earth-to furnish such conditions, they must necessarily be obtained from manipulations of another and unnatural source-their fellow-men. The wealth of the world’s millionaires, with possibly a few exceptions, comes not from the pockets of the earth but from the pockets of their fellows. It comes not from a natural condition of things, or from an equitable and just condition, but from artificial, invented conditions, having legal but not equitable support, by which they are unable to take advantage of the wants of mankind, and squeeze from hard necessity that which inclination would never consent to give. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.3

We see men to-day in our own land who do not hesitate to starve the poor, in order that there may be a sudden and extensive swelling of their own bank account, by conditions which have no natural necessity for existence; for it is more than probable that the great coal strike which is so conspicuous among present evils in our land was not necessitated by circumstances beyond the control of man, but is the result simply of human greed, taking the advantage of circumstances to put upon a much-needed commodity an artificial value. The same principle underlies every “corner” in trade, with which the public are now so familiar. And it is even stated upon good authority that the financial crisis in America is the product of nothing but human greed. We reprint an extract bearing upon this point, taken from an interview had by a correspondent of the London Chronicle with a prominent citizen of Minneapolis, Minn.:- PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.4

“You speak of the tyranny of monopoly. Do you mean its political power, its omnipotence in the lobbies of Washington and of the State legislatures?” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.5

“Yes, I mean that, and I mean more than that. Monopoly is strangling the industries of the country, and turning the bounty of nature in this vast Continent into a curse. Here is this money panic, which has led to the destruction of business confidence, and the throwing of millions of men idle on the streets. It is a purely artificial panic brought about by the financiers to enable them to appreciate gold which they held in reserves. The real industrial life of the country is perfectly healthy, but it is throttled by the money power. Why, last year the New York bankers (and Mr. Owen quoted from Mr. Henry B. Clews, the noted Wall-street magnate) actually lamented the abundant harvest, because it did not suit financial interests.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.6

“But how does monopoly strangle industry and enterprise?” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.7

“Now, you take this city of Minneapolis, with its 200,000 people, not more than thirty years old, so rapidly has it grown. You can’t establish any industry in this city; it is a literal fact; you can’t do it. Every great industry, those mills and elevators, are all in the hands of rings, and no man can get into the business to-day unless on the rings’ term. Talk of free competition! It is as dead here in this great new city as it was in a walled town in the Middle Ages! The whole city is in the grasp of syndicates which deny to people the right to labour on the raw material of the globe.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.8

The result, when this comes to be generally believed, will be a mighty impetus to Socialism, or, as is predicted by many, the establishment of a new political party, in the platform of which will be embodied those ideas of needed reforms, both civil and religious, which have latterly been attaining to popularity. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 433.9

But the lesson to be learned from it all is that to insure good government and prosperity to all, the world needs something it does not possess, and which human wisdom cannot furnish. It needs something to successfully combat that universal desire of mankind-the love of money; for it is this that is the root of all evil which the spectacle of financial prostration and paralysed industries presents before us. The struggle between rich and poor is a part of a great contest between good and evil; and only that which avails in the one will avail in the other. But the contest against human selfishness can only be successfully waged by means of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Temporary reliefs for existing troubles may be devised by the wisdom of man; but only the power of the gospel can touch the root, and destroy the evil at its source. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.1

This is what the world needs, though it knows it not. This is that for which the present situation calls,-not an alliance of the gospel with politics, but its reception into the heart. The lesson is, government cannot give the world what it wants for the peace and prosperity of its inhabitants. Let it be ours to point men to the gospel of God-“the power of God unto salvation”-and to the coming of that better kingdom and government which will be the answer to the prayer, “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.2

“The Tongue” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

“There are but ten precepts of the law of God,” says Leighton, “and two of them, so far as concerns the outward organ and vent of sins there forbidden, are bestowed upon the tongue (one in the first table and the other in the second), as though it were ready to fly out both against God and man, if not thus bridled.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.3

The apostle James says, “the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature, and is set on fire of hell.” “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.” James 3:2, 6. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.4

The reason of this is, as stated by our Saviour, that “those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” Matthew 15:18, 19. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.5

Therefore when a man offends not in word, he has a clean heart, and when the heart is clean, freed from its “murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,” etc., the man is perfect. All these things exist in the heart before they exist in the outward acts; for the acts are but the outward manifestations of that which already existed within the individual who does them. For, as our Saviour declared, hatred in the heart is murder, and lust in the heart is adultery. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.6

It is useless to attempt to control the tongue while the work goes no deeper than the tongue. The stream cannot be cleansed except at its fountain head. The work must be done in the heart; and then out of the abundance of a good heart, the mouth will speak only that which is pure and truthful. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.7

“The Church and the World” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The Echo, commenting upon the tardy interest now being manifested by “the Church” in the social and industrial welfare of mankind, says: “It is better late than never. Now, when secular movements are manifesting themselves so powerfully in the world; now, when Socialists are increasing in number in every country in Europe; now, when the ‘world’ is leaving the Church behind, the Church is making prodigious efforts to overtake the world, and is generously using worldly agencies for its own protection.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.8

There is altogether too much truth in these words. The world is leaving “the church” behind, and “the church” is following the world. This is exactly the reverse of what God intended. The church ought to take the lead in all matters which affect the welfare of mankind, not only spiritually, but temporally; but the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which she is set to minister, is not something that concerns the spiritual nature alone, but has to do with the whole life, physical as well as moral. When Christ was on earth a very large part of His time was spent in healing the sick and relieving those who were suffering from physical afflictions; and His followers ought to be in the same work. It is to those who clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit the sick and the prisoners, and seek to relieve the distress of any kind in their fellowmen, that Christ will finally say, “Come ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.9

Jesus says to His church, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:14. The light of the world ought to be before the world, and not behind it. It ought to go ahead, to reveal the dangers and point out the path before the world, and not that which has been left behind. It ought to lead the world; but it is being led by the world. The result of such an order of the procession need not be foretold. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.10

The world will never go in the right path. Its representatives may do their best to deal with the problems which concern the physical and moral welfare of mankind, but they are moving in the dark. There is no light into a world but the light of the Gospel. The socialist and other movements in progress in the world, which have for their object the amelioration of human ills, are all moved by the spirit of self; they have in them the seeds of the very evils they seek to cure. What is wanted is the spirit of unselfishness, of disinterested love for others; and that is only found in the Gospel, for it is the Spirit of Christ. And it can only be had by those to whom Christ gives it. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.11

This is the Spirit that should be shown by the church; and the benign results accomplished by it would throw a bright light upon all problems having to do with human welfare. Then people would see that in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be found everything that is needed by mankind, not for spiritual wants alone, but for those which are felt by man as a social and industrial being. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.12

The church ought to be in the lead of everything; not allied with the world or its governments, not falling behind it, but far ahead, leading the way with majestic step, clothed with the power and encircled by the glory of Divinity, while the world looks on in wonder and awe. This is where the church ought to be, this is where God has designed that she should be; and this is where the true church of God will be, in the not distant future when, purified from hypocritical and worldly elements, she shall stand forth “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 434.13

“The Value of the Soul” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:36, 37. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.1

Many a man has exchanged his soul for something far less than a world. No man this side of Adam ever owned a continent. Very few have more than a few square miles of the earth’s surface, or hold even this much by more than a precarious tenure. The vast majority have never possessed more than a few hundreds or thousands of pounds; yet even this is sufficient to blind the eyes of men to the value of their souls. Men have bartered away their souls for a little worldly honour or a moment’s pleasure. They are making just such bargains to-day. They do not do this understandingly of course; but they do it because their eyes are blinded by the god of this world, and they have no realisation of what the soul is worth. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.2

Yet these same persons have a vivid sense of their own individual importance. They think that no position on earth is too high for them, and no honour too good for them. They are ready and anxious to be exalted above their fellow-men. They live as if it were their aim to make themselves the centre around which everything else ought rightfully to revolve. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.3

But the prophet David, with mind enlightened by a higher wisdom, exclaimed, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained,-what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?” Psalm 8:3, 4. Man, considered by himself, becomes very small when the eye looks over creation; so small that, as an individual, he sinks into absolute nothingness. What is the globe itself, upon which man dwells? Astronomy reveals it to be nothing but a tiny speck among the myriads of lights that fill the heavens,-in which it is lost like a grain of sand upon the seashore! And what is the nation itself to which an individual belongs? It is only one among hundreds of other nations that have existed upon the earth since time began. And what is he himself? Only one among the countless myriads that have been born and lived and moved upon the earth since it became the home of the human family,-an indistinguishable speck upon an indistinguishable speck, compared with a great creation which exists and moves and lives and fills the immensity of space, upheld by the life of God! PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.4

But only God Himself can estimate the soul at its true value; and He has revealed His estimate to the sight of man. The cross of Calvary tells what the soul is worth to God; and its worth to Him is also its worth to us. For we belong to Him, and were created for His pleasure and His glory. But apart from God the worth of the soul is lost. Without Him life would not be worth living. The sinner apart from God would eventually long for death. Connected with God, the soul is of infinite value; but severed from Him it is lost both to the individual and to Himself. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.5

The cross of Calvary is the link that connects the soul with God. Life has its value to us by virtue of that alone. Let us say therefore with the apostle, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Galatians 6:14. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.6

“Mistaken Conceptions of Holiness” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

We stated last week that there was a reason for the sentiment which prevailed so extensively in the religious world a few centuries ago, and is still manifested to a considerable extent, that piety and filth are not incompatible things; and we re-affirm the statement here. The reason is one which has given rise to a very large share of the false doctrines and evil practices which have cursed the world since the days of Adam, and will continue to do so till the end of time. It is the belief in the immortality of the soul. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.7

According to this doctrine, the soul is the living, acting, thinking part of men, and the body only the poor clay tenement in which it is confined for a time here, till death strikes off its earthly shackles and sets it free to soar away to the eternal realms, etc. It could hardly be possible that such a doctrine should fail to foster in men’s minds a contempt for the body which would cause them to treat it with neglect. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.8

It is a doctrine which makes the body and the soul almost antagonistic, like a prisoner and the shackles by which he is held back from the freedom for which he longs. And therefore to bestow much attention upon the body was too slight the soul and the spiritual interests, while to neglect the body and leave it almost unnoticed in the pursuit of spiritual things, came to be regarded as evidence of the attainment of a high degree of piety. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.9

Of this theory the “saints” of earlier times were a visible exemplification. They wasted no time on the culture of their physical natures; for why, indeed, should they give attention to the poor earthly shell, the mere outward covering of the true man, when they might bestow it upon the immortal tenant within? It would be almost an open denial of the piety and regard for spiritual things which they professed. So they left the body to take care of itself, or subjected it to severe mortifications and penances, while in gloomy monasteries or solitary caves or retreats, separated, as they thought, from all the polluting influences of earth, they sought the cultivation of the soul and the attainment of holiness; and such as entertain any reverence for religion looked on and endeavoured to harmonise this association of piety and uncleanliness with the teachings of common sense. When some one of these “holy” men had for a particularly long period neglected to comb his hair or abstained from some other acts incident to the proper care of the body, it was thought worthy of mention among the virtues recorded of him after his departure. The “saints” occupied themselves in seeking holiness by bodily modifications, and the church busied itself in collecting the revenues paid for the repose of departed souls and their release from purgatory; and for centuries not a step was taken in the direction of human progress. For centuries the death rate in Europe equalled or surpassed the birthrate. And not till the coming of the Reformation, with its increase of knowledge concerning the word of God and its impetus to the study of science, did humanity begin to recover from the effects of this belief in the post-modern consciousness of man, and to see that the welfare of the soul and that of the body cannot be disconnected. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.10

Even to-day, with all the light which modern medical science has shed upon the matter, the subject of the proper care of the body is but little understood; and the doctrine of man’s natural immortality does much to encourage the unconscious violation of the command, “Thou shall not kill.” If the Mohammedan pilgrim, having drunk from the “holy” cholera well of Zem-Zem, falls a victim to the plague, it does not matter, since (as he thinks) the soul of one engaged in so pious and occupation will go straight to Paradise. No more did it matter to the penance-doing “saint” if his body, worn out from continued abuse, succumbed at last and sank into the grave, since (in his view) his soul was all the more sure in such a case to soar direct to the realms of unending bliss. Nor is it to-day generally regarded as a sin to sacrifice the body and the (fancied) interests of the cultivation of the spiritual nature. It is impossible that that interest should be taken in the body and that attention given it which should be felt and given while it is looked upon as the mere clay shell and which all that is important of man is enveloped. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 435.11

The Bible teaches upon this subject is, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31. There is such a thing as living to the glory of God even in eating and drinking. The same inspired writer says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1. We are to serve God, therefore, with our bodies. Again, the apostle writes, “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.1

How are we to glorify and serve God in our bodies? Evidently, not by subjecting them to misuse, but by preserving each faculty in the best condition for use in His service. This is how we can eat and drink to the glory of God. The preservation of the faculties of the body is intimately connected with eating and drinking; and therefore we are bound to eat and drink such things and to do this in such a manner, as will tend to keep our physical faculties strong and unimpaired. For, as the text declares, even our bodies are not our own, but belong to God, and are to be used not to gratify ourselves, but to serve Him. We are therefore accountable to Him for the manner in which we treat them, as men are accountable for the use they make of the property of another. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.2

The spiritual faculties are, to a large extent, dependent upon the physical. The two are not separate and distinct, but closely joined together. And no one can fully exercise his spiritual faculties while his mind is beclouded and his physical faculties benumbed from any cause, as for example from improper eating and drinking. The fate of Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron is set before us as a terrible warning of the danger that lurks in this act, and an object lesson upon the relation between the physical nature and the spiritual perceptions. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.3

The prayer of the apostle Paul for the church of the Thessalonians (and doubtless for all believers) was, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Holiness is wholeness. That which is perfect is holy. But man is imperfect. He was perfect at its creation, but he sinned and lost his uprightness. Body and soul and spirit became tainted with sin and therefore subject to death; for sin is a cancer that, left to itself, eats its way steadily into the soul, untill death is a result. Bringing man again to a state of holiness, is bringing him back to the condition that was his before the fall. And this is done not by any visible outward change, but by the gift of Christ,-the substitution of His perfection for all that is imperfect in man. Christ gives Himself to us, so that His perfection is our perfection, whether of body or soul or spirit. And hence the prayer of Paul can be answered, and believers be preserved blameless in all these unto the coming of Jesus Christ. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.4

Holiness, therefore-or wholeness-comes only from the presence of Christ, bringing His perfection. Nothing that man can do can bring holiness, but only that which is opposite to it; for if he did but use any tool upon the altar which he built to the Lord, it became polluted. God only can make that which is holy, and that which is not so can be made so only by His presence. But His presence is not found in the midst of that which is unclean. Decay and filth are not conditions which invite the presence of the Lord of life. Not that any man can make anything clean in the sight of God; but he is bound to co-operate with God to the extent of the power that God has given him. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.5

The soul which dwells in a body polluted from neglect or misuse cannot be holy, for God will not dwell with it. The temple of God-the body-which is defiled can only be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 3:17; 6:19. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.6

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; 7:1. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.7

“God’s Promises” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The promises of God are to all His children alike. He has no favourites among them, and makes no preference on account of differences in race, colour, wealth, or station. “In every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him.” “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” 2 Chronicles 15:9. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.8

What then is to hinder the manifestation of the mighty power of God, the power of Him who can do all things, in your behalf? Nothing, except it be your own refusal to let your mind be perfect toward Him,-your own refusal to believe that He can and will show Himself strong toward you in spite of the circumstances which seemed destined to make your life a failure. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.9

What is it that God will do for us when our heart is perfect toward Him? How will He show Himself strong in our behalf? He may not work as man wishes or desires, but He will always do that which is for the best. He will do what any one would wish Him to do could he see his needs with the eye of God. He will show Himself strong in our behalf, not merely in one way, but in all the affairs in which we may need help. The idea is altogether too common among people that while God will help them in spiritual things if they earnestly seek Him, in the temporal affairs of life they must look out for themselves. But this is a great mistake. God can make temporal things, even of the most trifling nature, the minister to our spiritual welfare. He can be glorified in all the every-day affairs of our lives, if we will but let Him into them. And what a blessing it will be to ourselves! How many unnecessary steps are taken, how much work done that needs to be done again, where God is left out of the undertaking! How many unwise plans are laid, that can only result in failure! And how much unnecessary discouragement and sorrow is thereby brought into our lives-all because we thought we must lay our plans by our own wisdom and carry them out in our own strength. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 436.10

“Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain thee; He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22. What burden?—the burden of sin? Yes; and your burden of care also. He will take care of every burden that you have. There is no “may be” or “perhaps” about it. The word is, “He shall sustain thee.” The burden of care comes because we are afraid of being brought into some place where we will not be sustained. We are afraid of having to experience some want. We must be constantly looking and studying to know how we are to meet some contingency that looms up before us in the near future, and no sooner is one disposed of than we see another ready to take its place; and it seems to be a necessity that we should devise some way to meet it. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.1

Children do not feel this burden of care and anxiety because they have not yet learned the lesson of doubt. They know that there are difficulties to be met, but they have implicit confidence in the ability of “papa” and “mama” to provide for them. They have perfect faith that all their wants will be supplied. But the children of God have not so much confidence in Him! They are constantly afraid that He will not be able to provide for them without with some help from themselves! It is true that God does not work for individuals independently of their own efforts: but when they unite their efforts with God’s they should believe that He will sustain them, and carry no burden of care and anxiety as to the result. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.2

Therefore it is your privilege now to be as free from this burden as a little child, as free as if you had suddenly found a relative or friend who was able and willing to attend to all your wants. For you have such a Friend, as real and tangible as any that your eyes behold, who is willing and able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think. Ephesians 3:20, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may bound to every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.3

Therefore “be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6, 7. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.4

“Our Life” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.5

Our life is in Christ, and outside of Him we have no life. “He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:12. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. Death is the loss of life. Adam sinned, and the result was the loss of life to the human family. “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5:12. But through Christ life is again brought within their reach. For “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” “As by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” Romans 5:18. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.6

By the provisions of the plan of salvation, Adam and his posterity obtained a stay of execution of the judgment which God’s law pronounces against the sinner, with the opportunity, meanwhile, to escape from it altogether. For although all men die in this world, both the righteous and the wicked, that death is not the wages of sin, but only a consequence of the moral nature that man has while upon probation. Adam was placed upon probation with a different nature, and given access to the tree of life, of which he could eat and live for ever. His prosperity are upon probation with a fallen nature and without access to the tree of life. They are, for the present, without the means of maintaining life, and death is the natural result. But this death is not taken account of in the reckoning which is finally to be made. The wages of sin is eternal death, and the gift of God is eternal life. The eternal death will be found in the lake of fire. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.7

It was necessary, in order that this reckoning should be made with those placed upon probation, that all men should have a resurrection from the death that comes through Adam. Neither the gift of God nor the wages of sin could be bestowed were men to be left in the graves into which they sink at the close of their earthly lives. The gift of God comes by accepting Christ, and the wages of sin, by rejecting Him. The sacrifice on the cross of Calvary determines what shall be given to every man-whether the gift of God, or the wages of sin. And therefore by the sacrifice of Christ comes the resurrection of all the dead, both those that awake to life, and those that awake to condemnation. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.8

In the eye of the law, the criminal is dead the moment that sentence has been pronounced upon him, although some time may elapse before the sentence is executed. So the sinner out of Christ is accounted dead by the law of God, although the sentence of death is not immediately executed. He lives and moves here as though there were no wages of sin, and so far as life is concerned there is no apparent difference between him and one who is righteous. But he is dead. God gives him a space of time to repent; but the judgment for sin is hanging over him, and unless he turns to Christ, there is no possible escape from his doom. “He that hath the Son of God hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.9

The righteous man has the Son of God and therefore has life; for righteousness comes alone through Christ. He seems to have no more life than the wicked and ungodly, but this is a truth that is known by faith and not by sight. Like the sinner, he lives his allotted space here, and dies, and is laid away in the grave. But now is seen the mystery of the life through Christ; for the hand that is still and cold and lies motionless across the breast, has as strong a hold upon life as when it was animated by warm and flowing blood. We see no life as we gaze upon the motionless form; and yet it is there. Amid the chill and gloom and shrouds that attend the entrance to the tomb, come again with all their power these words, “He that hath the Son of God hath life.” Death cannot take from us the Son of God. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.” Christ has been through the tomb, and robbed it of its dark terrors. When He came, it had an entrance; when He left, it had an entrance and an exit! And now the Christian, as he comes to the dark passage before which earth’s journey ends, beholds an opening through it which shows a light beyond. He enters it with his hand in the hand of Christ. We do not see His hand; but it is there. The Saviour never lets go the hand that is placed in His. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 437.10

In the purposes of God, His sleeping saints still live. In His purposes those things that be not are counted as though they were. One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years one day. 2 Peter 3:8. He calls Himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” And Jesus declared that “God is not the God of the dead but of the living.” Not that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were then alive, for Christ spake these words to prove a resurrection to come. But God counts them alive; for eternal life is theirs. In His eternal purposes, the lapse of time is not taken into account. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.1

The Christian here is dead, and his life is “hid with Christ in God.” He lives in the world, but he is not of the world. There is no life in the world but the life of sin; and to that he counts himself dead. By the cross of Christ the world is crucified unto him, and he unto the world. He has life, but it is hid with Christ. It will not be seen or manifested till the day of His appearing. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.2

And this life is obtained through death. Jesus passed through death that He might become the Prince of life to those that believe on Him. And we that believe on Him are crucified with Him. We likewise passed through death. We die to self that we may have life unto God. “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” Mark 8:35. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.3

Let us reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto the world, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. “If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Righteousness and life are inseparable, and if the Spirit of righteousness dwell in us, we shall be quickened by that Spirit unto eternal life at the appearing of Jesus Christ, whether we be living or dead, as Christ Himself was quickened from the dead. “Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” Romans 8:10-13. “It is a faithful saying, For if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him, if we suffer, we shall also reign with Him.” 2 Timothy 2:11, 12. For “when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him glory.” Colossians 3:1. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.4

“Abide in Christ” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The work of the Christian is to abide in Christ. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without Me ye can do nothing.” John 15:4-6. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.5

The fruit which hangs upon the branches is produced by the nourishment supplied by the vine. Just so the work which the Christian does must be done by the energy and wisdom of Christ flowing into him, or it will amount to nothing. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.6

It is very common, however, for the branches of Christ to think that they are the vine, and attempt to bear fruit of themselves. But such fruit is always bitter, like the apples of Sodom. It is not the work of the branch to regulate the flow of sap through itself and direct the formation and growth of the fruit that depends from its sides, but simply to let the sap flow as it is supplied by the roots of the vine, and let the fruit form by the power of the life principle that is within it. No more is it the place of man to control and direct the energy that is given him from God; but simply to let the life and power of God flow through him and work in him, as God Himself may direct. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.7

If it were left to man to wield the power of God to suit himself, he would be worse than the devil; for the devil does not have the power of God. It is God’s part to direct and control the power which He supplies, and man’s part to let that power work in him without hindrance. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.8

If a branch abides in the vine it must maintain its connection with the vine. Any obstruction that comes between the two may stop the flow of the life-giving sap, and the branch will wither and die. So the Christian must abide in Christ by maintaining his connection with Christ. But he cannot do this without knowing the mind of Christ; and here is the point where failure often comes in. He ceases to seek to know the mind of Christ, and begins to direct the affairs by his own wisdom. And then everything begins to go wrong. He finds that it is hard work, and so he shoulders a heavy burden of care and perplexity, because his wisdom is not sufficient to make things move harmoniously and successfully. And sooner or later, if he persists, he becomes discouraged and is tempted to give up. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.9

But how can we know the mind of Christ? We can know it by the study of His word and by prayer. And this is why no time is ever lost that is spent in earnest prayer. It is said of Martin Luther that the larger the day’s work that was to be done by him, the greater was the amount of it which he devoted to prayer; and it was a rule that he always found to work well. And it will be found so by all who will try it to-day; for by prayer, when offered in sincerity and faith, we place ourselves where Christ can work in us, where He can enlighten us by His wisdom and energise with His strength; and thus avoid the perplexity and mistakes which would otherwise attend our work. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.10

Not only must we be where God can reveal His purposes, but we must let Him carry out His purposes in His own way. There have been men who have tried to accomplish the purposes of God themselves, and their experience has been recorded for our profit. Abraham and Sarah tried it and the result was Ishmael; Rebecca and Jacob tried it, and the result was separation and long years of sorrow. God will work out His purposes in the best possible way if we will let Him,-if we will remove the hindrances that are within us, the barriers that are directed by self. “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy mercy and for Thy truth’s sake.” Psalm 115:1. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.11

“Church State Education” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The Congregationalist says:- PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.12

“The Prussian minister of public worship has announced that children whose families have no religious faith need not receive religious instruction in the public schools except at the request of their parents. The order, it is explained, does not apply to the primary schools, but it is the first step toward the abandonment of the State of the duty of religious instruction and, as such, has met with loud protests from both Protestants and Roman Catholics.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.13

No Protestant, however, wishes his own or any other children taught the Catholic faith, and no Catholic wants the public schools to teach Protestantism. While each class is loudly protesting, each is unwilling to allow the protest of the other. Each class believes in having religion taught in the public schools, provided it is their own particular religion that is taught; and the government, in allowing either protest, is virtually deciding what is truth and what is heresy. But this can only be rightly decided by the word of God. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 438.14

Where parents and the Church cannot attend to the religious instruction of the children, there is something radically wrong. And it does not help the matter any to shift the responsibility upon the State. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 439.1

“Weakness and Power” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

What is more frail, more weak, and more helpless than a little blade of grass? Yet did you ever notice the marvellous power that it exhibits? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.1

Look at that lifting clod,-a hard, heavy, impenetrable mass of dry clay. What is moving it so slowly and yet so surely out of its way? Not an animal, not even an insect,-only a little blade of young grass! The clod is many times heavier than the grass, and yet it seems to lift it with the utmost ease. You could not cause a tiny grass root to exhibit such power. You might lay the clod upon it ever so carefully, but it would be crushed to the earth with the great weight. This wonder must be accomplished, then, by some power that is not in man, and that is not in the grass itself. The Bible says that it is the power and life of God’s word that causes the grass to grow; for “God said, Let the earth bring forth grass: and it was so.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.2

Look at the tiny acorn. How helpless, how worthless! But look again. An unseen life, a marvellous power breaks the hard shell, and pushes little rootlets downward, and tiny branches upward, that grow and grow, turning hindrances aside, climbing over obstacles, and bursting asunder solid rocks. What is the unseen life? What is the marvellous power? The life and power of God’s word; for “God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth; and it was so.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.3

Although two of the weakest and most helpless things in existence, yet what miracles of strength the grass and the acorn become when their weakness is united to the power of God’s word. In like manner we behold man. Weak? Yes, as weak as the grass and as helpless. “His days are as grass,” “and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.” His life,-“even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Helpless, utterly helpless in himself, unable to care for himself a single moment, unable to resist the smallest temptation, unable to do one good act. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.4

But look again. An unseen power has taken possession of him, a new life has animated him, and lo, he has “subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness was made strong, waxed the valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens!” In that wherein he was weak, now he is strong, where once he would have trembled and fallen, now he stands unmoved like a house built upon a solid rock. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.5

What is this unseen power? What is this new life? It is the life and power of God’s word united with man’s weakness. It is the life and power of God Himself, for God goes with His word “working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight.” “For it is God which worketh you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.6

Man alone, without the Word in him, is like a house that is built on the sand. There is nothing to hold him up when the floods come and the winds blow. It is utterly impossible for him to withstand the tempest, for he has not strength in himself. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.7

But God is willing to take the most helpless man that ever lived, if he will submit like the grass and the acorn, and work through him in the most marvellous manner by His mighty word. He loves to do it. He has “chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty; and the base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in His presence.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.8

He says, “Whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.” Then he who receives God’s word into his heart and does it, has built upon immovable rock. But Jesus Himself is in the word, and is the Word (see John 1. and John 6.), therefore humbly receiving the Word brings Jesus into the heart to work. Hence man’s work is to submit and receive, and Jesus the living Word supplies all the power and does all the work through the man, if he will let Him. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 443.9

It is not enough for a man to become united to another man who is united to Christ. Each man for himself must come to Christ the Word as to a living stone, and build on Him. Then he becomes a living stone, because he partakes of the life of the living Foundation. He and the Foundation grow together until he is a part of the Foundation, and the Foundation is a part of him. Is it any wonder, then, that he has strength, and that he can stand unmoved through all the storms and tempests of life? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 444.1

Then when we look at the grass and realise our frailty, and our helplessness, let us not become discouraged, but rather let us lift our eyes in thankfulness to heaven and praise that mighty One who can take the weakest and most helpless of His creatures and by His word strengthen him “with all might according to His glorious power.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 444.2

“A Lesson from the Grass” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

“As for man his days are as grass” (Psalm 103:15), “and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.” 1 Peter 1:24. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.1

There was no grass upon this earth until the third day. There was no place for it, because the earth was covered with water. But when God had gathered the waters together, there was plenty of dry land on which it could grow. Then suddenly at the word of God, the earth put on a robe of the richest green; grass, beautiful grass came up everywhere! We learned last week how useful it is, and how hard it would be for man and beast to do without it. Do we thank God as much for it as we should? We see it so often that we sometimes almost forget to notice it or think how wonderful it is or remember who made it for us. The Bible says that “He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered.” Psalm 111:4. He wants us to notice them and watch them and think about them. If we do this, we shall learn useful lessons from the tiniest things that He has made. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.2

Now the next time you go out to play just try it. Get down and take a good look at the pretty grass. Lay your hand in it and see how soft it is. Notice the colour; isn’t it a lovely green? Look at the little stalk, the curious roots, and the tender leaf or blade. Perhaps if you look you may find a tiny flower peeping out somewhere. Touch it gently or you will break it. How very tender it is! A rude touch, or a strong breeze will cause it to drop to pieces. And the grass itself is almost as frail. It may look ever so bright and stand up ever so straight in the morning, but if the sun shines a little too warm, before night it will droop and die. Or the grass-cutter with one stroke of his sharp scythe may cut it down and leave it to wither and dry up. It is a very weak and helpless little thing, isn’t it? It cannot cause itself to live, and it cannot keep itself alive. It can do nothing at all which God does not give its strength to do. It cannot live a moment without His care. Do you think it has much reason to be proud of its strength or what it itself can do? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.3

Is it possible that God wants us to learn anything from such a helpless, tender little plant? Yes, there is something that He wants us to remember every time we see the grass. Listen to what He says: “As for man, his days are as grass,” “and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.4

He wants us to remember that we are helpless, and tender, and die easily just like the grass; and our strength and beauty and learning and good name and riches fall to pieces and become worthless as easily as the flower of the grass. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.5

The very strongest and healthiest man does not live long. In the morning he may go up to his work as strong and as wise as ever, and before night brought home still and dead. A very little fall, a hit on the head, or a short illness may kill him. Ah, is he not as tender and helpless as the grass? He cannot cause himself to live, nor keep himself from dying. He can do nothing at all which God does not give him strength to do. He cannot live a moment without God’s care. Do you think that he has any more reason than the grass to be proud of anything that he himself can do? Do you think that he ought to hold his head high and say proud things and tell how he can get along just as well without God? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.6

How it must grieve our Father in heaven when we feel proud and want to praise ourselves, when the praise all belongs to Him. Whenever you feel like being proud, just run quickly and look at the grass. Remember how helpless it is, and how God says that without Him you are just as helpless as the grass. He says, “Pride do I hate” (Proverbs 8:13), but “I dwell... with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit.” Isaiah 57:15. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.7

1. When did the grass first begin to grow upon this earth? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.8

2. Who caused it to grow? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.9

3. How? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.10

4. Has man power to make things grow? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.11

5. Then whenever we see a little plant or tree pushing up through the ground, of whom should it make us think? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.12

6. When we have a fine field of grass or garden of flowers, whom should we praise, ourselves, or the One who causes it to grow for us? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.13

7. Is God pleased to have us pass by the grass and trample it under our feet without even noticing it or thinking about it? Why not? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.14

8. When you lay your hand on it how does it feel? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.15

9. What is it? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.16

10. What part is the stalk? The roots? The blade? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.17

11. What do some kinds of grasses have?—Flowers. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.18

12. If you should touch them rudely what would happen to them? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.19

13. Although the grass may stand up ever so straight and bright in the morning, how may it look before night? Why? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.20

14. Can it cause itself to live, or keep itself alive? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.21

15. Can it do anything at all which God does not give it strength to do? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.22

16. How long can it live without God’s care? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.23

17. You think that it has much reason to be proud of its beauty or strength? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.24

18. Have we any more reason to be proud than the grass? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.25

19. Why not? 1 Peter 1:24. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.26

20. Then what is the lesson that God would have us learn from the grass?—Do not be proud. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.27

21. Name some of the ways in which we may show that we are proud. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.28

22. How do you suppose that it makes God feel when we feel proud and want to praise ourselves? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.29

23. To whom does all praise belong? PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.30

24. What does God say about pride? Proverbs 8:13. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.31

25. With only what kind of people can Jesus live? Isaiah 57:15 PTUK October 12, 1893, page 445.32

“Interesting Items” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

Those ugly ink spots on your carpet may be removed with salt and milk. Pour on plenty of salt, rubbing it in well with your finger. Then pour on a little milk and rub it again. The ink will disappear as if by magic. Try it. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.1

-The cholera epidemic in Europe is slowly abating. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.2

-Yellow fever has broken out in the town of Jesup, Ga., U.S.A. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.3

-In Valparaiso women are now employed as conductors on the street tramcars. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.4

-The United States has a deficit fur the past quarter of nearly five millions stifling, PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.5

-The Ashantees are threatening the British protectorate on the Gold Coast of Africa. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.6

-As many as 510 persons committed suicide in the Metropolis last year-44 more than in 1891. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.7

-The illness of prince Bismarck has reached a critical stage, and he is not expected to survive long. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.8

-The price of wheat is now lower than it has been in any corresponding period of the past five years. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.9

-There were 80,757 persons arrested for drunkenness in the Metropolis last year, of whom 9,358 were women. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.10

-The United States Treasury still continues the purchase of silver; 300,000 ounces were purchased October 3. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.11

-The valuation of Cape Town is assessed at £3,657,147, being an increase of £1,000,000 sterling in five years. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.12

-It is estimated by the Canadian authorities that at least 100,000 pounds of opium, refined in British Columbia, are annually smuggled into the United States. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.13

-Recent storms and floods at the mouth of the Mississippi are reported to have entailed the loss of 3,000 lives, the damage to property being set down at 1,250,000 dollars. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.14

-The Americans have now entered into competition in the coal trade of England, and shipowners in the United States have already chartered vessels to take part in the traffic. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.15

-The advance of the Matabele in Mashonaland has led the British South African Company to assume the defensive, and a force is about to be despatched against Lobongula’s native warriors. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.16

-According to a telegram from Buenos Ayres, the rising in Argentina is regarded as suppressed. Other telegrams, however, show that fighting still continues in several places, although apparently the insurgents are being worsted. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.17

-The Rhone is rising to a great height in consequence of recent torrential rains, and the farmers living along its course have been warned by the authorities to take precautions for the safety of themselves and their property. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.18

-Reports from the country districts indicate that the distress consequent upon the coal lock-out is increasing, but that committees are coping bravely with the task of relieving the necessitous. Meanwhile the end of the conflict is not in sight. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.19

-A San Francisco telegram states that a steam whaler passed last winter in the Polar ice, and, aided by an open Rea, worked her way this summer in pursuit of whales to within six degrees of the North Pole, the most northerly point man has yet reached. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.20

-New Zealand is a little smaller than Great Britain and Ireland. The population at the census of April, 1891, was 626,568, and is now nearly 700,000; there were in 1891 about 38,000 more males than females. There is besides, a Maori population of 41,525. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.21

-The yearly output of the coal mines of the kingdom is about 182,000,000 tons, which, at an average price of 7s. 3rd. per ton at the pit’s mouth, means an annual gross revenue of £65,975,000 per annum; and a net revenue, assuming 6s. per ton as the regular pit-mouth cost, of £11,375,000. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.22

-War is raging inn Morocco between the Spaniards and the Moors. A determined attack has been made by a force of 5,000 Moors upon the Spanish garrison at Fort Guaraich. The Spaniards, who only numbered 800, defended the position for nearly a day, and then were obliged to retreat. A large number of Moors wore killed in the conflict. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.23

-The Church Congress at Birmingham has been the occasion of some extraordinary scenes. When the Rev. Charles Gore, author of “Lux Mundi,” proceeded to read his paper in the Congress-hall on Reunion, Father Ignatius protested, and it was some time before order was restored. Later on the Bishop of Worcester, in giving some account of his visit to Grindelwald, where the conference on the same subject was hold, was saluted by groans and hisses. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.24

-The Franco-Siamese treaty has at last been signed. It apparently concedes all the demands originally put forward by France, with one or two additional claims embodied in the convention. A formal protest against the labor was presented to the French Plenipotentiary by the Siamese Foreign Minister, but was withdrawn under pressure. The settlement has given great dissatisfaction to the Siamese and portions of it are denounced as a complete violation of treaty rights. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.25

-The Echo says: “Apparently the streets of London are as healthy as some of our seaside towns which are always boasting of their low death-rate. It appears from the report of Sir Edward Bradford, which has just been issued, that no less than 917 cabdrivers are between sixty and seventy years of age, 151 are between seventy and eighty, while one venerable patriarch who is going on for ninety still holds a licence. There are also 118 busdrivers over sixty, and of these eighteen are over seventy. London contains 15,011 cabdrivers and 0,517 omnibus and car drivers.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.26

-A telegram from Rio do Janeiro states that acting on instruction from their respective Governments, the commanders of the war vessels stationed there, with the exception of the German, have informed Admiral de Mello that no attack on Rio will be permitted. Intelligence from Monte Video states that there is growing discontent among the inhabitants of Rio, who resent the arbitrary conduct of President Peixoto. The Revolutionary movement appears to be gaining strength, but the President has issued a manifesto declaring that he will not resign, and will continue to fight so long as he controls the 5,000 troops now under his command. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 446.27

“Back Page” The Present Truth 9, 28.


E. J. Waggoner

The statement is made that the murderer, De Jong, is to be hypnotised in order to get from him information of the whereabouts of the bodies of his victims. If so, it remains to be seen whether such a method of dealing with criminals is as practical as it is scientific. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.1

Christianity places all men upon a level; not—as is often said—down on a level, but up on a level. It, and it alone, can supply perfectly the demand for “liberty, fraternity, and equality.” It says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free” (Galatians 5:1); “all ye are brethren” (Matthew 23:8); and “let each esteem others better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3). And there is no true liberty except that which Christ gives, and no fraternity and equality without the possession of the Holy Spirit. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.2

The great “World’s Parliament of Religions,” at Chicago,-the first of the kind ever held-is in the past, and in the public mind has left the inquiry, What has it accomplished? The answer perhaps can best be given by time, but it is safe to assert that it has gained nothing for the cause of Christianity. And why? Simply because Christianity can have nothing to do with other religions. It cannot recognise them, any more than truth can recognise falsehood. Christianity speaks to and reasons with men, not with man’s religions. But if a false religion can get recognition-as in this “parliament” it has apparently-from Christianity, it has gained much. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.3

One of the latest instances of Russian paternalism is said to be an order from the Czar providing that with respect to the payment of medical fees, the people shall be divided into three classes, according to the position which they occupy in the scale of social and commercial prosperity; and that five roubles shall be the fee for the first class, three roubles for the second class; and thirty kopecs for the third class; so that “presumably the first question which a medical man in Russia has now to ask his patient is, ‘What are you’ and upon the answer will depend the amount of fee to be charged.” Presumably, also, a great many more people will be found included in the thirty kopecs class than were ever suspected to belong there heretofore. Paternalism is a great producer of hypocrites. And religious paternalism-to which so little objection is raised in the civilised countries of Europe-produces the worst kind of hypocrites that are known. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.4

In the Pall Mall Magazine, Mr. Raymond Blathwayt has an article on “Rome in America,” in which he says that in America the Catholic Church “is on her trial as she has never been since that moment when she first reared her temples amid the palaces and glories of imperial Rome.” And then comes the following, which is spoken of as a “prophecy,” but which, in fact, is an actual reality to-day:— PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.5

“If all her ideals are carried out in their entirety, it goes without saying that the Church will speedily become an important, if not the most important, political factor in the Republic. She will become a factor that will not permit itself to be left unreckoned with in the calculations of any politician, or body of politicians, desirous of exercising an influence either for good or evil in the States-a factor that more than any other in American politics will go towards the construction and maintenance of unity in the Republic. Rome, say what we may, and however much we may dislike or seek to explain away or absolutely deny the fact, Rome, nevertheless, is the one great Church-the one vast political, as well as ecclesiastical organisation that speaks with authority-with a voice that will be heard.” PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.6

With such accounts of suffering and privation before us as now fill the columns of the daily press devoted to the great coal strike, it is well to consider how far we ourselves are the creatures of circumstances, and to what extent the goodness that we fancy ourselves to possess may be due to the absence of those temptations which are felt with the pinching hand of want. We can none of us be sure as to what we might do under circumstances less favourable than those which now surround us. There is much food for thought in the saying of an American humorist: “We could all of us be honest if we had the money to be honest with.” It is money-or its equivalent in other things-that rules the world and supports its good appearances and professions, far more than integrity of character. Christianity designs that men shall live the same under all circumstances; and it contains this provision for the realisation of its design,-that “all things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.7

Tidings of another terrible calamity come to us from across the waters, overshadowing by its magnitude even the direful events which have so lately turned the eyes of all the world in horror upon the shores of North America. A hurricane accompanied by a tidal wave sweeps over the lowlands at the mouth of the Mississippi River, and 2,000 people drowned or crushed by falling buildings is the result. Whatever may be said by men to account for these awful events upon the theory of natural causes, the student of God’s word will see in them “the sea and the waves roaring” in fulfillment of the prophetic words spoken by Christ to His disciples in reference to the end of the world. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.8

From reports which come to us from the Church Congress at Birmingham, it is evident that the session will not do anything to elevate Christianity in the eyes of the people. A perusal of its proceedings reminds one far more of the noisy and tumultuous church councils of the fourth and fifth centuries, than of the council of the apostles at Jerusalem. The benediction, however, as we are informed, is pronounced and received with the utmost reverence. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.9

In a discussion on “Church Reform,” Archdeacon Farrar made a plea for more liberty in curtailing the Sunday services. It is, he said, not only puzzling, but irksome, for plain people who are not well up in the Prayer-Book to go into a church on a Sunday morning and listen to two exhortations, two creeds, two confessions, two absolutions, three prayers for the Queen, and six repetions of the Lord’s Prayer. We should certainly think that it would be. What the people want is the word of God-the gospel, the “good news” of salvation from sin; and they want it presented, as Paul presented it, “in a demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” There is nothing irksome or tedious about the presentation of the gospel of Christ. The Bishop of Wakefield also added a truthful statement by saying, “Let the Church forsake her chilling proprieties and demure respectabilities, and she will be popular enough with the working-classes.” One of the evidences of the Divine character of Christ’s ministry, was that the poor had the gospel preached to them; and the same evidence will be presented to-day by the church of which He is the Head. PTUK October 12, 1893, page 448.10