The Present Truth, vol. 10


June 7, 1894

“Front Page” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

When Jesus had fed five thousand men, besides women and children, with five loaves and two small fishes, and they had all eaten till they were satisfied, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.1

Here was more than an ordinary lesson in economy. It is doubtful if anyone would of thought of saving the remnants of that dinner, if Jesus had not spoken of it. If any thought were given to it, it would naturally have been on this wise: There is no use in bothering with these little fragments, when we have one with us who can miraculously supply us with abundance. But Jesus in this has shown us that while He supplies our need, He does not pledge Himself to supply our extravagance. We must show our appreciation of His bountiful gifts, by not squandering them. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.2

The men who saw how easily Jesus had provided food for the multitude, at once resolved to take Him and make Him their king. Here was such a king as they desired,—one who could assure them a living. They felt sure that they would never be troubled with a scarcity of provisions, with Him for their king, no matter whether the season was good or bad. A good living, without any work, has been the desire of certain classes, even till this day. People will readily profess faith in Christ, when they are led to believe that Christianity consists in being supported without any effort on their part. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.3

But Jesus frustrated their designs, by taking Himself out of their way. They had entirely mistaken His mission. When they found Him the next day on the other side of the sea, He reproved them for seeking Him because of the loaves and fishes. He wished to be followed for His own sake, for the rich spiritual blessings that He could bestow, and not for merely temporal supplies. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.4

There are many to-day who are making the same mistake about Jesus that the Jews of old made. Even Christian ministers are falling in with the idea, and are causing the people to believe that Christianity means short hours and long wages. They are trying to catch the masses with the promise of abundance of loaves and fishes. By such inducements they are only preparing the people for a bitter disappointment, and for rejecting Christ as fiercely as the Jews did when they found out that He would not serve their selfish ends. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.5

It is true that Jesus has promised that all needful things shall be given to us, but the first thing is to seek the kingdom of God, and His righteousness. He does not promise wealth nor even comfort in this life. It is enough that the disciple be as his Lord, and He had not on earth a place of His own whereon to lay His head. With power to feed others, He was dependent on the kindness of friends for His own daily food. The reproach of the Jews, as He hung on the cross, was true, “He saved others; Himself He cannot save.” He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.6

“Heaken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him?” James 2:5. The portion of Christ’s followers is in this life poverty of worldly goods, and the riches of His grace; but in the world to come they will have possessions far beyond the utmost stretch of human and imagination. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.7

“Do You Know Him?” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Those who have read Job’s declaration of faith in the second coming of the Lord, in Job 19., without noticing one of the marginal readings, have missed a beautiful thought. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.8

The patriarch says: “I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another [margin, a stranger]; though my reins be consumed within me.” The marginal rendering is the literal one. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.9

“Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not a stranger.” Can you say that? Is Jesus Christ a stranger or a familiar friend to you? He reveals Himself as a friend, tender and homely and true, and yet many who serve Him with the lips do not dare claim close acquaintance with Him. The heart rather shrinks from the thought of meeting Him. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.10

But He is the friend of all, and those who seek Him know His voice, His comfort, and His love. He is no stranger, but a friend, with whom they walk and talk every day. When the disciples and those early followers of the Lord are raised from the dead at the coming of Christ, they will meet “this same Jesus” from whom they parted at Bethany, as the cloud received Him from their sight. Acts 1:11. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 353.11

He comes in all the glory of the Father, a glory so bright that it is a consuming fire to the wicked (2 Thessalonians 2:8), and crowned with many crowns, attended by all the holy angels. But He is the “same Jesus.” And we now can become acquainted with Him the same as the first disciples did; for the promise is, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” He is the helper and friend in every work and every trial. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.1

Many make the mistake of thinking that a formal profession and the performance of a few ecclesiastical rites insure their salvation, and they therefore put off getting acquainted with the Lord until they expect to enter heaven. But the Lord can receive only those who know Him; the brightness of His presence cannot be endured by any who are strangers to His love and grace, and to some He must say “I never knew you.” Now is the time to get acquainted with the Lord. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.2

“Full Surrender?” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Full Surrender.-Many are found who are willing to follow the Lord a little way; perhaps as far as the multitude goes; many are willing to give up some of their old ways if they may but hold to some; but the first and only thing to be settled in the service of Christ is whether you are willing to take His way and follow His word or not. To meet the desire of human nature for some half-way round of service, the standard of Christian living is too often lowered. The Christian well said in a recent number:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.3

Our Lord and Master never yielded to any accommodation, or to any minimising of His claims. We must adjust ourselves to Him, not Him to us. To obtain adherents by lowering the Divine standard would be to fill the Church with doubtful professors, who would soon destroy every particle of life she possesses. At the very threshold the question must be settled as to who is to rule-the Master or the disciples, the servant or the Lord. “Leave all and follow Me,” is His unvarying demand made on every soul man. A missionary to the Hindus noticed that in every case where a convert returned home “to bid farewell” to father and mother before confessing Christ, he either failed to confess Him, or, having confessed Him, sometime afterwards proved unfaithful. We are making the service of Christ hard by not insisting upon complete surrender to Him, for it is hard only to such as do not give Him all. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.4

Are you willing to follow Christ and His life of obedience to His Father, although it means giving up all? Many sing and talk about giving up all to the Lord; but when He takes them at their word, and reveals to them their duty in His word, they often find it a hard struggle to believe that the Lord really means what He says. Decide for the Lord, once for all, and cleave to Him, whether the world or a worldly church smiles or frowns. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.5

“The Divine Reckoning” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

This is the reckoning by which gain or loss, success or failure, is computed in the Christian life. It is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi where he says: “What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord.” Philippians 3:7, 8. This is the reverse of human reckoning. It must be so, because the life that is so successful by human reckoning, is a failure from the standpoint of Christianity; and vice versa. But it is the only wise and correct reckoning, being the only one based on actual facts and not on appearances. It is obvious that a change from one method to the other must produce a marked effect upon an individual’s life, and at first glance it may seem to be a change for the worse. To count as loss all that has been considered gain is seemingly not a desirable plan to adopt; yet viewed from the standpoint of faith, its advantages over the human method of reckoning gain and loss are clearly apparent. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.6

If those things which the world considers gain are counted as a loss for Christ, there will be far less incentive in the mind to devote valuable time and energy and effort to obtain them. Instead of striving for that which is uncertain, the individual will seek for that which cannot fail to reward their earnest, persevering and well-directed effort. Instead of seeking for temporal things which can never satisfy the longings of the soul, he will seek for honour, and glory, and immortality at the right hand of the throne of God. And in this he will have the assurance of the infallible One that “he that seeketh findeth;” for he seeks only for that which God is most anxious and abundantly able to bestow upon him. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.7

And while He counts as loss what before was gain, he can also count as gain that which before was a great loss. On this side of his account he can reckon all such things as trials, disappointments, temptations, and afflictions. This is gain indeed, for it enables him to turn all his sorrow into joy. And sorrow, far more than joy, is the natural heritage of man. In the world he has tribulation, but in Christ he finds comfort and peace. In Him we find the ills of our lives swallowed up and lost in the sea of bitterness which He endured for us upon the cross. “He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows,” and in Him we lose all sorrows and disappointments, and gain all happiness. The credit side of the account is swelled by all circumstances, even those which seem the most forbidding; for “all things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.8

The difference between the human and the Divine reckoning is the difference between the feverish struggle for that which is elusive and uncertain, and the simple reception of that which is certain and satisfying, by trust in God. It is the difference between chasing shadows and acquiring the substance. It is the difference between knowing and not knowing the one from the other,—between reckoning that to be gain which is truly gain, and mistaking the gain for that which is only loss. The rule is, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these [temporal] things shall be added unto you.” Having the righteousness of God, we have Jesus Christ, and having Him, we have the substance of all things valuable, satisfying, and enduring. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.9

“Appealing to the Vatican” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Every year sees the wish of the English High Churchman for closer outward union with Rome nearer fulfilment. He repudiates the name of Protestant, and with considerable force of logic argues that his church never repudiated the Catholic idea of the supreme authority of the councils and the visible church. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.10

One thing that has troubled many who wish to be in union with the see of Rome has been the fact that Rome haughtily holds off the Anglican “priest,” and denies the validity of his “orders.” Overtures on this point are being made, and it is possible the Vatican may see a way by which it can receive back those Anglicans who are yearning for union, without requiring them to sacrifice the little point of honour which now stands in the way. The Chronicle says:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.11

Our Rome correspondent telegraphs that a communication signed by numerous Anglican clergymen has been sent to the Vatican asking for enlightenment upon certain points. The first of these is a request that a congregation of cardinals approved by the Pope should take up the Anglican question, and authoritatively deny the “Branch” theory, which detains so many clergymen who would be ready to be reconciled to the Holy See. The query of the validity of Anglican orders is again put. It is maintained that, although the Roman Catholic Church considers a mere historical circumstance like that of Parker’s consecration outside its province, the propagation of the fact that ordinations of Anglican clergymen sub tacita conditione is forbidden would clear up the matter. In conclusion, the document supplicates by all and every means the founding of a Uniat Anglican Church, into which crowds of doubting High Churchmen would enter. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 354.12

The lines are being drawn closer and closer, and Christians must ere long decide just where they will stand for—Rome, and human traditions, and the authority of what is called the church, or for God, and His word, as the Spirit of God opens it to the understanding. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.1

God’s Word to the Poor Rich and the Rich Poor” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

The vast increase of labour disputes in all countries shows that the wage-earners of the world are learning their strength, and are resenting the control of the wealth of the world by the few. From what we already see, and from the testimony of history, and by the word of God, we know that the fear of the Lord will not keep the selfish rich from covetousness nor the selfish poor from methods of violence. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.2

Now is the time, as never before, for those who do fear the Lord to keep clear from the prevailing evil; for in these days we are told that times are especially perilous, because men are “lovers of their own selves, covetous,” and the warning is given to Christians in order that they may not partake of the spirit of the times. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.3

The coming of the Lord is surely drawing near. The woe that will then come upon those who have spent their God-given powers to amass wealth is thus spoken by the prophet:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.4

“Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” James 5:1-3. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.5

The word goes on to state that the rightful hire of the labourers has been kept back by fraud. Not unnaturally, such a course as this leads to dissatisfaction and strife, and the conflict is already begun. The passions of the natural heart lead on both sides of the strife, and the natural heart never works according to the Golden Rule. The attitude of the really Christian man who suffers under the oppression of the mighty and powerful is shown by the apostle when he says to the oppressors, “Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.6

The principle of non-resistance, which Christ taught by precept and example is popularly supposed to be obsolete; but in the text just quoted the Lord lays it down as the rule for us in these last days. At the time when men are banding together to fight for their rights after the manner and methods of the world, His counsel to us is:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.7

“Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.” Verses 7-9. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.8

Christians are not to be found fighting with the worldly for this world’s possessions when the Judge of all is even at the door. There is wisdom in the fifth chapter of James for every one of us in these unsettled times. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.9

“What Does It Mean?” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

What Does It Mean?—As Jesus was coming down from the mount of transfiguration, with Peter, James, and John, “He charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. And they kept that saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.” Mark 9:9, 10. What did it mean?—It meant just that, and nothing else. But they were sure in their own minds that it could not mean that Christ should really die and rise again, and so they kept wondering and speculating as to what it could mean. And that is the way that thousands of the followers of Christ are doing to-day. They read something in the Scriptures and straightway they ask, “What does this mean?” They feel quite sure that it must have some mysterious meaning different from what the words themselves indicate, because they have it settled in their minds how it must be, and are sure that the thing actually declared cannot ever take place. Thus they miss the instruction and comfort of the Scriptures, and are unprepared for the things that come. If the disciples had learned to take the Lord at His word, they would not have been thrown into such confusion when He was crucified. They learned better afterwards; let us learn now from their example to believe that the word means what it says. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.10

“Not Justified by Works” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

“But you know we are not justified by the law, but by faith; no works of our own are of any effect whatever.” These are the words with which many seek to parry the force of the commandment which says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy works; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work.” Exodus 20:8-10. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.11

It is strange that nobody ever thinks of urging this as a reason for not keeping Sunday, even when Sunday is supposed to be enjoined by the fourth commandment; but as soon as it appears that the only day indicated in the commandment as the day to be observed, is the seventh day of the week, immediately we are told that we cannot be saved by the works of the law; and that is supposed to absolve us from all necessity of keeping “the Sabbath according to the commandment.” Let us give this matter a little careful examination. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.12

There is nothing made more clear in the Bible than that no man is justified by works, but that justification is wholly by faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8, 9. “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:3-7. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.13

“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. “The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8:7. “We are all as an unclean thing; and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. “Being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God hath set forth, to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.” “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law.” Romans 3:24, 25, 28. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 355.14

These texts show plainly that no works of man have any effect in securing his justification. But do they discredit the law?—Not by any means. “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid; yea, we establish the law.” Romans 3:31. The law is the only standard of justice; because, “not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.” Romans 2:13. Christ’s righteousness is perfect obedience to the law, which is within His heart. John 15:10; Psalm 40:8. Christ dwells in the heart by faith (Ephesians 3:17), and it is His presence in the heart that justifies us, as we by faith take His life instead of our own. So we are justified by faith, because faith brings Christ and His obedience into the heart and life. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.1

Now let us read something in continuation of texts already quoted. The apostle tells us that we are not justified by works, “for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained (prepared) that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10. The good works come as soon as we become new creatures in Christ. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.2

Again: “This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable.” Titus 3:8. How are we to maintain good works?—By faith, just as we received them; for we are exhorted, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.” Colossians 3:6. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.3

The case, then, is simply this: The law is the standard of righteousness; but the law is spiritual, and we are carnal (Romans 7:14); it is the perfect righteousness of the Holy Spirit, and therefore infinitely above us. Our best efforts are only violations of it. But Christ is the righteousness of God, because He is God. The law of God is therefore His very nature. He was made flesh, and dwelt among us (John 1:14), being in all things “made like unto His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17. He is “the wisdom of God, and the power of God,” as well as the righteousness of God; and therefore “what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.” What for?—“That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us.” Romans 8:3, 4. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.4

Thus we see that although we are not justified by the works of the law, we are by no means justified in ignoring and transgressing the law. Christ has called us unto liberty, but not that we should make that liberty an occasion to the flesh. Galatians 5:13. We find our liberty only in seeking His precepts. Psalm 119:45. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17), and “the law is spiritual;” therefore only in obedience to the law, which is found in Christ, is there true liberty. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.5

In closing, let us see how the argument which is brought against the Sabbath, as noticed at the first, will work when applied to some of the other commandments besides the fourth. The idea is that since we are not justified by the works of the law, therefore we are not required or expected to keep the commandment which says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy;” and which tells us that the seventh day is the day upon which we should rest. Now the third commandment says, “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Suppose I am a swearer, and someone who hears me take the name of God in vain reminds me of that commandment. But I reply, “Ah, do you not know that we are not justified by the works of the law, but by faith? Christ has set me free from the law, and therefore I swear; I dare not keep that law, lest I be brought into bondage.” Would not my reprover be shocked at my blindness, which would justly seem to be almost, if not quite, blasphemy? and would he not tell me that Christ died for the express purpose of saving me from the sin of swearing? And if I should plead the same excuse for lying and stealing, he would tell me that faith in Christ does not warrant me in breaking the eighth and ninth commandments, but that it is for the purpose of saving me from those, and from all other sins. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.6

We are not justified because we do not take the name of God in vain; yet no one would on that account risk his salvation by swearing. We shall not be saved simply because we do not steal; but few, if any, would expect to be saved if they were thieves. We cannot be justified by the ninth commandment; yet we have a positive statement that all liars shall perish. No one can claim admission to heaven on the ground that he has never killed anybody; but it is as certain that no one would think of basing a claim to heavenly glory on the fact that he was a murderer. So while we are not justified by the fourth commandment, we are not therefore justified in breaking it. Christ saves men to obedience. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.7

Reader, are you one of those who have been “partial in the law”? If so, stop and ask yourself why you have any more right to disregard the fourth commandment than you have to disregard the third. “The law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” This true of the whole law, and not merely of a portion of it. May you therefore be one of those of whom it will be said, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.8

“Tobacco and Blindness” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Tobacco and Blindness.-An evening paper says:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.9

Captain Abney, the photographic specialist, has been telling an audience at the Royal Institution that smoking, when indulged in by persons who are not physically very robust, may produce temporary colour blindness. It seems that those who are “tobacco blind” can correctly pick out and name the blue pellets in a number of different ones, but all other colours they inaccurately describe as white. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.10

It requires a good constitution to use tobacco without very apparent evil effects. And unbiased physicians of extensive practice bear witness to the fact that many robust constitutions have been weakened by tobacco. The evil effects of tobacco using, as the effects of intemperance, are not always directly apparent, but no man can inhale an active and virulent poison, such as nicotine is, without injury. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.11

“The Descent of Man” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

The Descent of Man.—“The Ascent of Man,” as a new book is called, is a subject which many are congratulating themselves upon, because of the superior intelligence of men of the present day which enables them to correct the Bible record of man’s creation and history. A wise man of old, to whom was given wisdom greater than to any other man, spent his life in studying man from another point of view than that occupied by modern scientists, who confessedly base their attempts at argument upon the assumption. As to the result of the wise man’s study, we are told, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright: but they have sought out many inventions.” Ecclesiastes 7:29. The descent of man always comes when he becomes vain in his imagination. Professing himself to be wise, his foolish heart is darkened. The first chapter of Romans tells how men with true knowledge can degenerate into barbarism in process of time, and it also tells of the power that can redeem man from barbarism and sin. The only “ascent of man” that there is will be found to be due to obedience to the Gospel. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 356.12

“Worse than Serfs” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Worse than Serfs.-Slavery is just as galling when it is called freedom as when given the proper name. The slaves were freed by proclamation in the Southern States of America, but many of them are not allowed to exercise freedom. The serfs in Russia were freed many years ago, but the same disregard of the rights of others which characterises the treatment of Dissenters in Russia, allows the tyranny over the peasants which makes them worse than serfs. A paper says:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.1

Not a few of the Russian nobles are returning to their lands, but they find themselves strangers amidst a sullen and distressful population. The divorce between the monjik and the boyar has been complete since the latter has abandoned his estate to live at St. Petersburg. The forty-five millions of rubles squandered in European watering-places between 1860 and 1870 gave Russian nobles a reputation for generosity, but their tenants tell a different tale. In the days of serfdom they were better off. Their master at least took an interest in them as property. But of late they have been utterly abandoned to famine and disease. The social question will be battled fiercely some day in Russia. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.2

“Not of Man” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Not of Man.-The writer was once talking with an infidel, who, in the course of the conversation, referred to the course which one of his neighbours had taken in a business transaction. That action referred to was evidently dishonest, and the infidel said with some warmth, “Now I don’t think there was any Christianity in that.” “Of course there was not,” was the reply, “but the fact you think so, shows that you know that Christianity does not sanction such things. It shows that you know in your heart that Christianity is good; why then do you not accept and practise what you know to be the truth?” This was a new way of looking at the matter, and he acknowledged that he had no excuse. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.3

The Gospel does not derive its character from the character of the men who profess it. It comes from God. Men may live ungodly lives, but that does not disprove the Bible. On the contrary, it makes the truth the more vivid by the contrast. Men may deny the faith; they may apostatise and say that it is all a sham; but that does not shake the Gospel any more than it would make the fortress of Gibraltar fall down if some of the men who are now stationed there should desert, and say that it is built on cardboard. It is solid rock, no matter what may be said of it. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.4

So whenever we hear that some professed follower of Christ has dishonoured the name, or is teaching some wild doctrine, we can say as Paul said when some fell into the error of supposing that the resurrection was already past, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure.” God is true, and His word is sure, though every man be false. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.5

“Judaism and Christianity” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Many people speak about “Judaism,” who have very faint ideas of what it is. When they hear of some who keep the Sabbath according to the fourth commandment, they speak of them as “Judaising,” because they think that Judaism means the religion enjoined in the Old Testament. But that is a great mistake. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.6

Judaism means the religion of the Jews; but neither in the days of Christ and the apostles, nor since that time, have the Jews understood and believed the teaching of the Old Testament. If they had, they would have been Christians; for the religion of the Old Testament is Christianity. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.7

Jesus said to the unbelieving Jews: “Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me; for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?” John 5:46, 47. From these words we learn that the Jews did not believe the writings of Moses. Therefore it is evident that the religion of the Jews-Judaism-was not and is not the religion taught by Moses. The religion taught by Moses was that which he received directly from the Lord, and it set forth Christ and Him only. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.8

The Apostle Paul says that in his earlier days he made great progress in “the Jews’ religion,” “being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions” of the fathers. Galatians 1:13, 14. The Jews’ religion, therefore, or Judaism, consisted in following tradition. But this was directly opposed to Old Testament teaching, for Jesus told them that by their traditions they made void the commandments of God (Matthew 15:3), and said of them, “In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Verse 9. Here again we see that Judaism is the rejection of the Old Testament, instead of the acceptance of it. No man, therefore, who faithfully follows the religion of the Old Testament, can be called a Judaiser. On the contrary He is a Christian. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.9

Again, the Apostle Paul tells us that a veil was upon the hearts of the Jews, even in the days of Moses, so that they could not understand what Moses delivered to them. See 2 Corinthians 3:13-16. He says, “Even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart.” But he adds that when the heart turns to the Lord the veil is taken away. This shows still further that the religion of the Old Testament is Christianity, and that the Jews, who reject Christ, do so solely because they do not really believe the writings of Moses. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.10

What then is Judaism?—It is the rejection of the Gospel, as set forth in the Old Testament, and a following of tradition. When therefore we find people who know that the fourth commandment requires the observance of the seventh day of the week, commonly called Saturday, and who keep Sunday instead of that day, although they know that the Scriptures nowhere sanctions it, either in the Old Testament nor the New, but that Sunday observance stands wholly on tradition and custom, we may know that they are following the essential principles of Judaism, which consists in substituting tradition for the commandments of God. They may differ from the Jews in regard to the tradition which they follow, but they are one with them in principle. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.11

Further: we have read the words of Jesus to the Jews, telling them that they could not believe Him, because they did not believe Moses. The reason is that Moses wrote of Christ. It is evident, therefore, that they who do not see Christ in the Old Testament, even in the writings of Moses, do not understand and believe the Old Testament. But they who do believe the Old Testament, including the writings of Moses, do not really believe in Christ. Therefore they who reject the Old Testament writings, do really also reject the New Testament. They are in precisely the same condition as the Jews, for both fail to see Christ in the Old Testament. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 357.12

Every word of God is pure and true, and has life. A person, therefore, who knows only a very small portion of the Bible, may know and believe in Christ. But it is impossible for any to be real believers in Christ, when they reject any portion of the word which He has spoken, and which testifies of Him. And it was His Spirit that testified in all the writers of the Old Testament. 1 Peter 1:10, 11. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.1

Let no one fear that by keeping the commandments of God, as set forth in the Old Testament, he will be a Judaiser. He cannot keep those commandments except by faith in Christ. They are in Christ, and Christ is in them. The keeping of the commandments of God, by the faith that appropriates the life of Christ, is true Christianity. He kept the commandments (John 15:10), and He is the same to-day that He was when on earth in the flesh. Hebrews 13:8. All that He did on earth was in order “that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us.” Romans 5:19. “He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.” 1 John 2:6. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.2

“The Sure Word” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

The transfiguration on the mount was a miniature representation of the coming of the Lord in glory, to raise the righteous dead (represented by Moses who was raised from the dead Jude 4.), and to translate the living (represented by Elijah, who was translated without seeing death). Ever after that memorable day, the coming of the Lord must have been a more vivid reality to Peter, James, and John, than it had been before. Jesus said to them, “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory,” and now these three disciples could realise what that glory would be. They had been eye-witnesses of His majesty, and had beheld the glory of His coming. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.3

Perhaps some may be inclined to say, “If I could have such evidence as that, I should have no doubt about the matter. If I could only see for myself, I should know that these things are so.” Well, now read what Peter says immediately after his reference to the transfiguration:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.4

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:19-21. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.5

Our eyes may deceive us, but the word of God “liveth and abideth for ever.” It is something that is more sure than anything that man has seen; it is something that comes direct from “the Spirit of truth.” Men’s eyes may deceive them; but the word of prophecy does not depend upon any human faculty; it “came not in the old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Men were simply the unresisting mouth-pieces of the Spirit of God; it spoke the words, and they had no voice in the matter. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.6

An instance of how the prophecy came not by the will of man, is afforded by the case of Balaam. It is true that Balaam was not a “holy man of God;” but the fact that he intended to pronounce a curse makes it more apparent that the prophecy came not by the will of man. Balaam was tempted by the promise of a great reward to go and curse Israel, but God, in His great love for His people, “turned the curse into a blessing.” When Balak reproached Balaam for not cursing Israel, the latter replied, “If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own mind; but what the Lord saith, that will I speak.” Numbers 24:13. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.7

While Balaam was thus passive in the hands of the Lord, he uttered this prophecy: “I shall see Him, but not now; I shall behold Him, but not nigh; there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly. Out of Jacob shall come He that shall have dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city.” Numbers 24:17-19. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.8

Here we have one instance of the “sure word of prophecy” concerning the conduct of the Lord. Considering the circumstances under which it was uttered, it is a notable instance. It shows most fully that prophecy has in it nothing of the human, but is wholly Divine. No human frailty enters into it, but it comes direct from the Holy Spirit. Thus it is “more sure” than human eyesight. For this reason it is that it was said: “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 358.9

“A Flower Club” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

A Flower Club.-The beauty of the flower is the beauty of the Lord, just a little glint of His glory. This is the reason why flowers and all that is beautiful in nature have a ministry that gives the beholder a hint of righteousness and purity, and influences him for good. Therefore it is a good work to put a bright flower in a cheerless room. The most unsentimental soul, that is not wholly darkened and sodden with sin, somehow feels that there is such a thing as purity and holiness present. The other day in Shoreditch 475 children were presented with as many pots of geraniums. An evening paper says:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 359.1

In one of the larger schoolrooms were marshaled the children, and the Rev. Osborne Jay, the vicar of the parish (Holy Trinity, Shoreditch), first gave the children some simple and exceedingly practical advice on the management of their plants, and then distributed them. Each plant is to be brought back during the second week in July, when an East-end flower show, certainly the first of its kind, will be held, and prizes will be awarded to those children who have brought their plants to the greatest perfection. It would be interesting to follow the plants home, for a more interesting assortment of owners could not well be found. Nearly everywhere was an attempt at cleanliness, but rags were the prevailing garb, among the boys particularly. Belonging as they do to a parish which is said to consist almost entirely of the criminal classes, there was a prevailing air of restlessness and nervous energy totally wanting in, say, the same class of Bethnal-green children. Their eyes and their tongues are those of the typical London ragamuffins. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.1

“Interesting Items” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

-A Russian legislation to the Vatican has been definitely established, with M. Isvoleky as minister. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.2

-It is becoming the custom in America to plant memorial trees to prominent men and others, instead of erecting statues. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.3

-Disastrous floods are reported on the Fraser River, British Columbia, many lives having been lost and much destruction of property caused. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.4

-An interesting movement is on foot in Russia, to erect a great national church and monastery at the source of the Volga, in the province of Tvor. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.5

-The Hungarian Cabinet have resigned in consequence of the refusal of the Emperor to coerce the House of Magnates into passing the Civil Marriage Bill. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.6

-The inhabitants of Pigianello, Italy, are camping in the fields for fear of earthquake shocks, which have already shaken down several buildings in the town. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.7

-The miners on strike in Pennsylvania and Colorado, U.S.A., have engaged in serious rioting, especially in the latter State, where they destroyed considerable property, and killed eleven men who had ventured to take their places in the mine, by dropping 100 pounds of giant powder down the shaft. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.8

-The Brazilian Government has accepted the mediation of Great Britain in the diplomatic dispute with Portugal, duo to the action of the Portuguese warships in regard to the Brazilian insurgents. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.9

-The river Jotinga, in Northern Cachar (Assam), has overflowed its banks, canning the severest flood that has visited the district for many years. Many natives have been drowned, and much property has been destroyed. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.10

-Great agitation has been caused in French political circles owing to the announcement that M. Turpin, the inventor of mélinite, has sold a greater discovery to a foreign Power, in consequence of the refusal of the French Minister of War to receive him. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.11

-The debate in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on the financial projects of the Government, is expected to conclude at the end of the week with a victory for Signor Crispi, the more especially as the Government has abandoned the very unpopular land tax. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.12

-It is officially confirmed that Asiatic cholera has broken out in the Russian town of Mlawa on the railway from Marionburg to Warsaw, and distant about three miles from the Prussian frontier. So far there have been twenty cases, ten of which terminated fatally. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.13

-A disastrous flood has occurred in Kulu, in the north-east of the Punjab. A landslip, which had fallen into the bed of a river and dammed it completely, burst suddenly, and the immense volume of water, being once released, poured all over the country. Villages have been swept away, and the loss of life is at present estimated at 200. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.14

-The persecution of Stundists and Baptists has broken out in the Crimea. News from Simferopol states that the Baptists are making rapid progress among the villages there, and that the authorities have replied by hauling up six persons for trial, charged with preaching. Three others remain in gaol untried for using disrespectful language about the images. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.15

-The Russian people, after having had several years of dearth and famine, now seem as if they were going to be blessed with a year of plenty, or what is called a double harvest. Nevertheless, it is said that the farmers and peasantry are more depressed than usual; for if the harvest be a plentiful one they will not know what to do with their surplus produce in view of the present low prices obtaining everywhere. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.16

-The United States Senate have unanimously adopted a resolution declaring that it belongs wholly to the people of Hawaii by right to establish their own form of government and to decide upon their domestic policy; that the United States ought not in any way to interfere, and that interference in the political affairs of the islands by any other Government will be regarded as an act unfriendly to the United States. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.17

-In the oath used at the Papal Consistory for the nomination of new cardinals, the cardinal swears to reclaim all the temporal possessions of the Pope. At the last Consistory, says the Rome correspondent of the Chronicle, the form of oath which has existed for several centuries was modified, a great number of temporal claims having been abandoned. An exception, however, is made in the ease of Rome. The modification was made by the issue of a special Bull, which has caused some surprise. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.18

-The Tourist’s Church Guide Book is authority for the following: “The number of Anglican churches in England and Wales has almost doubled since 1882, and is now 5,957. Of these about half are free. At 250 incense is used; at 406 there is a daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist; the much-discussed ‘Eastward position’ is adopted at no fewer than 5,037: ‘Eucharistic vestments’ are worn at 1.376, and altar lights are employed during the sacrament of the Eucharist at 2,707.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.19

-A bull-fighter was gored to death in Madrid in the presence of 16,000 spectators. He had just stabbed the poor animal, the matador and bull dying together. Notwithstanding the excitement, the barbarous performance went on, two other fighters being injured, and fifteen horses and several bulls being killed before the audience had had their fill of horrors. The fighter who was killed was a renowned matador. He had amassed a large fortune, and was about to retire from the bull-ring and get married. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 360.20

“Pessimists” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Pessimists.-The Lord says of the latter days, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13. People who now believe what the Lord says in this text are called pessimist. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.1

“Back Page” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

The demand creates the supply, and just now inventors of death-dealing machines command the greatest rewards. The latest thing is “a light mitrailleuse, worked by electricity, and with such rapidity that it can be charged and scatter balls as thick as hail in the twinkling of an eye.” Germany is said to have purchased it. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.2

It is stated that the Free Church Assembly has openly commended Mr. Drummond’s new book, “The Ascent of Man.” No wonder that a newspaper correspondent asked how the Scotch Presbyterians propose to get rid of Adam. The first chapters of Genesis and Evolution are in irreconcilable opposition. Whoever believes one must necessarily reject the other. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.3

At the annual May meeting of the Salvation Army, General Booth in his review of his work for the year said that in Holland “the Queen and other members of the Royal Family were subscribers to their funds, as all queens and all governments ought to be.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.4

It is strange that people will persistently shut their eyes to the lessons of history, no matter how recent. The Salvation Army has attained wonderful success without Government patronage. Self-denial and enthusiasm on the part of its members brought it to the point where it is, and now these must be replaced by Government supports; for nothing is more sure than the fact that the decline of real religion is always marked by its recognition by the State. Christianity wrought its great success in the face of the bitterest opposition; its decline dated from the first step toward State patronage. Is it not strange that men should assume that a course which has won success is not sufficient to maintain it? PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.5

“On Friday last a solemn Mass for the repose of the soul of Bishop Smythies was sung at St. German’s, Roath, at 11 A.M.” “In the evening Solemn Vespers for the Dead, according to the use published by the Guild of All Souls, were sung at St. Margaret’s, Roath.” These statements from The Church Times of June 1, which are by no means unusual, show, not that the Church of England is leaning towards Rome, but that it never left Rome. It simply had in the sixteenth century, what Canon Knox-Little calls “a family quarrel.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.6

One of the peculiar symptoms of the disease which afflicts civilised countries is found in the increase of suicide. The high-pressure style of living, the intemperance and lack of self-control, and impatience and wilfulness of the carnal heart, and the despair of unbelief must be at the root of the evil. The Times said the other day:— PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.7

Statisticians agree that suicide is on the increase in all civilised nations. The rate varies according to race and climate and density of population, and the differences between countries in this respect are curious and, so far, unexplained. But everywhere trustworthy returns tell of the same phenomenon. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.8

The rate is highest among soldiers, and this too in countries where service is voluntary. Preparation and training to take the lives of others must surely lead men to place little value upon life. The fact that this evil is most prevalent in civilised countries is evidence that in the advancement of arts and sciences and all that goes to make what is called civilisation there is nothing that makes for righteousness and faith in God. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.9

A new effort in connection with London Anti-Sunday Travelling Union is the “Shareholders’ Union for the Defence of the Sabbath.” It is, as its name implies, an association of railway shareholders, for the purpose of inducing, or forcing, the railway corporations in which they have money invested, to discontinue Sunday traffic. It is stated that there are one hundred and fourteen thousand Sunday goods trains in England every year, and the new association proposes that this traffic shall be “legally suppressed.” PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.10

The appeal for ?100,000 to be used in the decoration of St. Paul’s Cathedral, has called out letters of approval from the Prince of Wales and Mr. Gladstone. Nearly one hundred thousand pounds has already been spent in decorating the Cathedral, and the sum now called for will only partially complete the work that it is proposed to do. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.11

“Depraved Taste” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

Depraved Taste.-The world wants pleasure, and as ordinary frivolity seems to pall on the appetite, the stimulant of wickedness must be added to it. A dramatic critic the other day attributed the partial failure of one popular writer’s play to the fact that there was no specially outbreaking wickedness in it. He said the critical British audience did not want the seventh commandment wrapped in wool. The life of respectable society, and the noble, refined, and Christian home would not furnish a subject that would attract the crowds of pleasure-seekers. They must have art and morals inculcated by the acting of sin and passion, and without this the play generally fails. This same taste is being ministered to by the modern society novel, and even women are trying to teach moral lessons by writing books with pens dipped in our social sewers. It is an attempt to teach social purity by preaching social nastiness, and the public taste for this class of literature demands that the vicious flavour be increased just as the drunkard increases the strength of his draught. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.12

“The Handwriting on the Wall” The Present Truth 10, 23.


E. J. Waggoner

The Handwriting on the Wall.-Did it ever occur to you that the hand that traced the mystic letters on the wall of Belshazzar’s banqueting hall is still engaged in the work that God is doing in the earth? The Lord knows what is going on in your home or room, just as well as He knew the progress of the Babylonian festivities that night. If only we constantly bore in mind the fact that the presence of God is with us in our homes or places of business, and that the hand that wrote Belshazzar’s doom might as easily outline our deeds and thoughts upon the wall, it would cause us oftentimes to repress the springing up of self and sin. We are being weighed in the balances every day, whether we realise it or not. PTUK June 7, 1894, page 368.13