The Present Truth, vol. 10

February 1, 1894

“Abounding Grace” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Abounding Grace.-By the abundance of the air which God has given to surround us we may know how freely the Lord has given us His Spirit; and as we draw in the breath of life so easily, we may know how easily we may drink in the Spirit of God, which is the water of life. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.1

“Learning” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Learning.-When we come to the point of giving ourselves to the Lord as freely as He has given Himself to us, and taking Him for all He is to us, it will not be difficult for us to learn. The Lord can flash into our minds in half a minute more than we can learn by groping along with intellectual effort for months. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.2

“Power of Elijah” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Power of Elijah.-The angel Gabriel said of John the Baptist: “Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:16, 17. When we think of the power of Elijah our minds rest on the wonderful miracles that were wrought by him. He shut up and opened heaven, brought down fire, divided the waters of the river, and raised the dead. John “did no miracle,” yet all the power that Elijah had was manifested in him. In what way?—In the word that he preached. The power of God is not always shown in what are commonly called miracles. He who has the word of God dwelling in him, has the miracle by which alone all miracles were ever performed. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.3

“Joy in Creation” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Joy in Creation.-When the Lord laid the foundations of the earth, “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” Job 38:7. What was their joy? There was creation. Whenever a sinner is converted “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God.” Luke 15:10. It is a creation. The marvel of the new creation causes all heaven to shout for joy. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.4

“Presumption” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Presumption.-There are very many professed Christians who think it would be presumption for them to say, “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Yet they have no hesitation in saying that they are trying to live righteously, so that they may be fit representatives of Christ. They who think it would be a presumption to allow Christ to live His own life in them by faith, are presumptuous enough to attempt to live His life for Him! PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.5

“God Not Limited” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

God Not Limited.-In a review of the past year, we read: “Whatever God may or may not have done for us this past year, He has certainly done all that He could be expected to do in view of the material with which He has to work.” If the thought here suggested were true, namely, that God is limited in His work by the material at His hand, it would be most discouraging; for He will never have any better material of which to make saints than He now has. It is to the glory of God that He can do great things with the poorest and most unpromising material. “Base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are.” 1 Corinthians 1:28. Nothing is too hard for Him, for He is the Creator. If we are but willing, and continually willing, He can and will take us at our lowest state, and make us “to the praise of the glory of His grace.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.6

“Giving and Taking” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

The grace of God is manifested in giving. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32. “This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:11, 12. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.7

As Christ has given Himself for us and to us, so must we give ourselves to Him. He has bought us with His own blood, so that we are not our own (1 Peter 1:18, 19; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20); yet He will not seize His own, but waits for us to deliver up to Him that which He has purchased. We are to acknowledge the purchase, and give ourselves to Him. He “gave Himself for our sins,” and so He has bought them; therefore we are to give Him our sins, and let Him do as He will with them. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.8

Now there are many professors who grasp only one side of the truth of the Gospel. They accept the matter of giving, but not of taking. They give themselves to the Lord, but they do not believe that He takes them; and so they can never say for certain that they are the Lord’s. They believe that Christ gave Himself for them, but they do not take Him; and so they never dare say that He is theirs. This is one reason why there are so many half-hearted Christians. It is a most unsatisfactory state in which to be. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 65.9

Let everybody who gives himself to the Lord, know for a certainty that He is the Lord’s. “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?” The minute we yield ourselves to the Lord, we are His. We are, indeed, His before, without knowing it, but when we yield, we must know and declare that we are His. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.1

There are many people who do conscientiously give up their sinful ways to the Lord. They are sincere in their consecration, and yet they do not have the peace that they need; their sins seem to come back to them, or rather to remain in full force. Why is this? It is simply because they do not take Jesus in place of their own sinful ways. They are willing and anxious to give themselves to the Lord, but they are afraid to claim Jesus as theirs. They think that it would be presumptuous to do so. And so since they do not take anything in the place of self, self stays. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.2

“The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst, Come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17. We must take as freely as the Lord gives. To refuse to take, is virtually to say that He has not given. To take sparingly, is to imply that He gives grudgingly. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.3

The Psalmist says, by inspiration, “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.” Psalm 116:12, 13. How are we to pay the Lord for all that He has done for us? By taking of His nature. He loves to give. He is the soul of generosity and benevolence. He gives unselfishly. He asks nothing for Himself, for although He asks us to give ourselves to Him, He gets nothing, for we are nothing. His joy is in giving. He is never so happy as when we take freely of His gracious gift. When we take freely, we honour Him, because it shows that we believe Him to be just what He is. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.4

God has done much for me, therefore I will discharge of my obligation to Him taking more. But that increased gift brings increased obligation, which I can discharge only by taking more. But I soon find that I am under infinite obligation to Him, and nothing will suffice but that I must take His infinite gift. And still grace does “much more abound.” What a wonderful Giver! PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.5

Therefore “unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.6

“Two and Two Make Four” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

We must believe as we go, if we would make progress in Bible study, learning of the Lord experimentally. Suppose we come to such a text as this, “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Galatians 2:20. Suppose we do not believe it; so that we dare not say from the heart it is so to us. Shall we say, “Never mind, we will go on studying the other thing; we cannot quite take this text now, but there are others which we can take.” Let us see how this will work. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.7

Two and two make four. Suppose I do not believe it; you cannot make me believe that it is so. Well, never mind; we will go on through the arithmetic. This is only a little thing, only one point; I do not see why you will not let me go on into multiplication, and fractions, and cube root. What is the difference if I do not believe in it? How much progress would I make, disbelieving this one thing? Just none at all. The whole progress in mathematics depends on that one point. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.8

Suppose it could be demonstrated that two and two do not make four. It would overturn all mathematical calculations. If I do not believe that two and two make four it is just the same to me as though it were not so. I cannot believe anything that is based upon that. My disbelief of the fact does not affect its truth, so far as I am concerned two and two would not make four. My study of mathematics would be a confused jargon. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.9

Suppose I am willing to go so far as to say that two and two make five; but I cannot get down to four. Now we will go on with our study of mathematics on that basis. Can we not ignore that little point, and still get good out of the mathematical study? Would not the discipline of the mind in the study be just as great if we went at it on the basis of two and two making five? The mind that got its discipline from the study of mathematics on that basis would be all wrong. It would be worse than no mind at all. Whoever put confidence in it, would be deceived and deluded. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.10

So it is with this or any other text in reading the Bible into practical experience. There is no place for argument about it. “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” It is a simple lesson. By believing it we know it is so, and this we must know in order to go on in the knowledge of the Lord, and of His Word. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.11

“Comfort in Conviction” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

“It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.” John 16:7, 8. The first thing that the Holy Spirit does in the way of comforting is to convict of sin. But does the Holy Spirit condemn? Christ said, “I came not to condemn the world.” There is a difference between conviction and condemnation, and in the recognition of this difference we get the Lord. Many suppose that when the Lord reproves, it is a sign of His anger against us. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.12

Conviction is showing a man that he is guilty. Condemnation is the putting of the sentence upon him. We are all already under condemnation, because of transgression. Now the Lord comes to us and convicts us by His Spirit, but when He has brought us to that place where we are convicted and acknowledge the fact that we have sinned and are worthy of death, just there the Lord comes in and takes away the condemnation. He carries us to that point, and then the sentence is remitted. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.13

God describes Himself as the “Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4. He comforts us by showing us sin. The comfort of God’s reproof lies in the fact that the very thing which causes the conviction is the righteousness which is given to take away the sin for which we are convicted. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 66.14

Now what is the purpose of the comfort which Lord gives us? That we may be able to comfort any who are in trouble. God gives us His Spirit in order that we may be able to minister the same to others. So before we can be of any use in proclaiming the message of the Gospel to others, we must receive this comfort in the conviction of sin. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.1

Here is the line between condemnation and justification. We may hold back and pass into condemnation, or we may yield and have no condemnation. If when the conviction comes we accept it, and the righteousness which brings the reproof, then there is no condemnation. But “this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19. When the Holy Spirit comes the light is come. It is shining into our hearts to make us see where we have been making mistakes and failing. Many things which we thought virtues we find to be vices. Our defence was trust in ourselves, and the fear that we thought was modesty and goodness we find it is simply self-love and sensitiveness, and the fear of what somebody might say. We thought it was an evidence of our humility, when it was pride. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.2

This is an evidence that “thy light is come.” Now if we cling to self, that light will be condemnation and become darkness, “and if the light which is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!” We had been in darkness all the time because the light which was shining had not been received. Now if the light shines and we allow it to become darkness, we are worse off than before. But yielding to it, we who sometimes were darkness become “light in the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.3

“A Store of Merit” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

In Roman Catholic theology, the works of some-called saints-have been more than was required and these supererogatory works constitute a store of merit from which the church draws for those who have been deficient, to release from purgatory or grant indulgences. Of course such a doctrine could originate only with those who expected to earn salvation by their good works. This being the case, the man who could do an exceptional amount of goodness, more than others who are earning eternal life, would have more merit than is really required. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.4

To fear God and keep His commandments is the whole duty of man. Anyone who can do more than this does more than is required. But it took nothing less than the Divine life of Christ to meet the demands of the law. Unless one has more than this to give, he can do more than is required. The law of God is His own way, His own character, and therefore the Lord requires of us nothing less than His own perfection and goodness. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.5

Further, only one who is good can do good works. “There is none good but one, that is God.” Matthew 19:17. Then we can work not the slightest good. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done,” thank the Lord, “but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.6

There is a store of merit, of good works for those who are deficient-and all have “come short of the glory of God.” Christ of God is made unto us, first of all, wisdom, and righteousness-right doing. Not works stored up by mortal men have we to draw upon, but by faith in Him we have the treasures of His merits counted unto us for righteousness. Our works are wrought in Him. “Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid upon them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men!” Psalm 31:19. Wrought for us, but also wrought in us by His own power. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.7

“Raised from the Dead” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

The miracle of the resurrection lies at the very foundation of the Christian’s hope. There would be no hope for any man were it not for the resurrection of Christ. The Apostle Paul makes this point very clear in his epistle to the Corinthians. “I delivered unto you,” he writes, “that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” “Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen; and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.... ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4, 12-20. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.8

It would have accomplished nothing for us that Jesus Christ should have died for our sins and been buried, if the work had stopped there. With that alone to look to, we would only be plunged deeper into the darkness and despair of our mortality. But the record does not end in the gloom of the sepulchre, but in the glory of triumph. Christ “was delivered for our offences,” but He “was raised again for our justification.” Romans 4:25. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.9

The resurrection was a most glorious demonstration, before all the universe, of the success of the plan of redemption. It was the crowning manifestation of the power of God in the flesh. It told Satan in unmistakable language that all his work must fail, and his kingdom come to an end. It was an unmistakable assurance of the power of God to put life and righteousness into one who was dead in sin. And what it was then, it is to-day. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.10

Jesus Christ was “declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” Romans 1:4. In the same way do we become the sons of God. We are begotten again, Peter tells us, “unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” 1 Peter 1:3, 23. And Paul said, that he counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, and had suffered the loss of all things, that he might “know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death;” if by any means he “might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” Philippians 3:8-11. And he also prayed for us, that the eyes of our understanding might be enlightened and we might know “What is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 1:18-20. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.11

In times past, before we believed the word of salvation, we walked “according to the prince of the power of the air, the Spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” But now it is said to us, “And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” For “God who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace ye are saved); and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:1-6. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 67.12

We can now say with Paul, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. “We are buried with Him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Romans 6:4, 5. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.1

And this resurrection from the dead is our assurance and the ground of our hope, because it is a triumphant demonstration of the power of God to give life and righteousness to one dead in trespasses and sins. Jesus Christ died as a sinner. “He was numbered with the transgressors.” God “made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:5, 6. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.2

Because our sin was put upon Him, He was cut off from the favour of God; and when upon the cross He cried out, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” it was no fanciful utterance. God had forsaken Him. He had hidden His face from Him. In that last dreadful hour spent in Gethsemane, Christ passed without the pale of the mercy and favour of God; and it was this that caused His sufferings. He felt what the wicked will feel at the last day when they, because of sin, experience the wrath of God. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.3

Christ went where men will never be compelled to go. We shall never have to experience the dreadful certainty that God has forsaken us. Christ stood in that place in order that we might never have to go there. If we are ever there, it will be entirely our own work PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.4

Satan had the power of death. Hebrews 2:14. And when Christ, as a sinner, passed into death, he hoped to be able to keep Him in his power. But his hopes were vain. God, by His glory, raised up Christ from the dead, and He came forth from the tomb a Conqueror, taking with Him the keys of death and hell. Revelation 1:18. That demonstrated the triumphant success of the plan of salvation,—that plan which is based on the power of God to give new life to the one who is dead in sins. The devil then knew that his work to defeat that plan had failed, and that his kingdom must come to an end. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.5

And therefore God can judge the world in righteousness by Jesus Christ. For we read that “He hath appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained, whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead.” Acts 17:31. What He did in Christ He can do in all; for Christ was made a man like ourselves. Hebrews 2:17. And therefore God can require all men to be righteous, and judge them by that standard. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.6

To-day, that word of power by which Christ was raised up from the dead, is sounding in the earth, and whosoever will hear and believe in it will know the power of His resurrection. “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead; and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in Himself,” and “as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom He will.” John 5:21, 24-26. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.7

“Religion and Business” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Religion and Business.-The idea of a distinction between religion and business is a great mistake. Every man is brought into the world for the purpose of serving God. That is his business. Time is given him in order that He may prepare for eternity. To do that is of far more importance than everything else. Men who make religion a matter merely of church relationship, do not know what Christianity is. Nowhere is true religion more productive of results upon unbelievers than in business. God never puts a person in any place, even for a moment, where he cannot serve Him. Religion is man’s business, always; “business,” in the worldly sense of the term, is only an incident. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.8

“Infidelity: Worshipping Self” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Suppose I say that I believe the word of God; but here is a text that I cannot believe. Yet this text is a part of what is declared to be the word of God. If I doubt this, how am I to determine that any other portion is the word of God? If reason determines it, I am simply worshipping the result of my own reason, and this is idolatry. Therefore if I do not believe that this is the word of God, do I really believe that any other word is the word of God? No; for it is all the same word. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.9

If I think I believe another portion, then it is only my reason in which I believe. I can understand one portion, and what I can understand I will believe. Is not that a denial of God? It is saying that there is no being in this universe greater than I am; that I will not believe anything greater than my comprehension! If I believe one portion because it looks reasonable, and doubt another because it doesn’t look reasonable, then reason is the god of my life, and I am sitting in judgment on God. I am virtually saying that there is nothing of God that is greater than my reason. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.10

Then my faith in the word of God is shown by my faith in any one text of that word. If I do not believe that word, I do not believe any of it. I may think I believe something else, but in that which I think I believe, I am simply putting myself in the place of God, and worshipping myself. I am putting my understanding in the place of God’s, and what I think is God is only myself. This is a fact. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.11

This sort of thing is very common in the world, among professors of Christianity. One believes a text because it looks reasonable, and he can understand it, but that other cannot see. And yet he thinks he is not an infidel. “See what a large portion I do believe:” and yet he cannot go beyond the range of his reason. That is to say that there is no God in the universe who can speak words beyond the range of his reason. His reason is held to be equal to God’s, and even above it; because he sits in judgment on what God says. This is putting self above God. So, let us state it again; when we thought we believed the Bible, and noted a portion of it, and thought we believed in God, who was the god we were really worshipping, thinking it was the true God? Only self. That is the Papacy, pure and simple. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 68.12

“Whom Shall We Hear?” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live.” John 5:24, 25. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.1

The voice which we are to hear is always the voice of the Son of God. Only that voice will give life; only they that hear that voice shall live. If man speaks, he is to be but the mouthpiece; the voice is to be God’s. “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.” 1 Peter 4:11. If anyone speaks with his own voice, him we are not to hear. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.2

Some of the Samaritans believed on Christ because of what was told them by the woman whom Christ met at the well. But “many more believed because of His own words; and said unto the woman, Now we believe; not because of thy saying, but we have heard Him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” Their faith rested on the true foundation,—Christ’s word. No belief that does not rest on this will be enduring. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.3

When many of Christ’s disciples turned from Him because they could not receive His sayings, and Jesus had asked the twelve if they also would go way, Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” There was none other than Christ who had the words of eternal life; there is none other now. And those who hear His words, believe and are sure that He is the Son of God. They have a knowledge that is possessed by none others. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.4

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.” John 10:27. When the true Shepherd “putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them, and the sheep follow Him; for they know His voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him; for they know not the voice of strangers.” Verses 4, 5. The true Shepherd “calleth His sheep by name.” This is how they know His voice. He speaks directly to them, to each one individually, and they know it. This is how we know the voice of the Son of God. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.5

And for that voice, and that only, we are to listen. Many voices are crying, many saying, “Lo here!” and “Lo there!” but the Shepherd’s voice is different from them all. That is the voice of One whom, when we hear it, we know to be acquainted with us,—with our past lives, and the motives and thoughts and perplexities of our individual hearts. He knows us by name; and if we will hear His voice He will make known unto us His name. And “His name, through faith in His name,” shall make us whole, as it did the cripple at the beautiful gate of the temple. Acts 3:16. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.6

“Paganism in Prayers” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

The folly of vindictive prayers is well shown in the following newspaper item:— PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.7

It has been customary on Christmas day for the priests in the churches of St. Petersburg, during the celebration of High Mass, to say a prayer anathematising the French for their invasion of Russia in 1812. This traditional prayer was, for the first time since that year, omitted this Christmas day by the direction of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, as a mark of the appreciation in which the French demonstrations were regarded in Russia. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.8

All these many years the priests have been commissioned by the State to pray the Lord to send destruction upon the French. But now the French have behaved so handsomely that they are to be let off. This is done in the name of the religion of Christ, and yet could anything be more utterly pagan than such prayers? The avowed pagan calls on all his gods to curse his enemy; but the gods of the heathen are like unto themselves. When men call on God to curse and destroy their enemies they make Him such an one as themselves. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.9

But the Lord says, “Bless them that curse you, and pray for”—not against—“them which despitefully use you.” This is Christianity, and nothing less than this is. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.10

Of a piece with this Russian custom, is the very common one of blessing gunboats, and saying prayers over the immense cannons which are designed to slaughter men by the score. Of course those who do these things are commissioned by the State authority to do them, and that is their business. But the Lord never commissions men save to preach His Gospel. The world talks of Christian nations, but there never will be Christian nations until the nations of the saved walk in the light of the city of God. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.11

It is easy to see the paganism in such prayers as the Russian priests have been praying, but have we ourselves been guiltless? The paganism consists in making God a creature, a servant to carry out the selfish desires. Have we not often come to Him as the disciples did with the request, “Master, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we desire”? We have desired the blessing of the Lord upon the way, but have pleaded with Him to bless our way. We would make the Lord our servant to grant us what we wanted. This is sheer paganism again. “Not my will but Thine be done” is the prayer of Christ. “Bend Thy will to my will,” was really at the bottom of many of our prayers. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.12

This brings us again to the truth that “there is no difference.” The pagan hewed his god out of a tree, fashioning it according to his ideas of a god. We have thought of God as in heaven, and yet have clothed Him with our own ideas, and while professing to know Him that He might live His own life in us in His own way. And the life of self that we have lived we have professed to be His life, making Him just what we are. When the Lord reveals Himself to us in His saving fulness we find that we have to repent even of our prayers. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.13

“Multiplication of Light” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Christ is the light of the world. Now, I can have all there is of the sunlight, and everyone else can have all there is too. From one gas jet or torch you may light a thousand other lights, and each one will be just as bright. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.14

So Christ can die and give the whole of His life to one man, and have just as much to give to you and me and everybody, because there is no diminishing of it. It increases, and never gets any less. Each one gets all there is of Christ. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.15

Each one of us can be crucified with Christ. He tasted death for every man. And yet each one gets the whole of His life; and still He has as much more. So He could give His life over and over again for each soul, and still be alive. This is the quality of eternal life; always giving and never diminishing; always shining and never becoming dimmed. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 69.16

“Present Tense Religion” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

“I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin because he is born of God.” “Whatsover is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith.” 1 John 3:9; 5:4. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.1

From these and many other texts that might be cited it is evident that the Christian religion is a religion of the present tense. In the Christian life, nothing counts for anything except that which is present. Whatever has been in the past is valuable only for its present influence and effect; and the same is true of that which is to come. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.2

To be born of God is to receive our life from Him, just as we receive life through birth from our earthly parents. But the new birth is a continuous process, and thus something that is ever present. It is the life from the Vine coming into us, the branches. John 15:1. Thus it is a continuous flow of life from God into us. “I am the Vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.” John 15:5. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.3

If religion were a thing of the past tense, we would be turning our eyes backward instead of forward; and if it belonged to the future tense, we would be always waiting for the appointed time. In either case there would be no growth. This is the great trouble with many who profess to be Christian; they look always either to the past or to the future. If to the past, they measure the possibilities of the Christian life by some past experience; or, having had some genuine experience in the past, they think it could not have been genuine because they afterwards fail; and then they become discouraged. And if to the future, they wait for a time that never comes, since they can only live in the present. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.4

Christianity in the present tense takes a person just where it finds him; and therefore none need wait or be discouraged. The Lord purposes to save men,—all men in the world who will let Him do it-and He cannot do this except by taking them just where there are, and just where they are at each succeeding moment of their lives. And therefore His purpose is to take you just where you are, not only now, but at each moment which will become “now” as soon as you reach it. If He cannot save men in this way, He cannot save them at all. But He has assured us that He is able to save all, to the very uttermost, that will look unto Him. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.5

And therefore the only thing to do is simply to look to Him now and believe now, without reference to the past failures or future hopes. The only starting point in the Christian life is “now;” the only point attainable is “now.” To live now is not to wish or resolve or anticipate now, but to believe and take. It is looking to Christ now. It is when we forget to live in the present moment by looking at that moment to Jesus Christ for grace and strength,—by taking Him at the present moment as God’s gift to us-that we fail. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.6

“Spiritual Worship” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

True worship is always spiritual. “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.7

Men, however, are prone to lose sight of the spiritual nature of worship and retain only the letter; the form, without the life. With men, the mere letter is of much value. With it they can satisfy their neighbours, and very often their own hearts, as regards their Christian attainments. But it is of no value in the sight of God. No forms and ceremonies, in themselves, have any value whatever. To worship God in the letter only, without the Spirit, is more offensive to God than not to worship at all. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.8

Without the Spirit the worship of God becomes perverted, so that God and the real nature of His requirements are not discerned. Perverted worship is not the worship of God, but of something else. He who worships God must know God; otherwise he cannot give honour and glory to Him, for He will not know in what His honour and glory consist. Paul tells us that “the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God.” 1 Corinthians 10:20. They do not intentionally sacrifice to devils; but not knowing God (for he who knows not God is a Gentile and a heathen), the devil puts himself in the place of God in their minds, and they do not know the difference. He does not, of course, present himself in the traditional hoofs, horns, tail, and other diabolical features with which popular theology has clothed him. He knows better than that. He presents himself as an angel light. 2 Corinthians 11:14. His character is not shown by his appearance, but by his words and actions. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.9


Among the more ignorant heathen, prayers are commonly offered to the deity for success in stealing or murdering or for some other design which enlightened people recognise as intrinsically wrong. It is the devil which prompts such design; yet the prayers are supposed to be offered to God. This is how the devil puts himself in the place of God, so that the worship which belongs to God, and is supposedly rendered to Him, is given to himself. The conception which the heathen have of God is nothing else than a conception of the devil; hence their worship cannot but be the worship of the devil. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.10

And this is just as true of the enlightened and civilised heathen as of those who are ignorant, only the example of the latter is a little better for illustration. For whoever does not know God (and no one has, however “enlightened” and “civilised” can know Him but he to whom the Son reveals Him, Matthew 11:27), makes God such an one as themselves; he clothes Him with the attributes of humanity. He must do so, because naturally, he has no higher conception in his mind. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.11

God says His ways are as much higher than man’s ways as the heavens are higher than the earth. Isaiah 55:9. Therefore no man can possibly know God’s ways and His thoughts by his own wisdom. He can know them only by revelation. And until he knows them by revelation, he attributes to God such actions as he himself would do and such motives as he himself would have were it left to him to deal with the world and with sinners. But a man’s own natural attributes are the attributes of the devil; for they were acquired, as the devil acquired his, by sinning against God. Through Adam, every man is by nature evil. And therefore when a man clothes the being whom he worships with his own attributes,—with envy, pride, spite, revenge, and all or any of those which make up the sum of human nature,—he simply clothes Him with the attributes of the devil and worships the devil in the place of God. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 70.12

And this is what everyone does whose worship is of the letter without the spirit, for no one, without the Spirit, can know God. The Spirit searcheth all things, even the deep things of God, and reveals them unto us, so that we may have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:10, 16. Knowing God, we can worship Him intelligently; we can do that which meets His mind, and which meets the requirements of the case; and only thus can our worship contribute to His honour and glory. To worship Him without knowing Him (if such acts could be called worship) would be like an African bushman offering himself as assistant to an astronomer. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.1

The Jews knew not God, and therefore their worship degenerated into the mere letter of worship, which was nothing more than an attempt to observe the commandments of God in the wisdom of man. It was not the true letter of the commandments, for that cannot exist alone, but is quickly perverted when the Spirit is lacking. So the Jews had perverted and added many things to the letter of the commandments—“grievous burdens,” as our Saviour called them—and the history that is given us of their deeds and their words in the days of our Saviour afford some striking illustrations of the truth we are here considering. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.2


For example, consider the case of the impotent man whom Christ healed at the pool of Bethesda. He had had an infirmity thirty and eight years, and when the Saviour found him he was lying beside the pool waiting for the angel to trouble the waters. “When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?” And when the impotent man had stated his case to the Saviour, Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” “And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed and walked; and on the same day was the Sabbath.” John 5:6-10. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.3

“The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the Sabbath day; it is unlawful for thee to carry thy bed.” They were outwardly strict observers of the Sabbath; but it was all mere form and ceremony. Of observance in the spirit and in truth they knew nothing. To their assertions the man who had been healed replied, “He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed and walk.” Such an answer should have been satisfactory to any one of sufficient intelligence to comprehend that something more than human power had been exercised in his miraculous restoration; but it was not so to the Jews. They had entirely lost sight of the real nature of the Sabbath and the object of Sabbath observance. They were not observing it to the glory of God; and therefore notwithstanding all their professions and outward show, they were not observing it at all. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.4

Had they been worshipping God in spirit and in truth,—had they known God and what He requires and what constitutes His glory,—they would have seen that the course of the restored invalid was in strict harmony with the true spirit of Sabbath observance. They would have understood that the object of Christ’s miracle and the object of the Sabbath are one and the same; namely, to call attention to the true God, who alone has creative power to manifest in bringing into existence a world with all its various forms of life, or in restoring to strength a man who has lain helpless for thirty and eight years. By taking up his bed and walking, the attention of all would be signaling a call to the power which had wrought so mighty a change, and thus God would be glorified and the real purpose of Sabbath observance would be fulfilled. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.5

All man’s worship amounts to nothing if its end be not the glory of God; and the end cannot be the glory of God if the worshipper does not know God and what is required to honour Him. God is a God of mercy, and has said, “I will have mercy and not sacrifice;” and Jesus said to the Jews that had they known what these words meant, they would not have condemned the guiltless. Matthew 12:7. Had they believed the words which God spoke to Moses when He passed by before him and proclaimed His name on Mount Sinai, they would not have lost sight of the good done to the impotent man in his seeming violation of the strict letter of the Sabbath law. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.6

And this truth has a practical application in our own day. No one, however learned and great, can know God except the one to whom Christ will reveal Him; and no one who knows not God can worship Him in Spirit and in truth. And he who does not so worship Him will not keep the law of God, and will condemn the one who does keep it. Jewish history in the days of Jesus of Nazareth will repeat itself-is already doing so-in our own time. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.7

Christ has revealed the Father to the world, and all may know Him sincerely desire to know Him and do His will. God has no favourites; He gives equal privileges to all. God has spoken to the world by His Son Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:2), and whosoever will believe His words and take the Spirit that is freely given to guide us into all truth, will have understanding to worship God aright. By the word of God we are born again, and passed from the natural man, which discerneth not the things of God, to the new man, and become capable of spiritual discernment. The word is the Bible. Therefore let us diligently search it and receive it into our hearts in faith, that we may be made wise unto salvation. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.8

“‘I Want to Be the Lord’s’” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

You do not want to be the Lord’s unless you are the Lord’s, for the Lord wants you to be His so much that He gave Himself for you; and the only thing that ever kept you from Him was your unwillingness. “I want to serve the Lord.” You do not want to serve Him unless you are serving Him. “To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, His servants ye are.” Romans 6:16. The enemy is simply deceiving you. Satan has deceived multitudes of souls, and is still deceiving, making them satisfied with the want to live the Christian life instead of the Christian life. People have thought, If we can only want and keep wanting, and let the Lord and the people know that we want everything that is good, want the Lord to dwell with us, and want to serve Him, what more could be asked than that? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.9

There is a good deal more we could ask for. I am hungry; I want something to eat. What more could you ask? Food is better than that. Eating is a good deal more satisfactory than wanting to eat. To want to eat is dissatisfaction. When a man is hungry and wants to eat, there is nothing in the world that will satisfy him but something to eat. The man who is always wanting to serve the Lord, will be “found wanting” at last. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.10

The Lord says there is no want to them that fear Him, for He supplies the want. “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” Satan is round about us seeking to destroy us. Yes; and the enemy has dominion in ourselves, in the evil that is in our hearts. Yet the Lord prepares the table before us. That presents a picture of wonderful confidence in God. The enemy is raging around us, while we sit down to eat with the Lord, and have a good feast. The Lord has provided the table, and says we are to eat. “Yes, Lord, but here is the enemy coming.” “Never mind; eat.” What is the food that is prepared in the presence of the enemy? “As the living Father hath sent Me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth Me, even he shall live by Me.” John 6:57. Eat Him. Take Him into the inmost being, and there is life. Then He gives the victory. He is the victory. He is our strength. He satisfies the desire of every living thing. “My God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory.” Philippians 4:19. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 71.11

“Christ’s Identity with the Sinner” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

It is the sinner who can say, “Christ liveth in me.” If a man could not say it while yet a sinner he never could say it. Christ comes to him and says, “I identify Myself with you, as having committed that sin. We are sinners together. I go with you to the depths of sin.” He does not ask us to come up a little way; but He comes right down to identify Himself with our sin. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 72.1

But He took it that He might destroy it. We are crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed. We simply have to decide whether we will have the sin destroyed. If I am willing to have the sin destroyed, and believe Christ, then I am crucified with Christ, because He is the sin destroyer. He takes all the sin upon Himself, and swallows it up by the power of an endless life. He swallows up death in victory, and sin in His righteousness. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 72.2

So He comes to me in the sin, and says, “I am with you in that.” Just as soon as I am willing to say I want this sin destroyed, as soon as I cry out as Paul did in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” I can say as he did in the next verse, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 72.3

The sinless One is willing to be counted a sinner. “He was reckoned among the transgressors.” When we know more of that grace of Christ, who, although He knew that He was holy and righteous, and knew that He came from God and went to God; knew there was no guile in Him, and that He always did the will of His Father in heaven, and yet was willing to be made of no reputation, and was willing to suffer the shame and be counted as a sinner, and have laid upon Him the iniquity of us all, it will be easier for us to suffer reproach wrongfully and take it patiently. In fact, that is the only way we can be able to “endure grief, suffering wrongfully.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 72.4

“Second-hand Smoke” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

A contemporary calls attention to the likelihood of the infants of the poor being poisoned by having to inhale an atmosphere saturated with tobacco smoke. While the limited accommodation at their disposal, it is quite conceivable that men after coming home from work, and in the early morning, poison the air of the room in which the family live. A correspondent gone so far as to say, indeed, that he has met with many such cases, the correctness of his diagnosis being proved by the recovery of the infants when the cause was suppressed. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 74.1

“The Secret of a Happy Home” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

A home is composed of individuals, and a happy home is composed of happy individuals. Whatever, therefore, will bring happiness into the heart of each one of its inmates will bring happiness into the home. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.1

The Lord reveals the secret to us in Psalm 146:5. He says, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.2

David declares that he found this to be true, for he says, “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and My glory rejoiceth.” Psalm 16:8, 9. “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy.” Psalm 16:11. He says also that God is his “exceeding joy.” Psalm 43:4. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.3

Paul tells us in Romans 14:17 that the “kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Again in the fifteenth chapter and thirteenth verse he says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.4

Peter adds his testimony in these words concerning Christ: “Whom having not seen, ye love, in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 1 Peter 1:8. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.5

And Luke says that Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them, and the people with one accord gave heed to the words. “And there was great joy in that city.” Acts 8:5-8. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.6

Jesus Christ, then, received into the heart by faith brings into that heart “happiness,” “gladness,” “great joy,” “all joy and peace,” and “joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Is that in each heart not enough to make any home happy? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.7

But why does God’s presence in our hearts bring such joy? Because “God is love” (1 John 4:16), and the fruits of His Spirit are “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.8

Without the Spirit of God in our hearts it is utterly impossible for us to have a happy home, for the best fruits or works of our flesh are “adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.9

With God all things are possible. The most unlikely, gloomy, wretched, sinful home, may be filled with love, joy, peace, light, and righteousness, by letting Jesus in. His light will drive out all darkness, His love will drive out all hate, His peace will drive out all clamour, His joy will drive out all sadness, and His righteousness all sin. In short, the fruits of His Spirit will take the place of all the works of the flesh. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.10

The inmates of that home may thus become accustomed to the atmosphere of heaven, and be prepared to live at last in all the purity and glory of Eden restored. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.11

Oh, shall we not let Him in? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 76.12

“A Happy Home” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

“If a man love Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him and make Our abode with him.” John 14:28. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.1

Have you not sometimes wondered who gave the names to all the birds and animals? Your Bible tells, in the second chapter and nineteenth and twentieth verses. It says that on the sixth day God brought all the birds and animals to Adam, the man whom He had made, to see what he would call them; “and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” But among all the creatures that passed before Adam, none were equal to him or fitted to be his companion. Without someone who could talk and sympathise with him and who could enjoy things with him, all the beauties of a perfect home could not keep him from feeling lonely, or make him perfectly happy. God did not think it best for him to live alone (Genesis 1 and 18), and so He “caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;” and out of the rib He made a woman and brought her to Adam for his companion. Genesis 2:21-24. Adam could not help loving her, for she was part of his own flesh; and Adam called his wife’s name Eve. Genesis 3:20. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.2

Yet one thing more God gave them as a token of His special love and care,—the most beautiful home that man ever looked upon, prepared by the hand of God Himself. They needed no stone walls or thick roof to protect them from the cold and storm, for it never rained then (Genesis 2:6), and the climate was warm and pleasant; God, therefore, did not give them a palace for their home. The blue sky was its roof; the earth, with its velvety carpet of flowers and grass, was its floor; and the leafy branches of the trees were the arched ceilings of its lofty rooms. Its walls of shrubs and trees were hung with clinging vines, the music of fountains and birds floated through the air, and the sun was its lamp by day, and the moon and the stars by night. In it grew “every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food;” flowers of every form and colour, and “lovely vines drooping under their load of tempting fruit.” The most beautiful of all the trees stood in the centre of the garden home and was called the Tree of Life, because it had the power of keeping people alive as long as they ate of its fruit. “The lion and the lamb sported peacefully around Adam and Eve, or lay down together at their feet, and the happy birds flitted about them without fear.” What a beautiful home! PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.3

But it was not only a beautiful home, it was a happy home. Beautiful things alone do not bring happiness. The reason that their home was so happy was because there was no sin there; they loved and obeyed God, and loved each other. No cloud of sin separated them from God. They were visited by the Creator Himself, and by His shining angels. You remember that He is surrounded in light too glorious for us to look upon, and that angels are as bright as lightning. How it must have lighted up the place! PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.4

Adam and Eve did not wear clothing as we do, but “were clothed with a covering of light and glory such as the angels were.” Their work was to dress and keep the garden and train the vines into arbours of beauty. Genesis 2:15. Their study was of God’s power and wisdom and goodness, as shown in the wonderful things that He had made. Their songs were hymns of praise to the Giver of all their joys. There drink was of the crystal waters, and there meat the fruits and grains. Genesis 1:29. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.5

God gave them the whole earth in all its beauty with everything upon it-all but just one tree called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, near the Tree of Life, in the midst of the garden. They were to show their love and faith and obedience to God by not eating of this tree. Would you not think that they would rejoice to have this opportunity to show their love for the One who had done so much for them? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.6

1. What animals have you seen? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.7

2. Who gave names to all the birds and beasts and creeping things? Genesis 2:19, 20. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.8

3. When did he do it?—On the sixth day. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.9

4. Could any of them talk with Adam and think and understand it as he could?—No; even the parrot and other birds that can be taught to talk, do it very poorly and only repeat what someone has said; they do not understand what they say, as man does. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.10

5. Then were any of them fitted to be his companion? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.11

6. Did God think it good for man to be alone? Why not? Genesis 2:18. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.12

7. Whom did He create and give to Adam for his companion? Genesis 2:21-23. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.13

8. Out of what was she formed? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.14

9. Was Adam pleased with her? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.15

10. What name did he give to her? Genesis 3:20. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.16

11. Then who were the first man and first woman that ever lived upon this earth? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.17

12. What did God give them? Genesis 1:28. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.18

13. Besides giving them all these things, how did God show them His special love and care? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.19

14. Where did God plant a garden?—In Eden. Genesis 2:8. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.20

15. Because it was in Eden what is it called?—The Garden of Eden. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.21

16. Name a few of the beautiful things in their Eden home. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.22

17. Which was the most beautiful of all the trees? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.23

18. What strange thing did it have power to do? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.24

19. Do beautiful things alone make people happy? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.25

20. Why were Adam and Eve so happy in their new home? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.26

21. How may we be happy in our homes? Psalm 146:5; John 14:23. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.27

22. Did Adam and his wife ever have any visitors? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.28

23. Who? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.29

24. Did this add anything to the light and joy of their home? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.30

25. Is it possible for us to have these heavenly visitors in our homes?—Yes; we may not see them, but we have the promise that Jesus will abide with us and angels encamp around us if we love God and do as He says in His Word. John 14:23; Psalm 34:7. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.31

26. If Jesus and angels live with us, what kind of homes are we sure to have?—Happy homes. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.32

27. What kind of clothing did Adam and Eve wear? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.33

28. Did they have any work to do? What? Genesis 2:15. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.34

29. Then if God thought it best for them to work, should we ever dislike to work? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.35

30. What do idle hands learn to do?—Wicked things that grieve God and destroy us. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.36

31. About what did they study? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 78.1

32. What kind of songs did they sing? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.1

33. What did they drink? PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.2

34. What did they eat? Genesis 1:29. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.3

35. In what special way were they to show their love and obedience to God? Genesis 2:16, 17. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.4

“Blood” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Blood is to your body what sap is to the plant. It is the common building material of the body. Hair, teeth, gums, nails, bones, and all the different parts of the body, are made and kept in repair by the red fluid, called blood. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.5

The blood is made from the food you eat. “There are little mouths in your stomach that suck in the nourishing part of the food that you eat, as the mouths in the root suck up the nourishing part of the earth.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.6

How important, then, that we should eat and drink only those things that will make good blood. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.7

“Interesting Items” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

-The Russian Government is taking steps to push forward the construction of railways in Central Asia. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.8

-Horseflesh as an article of food is triumphing over prejudice in Paris. Last year over 20,000 horses were devoured. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.9

-Cholera has broken out at Namur, a town southeast of Brussels. Thirty-four cases are reported, with twenty-two deaths. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.10

-Sir H. Ponsonby Fane, who has been the Queen’s private Secretary since 1878, it in failing health, being now in his 69th year. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.11

-According to despatches received in Rome, the war indemnity to be paid by Morocco to Spain on account of the Melilla affair will be 20,000,000f. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.12

-According to advices received In San Francisco from Samoa, dated the 8rd inst., the natives of Aiwa have rebelled and proclaimed Tarnasese king. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.13

-Turin University has been closed in consequence of the disorderly conduct of the students, who are protesting against the refusal of the authorities to hold an extraordinary term for examinations. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.14

-A chemist at New York has discovered an antidote for morphine poisoning in permanganate of potassium. A number of tests made with the antidote are said to have proved its efficacy beyond a doubt. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.15

-The directors of the Church Missionary Society have decided to reinforce and extend their mission in Matabeleland without delay, as soon, it is said, as “the circumstances of the country permit of the active resumption of missionary work.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.16

-The London School Board is engaged in debating the question of religious instruction in Board Schools. On the motion of Canon Bristow, it was resolved to add the word “Christian” to the religious instruction given in the schools. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.17

-An electric engine has been tried on the railway between Havre and Paris. It was attached to a train of thirteen carriages, and attained a speed of seventy-five miles an hour. The experiment is considered by engineers as a very satisfactory one. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.18

-A Rome telegram announces that M. Casimir Perier has paid to Signor Ressmann, the Italian Ambassador in Paris, the sum of 420,000f., the amount of the indemnity granted by France to the relatives of the Italians killed during the rioting at Aigues Mortes. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.19

-Prince Bismarck and Emperor William have at last become “reconciled,” much to the satisfaction of the people in Berlin and throughout Germany. The result is due to overtures from the Emperor, sent to the ex-Chancellor to a nephew of the late Von Moltke. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.20

-A telegram from Orenberg reports a terrible railway collision not far from Samara between a passenger train and a goods train. Five trucks laden with petroleum caught fire, and the flames at once spread to the wrecked carriages of the passenger train. Fifteen persons perished. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.21

-The allied Honduras revolutionists and Nicaraguans have experienced a reverse at Tegucigalpa by the Honduras Government forces, but the latter are not expected to maintain the struggle much longer. General Machado will, it is reported, be proclaimed president of Honduras by the citizens. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.22

-The Russian Volunteer Fleet, which receives an annual subsidy of 600,000 roubles from the Government, for maintaining constant communication between the Black Sea ports and Vladivostock, is to be gradually increased by six large steamers, which can be used either as cruisers or as transports. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.23

-The resignation of Dr. Talmage from the pastorate of the Brooklyn Tabernacle is announced to take place on March 22 next. No reason is assigned by Mr. Talmage, except his conviction that he has been connected with one church long enough. It is, however, rumoured that the Church finances are in a bad condition. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.24

-A telegram from St. Louis, Senegal, published by the Journal des Débats, announces that a French column has entered Timbuctoo without firing a shot. The Temps says, “This capture completes the military conquest of the Soudan.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.25

-King Lobengula is reported to be advancing south from his late position on the Zambasia, with the intent of surrendering himself upon the assurance of good treatment said to have been made in an agreement between Mr. Rhodes and Sir H. Loch, He will not be deported from the country except with his own “consent.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.26

-Admiral Dr Mello has been deposed from his position as leader of the Brazilian insurgents, owing to his failure to bring troops from the south to aid the movements of the fleet by operations on land, and is said to be now on board the insurgent vessel Republica as a non-combatant. The insurgents are suffering from scarcity of provisions. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.27

-The Russian Minister of the Interior has sanctioned the publication of an important new journal, which is to enjoy the especial privilege of exemption from examination by the censorship prior to publication. It is to be devoted to politics and literature. In the new paper, the old title of the Golos is to be revived. It is to be called the Russki Golos (Voice of Russia). PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.28

-Negotiations are in progress between the United States and the British Government respecting the amount of damage which the former shall pay to the Canadian sealers in conformity with the Behring Sea Award. The Canadian claims are stated to amount to ?180,000 or there abouts, but it is expected that the matter will be compromised by the payment of ?100,000. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.29

-London’s death rate in 1892 was close upon 22 per 1,000 of the population, as compared with under 21? per 1,000 in the previous year. Bronchitis is the greatest enemy of Londoners, slaughtering its 10,000 every year, and generally a thousand or two more. Consumption takes its 8,000 victims, and pneumonia has never had less than 6,000 since 1889. Influenza, which had only three victims in 1888, and five in 1889, now claims over 2,000 a year. Cancer carries off more than 3,000. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.30

-Cold of unprecedented severity is reported from Kursk, a town about 300 miles to the South of Moscow, the mercury having fallen so low as 36deg. below zero (Fahrenheit). Fires have had to be lit in the streets in order that the passers-by may obtain some warmth. Many persons have succumbed to the cold of have been severely frost-bitten, and wolves in packs are committing ravages among the cattle. In contrast to this rigorous temperature, St. Petersburg is enjoying weather of autumnal mildness. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.31

-The Russian Minister of Public Worship, M. Pobiodonostseff, in answer to inquiries from the educational authorities of the southern provinces as to what course should be pursued when the children of Stundists attending the national schools refuse to attend the instruction in religion, and to cross themselves before the icons, has just replied that Stundist children must be made to observe rigorously all Orthodox religious observances practised in the school, and that non-compliance must be punished with immediate expulsion from the schools. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.32

-Renewed offers of hospitality have been made through the Papal Nuncios by several European Governments to the Pope in case the situation in Italy becomes dangerous to the personal safety of the Sovereign Pontiff. The chief of these is by Spain, although the offer of Miramar by Austria still remains open. The reply of Leo XIII. would indicate that the Pope has no intention of leaving the Vatican during any civil commotion affecting Italy only. But in case of war with another country the pontiff would conceive it to be his duty to seek some asylum where the independence of his “See” could be maintained. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.33

-The following statement is made by the Hong Kong Correspondent of the Times as to England’s naval strength in Eastern waters. He says that the force consists of nineteen warships, together of 39,000 tons, carrying 135 large guns, Including those of four-inch calibre, and 150 smaller guns. The total crown consist of 3,000 men, against the combined French and Russian squadrons of twenty-one warships of equal tonnage, carrying 153 large guns and 147 smaller guns, 4,000 men, with sixteen torpedo boats, and volunteeer cruisers besides. This startling comparison proves, he says, that, without more men and ships there, Great Britian is exposing wilfully her immense Eastern interests to great danger. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 77.34

“How to Study the Bible” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

How to Study the Bible.-Just believe in it. “We know that the Son of God is come.” Believe it. Stop on that until you know it-know that He is coming to you; and know it, not because it is generally talked about and generally accepted as a fact, but because it is an experience to you. No one who does not know that the Son of God is come to him individually can know that He came eighteen hundred years ago. “We know that the Son of God is come.” There is light in that one statement that will explain and make light the whole Bible. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.1

“He Knows All” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

He Knows All.-When God created the world, it was with a word. “He spake, and it was; He commanded, and it stood fast.” That word brought everything into existence in its perfection. Therefore we know that before He spoke, God had everything in His mind, even to the smallest detail. As the architect has a complete plan of the house in mind before he begins to build, so God could see the smallest detail, before the word was uttered. When we realise this, it is not difficult to believe that God now knows and cares for the smallest things. He had them in mind before they were created, and it is not difficult for Him to keep them in mind. Nothing is so small as to escape His notice, and it is no trouble at all for Him to attend to it. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.2

“The Wrong Man” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

The Wrong Man.-It will be worth all the world to me if when the time of reckoning comes the avenger cannot find me. The accuser of the brethren comes every day, and here we are before the Judge. “We have come,” says the apostle, “to God the Judge of all.” The accuser says I am a liar and deceitful, have borne false witness, and have done everything that is evil. This is what you are, he says. Now it would be worth more to me than all the gold that could be piled in the Bank of England, and ten thousand times that, if I could say, “You are mistaken. The one who did all those things is dead, and you are too late. Another man lives here now. Christ liveth in this house. You may bring against Him all the charges you please, for He is able to settle with you for them; but the one you are charging is dead, and you have no case at all.” In order to be able to say that, I must be willing that the Lord should take my life, and all that pertains to it. It will be like taking my life, for my life has been made up of sin. So in the midst of sin and temptation I say, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.3

“Trusting in Man” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Trusting in Man.-The Chronicle, referring to the case of Mr. Jabez Balfour, who figured prominently in the recent “Liberator” scheme and is now wanted in England for obtaining money under false pretences, says that “it is now probable that a man may be in this Christian land not only highly respectable, but an apparent pillar of the church, and yet may be grasping all the time at that, the love of which his Bible tells him is the ‘root of all evil.’” PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.4

If people would only read their Bibles, they would understand that a high position in the church and a high profession do not make any person a Christian. Christianity is a life, and not a profession or a position of influence among men. By trusting in the representations of Mr. Balfour and his partners in crime, many people lost their money; but a far worse fate awaits the deluded ones who hang their spiritual welfare upon the representations of bishop or prebendary or vicar or some other apparent “pillar in the church,” without studying for themselves the word of God. Less confidence in men and more confidence in the word is the most import lesson of the hour. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.5

“Experience as Memory” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

Experience as Memory.-No person ever has to make an effort to recall the incidence of a railway or other accident in which he narrowly escaped death; they do not have to set down in a note book the incidents of their wedding day, or of the birth of their children, or of the death of a dear friend, and con them over frequently lest they should forget them. No matter how much they may be troubled with “a poor memory,” they can give all the details of such events without any effort. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.6

Why is this?—It is because these are matters of experience. These things are a part of their lives; they cannot forget them, because they have lived them. Even so it is with the truths of the Bible. No one can ever forget the words of Scripture that he has made a part of his life. If he has experienced the truth, he will not have to cudgel his brains and spur up his memory, in order to be able to present it to some other person. He will simply be telling, in the words of the Bible, a portion of his own life history. Such presentation of truth will be with power. If you would remember truth, leave it with the heart unto salvation. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.7

“Examining Ourselves” The Present Truth 10, 5.


E. J. Waggoner

We are to examine ourselves, whether we be in the faith. It is not to find out what is in the heart, because no man on earth can find out what is in the heart. The man who starts out to do that is going to be terribly deceived; for “the heart is deceitful above all things,” and it will deceive him every time. But the Lord says, “I the Lord search the heart.” He makes known to every man the fruit of his ways, and we want to have confidence enough in Him to let Him do the searching of the heart. When we find out that we are in the faith, we shall not be afraid to trust the Lord to search the heart and make known the sin. If we be in the faith we know that Christ died for sinners, in order that they might be separated from sin. Therefore He is more interested in having us know the sins, so as to give them up to Him, than we are to know them. It is not an unheard of thing, by any means, to find professed Christians who do not know that the Lord loves them when in sin; and so they are always afraid of the Lord, from a sense of their sinfulness. Are you in the faith? If so, you will accept the knowledge of sin as a result of the revelation of the righteousness which will take away that sin, and rejoice in the Lord. PTUK February 1, 1894, page 80.8