The Nature and Tendency of Modern Spiritualism



5 cents each. Our Faith and Hope. Justification by Faith. Milton on the State of the Dead. An Explanation of the Prophetic Symbols of the Bible (Illustrated). NTMS 186.3

4 cents each. Redemption, The Second Advent. The Sufferings of Christ. The Present Truth. Origin and Progress of S. D. Adventists. Ten Commandments not abolished Address to the Baptists. The Two Thrones, Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion. Samuel and the Witch of Endor, The Third Message of Revelation 14. Scripture References. Tithes and Offerings. Seventh Part of Time. NTMS 186.4

3 cents each. Second Message of Revelation 14. End of the Wicked. Lost-Time Question. Seventh-day Adventists and Seventh-day Baptists, Signs of the Times. Who Changed the Sabbath? The Spirit of Prophecy. The Millennium. Sabbaton. NTMS 186.5

2 cents each. Christ in the Old Testament. The Sabbath in the New Testament. The Old Moral Code not Revised. The Sanctuary of the Bible. The Judgment. Much in Little. The Two Laws. Seven Reasons. The Definite Seventh Day. Departing and Being with Christ. The Rich Man and Lazarus. Elihu on the Sabbath. First Message of Revelation 14. The Law and the Gospel. God’s Memorial. The Sabbath made for, Man. NTMS 186.6

1 cent each. The Coming of the Lord. Perfection of the Ten Commandments. Without Excuse, Thoughts for the Candid, Which Day and Why? Can we Know: or, Can the Prophecies be Understood? Is the End Near? Is Man Immortal? The Sleep of the Dead. The Sinner’s Fate, The Law of God. What the Gospel Abrogated, One Hundred Bible Facts about the Sabbath. Sunday not the Sabbath. “The Christian Sabbath.” Why not Found out Before? A sign of the Day of God. NTMS 186.7