The Early Life and Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates


Life of Bates

Chapter 1

Parentage — Birth — Residence — First Foreign Voyage — Hurl Gate — London Water for Sailors — Mr. Lloyd’s Story — Mr. Moore and his Book — Sea Journal — Overboard — Shark.

MY honored father and his forefathers were for many years residents in the town of Wareham, Plymouth County, State of Massachusetts. My mother was the daughter of Mr. Barnabas Nye, of the town of Sandwich, Barnstable County, both towns but a few hours’ ride from the noted landing-place of the Pilgrim Fathers. LELJB 17.1

My father was a volunteer in the Revolutionary War, and continued in the service of his country during its seven years’ struggle. When Gen. Lafayette revisited the United States in 1825, among the many who were pressing to shake hands with him at his reception rooms in the city of Boston was my father. As he approached, the General recognized him, and grasped his hand, saying, “How do you do, my old friend, Captain Bates?” “Do you remember him?” was asked. His answer was something like the following: “Certainly; he was under my immediate command in the American army.” LELJB 17.2

After the war, my father married and settled in Rochester, an adjoining town, in Plymouth County, where I was born, July 8, 1792. In the early part of 1793 we moved to New Bedford, some seven miles distant, where my father entered into commercial business. LELJB 17.3

During the war with England, in 1812, the town of New Bedford was divided, and the eastern part was called Fairhaven. This was ever afterward my place of residence until I moved my family to Michigan, in May, 1858. LELJB 18.1

In my school-boy days my most ardent desire was to become a sailor. I used to think how gratified I should be if I could only get on board a ship that was going on a voyage of discovery round the world. I wanted to see how it looked on the opposite side. Whenever I thought of asking my father’s consent to let me go to sea, my courage failed me for fear he would say, No. When I would endeavor to unburden my mind to my mother she would try to dissuade me, and recommend some other occupation, till at last I was permitted to go a short trip with my uncle to Boston, etc., to cure me; but this had the opposite effect. They then complied with my wishes. LELJB 18.2

A new ship called the Fanny, of New Bedford, Elias Terry, commander, was about to sail for Europe, and he agreed with my father to take me on the voyage as cabin boy. LELJB 18.3

In June, 1807, we sailed from New Bedford to take our cargo on board at New York City, for London, England. On our passage to New York City we sailed by the way of Long Island Sound. In this route, several miles from the city, is a very narrow and dangerous passage, bounded with rocks on the right, and a rock-bound shore on the left, called “Hurl Gate.” What makes it so dangerous is the great rush of water that passes through this narrow channel. As the tide ebbs and flows each way, it rushes with such impetuosity that few dare venture to sail through against it without a strong, steady wind in their favor. For want of watchfulness and care, many vessels have been whirled from their course by this rushing foam and hurled against the rocks, wrecked and lost in a few moments of time. Sailors call it “Hell Gate.” LELJB 18.4

As our gallant ship was bringing us in sight of this dreadful place, the pilot took the helm, and requested the captain to call all hands on deck. He then stationed us in various parts of the ship, for the purpose of managing the sails in case of an emergency, according to his judgment. He then requested us to remain silent while passing this dangerous gateway, that we might the better understand his orders. In this way, every man and boy at his post, with eyes silently fixed on the pilot, waiting his orders, our good ship winged her way through the hurling foam, and passed on safely to her anchorage before the city. LELJB 19.1

The experienced and thorough knowledge of our pilot, in guiding our gallant ship safely through that dangerous gateway, with the stillness and breathless attention of her crew, were stamped deeply in my mind. Promptness and exertion in perilous times on the ocean, has, with the blessing of God, saved thousands of souls from a watery grave. LELJB 19.2

Our good ship was deeply laden with choice wheat, in bulk, even into her hatchways. It was feared that she would sink under her heavy burden. On the eve of our departure, Mr. S. Eldridge, then our chief mate, was coming on board the ship in the dark night with a lighted lantern in his hand, when he fell from the plank into the river, between the ship and the wharf, where the tide was running from three to five miles an hour. Mr. Adams threw a coil of rope under the wharf at a venture; fortunately he caught it, and after some struggle he was hauled up on the ship’s deck. When he began to breathe freely, he lamented the loss of the new lantern. Said Mr. A., “Why, you have got it in your hand.” If it had been a cannon ball it would most likely have carried him to the bottom, for drowning persons hold on with a deadly grasp to whatever is in their hands. LELJB 19.3

We had a pleasant run across the Atlantic Ocean. In our passage up the British Channel, between France and England, we discovered a number of kegs floating on the top of the sea. The maintop-sail was laid to mast, and a boat lowered with a crew, which soon returned to the ship deeply laden with gin and brandy. The duties on such articles are so high, from France to England, that smugglers can afford to lose a whole cargo sometimes, and yet make their business profitable. But if they are caught by their revenue cutters, or war ships, while thus defrauding their government in her revenue laws, the penalty about ruins them for life. They sling and fasten them with ropes and buoys, so that by diligently hunting for them, they find them again after their pursuers are out of sight. LELJB 20.1

On our safe arrival in the London dock, the English officers who came to inspect our cargo, on opening the hatches, expressed their surprise to see the clean and dry wheat, up into the hatchway, as fresh as when we left New York. When we hauled out of the dock into the river Thames, and commenced filling our water casks for our homeward voyage with the river water that was passing us, finding its way to the great ocean, I thought, how could a person drink such filthy water. Streaks of green, yellow, and red muddy water, mixed up with the filth of thousands of shipping, and the scum and filth of a great portion of the city of London. After a few days it becomes settled and clear, unless it is stirred up from the bottom of the water casks. Some four years after this, I being then an impressed seaman in the British service attached to the Rodney, 74 gun ship, in the Mediterranean Sea, as we were emptying out our old stock of fresh water, we found the ground tier full of the same river water from the Thames, only a little further down from London, which had been bunged up tight for about two years. On starting the bung and applying our lighted candle, it would blaze up a foot high, like the burning of strong brandy. Before stirring it up from the bottom, some of the clear water was exhibited among the officers in glass tumblers, and pronounced to be the purest and best of water, only about two years from London. I admit that it looked clear and tasted good, but from my former knowledge of its origin, I confess I would a little rather quench my thirst from some of the pure springs from the Green Mountains of Vermont, or the granite hills in New Hampshire. LELJB 20.2

Among our passengers to New York was a Mr. Lloyd, chief mate of a Philadelphia ship that was detained in London. He, in a serious manner, related a very singular incident that occurred some few years previous, while he was a sailor from Philadelphia. He said that he never had dared to tell his mother or sisters of it. I will try to relate it in his own words. Said he, “I was lodging away from home one night in another part of the city, when the house was beset by the police. For fear of being identified with those that were disturbing the peace, I fled from my bed into the street with nothing but my night-dress on, and finally secreted myself in the market-place, while a friend that was with me went back to obtain my clothes. About midnight a gang of men, passing through the marketplace, discovered me, and after a few inquiries as to who I was, they said, ‘Drive this fellow on before us.’ My pleading was in vain; they continued to keep me before them until we entered the cemetery, about two miles out of the city. We here came to a large flat stone with an iron hook in it. They placed a stout rope in the hook, which they brought with them, with which they swayed the stone up. This opened a family vault where a Jewish lady of distinction had been deposited that day. The jewelry upon her person was what they were after. The exciting question now was, who among them would go down into the vault and get the jewels. Said one, ‘Here is the fellow.’ I begged and entreated them for the Lord’s sake not to require me to commit such a dreadful deed. My entreaties were disregarded; they crowded me down into the vault, ordering me to go and strip off her jewels. I tried, and then returned to the open place, and stated that her fingers were so swollen that I could not get her rings off. ‘Here is a knife,’ said one, ‘take it and cut her fingers off.’ I began to plead again, but they gave me to understand that there was no alternative; I must either do it or stay where I was. Almost dead with fear, I laid hold of her hands and cut her fingers off, and when I came to the open place, they bade me hand them up. As soon as they got hold of them, they dashed down the slab and immediately ran away. LELJB 21.1

“I felt overwhelmed at my hopeless condition, doomed to die a most horrible death, and fearing every moment that the mangled corpse would lay hold of me. I listened to the rumbling sound of these robbers, until all was silent as death. The stone over me, I could not move. After a little I heard a distant rumbling of the ground, which continued to increase until I heard strange voices over the vault. I soon learned that this was another gang, most likely unknown to the first, and they were placing their rope to swing up the same stone slab. I at once decided what to do to save myself. As the slab came up, I leaped out of the vault in my white night-dress, or shirt. Horror-stricken, they all fled back toward the city, running with such speed that it was difficult for me to keep up behind them, and yet I feared if they should stop, I should be discovered and taken. Before reaching the city, I had drawn up some nearer to the two hinder ones, when one of them cried out to his companion, ‘Patrick! Patrick! the old woman is close to our heels! ’ Onward they raced through the market and fled away from me, for I stopped here to hide myself. After a while my friend, having obtained my clothes, found me, and I returned home.” LELJB 23.1

Before sailing on our voyage, a good-looking man, about twenty years of age, came on board, stating that he had come from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to get a passage to London. He stated that he had no means nor way to pay his passage. He also stated that his only object in going to L. was to obtain a certain book (the title I have forgotten), which could not be obtained at any other place. He finally shipped for a green or new hand before the mast. LELJB 23.2

This was rather new among sailors, for a man, having no desire to be a sailor, to be willing to endure the hardships of a seven months’ voyage, with no other object but to get one book, and no certainty about that. LELJB 24.1

But on our arrival in London the captain advanced him some money, and before night he returned from the city rejoicing that he had found the book. I have often regretted that our acquaintance ended with that voyage; for I have often thought, if his life was spared, he was destined to occupy some important position among men. LELJB 24.2

On recovering from my sea-sickness, I commenced my sea journal, to keep the run of the ship and the daily occurrences of the voyage. This and other journals which I afterward endeavored to keep, would have been of much value to me when I commenced this work, but they were all used up or destroyed, after my last voyage. LELJB 24.3

One circumstance occurred on our homeward voyage, some eighteen days after departing from Land’s End, England, which I will here relate: LELJB 24.4

In the morning (Sunday) a large shark was following us. A large piece of meat was fastened to a rope and thrown over the stern to tempt him to come up a little nearer, that we might fasten to him with a barbed iron made for such purposes; but no inducement of ours seemed to affect him. He maintained his position, where he could grasp whatever fell from either side of the ship. LELJB 24.5

On such occasions the old stories about sharks are revived-how they swallow sailors alive, and at other times bite them in two, and swallow them at two mouthfuls. They hear so much about them that they attribute more to their sagacity than really belongs to them. It is said that sharks have followed vessels on the ocean for many days when there were any sick on board, that they might satiate their voracious appetites on the dead bodies cast into the sea. Sailors are generally brave and fearless men; they dare meet their fellows in almost any conflict, and brave the raging storms of the sea; but the idea of being swallowed alive, or even when dead, by these voracious creatures, often causes their stout hearts to tremble. Still they are often credulous and superstitious. LELJB 25.1

Toward the evening of the day referred to, when we had ceased our fruitless labors to draw the shark away from his determined position astern of the ship, I ascended to the main-topgallant mast-head, to ascertain if there was any vessel in sight, or anything to be seen but sky and water. On my way down, having reached about fifty feet from the deck, and sixty from the water, I missed reaching the place which I designed grasping with my hand, and fell backward, striking a rope in my fall, which prevented my being dashed upon the deck, but whirled me into the sea. As I came up on the top of the waves, struggling and panting for breath, I saw at a glance that the ship, my only hope, was passing onward beyond my reach. With the incumbrance of my thick, heavy clothing, I exerted all my strength to follow. I saw that the captain, officers, and crew had rushed toward the ship’s stern. The first officer hurled a coil of rope with all his strength, the end of which I caught with my hand. He cried out, “Hold on!” I did so until they hauled me through the sea to the ship, and set my feet upon the deck. LELJB 25.2

To the question if I was hurt, I answered, “No.” Said another, “Where is the shark?” I began to tremble even as they had done, while they were in anxious suspense, fearing he would grasp me every moment. The thought of the shark had never entered my mind while I was in the water. I then crossed over to the other side of the ship, and, behold, he was quietly gliding along his way with us, not far from the side of the vessel, seemingly unconscious of our gaze. And we did not disturb him in any way; for the sailors and passengers were all so glad that the cabin-boy was rescued, not only from a watery grave, but from his ferocious jaws, that they had no disposition to trouble him. He was soon missing, and we saw him no more. But the wonder to all was, how he came to change his position to a place where he could neither see nor hear what was transpiring on the other side or at the stern of the ship. LELJB 26.1

The following item from a public newspaper illustrates the voracity of these creatures:— LELJB 26.2

“Desperate Encounter with a Shark. LELJB 26.3

“Southold, L. I., September 9, 1865. LELJB 26.4

“To the Editor of the Herald: A few days since, the schooner Catharine Wilcox, of Lubec, Maine, George McFadden, master, being bound from New York to Eastport and Lubec, fell in, when opposite this place, with what is termed a ‘dead calm.’ The opportunity seeming propitious, the captain and a young man named Peter Johnson, who was formerly a member of the First Maine Heavy Artillery, and who was wounded in the neck at Spottsylvania, Virginia, determined to enjoy a salt-water bath. LELJB 26.5

“Jumping into the water, it was not many minutes when, as young Johnson says, he saw something ‘all white,’ and in an instant he was carried under the surface to a depth of twenty feet. He now discovered that he was in the jaws of one of those voracious man-eater sharks. Struggling with all his strength, Johnson managed to break away and reach the surface again; but the shark was soon after him, and continued to bite him in various parts of the body, when the young man bethought him of the sailor trick of putting his fingers in the shark’s eyes, which he did, and, to his no small gratification, soon saw the frenzied monster fleeing from him. Johnson now swam to the vessel, and, being taken on board, was found to have been fearfully torn about the abdomen-its lower section entirely off-both thighs and shoulder being terribly lacerated. There being no wind to get anywhere, the crew took him in the yawl and rowed him eight miles to the village of Greenport, where his wounds were sewed up and dressed by Drs. Kendall, Bryant, and Skinner, and the young man made as comfortable under the circumstances as possible. He is growing worse hourly, and there is not much chance for his recovery. LELJB 27.1

“The Sound is now full of these rapacious monsters, and if some of our New York sportsmen are fond of game worthy of their steel, this is the month to attack them. They are caught and landed with perfect safety by our villagers almost every day.” LELJB 27.2