The Early Life and Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates


Chapter 117
Parentage — Birth — Residence — First Foreign Voyage — Hurl Gate — London Water for Sailors — Mr. Lloyd’s Story — Mr. Moore and his Book — Sea Journal — Overboard — Shark.
Chapter 228
Shipwrecked in the Ice — An attempt to throw the Captain Overboard — Deliverance — Arrive in Ireland — Pursuing our Voyage — British Convoy — Part our Cable — Taken by Privateers — Nature of an Oath, and the Box — Ship Condemned — Voyage up the Baltic — Arrive in Ireland — Pressed into the British Service.
Chapter 337
Attempt to Escape — Flogging — Ship St. Salvadore — Attempt to Swim Away — Rodney 74 — Spanish War Ship — A Levanter — Image Worship — Another Attempt for Freedom — Battle — Storm — Shipwreck — Blockading Squadron — Church Service on Board a King’s Ship — Port Mahon — Subterranean Passage — Holy-stone — Wash Days — Threatened Punishment — Storm — New Station.
Chapter 451
Impressing American Seamen — Documents of Citizenship — War — Voluntary Surrender as Prisoners of War — Preparation for a Battle — Unjust Treatment — Close Confinement — Relieved — British Fleet Outgeneraled — Prisoners Sent to England — London Newspaper — Successful Movement — Without Bread.
Chapter 563
Cutting a Hole Through the Ship — Perilous Adventure of a Narragansett Indian — Hole Finished — Eighteen Prisoners Escape — Singular Device to Keep the Number Good — Drowning Man — Night Signals for Relief — Another Hole Cut — Letter from the Escaped Prisoners — U. S. Government Clothe their Prisoners — Prisoners sent to Dartmoor — Cheering News of Peace.
Chapter 676
Subterranean Passage — A Traitor — Ratification of Peace — American Consul Hung in Effigy — Without Bread for Two Days — Prisoners Demand and Obtain their Bread — Inhuman Massacre of Prisoners — English Soldier Liberated — Court of Inquiry — Arrival of a Cartel — Liberated from Prison — Display of Flags Respecting the Massacre.
Chapter 788
Embarkation for the United States — Injustice to Prisoners — Excitement Respecting our Port of Destination — Banks of Newfoundland — Perils of the Ocean — Threatened Mutiny — Islands of Ice — Mutiny on the High Seas — Speak an American Ship — Joyful News — Land in Sight — A Prize Taken — Safe Arrival at New London, Ct. — Sail Again for Boston.
Chapter 898
Arrival Home — Voyage to Europe — Singular Rock in the Ocean — Sudden Commencement of Winter — Voyage Ended — Another Voyage — Perilous Situation in Chesapeake Bay — Criterion in Distress — Wrecked in a Snow-storm — Visit to Baltimore — On Board the Criterion Again — Cargo Saved — Another Voyage — Hurricane — Voyage Ended — Married — Another Voyage — Captain Reefing Top-sails in his Sleep.
Chapter 9113
Allowance of Water — Casting Cargo into the Sea — Allowance of Provisions — Terrible Storm — Gulf Stream — Dead Calm and Rushing Hurricane — The Cook’s Prayer — Silent Agony — Wallowing between the Seas — More Respecting the Gale — Leak Increasing — Supply of Provisions — Council — Bear up for the West Indies — Reported — Safe Arrival in the West Indies.
Chapter 10129
A Spoiled Child — Passage Home from the West Indies — False Alarm — Arrival Home — Voyage in the Ship New Jersey — Breakers off Bermuda — Dangerous Position in a Violent Storm — Turk’s Island — Cargo of Rock Salt — Return to Alexandria, D. C. — Voyage to Liverpool — Storm in the Gulf Stream — Singular Phenomenon on the Banks of Newfoundland — Arrival at Liverpool — A Great Change — An Old Shipmate.
Chapter 11140
Who the Stranger Was — Black List — Salt Shoveling — Peak of Pico — Voyage Ended — Visit my Family — Voyage to South America — Trade-winds — Sea-Fish — Rio Janeiro — Desperate Situation — Montevideo — Returning North — Cutting in a Whale — Resolved Never to Drink Ardent Spirits — Arrival in Alexandria — Preparations for Another Voyage — Visit my Family — Escape from a Stage — Sail for South America — Singular Fish — Arrival at Rio Janeiro — Sail for River La Plata — Dispose of my Cargo at Buenos Ayres — Catholic Host.
Chapter 12153
Crossing the Pampas of Buenos Ayres — Preparation for the Pacific Ocean — Resolved Never to Drink Wine — Aspect of the Starry Heavens — Alarming Position off Cape Horn — Double the Cape — Island of Juan Fernandez — Arrival at
Callao — A Whale Harpooned in the Harbor — Voyage to Pisco — The Patriot Soldiers — Scenery and Climate of Lima — Earthquakes — Destruction of Callao — Cemetery — Disposal of the Dead.
Chapter 13163
Mint — Stamping Coin — Catholic Churches and Feasts — The Sunset Bells — Spanish Inquisition — Voyage to Truxillo — Sell the Chatsworth — Smuggling — Spanish Boats — Silver Conveyed by Indians — Deliver up the Chatsworth — Passage to Callao — Trouble with the Captain — Wine at a Dinner Party — Smoking.
Chapter 14173
Money Matters — Highway Robbers — Searching Ships for Specie — A Lieutenant Shot — Sail for Home — Tobacco — Serious Reflections — Pass Cape Horn — Equator — North Star — Violent Gale — A Sudden Change of Wind — Desperate Position — Joyous Sight of Land — Vineyard Sound — Arrival in Boston — At Home — Another Voyage — Off the Capes of Virginia — Outward Bound.
Chapter 15186
Conviction of Sin — Funeral at Sea — Covenant with God — A Dream — Arrival at Pernambuco — Landing a North American Lady — Wine at a Dinner Party — Sell my Cargo — Another Voyage — Religious Views — Whaling — Brazilian Flour — Arrive at St. Catherine’s — Also Paraiba — Sell my Cargo — Third Voyage — Confidence Rewarded.
Chapter 16198
Soul-refreshing Seasons in the Forest — Effigy of Judas Iscariot — Sail from St. Catherine’s — Arrival at Paraiba — Fourth Voyage — Arrival at the Bay of Spirits — Dangerous Position — Rio St. Francisco — Rio Grande — Banks of Sand — A City in Ruins — Jerked Beef — Rio Grande to Paraiba — Kattamaran — Catholic Procession and Burial — Sail for New York — Arrival at Home — Family Prayer — Experience.
Chapter 17209
Revival of Religion — Baptism — Join the Church — Temperance Society — Cold-Water Army — Another Voyage — Rules for the Voyage — Temperance Voyage — Altar of Prayer on Shipboard — Semi-Weekly Paper at Sea — Sunday Worship — Arrival in South America — Paraiba — Bahia — Privateer — St. Catherine’s.
Chapter 18219
Overhauled by a Buenos Ayres Privateer, or Pirate — Plunder — Passengers Made Prisoners — Search for Money — Crew and Passengers Released — Season of Prayer — Arrival at Rio Janeiro — Bethel Meeting — Rio Grande — Dangers of the Coast — Fresh Water — Religious Views — Letter — Vessel Lost — Sail — Arrive at St. Catherine’s — Sail for New York — Singular Phenomenon.
Chapter 19232
Revival at Sea — Arrive in New York — Bethel Ships and Meetings — Friendless Young Men — Arrival in New Bedford — Temperance Reform — Sea-faring Life Ended.
Chapter 20237
At Home — Farming — My Promise — Seaman’s Friend Society — Missions — American Tract Society — American Colonization Society — Meeting-House — Religious Revival — Tea and Coffee — Change of Residence — Progress of the Temperance Cause — Progress of the Antislavery Cause — My own Position — Mob in Boston, Mass. — Falling Stars.
Chapter 21250
Moral Reform — Culture of Silk — Proposed Manual-Labor School — Second Advent of Christ — William Miller’s Theory — His Lectures in Boston — First Second-Advent Paper — Eld. D. Millard’s Letter — Eld. L. D. Fleming’s Letters — H. Hawley’s Letter — Wm. Miller in Portland.
Chapter 22258
First Call for a Second-Advent Conference — Convened in Boston, Mass. — Conference Address Sent Forth to the World —
Diving-Bell — Clearing the Ship Channel — Wm. Miller’s Lectures in Fairhaven, Mass. — Also in New Bedford — Address to Ministers — Ministers’ Meeting — Antiochus Epiphanes — Thirty-two Square Rods for Every Person — Second Second-Advent Conference.
Chapter 23267
Fall of the Ottoman Empire — Passing of the Second Woe — Space of Time to Proclaim the First Angel’s Message, Revelation 14:6, 7 — Conferences — Trials on Leaving the Church — Moral-Reform Societies — Boston Conference in 1842 — Prophetic Charts — Campmeeting in Littleton, Mass., in August, 1842 — Taunton, Mass., in September — Salem, Mass., in October — Power and Work of the First Angel’s Message.
Chapter 24279
The Stated Year for the Coming of the Lord — Sell my Place of Residence — Go with the Message to the Slave States — Meetings on Kent Island — Meetings in Centerville, Eastern Shore of Maryland — Judge Hopper — Newspaper Report — Meetings in Chester — Threatened Imprisonment — Among the Slaves — Power of the Lord in the Meeting — Conviction of the People.
Chapter 25290
The Three Corners — Crowded Meeting — Singing — Universalism — Place for Meetings — Opposition — Dream — Slaves Ordered to go to the Advent Meeting — Convicted of the Truth — Meetings in Elktown — Return Home from Maryland — Visit to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard — First Disappointment in the Second-Advent Movement — Waiting for the Vision — Tarrying Time.
Chapter 26298
First Angel’s Message — Midnight Cry — Parable of the Ten Virgins — Second Disappointment — Three Angels’ Messages — The Sabbath — Progress of the Work — Conclusion — Remarks by the Editor.