Sketches of the Christian Life and Public Labors of William Miller



“‘We are induced, from present circumstances affecting our spiritual interest, to present, for your consideration, a few ideas touching associated action. SLWM 349.1

“‘Order is Heaven’s first law. All things emanating from God are constituted on principles of perfect order. The New Testament rules for the government of the church we regard as binding on the whole brotherhood of Christ. No circumstances can justify us in departing from the usages established by Christ and his apostles. SLWM 349.2

“‘We regard any congregation of believers, who habitually assemble for the worship of God and the due observance of gospel ordinances, as a church of Christ. As such, it is an independent body, accountable only to the great Head of the church. To all such we recommend a careful examination of the Scriptures, and the adoption of such principles of association and order as are in accordance therewith, that they may enjoy the advantages of that church relation which Christ has instituted. SLWM 349.3