Review of the Two Sermons of Rev. R. G. Baird on the “Christian Sabbath”


Date Of The Seventy Weeks. By J. N. Andrews. 10 cts. RTSB 64.27

Vindication Of The True Sabbath. By J. W. Morton. 10 cts. RTSB 64.28

Matthew Twenty-Four. By James White. 10 cts. RTSB 64.29

The Position And Work Of The True People Of God under the Third Angel’s Message. By W. H. Littlejohn. 10 cts. RTSB 64.30

The Hope Of The Gospel. By J. N. Loughborough. 10 cts. RTSB 64.31

Sermon On The Two Covenants. By J. N. Andrews. 10 cts. RTSB 64.32

An Appeal To The Baptists, from the Seventh-day Baptists, for the Restoration of the Bible Sabbath. 10 cts. RTSB 64.33

Milton On The State Of The Dead. 5 cts. RTSB 64.34

FOUR-CENT TRACTS : The Law and the Gospel-The Seventh Part of Time-Celestial Railroad-Samuel and the Witch of Endor-The Ten Commandments not Abolished-Address to the Baptists-The Present Truth-The Second Advent-The Sufferings of Christ-The Two Thrones, Representing the Kingdoms of Grace and Glory-Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion. RTSB 64.35

THREE-CENT TRACTS : Much in Little-The Lost-Time Question-Infidel Cavils Considered-The End of the Wicked-Scripture References-Argument on Sabbaton-Who Changed the Sabbath? RTSB 64.36

TWO-CENT TRACTS : Definite Seventh Day-Seven Reasons for Sunday-Keeping Examined-Sabbath by Elihu-The Rich Man and Lazarus-The Millennium-Departing and Being with Christ-Fundamental Principles of S. D. Adventists-The Sanctuary of the Bible-The Judgment, or the Waymarks of Daniel to the Holy City. RTSB 64.37

ONE-CENT TRACTS : Appeal on Immortality-Brief Thoughts on Immortality-Thoughts for the Candid-Sign of the Day of God-The two Laws-Geology and the Bible-The Perfection of the Ten Commandments-The Coming of the Lord-Without Excuse-Which Day, and God’s Answers. RTSB 64.38

THE WAY OF LIFE : a beautiful Allegorical Picture, illustrating the plan of salvation. Size, 19x24 inches. $1.00. RTSB 64.39