My Journey to Life, Step 14—Marriage


11. What qualities should one seek in a spouse?

The first questions to consider are, does the person whom I am considering for a life partner love Jesus? Is he or she a faithful, godly Christian? Does he or she exhibit loyalty, affection, forgiveness, contentment, courage, patience, and self-control? Does he or she show fidelity, or a flirtatious manner with others and a wandering eye? JTL14 7.1

A potential spouse should be hard-working and able to bear life’s responsibilities. They should be good managers of money, showing thrift and industry. JTL14 7.2

It is often helpful to ask godly parents and close Christian friends to assess the relationship’s likelihood of success and point out potential hindrances to marital harmony. Most importantly, ask God for wisdom. He wants you to have a happy home on this earth and live forever with Him! JTL14 7.3