The Hero


A Wider Judgment

Jesus’ thoughts turned from the fall of Jerusalem to a wider judgment. In the unrepentant city’s destruction He saw a symbol of the final destruction to come on the world. “‘Then they will begin “to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’” For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?’” The green wood or tree represented Himself, the innocent Redeemer. God’s wrath against transgression fell on His beloved Son. What suffering, then, would the sinner bear who continued in sin? The unrepentant would know a sorrow that language would fail to express. 3TC 442.1

Many in the crowd that followed the Savior to Calvary had accompanied Him with hosannas and palm branches as He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem. Many people who had then shouted His praise because it was popular, now swelled the cry, “Crucify Him!” When Christ rode into Jerusalem, the disciples pressed in close around Him, feeling that it was a high honor to be connected with Him. Now in His humiliation they followed Him at a distance. 3TC 442.2