The Hero


How Simon’s Pride Was Humbled

Simon was touched by Jesus’ kindness in not openly rebuking him in front of his guests. Jesus had not treated him as he desired Mary to be treated. He saw that Jesus had tried by pitying kindness to subdue his heart. Stern denunciation would have hardened him against repentance, but patient correction convinced him of his error. He saw how large was the debt he owed his Lord. He repented, and the proud Pharisee became a humble, self-sacrificing disciple. 3TC 361.1

Christ knew the circumstances that had shaped Mary’s life. He could have extinguished every spark of hope in her soul, but He did not. He had lifted her from despair and ruin. Seven times she had heard Him rebuke the demons that controlled her heart and mind. She had heard His strong cries to the Father in her behalf. She knew how offensive sin is to His unblemished purity, and in His strength she had overcome. 3TC 361.2

When her case seemed hopeless to human eyes, Christ saw capabilities for good in Mary. The plan of redemption has granted great possibilities to humanity, and these would be realized in Mary. Through His grace she became a partaker of the divine nature. The one who had fallen, whose mind had been a home for demons, came near to the Savior in fellowship and ministry. Mary sat at His feet and learned from Him. Mary poured the precious anointing oil on His head and bathed His feet with her tears. Mary stood beside the cross and followed Him to the sepulchre. Mary was first at the tomb after His resurrection. Mary first proclaimed a risen Savior. 3TC 361.3

Jesus knows the circumstances of every person. You may say, “I am sinful, very sinful.” You may be; but the worse you are, the more you need Jesus. He turns no weeping, repentant one away. He freely pardons everyone who comes to Him for forgiveness and restoration. 3TC 361.4

Those who turn to Him for refuge, Christ unites to His own divine-human nature. No human being or evil angel can condemn them. They stand beside the great Sin Bearer in the light streaming from the throne of God. “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” Romans 8:33, 34. 3TC 361.5