My Journey to Life, Step 13—The Nature of Humanity


11. In what ways does the doctrine of humanity impact the Christian’s life?

Because God created humanity to have dominion over the works of His hands (Psalm 8:6), men and women bear responsibility to rule graciously over the world, imaging God’s compassionate rule over the universe. JTL13 7.1

God has commissioned us to make a positive contribution by working to preserve the environment, care for the poor, the oppressed and those who have the least in society, and working to eradicate racism, poverty, human trafficking, and economic inequities. JTL13 7.2

We are to reflect our Maker in every way possible, seeking to live out the principles of the Ten Commandments to show our love for our Creator, as well as His creation. JTL13 7.3

Bible Discovery: JTL13 7.4

Exodus 20:8-11; Matthew 22:37-39; 25:31-44; John 14:15; Colossians 3:1-17 JTL13 7.5

Further Reading: JTL13 7.6

Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 676.4; Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 25.1 JTL13 7.7

12. What is humanity’s future state? What is believed about human nature significantly impacts what is believed about human destiny. The Bible speaks of real places where God’s people will live—first, the temporary abode of the righteous during the 1,000-year Millennium (see: My Journey to Life: Step 27 - The Millennium), and second, the new earth, re-created after the destruction of the wicked. JTL13 7.8

All hope for life beyond the grave centers on the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:16-23). The voice of God calls forth the redeemed dead to be caught up with the redeemed living into the clouds of glory at Christ’s coming. God’s plan for a permanent home for the saved is our own Planet Earth, renewed, renovated, and cleansed by purifying fire (2 Peter 3:10-13). We will enjoy the companionship of God and the angels in a beautiful environment free from all consequences of sin, such as separation, pain, and death. Though the Bible gives few details about our future life, we know the redeemed will live a physical existence, praising God in the perfection of heaven for eternity. JTL13 7.9