Thayer's Greek Lexicon


πόρρω — προνοέω


(4206) πόρρω ((allied with πρό, Curtius , § 380)), adverb (from Plato , Xenophon down),far, at a distance, a great way off: Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6; Luke 14:32 (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 54, 2 a.; Buttmann , § 129, 11); comparitive πορρωτέρω, in L Tr WH πορρώτερον ((Polybius , others)),further: Luke 24:28.


(4207) πόρρωθεν (πόρρω), adverb (from Plato on),from afar, afar off: Luke 17:12; Hebrews 11:13; the Sept. chiefly for מֵרָחוק.


(4208) πόρρω ((allied with πρό, Curtius , § 380)), adverb (from Plato , Xenophon down),far, at a distance, a great way off: Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6; Luke 14:32 (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 54, 2 a.; Buttmann , § 129, 11); comparitive πορρωτέρω, in L Tr WH πορρώτερον ((Polybius , others)),further: Luke 24:28.


(4209) πορφύρα, πορφύρας, , the Sept. for אַרְגָמָן;

1. the purple-fish, a species of shell-fish or mussel: (Aeschylus , Sophocles ), Isocrates , Aristotle , others; add 1 Macc. 4:23, on which see Grimm; (cf. B. D. , under the word 1).

2. a fabric colored with the purple dye, a garment made from purple cloth (so from Aeschylus down): Mark 15:17, Mark 15:20; Luke 16:19; Revelation 17:4 Rec. ; Revelation 18:12.


(4210) πορφύρεος, πορφυρεα, πορφυρεον, in Attic and in the N. T. contracted πορφυροῦς, πορφύρα, πορφυροῦν (πορφύρα), from Homer down, purple, dyed in purple, made of a purple fabric: John 19:2, John 19:5; πορφυροῦν namely, ἔνδυμα ((Buttmann , 82 (72)); cf. Winer 's Grammar, p. 591 (550)), Revelation 17:4 (G L T Tr WH ); Revelation 18:16.


(4211) πορφυρόπωλις, πορφυροπωλιδος, (πορφύρα and πωλέω), a female seller of purple or of fabrics dyed in purple (Vulg. purpuraria ): Acts 16:14. (Photius , Suidas , others.)


(4212) ποσάκις (πόσος), adverb, how often: Matthew 18:21; Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34. ((Plato s epistle, Aristotle , others.))


(4213) πόσις, ποσεως, (πίνω), from Homer down, a drinking, drink: John 6:55; Romans 14:17; Colossians 2:16 (see βρῶσις ).


(4214) πόσος, πόση, πόσον ((cf. Curtius , § 631), from Aeschylus down, Latinquantus ), how great: Matthew 6:23; 2 Corinthians 7:11; πόσος χρόνος, how great (a space) i. e. how long time, Mark 9:21; neuter how much, Luke 16:5, Luke 16:7; πόσῳ (by) how much, Matthew 12:12; πόσῳ μᾶλλον, Matthew 7:11; Matthew 10:25; Luke 11:13; Luke 12:24, Luke 12:28; Romans 11:12, Romans 11:24; Philemon 1:16; Hebrews 9:14; πόσῳ χείρονος τιμωρίας, Hebrews 10:29; plural how many: with nouns, Matthew 15:34; Matthew 16:9; Mark 6:38; Mark 8:4, Mark 8:19; Luke 15:17; Acts 21:20; πόσα, how grave, Matthew 27:13; Mark 15:4.


(4215) ποταμός, ποταμοῦ, , from Homer down, the Sept. for נָהָר and יְאֹר, a stream, a river: Matthew 3:6 L T Tr WH ; Mark 1:5; Acts 16:13; 2 Corinthians 11:26 (Winer 's Grammar, § 30, 2 a.); Revelation 8:10; Revelation 9:14; Revelation 12:15; Revelation 16:4, Revelation 16:12; Revelation 22:1; equivalent to a torrent, Matthew 7:25, Matthew 7:27; Luke 6:48; Revelation 12:15; plural figuratively equivalent to the greatest abundance (cf. colloquial English streams, floods), John 7:38.


(4216) ποταμοφόρητος, ποταμοφορητου, (ποταμός and φορέω; like ἀνεμοφορητος (cf. Winer s Grammar, 100 (94))), carried away by a stream (i. e. whelmed, drowned in the waters): Revelation 12:15. Besides only in Hesychius under the word ἀπόερσε.


(4217) ποταπός ((in Dionysius Halicarnassus , Josephus , Philo , others) for the older ποδαπός (cf. Lob. Phryn., p. 56f; Rutherford, New Phryn., p. 129; Winer s Grammar, 24; Curtius , p. 537, 5th edition); according to the Greek grammarians equivalent to ἐκ ποίου δαπεδου, from what region; according to the conjecture of others equivalent to ποῦ ἀπό ((Buttmann , Lexil. 1:126, compares the German wovon)), the delta δ being inserted for the sake of euphony, as in the Latin prodire, prodesse ; cf. Fritzsche on Mark, p. 554f (still others regard -δαπος merely as an ending; cf. Apollonius Dyscolus , Buttmann 's edition, the index under the word)), ποταπή, ποταπον;

1. from what country, race, or tribe? so from Aeschylus down.

2. from Demosth. down also equivalent to ποῖος, of what sort or quality? (what manner of?): absolutely of persons, Matthew 8:27; 2 Peter 3:11; with a person noun, Luke 7:39; with names of things, Mark 13:1; Luke 1:29; 1 John 3:1.


(4218) ποτέ, an enclitic particle, from Homer down;

1. once, i. e. at some time or other, formerly, aforetime;

a. of the Past: John 9:13; Romans 7:9; Romans 11:30; Galatians 1:13, Galatians 1:23 (cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 15, 7); Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 2:11, Ephesians 2:13; Ephesians 5:8; Colossians 1:21; Colossians 3:7; 1 Thessalonians 2:5; Titus 3:3; Philemon 1:11; 1 Peter 2:10; 1 Peter 3:5, 1 Peter 3:20; ἤδη πότε, now at length, Philippians 4:10.

b. of the future: Luke 22:32; ἤδη πότε, now at length, Romans 1:10.

2. ever: after a negative, οὐδείς πότε, Ephesians 5:29 (Buttmann , 202 (175).); οὐ... πότε, 2 Peter 1:21; μή πότε (see μήποτε ); after οὐ μή with the aorist subjunctive 2 Peter 1:10; in a question, τίς πότε, 1 Corinthians 9:7; Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 1:13; ὁποῖοί πότε, whatsoever, Galatians 2:6 (but some would render πότε here formerly, once; cf. Lightfoot ad loc.).


(4219) πότε (Curtius , § 631), direct interrogative adverb, from Homer down, when? at what time? Matthew 25:37-39, Matthew 25:44; Luke 21:7; John 6:25; loosely used (as sometimes even by Attic wrk.) for the relative ὁπότε in indirect questions (Winer 's Grammar, 510 (475)): Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:4, Mark 13:33, Mark 13:35; Luke 12:36; Luke 17:20. ἕως πότε, how long? in direct questions (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 54, 6 at the end; Buttmann , § 146, 4): Matthew 17:17; Mark 9:19; Luke 9:41; John 10:24; Revelation 6:10.


(4220) πότερος, ποτερα, πότερον (from Homer down), which of two; πότερον... ,utrum... an , whether... or (Winer s Grammar, § 57, 1 b.; Buttmann , 250 (215)): John 7:17.


(4221) ποτήριον, ποτηρίου, τό (diminutive of ποτήρ), a cup, a drinking vessel;

a. properly: Matthew 23:25; Matthew 26:27; Mark 7:4, Mark 7:8 (T WH omit; Tr brackets the verse); Mark 14:23; Luke 11:39; Luke 22:17, Luke 22:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25; Revelation 17:4; πίνειν ἐκ τοῦ ποτηρίου, 1 Corinthians 11:28; τό ποτήριον τῆς ἐυλογιασς (see εὐλογία , 4), 1 Corinthians 10:16; with a genitive of the thing with which the cup is filled: ψυχροῦ, Matthew 10:42; ὕδατος, Mark 9:41; by metonymy, of the container for the contained, the contents of the cup, what is offered to be drunk, Luke 22:20 ((WH reject the passage) cf. Winer 's 635f (589f)); 1 Corinthians 11:25; τό ποτήριον τίνος, genitive of the person giving the entertainment (cf. Rückert, Abendmahl, p. 217f): πίνειν, 1 Corinthians 10:21 (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 189 (178)); 1 Corinthians 11:27 (cf. Winer s Grammar, 411 (410)).

b. By a figure common to Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, and not unknown to Latin writers, one's lot or experience, whether joyous or adverse, divine appointments, whether favorable or unfavorable, are likened to a cup which God presents one to drink (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 32): so of prosperity, Psalms 15:5 (Psalms 16:5); Psalms 22:5 (Psalms 23:5); Psalms 115:13 (Psalms 116:13); of adversity, Psalms 10:6 (Psalms 11:6); Psalms 74:9 (Psalms 75:9); Isaiah 51:17, Isaiah 51:22. In the N. T. of the bitter lot (the sufferings) of Christ: Matthew 26:39, Matthew 26:42 Rec. ; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42; John 18:11; πίνειν τό ποτήριον μου or ἐγώ πίνω, to undergo the same calamities which I undergo, Matthew 20:22, Matthew 20:23; Mark 10:38, Mark 10:39 (Plautus Cas. 5, 2, 53 (50) ut senex hoc eodem poculo quod ego bibi biberet, i. e. that he might be treated as harshly as I was); used of the divine penalties: Revelation 14:10; Revelation 16:19; Revelation 18:6. ((Alcaeus , Sappho ), Herodotus , Ctesias (), Aristophanes , Lucian , others; the Sept. for כּוס.)


(4222) ποτίζω; imperfect ἐπότιζον; 1 aorist ἐπότισα; perfect πεποτικα (Revelation 14:8); 1 aorist passive ἐποτίσθην; (πότος); from (Hippocrates ), Xenophon , Plato down; the Sept. for הִשְׁקָה; to give to drink, to furnish drink, (Vulg. in 1 Corinthians 12:13 and Revelation 14:8poto (but in Revelation, the passage cited Tdf. givespotiono ; A. V. to make to drink)): τινα, Matthew 25:35, Matthew 25:37, Matthew 25:42; Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36; Luke 13:15; Romans 12:20; τινα τί, to offer one anything to drink (Winer s Grammar, § 32, 4 a.; (Buttmann , § 131, 6)): Matthew 10:42; Mark 9:41, and often in the Sept. ; in figurative discourse ποτίζειν τινα γάλα, to give one teaching easy to be apprehended, 1 Corinthians 3:2 (where by zeugma οὐ βρῶμα is added; (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 66, 2 e.; Buttmann , § 151, 30; A. V. I have fed you with milk, etc.)); τινα ἐκ τοῦ οἴνου, Revelation 14:8 (see οἶνος , b. and θυμός, 2); equivalent to to water, irrigate (plants, fields, etc.): 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 (Xenophon , symp. 2, 25; Lucian , Athen. , Geoponica , (Strabo , Philo ); the Sept. (Genesis 13:10); Ezekiel 17:7); metaphorically, to imbue, saturate, τινα, one's mind, with the addition of an accusative of the thing, ἕν πνεῦμα, in the passive, 1 Corinthians 12:18 L T Tr WH (Winer s Grammar, § 32, 5; Buttmann , § 134, 5); εἰς ἕν πνεῦμα, that we might be united into one body which is imbued with one spirit, ibid. R G (τινα πνεύματι κατανύξεως, Isaiah 29:10 (cf. Sir. 15:3)).


(4223) Ποτίολοι, Ποτιολων, οἱ, Puteoli, a city of Campania in Italy, situated on the Bay of Naples, now called Pozzuoli: Acts 28:13. (Cf. Lewin, St. Paul, ii. 218ff; Smith, Dict. of Geog. under the word.)


(4224) πότος, πότου, (ΠΟΩ (cf. πίνω )), a drinking, carousing: 1 Peter 4:3. (Xenophon , Plato , Demosthenes , Josephus , Plutarch , Aelian , others; the Sept. for מִשְׁתֶּה.)


(4225) πού, an encli6tic particle, from Hom. down; 1. somewhere: Hebrews 2:6; Hebrews 4:4. 2. it has a limiting force, nearly; with numerals somewhere about, about, (Hdt. 1, 119; 7, 22; Paus. 8, 11, 2; Hdian. 7, 5, 3 [2 ed. Bekk.]; Ael. v. h. 13, 4; al.): Romans 4:19.*

Related entry: μήπου (T Tr ) or μή ποῦ (WH ), that nowhere, lest anywhere (lest haply): Acts 27:29 T Tr WH . (Homer , et al.)


(4226) ποῦ (cf. Curtius , § 631), an interrogative adverb, from Homer down, the Sept. for אַיֵה, אָנָה, אַי, where? in what place?

a. in direct questions: Matthew 2:2; Matthew 26:17; Mark 14:12, Mark 14:14; Luke 17:17, Luke 17:37; Luke 22:9, Luke 22:11; John 1:38(39); John 7:11; John 8:10,John 8:19; John 9:12; John 11:34; ποῦ ἐστιν ((ἐστιν sometimes unexpressed)), in questions indicating that a person or thing is gone, or cannot be found, is equivalent to it is nowhere, does not exist: Luke 8:25; Romans 3:27; 1 Corinthians 1:20; 1 Corinthians 12:17, 1 Corinthians 12:19; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Galatians 4:15 L T Tr WH ; 2 Peter 3:4; ποῦ φανεῖται (A. V. where shall... appear) equivalent to there will be no place for him, 1 Peter 4:18.

b. in indirect questions, for the relative ὅπου (cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 57, 2 at the end): followed by the indicative, Matthew 2:4; Mark 15:47; John 1:39 (40); John 11:57; John 20:2,John 20:13,John 20:15; Revelation 2:13 (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 612 (569)); followed by the subjunctive, Matthew 8:20; Luke 9:58; Luke 12:17.

c. joined to verbs of going or coming, for ποῖ in direct question (cf. our colloquial, where for whither; see Winer s Grammar, § 54, 7; Buttmann , 71 (62)): John 7:35 (cf. Winer s Grammar, 300 (281); Buttmann , 358 (307)); John 13:36; John 16:5; in indirect question, followed by the indicative: John 3:8; John 8:14; John 12:35; John 14:5; Hebrews 11:8; 1 John 2:11.


(4227) Πούδης (Buttmann , 17 (15)), Pudens, proper name of a Christian mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:21. Cf. Lipsius , Chronologie d. römisch. Bischöfe (1869), p. 146; (B. D. , under the word, also (American edition) under the word ; Bib. Sacr. for 1875, p. 174ff; Plumptre in the 'Bible Educator ' iii., 245 and in Ellicott's 'New Testament Commentary' ii, p. 186f).


(4228) πούς (not πούς, see Lob. ad Phryn. , p. 765; Göttling , Accentl., p. 244; (Chandler , Greek Accentuation, § 566); Winer s Grammar, § 6, 1 d.; Lipsius , Gram. Untersuch., p. 48), ποδός, (allied with πέδον, πέζα, Latinpes , etc.; Curtius , § 291; Vanicek , p. 473), dative plural ποσίν, from Homer down, Hebrew רֶגֶל; a foot, both of men and of beasts: Matthew 4:6; Matthew 7:6; Matthew 22:13; Mark 9:45; Luke 1:79; John 11:44; Acts 7:5; 1 Corinthians 12:15; Revelation 10:2, and often. From the oriental practice of placing the foot upon the vanquished (Joshua 10:24), come the follow expressions: ὑπό τούς πόδας συντρίβειν ((which see) τινα, Romans 16:20; ὑποτάσσειν τινα, 1 Corinthians 15:27; Ephesians 1:22; Hebrews 2:8; τιθέναι, 1 Corinthians 15:25; τιθέναι τινα ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν, Matthew 22:44 L T Tr WH ; ὑποπόδιον τῶν ποδῶν, Matthew 22:44 R G ; Mark 12:36 (here WH ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν); Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; Hebrews 1:13; Hebrews 10:13; disciples listening to their teacher's instruction are said παρά (or πρός) τούς πόδας τίνος καθῆσθαι or παρακαθισαι, Luke 10:39; Acts 22:3, cf. Luke 8:35; to lay a thing παρά (or πρός) τούς πόδας τίνος is used of those who consign it to his power and care, Matthew 15:30; Acts 4:35, Acts 4:37; Acts 5:2; Acts 7:58. In saluting, paying homage, supplicating, etc., persons are said πρός τούς πόδας τίνος πίπτειν or προσπίπτειν: Mark 5:22; Mark 7:25; Luke 8:41; Luke 17:16 παρά); Revelation 1:17; εἰς τούς πόδας τίνος, Matthew 18:29 (Rec. ); John 11:32 (here T Tr WH πρός); πίπτειν ἔμπροσθεν τῶν ποδῶν τίνος, Revelation 19:10; προσκυνεῖν ἔμπροσθεν (or ἐνώπιον) τῶν ποδῶν τίνος, Revelation 3:9; Revelation 22:8; πεσών ἐπί τούς πόδας, Acts 10:25. By a poetic usage that member of the body which is the chief organ or instrument in any given action is put for the man himself (see γλῶσσα , 1); thus οἱ πόδες τίνος is used for the man in motion: Luke 1:79 (Psalm 118:101 (Psalms 119:101); Acts 5:9; Romans 3:15; Romans 10:15; Hebrews 12:13.


(4229) πρᾶγμα, πράγματος, τό (πράσσω), from (Pindar ), Aeschylus , Herodotus down, the Sept. chiefly for דָּבָר

a. that which has been done, a deed, an accomplished fact: Luke 1:1; Acts 5:4; 2 Corinthians 7:11; Hebrews 6:18.

b. what is doing or being accomplished: James 3:16; specifically, business (commercial transaction), 1 Thessalonians 4:6 (so Winer s Grammar, 115 (109); others refer this example to c. and render in the matter (spoken of, or conventionally understood; cf. Green , Gram., p. 26f)).

c. a matter (in question), affair: Matthew 18:19; Romans 16:2; specifically, in a forensic sense, a matter at law, case, suit (Xenophon , mem. 2, 9, 1; Demosthenes , 1120, 26; Josephus , Antiquities 14, 10, 17): πρᾶγμα ἔχειν πρός τινα (A. V. having a matter against, etc.), 1 Corinthians 6:1.

d. that which is or exists, a thing: Hebrews 10:1; πράγματα οὐ βλεπόμενα, Hebrews 11:1 (see ἐλπίζω ).*,


(4230) πραγματεία (T WH πραγματια; see Iota), πραγματείας, (πραγματεύομαι), prosecution of any affair; business, occupation: plural with the addition of τοῦ βίου, pursuits and occupations pertaining to civil life, opposed to warfare (A. V. the affairs of this life), 2 Timothy 2:4 (In the same and other senses in Greek writings from (Hippocrates ), Xenophon , Plato down.)


(4231) πραγματεύομαι: 1 aorist middle imperative 2 person plural πραγματεύσασθε; (πρᾶγμα); in Greek prose writings from Herodotus down; to be occupied in anything; to carry on a business; specifically, to carry on the business of a banker or trader (Plutarch , Sull. 17; Cat. min. 59): Luke 19:13 (here WH text reads the infinitive (see their Introductory § 404); R. V. trade. Compare: διαπραγματεύομαι.)


(4232) πραιτώριον, πραιτωριου, τό, a Latin word,praetorium (neuter of the adjectivepraetorius used substantively); the word denotes

1. 'headquarters' in a Roman camp, the tent of the commander-in-chief.

2. the palace in which the governor or procurator of a province resided, to which use the Romans were accustomed to appropriate the palaces already existing, and formerly dwelt in by the kings or princes (at Syracuse illa domus praetoria, quae regis Hieronis fuit, Cicero , Verr. 2:5, 12, 30); at Jerusalem it was that magnificent palace which Herod the Great had built for himself, and which the Roman procurators seem to have occupied whenever they came from Caesarea to Jerusalem to transact public business: Matthew 27:27; Mark 15:16; John 18:28, John 18:33; John 19:9; cf. Philo , leg. ad Gaium, § 38; Josephus , b. j. 2, 14, 8; also the one at Caesarea, Acts 23:35. Cf. Keim , iii, p. 359f. (English translation, vi., p. 79; B. D. under the word ).

3. the camp of praetorian soldiers established by Tiberius (Suetonius 37): Philippians 1:13. Cf. Winer s RWB, under the word Richthaus; (Lightfoot s Commentary on Philippians, pp. 99ff) rejects, as destitute of evidence, the various attempts to give a local sense to the word in Philippians, the passage cited, and vindicates the meaning praetorian guard (so R. V. )).


(4233) πράκτωρ, πρακτορος, (πράσσω);

1. one who does anything, a doer (Sophocles ).

2. "one who does the work of inflicting punishment or taking vengeance; especially the avenger of a murder (Aeschylus , Sophocles ); the exactor of a pecuniary fine" ((Antiphon ), Demosthenes , others); an officer of justice of the tower order whose business it is to inflict punishment: Luke 12:58.


(4234) πρᾶξις, πράξεως, (πράσσω), from Homer down;

a. a doing, a mode of acting; a deed, act, transaction: universally, πράξεις τῶν ἀποστόλων (Griesbach; Rec. inserts ἁγίων, L Tr WH omit τῶν, Tdf. has simply πράξεις), the doings of (i. e. things done by) the apostles, in the inscription of the Acts; singular in an ethical sense: both good and bad, Matthew 16:27; in a bad sense, equivalent to wicked deed, crime, Luke 23:51; plural wicked doings (cf. our practices i. e. trickery; often so by Polybius ): Acts 19:18; Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:9; (with κακῇ added, as Ev. Nicod. 1Ἰησοῦς ἐθεράπευσε δαιμονιζομένους ἀπό πράξεων κακῶν).

b. a thing to be done, business (A. V. office) (Xenophon , mem. 2, 1, 6): Romans 12:4.


(4235) πρᾷός (so R G in Matthew 11:29; on the iota subscript, cf. Lob. ad Phryn. , p. 403f; Alexander Buttmann (1873) Ausf. Spr. § 64, 2 i., p. 255; (Lipsius , Gramm. Untersuch., p. 7f; cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 5, 4 d. and p. 45 (44))) or πρᾷός, πραα, πραου, and πραΰς (L T Tr WH , so R G in Matthew 21:5 (4); (cf. Tdf. Proleg., p. 82)), πραείᾳ, πραυ, genitive πραέως T Tr WH for the common form πρᾳέος (so Lachmann; πρᾳέος R G ), see βαθέως (cf. Buttmann , 26 (23)), plural πραεῖς L T Tr WH , πραεῖς R G ; from Homer down; gentle, mild, meek: Matthew 5:5(4); Matthew 11:29; Matthew 21:5; 1 Peter 3:4; the Sept. several times for עָנָו and עָנִי. (Cf. Schmidt , chapter 98, 2; Trench , § xlii.; Clement of Alexandria , strom. 4, 6, 36.)


(4236) πρᾳότης (Rec. and Griesbach [except in James 1:21; James 3:13; 1 Peter 3:15]; see the preceding word), πραότης (so Lachmann), and according to a later form πραΰτης (so R and G, but with the ι subscript under the α, in James 1:21; James 3:13; 1 Peter 3:15; Lachmann everywhere except in Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 4:2; Treg. everywhere [except in 2 Corinthians 10:1; Galatians 5:23 (22); Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 4:2], T WH everywhere; cf. Buttmann 26f (23f)), -ητος, , gentleness, mildness, meekness: 1 Corinthians 4:21; 2 Corinthians 10:1; Galatians 5:23 (22); Galatians 6:1; Colossians 3:12; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Timothy 6:11 R; 2 Timothy 2:25; Titus 3:2; James 1:21; James 3:13; 1 Peter 3:16 (15). (Xenophon, Plato, Isocrates, Aristotle, Diodorus, Josephus, others; for עַנְוָה, Psalms 44:4 (Psalms 45:4)) [Synonym: see ἐπιείκεια , at the end; Trench (as there referred to, but especially) § xlii.; Bp. Lightfoot on Colossians 3:13.]

Related entry: πραϋπάθεια (-θία T WH; see Ι, ι), -ας, , (πραϋπαθής [(πάσχω)]), mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness (equivalent to πραΰτης): 1 Timothy 6:11 L T Tr WH. (Philo de Abrah. § 37; Ignatius ad Trall. 8, 1.)

Related entry: πραΰτης, see πρᾳότης


(4237) πρασιά, πρασιας, , a plot of ground, a garden-bed, Homer , Odyssey 7, 127; 24, 247; Theophrastus , hist. plant. 4, 4, 3; Nicander , Dioscorides (?), others; Sir. 24:31; ἀνέπεσον πρασιαί πρασιαί (a Hebraism), i. e. they reclined in ranks or divisions, so that the several ranks formed, as it were, separate plots, Mark 6:40; cf. Gesenius, Lehrgeb., p. 669; (Hebrew Gram. § 106, 4; Buttmann , 30 (27); Winer 's Grammar, 464 (432) also) § 37, 3; (where add from the O. T. συνήγαγον αὐτούς θημωνιας θημωνιας, Exodus 8:14).


(4238) πράσσω and (once viz. Acts 17:7 R G ) πράττω; future πράξω; 1 aorist ἔπραξα; perfect πέπραχά; perfect passive participle πεπραγμενος; from Homer down; the Sept. several times for עָשָׂה and פָּעַל; to do, practise, effect, Latinagere (but ποιεῖν to make, Latinfacere ; (see ποιέω , at the end)); i. e.:

1. to exercise, practise, be busy with, carry on: τά περίεργα, Acts 19:19; τά ἰδίᾳ, to mind one's own affairs, 1 Thessalonians 4:11 (τά ἑαυτοῦ (Sophocles Electr. 678); Xenophon , mem. 2, 9, 1; Plato , Phaedr., p. 247a.; Demosthenes , p. 150, 21; others); used of performing the duties of an office, 1 Corinthians 9:17. to undertake to do, μηδέν προπετές, Acts 19:36.

2. to accomplish, to perform: πεπραγμένον ἐστιν, has been accomplished, has taken place, Acts 26:26; εἴτε ἀγαθόν, εἴτε κακόν, 2 Corinthians 5:10; ἀγαθόν φαῦλον (κακόν), Romans 9:11 (δίκαια ἄδικα, Plato , Apology, p. 28 b.); ἄξια τῆς μετανοίας ἔργα, Acts 26:20; add, Romans 7:15, Romans 7:19; Philippians 4:9; μόνον, to do, i. e. keep the law, Romans 2:25; of unworthy acts, to commit, perpetrate (less frequent so in Greek writings, as πολλά καί ἀνόσια, Xenophon , symp. 8, 22; with them ποιεῖν ((see Schmidt , Syn., chapter 23, 11, 3; Liddell and Scott, under the word, B.)) is more common in reference to bad conduct; hence, τούς ἐπισταμένους μέν δεῖ πράττειν, ποιοῦντας δέ ταναντια, Xenophon , mem. 3, 9, 4), Acts 26:9; 2 Corinthians 12:21; τό ἔργον τοῦτο, this (criminal) deed, 1 Corinthians 5:2 T WH Tr marginal reading; add, Luke 22:23; Acts 3:17; Acts 5:35; Romans 7:19; τά τοιαῦτα, such nameless iniquities, Romans 1:32 (where ποιεῖν and πράσσειν are used indiscriminately (but cf. Meyer)); Romans 2:1-3; Galatians 5:21; (φαῦλα, John 3:20; John 5:29; τί ἄξιον θανάτου, Luke 23:15; Acts 25:11, Acts 25:25; Acts 26:31; τό κακόν, Romans 7:19; Romans 13:4; ἄτοπον, Luke 23:41; τί τίνι κακόν, to bring evil upon one, Acts 16:28.

3. to manage public affairs, transact public business (Xenophon , Demosthenes , Plutarch ); from this use has come a sense met with from Pindar , Aeschylus , Herodotus down, viz. to exact tribute, revenue, debts: Luke 3:13 (here R. V. extort); τό ἀργύριον, Luke 19:23 (soagere in Latin, cf. the commentators on Suetonius , Vesp. 1; (cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 42, 1 a.)).

4. intransitive, to act (see εὖ , p. 256a): ἀπέναντι τίνος, contrary to a thing, Acts 17:7.

5. from Aeschylus and Herodotus down reflexively, me habere: τί πράσσω, how I do, the state of my affairs, Ephesians 6:21; εὖ πράξετε (see εὖ ), Acts 15:29 (cf. Buttmann , 300 (258)).


(4239) πραΰς, see πρᾷός . See related Strong's entry Strong's 4235.


(4240) πραΰτης, see πραότης . See related Strong's entry Strong's 4236.


(4241) πρέπω; imperfect 3 person singular ἔπρεπε;

1. to stand out, to be conspicuous, to be eminent; so from Homer , Iliad 12, 104 down.

2. to be becoming, seemly, fit (from Pindar , Aeschylus , Herodotus down): πρέπει τίνι with a subject nominative, Hebrews 7:26 (Psalms 32:1 (Psalms 33:1); or πρέπει, which becometh, befitteth, 1 Timothy 2:10; Titus 2:1; impersonally, καθώς πρέπει τίνι, Ephesians 5:3; πρέπον ἐστιν followed by the infinitive, Matthew 3:15; Hebrews 2:10; followed by an accusative with the infinitive 1 Corinthians 11:13. On its construction cf. Alexander Buttmann (1873) § 142, 2.


(4242) πρεσβεία, πρεσβειας, (πρεσβεύω);

1. age, dignity, right of the first born: Aeschylus Pers. 4; Plato , de rep. 6, p. 509 b.; Pausanias , 3, 1, 4; 3, 3, 8.

2. the business usually to be entrusted to elders, specifically, the office of an ambassador, an embassy (Aristophanes , Xenophon , Plato ); abstract for the concrete, an ambassage, i. e. ambassadors, Luke 14:32; Luke 19:14.


(4243) πρεσβεύω; (πρέσβυς an old man, an elder (Curtius , p. 479; Vanicek , p. 186));

1. to be older, prior by birth or in age ((Sophocles ), Herodotus and following).

2. to be an ambassador, act as an ambassador: 2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20, ((Herodotus 5, 93 at the beginning), Aristophanes , Xenophon , Plato , and following).


(4244) πρεσβυτέριον, πρεσβυτερίου, τό (πρεσβύτερος, which see), body of elders, presbytery, senate, council: of the Jewish elders (see συνέδριον , 2), Luke 22:66; Acts 22:5; (cf. Daniel, Theod. at the beginning); of the elders of any body (church) of Christians, 1 Timothy 4:14 (ecclesiastical writings (cf. references under the word πρεσβύτερος, 2 b.)).


(4245) πρεσβύτερος, πρεσβυτέρα, πρεσβύτερον (comparitive of πρέσβυς) (from Homer down), elder; used:

1. of age;

a. where two persons are spoken of, the elder: υἱός πρεσβύτερος (Aelian v. h. 9, 42), Luke 15:25.

b. universally, advanced in life, an elder, a senior: opposed to νεανίσκοι, Acts 2:17; opposed to νεώτερος, 1 Timothy 5:1 (Genesis 18:11; Wis. 8:10; Sir. 6:34 (33); Sir. 7:14; 2 Macc. 8:30). οἱ πρεσβύτεροι (A. V. the elders), forefathers, Hebrews 11:2; παράδοσις (which see) τῶν πρεσβυτέρων, received from the fathers, Matthew 15:2; Mark 7:3, Mark 7:5.

2. a term of rank or office; as such borne by,

a. among the Jews,

α. members of the great council or Sanhedrin (because in early times the rulers of the people, judges, etc., were selected from the elderly men): Matthew 16:21; Matthew 26:47, Matthew 26:57, Matthew 26:59 Rec. ; Matthew 27:3,Matthew 27:12,Matthew 27:20,Matthew 27:41; Matthew 28:12; Mark 8:31; Mark 11:27; Mark 14:43, Mark 14:53; Mark 15:1; Luke 9:22; Luke 20:1; Luke 22:52; John 8:9; Acts 4:5, Acts 4:23; Acts 6:12; Acts 23:14; Acts 24:1; with the addition of τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, Acts 4:8 R G ; of τῶν Ἰουδαίων, Acts 25:15; of τοῦ λαοῦ, Matthew 21:23; Matthew 26:3; Matthew 27:1.

β. those who in the separate cities managed public affairs and administered justice: Luke 7:3. (Cf. BB. DD. , under the word.)

b. among Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches): Acts 11:30; Acts 14:23; Acts 15:2, Acts 15:4, Acts 15:6, Acts 15:22; Acts 16:4; Acts 21:18; 1 Timothy 5:17, 1 Timothy 5:19; Titus 1:5; 2 John 1:1; 3 John 1:1; 1 Peter 5:1, 1 Peter 5:5 [T WH om.]; with τῆς ἐκκλησίας added, Acts 20:17; James 5:14. That they did not differ at all from the (ἐπίσκοποι) bishops or overseers (as is acknowledged also by Jerome on Titus 1:5 (cf. Lightfoot 's Commentary on Philippians, pp. 98f, 229f)) is evident from the fact that the two words are used indiscriminately, Acts 20:17, Acts 20:28; Titus 1:5, Titus 1:7, and that the duty of presbyters is described by the terms ἐπισκοπεῖν, 1 Peter 5:1, and ἐπισκοπή, Clement of Rome , 1 Cor. 44, 1 [ET]; accordingly only two ecclesiastical officers, οἱ ἐπίσκοποι and οἱ διάκονοι, are distinguished in Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1, 1 Timothy 3:8. The title ἐπίσκοπος denotes the function, πρεσβύτερος the dignity; the former was borrowed from Greek institutions, the latter from the Jewish; cf. (Lightfoot , as above, pp. 95ff, 191ff); Ritschl, Die Entstehung der altkathol. Kirche, edition 2, p. 350ff; Hase, Protest. Polemik, edition 4, p. 98ff; (Hatch, Bampton Lects. for 1880, Lect. 3 and Harnack's Analecten appended to the German translation of the same (p. 229ff); also Harnack's note on Clement of Rome , 1 Corinthians 1:1-31, 1 Corinthians 1:3 [ET] (cf. references at 44 at the beginning), and Hatch in Dict. of Christ. Antiq. , under the word. Cf. ἐπίσκοπος .).

c. the twenty-four members of the heavenly Sanhedrin or court, seated on thrones around the throne of God: Revelation 4:4, Revelation 4:10; Revelation 5:5, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 5:8, Revelation 5:11, Revelation 5:14; Revelation 7:11, Revelation 7:13; Revelation 11:16; Revelation 14:3; Revelation 19:4.


(4246) πρεσβύτης, πρεσβύτου, (πρέσβυς (see πρεσβεύω )), an old man, an aged man: Luke 1:18; Titus 2:2; Philemon 1:9 (here many (cf. R. V. marginal reading) regard the word as a substitute for πρεσβευτής, ambassador; see Lightfoot s Commentary at the passage; WH 's Appendix, at the passage; and add to the examples of the interchange πρεσβευτεροις in Wood, Discoveries at Ephesus, Appendix, Inscriptions from the Great Theatre, p. 24 (col. 5, 50:72)). (Aeschyl, Euripides , Xenophon , Plato , others; the Sept. for זָקֵן.)


(4247) πρεσβῦτις, πρεσβυτιδος, (feminine of πρεσβύτης), an aged woman: Titus 2:3. (Aeschylus , Euripides , Plato , Diodorus , Plutarch , Herodian , 5, 3, 6 (3 edition, Bekker).)


(4248) πρηνής, πρηνες (allied with πρό; Vanicek , p. 484), Latinpronus , headlong: Acts 1:18. (Wis. 4:19; 3Macc. 5:43; in Greek writings from Homer down, but in Attic more common πρανής, see Lob. ad Phryn. , p. 431; (Winer 's Grammar, 22).)


(4249) πρίζω (or πρίω, which see): 1 aorist passive ἐπρίσθην; to saw, to cut in two with a saw: Hebrews 11:37. To be 'sawn asunder' was a kind of punishment among the Hebrews (2 Samuel 12:31; 1 Chronicles 20:3), which according to ancient tradition was inflicted on the prophet Isaiah; cf. Winer s RWB, under the word Säge; Roskoff in Schenkel 5:135; (B. D. , under the word ). (Amos 1:3; Susanna 59; Plato , Theag., p. 124 b. and frequent in later writings.)


(4250) πρίν ((according to Curtius , § 380 comparitive προιον, προιν, πρίν)), as in Greek writings from Homer down:

1. an adverb previously,formerly (cf. πάλαι , 1): 3Macc. 5:28 3Macc. 6:4, 31; but never so in the N. T.

2. with the force of a conjunction, before, before that: with an accusative and aorist infinitive of things past (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 44, 6 at the end; Buttmann , § 142, 3); πρίν Ἀβραάμ γενέσθαι, before Abraham existed, came into being, John 8:58; also πρίν (cf. Meyer on Matthew 1:18), Matthew 1:18; (Acts 7:2); with an aorist infinitive haying the force of the Latin future perfect, of things future (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 332 (311)): πρίν ἀλέκτορα φωνῆσαι, before the cock shall have crowed, Matthew 26:34, Matthew 26:75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:61; add, John 4:49; John 14:29; also πρίν , Mark 14:30; Acts 2:20 (where L T Tr WH text omit ); πρίν , preceded by a negative sentence (Buttmann , § 139, 35), with the aorist subjunctive having the force of a future perfect in Latin (Buttmann , 231 (199)), Luke 2:26 (R G L T Tr marginal reading, but WH brackets ), and R G in Luke 22:34; πρίν , followed by the optative of a thing as entertained in thought, Acts 25:16 (Winer s Grammar, 297 (279); Buttmann , 230 (198)). Cf. Matthiae , § 522, 2, p. 1201f; Alexander Buttmann (1873) Gram. § 139, 41; Klotz ad Devar. ii. 2, p. 720ff; Winer s Grammar (and Buttmann ), as above.


(4251) Πρίσκα, (accusative, Πρίσκαν), Prisca (a Latin name (literally, 'ancient')), a Christian woman, wife of Aquila (concerning whom see Ἀκύλας ): Romans 16:3 G L T Tr WH ; 1 Corinthians 16:19, Lachmann's stereotyped edition; T Tr WH ; 2 Timothy 4:19. She is also called by the diminutive name Πρίσκιλλα (better (with all editions) Πρίσκιλλα, see Chandler § 122; Etym. Magn. 19, 50f) (cf. Livia, Livilla; Drusa, Drusilla; Quinta, Quintilla; Secunda, Secundilla): Acts 18:2, Acts 18:18, Acts 18:26; besides, Romans 16:3 Rec. ; 1 Corinthians 16:19 R G L .


(4252) Πρίσκιλλα, see the preceding word.


(4253) πρό, a preposition followed by the genitive (Latin pro ) (from Homer down), the Sept. chiefly for לִפְנֵי, before; used

a. of place: πρό τῶν θυρῶν, τῆς θύρας, etc., Acts 5:23 R G ; Acts 12:6,Acts 12:14; Acts 14:13; James 5:9; by a Hebraism, πρό προσώπου with the genitive of a person before (the face of) one (who is following) (Buttmann , 319 (274)): Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 1:76; Luke 7:27; Luke 9:52; Luke 10:1 (Malachi 3:1; Zechariah 14:20; Deuteronomy 3:18).

b. of Time: πρό τούτων τῶν ἡμερῶν, Acts 5:36; Acts 21:38; (πρό τοῦ πάσχα, John 11:55); according to a later Greek idiom, πρό ἕξ ἡμερῶν τοῦ πάσχα, properly, before six days reckoning from the Passover, which is equivalent to ἕξ ἡμέρας πρό τοῦ πάσχα, on the sixth day before the Passover, John 12:1 (πρό δύο ἐτῶν τοῦ σεισμοῦ, Amos 1:1; πρό μιᾶς ἡμέρας τῆς Μαρδοχαϊκῆς ἡμέρας, 2 Macc. 15:36; examples from secular writings are cited by Winer s Grammar, 557 (518); (cf. Buttmann , § 131, 11); from ecclesiastical writings by Hilgenfeld, Die Evangelien etc., pp. 298, 302; also his Paschastreit der alten Kirche, p. 221f; (cf. Sophocles ' Lexicon, under the word πρό, 1 and 2)); (πρό τῆς ἑορτῆς, John 13:1); πρό καιροῦ, Matthew 8:29; 1 Corinthians 4:5; τῶν αἰώνων, 1 Corinthians 2:7; παντός τοῦ αἰῶνος, Jude 1:25 L T Tr WH ; ἐτῶν δεκατεσσάρων, (fourteen years ago), 2 Corinthians 12:2; add, 2 Timothy 1:9; 2 Timothy 4:21; Titus 1:2; τοῦ ἀρίστου, Luke 11:38; κατακλυσμοῦ, Matthew 24:38; πρό τῆς μεταθέσεως, Hebrews 11:5; πρό καταβολῆς κόσμου, John 17:24; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20; πρό πάντων, prior to all created things, Colossians 1:17; (πρό τούτων πάντων (Rev. ἁπάντων), Luke 21:12); by a Hebraism, πρό προσώπου with the genitive of a thing is used of time for the simple πρό (Winer s Grammar, § 65, 4b.; (Buttmann , 319 (274))), Acts 13:24 ((literally, before the face of his entering in)). πρό with the genitive of a person: John 5:7; John 10:8 (not Tdf. ); Romans 16:7; οἱ πρό τίνος, those that existed before one, Matthew 5:12; with a predicate nominative added, Galatians 1:17. πρό with the genitive of an infinitive that has the article, Latin ante quam (before, before that) followed by a finite verb (Buttmann , § 140, 11; Winer 's Grammar, 329 (309)): Matthew 6:8; Luke 2:21; Luke 22:15; John 1:48 (49); John 13:19; John 17:5; Acts 23:15; Galatians 2:12; Galatians 3:23.

c. of superiority or pre-eminence (Winer 's Grammar, 372 (349)): πρό πάντων, above all things, James 5:12; 1 Peter 4:8.

d. In Composition, πρό marks

α. place: προαύλιον; motion forward (Latin porro ), προβαίνω, προβάλλω, etc.; before another who follows, in advance, προάγω, πρόδρομος, προπέρμπω, προτρέχω, etc.; in public view, openly, πρόδηλος, πρόκειμαι.

β. time: before this, previously, προαμαρτάνω; in reference to the time of an occurrence, beforehand, in advance, προβλέπω, προγινώσκω, προθέσμιος, πρωρίζω, etc.

γ. superiority or preference: προαιρέομαι. (Cf. Herm. ad Vig. , p. 658.)


(4254) προάγω; imperfect προῆγον; future προάξω; 2 aorist προήγαγον; from Herodotus down;

1. transitive, to lead forward, lead forth: τινα, one from a place in which he has lain hidden from view,—as from prison, ἔξω, Acts 16:30; (from Jason's house, Acts 17:5 L T Tr WH ); in a forensic sense, to bring one forth to trial, Acts 12:6 (WH text προσαγαγεῖν); with addition of ἐπί and the genitive of the person about to examine into the case, before whom the hearing is to be had, Acts 25:26 (εἰς τήν δίκην, Josephus , b. j. 1, 27, 2; εἰς ἐκκλησίαν τούς ἐν αἰτία γενομένους, Antiquities 16, 11, 7).

2. intransitive (see ἄγω , 4 (and cf. πρό , d. α.)),

a. to go before: Luke 18:39 (L marginal reading of παράγοντες); opposed to ἀκολουθέω, Matthew 21:9 R G ; Mark 11:9; followed by εἰς with an accusative of place, Matthew 14:22; Mark 6:45; εἰς κρίσιν, 1 Timothy 5:24 (on which passage see ἐπακολουθέω ); participle προάγων, preceding i. e. prior in point of time, previous, 1 Timothy 1:18 (see προφητεία at the end, and under the word ἐπί, C. I. 2 g.γ. γγ. (but R. V. marginal reading led the way to, etc.)); Hebrews 7:18. τινα, to precede one, Matthew 2:9; Mark 10:32; and L T Tr WH in Matthew 21:9 (cf. Josephus , b. j. 6, 1, 6; Buttmann , § 130, 4); followed by εἰς with an accusative of place, Matthew 26:32; Matthew 28:7; Mark 14:28; Mark 16:7; τινα εἰς τήν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ, to take precedence of one in entering into the kingdom of God, Matthew 21:31 (cf. Buttmann , 201 (177)).

b. to proceed, go forward: in a bad sense, to go further than is right or proper, equivalent to μή μένειν ἐν τῇ διδαχή, to transgress the limits of true doctrine (cf. our colloquial, 'advanced' (views, etc.) in a disparaging sense), 2 John 1:9 L T Tr WH (but R. V. marginal reading taketh the lead).


(4255) προαιρέω, προαίρω: by prose writings from Herodotus (rather, from Thucydides 8, 90 at the end (in poetry, from Aristophanes Thesm. 419)) down, to bring forward, bring forth from one's stores; middle to bring forth for oneself, to choose for oneself before another i. e. to prefer; to purpose: καθώς προαιρεῖται (L T Tr WH the perfect προῄρηται) τῇ καρδία, 2 Corinthians 9:7.



[αἴτιάομαι, : to accuse, bring a charge against; ἠτιασάμεθα is a various reading in Romans 3:9 for the προῃτιασάμεθα of the printed texts. (Proverbs 19:3; Sir. 29:5; frequent in secular writings) Synonym: see κατηγορέω .]


(4257) προακούω: 1 aorist 2 person plural προηκούσατε: to hear before: τήν ἐλπίδα, the hoped for salvation, before its realization, Colossians 1:5 (where cf. Lightfoot ). (Herodotus , Xenophon , Plato , Demosthenes , others.)


(4258) προαμαρτάνω: perfect participle προημαρτηκως; to sin before: οἱ προημαρτηκοτες, of those who before receiving baptism had been guilty of the vices especially common muong the Gentiles, 2 Corinthians 12:21; 2 Corinthians 13:2; in this same sense also in Justin Martyr , Apology i. e. 61; Clement of Alexandria , strom. 4, 12; cf. Lücke, Conjectanea Exeget. I. (Götting. 1837), p. 14ff (but on the reference of the προ- see Meyer on 2 Cor. the passages cited (R. V. heretofore)). (Herodian , 3, 14, 18 (14 edition, Bekker); ecclesiastical writings.)


(4259) προαύλιον, προαυλιου, τό (πρό and αὐλή), forecourt, porch: Mark 14:68 ((cf. Pollux 1, 8, 77 and see αὐλή , 2)).


(4260) προβαίνω: perfect participle προβεβηκώς; 2 aorist participle προβάς; from Homer down; to go forward, go on (cf. πρό , d. α.): properly, on foot, Matthew 4:21; Mark 1:19; tropically, ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις προβεβηκώς, advanced in age, Luke 1:7, Luke 1:18; Luke 2:36 (see ἡμέρα , at the end; τήν ἡλικίαν, 2 Macc. 4:40 2Macc. 6:18; Herodian , 2, 7, 7 (5 edition, Bekker); τῇ ἡλικία, Lysias , p. 169, 37; (Diodorus 12, 18); ταῖς ἡλικιαις, Diodorus 13, 89; (cf. Liddell and Scott, under the word, I. 2)).


(4261) προβάλλω; 2 aorist προεβαλον; from Homer down; to throw forward (cf. πρό , d. α.); of trees, to shoot forth, put out, namely, leaves; to germinate (cf. Buttmann , § 130, 4; Winer 's Grammar, 593 (552)) (with καρπόν, added, Josephus , Antiquities 4, 8, 19; Epict. 1, 15, 7): Luke 21:30; to push forward, thrust forward, put forward: τινα, Acts 19:33.


(4262) προβατικός, προβατικῇ, προβατικον (πρόβατον), pertaining to sheep: προβατικῇ, SC. πύλη (which is added in Nehemiah 3:1, Nehemiah 3:32; Nehemiah 12:39, for הַצֹּאן שַׁעַר), the sheep gate, John 5:2 ((Winer s Grammar, 592 (551); Buttmann , § 123, 8); but some (as Meyer, Weiss, Milligan and Moulton, cf. Treg. marginal reading and see Tdf. 's note at the passage) would connect προβατικός with the immediately following κολυμβήθρα (pointed as a dative); see Tdf. as above; WH s Appendix, at the passage. On the supposed locality see B. D. under the phrase, Sheep Gate (Sheep-Market)). See under Βηθεσδά p. 101a above.


(4263) πρόβατον, προβάτου, τό (from προβαίνω, properly, 'that which walks forward'), from Homer down, the Sept. chiefly for צֹאן, then for שֶׂה, sometimes for כֶּבֶשׂ and כֶּשֶׂב (a lamb), properly, any four-footed, tame animal accustomed to graze, small cattle (opposed to large cattle, horses, etc.), most common a sheep or a goat; but especially a sheep, and so always in the N. T.: Matthew 7:15; Matthew 10:16; Matthew 12:11; Mark 6:34; Luke 15:4, Luke 15:6; John 2:14; John 10:1-4, John 10:11.; Acts 8:32 (from Isaiah 53:7); 1 Peter 2:25; Revelation 18:13; πρόβατα σφαγῆς, sheep destined for the slaughter, Romans 8:36. metaphorically, πρόβατα, sheep, is used of the followers of any master: Matthew 26:31 and Mark 14:27 (from Zechariah 13:7); of mankind, who as needing salvation obey the injunctions of him who provides it and leads them to it; so of the followers of Christ: John 10:7, John 10:15, John 10:26; John 21:16 (R G L Tr text WH marginal reading), John 21:17 (R G L WH marginal reading); Hebrews 13:20; τά πρόβατα ἀπολωλότα (see ἀπόλλυμι , at the end), Matthew 10:6; Matthew 15:24; τά πρόβατα in distinction from τά ἐρίφια, are good men as distinguished from bad people, Matthew 25:33.


(4264) προβιβάζω 1 aorist 3 person plural προεβίβασαν; 1 aorist passive participle feminine προβιβασθεῖσα;

1. properly, to cause to go forward, to lead forward, to bring forward, drag forward: Acts 19:33 R G ((from Sophocles down)).

2. metaphorically, equivalent to προτρέπω, to incite, instigate, urge forward, set on; to induce by persuasion: Matthew 14:8 (εἰς τί, Xenophon , mem. 1, 5, 1; Plato , Prot., p. 328 b.; (in Deuteronomy 6:7 the Sept. with an accusative of the thing (and of the person) equivalent to to teach)).


(4265) προβλέπω: to foresee (Psalm 36:13 (Psalms 37:13); Dionysius Halicarnassus , Antiquities 11, 20); 1 aorist middle participle προβλεψαμενος; to provide: τί περί τίνος, Hebrews 11:40 (Winer s Grammar, § 38, 6; Buttmann , 194 (167)).


(4266) προγίνομαι: perfect participle προγεγονώς; to become or arise before, happen before (so from Herodotus down (in Homer (Iliad 18, 525) to come forward into view)): προγεγονότα ἁμαρτήματα, sins previously committed, Romans 3:25.


(4267) προγινώσκω; 2 aorist 3 person singular προέγνω; perfect passive participle προεγνωσμενος; to have knowledge of beforehand; to foreknow: namely, ταῦτα, 2 Peter 3:17, cf. 2 Peter 3:14, 2 Peter 3:16; τινα, Acts 26:5; οὕς προέγνω, whom he (God) foreknew, namely, that they would love him, or (with reference to what follows) whom he foreknew to be fit to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, Romans 8:29 (τῶν εἰς αὐτόν (Χριστόν) πιστεύειν προεγνωσμενων, Justin Martyr , dialog contr Trypho, c. 42; προγινώσκει ( Θεός) τινας ἐκ μετανοίας σωθήσεσθαι μέλλοντας, id. Apology 1:28); ὅν προέγνω, whose character he clearly saw beforehand, Romans 11:1-36: (1 Lachmann in brackets), Romans 11:2 (against those who in the preceding passages from Rom. explain προγινώσκειν as meaning to predestinate, cf. Meyer, Philippi, Van Hengel); προεγνωσμένου, namely, ὑπό τοῦ Θεοῦ (foreknown by God, although not yet 'made manifest' to men), 1 Peter 1:20. (Wis. 6:14 Wis. 8:8 Wis. 18:6; Euripides , Xenophon , Plato , Herodian , Philostr. , others.)


(4268) πρόγνωσις, προγνωσεως, (προγινώσκω);

1. foreknowledge: Judith 9:6 Judith 11:19 (Plutarch , Lucian , Herodian).

2. forethought, prearrangement (see προβλέπω ): 1 Peter 1:2; Acts 2:23 (but cf. προγινώσκω , and see Meyer on Acts, the passage cited).


(4269) πρόγονος, προγονου, (προγίνομαι), born before, older: Homer , Odyssey 9, 221; plural ancestors, Latinmajores (often so by Greek writings from Pindar down): ἀπό προγόνων, in the spirit and after the manner received from (my) forefathers (cf. ἀπό , II. 2 d. aa., p. 59a bottom), 2 Timothy 1:3; used of a mother, grandparents, and (if such survive) great-grandparents, 1 Timothy 5:4 (A. V. parents) (of surviving ancestors also in Plato , legg. 11, p. 932 at the beginning).


(4270) προγράφω: 1 aorist προέγραψα; 2 aorist passive προεγραφην; perfect passive participle προγεγραμμενος;

1. to write before (of time): Romans 15:4 R G L text T Tr WH , 4b Rec. ; Ephesians 3:3; οἱ πάλαι προγεγραμμένοι εἰς τοῦτο τό κρίμα, of old set forth or designated beforehand (in the Scriptures of the O. T. and the prophecies of Enoch) unto this condemnation, Jude 1:4.

2. to depict or portray openly (cf. πρό , d. α: οἷς κατ' ὀφθαλμούς Ἰησοῦς Χριστός προεγράφη ἐν ὑμῖν (but ἐν ὑμῖν is dropped by G L T Tr WH ) ἐσταυρωμένος, before whose eyes was portrayed the picture of Jesus Christ crucified (the attentive contemplation of which picture ought to have been a preventive against that bewitchment), i. e. who were taught most definitely and plainly concerning the meritorious efficacy of the death of Christ, Galatians 3:1. Since the simple γράφειν is often used of painters, and προγράφειν certainly signifies also to write before the eyes of all who can read (Plutarch , Demetr. 46 at the end, προγραφει τίς αὐτοῦ πρό τῆς σκηνῆς τήν τοῦ Ὀιδιποδος ἀρχήν), I see no reason why προγράφειν may not mean to depict (paint, portray) before the eyes; (R. V. openly set forth). Cf. Hofmann at the passage (Farrar, St. Paul, chapter xxiv., vol. i, 470 note; others adhere to the meaning to placard, write up publicly, see Lightfoot at the passage; others besides; see Meyer).


(4271) πρόδηλος, πρόδηλον (πρό (d. α. and) δῆλος), openly evident, known to all, manifest: 1 Timothy 5:24; neuter followed by ὅτι, Hebrews 7:14. ((From Sophocles and Herodotus down.))


(4272) προδίδωμι: 1 aorist 3 person singular προέδωκεν;

1. to give before, give first: Romans 11:35 (Xenophon , Polybius , Aristotle ).

2. to betray: Aeschylus , Herodotus , Euripides , Plato , others; τήν πατρίδα, 4 Macc. 4:1.


(4273) προδότης, προδοτου, (προδίδωμι, 2), a betrayer, traitor: Luke 6:16; Acts 7:52; 2 Timothy 3:4. (From (Aeschylus ), Herodotus down; 2 Macc. 5:15; 3Macc. 3:24.)


(4274) πρόδρομος, προδρομου, , (προτρέχω, προδραμεῖν), a forerunner (especially one who is sent before to take observations or act as spy, a scout, a light-armed soldier; Aeschylus , Herodotus , Thucydides , Polybius , Diodorus , Plutarch , others; cf. Wis. 12:8); one who comes in advance to a place whither the rest are to follow: Hebrews 6:20.


(4275) προεῖδον (from Homer down), 2 aorist of the verb πρωράω, to foresee: Acts 2:31 ((here WH προϊδών without diaeresis; cf. Iota, at the end)); Galatians 3:8.


(4276) προελπίζω: perfect participle accusative plural προηλπικότας; to hope before: ἐν τίνι, to repose hope in a person or thing before the event confirms it, Ephesians 1:12. (Posidipp. quoted in Athen. 9, p. 377{c}, Dexippus (circa ), Gregory of Nyssa ).


(4277) *For 4277 see Strong's definition.


(4278) προενάρχομαι: 1 aorist προενηρξαμην; to make a beginning before: 2 Corinthians 8:6; τί, 2 Corinthians 8:10 (here others render 'to make a beginning before others,' 'to be the first to make a beginning,' (cf. Meyer ad loc.)). Not found elsewhere.


(4279) προεπαγγέλλω: 1 aorist middle προεπηγγειλαμην; perfect participle προεπηγγελμενος; to announce before (Dio Cassius ); middle to promise before: τί, Romans 1:2, and L T Tr WH in 2 Corinthians 9:5 ((Arrian 6, 27, 1); Dio Cassius , 42, 32; 46, 40).


(4280) *For 4280 see Strong's definition.


(4281) προέρχομαι: imperfect προηρχομην; future προελεύσομαι; 2 aorist προῆλθον; from Herodotus down;

1. to go forward, go on: μικρόν, a little, Matthew 26:39 (here T Tr WH marginal reading προσελθών (which see in a.)); Mark 14:35 (Tr WH marginal reading προσελθών); with an accusative of the way, Acts 12:10 (Xenophon , Cyril 2, 4, 18; Plato , rep. 1, p. 328 e.; 10, p. 616 b.).

2. to go before; i. e.,

a. to go before, precede (locally; German vorangehen): ἐνώπιον τίνος, Luke 1:17 ((ἔμπροσθεν τίνος, Genesis 33:3), WH marginal reading προσελευσαντες which see in a.); τίνος, to precede one, Luke 22:47 Rec. ((Judith 2:19)); τινα, ibid. G L T Tr WH (not so construed in secular writings; cf. Buttmann , 144 (126); Fritzsche, Ep. ad Romans, iii., p. 70; (Winer s Grammar, § 52, 4, 13); but in Latin we find antecedere, anteire,praeire, aliquem , and in Greek writings πρόθειν τινα; see προηγέομαι ); to outgo, outstrip (Latin praecurrere, antevertere aliquem ; for which the Greeks say φθάνειν τινα), Mark 6:33.

b. to go before, i. e. (set out) in advance of another (German vorausgehen): Acts 20:5 (Tr WH text προσελθόντες); εἰς (L Tr πρός) ὑμᾶς, unto (as far as to) you, 2 Corinthians 9:5; ἐπί τό πλοῖον, to the ship, Acts 20:13 (Tr WH marginal reading προσελθόντες).


(4282) προετοιμάζω: 1 aorist προητοίμασα; to prepare before, to make ready beforehand: προητοίμασεν εἰς δόξαν, i. e. for whom he appointed glory beforehand (i. e., from eternity), and, accordingly, rendered them fit to receive it, Romans 9:23; to prepare beforehand in mind and purpose, i. e. to decree, Ephesians 2:10, where οἷς stands by attraction for (cf. Winer s Grammar, 149 (141); Buttmann , § 143, 8). (Isaiah 28:24; Wis. 9:8; Herodotus , Philo , Josephus , Plutarch , Geoponica , others.)


(4283) προευαγγελίζομαι: 1 aorist 3 person singular προευηγγελίσατο; to announce or promise glad tidings beforehand (viz. before the event by which the promise is made good): Galatians 3:8. (Philo de opif. mund. § 9; mutat. nom. § 29; Byzantine writings.)


(4284) προέχω ((from Homer down)): present middle 1 person plural προεχόμεθα; to have before or in advance of another, to have pre-eminence over another, to excel, to surpass; often so in secular authors from (Sophocles and) Herodotus down; middle to excel to one's advantage (cf. Kühner, § 375, 1); to surpass in excellences which can be passed to one's credit: Romans 3:9; it does not make against this force of the middle in the present passage that the use is nowhere else met with, nor is there any objection to an interpretation which has commended itself to a great many and which the context plainly demands. (But on this difficult word see especially James Morison, Critical Expos. of the Third Chap. of Romans, p. 93ff; Gifford in the 'Speaker's Commentary,' p. 96; Winer 's Grammar, § 38, 6; § 39 at the end, cf. p. 554 (516).)


(4285) προηγέομαι, προηγοῦμαι; to go before and show the way, to go before and lead, to go before as leader (Herodotus 2, 48; often in Xenophon ; besides in Aristophanes , Polybius , Plutarch , the Sept. , others): τῇ τιμή ἀλλήλους προηγούμενοι, one going before another as an example of deference (A. V. in honor preferring one another (on the dative cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 31, 6 a.)), Romans 12:10. The Greek writers connect this verb now with the dative (Aristophanes , Plutarch , 1195; Polybius 6, 53, 8; etc.), now with the genitive (Diodorus 1, 87); see προέρχομαι , 2 a.


(4286) πρόθεσις, προθέσεως, (προτίθημι);

1. the setting forth of a thing, placing of it in view (Plato , Demosthenes , Plutarch ); οἱ ἄρτοι τῆς προθέσεως (Vulg. panes propositionis ), the showbread, the Sept. for הַפָנִים לֶחֶם (Exodus 35:13; Exodus 39:18 (Exodus 38:36); 1 Kings 7:48 (1 Kings 7:34)), and הַמַּעֲרֶכֶת לֶחֶם (1 Chronicles 9:32; 1 Chronicles 23:29); twelve loaves of wheaten bread, corresponding to the number of the tribes of Israel, which loaves were offered to God every Sabbath, and, separated into two rows, lay for seven days upon a table placed in the sanctuary or anterior portion of the tabernacle, and afterward of the temple (cf. Winer , RWB, under the word Schaubrode; Roskoff in Schenkel see p. 213f; (Edersheim, The Temple, chapter ix., p. 152ff; BB. DD. )): Matthew 12:4; Mark 2:26; Luke 6:4 (οἱ ἄρτοι τοῦ προσώπου, namely, Θεοῦ, Nehemiah 10:33; ἄρτοι ἐνωπιοι, Exodus 25:29); πρόθεσις τῶν ἄρτων (the rite of) the setting forth of the loaves, Hebrews 9:2.

2. a purpose (2 Macc. 3:8; (Aristotle ), Polybius , Diodorus , Plutarch ): Acts 27:13; Romans 8:28; Romans 9:11; Ephesians 1:11; Ephesians 3:11; 2 Timothy 1:9; 2 Timothy 3:10; τῇ προθέσει τῆς καρδίας, with purpose of heart, Acts 11:23.


(4287) προθέσμιος, προθεσμία, προθεσμιον (πρό (which see in d. β.) and θεσμός fixed, appointed), set beforehand, appointed or determined beforehand, pre-arranged (Lucian , Nigr. 27); προθεσμία, namely, ἡμέρα, the day previously appointed; universally, the pre-appointed time: Galatians 4:2. (Lysias , Plato , Demosthenes , Aeschines , Diodorus , Philo — cf. Siegfried, Philo , p. 113, Josephus , Plutarch , others; ecclesiastical writings; cf. Kypke and Hilgenfeld on Galatians, the passage cited.)


(4288) προθυμία, προθυμίας, (πρόθυμος), from Homer down;

1. zeal, spirit, eagerness;

2. inclination; readiness of mind: so Acts 17:11; 2 Corinthians 8:11, 2 Corinthians 8:19; 2 Corinthians 9:2.


(4289) πρόθυμος, πρόθυμον (πρό and θυμός), from (Sophocles and) Herodotus down, ready, willing: Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; neuter τό πρόθυμον, equivalent to προθυμία: Romans 1:15, as in Thucydides 3, 82; Plato , legg. 9, p. 859 b.; Euripides , Med. verse 178; Josephus , Antiquities 4, 8, 13; Herodian , 8, 3, 15 (6 edition, Bekker) (on which cf. Irmisch); 3Macc. 5:26.


(4290) προθύμως, adverb, from Herodotus and Aeschylus down, willingly, with alacrity: 1 Peter 5:2.


(4291) προΐστημι: 2 aorist infinitive προστῆναι; perfect participle προεστώς; present middle προισταμαι; from Homer , Iliad 4, 156 down;

1. in the transitive tenses to set or place before; to set over.

2. in the perfect pluperfect and 2 aorist active and in the present and imperfect middle

a. to be over, to superintend, preside over (A. V. rule) (so from Herodotus down): 1 Timothy 5:17; with a genitive of the person or thing over which one presides, 1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Timothy 3:4, 1 Timothy 3:12.

b. to be a protector or guardian; to give aid (Euripides , Demosthenes , Aeschines , Polybius ): Romans 12:8 ((others with A. V. to rule; cf. Fritzsche at the passage; Stuart, commentary, excurs. xii.)).

c. to care for, give attention to: with a genitive of the thing, καλῶν ἔργων, Titus 3:8, Titus 3:14; for examples from secular writings see Kypke and Lösner; (some (cf. R. V. marginal reading) would render these two examples profess honest occupations (see ἔργον , 1); but cf. ἔργον , 3, p. 248b middle and Field, Otium Norv. pars iii, at the passage cited).


(4292) προκαλέω, προκάλω: present middle participle προκαλούμενος; to call forth (cf. πρό , d. α.); middle to call forth to oneself, especially to challenge to a combat or contest with one; often so from Homer down; hence, to provoke, to irritate: Galatians 5:26 ((εἰς ὠμότητα καί ὀργήν, Herodian , 7, 1, 11, 4 edition, Bekker)).


(4293) προκαταγγέλλω: 1 aorist προκατηγγελεια; perfect passive participle προκατηγγελμενος; to announce beforehand (that a thing will be): of prophecies — followed by an accusative with an infinitive Acts 3:18; τί, Acts 3:24 Rec. ; περί τίνος, Acts 7:52. To pre-announce in the sense of to promise: τί, passive, 2 Corinthians 9:5 Rec. (Josephus , Antiquities 1, 12, 3; 2, 9, 4; ecclesiastical writings.)


(4294) προκαταρτίζω: 1 aorist subjunctive 3 person plural προκαταρτίσωσι; to prepare (A. V. make up) beforehand: τί, 2 Corinthians 9:5. (Hippocrates ; ecclesiastical writings.)


(4295) πρόκειμαι; (πρό (which see d. α.) and κεῖμαι): from Homer down;

1. properly, to lie or be placed before (a person or thing), or in front (often so in Greek writings).

2. to be set before, i. e.,

a. to be placed before the eyes, to lie in sight; to stand forth: with a predicate nominative, δεῖγμα, as an example, Jude 1:7 (καλόν ὑπόδειγμα σοι πρόκειται, Josephus , b. j. 6, 2, 1).

b. equivalent to to be appointed, destined: προκειμενη ἐλπίς, the hope open to us, offered, given, Hebrews 6:18; used of those things which by any appointment are destined to be done, borne, or attained by anyone; so προκειμενος ἀγών, Hebrews 12:1; προκειμενος χαρά, the destined joy (see ἀντί , 2 b.), ibid. 2 (the phrase τά ἆθλα προκεῖσθαι occurs often in secular writings from Herodotus down; cf. Bleek, Br. an die Hebrews 2:2, p. 268ff).

c. to be there, be present, be at hand (so that it can become actual or available): 2 Corinthians 8:12.


(4296) προκηρύσσω: 1 aorist participle προκηρυξας; perfect passive participle προκεκηρυγμενος;

1. to announce or proclaim by herald beforehand (Xenophon , resp. Lac. 11, 2; Isaeus , p. 60, 2; Polybius , Josephus , Plutarch , others).

2. universally, to announce beforehand (of the herald himself, Sophocles El. 684): Ἰησοῦν Χριστόν, i. e. his advent, works, and sufferings, passive, Acts 3:20 Rcc.; τί, Acts 13:24 (Ἰερεμίας τά μέλλοντα τῇ πόλει δεῖνα προεκηρυξεν, Josephus , Antiquities 10, 5, 1).


(4297) προκοπή, προκοπης, (προκόπτω, which see), progress, advancement: Philippians 1:12, Philippians 1:25; 1 Timothy 4:15. (Polybius , Diodorus , Josephus , Philo , others; rejected by the Atticists, cf. Phrynich. edition Lob., p. 85; (Sir. 2:17; 2 Macc. 8:8).)


(4298) προκόπτω: imperfect προέκοπτον; future προκοψω; 1 aorist προεκοψα; to beat forward;

1. to lengthen out by hammering (as a smith forges metals); metaphorically, to promote, forward, further; Herodotus , Euripides , Thucydides , Xenophon , others.

2. from Polybius on intransitively (cf. Buttmann , 145 (127); Winer s Grammar, 251 (236)), to go forward, advance, proceed; of time: νύξ προέκοψεν, the night is advanced (A. V. is far spent) (day is at hand), Romans 13:12 (Josephus , b. j. 4, 4, 6; (προκοπτουσης τῆς ὥρας) Chariton 2, 3, 3 (p. 38, 1 edition Reiske; τά τῆς νυκτός, ibid. 2, 3, 4); ἡμέρα προκοπτει, Justin Martyr , dialog contra Trypho, p. 277 d.; Latinprocedere is used in the same way, Livy 28, 15; Sallust , Jug. 21, 52, 109). metaphorically, to increase, make progress: with a dative of the thing in which one grows, Luke 2:52 (not Tdf. ) (Diodorus 11 87); ἐν with a dative of the thing, ibid. Tdf. ; Galatians 1:14 (Diod (excerpt. de virt. et vitiis), p. 554, 69; Antoninus 1, 17); ἐπί πλεῖον, further, 2 Timothy 3:9 (Diodorus 14, 98); ἐπί πλεῖον ἀσεβείας, 2 Timothy 2:16; ἐπί τό χεῖρον, will grow worse, i. e. will make progress in wickedness, 2 Timothy 3:13 (τῶν Ἱεροσολύμων πάθη προυκοπτε καθ' ἡμέραν ἐπί τό χεῖρον, Josephus , b. j. 6, 1, 1).


(4299) πρόκριμα, προκρίματος, τό (πρό and κρίμα), an opinion formed before the facts are known, a prejudgment, a prejudice, (Vulg. praejudicium ): 1 Timothy 5:21 (anonymous in Suidas , under the word; (Athanasius , Apology contra Arian. 25 (i. 288 a. Migne edition); Justinian manuscript 10, 11, 8, § )).


(4300) προκυρόω, προκύρω: perfect passive participle προκεκυρωμενος; to sanction, ratify, or establish beforehand: Galatians 3:17. ((Eusebius , praep. evang. 10, 4 (ii., p. 70, 3 edition Heinichen)); Byzantine writings.)


(4301) προλαμβάνω; 2 aorist προελαβον; 1 aorist passive subjunctive 3 person singular προληφθῇ (προλημφθῇ L T Tr WH ; see under the word Mu); from Herodotus down;

1. to take before: τί, 1 Corinthians 11:21.

2. to anticipate, to forestall: προέλαβε μυρίσαι, she has anticipated the anointing (hath anointed beforehand), Mark 14:8; cf. Meyer at the passage; Winer 's Grammar, § 54, 4.

3. to take one by forestalling (him i. e. before he can flee or conceal his crime), i. e. surprise, detect (Wis. 17:16): τινα ἐν παραπτώματι, passive, Galatians 6:1; cf. Winer , Epistle to the Galatians, the passage cited


(4302) προλέγω; imperfect προελεγον; to say beforehand, to predict, (so from Aeschylus and Herodotus down): 2 Corinthians 13:2; Galatians 5:21; 1 Thessalonians 3:4; (some (see R. V. marginal reading) would give προ- the sense of plainly in all these examples; cf. Liddell and Scott, under the word II. 2, and see πρό , d. . at the end).


(4303) προμαρτύρομαι;

1. antetestor (in the old lexicons).

2. to testify beforehand, i. e. to make known by prediction: 1 Peter 1:11; so also (Basil of Seleucia , 32 a. (Migne vol. lxxxv.) and) by Theodorus Metochita (c. 75, misc., p. 504) — a writer of the fourteenth century .


(4304) προμελετάω, προμελέτω; to meditate beforehand: Luke 21:14 (Aristophanes , Xenophon , Plato ).


(4305) προμεριμνάω; to be anxious beforehand: Mark 13:11 (Clement of Alexandria , strom. 4, 9, 72; (Hippolytus ref. haer. 6, 52, p. 330, 69; 8, 15, p. 432, 3)).


(4306) προνοέω, προνόω; present middle προνωυμαι; from Homer down;

1. to perceive before, foresee.

2. to provide, think of beforehand: τίνος (see Matthiae , § 348, vol. ii., p. 821 (but cf. § 379, p. 862); Kühner, § 419, 1 b. ii., p. 325; (Jelf , § 496); Winer s Grammar, § 30, 10 c.), to provide for one, 1 Timothy 5:8 (where T Tr text WH marginal reading προνοειται); περί τίνος, Wis. 6:8. Middle with an accusative of the thing, equivalent to to take thought for, care for a thing: Romans 12:17; 2 Corinthians 8:21 (where L T Tr WH have adopted προνωυμεν).