Thayer's Greek Lexicon

τις — Τυχικός


(5100) τὶς, neuter τὶ, genitive τίνος, indefinite (enclitic) pronoun (bearing the same relation to the interrogative τίς that ποῦ, πῶς, πότε do to the interrogatives ποῦ, πῶς, πότε);

1. a certain, a certain one; used of persons and things concerning which the writer either cannot or will not speak more particularly;

a. joined to nouns substantive, as well as to adjectives and to numerals used substantively; as, Σαμαρείτης τίς, Luke 10:33; ἱερεύς, Luke 1:5; Luke 10:31; ἀνήρ, Luke 8:27; Acts 3:2; Acts 8:9; Acts 14:8; ἄνθρωπος, Matthew 18:12; Luke 10:30; Acts 9:33; plural Jude 1:4; τόπος, Luke 11:1; Acts 27:8; κώμη, Luke 10:38; Luke 17:12, and in many other passages; with proper names (as τάς Σίμων), Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26; Acts 9:43; Acts 21:16; Acts 25:19. δύο τινες with a partitive genitive, Luke 7:18(19); Acts 23:23; ἕτερος, Acts 8:34; plural Acts 27:1; it indicates that the thing with which it is connected belongs to a certain class and resembles it: ἀπαρχήν τινα, a kind of firstfuits, James 1:18, cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 25, 2 a; joined to adjectives of quality and quantity, it requires us to conceive of their degree as the greatest possible; as, φοβερά τίς ἐκδοχή, a certain fearful expectation, Hebrews 10:27, where see Delitzsch (or Alford) (δεινή τίς δύναμις, Xenophon , mem. 1, 3, 12; other examples from the Greek writings are given in Winer s Grammar, § 25, 2c.; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, A. II. 8); Matthiae , § 487, 4; (Bernhardy (1829), p. 442); incredibilis quidam amor, Cicero , pro Lig c. 2, 5); μέγας τίς, Acts 8:9.

b. it stands alone, or substantively: universally, τίς one, a certain one, Matthew 12:47 (but WH in marginal reading only); Luke 9:49, Luke 9:57; Luke 13:6, Luke 13:23; John 11:1; Acts 5:25; Acts 18:7; plural τινες, certain, some: Luke 13:1; Acts 15:1; Romans 3:8; 1 Corinthians 4:18; 1 Corinthians 15:34; 2 Corinthians 3:1; Galatians 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Timothy 1:3, 1 Timothy 1:19; 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Timothy 5:15; 1 Timothy 6:10; 2 Peter 3:9; τινες ἐν ὑμῖν, some among you, 1 Corinthians 15:12; a participle may be added — either with the article, τινες οἱ etc., Luke 18:9; 2 Corinthians 10:2; Galatians 1:7; or without it, 1 Timothy 6:21; τίς and τινες with a partitive genitive: Luke 11:1; Luke 14:15; 2 Corinthians 10:12.


a. joined to nouns and signifying some: χρόνον τινα, some time, a while, 1 Corinthians 16:7; ἡμέραι τινες, some (or certain) days, Acts 9:19; Acts 10:48; Acts 15:36; Acts 16:12; Acts 24:24; Acts 25:13; μέρος τί, Luke 11:36 (here WH marginal reading brackets τί); Acts 5:2; 1 Corinthians 11:18; τί βρώσιμον, Luke 24:41; add, Mark 16:18; John 5:14; Acts 17:21; Acts 23:20; Acts 28:21; Hebrews 11:40; βραχύ τί, Acts 5:34 (where L T Tr WH omit τί); Hebrews 2:7; περισσότερον τί, 2 Corinthians 10:8; μικρόν τί, 2 Corinthians 11:16; it serves modestly to qualify or limit the measure of things, even though that is thought to be ample or large (cf. 1 a. under the end): κοινωνία τίς, a certain contribution, Romans 15:26; καρπός, Romans 1:13; χάρισμα, ibid. 11. with a participle, ἀθετήσας τάς, if anyone has set at nought, Hebrews 10:28 (but this example belongs rather under the next entry).

b. standing alone, or used substantively, and signifying someone, something; anyone, anything: universally, Matthew 12:29; Mark 9:30; Mark 11:16; Luke 8:46; John 2:25; John 6:46; Acts 17:25; Romans 5:7; 1 Corinthians 15:35; 2 Corinthians 11:20; Hebrews 3:4; James 2:18; 2 Peter 2:19, etc.; τίς ἐξ ὑμῶν, James 2:16; ἐξ ὑμῶν τίς, Hebrews 3:13; with a partitive genitive, Luke 7:36; Luke 11:45; 1 Corinthians 6:1; neuter τί with a partitive genitive, Acts 4:32; Romans 15:18; Ephesians 5:27. εἰς τίς, see εἷς , 3, p. 187a. it answers not infrequently to the indefinite one (German man, French on ): Mark 8:4; John 2:25; John 16:30; Romans 8:24; Hebrews 5:12 (where some (viz. R G T Tr (cf. Winer s Grammar, 169 (160); R. V. marginal reading which be the rudiments etc.; cf. c. below)) incorrectly read τινα (yet cf. Buttmann , 268 (230) note, cf. 260 (223) note)), etc.; cf. Matthiae , § 487, 2. εἰ τίς, see εἰ , III. 16; ἐάν τίς, τίνος, etc.: Matthew 21:3; Matthew 24:23; Mark 12:19; Luke 16:31; John 6:51; John 7:17; John 8:51; John 9:22, John 9:31; John 10:9; John 11:9, John 11:57; John 12:26, John 12:47; Acts 9:2 (here Tdf. ἄν); Acts 13:41; 1 Corinthians 5:11; 1 Corinthians 8:10; 1 Corinthians 10:28; Colossians 3:13; 1 Timothy 1:8; 2 Timothy 2:5, 2 Timothy 2:21; James 2:14; James 5:19; 1 John 2:15; 1 John 4:20; 1 John 5:16; Revelation 3:20; Revelation 22:18; ἄν τινων, John 20:23 (here Lachmann ἐάν); ἐάν μή τίς, John 3:3, John 3:5; John 15:6; Acts 8:31; οὐ... τίς, not... anyone, i. e. no one, John 10:28; οὔτε... τίς, Acts 28:21; οὐδέ... τίς, Matthew 11:27; Matthew 12:19; οὐκ... ὑπό τίνος, 1 Corinthians 6:12; μή τίς, lest any (man), Matthew 24:4; Mark 13:5; Acts 27:42; 1 Corinthians 1:15; 1 Corinthians 16:11; 2 Corinthians 8:20; 2 Corinthians 11:16; 2 Corinthians 12:6; Ephesians 2:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; Hebrews 4:11; Hebrews 12:15; hath any (one), John 4:33 (cf. μήτις , 2); μή τινα, 2 Corinthians 12:17; πρός τό μή... τινα, 1 Thessalonians 2:9; ὥστε... μή τινα, Matthew 8:28; like the Latin aliquis , it is used with the verb εἶναι emphatically: to be somebody, i. e. somebody of importance, some eminent personage (Winer s Grammar, § 25, 2 c.; Buttmann , § 127, 16), Acts 5:36 (see examples from the Greek writings in Passow , under the word, B. II. 2 d.; (Liddell and Scott, ibid. A. II. 5); on the phrase τί εἶναι see e. β. below). Plural, τινες, some (of that number or class of men indicated by the context): Mark 14:4, Mark 14:65; Luke 21:5; John 13:29; τινες are distinguished from οἱ πάντες, 1 Corinthians 8:7; 1 Corinthians 9:22. τινες with an anarthrous participle, Mark 14:57; Luke 13:1; ταῦτα τινες ἦτε, such (of this sort) were some of you, 1 Corinthians 6:11 (cf. οὗτος , I. 2 d.); τινες with a partitive genitive, Matthew 9:3; Matthew 12:38; Matthew 28:11; Mark 7:1; Mark 12:13; Luke 6:2; Luke 19:39; Acts 5:15; Acts 17:18, Acts 17:28, and often; followed by ἐκ and a partitive genitive, Luke 11:15; John 6:64; John 7:25, John 7:44; John 9:16; John 11:37, John 11:46; Acts 11:20; Acts 15:24, etc.; Paul employs τινες by meiosis in reference to many, when he would mention something censurable respecting them in a mild way: Romans 3:3; 1 Corinthians 10:7-10.

c. Sometimes the subject τίς, τινες, or the object τινα, τινας, is not added to the verb, but is left to be understood by the reader (cf. Buttmann , § 132, 6; (Winer 's Grammar, §§ 58, 2; 64, 4)): before the partitive genitive Acts 21:16; before ἀπό, Matthew 27:9 (1 Macc. 7:33); before ἐκ, Matthew 23:34; Luke 21:16; (John 1:24 T Tr WH (cf. R. V. marginal reading); John 7:40 L T Tr WH (cf. R. V. marginal reading)); John 16:17; (Acts 19:33 R.V. Mrg. (cf. συμβιβάζω, 3 fin.) 2 John 1:4; Revelation 2:10). (Other examples of its apparent omission are the following: as subject — of a finite verb (Winer 's Grammar, § 58, 9 b. β.; Buttmann , § 129, 19): φησί, 2 Corinthians 10:10 R G T Tr text WH text; ὅταν λαλῇ τό ψεῦδος, John 8:44 (according to one interpretation; see R. V. margin); of an infinitive: οὐ χρείαν ἔχετε γράφειν ὑμῖν, 1 Thessalonians 4:9 R G T Tr text WH ; χρείαν ἔχετε τοῦ διδάσκειν ὑμᾶς, τινα etc. Hebrews 5:12 R G T Tr (but see 2 b. above). as object: δός μοι πιεῖν, John 4:7; cf. Mark 5:43. See Kühner, § 352 g.; Krüger , § 55, 3, 21.)

d. It stands in partitions: τίς... ἕτερος δέ, one... and another, 1 Corinthians 3:4; plural τινες (μέν)... τινες (δέ), Luke 9:7.; Acts 17:18; Philippians 1:15; cf. Passow , under the word, B. II. 2e.; (Liddell and Scott, ibid. A. II. 11. c.).

e. Besides what has been already adduced, the following should be noticed respecting the use of the neuter τί;

α. universally, anything, something: Matthew 5:23; Mark 8:23; Luke 11:54; Acts 25:5, Acts 25:11; 1 Corinthians 10:31, and very often; οὐδέ... τί, neither... anything, 1 Timothy 6:7.

β. like the Latin aliquid it is used emphatically, equivalent to something of consequence, something extraordinary (cf. b. above): in the phrase εἶναι τί, 1 Corinthians 3:7; Galatians 2:6; Galatians 6:3; cf. Passow , under the word, B. II. 2 d.; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, A. II. 5); and on the Latin aliquid esse see Klotz, Handwörterb. d. Latin Spr. 1:298b; (Harpers' Dictionary, under the word aliquis, II. C. 1) (on the other hand, in 1 Corinthians 10:19 τί εἶναι means to be anything, actually to exist); εἰδέναι (L T Tr WH ἐγνωκέναι) τί, i. e. much, 1 Corinthians 8:2.

3. As respects the position of the word, when used adjectivally it stands — now before its noun (τίς ἀνήρ, Acts 3:2; Acts 14:8; τίς μαθητής, Acts 9:10; τινας ἑτέρους, Acts 27:1; τί ἀγαθόν, John 1:47); now, and indeed far more frequently, after it, as ἱερεύς τίς, Luke 1:5; Luke 10:31; ἀνήρ τίς, Luke 8:27, etc., etc. Τινές, used substantively, is found at the beginning of a sentence in Matthew 27:47; Luke 6:2; John 13:29; 1 Timothy 5:24; Philippians 1:15; cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 25, 2 Note, and 559 (520). The particle δέ may stand between it and its substantive (as Σαμαρείτης δέ τίς), as in Luke 10:33, Luke 10:38; Acts 8:9; Hebrews 10:27.


(5101) τίς, neuter τί, genitive τίνος, interrogative pronoun (from Homer down);

1. who, which, what? the Sept. τίς for מִי, τί for מָה;

a. used adjectivally, in a direct question: τίς βασιλεύς, Luke 14:31; τίς γυνή, Luke 15:8; τί περισσόν, Matthew 5:47; τί σημεῖον, John 2:18, and many other passages. in an indirect question, 1 Thessalonians 4:2, etc.; τινα ποῖον καιρόν, 1 Peter 1:11; used instead of a predicate in a direct question, τίς (namely, ἐστιν) αἰτία, Acts 10:21; τίς καί ποταπή γυνή, Luke 7:39; add, Romans 3:1; 1 Corinthians 9:18, etc.; neuter, Matthew 24:3; Mark 5:9; in an indirect question with the optative, Luke 8:9; τίς followed by ἄν, John 13:24 R G ; Acts 21:33 (R G ); τί with the optative, Luke 15:26 (Tr WH add ἄν, so L brackets); Luke 18:36 (L brackets Tr brackets WH marginal reading add ἄν); with the indicative, Ephesians 1:18;

b. used alone or Substantively: in a direct question, τίς ὑπέδειξεν ὑμῖν φυγεῖν; Matthew 3:7; Luke 3:7; Revelation 18:18, etc.; τίνος, Matthew 22:20, Matthew 22:28; Mark 12:10; τίνι, Luke 13:18; τινα, John 18:4, John 18:7; τί θέλετε μοι δοῦναι; Matthew 26:15; τί in an indirect question, followed by the indicative, Matthew 6:3; John 13:12; 1 Corinthians 14:16; Revelation 2:7, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 2:17, and very often; followed by the aorist subjunctive, Matthew 6:25; Luke 12:11, etc.; followed by the optative with ἄν, Luke 1:62; Luke 6:11, etc. Emphatic words get prominence by being placed before the pronoun (Buttmann , § 151, 16): ὑμεῖς δέ τινα με λέγετε εἶναι, Matthew 16:15; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20; καί ἡμεῖς τί ποιήσομεν (or ποιήσωμεν), Luke 3:14; οὗτος δέ τί, John 21:21 (cf. e. β.); add, John 1:19; John 8:5; John 9:17; Acts 19:15; Romans 9:19 (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 274 (257)),Romans 9:20; Romans 14:4,Romans 14:10; Ephesians 4:9; James 4:12; examples from Greek writings are given in Passow , p. 1908b; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, B. I. 1 b.). A question is often asked by τίς as the leading word, when the answer expected is no one: Acts 8:33; Romans 7:24; Romans 8:33; Romans 9:19; Romans 10:16; Romans 11:34; 1 Corinthians 9:7; 2 Corinthians 11:29; Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 1:13. τίς εἰ μή, who... save (or but) (i. e. no one but), Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21; Romans 11:15; 1 Corinthians 2:11; Hebrews 3:18; 1 John 2:22; 1 John 5:5.

c. two questions are blended into one: τίς τί ἄρῃ, what each should take, Mark 15:24; τίς τί διεπραγματεύσατο, Luke 19:15 (not Tr WH ); ἐγώ δέ τίς ἤμην δυνατός κωλῦσαι τόν Θεόν; who was I? was I able to withstand God? Acts 11:17; cf. Winer s Grammar, § 66, 5, 3; Passow , p. 1909{a}; Ast, Platonic Lexicon, iii., p. 394; Franz V. Fritzsche, Index ad Lucian , dial. deor., p. 164; the same construction occurs in Latin writings; cf. Ramshorn, Latin Gram., p. 567. τίς is joined with conjunctions: καί τίς, Mark 10:26; Luke 10:29; Luke 18:26; Revelation 6:17 (see καί , I. 2 g.); τίς ἄρα, see ἄρα , 1; τίς οὖν, Luke 10:36 (here T WH omit; L Tr brackets οὖν); 1 Corinthians 9:18. τίς with a partitive genitive: Matthew 22:28; Mark 12:23; Luke 10:36; Acts 7:52; Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 1:13; with ἐκ and a genitive of the class, Matthew 6:27; Luke 14:28; John 8:46; in an indirect question with the optative, Luke 22:23 (cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 41 b. 4 c.); with ἄν added, Luke 9:46.

d. in indirect questions the neuter article is sometimes placed before the pronouns τίς and τί; see , II. 10 a.

e. Respecting the neuter τί the following particulars may be noted:

α. τί οὗτοι σου καταμαρτυροῦσιν; a condensed expression for τί τοῦτο ἐστιν, οὗτοι σου καταμαρτυροῦσιν; Matthew 26:62; Mark 14:60 (Buttmann , 251 (216) explains this expression differently); also τί τοῦτο ἀκούω περί σου; ((R. V. )) what is this (that) I hear of thee? (unless preference be given to the rendering, 'why do I hear this of thee' (see under β. below)), Luke 16:2; cf. Bornemann at the passage; (Winer 's Grammar, § 66, 5, 3).

β. τί πρός ἡμᾶς; namely, ἐστιν, what is that to us? (Winer s Grammar, 586 (545); Buttmann , 138 (121)), Matthew 27:4; John 21:22; τί ἐμοί καί σοι; see ἐγώ , 4; τί μοι etc. what have I to do with etc. 1 Corinthians 5:12; τί σοι or ὑμῖν δοκεῖ; (what thinkest thou etc.), Matthew 17:25; Matthew 22:17, Matthew 22:42; Matthew 26:66; John 11:56 (here before ὅτι supply in thought δοκεῖ ὑμῖν, to introduce a second question (R. V. What think ye? That he will not come etc.)). τί θέλεις; and τί θέλετε; followed by a subjunctive, our what wilt thou (that) I should etc.: Matthew 20:32 (here Lachmann brackets inserts ἵνα); Mark 10:51; Mark 15:12 (WH omits; Tr brackets θέλετε); Luke 18:41; 1 Corinthians 4:21; τί with the deliberative subjunctive: Matthew 6:31; Matthew 27:22; Mark 4:30 (here L marginal reading T Tr text WH πῶς); Luke 12:17; Luke 13:18; John 12:27; τί followed by a future: Acts 4:16 (where Lachmann's stereotyped edition; T Tr WH ποιήσωμεν); 1 Corinthians 15:29; τί (namely, ἐστιν (Buttmann , 358 (307); Winer 's Grammar, § 64, 2 a.)) ὅτι etc., how is it that, etc. i. e. why etc., Mark 2:16 R G L ; Luke 2:49; Acts 5:4, Acts 5:9; τί γέγονεν, ὅτι etc. (R. V. what is come to pass that etc.), John 14:22; οὗτος δέ τί (namely, ἔσται or γενήσεται (Winer s Grammar, 586 (546); Buttmann , 394 (338))), what will be his lot? John 21:21 (cf. Acts 12:18 τί ἄρα Πέτρος ἐγένετο; Xenophon , Hell. 2, 3, 17 τί ἐσοιτο πολιτεία). τί equivalent to διά τί, why? wherefore? (Matthiae , § 488,8; Krüger , § 46, 3 Anm. 4; (Winer 's Grammar, § 21,3 N. 2)): Matthew 6:28; Matthew 7:3; Mark 2:7; Mark 11:3; Luke 2:48; Luke 6:41; Luke 12:57; Luke 24:38; John 7:19; John 18:23; Acts 14:15; Acts 26:8; Romans 3:7; Romans 9:19; 1 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Corinthians 10:30; 1 Corinthians 15:29; Galatians 3:19; Galatians 5:11; Colossians 2:20, and often. ἵνα τί or ἱνατί, see under the word, p. 305a. διά τί (or διατί (see διά , B. II. 2 a., p. 134b)), why? wherefore? Matthew 9:11, Matthew 9:14; Matthew 13:10; Mark 7:5; Mark 11:31; Luke 19:23, Luke 19:31; John 7:45; John 13:37; Acts 5:3; 1 Corinthians 6:7; 2 Corinthians 11:11; Revelation 17:7, and often. εἰς τί, to what? to what end? to what purpose? Matthew 14:31; Matthew 26:8; Mark 14:4; Mark 15:34 (Wis. 4:17; Sir. 39:21). τί οὖν, etc. why then, etc.: Matthew 17:10; Matthew 19:7; Matthew 27:22; Mark 12:9; Luke 20:15; John 1:25; see also in οὖν , b. α.; τί οὖν ἐροῦμεν, see ibid. τί γάρ; see γάρ , II. 5.

γ. Hebraistically for מָה, how, how greatly, how much, with adjectives and verbs in exclamations (Winer s Grammar, § 21 N. 3; cf. Buttmann , 254 (218)): Matthew 7:14 G L Tr ; Luke 12:49 (on this see εἰ , I. 4 at the end), (Psalms 3:2; 2 Samuel 6:20; Song of Solomon 1:10; τί πολύ τό ἀγαθόν σου; Symm. Psalm 30:19).

2. equivalent to πότερος, ποτερα, πότερον, whether of two, which of the two: Matthew 21:31; Matthew 23:17 (here L τί; see below); Matthew 27:17, Matthew 27:21; Luke 22:27; neuter τί, Matthew 9:5; (Matthew 23:17 Lachmann, Matthew 23:19); Mark 2:9; Luke 5:23; Philippians 1:22; cf. Ast, Platonic Lexicon, iii., p. 394 Matthiae , § 488, 4; Winer 's Grammar, 169 (159).

3. equivalent to ποῖος, ποίᾳ, ποῖον, of what sort, what (kind): Mark 1:27; Mark 6:2; Luke 4:36; Luke 8:9; Luke 24:17; John 7:36; Acts 17:19; 1 Corinthians 15:2; Ephesians 1:18. Cf. Hermann on Viger, p. 731.

4. By a somewhat inaccurate usage, yet one not unknown to Greek writings, it is put for the relatives ὅς and ὅστις: thus, τινα (L T Tr WH τί) με ὑπονοεῖτε εἶναι, οὐκ εἰμί ἐγώ (where one would expect ὅν). Acts 13:25; δοθήσεται ὑμῖν, τί λαλήσετε (λαλήσητε T Tr WH ; L brackets the clausel, Matthew 10:19; ἑτοίμασον, τί δειπνήσω, Luke 17:8; (οἶδα τινας ἐξελεξάμην, John 13:18 T Tr text WH ); especially after ἔχειν (as in the Greek writings): οὐκ ἔχουσι, τί φάγωσιν, Matthew 15:32; Mark 6:36; Mark 8:1; cf. Winer s Grammar, § 25, 1; Buttmann , 251 (216); on the distinction between the Latin habeo quid and habeo quod cf. Ramshorn, Latin Gram., p. 565f.


(5102) τίτλος, τιτλου, , a Latin word, a title; an inscription, giving the accusation or crime for which a criminal suffered: John 19:19, John 19:20, and after it Ev. Nic c. 10, 1 at the end. (Sueton. Calig c. 32praecedente titulo qui causam poenae indicaret ; again, Domit c. 10canibus objecit cunt hoe titulo: impie locutus parmularius .)


(5103) Τίτιος, Τίτου, , the praenomen of a certain Corinthian, a Jewish proselyte, also surnamed Justus: Acts 18:7 T Tr brackets WH (see Τίτος ).


(5104) τίω, a form front which some N. T. lexicons (e. g. Wahl, Bretschneider, Robinson, Bloomfield, Schirlitz, Harting, others) incorrectly derive τίσουσιν in 2 Thessalonians 1:9; see τίνω .


(5105) τοιγαροῦν (from the enclitic τοι or τῷ, γάρ, and οὖν, German doch denn nun; cf. Delitzsch on Hebrews 12:1; (Ellicott on 1 Thessalonians 4:8)), a particle introducing a conclusion with some special emphasis or formality, and generally occupying the first place in the sentence, wherefore then,for which reason, therefore, consequently: 1 Thessalonians 4:8; Hebrews 12:1 (for עַל־כֵּן, Job 22:10; Job 24:22; Job 4:1-21 Macc. 1:34; 6:28 variant; 4 Maccabees 13:15; Sophocles , Xenophon , Plato , and following); cf. Klotz ad Devar. ii. 2, p. 738.


(5106) τοίνυν (from the enclitic τοι and νῦν), from Pindar (and Herodotus ) down, therefore, then, accordingly; contrary to the use of the more elegant Greek writing, found at the beginning of the sentence (cf. Lob. ad Phryn. , p. 342f; (Winer s Grammar, 559 (519f); Buttmann , § 150, 19)): Hebrews 13:13 (Isaiah 3:10; Isaiah 5:13); as in the better writings, after the first word: Luke 20:25 (yet T Tr WH put it first here also); 1 Corinthians 9:26 and Rec. in James 2:24 (Wis. 1:11 Wis. 8:9; 4 Macc. 1:13, 15ff).


(5107) τοιόσδε, τοιάδε, τοιονδε (τοῖος and δέ), from Homer down, such, generally with an implied suggestion of something excellent or admirable: 2 Peter 1:17.


(5108) τοιοῦτος, τοιαύτη, τοιοῦτο and τοιοῦτον (only this second form of the neuter occurs in the N. T., and twice (but in Matthew 18:5 T WH have τοιοῦτο)) (from τοῖος and οὗτος (others say lengthened from τοῖος or connected with αὐτός; cf. τηλικοῦτος )) (from Homer down), such as this, of this kind or sort;

a. joined to nouns: Matthew 9:8; Matthew 18:5; Mark 4:33; Mark 6:2; Mark 7:8 (here T WH omit; Tr brackets the clause),Mark 7:13; Mark 9:37 (here Tdf. τούτων); John 9:16; Acts 16:24; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 1 Corinthians 11:16; 2 Corinthians 3:4, 2 Corinthians 3:12; 2 Corinthians 12:3; Hebrews 7:26; Hebrews 8:1; Hebrews 12:3; Hebrews 13:16; James 4:16.

b. οἷος... τοιοῦτος: Mark 13:19; 1 Corinthians 15:48; 2 Corinthians 10:11; τοιοῦτος... ὁποῖος, Acts 26:29; τοιοῦτος ὤν ὡς etc. Philemon 1:9 (where see Lightfoot ).

c. used substantively,

α. without an article: John 4:23; neuter μηδέν τοιοῦτον, Acts 21:25 Rec. ; plural, Luke 9:9; Luke 13:2 (here T Tr text WH ταῦτα).

β. with the article, τοιοῦτος one who is of such a character, such a one (Buttmann , § 124, 5; Winer s Grammar, 111 (106); Krüger , § 50, 4, 6; Kühner, on Xenophon , mem. 1, 5, 2; Ellicott on Galatians 5:21): Acts 22:22; 1 Corinthians 5:5, 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 Corinthians 2:6; 2 Corinthians 10:11; 2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 12:5; Galatians 6:1; Titus 3:11, plural, Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16; John 8:5; Rom. (Romans 2:14 L marginal reading); John 16:18; 1 Corinthians 7:28; 1 Corinthians 16:16, 1 Corinthians 16:18; 2 Corinthians 11:13; Philippians 2:29; 2 Thessalonians 3:12; 1 Timothy 6:5 Rec. ; 3 John 1:8; neuter plural, Acts 19:25; Romans 1:32; Romans 2:2; 1 Corinthians 7:15; Galatians 5:21, Galatians 5:23; Ephesians 5:27; Hebrews 11:14.


(5109) τοῖχος, τοίχου, , from Homer down, the Sept. often for קִיר, a wall (especially of a house; cf. τεῖχος ): Acts 23:3.


(5110) τόκος, τόκου, (from τίκτω, perfect τέτοκα);

1. birth;

a. the act of bringing forth.

b. that which has been brought forth, offspring; (in both senses from Homer down).

2. interest of money, usury (because it multiplies money, and as it were 'breeds' (cf. e. g. Merchant of Venice 1:3)): Matthew 25:27; Luke 19:23 (so in Greek writings from Pindar and Aristophanes down; the Sept. for נֶשֶׁך).


(5111) τολμάω, τολμῶ; imperfect 3 person singular ἐτόλμα, plural ἐτόλμων; future τολμήσω; 1 aorist ἐτόλησα; (τολμᾷ or τόλμῃ (`daring'; Curtius , § 236)); from Homer down; to dare;

a. not to dread or shun through fear: followed by an infinitive, Matthew 22:46; Mark 12:34; Luke 20:40; John 21:12 (Winer 's Grammar, § 65, 7b.); Acts 5:13; Acts 7:32; Romans 15:18; 2 Corinthians 10:12; Philippians 1:14; Jude 1:9; τολμήσας εἰσῆλθεν, took courage and went in, Mark 15:43 (Herodian , 8, 5, 22; Plutarch , vit. Cam. 22, 6).

b. to bear, endure; to bring oneself to; (cf. Winer 's Grammar, as above): followed by an infinitive, Romans 5:7; 1 Corinthians 6:1.

c. absolutely, to be bold; bear oneself boldly, deal boldly: 2 Corinthians 11:21; ἐπί τινα, against one, 2 Corinthians 10:2. (Compare: ἀποτολμάω.)

[SYNONYMS: τολμάω, θαρρέω: θαρρέω denotes confidence in one's own strength or capacity, τολμάω boldness or daring in undertaking; θαρρέω has reference more to the character, τολμάω to its manifestation. Cf. Schmidt, chapter 24, 4; chapter 141. The words are found together in 2 Corinthians 10:2.]


(5112) τολμηρότερον (neuter comparitive from the adjective τολμηρός), (Thucydides , and following), more boldly: Romans 15:15 (Lachmann's stereotyped edition; Tr text WH τολμηροτερως; Winer 's Grammar, 243 (228)).


(5113) τολμητής, τολμητου, (τολμάω), a daring man: 2 Peter 2:10. (Thucydides 1, 70; Josephus , b. j. 3, 10, 2; Philo de Joseph., § 38, Plutarch , Lucian ).


(5114) τομώτερος, τομωτερα, τομωτερον (comparitive from τομός cutting, sharp, and this from τέμνω), sharper: Hebrews 4:12 ((Pseudo-)Phocylid. verse 116 ((Gnom. Poet. Graec. edition Brunck, p. 116)) ὅπλον τοι λόγος ἀνδρί τομωτερον ἐστι σιδήρου; add, Timon in Athen. 10, p. 445e.; Lucian , Tox. 11).


(5115) τόξον, τόξου, τό, from Homer down, the Sept. often for קֶשֶׁת, a bow: Revelation 6:2.


(5116) τοπάζιον, τοπαζιου, τό (neuter of the adjective τοπαζιος, from τόπαζος), topaz, a greenish-yellow precious stone (our chrysolith (see BB. DD. , especially Riehm , under the word Edelsteine 18)): Revelation 21:20 (Diodorus , Strabo ; the Sept. for פִּטְדָה, Exodus 28:17; Exodus 36:17 (Exodus 39:10); Ezekiel 28:13. The Greek writings more commonly use the form τόπαζος).


(5117) τόπος, τόπου, , in Attic from Aeschylus and his contemporaries on; the Sept. מָקום; place; i. e.:

1. properly, any portion of space marked off, as it were, from surrounding, space; used of

a. an inhabited place, as a city, village, district: Luke 4:37; Luke 10:1; Acts 12:12; Acts 16:3; Acts 27:2, Acts 27:8; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 18:17 (G L T Tr WH ); τόν τόπον καί τό ἔθνος, the place which the nation inhabit, i. e. the holy land and the Jewish people, John 11:48 (cf. 2 Macc. 5:19f); τόπος ἅγιος, the temple (which the Sept. of Isa. Ix. 13 calls ἅγιος τόπος τοῦ Θεοῦ), Matthew 24:15. of a house, Acts 4:31. of uninhabited places, with adjectives: ἔρημος, Matthew 14:13, Matthew 14:15; Mark 1:35; Mark 6:31; Luke 4:42; Luke 9:10 R G L , 12; πεδινός, Luke 6:17; ἄνυδρος, plural, Matthew 12:43; Luke 11:24. of any place whatever: κατά τόπους (R. V. in divers places) i. e. the world over (but see κατά , II. 3 a. α.), Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8; (ἐν παντί τόπῳ, 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Lachmann); of places in the sea, τραχεῖς τόποι, Acts 27:29 (R. V. rocky ground); τόπος διθάλασσος (A. V. place where two seas met); Acts 27:41. of that 'place' where what is narrated occurred: Luke 10:32; Luke 19:5; Luke 22:40; John 5:13; John 6:10; John 18:2. of a place or spot where one can settle, abide, dwell: ἑτοιμάζειν τίνι τόπον, John 14:2, cf. Revelation 12:6; ἔχειν τόπον, a place to dwell in, Revelation, the passage cited; οὐκ ἦν αὐτοῖς τόπος ἐν τῷ καταλύματι, Luke 2:7; διδόναι τίνι τόπον, to give one place, give way to one, Luke 14:9; τόπος οὐχ εὑρέθη αὐτοῖς, Revelation 20:11; of the seat which one gets in any gathering, as at a feast, Luke 14:10; τήν ἔσχατον τόπον, κατέχειν, Luke 14:9; of the place or spot occupied by things placed in it, John 20:7. the particular place referred to is defined by I the words appended: — by a genitive, τόπος τῆς βασάνου, Luke 16:28; τῆς καταπαύσεώς, Acts 7:49; κρανίου, Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; John 19:17; (τόν τόπον τῶν ἥλων, John 20:25 L T Tr marginal reading); — by the addition of οὗ, ὅπου, ἐφ' or ἐν , followed by finite verbs, Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6; John 4:20; John 6:23; John 10:40; John 11:6, John 11:30.; John 19:41; Acts 7:33; Romans 9:26; — by the addition of a proper name: τόπος λεγόμενος, or καλούμενος, Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:13; Revelation 16:16; τόπος τίνος, the place which a person or thing occupies or has a right to: Revelation 2:5; Revelation 6:14; Revelation 12:8; where a thing is hidden, τῆς μαχαίρας, i. e. its sheath, Matthew 26:52. the abode assigned by God to one after death wherein to receive his merited portion of bliss or of misery: ( ἴδιος τίνος (τίνος), universally, Ignatius ad Magnes. 5, 1 [ET] (cf. αἰώνιος τόπος, Tobit 3:6)); applied to Gehenna, Acts 1:25 (see ἴδιος , 1 c.); ὀφειλόμενος τόπος, of heaven, Polycarp , ad Philip. 9, 2 [ET]; Clement of Rome , 1 Cor. 5, 4 [ET]; also ἅγιος τόπος, ibid. 5, 7 [ET]; ( ὡρισμένος τόπος the Epistle of Barnabas 19, 1 [ET]; Act. Paul et Thecl. 28; see especially Harnack's note on Clement of Rome, 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, 1 Corinthians 5:4 [ET]).

b. a place (passage) in a book: Luke 4:17 (καί ἐν ἄλλῳ τόπῳ φησίν, Xenophon , mem. 2, 1, 20 ((but this is doubtful; cf. Liddell and Scott, under the word, I. 4; yet cf. Kühner, ad loc.); Philo de Joseph., § 26; Clement of Rome , 1 Cor. 8, 4 [ET]); in the same sense χώρα in Josephus , Antiquities 1, 8, 3).

2. metaphorically,

a. the condition or station held by one in any company or assembly: ἀναπληρουν τόν τόπον τοῦ ἰδιώτου (R. V. filleth the place of the unlearned), 1 Corinthians 14:16; τῆς διακονίας ταύτης καί ἀποστολῆς (R. V. the place in this ministry, etc.), Acts 1:25 L T Tr WH .

b. opportunity, power, occasion for acting: τόπον λαμβάνειν τῆς ἀπολογίας, opportunity to make his defense, Acts 25:16 (ἔχειν τῆς ἀπολογίας, Josephus , Antiquities 16, 8, 5); τόπον διδόναι τῇ ὀργή (namely, τοῦ Θεοῦ), Romans 12:19; τῷ δαιβόλω, Ephesians 4:27 (τῷ ἰατρῷ, to his curative efforts in one's case, Sir. 38:12; νόμῳ ὑψίστου, Sir. 19:17; τόπον διδόναι τινα, followed by an infinitive, Sir. 4:5); τόπος μετανοίας εὑρίσκειν, Hebrews 12:17, on this passage, see εὑρίσκω , 3 (διδόναι. Wis. 12:10; Clement of Rome , 1 Cor. 7, 5 [ET]; Latinlocum relinquere paenitentiae , Livy 44, 10; 24, 26; (Pliny , epistle ad Trajan 96 (97), 10 cf. 2); ἔχειν τόπον μετανοίας, Tat. or. ad Graec. 15 at the end; διά τό μή καταλείπεσθαι σφισις τόπον ἐλέους μηδέ συγγνωμης, Polybius 1, 88, 2); τόπον ἔχειν namely, τοῦ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, Romans 15:23; ἐζητεῖτο τόπος, with a genitive of the thing for which influence is sought among men: διαθήκης, passive Hebrews 8:7 ((cf. μέμφομαι )). [SYNONYMS: τόπος 1, χώρα, χωρίον: τόπος place, indefinite; a portion of space viewed in reference to its occupancy, or as appropriated to a thing; χώρα region, country, extensive; space, yet bounded; χωρίον parcel of ground (John 4:5), circumscribed; a definite portion of space viewed as enclosed or complete in itself; τόπος and χωρίον (plural, R. V. lands) occur together in Acts 28:7. Cf. Schmidt , chapter 41.]


(5118) τοσοῦτος, τοσουτη, τοσοῦτο (Hebrews 7:22 L T Tr WH ) and τοσοῦτον (from τόσος and οὗτος; (others say lengthened from τόσος: cf. τηλικοῦτος , at the beginning)), so great; with nouns: of quantity, τοσοῦτος πλοῦτος, Revelation 18:17 (16); of internal amount, πίστις, Matthew 8:16; Luke 7:9; (ὅσα ἐδόξασεν ἑαυτήν, τοσοῦτον δότε βασανισμόν, Revelation 18:7); of size, νέφος, Hebrews 12:1; plural so many: ἰχθύες, John 21:11; σημεῖα, John 12:37; γένη φωνῶν, 1 Corinthians 14:10; ἔτη, Luke 15:29 ((here A. V. "these many)) (in secular writings, especially the Attic, we often find τοσοῦτος καί τοιοῦτος and the reverse; see Heindorf on Plato , Gorgias, p. 34; Passow , p. 1923b; (Liddell and Scott, see under the words)); followed by ὥστε, so many as to be able, etc. (Buttmann , 244 (210)), Matthew 15:33; of time: "so long, χρόνος (John 14:9); Hebrews 4:7; of length of space, τό μῆκος τοσοῦτον ἐστιν ὅσον, etc. Revelation 21:16 Rec. ; absolutely, plural so many, John 6:9; neuter plural (so many things), Galatians 3:4; τοσούτου, for so much (of price), Acts 5:8(9); dative τοσουτόω, preceded or followed by ὅσῳ (as often in the Greek writings from Herodotus down (Winer s Grammar, § 35, 4 N. 2)), by so much: τοσούτῳ κρείττων, by so much better, Hebrews 1:4; τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον ὅσῳ etc. Hebrews 10:25; καθ' ὅσον... κατά τοσοῦτον, by how much... by so much, Hebrews 7:22.


(5119) τότε, demonstrative adverb of time (from the neuter article τό, and the enclitic τέ (which see); answering to the relative ὅτε (Kühner, § 506, 2 c.)), from Homer down, then; at that time;

a. then i. e. at the time when the things under consideration were taking place (of a concomitant event): Matthew 2:17 (τότε ἐπληρώθη); Matthew 3:5,Matthew 3:13; Matthew 12:22,Matthew 12:38; Matthew 15:1; Matthew 19:13; Matthew 20:20; Matthew 27:9,Matthew 27:16; Romans 6:21; followed by a more precise specification of the time by means of an added participle, Matt. ii,16; Galatians 4:8; opposed to νῦν, Galatians 4:29; Hebrews 12:26; τότε κόσμος, the world that then was, 2 Peter 3:6.

b. then i. e. when the thing under consideration had been said or done, thereupon; so in the historical writers (especially Matthew), by way of transition from one thing mentioned to another which could not take place before it (Winer s Grammar, 540 (503); Buttmann , § 151, 31 at the end): Matthew 4:1, Matthew 4:5; Matthew 26:14; Matthew 27:38; Acts 1:12; Acts 10:48; Acts 21:33; not infrequently of things which took place immediately afterward, so that it is equivalent to which having been done or heard: Matthew 2:7; Matthew 3:15; Matthew 4:10; Matthew 8:26; Matthew 12:45; Matthew 15:28; Matthew 17:19; Matthew 26:36, Matthew 26:45; Matthew 27:26; Luke 11:26; τότε οὖν, John 11:14 (Lachmann brackets οὖν); John 19:1, John 19:16; John 20:8; εὐθέως τότε, Acts 17:14; τότε preceded by a more definite specification of time, as μετά τό ψωμίον, John 13:27; or by an aorist participle Acts 28:1. ὅτε... τότε, etc., when... then: Matthew 13:26; Matthew 21:1; John 12:16; ὡς... τότε, etc., John 7:10; John 11:6; preceded by a genitive absolute which specifies time, Acts 27:21. ἀπό τότε from that time on, see ἀπό , I. 4 b., p. 58{b}.

c. of things future; then (at length) when the thing under discussion takes place (or shall have taken place): τότε simply, Matthew 24:23, Matthew 24:40; Matthew 25:1, Matthew 25:34, Matthew 25:37, Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:44; opposed to ἄρτι, 1 Corinthians 13:12; καί τότε, Matthew 7:23; Matthew 16:27; Matthew 24:10, Matthew 24:14, Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:21, Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27; 1 Corinthians 4:5; Galatians 6:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; καί τότε preceded by πρῶτον, Matthew 5:24; Matthew 7:5; Luke 6:42. ὅταν (with a subjunctive present)... τότε, etc. when... then, etc. (Winer 's Grammar, § 60, 5), 2 Corinthians 12:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; ὅταν (with an aorist subjunctive equivalent to Latin future perfect)... τότε, etc., Matthew 9:15; Matthew 24:16; Matthew 25:31; Mark 2:20; Mark 13:14; Luke 5:35; Luke 21:20; John 2:10 (T WH omit; L Tr brackets τότε); John 8:28; 1 Corinthians 15:28, 1 Corinthians 15:54; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Colossians 3:4. Of the N. T. writers, Matthew uses τότε most frequently, ninety-one times ((so Holtzmann, Syn. Evang., p. 293); rather, eighty-nine times according to R T , ninety times according to G L Tr WH ); it is not found in (Ephesians, Philippians, Philemon, the Pastoral Epistles, the Epistles of John, James, Jude), Revelation.


(5120) *For 5120 see Strong's entry Strong's 3588.


(5121) τοὐναντίον (by crasis for τό ἀναντιον (Buttmann , 10)) ((Arstpb., Thucydides , others)), on the contrary, contrariwise (Vulg. e contrario ), accusative used adverbially (Winer 's Grammar, 230 (216)): 2 Corinthians 2:7; Galatians 2:7; 1 Peter 3:9.


(5122) τοὔνομα (by crasis for τό ὄνομα (Buttmann , 10; WH s Appendix, p. 145)), (from Homer , Iliad 3, 235 down), the name; the accusative absolute (Buttmann , § 131, 12; Winer s Grammar, 230 (216) cf. ὄνομα , 1) by name: Matthew 27:57.

τοῦτ᾿ ἔστιν

(5123) τουτεστι (cf. Winer s Grammar, p. 45; Buttmann , 11 (10)) for τουτ' ἐστι, and this for τοῦτο ἐστι, see εἰμί , II. 3. τράγος, τράγου, , from Homer down, a he-goat: plural, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 9:19; Hebrews 10:4.


(5124) *For 5124 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5125) *For 5125 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5126) *For 5126 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5127) *For 5127 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5128) *For 5128 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5129) *For 5129 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5130) *For 5130 see Strong's entry Strong's 3778.


(5131) τράγος, -ου, , from Hom. down, a he-goat: plur., Hebrews 9:12-19; Hebrews 10:4.*


(5132) τράπεζα, τραπέζης, (from τέτρα, and πέζα a foot), from Homer Idown, the Sept. for שֻׁלְחָן, a table;


a. a table on which food is placed, an eating-table: Matthew 15:27; Mark 7:28; Luke 16:21; Luke 19:23; Luke 22:21, Luke 22:30; the table in the temple at Jerusalem on which the consecrated loaves were placed (see πρόθεσις , 1), Hebrews 9:2.

b. equivalent to the food placed upon the table (cf. Fritzsche on Additions to ): παρατιθέναι πραπεζαν (like the Latinmensam apponere (cf. our 'to set a good table')), to set a table, i. e., food, before one (Thucydides 1, 130; Aelian v. h. 2, 17), Acts 16:34; διακονεῖν, ταῖς τραπέζαις (see διακονέω , 3), Acts 6:2.

c. a banquet, feast (from Herodotus down): Romans 11:9 (from Psalms 68:23 (Psalms 69:23)); μετέχειν τραπέζης δαιμονίων, to partake of a feast prepared by ((?) see below) demons (the idea is this: the sacrifices of the Gentiles inure to the service of demons who employ them in preparing feasts for their worshippers; accordingly one who participates in those feasts, enters into communion and fellowship with the demons); κυρίου, to partake of a feast prepared by ((?) see below) the Lord (just as when he first instituted the supper), 1 Corinthians 10:21 (but it seems more natural to take the genitives δαιμονίων and κυρίου simply as possessive (cf. Winer s Grammar, 189 (178); Buttmann , § 127, 27), and to modify the above interpretation accordingly).

2. the table or stand of a money-changer, where he sits, exchanging different kinds of money for a fee (agio), and paying back with interest loans or deposits (Lysias , Isocrates , Demosthenes , Aristotle , Josephus , Plutarch , others): Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15; John 2:15; τό ἀργύριον διδόναι ἐπί (τήν) τράπεζαν, to put the money into a (the) bank at interest, Luke 19:23.


(5133) τραπεζίτης (τραπεζειτης T WH ; see WH s Appendix, p. 154, and cf. εἰ , ), τραπεζιτου, (τράπεζα, which see), a money-changer, broker, banker, one who exchanges money for a fee, and pays interest on deposits: Matthew 25:27. (Cebet. tab. 31; (Lysias ), Demosthenes , Josephus , Plutarch , Artemidorus Daldianus, others.)


(5134) τραῦμα, τραύματος, τό (ΤΡΑΩ, ΤΡΟΩΟ, τιτρώσκω, to wound, akin to θραύω), a wound: Luke 10:34. (From Aeschylus and Herodotus down; the Sept. several times for פֶּצַע.)


(5135) τραυματίζω: 1 aorist participle τραυματισας; perfect passive participle τετραυματισμενος; (τραῦμα); from Aeschylus and Herodotus down, to wound: Luke 20:12; Acts 19:16.


(5136) τραχηλίζω: (τράχηλος);

1. to seize and twist the neck or throat; used of combatants who handle thus their antagonists (Philo , Plutarch , Diogenes Laërt, others).

2. to bend back the neck of the victim to be slain, to lay bare or expose by bending back; hence, tropically, to lay bare, uncover, expose: perfect passive participle τετραχηλισμενος τίνι, laid bare, laid open, made manifest to one, Hebrews 4:13.


(5137) τράχηλος, τραχήλου, (allied with τρέχω; named from its movableness; cf. Vanicek , p. 304),fr. Euripides , and Aristophanes down, the Sept. chiefly for צַוָּאר, also for עֹרֶף, etc., the neck: Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 15:20; Luke 17:2; Acts 15:10; Acts 20:37; τόν ἑαυτοῦ τράχηλον ὑποτιθεναι (namely, ὑπό τόν σίδηρον) (A. V. to lay down one's own neck i. e.) to be ready to incur the most imminent peril to life, Romans 16:4.


(5138) τραχύς, τραχεῖα, τραχυ, from Homer down, rough: ὁδοί, Luke 3:5; τόποι, rocky places (in the sea), Acts 27:29.


(5139) Τραχωνῖτις, Τραχωνίτιδος, , Trachonitis, a rough ((Greek τραχύς)) region, tenanted by robbers, situated between Antilibanus (on the west) and the mountains of Batanaea (on the east), and bounded on the N. by the territory of Damascus: Luke 3:1 (Josephus , Antiquities 16, 9, 3 and often). (See Porter in BB. DD. )


(5140) τρεῖς, οἱ, αἱ, τρία, τά, three: Matthew 12:40; Mark 8:2; Luke 1:56; John 2:19, and often. (From Homer down.)


(5141) τρέμω; used only in the present and imperfect; from Homer down; to tremble: Mark 5:33; Luke 8:47; Acts 9:6 Rec. ; with a participle (cf. Winer s Grammar, § 45, 4 a.; (Buttmann , § 144, 15 a.)), to fear, be afraid, 2 Peter 2:10. (Synonym: see φοβέω , at the end.)


(5142) τρέφω; 1 aorist ἔθρεψα; passive, present τρέφομαι; perfect participle τεθραμμένος; from Homer down; to nourish, support; to feed: τινα, Matthew 6:26; Matthew 25:37; Luke 12:24; Acts 12:20; Revelation 12:6, Revelation 12:14; to give suck, Luke 23:29 L T Tr WH ; to fatten, James 5:5 (here A. V. nourish). to bring up, nurture, Luke 4:16 (here T WH marginal reading ἀνατρέφω) (1 Macc. 3:33 1 Macc. 11:39, and often in secular authors). (Compare: ἀνατρέφω, ἐκτρέφω, ἐντρέφω.)


(5143) τρέχω; imperfect ἔτρεχον; 2 aorist ἔδραμον; from Homer down; the Sept. for רוּץ; to run;

a. properly: of persons in haste, Mark 5:6; John 20:2, John 20:4; with a telic infinitive Matthew 28:8; δραμών with a finite verb, Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36; Luke 15:20; τρέχω ἐπί with an accusative of place, Luke 24:12 (T omits; L Tr brackets WH reject the verse); εἰς πόλεμον, Revelation 9:9; of those who run in a race-course (ἐν σταδίῳ), 1 Corinthians 9:24, 1 Corinthians 9:26.

b. metaphorically: of doctrine rapidly propagated, 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (R. V. run); by a metaphor taken from the runners in a race, to exert oneself, strive hard; to spend one's strength in performing or attaining something: Romans 9:16; Galatians 5:7; εἰς κενόν, Galatians 2:2 (Winer s Grammar, 504 (470); Buttmann , § 148, 10); Philippians 2:16; τόν ἀγῶνα, Hebrews 12:1 (see ἀγών , 2); the same expression occurs in Greek writings, denoting to incur extreme peril, which it requires the exertion of all one's efforts to overcome, Herodotus 8, 102; Euripides , Or. 878; Alc. 489; Electr. 883; Iph. Aul. 1456; Dionysius Halicarnassus 7, 48, etc.; miserabile currunt certamen, Stat. Theb. 3,116. (Compare: εἰστρέχω, κατατρέχω, περιτρέχω, προτρέχω, προστρέχω, συντρέχω, ἐπιτρέχω συντρέχω, ὑποτρέχω.)


(5144) τριάκοντα, οἱ, αἱ, τά (τρεῖς), thirty: Matthew 13:8; Mark 4:8; Luke 3:23, etc. (From Homer down.)


(5145) τριακόσιοι, τριακόσιαι, τριακόσια, three hundred: Mark 14:5; John 12:5. (From Homer down.)


(5146) τρίβολος, τριβολου, (τρεῖς and βάλλω ((cf. βέλος ), three-pointed)), a thistle, a prickly wild plant, hurtful to other plants: Matthew 7:16; Hebrews 6:8. (Aristophanes , others; the Sept. for דַּרְדַּר, Genesis 3:18; Hosea 10:8; for צְנִינִים thorns, Proverbs 22:5.) (Cf. B. D. under the word, Thorns and Thistles, 4; Löw, Aram. Pflanzennamen, § 302.)


(5147) τρίβος, τρίβου, (τρίβῳ to rub), a worn way, a path: Matthew 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4, from Isaiah 40:3. (Homer hymn. Merc. 448; Herodotus , Euripides , Xenophon , others; the Sept. for נְתִיבָה, אֹרַח, מְסִלָּה, דֶּרֶך, etc.)


(5148) τριετία, τριετιας, (τρεῖς and ἔτος), a space of three years: Acts 20:31. (Theophrastus , Plutarch , Artemidorus Daldianus, oneir. 4, 1; others.)


(5149) τρίζω; to squeak, make a shrill cry (Homer , Herodotus , Aristotle , Plutarch , Lucian , others): transitive, τούς δωντας, to grind or gnash the teeth, Mark 9:18; κατά τίνος, Ev. Nicod. c. 5.


(5150) τρίμηνος, τρίμηνον (τρεῖς and μήν), of three months (Sophocles , Aristotle , Theophrastus , others); neuter used as a substantive, a space of three months (Polybius , Plutarch , 2 Kings 24:8): Hebrews 11:23.


(5151) τρίς (τρεῖς), adverb, thrice: Matthew 26:34, Matthew 26:75; Mark 14:30, Mark 14:72; Luke 22:34, Luke 22:61; John 13:38; 2 Corinthians 11:25; 2 Corinthians 12:8; ἐπί τρίς (see ἐπί , C. I. 2 d., p. 235a bottom), Acts 10:16; Acts 11:10. (From Homer down.)


(5152) τρίστεγος, τρίστεγον (τρεῖς and στέγη), hating three roofs or stories: Dionysius Halicarnassus 3, 68; (Josephus , b. j. 5, 5, 5); τό τρίστεγον, the third story, Acts 20:9 (Genesis 6:16 Symm. ); τριστεγη, Artemidorus Daldianus, oneir. 4, 46.


(5153) τρισχίλιοι, τρισχίλιαι, τρισχίλια (τρίς and χίλιοι), three thousand: Acts 2:41. (From Homer down.)


(5154) τρίτος, τρίτῃ, τρίτον, the third: with substantives, Mark 15:25; Luke 24:21; Acts 2:15; 2 Corinthians 12:2; Revelation 4:7; Revelation 6:5; Revelation 8:10; Revelation 11:14, etc.; τῇ τρίτῃ ἡμέρα, Matthew 16:21; Matthew 17:23; Matthew 20:19; Mark 9:31 (Rec. ); Mark 10:34 Rec. ; Luke 24:46; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4; τῆς ἡμέρα τῇ τρίτῃ, Luke 18:33; John 2:1 (L mrg; Tr WH marginal reading τῇ τρίτῃ ἡμέρα); ἕως τῆς τρίτῃ ἡμέρας, Matthew 27:64; τρίτον, accusative masculine substantively, a third ((namely, servant)), Luke 20:12; neuter τό τρίτον with a genitive of the thing, the third part of anything, Revelation 8:7-12; Revelation 9:15, Revelation 9:18; Revelation 12:4; neuter adverbially, τό τρίτον the third time, Mark 14:41; John 21:17; also without the article, τρίτον a third time, Luke 23:22; τοῦτο τρίτον, this is (now) the third time (see οὗτος , II. d.), John 21:14; 2 Corinthians 12:14 (not ); 2 Corinthians 13:1; τρίτον in enumerations after πρῶτον, δεύτερον, in the third place, thirdly, 1 Corinthians 12:28; ἐκ τρίτου, a third time (Winer 's Grammar, § 51, d.), Matthew 26:44 (L Tr marginal reading brackets ἐκ τρίτου).


(5155) τρίχινος, τριχινη, τριχινον (θρίξ, which see), made of hair (Vulg. cilicinus ): Revelation 6:12 (see σάκκος , b.). (Xenophon , Plato , the Sept. , others.)


(5156) τρόμος, τριχοῦ, (τρέμω), from Homer down, a trembling, quaking with fear: Mark 16:8; μετά φοβοῦ καί τρόμου, with fear and trembling, used to describe the anxiety of one who distrusts his ability completely to meet all requirements, but religiously does his utmost to fulfil his duty, 2 Corinthians 7:15; Ephesians 6:5; Philippians 2:12; ἐν φόβῳ καί ἐν τρόμῳ (Isaiah 19:16), 1 Corinthians 2:3 (φόβος and τρόμος are joined in Genesis 9:2; Exodus 15:16; Deut. (Deuteronomy 2:25); Deuteronomy 11:25, etc.; ἐν φόβῳ... ἐν τρόμῳ, Psalms 2:11). (Synonym: cf. φοβέω , at the end.)


(5157) τροπή, τροπῆς, (from τρέπω to turn), a turning: of the heavenly bodies, James 1:17 (on this see ἀποσκίασμα ); often so in the Greek writings from Homer and Hesiod down (see Liddell and Scott, under the word, 1); cf. Job 38:33; Wis. 7:18; Deuteronomy 33:14; (Sophocles ' Lexicon, under the word).


(5158) τρόπος, τροπου, (from τρέπω, see τροπή ), from (Pindar ), Aeschylus and Herodotus down;

1. a manner, way, fashion: ὅν τρόπον, as, even as, like as (Winer s Grammar, § 32, 6; Buttmann , § 131, 12): Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34; Acts 1:11; Acts 7:28; 2 Timothy 3:8 (Genesis 26:29; Exodus 14:13; (Deuteronomy 11:25; Psalms 41:2 (Psalms 42:2)); Ezekiel 42:7; Ezekiel 45:6; Malachi 3:17; Xenophon , mem. 1, 2, 59; anab. 6, 1 (3), 1; Plato , rep. 5, p. 466 e.); τόν ὅμοιον τούτοις τρόπον (in like manner with these), Jude 1:7; καθ' ὅν τρόπον, as, Acts 15:11; Acts 27:25; κατά πάντα τρόπον, Romans 3:2; κατά μηδένα τρόπον, in no wise, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (4 Macc. 4:24; 10:7; κατά οὐδένα τρόπον, 2 Macc. 11:31; 4 Macc. 5:16); παντί τρόπῳ, Philippians 1:18 (1 Macc. 14:35, and very often in the Greek writings); also ἐν παντί τρόπῳ, 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (here Lachmann ἐν παντί τόπῳ; cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 31, 8d.).

2. manner of life, character: Hebrews 13:5 (R. V. marginal reading 'turn of mind'; (cf. τούς τροπους κυρίου ἔχειν, 'Teaching ' 11, 8 [ET])).


(5159) τροποφορέω, τροποφόρω: 1 aorist ἐτροποφόρησα; (from τρόπος, and φέρω to bear); to bear one's manners, endure our's character: τινα, Acts 13:18 R Tr text WH (see their Appendix at the passage), after manuscripts א B etc.; Vulg. mores eorum sustinuit ; (Cicero , ad Attic. 13, 29; Schol. on Aristophanes ran. 1432; the Sept. Deuteronomy 1:31 Vat. ; (Origen in Jer. 248; Apostolic Constitutions 7, 36 (p. 219, 19 edition, Lagarde))); see τροφοφορέω .


(5160) τροφή, τροφῆς, (τρέφω, 2 perfect τέτροφα), food, nourishment: Matthew 3:4; Matthew 6:25; Matthew 10:10; Matthew 24:45; Luke 12:23; John 4:8; Acts 2:46; Acts 9:19; Acts 14:17; Acts 27:33, Acts 27:36, Acts 27:38; James 2:15; of the food of the mind, i. e. the substance of instruction, Hebrews 5:12, Hebrews 5:14. (Tragg., Xenophon , Plato , and following; the Sept. for לֶחֶם, אֹכֶל, מָזון, etc.)


(5161) Τρόφιμος (on its accent cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 6, 1 l.), Τροπηιμου, , Trophimus, an Ephesian Christian, a friend of the apostle Paul: Acts 20:4; Acts 21:29; 2 Timothy 4:20.


(5162) τροφός, τροφου, (τρέφω; see τροφή ), a nurse: 1 Thessalonians 2:7. (From Homer down; for מֵינֶקֶת, Genesis 35:8; 2 Kings 11:2; Isaiah 49:23.)


(5163) τροχιά, τροχιάς, (τροχός, which see), a track of a wheel, a rut; a track, a path: τροχιάς ὀρθάς ποιήσατε τοῖς ποσίν ὑμῶν, i. e. follow the path of rectitude, do right, Hebrews 12:13 after Proverbs 4:26 (where for מַעְגָּל, as in Proverbs 2:15; Proverbs 4:11; Proverbs 5:6,Proverbs 5:21; in some of the later poets equivalent to τροχός).


(5164) τροχός, τροχοῦ, (τρέχω), from Homer down, a wheel: James 3:6 (on this passage see γένεσις 3; (cf. Winer 's Grammar, 54 (53))).


(5165) τρύβλιον (so T (cf. Proleg., p. 102) WH ; τρύβλιον R G L Tr ) (on the accent see Passow , under the word; (Chandler § 350; Göttling , p. 408)), τριβλιου, τό, a dish, a deep dish (cf. B. D. under the word ): Matthew 26:23; Mark 14:20. (Aristophanes , Plutarch , Lucian , Aelian v. h. 9, 37; the Sept. for קְעָרָה, for which also in Josephus , Antiquities 3, 8, 10; Sir. 34:14 (Sir. 31:14.)


(5166) τρυγάω, τρύγω; 1 aorist ἐτρύγησα; (from τρύγη (literally, 'dryness') fruit gathered ripe in autumn, harvest); from Homer down; the Sept. several times for בָּצַר, אָרָה, קָצַר; to gather in ripe fruits; to gather the harvest or vintage: as in the Greek writings, with the accusative of the fruit gathered, Luke 6:44 Revelation 14:18; or of the plant from which it is gathered, Revelation 14:19.


(5167) τρυγών, τρυγόνος, (from τρύζω to murmur, sigh, coo, of doves; cf. γογγύζω ), a turtle-dove: Luke 2:24. (Aristophanes , Theocritus , others; Aeh v. h. 1, 15; the Sept. for תֹּר.)


(5168) τρυμαλιά, τρυμαλιᾶς, (equivalent to τρυμα, or τρύμη, from τρύω to wear away, perforate), a hole (eye of a needle): Mark 10:25, and R G in Luke 18:25. (Judges 15:11; Jeremiah 13:4; Jeremiah 16:16; Sotades in Plutarch , mor., p. 11 a. (i. e., de educ. puer. § 14); Geoponica .)


(5169) τρύπημα, τρυπήματος, τό (τρυπάω to bore), a hole (eye of needle): Matthew 19:24 (here WH text τρῆμα, which see). (Aristophanes , Plutarch , Geoponica , others.)


(5170) Τρύφαινα, Τρυφαινης, (τρυφάω, which see), Tryphaena, a Christian woman: Romans 16:12. (B. D. , under the word; Lightfoot on Philippians, p. 175f.)


(5171) τρυφάω, τρύφω: 1 aorist ἐτρύφησα; (τρυφή, which see); to live delicately, live luxuriously, be given to a soft and luxurious life: James 5:5. (Nehemiah 9:25; Isaiah 66:11; Isocrates , Euripides , Xenophon , Plato , and following) (Compare: ἐντρυφάω. Synonym: cf. Trench , § liv.)


(5172) τρυφή, τρυφῆς, (from φρύπτω to break down, enervate; passive and middle to live softly and delicately), softness, effeminacy, luxurious living: Luke 7:25; 2 Peter 2:13. (Euripides , Aristophanes , Xenophon , Plato , and following; the Sept. .)


(5173) Τρυφῶσα, Τρυφωσης, (τρυφάω, which see), Tryphosa, a Christian woman: Romans 16:12. (See references under Τρύφαινα .)


(5174) Τρῳάς, and (so L T WH (see Iota and references in Pape , Eigennamen, under the word)) Τρῳάς, Τρῳάδος, (on the article with it see Winer s Grammar, § 5, b.), Troas, a city near the Hellespont, formerly called Ἀντιγονεια Τρῳάς, but by Lysimachus Ἀλεξάνδρεια Τρῳάς in honor of Alexander the Great; it flourished under the Romans (and with its environs was raised by Augustus to acolonia juris italici , 'the Troad'; cf. Strabo 13, 1, 26; Pliny , 5, 33): Acts 16:8, Acts 16:11; Acts 20:5; 2 Corinthians 2:12; 2 Timothy 4:13. (B. D. under the word.)


(5175) Τρωγύλλιον (so Ptolemy 5, 2, 8), or Τρωγιλιον ((better Τρωγυλιον; see WH s Appendix, p. 159)) (so Strabo 14, p. 636), Τρωγυλλιου, τό, Trogyllium, the name of a town and promontory of Ionia, not far from the island Samos, at the foot of Matt. Mycale, between Ephesus and the mouth of the river Maeander: Acts 20:15 R G . (Cf. B. D. , under the word.)


(5176) τρώγω; to gnaw, crunch, chew raw vegetables or fruits (as nuts, almonds, etc.): ἄγρωστιν, of mules, Homer , Odyssey 6, 90, and often in other writers of animals feeding; also of men from Herodotus down (as σῦκα, Herodotus 1, 71; βότρυς, Aristophanes eqq. 1077; blackberries, the Epistle of Barnabas 7, 8 [ET] (where see Harnack, Cunningham, Müller); κρόμυον, μετά δεῖπνον, Xenophon , conv. 4, 8); universally, to eat: absolutely, (δύο τρώγομεν ἀδελφοί, we mess together, Polybius 32, 9, 9) joined with πίνειν, Matthew 24:38 (so also Demosthenes , p. 402, 21; Plutarch , symp. 1, 1, 2; Ev. Nicod. c. 15, p. 640, Thilo edition (p. 251 Tdf. edition)); τόν ἄρτον, John 13:18 (see ἄρτος 2 and ἐσθίω b.); figuratively, John 6:58; τήν σάρκα, the 'flesh' of Christ (see σάρξ , 1), John 6:54, John 6:56.


(5177) τυγχάνω; 2 aorist ἐτυχον; perfect (Hebrews 8:6) τέτευχα (so codex B), and (so L T Tr marginal reading WH manuscript א) τετυχα a later and rarer form (which not a few incorrectly think is everywhere to be regarded as a clerical error; Buttmann , 67 (59); Kühner, § 343, under the word; (Veitch , under the word; Phryn. ed. Lob. , p. 595; WH 's Appendix, p. 171)), in some texts also τετύχηκα (a form common in the earlier writings. (Rutherford, New Phryn., p. 483f, and references as above)); a verb in frequent use from Homer down; "est Latin attingere et contingere; German treffen, c. accusative equivalent toetwas erlangen , neuteres trifft sich ." Ast, Platonic Lexicon, under the word; hence,

1. transitive,

a. properly, to hit the mark (opposed to ἁμαρτάνειν to miss the mark), of one discharging a javelin or arrow (Homer , Xenophon , Lucian ).

b. tropically, to reach, attain, obtain, get, become master of: with a genitive of the thing (Winer 's Grammar, 200 (188)), Luke 20:35 (Winer 's Grammar, 609 (566)); Acts 24:2(3); Acts 26:22; Acts 27:3; 2 Timothy 2:10; Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 11:35.

2. intransitive, to happen, chance, fall out: εἰ τύχοι (if it so fall out), it may be, perhaps (frequent in secular authors), 1 Corinthians 14:10, where see Meyer; or, considered in reference to the topic in hand, it may be equivalent to to specify, to take a case, as, for example, 1 Corinthians 15:37 (Vulg. in each passageut puta ; (cf. Meyer as above)); τυχόν, adverbially, perhaps, it may be, 1 Corinthians 16:6 (cf. Buttmann , § 145, 8; (Winer s Grammar, § 45, 8 N. 1); see examples from Greek writings in Passow , under the word, II. 2 b.; (Liddell and Scott, under the word B. III. 2; Sophocles Lexicon, under the word)). to meet one; hence, τυχών, he who meets one or presents himself unsought, any chance, ordinary, common person (see Passow , under the word, II. 2; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, A. II. 1 b.; Sophocles ' Lexicon, under the word)): οὐ τυχών, not common, i. e. eminent, exceptional (A. V. special), Acts 19:11; Acts 28:2 (3Macc. 3:7); to chance to be: ἡμιθανῆ τυγχάνοντα, half dead as he happened to be, just as he was, Luke 10:30 R G . (Compare: ἐντυγχάνω, ὑπερεντυγχάνω, ἐπιτυγχάνω, παρατυγχάνω, συντυγχάνω.)


(5178) τυμπανίζω: (τύμπανον);

1. to beat the drum or timbrel.

2. to torture with the tympanum, an instrument of punishment: ἐτυμπανίσθησαν (Vulg. distenti sunt ), Hebrews 11:35 (R. V. were tortured (with margin, Or, beaten to death)) (Plutarch , mor., p. 60 a.; joined with ἀνασκολοπίζεσθαι, Lucian , Jup. trag. 19); the tympanum seems to have been a wheel-shaped instrument of torture, over which criminals were stretched as though they were skins, and then horribly beaten with clubs or thongs (cf. our 'to break upon the wheel'; see English Dicts. under the word ); cf. (Bleek on Heb. as above); Grimm on 2 Macc. 6:19f


(5179) τύπος, τυπου, (τύπτω), from (Aeschylus and) Herodotus down;

1. the mark of a stroke or blow; print: τῶν ἥλων, John 20:25, John 20:25 (where L T Tr marginal reading τόπον) (Athen. 13, p. 585 c. τούς τύπους τῶν πληγῶν ἰδοῦσα).

2. a figure formed by a blow or impression; hence, universally, a figure, image: of the images of the gods, Acts 7:43 (Amos 5:26; Josephus , Antiquities 1, 19, 11; 15, 9, 5). (Cf. κύριοι τύπος θεοῦ, the Epistle of Barnabas 19, 7 [ET]; 'Teaching ' 4, 11 [ET].)

3. form: διδαχῆς, i. e. the teaching which embodies the sum and substance of religion and represents it to the mind, Romans 6:17; equivalent to manner of writing, the contents and form of a letter, Acts 23:25 (3Macc. 3:30).

4. an example;

α. in the technical sense, viz. the pattern in conformity to which a thing must be made: Acts 7:44; Hebrews 8:5,(Exodus 25:40).

β. in an ethical sense, a dissuasive example, pattern of warning: plural of ruinous events which serve as admonitions or warnings to others, 1 Corinthians 10:6, 1 Corinthians 10:11 R G ; an example to be imitated: of men worthy of imitation, Philippians 3:17; with a genitive of the person to whom the example is offered, 1 Timothy 4:12; 1 Peter 5:3; τύπον ἑαυτόν διδόναι τίνι, 2 Thessalonians 3:9; γενέσθαι τύπον (τύπους, R L marginal reading WH marginal reading; cf. Winer 's Grammar, § 27, 1 note) τίνι, 1 Thessalonians 1:7; παρέχεσθαι ἑαυτόν τύπον καλῶν ἔργων, to show oneself an example of good works, Titus 2:7.

γ. in a doctrinal sense, a type, i. e. a person or thing prefiguring a future (Messianic) person or thing: in this sense Adam is called τύπος τοῦ μέλλοντος namely, Ἀδάμ, i. e. of Jesus Christ, each of the two having exercised a pre-eminent influence upon the human race (the former destructive, the latter saving), Romans 5:14.


(5180) τύπτω; imperfect ἔτυπτον; present passive infinitive τύπτεσθαι; from Homer down; the Sept. for חִכָּה; to strike, smite, beat (with a staff, a whip, the fist, the hand, etc.): τινα, Matthew 24:49; Luke 12:45; Acts 18:17; Acts 21:32; Acts 23:3; τό στόμα τίνος, Acts 23:2; τό πρόσωπον τίνος, Luke 22:64 (here L brackets; T Tr WH omit the clause); τινα ἐπί (Tdf. εἰς) τῇ σιαγόνα, Luke 6:29; εἰς τήν κεφαλήν τίνος, Matthew 27:30; (τήν κεφαλήν τίνος, Mark 15:19); ἑαυτῶν τά στήθη (Latinplangere pectora ), of mourners, to smite their breasts, Luke 23:48; also ἔτυπτεν εἰς τό στῆθος, Luke 18:13 (but G L T Tr WH omit εἰς). God is said τύπτειν to smite one on whom he inflicts punitive evil, Acts 23:3 (Exodus 8:2; 2 Samuel 24:17; Ezekiel 7:9; Ezekiel 2:1-10 Macc. 3:39). to smite metaphorically, i. e. to wound, disquiet: τήν συνείδησιν τίνος, one's conscience, 1 Corinthians 8:12 (ἵνα τί τύπτει σε καρδία σου; 1 Samuel 1:8; τόν δέ ἄχος ὀξύ κατά φρένα τυψε βαθεῖαν, Homer , Iliad 19, 125; Καμβυσεα ἐτυψε ἀληθηιη τῶν λόγων, Herodotus 3, 64).


(5181) Τύραννος, Τυράννου, , Tyrannus, an Ephesian in whose school Paul taught the gospel, but of whom we have no further knowledge (cf. B. D. , under the word): Acts 19:9.


(5182) τυρβάζω: present passive τυρβάζομαι; (τύρβη, Latinturba , confusion; (cf. Curtius , § 250)); (from Sophocles down); to disturb, trouble: properly, τόν πηλόν, Aristophanes vesp. 257; tropically, in the passive, to be troubled in mind, disquieted: περί πολλά, Luke 10:41 R G (with the same construction in Aristophanes pax 1007; μή ἄγαν τυρβαζου, Nilus epist. 2, 258).


(5183) Τύριος, Τυριου, , , a Tyrian, inhabitant of Tyre: Acts 12:20. ((Herodotus , others.))


(5184) Τύρος, Τύρου, (Hebrew צור or צֹר; from Aramaic טוּר, a rock), Tyre, a Phoenician city on the Mediterranean, very ancient, large, splendid, flourishing in commerce, and powerful by land and sea. In the time of Christ and the apostles it was subject to the Romans, but continued to possess considerable wealth and prosperity down to A.D. 1291 . It is at present an obscure little place containing some five thousand inhabitants, part Mohammedans part Christians, with a few Jews (cf. Bädeker's Palestine, p. 425f; (Murray's, op. cit., p. 370f)). It is mentioned Acts 21:3, Acts 21:7, and (in company with Sidon) in Matthew 11:21; Matthew 15:21; Luke 6:17; Luke 10:13; Mark 3:8; Mark 7:24 (where T omits; Tr marginal reading WH brackets καί Σιδῶνος), 31. (BB. DD. )


(5185) τυφλός, τυφλοῦ, (τύφω, to raise a smoke; hence, properly, 'darkened by smoke'), from Homer down, the Sept. for עִוֵּר, blind;

a. properly: Matthew 9:27; Matthew 11:5; Mark 8:22; Mark 10:46; Luke 7:21; Luke 14:13, Luke 14:21; John 9:1, John 9:13; John 10:21, etc.

b. as often in secular authors from Pindar down, mentally blind: Matthew 15:14; Matthew 23:17, Matthew 23:19, Matthew 23:24, Matthew 23:26; John 9:39-41; Romans 2:19; 2 Peter 1:9; Revelation 3:17.


(5186) τυφλόω, τυφλῷ: 1 aorist ἐτυφλωσα; perfect τετύφλωκα; from (Pindar and) Herodotus down; to blind, make blind; in the N. T. metaphorically, to blunt the mental discernment, darken the mind: John 12:40; 1 John 2:11; τά νοήματα, 2 Corinthians 4:4 (τήν ψυχήν τυφλωθειην, Plato , Phaedo, p. 99 e.).


(5187) τυφόω, τύφω: passive, perfect τετυφωμαι; 1 aorist participle τυφωθείς; (τῦφος, smoke; pride); properly, to raise a smoke, to wrap in a mist; used only metaphorically:

1. to make proud, puff up with pride, render insolent; passive, to be puffed up with haughtiness or pride, 1 Timothy 3:6 (Strabo , Josephus , (Diogenes Laërtius , others).

2. to blind with pride or conceit, to render foolish or stupid: 1 Timothy 6:4; perfect participle beclouded, besotted, 2 Timothy 3:4 (Demosthenes , Aristotle , Polybius , Plutarch , others).


(5188) τύφω: (τῦφος, smoke); from Herodotus down; to cause or emit smoke (Plautus fumifico), raise a smoke; passive (present participle τυφόμενος) to smoke (Vulg. fumigo ): Matthew 12:20.


(5189) τυφωνικός, τυφωνικη, τυφωνικον (Τυφῶν (cf. Chandler edition 1 § 659), a whirlwind, hurricane, typhoon), like a whirlwind, tempestuous: ἄνεμος, Acts 27:14.


(5190) Τυχικός (so WH ; Winer s Grammar, § 6, 1 l.) but R G L T Tr Τυχικός (Lipsius , Gram. Unters., p. 30; (Tdf. Proleg., p. 103; Chandler § 266)), τυχικοῦ, , Tychicus, an Asiatic Christian, friend and companion of the apostle Paul: Acts 20:4; Ephesians 6:21; Colossians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:12; Titus 3:12. (See Lightfoot on Colossians, the passage cited; B. D. , under the word.)