Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

יִדְּעֹנִי — יוֹצָדָק


יִדְּעֹנִי n.m. familiar spirit (proposes either as knowing, wise (acquainted with secrets of unseen world), Ew vielwisserisch; or as intimate acquaintance of soothsayer, v. RS JPh. xiv. 1885. 127)—abs. יִדְּעֹנִי Dt 18:11 + 2 times; pl. יִדְּעֹנִים 1 S 28:3 + 6 times; הַיִּדְּעֹנִי מִן 1 S 28:9, read הַיִּדְּעֹנִים מִן (v. 𝔊 Th We Klo Dr); familiar spirit, always ‖ אוֹב, אֹבוֹת 1 S 28:3, 9 Is 8:19; 19:3 2 K 21:6 (עשׂה אוֹב; ‖ נִחֵשׁ, עוֹנֵן) = 2 Ch 33:6, 2 K 23:24 Lv 19:31; 20:6, 27 (all H; on last two cf. Acts 16:16 and Dr Dt 18:11), (‖ אוֹב + דֹּרֵשׁ אֶל־הַמֵּתִים).


יָהּ50 contr. from יהוה, first appears in early poems; Ex 15:2 עָזִּי וְזִמְרָת יָהּ My strength and song is Yah (cited Is 12:2 ψ 118:14), cf. the poetic extract יָד עַל כֵּם יָהּ = hand to the throne of Yah Ex 17:16 (E), the song of Hezekiah Is 38:11 (repeated by dittography), (א)שׁ להבת יה (so read in preference to the MT שַׁלְהֶבֶתְיָה) = flame of fire from Yah Ct 8:6; ביה יהוה Is 26:4 (יהוה sustained by Aq and the rhythmical movement, unless it be a mistake for שׁמו, cf. ψ 68:5), יה אלהים ψ 68:19. Elsewhere יָהּ is used only in late ψ, especially in the Hallels, in the phrase הַלֲלוּ־יָהּ praise ye Yah ψ 104:35; 105:45; 106:1, 48; 111:1; 112:1; 113:1, 9; 115:18; 116:19; 117:2; 135:1, 3, 21; 146:1, 10; 147:1, 20; 148:1, 14; 149:1, 9; 150:1, 6, cf. also יהלל יה 102:19 יהללו יה 115:17 תהלל יה ψ 150:6 (v. הלל); in var. other phrases ψ 77:12; 89:9; 94:7, 12; 115:18; 118:5, 5, 14, 17, 18, 19; 122:4; 130:3; 135:4.


יָהּ, v. sub הוה p. 219b supr.


[יְהָב] n.[m.] lot (what is given)? cf. 𝔗 יַהֲבַת ψ 11:6, יְהָבִית Ec 5:10.—הַשְׁלֵךְ עַל י׳ יְהָֽבְךָ ψ 55:23 cast on י׳ thy lot (the care, anxiety, etc. which are thy portion; cf. גּוֹל עַל־י׳ דרכך ψ 37:5).


[יָהַב] vb. give (Aramaic יְהַב, ܝܰܗܒ; Arabic وَهَبَ; Ethiopic ወሀበ Sab. והב DHM:ZMG xxix. 1875, 614 f. ול יהב Id.ib. 603)—only
Qal Imv. הַב Pr 30:15(×15); emph. הָ֫בָה Gn 11:3 + 10 times (6 times sq. monosyll.); הָבָ֫ה Gn 29:21 before gutt. (Di on Gn 28:2i. 418), fs. הָבִ֫י Ru 3:15; mpl. הָב֫וּ Gn 47:16 + 16 times; הָ֫בוּ לִ֑י Jb 6:22 (on these forms v. also Sta§ 606 ai. 225 Ges§ 69. 2, R. 2);— 1. give, sq. acc. Gn 29:21 (E) give (me) my wife, 47:16 (J), Ru 3:15 Zc 11:12 (price); of giving (i.e. causing to come forth, in deciding by lot) urim and Thummim 1 S 14:41(×41) (𝔊 We Dr, v. אוּרִים); sq. acc. rei + לִי Gn 30:1 (E), Ju 1:15; acc. rei + לָנוּ Gn 47:15 (J), ψ 60:13 = 108:13; הָ֥בוּ לִ֑י Jb 6:22 (no acc. expr.); abs. הַ֤ב ׀ הַ֥֫ב Pr 30:15. 2. = set, sq. acc. (Uriah) + אֶל־מוּל פְּנֵי הַמִּלְחָמָה 2 S 11:15 set Uriah in the fore-front of the battle. 3. with reflex. לִ (v. ל, 5 h) = provide, c. acc. הָבוּ לָכֶם אֲנָשִׁים חֲכָמִים Dt 1:13; Jos 18:4 (JE), Ju 20:7 2 S 16:20. 4. ascribe glory, etc., to י׳ (God): c. כבוד לְ ψ 29:1(×1), 2 = 96:7(×7), 8 = 1 Ch 16:28(×28), 29; ה׳ גֹדֶל לאלהינו Dt 32:3 (poem) ascribe greatness to our God. 5. = come now (orig. grant, permit), before voluntat.: Gn 11:3, 4, 7; 38:16 (all J), Ex 1:10 (E).


[יהד] vb. v. sub יִהוּדָה infr.


יְהֻד in Dan, Jos 19:45; = mod. Yehûdîyeh, 8 m. E. of Joppa, and 1 1/2 h. [5 1/2 m.] W. of N. from Lydda, Survey ii. 258 GuérinJudée i. 322; A Ιουθ), 𝔊L [Ι]ουδ) (on form name JastrJBL xii, 1893, 61 ff. comp. Ia-u-du, Tel el-Amarna No. 39)


[יהד] vb.denom.
Hithp. become a Jew—only pt. מִתְיַהֲדִים Est 8:17 many of the people of the land were becoming Jews.


[יַהְדַּי] one of the family of Caleb (according to Thes = יהדיה, י׳ leads cf. Ol§ 277 h. p. 621; but dub.) יַהְדָּ֑י 1 Ch 2:47 (Baer; al. יֶהְדָּ֑י).


יַהְדַּי, יֶהְדַּי v. sub הדה p. 213a supr.


יְהוֹ׳ cpd. with, v. sub יהוה supr. pp. 219 ff.


יֵהוּא (prob. contr. from יהוהוא = י׳ is He, cf. יֵשׁוּעַ and reff.; cuneif. Ia-u-a COT 1 K 16:23 2 K 9:2 (further SchrMBAW 1880, 277, SchrZA iii. 3 HptBAS i. 296, 329 Jäger ib. 468); cf. also אֱלִיהוּ)
1. king of Israel who overthrew the dynasty of Omri (𝔊 Εἰου, A often Ἰηου, 𝔊L Ἰου) 1 K 19:16, 172) 2 K 9:2 + 36 times 2 K 9 & 10 + 12:2; 13:1; 14:8; 15:12; 2 Ch 22:7, 8, 9; 25:17; Ho 1:4.
2. prophet of N. Israel in time of Baasha & Jehoshaphat (𝔊 Εἰου, A Εἰηου 𝔊L Ἰου in K; 𝔊 Ἰου, Ἰησου, A 𝔊L Ἰηου in Ch) 1 K 16:1, 7, 12; 2 Ch 19:2; 20:34.
3. one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 12:3 (𝔊 Ἰηουλ, 𝔊L Ἰηουδ)).
4. a Judaite 1 Ch 2:382) (𝔊 Ἰησους, A 𝔊L Ἰηου).
5. a Simeonite prince 1 Ch 4:35 (𝔊 οὗτος i.e. (י)הוּא; A 𝔊L Ἰηου).


יֵהוּא v. sub יהוה supr. p. 219.


יְהוֹאָחָז, יוֹאָחָז (י׳ hath grasped; 𝔊 Ἰωαχας, & Ἰωαχαζ; cf. also אֲחַזְיָהוּ, & cuneif. Ia-u-ḫa-zi for Ahaz, v. אָחָז, and cf. further JägerBAS i. 467 f.)
1. יְהוֹאָחָז king of Judah, son of Josiah 2 K 23:30, 31, 34 2 Ch 36:1, = יוֹאָחָז v 2:4 (appar. = יוֹחָנָן 1 Ch 3:15).
2. יְהוֹאָחָז king of Isr., son of Jehu 2 K 10:35; 13:1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 252); 14:8, 17 2 Ch 25:17, 25 = יוֹאָחָז 2 K 14:1.
3. יְהוֹאָחָז king of Judah, son of Jehoram of Judah 2 Ch 21:17; 25:23 = אֲחַזְיָהוּ (אֲחַזְיָה) 2, q.v.
4. יוֹאָחָז father of יוֹאָח Josiah’s chronicler 2 Ch 34:8.


יְהוֹאָשׁ, יוֹאָשׁ 𝔊 Ἰωας (י׳ is strong, cf. אישׁ; or hath bestowed, cf. Arabic آسَ bestow; Ph. יאש; Sab. אלאוס Hal 150, אוסאל Hal 144, יאוסאל Hal 192, cf. DHMZMG 1883, 15);—
1. יְהו׳ king of Judah, son of Ahaziah (Jehoahaz 3) 2 K 12:1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 19; 14:13, = יוֹאָשׁ 2 K 11:2; 12:20, 21; 13:1, 10; 14:1, 3, 17, 23; 1 Ch 3:11; 2 Ch 22:11; 24:2, 4, 22, 24; 25:23, 25; = יֹאָשׁ 2 Ch 24:1.
2. יְהוֹ׳ king of Israel, son of Jehoahaz 2, 2 K 13:10, 25; 14:8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 = יוֹאָשׁ 2 K 13:9, 12, 132), 14, 25; 14:1, 23, 27 2 Ch 25:17, 18, 21, 23, 25 Ho 1:1 Am 1:1.
3. יו׳ father of Gideon (Jerubbaal) Ju 6:11, 29, 30, 31; 7:14; 8:13, 29, 32, 32.
4. יו׳ a prince of Ahab’s house, called בֶּן־הַמֶּלֶךְ 1 K 22:26 = 2 Ch 18:25.
5. יו׳ one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 12:3 (𝔊 Ἰωα, Ἰωας, A Ἰωρας).
6. יוֹאָשׁ a Judaite prince 1 Ch 4:22 (𝔊 Ἰωαδα, Ἰωας).


יְהוּדָה820 et terr. Judah (treated Gn 29:35; 49:8 (q.v. infr.) as if der. from Hoph. of ידה = praised, object of praise (on ה cf. Hiph. אֲהוֹדֶ֑נּוּ ψ 28:7, יְהוֹדֶה Ne 11:17), but this dubious; relation to יְהֻד, ii. יְהוּדִית unexpl.; v. further JastrJBL xii, 1893, 61 ff.; Assyrian Ia-u-du, of land; Ia-u-da-ai, Judaean COTGloss)
I. 1. son of Jacob and Leah, expl. by Leah’s words I will praise י׳ Gn 29:35 (J); cf. Jacob’s prediction, thy brethren shall praise thee Gn 49:8 (poem in JE), see also v 9, 10; elsewhere Gn 37:26; 38:1 + 14 times Gn 38, 43:3, 8; 44:14, 16, 18; 46:28 (all J), 35:23 (P), 1 Ch 2:1, 3 Ru 4:12; בְּנֵי יְהוּדָה sons of Judah Gn 46:12 Nu 26:19 (P), 1 Ch 2:3, 4; 4:1. 2. tribe descended from Judah Dt 33:7 (poem), Nu 1:7 (P), Dt 27:12 +; בְּנֵי יהודה Nu 1:26 (P), Jos 14:6 (D), Ju 1:8 +; שֵׁבֶט יהודה Jos 7:16 (J), 1 K 12:20 2 K 17:18 ψ 78:68; מַטֵּה בְנֵי יהודה Jos 15:1, 20, 21; 21:9 (all P), 1 Ch 6:50; elsewhere מַטֵּה יהודה Ex 31:2; 35:30; 38:22 Nu 1:27; 7:12; 13:6; 34:19 Jos 7:1, 18; 21:4 (all P); אישׁ יהודה Ju 15:10 +; אנשׁי יהודה 2 S 2:4 +, (cf. amelûti [ṣabê] Ia-u-du Tel el-AmarnaNo. 39 JastrJBL xii, 1893, 64). 3. nation, of southern kingdom under dynasty of David, as distinguished from northern kingdom of Ephraim or Israel: Ho 4:15 Je 2:28 2 Ch 12:12 +; of the returned exiles Ne 4:4; עַם יהודה 2 K 14:21 = 2 Ch 26:1, Je 25:1, 2 Ezr 4:4; בְּנֵי יהודה Ho 2:2 Je 7:30 2 Ch 13:18; 25:12; 28:10; בֵּית יהודה Ho 1:7 Je 3:18 Ez 4:6 +; מַלְכוּת יהודה 2 Ch 11:17; personified, בַּת י׳ La 1:15; 2:2, 5. 4. Levite, Ezra’s time, Ezr 10:23. 5. an overseer of Jerus. Ne 11:9. 6. Levite musician Ne 12:8. 7. priest Ne 12:36.
II. land of Judah, f. Is 7:6 Je 23:6 = 33:16, Jo 4:30 ψ 114:2 +; ארץ יְהוּדֶה 1 S 22:5 2 K 23:24 +; אדמת יהודה Is 19:17; עָרֵי יהודה 2 S 2:1 1 K 12:17 2 K 18:13; 23:5, 8 Is 40:9; 44:26 Zc 1:12 ψ 69:36 La 5:11; also 15 times Chr., 23 times Jer.; בִּיהודה Jos 19:34 Ju 15:9 +; מיהודה 1 K 13:1 +; הר יהודה the hill-country of Judah Jos 11:21 (D), 20:7; 21:11 (P), 2 Ch 27:4; נֶגֶב יהודה the south (country) of Judah 1 S 27:10. 2 S 24:7; מדבר יהודה Ju 1:16 ψ 63:1 (title).


† I. יְהוּדִי Jewish, as subst. a Jew;—adj.m. אִישׁ יְהוּדִי Zc 8:23; pl. אֲנָשִׁים יְהוּדִים Jewish men Je 43:9 Est 2:5; as subst. Je 34:9 Est 3:4; הַיְהוּדִי the Jew Est 5:13; 6:10; 8:7; 9:29, 31; 10:3; f. הַיְּהֻדִיָּה the Jewess 1 Ch 4:18; pl. Jews יְהוּדִים Je 52:28, 30; הַיְּהוּדִים the Jews 2 K 16:6; 25:25 Je 32:12; 38:19; 40:11, 12; 41:3; 44:1 Ne 1:2; 2:16; 3:33, 34; 4:6; 5:1, 8, 17; 6:6; 13:23 Est 3:6, 10, 13; 4:3, 13, 14, 16; 6:13; 8:3, 5, 8, 92), 11, 16, 172); 9:12), 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 242), 25, 27, 28, 30; 10:3; הַיְּהוּדִיי֯ם Est 4:7; 8:1, 7, 13; 9:15, 18.


† II. יְהוּדִי officer of Jehoiakim Je 36:14, 212), 23, 𝔊 Ιουδιν (perhaps orig. appell. Jewish, of one not so by ancestry, v. Gf Gie).


† I. יְהוּדִית, f. of foregoing, but only as adv. in Jewish = in the Jewish language 2 K 18:26, 28 = Is 36:11, 13 = 2 Ch 32:18; Ne 13:24.


† II. יְהוּדִית (relation to foregoing names obscure)—wife of Esau Gn 26:34, daughter of בְּאֵרִי the Hittite (not named Gn 36:1); 𝔊 Ιουδιν.


יהוהc. 6823 i.e. יַהְוֶה Yahweh, the proper name of the God of Israel—(1. MT יְהוָֹה6518 (Qr אֲדֹנָי), or יֱהוִֹה305 (Qr אֱלֹהִים), in the combinations אדני יהוה & יהוה אדני (vid. אֲדֹנָי), and with prep. בַּיהוָֹה, לַיהוָֹה, מֵיהוָֹה (Qr בַּאדֹנָי, לַאדֹנָי, מֵאדֹנָי), do not give the original form. 𝔊 and other Vrss follow the Qr. On the basis of Ex 20:7; Lv 24:11 יהוה was regarded as a nomen ineffabile (vid. Philo de Vita Mosis iii, 519, 529), called by the Jews הַשֵּׁם and by the Samaritans שׁימא. The pronunciation Jehovah was unknown until 1520, when it was introduced by Galatinus; but it was contested by Le Mercier, J. Drusius, and L. Capellus, as against grammatical and historical propriety (cf. Bö§ 88). The traditional Ἰαβέ of Theodoret and Epiphanius, the ־יָהוּ, יְהוֹ־ of compound and the contracted form יָהּ, all favour יַהְוֶה (cf. יַהֲלֹמ֑וּן ψ 74:6; תַּהֲרוּ Is 33:11), v. LagSym. i. 14 BaudissinStudien i. 179 ff.; DrStud. Bib. i. 1 ff. For Jeve v. StaZAW 1881, 346 De ib. 1882, 173 f. & Gn. Excurs. ii. 2. on liter. of interpret. v. NesEg 67 Drl.c..—Many recent scholars explain יַהְוֶה as Hiph. of הוה (= היה) the one bringing into being, life-giver (cf. הַוָּה Gn 3:20) Schr HSch; giver of existence, creator, Kue Tiele; he who brings to pass (so already Le Clerc), performer of his promises, Lag, Nes.Eg 88 (but NesEg. 91 inclines to Qal as RSBrit. & For. Ev. Rev. v. infr.); or from הוה he who causes to fall, rain or lightning RSOTJC ed. 1, 423; om. ed. 2, 245, cf. WeSkizzen iii. 175; ‘Fäller,’ destroying foes, StaG. i. 429 (dubiously). But most take it as Qal of היה (= היה); the one who is: i.e. the absolute and unchangeable one, Ri; the existing, ever-living, as self-consistent and unchangeable, Di; or the one ever coming into manifestation as the God of redemption, De Oehl; cf. also RSBrit. & For. Ev. Rev. 1876, he will be it, i.e. all that his servants look for (cf. Ewinfr.), he will approve himself (give evidence of being, assert his being Drl. c. 17)). theories of non-Heb. or non-Sem. origin. opposed (in their older forms) by BauRel i. 181 ff. (v. especially 230); DlPa 162 ff. claimed Bab. origin for יהו, against this KueNational religions, etc., Note iv (Eng. Trans. 329 ff.) JastrJBL xiii (1894), 103 f. cf. HptBAS i. 170 N; Dl Babel u. Bibel, 46 f., 73 f. makes same claim for יהוה, agst. this v. especially HirschZAW xxiii (1903), 355 ff. ZimKAT 3, 465 ff.; SpiegelbergZMG liii (1899), 633 ff. proposes (improb.) Egyptian etymol. for יהוה; further discussions see in KöEB Names, § 112 and n. 3. ‘Jehovah’ found in Jacob (? Johann.) Wessel († 1480), according to SchwallyThLZ, 1905, col. 612.
I. יהוה is not used by E in Gn, but is given Ex 3:12—15 as the name of the God who revealed Himself to Moses at Horeb, and is explained thus: אֶהְיֶה עִמָּ֑ךְ I shall be with thee (v 12), which is then implied in אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה I shall be the one who will be it v 14a (i.e. with thee v 12) and then compressed into אֶהְיֶה v 14b (i.e. with thee v 12), which then is given in the nominal form יהוה He who will be it v 15 (i.e. with thee v 12). Cf. EwBTh ii. 337, 338 RSl. c., Proph. 385 ff. Other interpretations are: I am he who I am, i.e. it is no concern of yours (Le Clerc LagPsalt. Hieron. 156); I am, (this is my name), inasmuch as I am (אֲשֶׁר = כִּי; AE JDMich WeJD Th xxi, 540 = Comp. Hex. 72); Di al. I am who I am, he who is essentially unnameable, inexplicable.—E uses יהוה sparingly by the side of אלהים and האלהים in his subsequent narrative. The Ephraimitic writers in Ju S K use it in similar proportions. P abstains from the use of יהוה until he gives an account of its revelation to Moses Ex 6:3; but subsequently uses it freely. He gives no explanation of its meaning. He represents that אֵל שַׁדַּי was the God of the patriarchs. J uses יהוה from the beginning of his narrative, possibly explaining it, Gn 21:33 by אל עולם, the evergreen tamarisk being a symbol of the ever-living God; cf. De Gn 21:33. Elsewhere יהוה is the common divine name in pre-exilic writers, but in post-exilic writers gradually falls into disuse, and is supplanted by אלהים and אדני. In Job it is used 31 times in prose parts, and 12:9 (a proverb); not elsewhere in the poem. Chr apart from his sources prefers אלהים and האלהים. Dn uses יהוה only in chap. 9 (7 times); Ec not at all. In the Elohistic group of ψ 42—83 it is used 39 times (see אלהים). It occurs as the name of Israel’s God MI 18. It is doubtful whether it was used by other branches of the Shemitic family, cf. COT Gn 2:4b DlPa 158 ff. DrStud. Bib. i. 7 ff.
II. 1. יהוה is used with אלהים with or without suffs., especially in D; a. with אֱלֹהֶיךָ in the Ten Words Ex 20:2—12 (5 times) = Dt 5:6—16; in the law of worship of JE, Ex 23:19; 34:24, 26; in D 234 times; Jos 1:9, 17; 9:9, 24 (D2); elsewhere Gn 27:20 Ex 15:26 (JE), Ju 6:26; S & K 20 times 1 Ch 11:2; 22:11, 12 2 Ch 9:82); 16:7; Is 7:11; 37:42); 41:13; 43:3; 51:15; 55:5; Je 40:2 + (3 times) Ho 12:10; 13:4; 14:2; Am 9:15; ψ 81:11. b. with אֱלֹהֵיכֶם in D 46 times; D2 28 times; H 15 times; P 15 times; elsewhere Ex 23:25 (E); 8:24; 10:8, 16, 17 (JE); Ju 6:10; 1 S 12:12, 14; 2 K 17:39; 23:21; 1 Ch 22:18 + (10 times Chr) ψ 76:12; Je 13:16; + (5 times) Ez 20:5, 7, 19, 20; Jo 2:13 + (6 times) Zc 6:15. c. with אֱלֹהֵינוּ in D 23 times; in D2 5 times; Ex 8:6 (JE) Ex 3:18; 5:3; 8:22, 23; 10:25, 26 (E) Ju 11:24; 1 S 7:8; 1 K 8:57, 59, 61, 65 2 K 18:22; 19:19 = Is 36:7; 37:20, 1 Ch 13:2 + (15 times Chr) Mi 4:5; 7:17; Is 26:13; Je 3:22 + (17 times) ψ 20:8; 90:17 (?; Baer אֲדֹנָי) 94:23; 99:5, 8, 92); 105:7; 106:47; 113:5; 122:9; 123:2 Dn 9:10, 13, 14. d. c. אֱלֹהֵיהֶם Ex 10:7 (J) Ex 29:462) Lv 26:44 (P) Ju 3:7; 8:34; 1 S 12:9; 1 K 9:9; 2 K 17:7, 9, 14, 16, 19; 18:12 2 Ch 31:6; 33:17; 34:33; Ne 9:32), 4; Je 3:21; 22:9; 30:9; 43:12) 50:4; Ez 28:26; 34:30; 39:22, 28 Ho 1:7; 3:5; 7:10; Zp 2:7; Hag 1:122) Zc 9:16; 10:6. e. with אֱלֹהָיו Nu 23:21 (E) Ex 32:11 (J) Lv 4:22 (P) Dt 17:19; 18:7; 1 S 30:6; 1 K 5:17; 11:4; 15:3, 4; 2 K 5:11; 16:2; 2 Ch 1:1; + 13 times Chr; Mi 5:3; Je 7:28; ψ 33:12; 144:15; 146:5; Jon 2:2. f. with אֱלֹהַי Nu 22:18 (JE) Dt 4:5; 18:16; 26:14; Jos 14:8, 9; 2 S 24:24; 1 K 3:7; 5:18, 19; 8:28; 17:20, 21; 1 Ch 21:17; 22:7; 2 Ch 2:3; 6:19; Ezr 7:28; 9:5; ψ 7:2, 4; 13:4; 18:29; 30:3, 13; 35:24; 40:6; 104:1; 109:26; Is 25:1; Je 31:18; Dn 9:4, 20; Jon 2:7; Hab 1:12; Zc 11:4; 13:9; 14:5. g. with אֱלֹהַיִךְ Is 60:9 Je 2:17, 19; 3:13; Mi 7:10; Zp 3:17. h. with אלהים, probably always due to later editors, or to a Qr which has crept into the text Gn 2:4b—3:23 (J, 20 times either אלהים inserted by RP as Di De; or יהוה inserted by J in an older source); Ex 9:30 (J, but not in 𝔊 Sam.; Sam. אדני יהוה; possibly MT from earlier Qr, & Sam. from later Qr); 2 S 7:22, 25 (𝔊 אדני יהוה and 1 Ch 17:20—23 only יהוה); 1 Ch 17:16, 17 (but 2 S 7:18, 19 אדני יהוה) 1 Ch 28:20; 29:1; 2 Ch 1:9; 6:412), 42; 26:18 (but in the original ψ 132:8 stood יהוה (so ℌ), or else no divine name); ψ 72:18 (the late doxology) 84:12 (but it makes the line too long); Jon 4:6. For the combinations with other divine names see those names. 2. the phrase †אֲנִי יהוה is noteworthy:— a. after אמר either alone Ex 6:2, 29 (P) or before relative and other clauses: Gn 28:13 (J) 15:7 (R) Ex 6:6 (P) with אלהיכם Ju 6:10; Ez 20:5. b. after ידע כי (α) Ex 7:17; 8:18; 10:2 (J); Ex 7:5; 14:4, 18 (P); 1 K 20:13, 28; Je 24:7 Ez 6:7 + 4:8 times Ez; (β) with אלהיכם Ex 6:7; 16:12; Dt 29:5 (P) Ez 20:20; Jo 4:17; (γ) with אלהיהם Ex 29:46 (P) Ez 28:26; 34:30; 39:22, 28; (δ) before relative and other clauses Is 45:3; 49:23, 26; 60:16 Ez 7:9; 17:24; 21:10; 22:22; 35:12; 36:36; (ε) with various forms of קדשׁ Ex 31:13 (P) Ez 20:12; 37:28; 39:7; (ζ) with דברתי Ez 5:13; 17:21, cf. יֵדְעוּ אשׁר אני י׳ Ez 20:26. c. after כִּי in various combinations Lv 11:44, 45; Nu 35:34 (P), Lv 20:7, 26; 21:8, 15, 23; 22:16; 24:22; 25:17; 26:1, 44 (all H); Ex 15:26 (R) Is 41:13; 43:3; 61:8; Je 9:23; Ez 12:25; 21:4 Zc 10:6; Mal 3:6. d. emphatic Ex 6:8; 12:12 Lv 26:2, 45; Nu 3:13, 41, 45 (all P); Lv 18:5, 6, 21; 19:12, 14, 16, 18, 28, 30, 32, 37; 21:12; 22:2, 3, 8, 30, 31, 33 (all H) Is 43:15; with אלהיהם Ex 29:46; with אלהיךָ Is 48:17; with אלהיכם Lv 23:43; 25:38, 55; Nu 10:10; 15:41(×2) (P) Lv 18:2, 4, 30; 19:2, 3, 4, 10, 25, 31, 34, 36; 20:24; 23:22; 26:13 (all H) Ez 20:7, 19 Jo 2:27; with מְקַדֵּשׁ Lv 20:8; 22:9, 32 (H), with דברתי Nu 14:35 (P) Ez 5:15 + (11 times Ez); with clauses Is 27:3; 41:4, 17; 42:6, 8; 45:5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 21; 60:22 Je 17:10; 32:27; Ez 14:4, 7, 9; 34:24; †אָנֹכִי יהוה is used in the Ten Words Ex 20:2, 5 = Dt 5:6, 9 cited ψ 81:11 Ho 12:10; 13:4; elsewhere only Ex 4:11 (J) Is 43:11; 44:24; 51:15. 3. יהוה is also used with several predicates, to form sacred names of holy places of Yahweh יהוה יראה Gn 22:14 (J); יהוה נסי Ex 17:15 (E) יהוה שׁלום Ju 6:24 יהוה צדקנו Je 33:16 (cf. 23:6 where it is applied to the Messiah); יהוה שָׁ֑מָּה Ez 48:35.—On combinations such as הַר י׳, י׳ צְבָאוֹת etc., v. הַר, צָבָא, etc.
Note. —BonkZAW 1891, 126 ff. seems to shew that as prefix, in comp., יְהוֹ is the oldest and the latest form and that יוֹ is intermediate, belonging to the earlier post-exilic period until the time of Chr; occasional copyists’ mistakes being taken into the account.


יהוה, v. sub הוה p. 217 ff.


יְהוֹזָבָד, יוֹזָבָד 𝔊 usually Ἰωζαβαδ (י׳ hath bestowed; cf. Palm. נבוזבד Vog 73; v. also זְבַדְיָהוּ, זַבְדִּיאֵל)
1. יְהוֹזָבָד servant & murderer of Joash of Judah 2 K 12:22 (𝔊 Ἰεζεβουθ) = 2 Ch 24:26 (𝔊 Ζωζαβεδ, Ἰωζαβεδ, Ἰωζαβεθ).
2. יוֹזָבָד three of David’s mighty men, a. 1 Ch 12:5; b. v 21; c. v 21 (𝔊 Ἰωζαβειθ, Ἰωζαβειδ).
3. יְהוֹזָבָד a Benjamite chief 2 Ch 17:18.
4. priests & Levites, a. יְהוֹזָבָד 1 Ch 26:4; b. יוֹזָבָד 2 Ch 31:13 (𝔊 Ἐζαβαθ, Ἰωαζαβαθ; 𝔊L Ἰωαζαβαδ); c. 35:9 (𝔊 Ἰωζαβαδ; 𝔊L as foreg.); d. Ezr 8:33; e. Ezr 10:22; f. Ezr 10:23; g. Ne 8:7; h. Ne 11:16; (d. f. g. & h. perhaps the same man).


יְהוֹחָנָן, יוֹחָנָןיְהוֹחָנָן, יוֹחָנָן 𝔊 mostly Ἰωαναν, Ἰωναν (י׳ hath been gracious, cf. אֶלְחָנָן, חֲנַנְאֵל & reff.; also Ph. יחנבעל בעליחן)

1. a. יְהוֹ׳ a priest Ne 12:13; b. high priest Ezr 10:6 = יוֹחָנָן Ne 12:22, 23 appar. = יוֹנָתָן Ne 12:112) (𝔊 Ἰωναθαν).

2. יְהוֹ׳ Levite Ne 12:42.

3. יְהוֹ׳ son of Tobiah Ne 6:18 (𝔊 Codd. Ἰωναθαν).

4. יְהוֹ׳ porter in David’s time 1 Ch 26:3 (𝔊 Ἰωνας, 𝔊L Ἰωναθαν).

5. יְהוֹ׳ a Judaite captain 2 Ch 17:15 appar. also 23:1.

6. יְהוֹ׳ an Ephraimite 2 Ch 28:12.

7. יְהוֹ׳ an Israelite, Ezra’s time Ezr 10:28.

8. יוֹ׳ (& so all foll.) a Jewish captain, after fall of Jerus. 2 K 25:23; Je 40:8, 13, 15, 16; 41:11, 13, 14, 15, 16; 42:1, 8; 43:2, 4, 5

9. eldest son of king Josiah 1 Ch 3:15 𝔊L ͂Ἰωαχας (appar. = יְהוֹאָחָז 2 K 23:30 +).
10. a post-exilic prince of the line of David 1 Ch 3:24.
11. father of Azariah, priest in Sol.’s time 1 Ch 5:35, 36.
12. two of David’s mighty men: a. a Benjamite 1 Ch 12:5; b. a Gadite 1 Ch 12:13.
13. a returning exile Ezr 8:12.


יְהוֹיָדָע, יוֹיָדָע (י׳ knoweth; cf. יְדַעְיָה, אֶלְיָדָע & reff., בְּעֶלְיָדָע)
1. יְהוֹ׳; 𝔊 usually Ἰωδαε, A sometimes Ἰωιαδαε (2 S 23:30 +), 𝔊L Ἰωαδ (2 S 20:23 Ἰωαδδαι), father of Benaiah (David’s time), in combin. בְּנָיָהוּ בֶּן־יְהוֹ׳ 2 S 8:18; 20:23; 23:20, 22 1 K 1:8, 26, 32, 36, 38, 44; 2:25, 29, 34, 35, 46; 4:4; 1 Ch 1, 24; 18:17; 27:5; יְהוֹיָדָע בֶּן־בְּנָיָהוּ 1 Ch 27:34 is prob. erron. inversion of the usual order; יְהוֹ׳ alone only 1 Ch 12:28 (where called הַנָּגִיד לְאַחֲרֹן).
2. יְהוֹ׳, 𝔊 usually Ἰωδαε A sometimes Ἰωιαδαε etc., (chief) priest at Jerus. in time of Joash 2 K 11:4, 92), 15, 17; 12:3, 8, 10; 2 Ch 22:11; 23:1, 82), 9, 11, 14, 16, 18; 24:2, 3, 6, 12, 142), 15, 17, 20, 22, 25 Je 29:26.
3. יוֹיָדָע a builder at wall of Jerus., with Nehemiah, Ne 3:6 (𝔊 Ἰοειαα, Ἰοειδα, Ἰωδαε, etc.)
4. יוֹ׳ son of h. p. Eliashib Ne 12:10, 11, 22; 13:28 (𝔊 Ἰωδα, Ἰωδαε, Ἰωιαδα).


יְהוֹיָכִין, יְהוֹיָכִן, יוֹיָכִין (י׳ appointeth) last king but one of Judah, son of Jehoiakim (𝔊 Ἰωακειμ; in K, 𝔊L Ἰωακειν; 𝔊 in Je (usually) & Ch Ἰεχονίας); יְהוֹיָכִין 2 K 24:6, 8, 12, 15; 25:272) 2 Ch 36:8, 9 Je 52:31 = יְהוֹיָכִן v 31; = יוֹיָכִין Ez 1:2; = יְכוֹנְיָה Je 27:20; = יְכָנְיָה 28:4; 29:2 1 Ch 3:16, 17; Est 2:6; = יְכָנְיָהוּ Je 24:1 = כָּנְיָהוּ Je 22:24, 28; 37:1.


יְהוֹיָקִים, יוֹיָקִים, יוֹקִים 𝔊 Ἰωακειμ (י׳ raiseth up; cf. אֶלְיָקִים & reff.; also יָקִים, יְקַמְיָה)
1. יְהוֹ׳ one of the last kings of Judah, son of Josiah 2 K 23:34, 35, 36; 24:1, 5, 6, 19; 1 Ch 3:15, 16 2 Ch 36:4, 5, 8; Je 1:3; 22:18, 24; 24:1 + 19 times Je, Dn 1:1, 2; name changed from orig. אֶלְיָקִים 2 K 23:34 = 2 Ch 36:4.
2. יוֹיָקִים priest, son of Jeshua Ne 12:10, 10, 12, 26.
3. יוֹקִים a Judaite 1 Ch 4:22.


יְהוֹיָרִיב, יוֹיָרִיב 𝔊 Ἰωιαρειβ, Ἰωαρειβ, Ἰωαρειμ, etc. (י׳ pleadeth, or contendeth)
1. name of a priestly family יְהוֹ׳ 1 Ch 9:10; 24:7; = יוֹ׳ Ne 11:10; 12:6, 19.
2. teacher in Ezra’s time Ezr 8:16.
3. a Judaite Ne 11:5.


יְהוּכַל, יוּכַל 𝔊 Ἰωαχαλ (Codd. have ζ, χ, ς, for λ) (prob. contr. from יהויוכל, י׳ is able) a courtier of king Zedekiah, יְהוּ׳ Je 37:3 = יוּ׳ 38:1.


יְהוּכַל v. sub יהוה p. 220 supr.


יְהוֹנָדָב, יוֹנָדָב (י׳ is noble, or is liberal, or hath impelled, cf. נְדַבְיָה)
1. יְהוֹ׳ son of Rechab & chief of the Rechabites (𝔊 Ἰωναδαβ) 2 K 10:152), 23; Je 35:8, 14, 16, 18; = יוֹ׳ Je 35:6, 10, 19.
2. יְהוֹ׳ nephew of David (𝔊 Ἰωναδαβ, Ἰωναδαμ; 𝔊L Ἰωναθαν) 2 S 13:5; = יוֹ׳ 2 S 13:32), 32, 35; (appar. called Jonathan 2 S 21:21; 1 Ch 20:7, cf. יְהוֹנָתָן 3.)


יְהוֹנָתָן, יוֹנָתָן יְהוֹנָתָן, יוֹנָתָן 𝔊 Ἰωναθαν throughout, with occasional var. (י׳ hath given; cf. אֶלְנָתָן, נְתַנְיָהוּ, נְתַנְאֵל, & reff., Temanite רמננתן HalRÉJ 1884, ix. 7 f. NbrStud. Bib. i. 211; Sab. והבאום Hal 10)
1. יְהוֹ׳ son of Saul 1 S 14:6, 8; 18:12) + 40 times 1 S; 2 S 1:4 + 18 times 2 S; 1 Ch 8:33, 34; 9:39, 40; = יוֹ׳ 1 S 13:2, 3 + 27 times 1 S, 1 Ch 10:2.
2. יְהוֹ׳ son of Abiathar 2 S 15:27, 36; 17:17, 20; = יוֹ׳ 1 K 1:42, 43.
3. יְהוֹ׳ nephew of David 2 S 21:21 = 1 Ch 20:7; appar. called Jonadab 2 S 13:3 ff. where 𝔊L Ἰωναθαν, cf. יהונדב 2.
4. יְהוֹ׳; דּוֹד of David, i.e. his uncle? 1 Ch 27:32.
5. יְהוֹ׳ one of David’s heroes 2 S 23:32 (cf. Dr) = יוֹנָתָן 1 Ch 11:34.
6. יְהוֹ׳ one of David’s treasurers 1 Ch 27:25.
7. יְהוֹ׳ a scribe Je 37:15, 20; 38:26.
8. Levites a. יְהוֹ׳ 2 Ch 17:8; b. יוֹ׳ Ne 12:35.
9. יְהוֹ׳ a priest Ne 12:18.
10. יְהוֹ׳ priest to the tribe of Dan, son of Gershom Ju 18:30.
11. יוֹ׳ a Judaite captain, after fall of Jerus. Je 40:8.
12. יוֹ׳ a Judaite 1 Ch 2:32, 33.
13. יוֹ׳ father of Ebed Ezr 8:6.
14. יוֹ׳ son of Asahel Ezr 10:15.
15. יוֹ׳ a priest Ne 12:14.
16. יוֹ׳ son of Joiada Ne 12:112) appar. = יְהוֹחָנָן 2.


יְהוֹעַדָּה (meaning dub.; Thes י׳ hath adorned (as Heb. עדה Hiph.; vb. of Pa. form); MV י׳ is equipment, cf. Arabic عُدَّةٌ; possibly י׳ hath carried off spoil, or hath deposed (𝔗 עדא Pe Pa Aph; cf. Haph. Dn 2:21); or perhaps י׳ hath numbered Arabic عَدَّ )—a descendant of Saul 1 Ch 8:362) (𝔊 Ἰαδα, A Ἰωιαδα, 𝔊L Ἰωδα) = יַעְרָה 9:422) (for יֹעַדָּה? cf. Be; 𝔊 Ἰαδα, 𝔊L Ἰωδα).


יהועדין 2 K 14:2 Kt v. foll.


יְהוֹעַדָּן (? du. (cf. Kt 2 K 14:2) or of יהועדה, (עדה as noun) Aramaic form; Klo 2 K 14:2 cf. עַד־אָנָה יהוה ψ 13:2; comp. Bab. Aḫulapia, v. אַחְלָ֑י p. 29 supr.) mother of Amaziah, king of Judah 2 K 14:2 Qr (Kt יהועדין, 𝔊 Ἰωαδειμ, A Ἰωαδειν), 2 Ch 25:1 (𝔊 Ἰωναα, A Ἰωαδεν, 𝔊L Ἰωαδειν).


יְהוֹצָדָק, יוֹצָדָק (י׳ is righteous; cf. צִדְקִיָּהוּ Sab. צדקאל Hal 193) father of Joshua the high-priest, יְהוֹ׳ Hg 1:1, 12, 14; 2:2, 4 Zc 6:11 1 Ch 5:40, 41; = יוֹ׳ Ezr 3:2, 8; 5:2; 10:18 Ne 12:26 (𝔊 Ἰωσαδακ, Ἰωσεδεκ).


יְהוֹרָם, יוֹרָם, יֹרָם (י׳ is exalted; cf. מַלְכִּירָם; further, Ph. בעלרם, רמבעל; Sab. אלרם DHMZMG 1876, 686)
1. יְהוֹ׳ (𝔊 Ἰωραμ) king of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat 1 K 22:51 2 K 1:17; 8:16, 25, 29; 12:19 2 Ch 21:1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 16; 22:1, 6, 11; = יוֹ׳ 2 K 8:21, 23, 24; 11:2 1 Ch 3:11.
2. יְהוֹ׳ (𝔊 Ἰωραμ) king of Israel son of Ahab 2 K 1:17; 3:1, 6; 9:15, 17, 21, 22, 23 2 Ch 2, 6, 7; = יוֹ׳ 2 K 8:16, 25, 282), 292); 9:142), 162), 29 2 Ch 22:5, 7.
3. יְהוֹ׳ priest in time of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 17:8 (𝔊 Ἰωραμ, Ἰωραν).
4. יוֹ׳ son of Tou, king of Hamath 2 S 8:10 (𝔊 Ἰεδδουραν) prob. error for הֲדוֹרָם1 Ch 18:10.
5. יֹרָם a Levite 1 Ch 26:25 (𝔊 Ἰωραμ).


יְהוֹשֶׁ֫בַע, יְהוֹשַׁבְעַת (י׳ is an oath; cf. אֱלִישֶׁבַע)—daughter of Joram of Judah, & wife of Jehoiada the priest; יְהוֹשֶׁבַע 2 K 11:2 (𝔊 Ἰωσαβεε, Ἰωσαβεθ; = יְהוֹשַׁבְעַת 2 Ch 22:112) (𝔊 Ἰωσαβεε).


יְהוֹשַׁבְעַת v. foregoing.


יְהוֹשׁוּעַ, יְהוֹשֻׁעַ and (later יֵשׁוּעַ, (& loc., v. 9 infr.) (י׳ is salvation, or י׳ is opulence, cf. אֱלִישָׁע, אֱלִישׁוּעַ, אֲבִישׁוּעַ, & NesSK 1892, 573 f.; in any case it came to be associated with ישׁע, cf. Mat 1:21; on יֵשׁוּעַ v. especially FräVOJ iv, 1890, 332 f. MüllSK 1892, 177 f. who cite analog. for change of וֹ to later—ֵ, & Nesl.c.)
1. Moses’ successor, son of Nun, (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς) יְהוֹשׁוּעַ Dt 3:21 Ju 2:7; = יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Ex 17:9, 10, 13, 14; 24:13; 32:17; 33:11 Nu 11:28; 13:16; 14:6, 30, 38; 26:65; 27:18, 22; 32:12, 28; 34:17 Dt 1:38; 3:28; 31:3, 7, 142), 23; 34:9 Jos 1:1 + 167 times Jos; Ju 1:1; 2:6, 7, 8, 21, 23; 1 K 16:34; 1 Ch 7:27; = יֵשׁוּעַ Ne 8:17 (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς); according to P, name changed by Moses from הוֹשֵׁעַ q.v. Nu 13:8, 16 (𝔊 Αὑση) Dt 32:44 (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς).
2. יְהוֹשֻׁעַ a Bethshemite 1 S 6:14, 18 (𝔊 Ὡσηε, A Ἰησοῦς, 𝔊L Ἰωσηε).
3. h.p. after the restoration, son of Jehozadak יְהוֹשֻׁעַ (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς) Hg 1:1, 12, 14; 2:2, 4; Zc 3:1, 3, 6, 8, 9; 6:11; = יֵשׁוּעַ (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς) Ezr 2:2; 3:2, 8; 4:3; 5:2; 10:18; Ne 7:7; 12:1, 7, 10, 26.
4. יְהוֹשֻׁעַ governor of Jerusalem under Josiah 2 K 23:8 (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς, 𝔊L Ἰωσηε).
5. יֵשׁוּעַ (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς) head of one of the classes of priests 1 Ch 24:11, possibly also Ezr 2:36 = Ne 7:39.
6. יֵשׁוּעַ (𝔊 Ἰησοῦς, etc.), a Levitical family-name of frequent occurrence: a. Ezr 2:40; 3:9 = Ne 7:43; 8:7; 9:4, 5; 10:10; 12:8. b. 2 Ch 31:15; Ezr 8:33; Ne 12:24.
7. יֵשׁוּעַ (𝔊 id.), father of a builder at the wall Ne 3:19, perhaps =
8. a Judaite family-name (𝔊 id.), Ezr 2:6 = Ne 7:11 (cf. SmListen 12).
9. in south of Judah Ne 11:26 בְּיֵשׁוּעַ (𝔊 ἐν Ἰησού, 𝔊L ἐν Σουα).


[יְהוֹשָׁמָע] only abbrev. (or textual error) הוֹשָׁמָע (י׳ hath heard, cf. אֱלִישָׁמָע & reff.)—a descendant of the royal house of Judah 1 Ch 3:18 (𝔊 Ὡσαμω(θ), 𝔊L Ωσαμα).


יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, יֵשׁוּעַ, see p. 221.


יְהוֹשָׁפָט, יוֹשָׁפָט 𝔊 Ἰωσαφαω, Ἰωσαφατ (י׳ hath judged, cf. אֱלִישָׁפָט, שְׁפַטְיָהוּ & reff.)
1. יְהוֹ׳ (so all except 5. & 6) king of Judah, son of Asa 1 K 15:24; 22:2 + 21 times 1 K; 2 K 1:17; 3:1, 7, 11, 122), 14; 8:162), 12:19; 1 Ch 3:10; 2 Ch 17:1 + 40 times 2 Ch.
2. father of Jehu king of Israel 2 K 9:2, 14.
3. chronicler under David & Solomon, son of Ahilud 2 S 8:16; 1 K 4:3; 1 Ch 18:15; also 2 S 20:24 (𝔊L Σαφαν).
4. one of Sol.’s 12 officers who provided victuals for the royal household 1 K 4:17 (𝔊L Ἰωασαφατ).
5. יוֹ׳ one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 11:43.
6. יוֹ׳ a priest & trumpeter in David’s time 1 Ch 15:24.
7. in עֵמֶק יְהוֹשָׁפָט Jo 4:2, 12, symbolical name of a valley near Jerusalem, place of ultimate judgment.


יָהִיר adj. proud, haughty, זֵד יָהִיר לֵץ שְׁמוֹ Pr 21:24 a presumptuous man, (who is) haughty, scoffer is his name (+ עוֹשֶׂה בְּעֶבְרַת זָדוֹן); גֶּבֶר יָהִיר וְלֹא יִנְוֶה֑ Hb 2:5.


יְהַלֶּלְאֵל[m.] (he shall praise God, cf. מַהֲלַלְאֵל infr.);—
1. a man of Judah 1 Ch 4:16.
2. a Levite 2 Ch 29:12.


יְהַלֶּלְאֵל v. sub ii. הלל p. 239b supr.


יַהֲלֹם n.[m.] a precious stone, jasper? (so 𝔊 𝔙), or onyx? (cf. Di Ex 28:18) (appar. from √ הלם; owing to its hardness, as able to smite, hammer?)—mentioned in lists of precious stones Ex 28:18; 39:11 Ez 28:13.


יַהֲלֹם v. sub הלם p. 240b supr.


יהץ (√ of foll.; Arabic وَهَصَ break, split; valide calcavit; وَهْصَةٌ terra depressa et rotunda).


יַ֫הַץ, יַ֫הְצָה in Moab, site unknown (MI 19, 20 יהץ)יהץ Is 15:4 Je 48:34; c. ה loc. יָ֑הְצָה, on border of territory of Amorites (under Sihon) Nu 21:23 Dt 2:32; also בְּיָהְ֑צָה Ju 11:20; called יַהֲצָ֫ה Jos 13:18 (assigned to Reuben); יַ֫הְצָה 1 Ch 6:63 (Levit. city in Reuben), Je 48:21.


יהר (√ of foll.; cf. NH יָהַר Hithp. shew oneself haughty, adj. יָהִיר; Aramaic יְהַר Pa. be haughty, adj. יְהִירָא; cf. Arabic اِسْتَيْهَرَ be insane).


יו׳ = יְהוֹ׳ cpd. with v. sub יהוה supr. p. 222:—viz. יוֹאָב, יוֹאָח, יוֹאָחָז, יוֹאֵל, יוֹאָשׁ, יוֹיָכִין, יוֹיָקִים, יוֹיָרִיב, יוֹעֵד, יוֹעָשׁ, יוֹקִים, יוֹרָם, יוֹתָם, etc.


יוֹאָב (י׳ is father; cf. אֲבִיָּהוּ, אֱלִיאָב, אֲבִיאֵל & reff.)
1. David’s sister’s son & captain of his host (𝔊 Ἰωαβ) 1 S 26:6; 2 S 2:13 + 100 times 2 S (also 2 S 20:6 for MT אֲבִישַׁי cf. 𝔖 We Dr); 1 K 1:7 + 14 times 1 K.; 1 Ch 2:16 + 22 times 1 Ch; ψ 60:2.
2. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 4:14 (but 𝔊B 𝔊L Ἰωβαβ).
3. a familyname after the exile Ezr 2:6 = Ne 7:11 (𝔊 Ἰωβαβ, Ἰωαβ) Ezr 8:9 (𝔊 Ἰωαβ).


יוֹאָח (י׳ is brother; cf. אֲחִיָּהוּ & reff.)
1. son of Asaph the chronicler in Hezekiah’s time 2 K 18:18, 26, 37 (𝔊 Ἰωας, 𝔊L Ἰωαχ), = Is 36:3, 11, 22 (𝔊 Ἰωαχ).
2. Levites a. son of Zimmah 1 Ch 6:6; b. id. 2 Ch 29:122) (𝔊 Ἰωα, Ἰωαχ(α) Ἰωδααθ).
3. son of Joahaz the chronicler in Josiah’s time 2 Ch 34:8 (𝔊 Ἰωαχ, Ἰωας).
4. a Levite, son of Obed-edom 1 Ch 26:4 (𝔊 Ἰωαθ, Ἰωαα, Ἰωαδ).


יוֹאָחָז v. יְהוֹאָחָז.


יוֹאֵליוֹאֵל 𝔊 Ἰωηλ (usually interpr. as י׳ is God, cf. אֵלִיָּהוּ; but Ph. יאל … CIS i. 132 l. 4 & in יאלפעל (Louvre) appar. dei, perhaps = Iolaos, CIS i. p. 163 & reff.; v. also NesEg 86 RSK 301; Nes strong-willed, cf. ויל, ואל Sin. Inscr. وائل, v. ואלו EutSin.Inschr. No. 5 + often, yet cf. DrStud. Bib. i. 5 n.; W in RSl.c. proposes connex. with Arabic Wâil in trib. Bakr Wâil (√ وَأَلَ take refuge) cf. RSK 194)

1. Samuel’s first-born 1 S 8:2, 1 Ch 6:18; ins. also v 13 after 𝔊L Ἰωηλ (cf. Dr 1 S 8:2).

2. a Simeonite prince 1 Ch 4:35.

3. a Reubenite 1 Ch 5:4, 8.

4. a Gadite chief 1 Ch 5:12.

5. a chief man of Issachar 1 Ch 7:3.

6. one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 11:38.

7. a chief of Manasseh 1 Ch 27:20.

8. a Jew of Ezra’s time Ezr 10:43.

9. a Benjamite Ne 11:9.
10. the prophet, son of Pethuel Jo 1:1.
11. Levites a. 1 Ch 6:21; b. 2 Ch 29:12; c. 1 Ch 15:7, 11, 17, perhaps = d. 1 Ch 23:8; 26:22.


יוֹאָשׁ v. יְהוֹאָשׁ.


יוֹב son of Issachar Gn 46:13, but read rather יָשׁוּב as Sam. Nu 26:24 1 Ch 7:1 (Qr) 𝔖 Ol al.; 𝔊 Ιασουθ, 𝔊L Ιασουβ.


יוֹבָב (Sab. יהיבב GlaserSkizze ii. 303 ff.)
1. ‘son’ of Yoḳtân Gn 10:29 = 1 Ch 1:23, 𝔊 Ιωβαβ.
2. a king in Edom Gn 36:33, 34 = 1 Ch 1:44, 45, 𝔊 Ιω(α)βαβ.
3. king of Madon (Northern Canaan) Jos 11:1, 𝔊 Ιω(β)αβ.
4. Benjamites: a. 1 Ch 8:9, 𝔊 Ιωβαβ. b. 1 Ch 8:18, 𝔊 Ιω(β)αβ.


יוֹבָב v. יבב; יוֹבֵל, יוּבַל v. יבל.


יוֹבֵל, יֹבֵל n.m. Nu 36:4 ram, ram’s horn, cornet (Ph. יבל ram; cf. Di Lv 25:10 DlPr 124)—abs. יוֹבֵל Jos 6:5 + 7 times; יֹבֵל Ex 19:13 + 13 times; pl. יוֹבְלִים Jos 6:4 + 2 times; יֹבְלִים Jos 6:13;—
1. ram, only in combin.: בִּמְשֹׁךְ בְּקֶרֶן הַיּ׳ Jos 6:5 the ram’s horn, as wind-instrument; so שׁוֹפְרוֹת (ה)י(ו)בלים Jos 6:4, 6, 8, 13 rams’ horns (v. BenzArchäol. 276); יֹבֵל alone, בִּמְשֹׁךְ הַיֹּבֵל Ex 19:13 at the sounding of the ram(’s horn).
2. designation of 50th year, marked by blowing of cornets, AV ‘jubile’ (so NH יוֹבֵל, 𝔗 יובֵילָא, as loan-word); orig. no doubt שְׁנַת הַיּוֹבֵל year of the ram(’s horn), as Lv 25:13, 28, 40, 50, 52, 54 (all H), 27:17, 18, 23, 24 (all P), but then, without שׁנת, as יוֹבֵל הִוא תִּהְיֶה לָכֶם 25:10 a ram(’s horn blowing) shall it be to you; so v 11, 12, 15, 28, 30, 31, 33 (all H), 27:18, 21 Nu 36:4 (both P).


† I. יוּבַל n.[m.] stream, Je 17:8 (‖ מַיִם).


† II. יוּבָ֑ל son of Lamech by Adah, and inventor of musical instr. Gn 4:21 (J); 𝔊 Ιωβαλ.


יוֹזָבָד v. יְהוֹזָבָד.


יוֹזָכָר (י׳ hath remembered; cf. זְכַרְיָהוּ; Sab. ידֿכראל Hal 187)—servant & murderer of Joash king of Judah 2 K 12:22 (𝔊 Ἰεζειχαρ, A 𝔊L Ἰωζαχαρ); = זָבָד 2 Ch 24:26 (𝔊 Ζαβελ, Ζαβεθ, Ζαβαθ).


יוֹחָא (√ & meaning dub.;? = יוֹאָח)
1. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:16.
2. one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 11:45.


יוֹחָנָן v. יְהוֹחָנָן.


יוּטָה = יֻטָּה q.v. sub נטה.


יוֹיָדָע v. יְהוֹיָדָע.


יוֹיָכִין v. יְהוֹיָכִין.


יוֹיָקִים v. יְהוֹיָקִים.


יוֹיָרִיב v. יְהוֹיָרִיב.


יוֹכֶ֫בֶד 𝔊 Ἰωχαβεδ (י׳ is glory; cf. Ph. כבדמלקרת) daughter of Levi, wife of Amram and mother of Moses Ex 6:20 Nu 26:59 (both P).


יוּכַל v. יְהוּכַל.


יוּכַל v. יְהוּכַל sub יהוה supr. p. 220.


יוּכַל v. יְהוּכַל supr. p. 220b.


יוֹם2285 n.m. Gn 1:5 day (NH id.; Aramaic יומָא, ܝܰܘܡܳܐ; Ph. ים; MI 5 ימן, sf. ימי l.6.9.33, pl. cstr. ימי l.8, sf. 3 ms. ימה l.8; SI3 ים; Zinj. יום DHMSendsch. Gloss; Palm. יום VogNo. 123 a, Oxon. iii,; Arabic يَوْمٌ; Ethiopic ዮም: Sab. יום, ים MordtZMG 1876, 29, יומה DHMZMG 1883, 328 SabDenkm61; Assyrian ummu, ûmu COTGloss; deriv. unknown: on √ and relation of יום to Ph. ימם, Aramaic ימם, ܐܻܝܡܳܡܳܐ, v. NöZMG 1886, 721 BaZMG 1887, 632 f.)יוֹם abs. Gn 1:5 +; cstr. Gn 2:4 +; sf. יוֹמְךָ Je 50:31; יוֹמוֹ Ex 5:13 + 22 times; יוֹמָם Je 50:27 Ez 21:34; du. †יוֹמַ֫יִם Ex 21:21; יוֹמָ֑יִם Ex 16:29 Nu 11:19; יֹמַ֫יִם 9:22; יֹמָ֑יִם Ho 6:2†; pl. יָמִים Gn 4:3 +; יָמִם Nu 6:5; יָמִין (Aramaic form; Ges§ 87. 1 a) Dn 12:13; מִיָּמִים יָמִ֫ימָה Ex 13:10 + 4 times; cstr. יְמֵי Gn 3:14 +; †יְמוֹת Dt 32:7 ψ 90:15†; sf. יָמַי Jb 7:6 + 9 times; יָמָ֑י Gn 29:21 + 8 times; יָמֵינוּ Je 35:8 + 7 times, etc.;—
1. day, opp. night, Gn 7:4, 12; 8:22 (all J), 31:39, 40 (E), Ex 24:18; 34:28 Nu 11:322) Jos 10:13 (all JE), Dt 9:9, 11, 18, 25; 10:10 (D), Gn 1:5, 14, 16, 18 (P), 1 S 30:12 Ju 19:8, 92), 11 Am 5:8 1 K 8:29; 19:8 Ne 4:16 Ec 8:16; ‖ לִפְנֵי בוֹא־הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ 2 S 3:35; חֹם הַיּ׳ Gn 18:1 (J) the heat of the day 1 S 11:11 2 S 4:5; עוֹד הַיּ׳ גָּדוֹל Gn 29:7 (J) the day is still high, not near its end; רוּחַ הַיּ׳ 3:8 cool of the day; מִן־הָאוֹר עַד־מַחֲצִית הַיּ׳ Ne 8:3 from dawn until mid-day; so also prob. of mid-day הוֹלך ואור עַד־נְכוֹן הַיּוֹם Pr 4:18 growing lighter and lighter until the full day; note phr. in Ju 19, עַד־נְטוֹת הַיּ׳ Ju 19:8 until the declining of the day; רָפָה הַיּ׳ לַעֲרוֹב v 9 the day hath sunk down to become evening; חֲנוֹת הַיּ׳ v 9 the declining of the day; הַיּ׳ רַד מְאֹד v 11 the day has gone down exceedingly (is far spent).
2. Day as division of time: a. working-day Ex 20:9, 10 (E) = Dt 5:13, Ex 16:26, 302) (J), 23:12 (JE), 31:15 (P), Lv 23:3 (H); יְמֵי הַמַּעֲשֶׂה Ez 46:1. b. דֶּרֶךְ יוֹם a day’s journey Nu 11:312) (JE), 1 K 19:4; מַהֲלַךְ יוֹם אֶחָד Jon 3:4; דֶּרֶךְ שְׁלשֶׁת יָמִים a three days’ journey Gn 30:36 Ex 3:18; 5:3; 8:23 (all J), Nu 10:332) (JE), 33:8 (P); מַהֲלַךְ שְׁלשֶׁת יָמִים Jon 3:3; so seven days’ journey Gn 31:23 (E), 2 K 3:9; without דֶּרֶךְ etc., שְׁלשֶׁת יָמִים Ex 15:22 (E) they went three days, etc. c. to denote duration of various other acts or states: seven days Gn 7:4, 10; 8:10, 12; forty days 7:17; 8:6 (all J); 150 days 7:24; 8:3 (both P) 1 S 25:38 1 K 8:652) Je 42:7 Ez 4:5, 6 1 Ch 9:25 Ezr 6:22 Est 1:4 etc. In Est 4:16 1 & 2 are combined: וְאַל־תִּשְׁתּוּ שְׁלשֶׁת יָמִים לַיְלָה וָיוֹם do not eat and do not drink for three days, night or day (v. Zc 14:7 sub 3 infr.) d. day as defined by evening and morning Gn 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 (all P; cf. further בֹּקֶר, עֶרֶב); v. also 2:2(×2), 3 (P), Ex 20:112) (E), 31:172) (P). e. day of month (c. num. ordin.), chiefly P and late: Gn 7:11; 8:4, 14 Ex 12:6, 18(×2) +, 1 K 12:32, 33 Ez 45:21, 25 Zc 1:7 Hg 1:1, 15; 2:18 2 Ch 29:172) Ezr 3:6 Ne 8:2; 9:1 Dn 10:4 Est 3:12; 9:1 +; (יוֹם often om. e.g. Gn 8:5, 13 Ex 12:10 2 K 25:1, 3 Ez 1:1, 2 Hg 2:1, 20 Zc 7:1 2 Ch 3:2 Ezr 6:19 Est 3:13, etc.) f. יוֹם defined by subst., inf., or other cl.: cstr. יוֹם הַשֶּׁלֶג = the snowy day 2 S 23:20 = 1 Ch 11:22; יוֹם סַגְרִיר Pr 27:15 = rainy d.; יוֹם קָרָה 25:20 = cold d.; (so, = time יוֹם צָרָתִי Gn 35:3 (E) d. of my distress; Je 18:17 La 1:7 Pr 24:10; 25:19; 27:10); יוֹם מוֹתוֹ etc. Ju 13:7 2 S 6:23 2 K 15:5 + often; cf. יוֹם הֻלֶּדֶת אֶת־פַּרְעֹה Gn 40:20 (E) = Pharaoh’s birthday; כְּיוֹם הִוָֽלְדָהּ Ho 2:5 cf. Ec 7:1 (v. also 7 d infr.; cf. יוֹמוֹ Jb 3:1), יום חֲתֻנָּה Ct 3:11; of day emphat. characterized by proph. and others יוֹם מְהוּמָה וּמְבוּסָה וּמְבוּכָה Is 22:5 (v. מְהוּמָה sub הום); יוֹם צָרָה וְתוֹכֵחָה וּנְאָצָה 37:3 = 2 K 19:3; on the other hand יוֹם רָצוֹן לי׳ Is 58:5 a day of acceptableness to י׳; pl. sq. subst. יְמֵי שָׂכִיר Lv 25:50 (H) the days of an hireling; (מִלֻּאֵיכֶם) יְמֵי Lv 8:33 Nu 6:13; sq. rel. cl. אָרוּר הַיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר יֻלַּדְתִּי בּ֑וֹ יוֹם אֲשֶׂר־יְלָדַתְנִי אִמִּי וגו׳ Je 20:14 cf. Jb 3:3 also ψ 118:24 (v. i). g. particular days defined by יוֹם יִזְרְעֶאל Ho 2:2 i.e. of judgment, with implied restoration; v. also Is 9:3 Ez 30:9; יְמֵי הַגִּבְעָה Ho 9:9; 10:9, i.e. of the outrage at Gibeah (Ju 19:22 ff.); יוֹם ירושׁלם ψ 137:7 i.e. of Jerusalem’s calamity, cf. Je 50:27, 31. h. c. sf., thy, his, or their day, in sense of (1) day of disaster or death: †בָּא יוֹמְךָ Je 50:31 thy day has come; אוֹ יומו יָבֹא וָמֵת 1 S 26:10; יומו in this sense also Ez 21:30 ψ 37:13 Jb 18:20; †בָּא יוֹמָם Je 50:27 Ez 21:34. i. specif. a holy day: יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת the sabbath day (v. also שַׁבָּת), Ex 20:8, 11 (E) = Dt 5:12, 15, Ex 31:15; 35:3 +; = יוֹם קָדְשִׁי Is 58:13; repetition בְּיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת בְּיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת Lv 24:8 every sabbath day; also †יוֹם הַכִּפֻּרים Lv 23:27; 25:9; יוֹם כִּפֻּרִים 23:28; יוֹם הַבִּכּוּרִים Nu 28:26; יוֹם חַגֵּנוּ ψ 81:4; יוֹם מַלְכֵּנוּ Ho 7:5; also of false gods, יִמֵי הַבְּעָלִים 2:11.
3. יוֹם י׳ day of Yahweh, chiefly as time of his coming in judgment, involving often blessedness for righteous (v. RSProph. 396 f. Dr Is 28); Am 5:18(×2), 20 Is 2:12; 13:6, 9 Zp 1:7 (cf. v 8), v 142) (cf. v 15, 16), Je 46:10 Ez 13:5; 30:3 (cf. 36:33; 39:8, 11, 13), Ob 15 Zc 14:1 Mal 3:23 (cf. Zc 14:7 Mal 3:2, 17, 192), 21), Jo 1:15; 2:1, 11 (cf. v 2(×2)), 3:4; 4:14; יוֹם עֶבְרַת י׳ Zp 1:18; יוֹם עֶבְרָה Pr 11:4; יוֹם חֲרוֹן אַפּוֹ Is 13:13 La 1:12; יוֹם נָקָם Is 34:8; 61:2; 63:4; יוֹם נְקָמָה Je 46:10; יוֹם אף י׳ Zp 2:2, 3 La 2:22; יוֹם אַפּוֹ La 2:1; cf. also Zc 14:7 (where sense of 1 and 2 are combined, cf. Est 4:16 2 c supr.); וְהָיָה יוֹם־אֶחָד הוּא יִּוָּדַע לי׳ לֹא יוֹם וְלֹא לָ֑יְלָה but there shall be one day, known shall it be of י׳, not day and not night; cf. also ביום ההוא 7 g infr.
4. Pl. days of any one: a. = his life, his age Gn 6:3 (J), Dt 22:19, 29; 23:7 Jos 24:312) (D), Ju 2:72), 18 1 S 25:28, etc.; Gn 5:4, 8, 11; 9:29; 11:32 (all P), Jb 7:12), 6, 16; 8:9 ψ 39:5, 6; 90:9, 10, 12, 14; 103:15; כָּל־יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ Gn 3:14, 17 (J), ψ 23:6, so Pr 31:12; יְמֵי שְׁנֵי חַיִּים 2 S 19:35 Gn 25:7; 47:8, 9 (all P); יְמֵי חַיָּיו Ec 5:17, 19; יְמֵי שָׁנָיו 6:3; יְמֵי שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ ψ 90:10; מִסְפַּר יְמֵי חַיֵּיהֶם Ec 2:3; מִסְפַּר יְמֵי חַיֵּי הֶבְלוֹ 6:12 the number of the days of his vain life, i.e. his empty, fleeting years; כָּל־הַיָּמִים אֲשֶׁר־הֵם חַיִּים עַל־פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה 1 K 8:40; יָמִים רַבִּים long life 1 K 3:11 = 2 Ch 1:11; בָּא בַּיָּמִים advanced in days = of advanced age Gn 18:11; 24:1 (both J), Jos 13:12) (JE), 23:1, 2 (D), 1 K 1:1; מִיָּמָיו 1 K 1:6 from his (earliest) days, so מִיָּמֶיךָ 1 S 25:28 (v. Dr), Jb 38:12; שְׂבַע יָמִים Jb 42:17 1 K 8:40; יַאֲרִכוּן יָמֶיךָ Ex 20:12 (JE) that thy days may be long = Dt 5:16, v. further ארך; יָמִים עַל־יְמֵי־מֶלֶךְ תּוֹסִיף ψ 61:7 i.e. prolong the king’s life; outlive is הֶאֱרִיךְ יָמִים אַחֲרֵי Jos 24:31 (D), Ju 2:7; אֹרֶךְ יָמִים וּשְׁנוֹת חַיִּים Pr 3:2 length of days and years of life; אֹרֶךְ יָמִים v 16, כְּיָמֶיךָ דבאך Dt 33:25 according to (the length of) thy life shall be [thy strength? read רבאך?] v. Di VB; rarely sg. e.g. קְשֵׁה־יוֹם Jb 30:25 one hard of day, i.e. whose day (= life) was hard; of life as approaching its end, וַיִּקְרְבוּ יְמֵי ישׂראל לָמוּת Gn 47:29 (J) and the days of Israel drew near for dying, so Dt 31:14 1 K 2:1 (cf. Jb 7:6, 16; 8:9 Ec 2:3 supr.) b. (in) the days of (i.e. life-time, reign, or activity of) Gn 10:25 (J) 14:1 Ju 5:62); 8:28 2 S 21:1 1 K 16:34; 21:292); 22:47 2 K 20:19 2 Ch 13:20; 35:18 + often (so MI6. c. hence in phr. סֵפֶר דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים לְ 1 K 14:19, 29 + 31 times K, Ne 12:23 Est 2:23; 10:2; מִסְפַּר דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים 1 Ch 27:24; סֵפֶר הַזִּכְרֹנוֹת דִּבְרֵי הַיָּמִים Est 6:1.
5. Days: a. indef.: יָמִים אֲחָדִים some days, a few daysGn 27:44 (J), 29:20 (E), Dn 11:20; יָמִים alone 40:4 (E) they were days (a certain time) in the prison 1 K 17:15 Ne 1:4; עוּל יָמִים Is 65:20 a suckling of (a few) days; מִיָּמִים Ju 11:4 after a time, 15:1; so מִקֵּץ יָמִים Gn 4:3 (J) after the end of days, 1 K 17:7; יוֹם אוֹ יוֹמַיִם Ex 21:21 (JE) a day or two. יָמִים אוֹ עָשׂוֹר Gn 24:55 (J) some day, or ten (days or a dekad; on question of txt. v. Di). b. of long time, זֶה יָמִים אוֹ זֶה שָׁנִים 1 S 29:3 these days or these years; אוֹ יֹמַיִם אוֹ חֹדֶשׁ אוֹ יָמִים Nu 9:22 (P) whether two days or a month or days (an indefinitely long period); יָמִים רַבִּים many days Gn 21:34 (JE) 37:34 (J) +; וַיִּרְבּוּ הַיָּמִים וגו׳ Gn 38:12 (J) and the days were multiplied (= time passed) and Judah’s wife died, 1 S 7:2; אָֽרְכוּ לוֹ שָׁם הַיָּמִים Gn 26:8 (J) the days were long to him there = he had been there a long time; בְּהַאֲרִיךְ הֶעָנָןיָמִים רַבִּים Nu 9:19 (P) when the cloud prolonged many days (remained a long time) upon the tabern.—Vid. also 6 infr. c. days of old, former or ancient times (especially of early period of Isr. hist.): יְמוֹת עוֹלָם Dt 32:7 (poem); יְמֵי עוֹלם Mi 5:1; 7:14 Is 63:9, 11; יְמֵי קֶדֶם Mi 7:20; יָמִים מִקֶּדֶם ψ 77:6; 143:5; cf. הַיָּמִים הָרִאשֹׁנִים Ec 7:10; coming days הַיָּמִים הַבָּאִים Ec 2:16; coming time יוֹם אַחֲרוֹן Pr 31:25; especially (ב)אַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים v. p. 31 supr.; לְקֵץ הַיָּמִין Dn 12:13.
6. יוֹם = time; a. vividly in gen. sense (v. also 5 supr.): time of harvest Pr 25:13; usually יְמֵי Gn 30:14 (J), Jos 3:15 Nu 13:202) (all JE), Ju 15:1 2 S 21:9; proper time for paying wages Dt 24:15 cf. Jb 14:6; time of parturition וַיִּמְלְאוּ יָמֶיהָ לָלֶדֶת Gn 25:24. b. appos. to other expr. of time (Dr§192(1) DaSynt. §29.d): חֹדֶשׁ יָמִים a month of time Gn 29:14 (J; lit. a month, time), Nu 11:20, 21 (JE); = יֶרַח יָמִים Dt 21:13 2 K 15:13; יָמִים ארבעה חדשׁים Ju 19:2 time, four months (si vera l., v. 1 S 27:7); †שְׁנָתַיִם יָמִים (מִקֵּץ) Gn 41:1 (E) two years (of) time, 2 S 13:23; 14:28 Je 28:3, 11; שְׁלשָׁה שָׁבֻעִים יָמִים Dn 10:2, 3 three weeks (of) time. c. pl. in specific sense, appar. = year, lit. יָמִים 1 S 27:7 Lv 25:29 (H); לַיָּמִים Ju 17:10; זֶבַח הַיָּמִים 1 S 1:21; 2:19; 20:6; יָמִים וארבעה חדשׁים 27:7 = a year and four months (cf. Ju 19:2 supr. b); מִיָּמִים יָמִ֫ימָה = from year to year, yearly Ex 13:10 (JE), Ju 11:40 (cf. v b), 21:19 1 S 1:3; 2:19; מִקֵּץ יָמִים לַיָּמִים 2 S 14:26; יֹמַיִם אוֹ חֹדֶשׁ אוֹ־יָמִים Nu 9:22 (P) distrib. Nu 14:342) (P), Ez 4:62); וַיְהִי לְיָמִים מִיָּמִים וּכְעֵת צֵאת הַקֵּץ לְיָמִים שְׁנַיִם 2 Ch 21:19 and it came to pass at days from days (= after some days) even about the time of the outgoing of the end of two (series of) days (i.e. prob. years, v. Be).
7. Phrases, without prep. and with, are: a. (1) הַיּוֹם=to-day Gn 4:14; 31:43, 48 Ex 13:4 (JE) + often; opp. תְּמוֹל yesterday Ex 5:14 1 S 20:27; opp. מָחָר Ex 19:10; (2) †(בְּ)יוֹם מָחָר = to-morrow Gn 30:33 Is 56:12 Pr 27:1; (3) יוֹם אֶתְמוֹל ψ 90:4; (4) הַיּוֹם שְׁלשֶׁת הַיָּמִים 1 S 9:20 three days ago (v. Dr); = הַיּוֹם שְׁלשָׁה 1 S 30:13; †(5) בַּיּוֹם Ju 13:10 appar. = the other day (v. Be); (6) יוֹם אֶחָד no prep., emphat. = in one day, Gn 27:45 Is 9:13; c. בְּ 10:17; 47:9; for, during, one day Gn 33:13 Nu 11:19; unemphat., one day (= some day) 1 S 27:1; יוֹם אֶחָד לִפְנֵי 9:15 one day, before Saul came. †b. וַיְהִי הַיּוֹם וַֹ־ and the day came, that (or when) 1 S 1:4 (v. Dr) 2 K 4:8, 11, 18 Jb 1:6, 13; 2:1. c. הִנֵּה יָמִים בָּאִים lo! days are coming, when, etc.; especially in Am Je: 1 S 2:31 Am 4:2; 8:11; 9:13 Is 39:6 = 2 K 20:17, Je 7:32 + 13 times Je. d. יוֹם in cstr. bef. vbs., both literally, the day of, and (often) in gen. sense = the time of (forcible and pregn., representing the act vividly as that of a single day): (1) bef. inf., †(α) sg. without prep. אֶת־יוֹם צֵאתְךָ Dt 16:3 and thou shalt remember the day of the going out from the land of Egypt, Is 58:5 Ez 39:13 Mal 3:2 cf. Ec 7:1 (מִן compar.); (β) עַד־יוֹם Jos 6:10 Ju 18:30 + 5 times; (γ) בְּיוֹם Gn 2:4, 17; 3:5 + 53 times; † (δ) כְּיוֹם Ho 2:5, 17 Zc 14:3; †(ε) מִיּוֹם 1 S 7:2; 8:8; 29:6, 2 S 13:32 2 K 8:6 Dt 9:24 Lv 23:15 Ez 28:15; †(ζ) לְמִיּוֹם Ju 19:30 2 S 7:6 Is 7:17; †(2) pl. cstr. bef. inf.: (α) כָּל־יְמֵי Ju 18:31 1 S 22:4; 25:7, 16 Lv 26:34, 35 Nu 6:6 2 Ch 36:21; (β) בִּימֵי Ru 1:1 2 Ch 26:5; (γ) כִּימֵי Mi 7:15; †(3) sg. cstr. c. perp. bef. finite vb. in pf.: (α) cf. בְּ, בְּיוֹם דִּבֶּר י׳ Ex 6:28 in the day (when) י׳ spoke, so Nu 3:1 Dt 4:15; also Lv 7:35 2 S 22:1 = ψ 18:1, ψ 138:3 Zc 8:9; (β) מִיּוֹם Je 36:2; †(4) sg. cstr. bef. impf.: בְּיוֹם אֶקְרָא ψ 56:10 in the day (when) I cry, 102:3 La 3:57; also without בְּ, יוֹם אִירָא ψ 56:4 (at the) time (when) I am afraid; †(5) pl. cstr. bef. pf.: כָּל־יְמֵי הִתְהַלַּכְנוּ אִתָּם 1 S 25:15, so Lv 14:46 (prob., v. Di); כִּימוֹת ψ 90:15; †(6) pl. cstr. bef. impf.: כִּימֵי אֱלֹוהַּ יִשְׁמְרֵנִי Jb 29:2; †(7) מִיּוֹם cstr. bef. rel. cl.: מִיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר הָיִיתִי לְפָנֶיךָ 1 S 29:8 since the day when (= as long as) I have been before thee, Ne 5:14; †(8) pl. cstr. bef. rel. cl. כָּל־יְמֵי אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכֹּן Nu 9:18 as long as the cloud remained, etc. e. (1) יוֹם יוֹם day by day Gn 39:10 (J), Ex 16:5 (P), Pr 8:30, 34 ψ 61:9; 68:20 (+ Je 7:25 ψ 13:3 Lag, v. יוֹמָם); so (late) †לְיוֹם בְּיוֹם 2 Ch 24:11; †יוֹם בְּיוֹם 30:21 Ne 8:18; †לְעֶת־יוֹם בְּיוֹם 1 Ch 12:23; עֹלֹת יוֹם בְּיוֹם Ezr 3:4; בִּדְבַר יוֹם בְּיוֹם 2 Ch 8:13; מִיּוֹם אֶל־יוֹם from day to day 1 Ch 16:23 = מִיּוֹם לְיוֹם ψ 96:2 (Est 3:7 v. infr.); †יוֹם וָיוֹם Est 3:4 (very late, v. וְ 1 i (b), p. 253 supr. and DrIntr. 505); בְּכָל־יוֹם וָיוֹם 2:11; †כְּיוֹם בִּיוֹם 1 S 18:10 as daily = according to daily habit; (2) מִיּוֹם לְיוֹם Est 3:7, is in phr. of casting lots for one day after another; (מִיָּמִים יָמִ֫ימָה v. 6 c); (3) of daily duties, observances, etc.: †דְּבַר יוֹם בְּיוֹמוֹ each day’s affair in its day Ex 5:13, 19; 16:4 (all J), Lv 23:37 (H), 1 K 8:59 2 K 25:30 = Je 52:34, Ezr 3:4 Ne 11:23; 12:47 Dn 1:5; לִדְבַר יוֹם בְּיוֹמוֹ 1 Ch 16:37 2 Ch 8:14; 31:16. f.כָּל־הַיָּמִים = always, continually, Gn 43:9; 44:32 (both J), Dt 4:40; 5:26; 6:24; 11:1; 14:23; 18:5; 19:9; 28:29, 33 Jos 4:24 (D), Ju 16:16 1 S 2:32, 35; 18:29; 23:14; 28:2 2 S 13:37; 19:14 Je 31:36; 32:39; 33:18; 35:19; 1 K 5:15; 9:3; 11:36, 39; 12:7; 14:30 2 K 8:19; 13:3; 17:37 2 Ch 7:16; 10:7; 12:15; 21:7 Jb 1:5; also (only in proph. writers and in poetry) †כָּל־הַיּוֹם Gn 6:5 (J), Ho 12:2 Dt 28:32; 33:12 Je 20:7, 8 Is 28:24, 51:13; 52:5 (both תָּמִיד כל־היום), 65:2, 5 La 1:13; 3:3, 14, 62 ψ 25:5; 32:3; 35:28; 37:26; 38:7, 13; 42:4, 11; 44:9, 16, 23; 52:3; 56:2, 3, 6; 71:8, 15, 24; 72:15; 73:14; 74:22; 86:3; 88:18; 89:17; 102:9; 119:97 Pr 21:26; 23:17. g. additional phr. c. בְּ = on a particular day: בַּיּוֹם הַחֲמִישִׁי Ju 19:18, so Gn 2:2(×2) + often; בְּכָל־יוֹם every day ψ 7:12; 88:10; 145:2; בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא of definite time in past Gn 15:18; 33:16 + (v. also 3 supr.); cf. הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה (no prep.) 1 S 24:11 (JE); בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא of time defined in subsequent context, 1 S 3:2 at that time when Eli was laid down, i.e. at the particular time of the foll. incident (= at a certain time, on one particular day; cf. Gn 39:11 sub h; see DaSynt.§ 21.e.R. 1, 2 and especially Dr 1 S 1:4; 19:3); בַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה Gn 7:11 +; בְּעֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה on this selfsame day Gn 7:13 + (v. עֶצֶם); בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא also of future 1 S 3:12 Dt 31:172), 18; and very often in proph., as formula in describing what is to come at time of future blessing, retribution, etc., Am 8:3, 9 Ho 2:18, 20, 23 etc., especially Is 2:11, 17, 20; 3:7, 18; 4:1, 2 + often; pl. בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם of past Gn 6:4 (J), Ju 18:12) 19:1; 21:25 1 S 3:1 + often; of future Dt 17:9; 19:17; 26:3. h. c. כְּ: כַּיּוֹם as or like the day ψ 139:12; כַּיּוֹם הַהוּא Jos 10:14; כְּיוֹם Ho 2:5 as at the day of; כְּיוֹם תָּמִים Jos 10:13 about a whole day;כַּיּוֹם lit. at (about) to-day = now (v. כְּ 1 S 9:27 1 K 22:5 = 2 Ch 18:4 Is 58:4; so †כְּהַיּוֹם 1 S 9:13 + v 12 We Dr (for MT כי היום), Ne 5:11; †כַּיּוֹם = at once, first of all Gn 25:31, 33 1 S 2:16 1 K 1:51; often c. adj. pron. to point out agreement of result with promise or prediction, †כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה as it is at this day Gn 50:20 (E), 1 S 22:8, 13, and especially Dt Je and subseq. writings: Dt 2:30; 4:20, 38; 8:18; 10:15; 29:27 Je 11:5; 25:18 (gloss, om. 𝔊, cf. especially KueEinl. § 56. 1), 32:20; 44:6, 23 1 K 3:6; 8:24, 61 1 Ch 28:7 2 Ch 6:15 Dn 9:7, 15; so †כְּהַיּוֹם הַזֶּה Dt 6:24 Je 44:22 Ezr 9:7, 15 Ne 9:10; in Gn 39:11 (J) this phr. = on this particular day (when the incident to be narrated occurred; cf. ביום ההוא g supr.) i. c. לְ: לְיוֹם on, at (lit. with reference to) †Ho 9:52) what will ye do on the day of assembly, etc., Is 10:3; לְיוֹם אֶחָד 1 K 5:2 bread for one day; הַמְּלָאכָה לֹא לְיוֹם אֶחָד וְלֹא לִשְׁנַיִם Ezr 10:13; distrib. phr. נָשִׂיא אֶחָד לַיּוֹם נָשִׂיא אֶחָד לַיּוֹם Nu 7:11 (P), Jb 21:302); cf. לַיּוֹם Mal 3:17; לַיּום against, i.e. in expectation of Ex 19:11, so לְיוֹם קְרָב Jb 38:23 Pr 21:31; לְיוֹם קוּמִי alm. = until Zp 3:8; לִפְנֵי יוֹם Is 48:7 before to-day; late phr. are †לְיָמִים מִיָּמִים 2 Ch 21:19 = in the course of time; לְיָמִים רַבִּים Dn 8:26 at (the end of) many days; לַיּוֹם = for every day, daily, †Ex 29:36, 38 Nu 7:112); 28:3, 24 1 Ch 26:172) Je 37:21 Ez 4:10; 43:25; 45:232); 46:13; לַיּוֹם in exclam. הָהּ לַיּ׳ Ez 30:2 alas for the day! אֲהָהּ לַיּ׳ Jo 1:15. j. c. מִן: מִיּוֹם since the day (time) of (or when), Ex 10:6 Lv 23:15 Dt 9:24 1 S 7:2 etc.; מִיּוֹם הראשׁן Ex 12:15 from the first day (on om. of art. v. Dr§ 209 (1)); מִימֵי השׁפטים 2 K 23:22, etc.; מִיּוֹם = from to day, from this day forth Is 43:13 Ez 48:35; מֵהַיּוֹם הַהוּא וָמָ֑עְלָה 1 S 16:13; 30:25 from that day forward; so מֵהַיּ׳ הַה׳ וָהָ֑לְאָה 1 S 18:9; מִן־הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה וָמָ֑עְלָה Hg 2:15, 18 from this day onward (v. Add. on p. 751b); עַד־הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה Gn 47:26 until now; מִיָּמִים רַבִּים after many days Jos 23:1 Ez 38:8; מִיָּמִים after a time Ju 11:4; 14:8; 15:1; but usually מִקֵּץ י׳, v. קֵץ; מִיֹּמָ֑יִם Ho 6:2 after two days;מִיָּמִים יָמִ֫ימָה v. e. (4) supr. †k. c. לְמִן (v. לְ ad fin.): לְמִן הַיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר Dt 4:32; 9:7 2 S 7:11 Je 7:25; 32:31 Hg 2:18; twice sq. inf. appos. Ex 9:18 2 S 19:25 (cf. also 2 Ch 8:16; v. DrSm. & § 190, Obs.); לְמִימֵי: למ׳ קֶדֶם 2 K 19:25 since days of old = long ago, cf. Mal 3:7 since the days of your fathers.1. עַד (ה)יום: עַד יוֹם הָאֶחָד וגו׳ Ex 12:18 until the 21st day, Lv 19:6 +; עַד־יוֹם מוֹתוֹ Ju 13:7 1 S 15:35 2 S 6:23 +, etc., v. also (sq. inf.) c. supr.; עַד־הַיּוֹם until to-day, denoting especially permanence of a name or situation, or of result of an event, †Gn 19:37, 38 (J), 35:20 (E), 2 K 10:27 Ez 20:31†; more often עַד־הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה until this day Gn 26:33 (J), 31:33 (P or R), 47:26 (J), 48:15 (E), Ex 10:6 Nu 22:30 (both J), Dt 2:22; 3:14; 10:8; 11:4; 29:3 34:6 Jos 4:9; 5:9; 6:25; 7:262); 8:28, 29; 9:27; 13:13; 14:14; 15:63; 16:10 (all JE), 22:3 (D), v 17 (P), 23:8, 9 (D), Ju 1:21, 26; 6:24; 10:4; 15:19; 18:12; 19:30 1 S 5:5; 6:18; 8:8; 12:2; 27:6; 29:3, 6, 8; 30:25 2 S 4:3; 6:8 = 1 Ch 13:11, 2 S 7:6 = 1 Ch 17:5, 2 S 18:13 + often; עַד־עֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּהJos 10:27 (JE), Ez 2:3 (cf. Lv 23:14 H); עַד־הַיּוֹם הַהוּאJu 18:1 Ne 8:17. m. once עַל־יוֹם טוֹב 1 S 25:8 upon a good day, i.e. a day of social cheerfulness, feasting, rejoicing (c. rare עַל temp. cf. Dr; יוֹם טוֹב) also Est 8:17; 9:19, 22, v. טוֹב adj.)


יוֹמָם51 subst. and adv. daytime, by day (cf. Aramaic יְמָמָא, ܐܻܝܡܳܡܳܐ day (as opp. to night); 𝔗 יֵמָם by day; perhaps Ph. ימם (in dates, before num.), CISI. i. 10. 1(see note); so NöZDMG 1886, 721: on ם—ָ, v. sub חִנָּם)
1. subst. daytime (rare) Je 15:9 בעוד יומם while it is yet daytime, 33:20b לְבִלְתִּי הֱיוֹת יומם ולילה daytime and night, v 25 בְּרִיתִי י׳ ולילה (? read יוֹם as v 20a); Ez 30:16 צָרֵי יוֹמָם foes of daytime, i.e. coming by day (cf. Je 15:8; but text appar. defective, v. 𝔊 Sm); once (late) בְּיוֹמָם (cf. 𝔊 בְּיֵמָם 1 S 25:16 Jb 5:14), Ne 9:19 (varied from Ex 13:21 Dt 1:33 יומם).—Nu 9:21 the sense required is (during) a day and a night; read prob. יוֹם.
2. adv. in the daytime, by day, Nu 10:34 Jb 24:16 (but v. חִתֵּם), Is 4:6 Ez 12:3, 4, 7; mostly c. לַיְלָה, and then often poet. = continually: so יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה Ex 13:21 Jos 1:8 1 K 8:59 ψ 1:2; 32:4 +, לַיְלָה וְיוֹמָםDt 28:66 Is 34:10 Je 14:17, in parallel clauses (especially in poetry) 2 S 21:10 Is 21:8 Je 31:35 ψ 22:3; 42:9; 91:5; 121:6 +. ψ 13:3 by day yields a lame sense: either add וָלַיְלָה (𝔊 Del Gr Ch), or read יֹם יֹם (יוֹם יוֹם) LagNov. Psalt. Gr. Ed. Spec, 13 Now.


I. יון (√ of foll.; meaning unknown).


יָוֵן n.[m.] mire;—abs. מִטִּיט הַיָּוֵן ψ 40:3; cstr. טָבַעְתִּי בִיוֵן מְצוּלָה 69:3.


יָוָן Ionia(ns), Greece (Gk. Ἰάονες (i.e. orig. Ἰάϝονες), v. also 𝔊 infr.; OPers. Yauna SpiegAPK 237; Assyrian Iamanu (Iavanu) DlPa 248 ff. COTGloss; Egyptian Ye-van-(n)a, v. WMM369 f. cf. also 24 ff.; v. especially on this word StaDe Populo Javan 1880)Ionians, as traders Ez 27:13, 𝔊 Ἑλλάς (named with תּוּבַל, מֶשֶׁךְ; in v 12 תַּרְשִׁישׁ, in v 14 תּוֹגַרְמָה); cf. יְוָנִי (adj. gent.) infr.; as distant, Is 66:19, 𝔊 Ἑλλάς (with תַּרְשִׁישׁ, פּוּל, לוּד, תּוּבַל, and הָאִיִּים הָֽרְחֹקִים; list to be emended from 𝔊 Staib. 5 ff.); called ‘son’ of Japhet Gn 10:2(P) = 1 Ch 1:5, and ‘father’ of אֱלִישָׁא, תַּרְשִׁישׁ, כִּתִּים and רֹדָנִים (so read for דֹדָנִים) Gn 10:4 (P) = 1 Ch 1:7 (in these 𝔊 Ιωυναν, v. LagBN 84 Anm.); addressed (personif.) בָּנַיִךְ יָוָן Zc 9:13 (opp. בניך צִיּוֹן) 𝔊 Ἕλληνες, and so in foll.; מֶלֶךְ יָוָן Dn 8:21 (v. מַלְכֵי מָדַי וּפָרָ֑ס v 20) = king of Greece i.e. kingdom over which Alexander ruled, whose dominion was afterward divided (see v 22 ff.); שַׂר־יָוָן 10:20 of the guardian-angel of Greece (v. שַׂר פָּרָס v a); מַלְכוּת יָוָן 11:2 (v b פָּרָס).—Ez 27:19 וְיָוָן is text. error, v. וְדָן supr. p. 255a.


II. יון (√ of foll., meaning unknown; יוֹנָה according to LagArmen. Stud. 7. 53; M i. 228 = Pers. wanâ, but improb.; Sta§ 259 a conject. יוֹנָה to be from אָנָה mourn, so DlPa 157).


יוֹנָדָב v. יְהוֹנָדָב.


† I. יוֹנָה n.f. dove (NH id.; Aramaic id., ܝܰܘܢܳܐ )—abs. יוֹנָה Gn 8:8 + 20 times; cstr. יוֹנַת ψ 56:1; sf. יוֹנָתִי Ct 2:14 + 2 times; pl. יוֹנִים Na 2:8 + 6 times; cstr. יוֹנֵי Ez 7:16 (v. infr.);—dove Gn 8:9, 10, 11, 12 (all J); often of offerings, בֶּן־יוֹנָה Lv 12:6 (P; an individual of the species; ‖ תֹּר); בְּנֵי (ה)יונה (‖ תֹּרִים) 1:14; 5:7, 11; 12:3; 14:22, 30; 15:14, 29 Nu 6:10 (all P); חֲרֵי יוֹנִים dove’s dung 2 K 6:25 (Kt, yet v. GeiUrschrift 409); in various similes: Ephr. is כְּיוֹנָה פּוֹתָה like a silly dove Ho 7:11 (allowing itself to be snared); sim. of retun of exiles, like eager flight of doves 11:11, of ships with white outspread sails Is 60:8; אֵבֶר כַּיּוֹנָה ψ 55:7; v. also כַּנְפֵי יוֹנָה 68:14; sim. of fugitive Moab Je 48:28; also כְּיוֹנֵי הַגֵּאָיוֹת Ez 7:16 like the doves of the valleys (but on txt v. Co, who emends כיונים הוֹגִיּוֹת, but regards phr. as gloss); sim. of mourning כְּקוֹל יוֹנִים Na 2:8; without קוֹל, הגה כיונים Is 38:14; 59:11 (from mournful note); fig. of beauty (only Ct): עֵינַיִךְ יוֹנִים thine eyes are (those of) doves Ct 1:15; 4:1, v. also v 12; term of endearment, יוֹנָתִי my dove Ct 2:14; 5:2; 6:9. Elsewhere only ψ 56:1 (title) יוֹנַח אֵלֶם רְחֹקִים (עַל) prob. name of melody: To ‘the dove of distant terebinths’ (read אֵלִים for אֵלֶם; v. אֵלֶם supr. p. 48, and Baeψψ, p. xvii).—On sanctity of dove among Semites, v. RSSem.i. 202, 275.


† II. יוֹנָה prophet, according to 2 K 14:25 he was הַנָּבִיא, son of אֲמִתַּי, from גַּת הַחֵפֶר, and predicted the recovery of Isr.’s territory which Jerob. II effected; he is also the principal figure of the Book of Jonah: 1:1 (בֶּן־אֲמִתַּי), v 3, 5, 7, 15 2:12), 2, 11; 3:1, 3, 4; 4:1, 5, 62), 8, 9.


III. יוֹנָה v. יָנָה Pt.


[יְוָנִי] only c. art. as וּבְנֵי יְרוּשָׁלַםִ מְכַרְתֶּם לִבְנֵי הַיְּוָנִ֑ים Jo 4:6 (𝔊 Ἕλληνες) and the sons of Jerusalem ye have sold to the sons of the Ionians (cf. יָוָן Ez 27:13).—Vid. Staib.


יוֹנֵק n.m. young plant, sapling (sucker)Is 53:2 (‖ שׂרֶשׁ) in sim. of the suffering servant of י׳.


[יוֹנֶ֫קֶת] n.f. young shoot, twig (= foregoing)יוֹנַקְתּוֹ Jb 8:16 + 2 times; יוֹנְקוֹתָיו Ho 14:7; יֹנְקוֹתָיו Ez 17:22; יוֹנְקוֹתֶיהָ ψ 80:12;—shoot, twig, of tree Jb 14:7; of wicked under fig. of tree Jb 8:16; 15:30; Israel under fig. of olive-tree Ho 14:7, of cedar Ez 17:22, of vine ψ 80:12.


יוֹנָתָן v. יְהוֹנָתָן.


יוֹסֵף, יוֹסִפְיָה v. sub יסף.


יוֹסֵף212 and יְהוֹסֵף (†ψ 81:6 v. Ges§ 53, 3, R. 7). (he adds, increases, v. יוספיה infr.;—on loc. in Pal. Yšap’arḁ (Egyptian form, = יוסף אל) v. MeyZAW vi, 8 WMMAsien u. Europa 162)
1. elder son of Jacob and Rachel; a. as an inividual Gn 30:24 (name expl. v 23 (E) from אָסַף = take away, but v 24 (J) from יָסַף add) + 155 times Gn, chiefly in narrative of JE, also poem 49:22, 26 and, depenent on this, 1 Ch 5:1, 2; P only 35:24; 37:2a; 41:462); 46:19, 20, 27; 47:5, 7, 11; 48:3; also Ex 1:5, 6 (P), v 8 13:19 Jos 24:32 (all E), 1 Ch 2:2 ψ 105:17. †b. as founder of a tribal division מַטֵּה יו׳ (= Manasseh) Nu 13:11; usually בְּנֵי־יו׳ 1:32 (= Ephraim), commonly = Ephraim and Manasseh 1:10; 26:28, 37; 34:23; Jos 14:4; 16:1, 4; 17:14, 16; 18:11, cf. 24:32; 1 Ch 7:29, but also of E. Jordan Israel (where half Manasseh settled) Nu 36:1 = מַטֵּה בני יו׳ v 5; cf. חֲצִי שֵׁבֶט מנשׂה בֶּן־יוֹסֵף 32:33 cf. 36:12, and Jos 17:1, 2; בֵּית יו׳ (Manasseh and Ephraim) 17:17 (so orig. v 14 according to Di), 18:5; Ju 1:22, 23, 35, occupying the great central region of Palestine; 2 S 19:21; 1 K 11:28; ultimately = c. the northern kingdom Am 5:6; Zc 10:6 (‖ בֵּית יְהוּדָה) Ob 18 (‖ בית יעקב); so יוֹסֵף alone Am 5:15; 6:6; Dt 27:12; 33:13, 16 Ez 37:16, 19; 47:13; 48:32; בְּנֵי יַעֲקֹב ויוסף ψ 77:16; אֹהֶל יוֹסֵף 78:67 (‖ שֵׁבֶט אֶפְרַיִם). d. = entire nation ψ 80:2 (‖ ישׂראל); so יְהוֹסֵף 81:6 (‖ id.)
2. a man of Issachar Nu 13:7.
3. a son of Asaph 1 Ch 25:2, 9.
4. one of those who took strange wives Ezr 10:42.
5. a priest Ne 12:14.


יוֹסִפְיָה (י׳ adds)—father of one of Ezra’s companions Ezr 8:10.


יוֹעֵאלָה v. sub יעל.


יוֹעֵאלָה (perhaps from יוֹעֵלָה may he avail!)—one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 12:8 (Baer; v 7 van d. H).


יוֹעֵד 𝔊 Ἰωαδ (י׳ is a witness) a Benjamite Ne 11:7.


יוֹעֶ֫זֶר (י׳ is a help; cf. עֲזַרְיָהוּ, אֱלִיעֶזֶר, עֲזַרְאֵל, עַזְרִיאֵל & reff.) one of David’s mighty men 1 Ch 12:7 (𝔊 Ἰωζαρα, Ἰωζααρ, 𝔊L Ἰεζρααρ).


יועם v. ii. עָמַם.


יוֹעָשׁ 𝔊 Ἰωας (י׳ hath aided (?; cf. Arabic غَاثَ; comp. Sab. אלעֿותֿ DHM in MV)—
1. a Benjamite, son of Becher 1 Ch 7:8.
2. an officer under David 1 Ch 27:28.


יוֹעָשׁ v. p. 222.


יוֹצָדָק v. יְהוֹצָדָק.