Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


אַחֲוָה — אֵיל פָּארָן


אַחֲוָה n.f. brotherhood הָא׳ Zc 11:14 (between Judah & Israel).


[אַחְוָה] n.f. declaration (in form, an Aramaic Aphel Inf.)—only sf. וְאַחְוָתִי בְּאָזְנֵיכֶֽם׃ Jb 13:17 (in ‖ line שִׁמְעוּ שָׁמוֹעַ מִלָּתִ֑י).


אֲחוֹחַ a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:4 (perhaps corruption of אחיה v 7 q.v.)


אֲחוֹחִי (אֲחֹחִי) 2 S 23:9 (where for בֶּן־א׳ read הָא׳ We Dr; ref. unknown: Klo proposes בֶּן אִישׁ חַיִ(ל) cf. v 20) v 28 = 1 Ch 11:12, 29; 27:4.


אֲחוּמַי descendant of Judah 1 Ch 4:2.


אָחוֹר41 subst. (Arabic أُخُرٌ) the hinder side, back part, in the sg., mostly in adverbial phrases:—
a. as accus., in poetry backwards 23 times (= prose אֲחֹרַנִּית) with vbs. such as נָפַל fall Gn 49:17, נָשׂוֹג be turned 2 S 1:22 (‖ תָּשׁוּב רֵיקָם), שׁוּן ψ 9:4; 56:10 +, נָסוֹג 35:4; 40:15 + (of enemies repulsed), 44:19 Is 50:5 (from obedience to God), נָזוֹר Is 1:4, הֵשִׁיב 44:25 ψ 44:11, הִכָּה 78:66; behind (opp. קֶדֶם) ψ 139:5 Jb 23:8; in the phrase פָּנִים וְאָחוֹר in front and behind1 Ch 19:10 (altered from מִפָּ׳ וּמֵאָ׳ in 2 S v. infr.) 2 Ch 13:14 Ez 2:10. b. בְּאָחוֹרPr 29:11, וְחָכָם בְּאָחוֹר יְשַׁבְּחֶנָּה Ges Hi but a wise man stilleth it (רוּחַ anger) backwards (sc. when it would break forth), De in the background, sc. of his heart (‖ כָּל־רוּחוֹ יוֹצִיא כְסִיל). c. לְאָחוֹר (α) as a.ψ 114:3, 5 Je 7:24; (β) of time, hereafter (cf. לְפָּנִים = before) †Is 41:23; 42:23. d. מֵאָחוֹר behind (מן = on the side of) †2 S 10:9 מִפָּנִים וּמֵ׳ in front and behind, Is 9:11 וּפְלִשְׁתִּים מֵאָ׳ and the Philistines behind (= on the West), opp. אֲרָם מִקֶּדֶם.
Plur. cstr. אֲחֹרֵי hinder part (of the tabernacle Ex 26:12, (of a man or animal)1 K 7:25 (= 2 Ch 4:4) Ez 8:16 (of God) Ex 33:23.


אָחוֹת114 n.f. sister (Ph. אחת, Aramaic אֲחָת, ܚܳܬܳܐ, Arabic أُخْتٌ, Assyrian aḫâtu, DlW Ethiopic እኅት Sab. in אחֿתאמהו OsZMG 1865, 273)—abs. אָ׳ 2 S 13:1 + (never with art.); cstr. אֲחוֹת Gn 4:22 +; sf. אֲחֹתִי (אֲחוֹתִי) Gn 12:13 +, etc.; pl. sf. אַחְוֹתַי (Qr אַחְיוֹתַי) Jos 2:13; אֲחוֹתַיִךְ Ez 16:51 (Qr; Kt אחותך) + 2 times (Co all אחיו׳); אַחֲיוֹתֵךְ Ez 16:52 (Co ־תיך); אֲחוֹתֵךְ Ez 16:52 (must be pl., but del. Co); אַחְיֹתָיו Jb 42:11; אֲחוֹתֵיכֶם Ho 2:3; אַחְיֹתֵיהֶם 1 Ch 2:16 Jb 1:4
1. sister Gn 4:22; 12:13, 19; 20:2, 5, 12 (same father, diff. mother) so Lv 18:11 cf. Ez 22:11; Gn 24:30(×2) +, Ex 2:4, 7; Lv 18:9 (either parent same) so Dt 27:22 Nu 6:7 2 S 13:1, 2, 4 +, Ct 8:8(×2); called upon, in mourning for dead Je 22:18; = near relative Gn 24:59, 60 (or because Laban prominent? so Di); woman of same nationality Nu 25:18 cf. Ho 2:3.
2. = beloved Ct 4:9, 10, 12; 5:1, 2 (4 times ‖ כַּלָּה bride; phr. orig. implying that marriage with half-sister—of same father—was allowed? cf. NöZMG 1886, 150, & Gn 20:12).
3. symbol. of Judah, Samaria, Sodom & Jerusalem Je 3:7, 8, 10 Ez 16:45, 52,(×2) (del. Co) +, 23:4, 11 +.
4. fig. of intimate connection אִמִּי וַאֲחֹתִי לָרִמָּהקָרָאתי Jb 17:14; אֱמֹר לַחָכְמָה אֲחֹתִי אַתְּ Pr 7:4.
5. another, אִשָּׁה אֶל־אֲחֹתָהּ, of curtains of tabern. Ex 26:3(×2), 6, loops v 5, tenons v 17; of wings of living creatures, Ezek.’s vision Ez 1:9, 23; 3:13; not of persons, but vid. רְעוּת.


אָחַז68 vb. grasp, take hold, take possession (Arabic أَخَذَ, Sab. אחֿדֿ Sab. Denkm.39, Aramaic אְחַד, ܐܶܚܰܕ, Assyrian aḫâzu, Ethiopic አኀዘ )
Qal Pf. אָחַז Ex 15:14 +; אָֽחֲזָה Jb 23:11 Is 33:14; sf. אֲחָזַנִי 2 S 1:9; 1 s. sf. אֲחַזְתִּיו Ct 3:4, etc.; Impf. יֹאחֵז Jb 17:9 +; וַיֹּ֫אחֶז 2 S 6:6; 3 fs. תֹּאחֵז Dt 32:41; וַתֹּאחֶז Ru 3:15; וַתֹּחֶז 2 S 20:9; וָאֹחֵז Ju 20:6 יֹאחֵזוּן Is 13:8; sf. יֹאחֲזֵ֫מוֹ Ex 15:15; יֹאחֱזוּךְ Je 13:21, etc.;—†as פ׳ gutt. וַיֶּאֱחֹז Ju 16:3 1 K 6:10; 2 ms. תֶּאֱחֹז Ec 7:18; Inf. אֲחֹז 1 K 6:6; אֱחֹז 1 Ch 13:9 + 3 times; Imv. אֱחֹז Ex 4:4 2 S 2:21, אֶחֳזִי־ Ru 3:15; אֶהֱזוּ Ct 2:15; אֱחֹ֑זוּ Ne 7:3; Pt. act. אֹחֵז 2 Ch 25:5; pass. אָחוּז Est 1:6, etc.;—grasp, take hold of, sq. בְּ Gn 25:26 Ex 4:4 (both J) Ju 16:3; 20:6 (= וַיַּחֲזֵק בְּ 19:29) 2 S 4:10; 6:6; 20:9 1 K 1:51 Ru 3:15(×2); 1 K 6:6 of beams having hold in a wall; (cf. בֵּית אֲבָנִים יֶֽחֱזֶה֑ Jb 8:17; Hoffm reads יֹחֲזָה = יֹא׳); also Ct 7:9 of taking hold of branches, in metaph.; poet. fig., of God’s seizing man in wrath Jb 16:12; taking hold graciously ψ 73:23; taking hold of judgment Dt 32:41; subj. man בַּאֲשֻׁרוֹ אָֽחֲזָה רַגְלִי Jb 23:11 (‖ דַּרְכּוֹ שָׁמַרְתִּי cf. also 17:9); of taking hold of folly Ec 2:3 cf. 7:18; subj. הַשַּׁהַר Jb 38:13, לֶאֱחֹז בְּכַנְפוֹת הָאָ֑רֶץ; also sq. acc. Ju 1:6; 12:6; 16:21 2 S 2:21 Is 5:29 Ct 2:15; 3:4 1 Ch 13:9 2 Ch 25:5 ψ 56:1; 137:9; cf. 1 K 6:10 (cf. v 6 supr.), subj. הַיָּצוּעַ, וַיֶּא׳ אֶת־הַבַּיִת בַּעֲצֵי אֲרָזִים; of a snare catching the heel, in metaph. Jb 18:9; fig., subj. God ψ 77:5; God’s hand 139:10; subj. pain, sorrow, fear, etc. Ex 15:14, 15 2 S 1:9 Jb 21:6; 30:16 ψ 48:7; 119:53 Is 21:3; 33:14 Je 13:21; 49:24; subj. man, obj. fear, etc. Jb 18:20 Is 13:8; obj. דֶּרֶךְ take one’s way Jb 17:9 יֹאחֵז צַדִּיק דַּרְכּוֹ AV RV hold on his way (cf. 23:11 supr., & Assyrian ṣabâtu urḫu, e.g. V. R 1, 74);—abs. Ne 7:3 of barring gates; pt. pass. caught Ec 9:12; fastened, held Est 1:6; taken (by lot) 1 Ch 24:6(×3) (on text v. Öt); taken out of a number Nu 31:30, 47; pt. act. of same form אֲחֻזֵי חֶרֶב Ct 3:8 cf. Thes BaNB 175 & Ethiopic pt.; similarly Aramaic אָחִיד, e.g. 𝔗 Am 2:5; ܐܰܚܺܝܕ e.g. 𝔖 Ju 8:10 1 Ch 5:18; & Ez 41:6(×2) (but v. Co).
Niph. Pf. 3 pl. נֹאחֲזוּ Jos 22:9; וְנֹא׳ (cons.) Nu 32:30; Impf. וַיֵּאָחֲזוּ Gn 47:27; Imv. הֵאָחֲזוּ Gn 34:10 Jos 22:19; Pt. נֶאֱחָז Gn 22:13; נֶאֱחָזִים Ec 9:12;—be caught Gn 22:13 Ec 9:12; elsewhere have possessions Gn 34:10; 47:27 Nu 32:30 Jos 22:9, 19 (P).
Pi. Pt. מְאַחֵז Jb 26:9 c. acc. enclose, overlay (so Assyrian DlW, p. 294, cf. Aramaic ܐܚܕ, shut).
Hoph. Pt. pl. מָאֳחָזִים 2 Ch 9:18 fastened to sq. לְ.


אָחָז (he hath grasped, abbrev. for יהואחז (q.v.) cf. Assyrian Ia-u-ḫa-zi (i.e. Ahaz) COT on 2 K 16:8)
1. king of Judah, son of Jotham, father of Hezekiah 2 K 15:38; 16:1, 2, 5, 7, 8 + 13 times 2 K; Is 1:1; 7:1, 3, 10, 12; 14:28; 38:8; 1 Ch 3:13, 2 Ch 27:9 + 8 times 2 Ch; Ho 1:1 Mi 1:1.
2. son of Micah, & great-grandson of Jonathan 1 Ch 8:35, 36; 9:42 (+ 9:41 cf. 𝔊L 𝔙).


אֲחֻזָּה66 n.f. possessionא׳ Gn 47:11 + 11 times; cstr. אֲחֻזַּת Gn 17:8 + 21 times; sf. אֲחֻזָּתְֽךָ ψ 2:8;—possession, P & late; of landed property Gn 47:11 Lv 14:34; 25:10, 13, 25, 27, 28, 33 (houses) 41, 45, 46 Nu 27:4; 32:5, 22, 29; 35:8 Dt 32:49 Jos 21:12, 39 Ez 44:28; 45:5, 6, 7(×2), 8 46:18(×3); 48:20, 21, 22(×2) 1 Ch 7:28; 9:2 2 Ch 11:14; 31:1 Ne 11:3; c. אֶרֶץ, א׳ אֲחֻזָּה = land possessed, one’s own land Gn 36:43 Lv 14:34; 25:24 Nu 35:28 Jos 22:4, 9, 19(×2), cf. אֲחֻזַּת הָאָרֶץ Lv 27:24; c. שָׂדֶה, שׂ׳ אֲחֻזָּה Lv 27:16, 22, 28, cf. v 21; c. עִור, ע׳ אֲחֻזָּה Lv 25:32, 33; אֲחֻזַּת נַחֲלָה = possession by right of inheritance Nu 27:7; 32:32, & נַחֲלַת א׳ 35:2 cf. א׳ בְּנַחֲלָה Ez 46:16 (but Co as Nu 27:7 so B); אֲחֻזַּת קֶבֶר Gn 23:4, 9, 20; 49:30; 50:13; א׳ עוֹלָם Gn 17:8; 48:4 Lv 25:34; in promise to Davidic king וַאֲחֻזָּתְֽךָ אַסְפֵי־אָרֶץ ψ 2:8 (‖ נַחֲלָה); fig. of י׳ as portion of Levit. priests Ez 44:28 (‖ נַחֲלָה).


אֲחַזְיָ֫הוּ, אֲחַזְיָה, אַחְזַי (Yah(u) hath grasped; 𝔊 Ὀχοζ(ε)ιας 1 K 22:52 etc., cf. LagBN 53)
1. king of Isr., son of Ahab 1 K 22:40, 50, 52 2 K 1:18 2 Ch 20:37 (אֲחַזְיָהוּ); + 2 K 1:2 2 Ch 20:35 (אֲחַזְיָה).
2. king of Judah, son of Joram 2 K 8:24, 25; 9:21; 10:13; 11:1; 12:19; 13:1; 14:13 1 Ch 3:11 2 Ch 22:1 + 2 K 1 Ch (all אֲחַזְיָהוּ); 2 K 9:16, 23, 27, 29; 11:2 (אֲחַזְיָה).
3. אַחְזַי a priest Ne 11:13 (for which יַחְזֵרָה 1 Ch 9:12 v. SmListen, Tafel). cf. Arabic احّ viii, + إِخّ = adopt, hence perhaps י׳ hath adopted.


אֲחֻזָּם (possessor) a man of Judah 1 Ch 4:6.


אֲחֻזַּת (possession) friend of Abimelech Gn 26:26.


I. אחח (cry, howl, onomat., cf. Arabic اخذ ).


II. אחח ?


אֵחִי a son of Benjamin Gn 46:21 (P) (perhaps corruption of אֲהִירָם Nu 26:38 (P); so also אַחֲרַח 1 Ch 8:1 cf. אַחֵר 7:12 & comm.)


אֲחִיאָם one of David’s heroes 2 S 23:33 1 Ch 11:35.


אֲחִיָּ֫הוּ, אֲחִיָּהאֲחִיָּ֫הוּ, אֲחִיָּה (always, except where other form noted), אֲחִי (brother of Yah(u), cf. Ph. חמלך brother of Milk, & especially אחתמלך sister of Milk, where אחת must be cstr. since מלך is a male deity; cf. Carth. חתמלקרת Euting 213).

1. a priest 1 S 14:3, 18.

2. a scribe 1 K 4:3.

3. a prophet 1 K 11:29, 30; 12:15; 14:2, 4; 15:29 2 Ch 9:29; 1 K 14:4, 5, 6, 18 2 Ch 10:15 (last five אֲחִיָּהוּ).

4. father of king Baasha 1 K 15:27, 33; 21:22 2 K 9:9.

5. grandson of Hezron 1 Ch 2:25, or perhaps, mother of preceding four, cf. Be.

6. son of Ehud, of Benj. 1 Ch 8:7 = אֲחוֹחַ v 4.

7. one of Dvd’s heroes 1 Ch 11:36.

8. a Levite, Dvd’s time 1 Ch 26:20.

9. a chief man under Nehem. Ne 10:27.
10. a Gadite 1 Ch 5:15 (אֲחִי).
11. a man of Asher 1 Ch 7:34 (id.)


אֲחִיהוּד prince of Asher Nu 34:27; (brother of majesty, cf. הוֹד, אֲבִיהוּד; v. also אֲחִיחֻד).


אַחְיוֹ ( = אחיון, i.e. fraternal).
1. a son of Aminadab, brother of Uzzah 2 S 6:3, 4 (𝔊 אֶחָיו, We אָחִיו but v. Dr) 1 Ch 13:7 (𝔊 אֶחָיו).
2. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:14, but read אָחִיו 𝔊 Be.
3. a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:31 = 9:37 (> 𝔊 אֶחָיו).


אֲחִיחֻד (prob. = אחיהוד q.v.) son of Ehud, a Benjamite 1 Ch 8:7.


אֲחִיטוּב (my brother is goodness)
1. grandson of Eli 1 S 14:3 1 Ch 5:33, 34, 37, 38; father of Ahimelech 1 S 22:9, 20 (אֲחִטוּב) v 11, 12 (on identity of pers. v. Be 1 Ch 5:33).
2. father of Zadok 2 S 8:17 (= 1 Ch 18:16), but We rds. Ahim. son of Ahitub; 1 Ch 5:38 Ezr 7:2; grandfather of Zadok 1 Ch 9:11 Ne 11:11 (on all cf. We l.c.)


אֲחִילוּד (according to Thes = אֲחִי יְלוּד child’s brother (?))
1. father of Jehoshaphat, David’s chronicler 2 S 8:16; 20:24 1 K 4:3 1 Ch 18:15.
2. father of Baana, officer of Solomon 1 K 4:12.


אֲחִימוֹת (my brother is death) a Levite 1 Ch 6:10 (cf. מַחַת 1 Ch 6:20 2 Ch 29:12).


אֲחִימֶ֫לֶךְ (brother of Melek, Ph. חמלך, חמלכת; v. also אחיהו supr.)
1. priest in Saul’s (Dvd’s) time 1 S 21:2(×2), 3, 9; 22:14, 16 (אֲחִימֶ֑לֶךְ) 1 Ch 24:31 ψ 52:2 (title); son of Ahitub 1 S 22:9, 11, (cf. 12), 20; father of Abiathar 1 S 23:6; 30:7; so also 2 S 8:17 𝔖 Ew We Th Dr; where MT אחימ׳ בן־אביתר; whence id. wrongly 1 Ch 24:6, cf. v 4 (אֲח׳ מִבְּנֵי אִיתָמָר) & 18:16 (where read אֲח׳ for אֲב׳).
2. a Hittite 1 S 26:6.


אֲחִימַן (my brother is a gift? so Thes; cf. Arabic مَنٌّ )
1. a son of Anak Nu 13:22 Ju 1:10; אֲחִימָן֨ Jos 15:14. < אֲחִימָן, v. NorziNu 13:22 GFMJu 1:10 (after Ven.1 Mich).
2. a Levite, אֲחִימָ֑ן, 1 Ch 9:17.


אֲחִימַ֫עַץ (my brother is wrath)
1. son of Zadok 2 S 15:27, 36; 17:17, 20; 18:19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29 1 Ch 5:34 (אֲחִימָ֑עַץ) v 35; 6:38; perhaps also 1 K 4:15 (son-in-law of Sol.)
2. אֲחִימָ֑עַץ, father-in-law of Saul 1 S 14:50.


אַחְיָן (fraternal, Aramaic ܐܚܝܳܢܳܐ ) a Manassite 1 Ch 7:19.


אֲחִינָדָב (my brother is noble) an officer of Solomon 1 K 4:14.


אֲחִינֹ֫עַם (my brother is delight)
1. wife of Saul 1 S 14:50 (daughter of Ahimaaz).
2. Jezreelitess, wife of David 1 S 25:43; 27:3; 30:5 2 S 2:2; 3:2 1 Ch 3:1.


אֲחִיסָמָךְ (my brother has supported) father of Oholiab, a workman on tabern. Ex 31:6; 35:34; 38:23.


אֲחִיעֶ֫זֶר (my brother is help, cf. Assyrian Aḫulêʾte, my brother is strength, DlPr 202)
1. a chief of Dan Nu 1:12; 2:25; 7:66, 71; 10:25.
2. one of David’s heroes 1 Ch 12:3.


אֲחִיקָם (my brother has arisen) son of Shaphan, Josiah’s time 2 K 22:12, 14 2 Ch 34:20; protector of Jerem. Je 26:24; father of Gedaliah 2 K 25:22 Je 39:14; 40:5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16; 41:1, 2, 6, 10, 16, 18; 43:6.


אֲחִירָם (brother of (the) lofty = Ph. חרם v. חִירָם; cf. אֲבִירָם) son of Benj. Nu 26:38 (prob. = אחרח 1 Ch 8:1 v. Be) (cf. אֵחִי וָרֹאשׁ Gn 46:21).


אֲחִירָמִי הָא׳ as n. coll. Nu 26:38.


אֲחִירַע (my brother is evil) a chief of Naphtali Nu 1:15; 2:29 7:78, 83; 10:27.


אֲחִישָׁ֑חַר (brother of (the) dawn, Assyrian Aḫšêri DlPr 202) a Benjamite 1 Ch 7:10.


אֲחִישָׁר (my brother has sung) over Solomon’s household 1 K 4:6.


אֲחִיתֹ֫פֶל (my brother is folly?) David’s trusted & traitorous counsellor 2 S 15:12, 31(×2), 34; 16:15, 20, 21, 23(×2); 17:1, 6, 7, 14(×2), 15, 21, 23; 23:34 1 Ch 27:33, 34.


אחל (existence & meaning dub.)


אַחְלָב v.חלב.


אַחְלָב town assigned to Asher Ju 1:31, site unknown, 𝔊 Δαλαφ (= Ααλαφ) (WMaxMüllerAsien u. Europa 194 thinks corrupt. for מחלב, Assyrian Maḫalliba (which SchrCOT Ju 1:31 DlPa 283 comp. with אחלב and חֶלְבָּה); he reads מחלב for מֵחֶבֶל Jos 19:29, 𝔊 καὶ ἀπὸ Λεβ = וּמֵחֹלֶב; this would be on coast, N. of Achzib).


אַחְלָ֑י (DlPr 210 trans. O! would that! (cf. אַחְלַי sub iii. אָח supr. p. 25) § comp. interjectional Bab. name Aḫulapia, O! that I at last! ZimBP 116; cf. Ol§ 277; otherwise HalJAS 7, x. 360)
1. f. daughter of Sheshan 1 Ch 2:31; so Be Öt al. in view of v 34.
2. m. father of one of David’s mighty men (not in 2 S 23) 1 Ch 11:41.


אַחֲלַי ψ 119:5 and אַחֲלֵי 2 K 5:3 (perhaps from אָח iii. and לַי = Aramaic לְוַי = לוּ: the varying punctuation is due doubtless to the word being treated by the punctuators as a subst. = wish, with suff. & in c. st., ‘my wish is that,’ etc.; cf. Ki on ψ 119 תְּחִנּוֹתַי וּבַקָּשׁוֹתַי), ah that! (𝔊 ὄφελον).


אַחְלָ֑מָה n.f. perhaps amethyst (etym. dub.; sub חלם Thes q.v.; HalJAs 7, x. 426 from חלם être fort, solide; Di Kn comp. Talm. חַלְמִית, malva & think of green malachite; DlHA 36 N der. from Aramaic land Aḫamû), amethyst according to 𝔊 𝔙 Josephus; v. also LagGGA 1884, 285, but cf. Di; one of the gems on the ephod Ex 28:19; 39:12.


אֲחַסְבַּי father of Eliphelet, one of David’s heroes 2 S 23:34. (Meaning dub.; 1 Ch 11:35 has אוּר׃, sq. חֵפֶר; text prob. corrupt.)


I. אַחֵר adj. another (proposes one coming behind), f. אַחֶ֑רֶת Ez 41:24 (dag. f. implic.); pl. אֲחֵרִים (as if from sg. אָחֵר), once Jb 31:10 אֲחֵרִין, אֲחֵרוֹת ( = Arabic آخَرُ, Sab. אאחֿר, Assyrian aḫrû future, fpl. as subst. aḫrât ûmê future of days) Gn 4:25 זֶרַע אַחֵר another seed 8:10 שִׁבְעַת יָמִים אֲחֵרִים seven other days Ex 22:4 בִּשְׂדֵה אַחֵר in the field of another + often; אִישׁ אַחֵר another man (husband) Gn 29:19 Dt 24:2 Je 3:1; חָצֵר הָאַחֶרֶת 1 K 7:8 the other court, v. חָצֵר; הַחוֹמָה א׳ 2 Ch 32:5 the other wall, v. חוֹמָה. Appended to a for distinction Ezr 2:31 = Ne 7:34 (see v 7 = Ne v 12) Ne 7:33 (prob. here textual error, v. BeRy 18: not in Ezr 2:29). Often with the collat. sense of different, as בְּגָדִים א׳ other garments Lv 6:4 1 S 28:8 Ez 42:14; 44:19; עָפָר, אֲבָנִים Lv 14:42; רוּחַ Nu 14:24; וְנֶהְפַּכְתָּ֫ לְאִישׁ אַ׳ 1 S 10:6; לֵב v 9 Ez 11:19 (𝔊 Hi Sm); שֵׁם Is 65:15 (cf. 62:2 חָדָשׁ); with that of strange, alien, as אִישׁ אַ׳ Dt 20:5, 6, 7; 28:30 (so אַחֵר, אֲחֵרִים alone ψ 109:8 Jb 31:8, 10 Is 65:22 Je 6:12; 8:10 al.); עַם Dt 28:32; אֶרֶץ 29:27 Je 22:26; אִשָּׁה Ju 11:2; לָשׁוֹן Is 28:11 (‖ בְּלַעֲגֵי שָׂפָה); especially in the phrase אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים other gods (63 times) Ex 20:3 (= Dt 5:7) 23:13 (both JE) Jos 24:2, 16 (E) 1 S 26:19 Ho 3:1, & particularly in Dt (6:14; 8:19 + 15 times) & Deut. writers, as Jos 23:16 Ju 2:12, 17, 19 Je (18 times) & compiler of Kings; אֵל אַחֵר once Ex 34:14 (JE). So אַחֵר alone Is 42:8 ψ 16:4. †Of time, following, next (rare) בַּשָּׁנָה הָאַ׳ Gn 17:21 (P) in the next year; 2 K 6:29 בַּיּוֹם הָאַ׳; דּוֹר אַ׳ Joel 1:3 ψ 109:13 poet. the next generation (Ju 2:10 in prose = another generation).


אַחַר proposes subst. the hinder or following part (cf. the pl.)
1. adv. a. of place, behind, twice Gn 22:13 (many MSS. Sam. 𝔊 𝔖 Ol Ew read אֶחָד v. Di) ψ 68:26. b. of time, afterwards Gn 10:18; 18:5; 24:55; 30:21 Ju 19:5 +; וְאַחַר in laws of P, as Lv 14:8, 19; 15:28; 22:7 Nu 5:26 al. 2. prep. a. of place, behind, after Ex 3:1; 11:5 2 K 11:6 Ct 2:9 Is 57:8: הָלַךְ אַחַר to go after, follow Gn 37:17 2 K 13:2; 23:3 Is 65:2 Ez 13:3 Jb 31:7; הָיָה אַחַר 1 S 12:14; מֵאַחַר from after2 S 7:8 ψ 78:71 Is 59:13. b. of time, after Gn 9:28 Lv 25:15 al; אַחַר הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה after these things †Gn 15:1; 22:1; 39:7; 40:1 1 K 17:17; 21:1 Ezr 7:1 Est 2:1; 3:1; אַחַר כֵּןLv 14:36 Dt 21:13 1 S 10:5; אַחַר זֶה (late) 2 Ch 32:9: sq. inf. †Nu 6:19 Je 40:1 1 Ch 2:24 Jb 21:3; עַד אַחַר till afterNe 13:19. c. Ne 5:15 strangely: Ew RV besides; but text prob. corrupt, v. BeRy. 3.conj. אַחַר אֲשֶׁר after that Ez 40:1; and without אשׁר Lv 14:43 Je 41:16 Jb 42:7. As prep. & conj. the pl. אַחֲרֵי is much more freq., which in any case must be used before suffixes.
Plur. only cstr. אַחֲרֵי with sf. אַחֲרַי, אַחֲרֶיךָ, etc. 1. subst. hinder part †2 S 2:23 בְּאַחֲרֵי הַחֲנִית with the hinder end of the spear. 2. prep. a. of place, behind, after, Gn 18:10 וְהוּא אַחֲרָיו and it behind him Dt 11:30 Ju 5:14 1 S 14:13; 21:10; Ho 5:8 אַחֲרֶיךָ Behind thee! (sc. Look or The foe is); with a vb. as הִבִּיט to look Gn 19:17 1 S 24:9, הֵנִיעַ רֹאשׁ to shake the head 2 K 19:21 (= Is 37:22), especially verbs expressing or implying motion, as בָּא to enter in (v. Dr 2 S 20:14), בִּעֵר, דָּבֵק, דָּלַק, הָיָה, הָלַךְ, מִלֵּא, פָּנָה, רָדַף, הִשְׁלִיךְ (see these words). b. of time, after Gn 9:9 זַרְעֲכֶם אַחֲרֵיכֶם your seed after you; similarly 17:7—10, 19; 35:12; 48:4 Ex 28:43 Nu 25:13 all P (also Dt 1:8; 4:37; 10:15 1 S 24:22 2 S 7:12 ‖), & with בָּנָיו Gn 18:19 J (+ בֵּיתוֹ) Ex 29:29 P Lv 25:46 H Dt 4:40; 12:25, 28 Je 32:18, 39 1 Ch 28:8 Pr 20:7, דּוֹרוֹתֵינוּ Jos 22:27, בֵּיתוֹ Jb 21:21; Ex 10:14 Ju 10:3 etc.; with inf. Gn 5:4 אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ after his begetting Sheth, 13:14; 14:17; 18:12; 25:11 + often; אַחֲרֵי־כֵן afterwards Gn 6:4 (אחרי כן אשׁר = afterwards, when, cf. 2 Ch 35:20) 15:14; 23:19; 25:26; 32:21; 41:31; 45:15 etc.; ויהי אחרי־כן as a formula of transition chiefly in 2 S (2:1; 8:110:113:1; 21:18 ‖) cf. 1 S 24:6 Ju 16:4 2 K 6:24 2 Ch 20:1 24:4†; in late Heb. אַחֲרֵי זֹאתJb 42:16 Ezr 9:10 2 Ch 21:18 (+ כָּלִ־) 35:20 (do.); cf. Aramaic אַחֲרִי דְנָה Dn 2:29, 45, and בָּאתַר דְּנָה Dn 7:6, 7.—The local (metaph.) and temporal senses blend ψ 49:14 וְאַחֲרֵיהֶם בְּפִיהֶם יִרְצוּ & after them (i.e. following, imitating them) men applaud their speech, cf. Jb 21:33. 3. conj. אַחֲרֵי אֲשֶׁר after that, with the finite vb. Dt 24:4 Jos 7:8; 9:16; 23:1; 24:20 +; without אשׁרLv 25:48; 1 S 5:9†. (The most common constr. of אחרי is as a prep. with the inf. cstr.) Jos 2:7 אַהֲרֵי כַּאֲשֶׁר יָצְֽאוּ must be an error, either for אחרי אשׁר or for כאשׁר alone (notice אחריהם twice in the same verse); 2 S 24:10 read אַחֲרֵי סָפַר vid. Dr 4. with other preps.:— a. מֵאַחֲרֵי57, 1 Ch 17:7 מִן־אַחֲרֵי (‖ 2 S 7:8 מֵאַחַר); (α) from behind Gn 19:26 2 S 2:23; from after i.e. from following after, usually with שׁוּב or סוּר 1 S 24:2 2 S 2:22, 26, 30; 11:15; often with God as obj. as Nu 14:43; 32:15 Dt 7:4 Jos 22:16, 18, 23, 29 1 S 15:11 +; with other vbs. of motion, as עָלָה 1 S 14:46 2 S 20:2, נַעֲלָה 2 S 2:27, לָקַח Am 7:15 1 Ch 17:7, זָנָה Ho 1:2; pregn. Is 30:21 thy ears shall hear a word מֵאַחֲרֶיךָ coming from behind thee, Je 9:21 (sc. נָפַל, see v a) 1 S 13:7 𝔊L We Dr חָֽרְדוּ מֵאַחֲרָיו. (β) denoting position (מן = off, on the side of; see מן) behind Ex 14:19(×2) Jos 8:2, 4, 14 1 K 10:19 Ne 4:7 (מֵאַחֲרֵי לְ) 2 Ch 13:13, b. (γ) of time (rare) †Dt 29:21 Ec 10:14; מֵאַחֲרֵי כֵן2 S 3:28; 15:1; 2 Ch 32:23. b.אֶל־אַחֲרֵי 2 S 5:23 2 K 9:18 סֹב אֶל־אַחֲרַי v 19 Zc 6:6. c.עַל־אַחֲרֵי Ez 41:5 beside, at the back of.


אָחַר vb. to remain behind, delay, tarry (Arabic أَخَّرَ to put off, also to remain behind; Aramaic Pa. אְחַר, Aph. ܐܰܘܚܰܕ, Shaph. ܫܰܘܚܰܪ, Sab. אחֿר OsianderZMG 1865, 197; אחֿחֿר DHMEpigr. Denkm. 34).
Qal once only Gn 32:5 וָאֵחַר (contr. from וָאֶאֱחַר cf. אֵהָ֑ב Pr 8:17) and I have tarried until now.
Pi. Pf. אֵחַר Gn 34:19; אֶחֱרוּ Ju 5:28; Impf. יְאַחֵר, תְּאַחֵר, (3 times תְּאַחַ֑ר) etc. Gn 24:56 + 9 times; Pt. (־רֵי) מְאַחֲרִים 3 times 1. intensive, delay, tarry, abs. Ju 5:28 (‖ בּשֵׁשׁ לָבוֹא) Is 46:13 and my salvation לֹא תְאַחֵר Hb 2:3 ψ 40:18 = 70:6 Dn 9:19; with ל & inf. Gn 34:19.—Pr 23:30 מְאַחֲרִים עַל־הַיָּיִ֑ן those tarrying over the wine, Is 5:11 מְאַחֲרֵי בַנֶּשֶׁף, ψ 127:2 מְאַחֲרֵי שֶׁבֶת (‖ מַשְׁכִּימֵי קוּם). 2. causat. of Qal, cause one to delay, hinder Gn 24:56; keep back (= bring late) Ex 22:28; with ל & inf. delay toDt 23:22 quoted Ec 5:3: ellipt. Dt 7:10 he delayeth (it, the recompense) not to his enemy.—2 S 20:5 Qr וַיּ֫וֹחֶר is taken by Ol§ 241 c as Qal (cf. וַתּ֫חֶז v 9 from אָחַז), by Sta§ 498 cI. 397 Ges§ 68 2 Rem as Hiph. (lit. shewed, exhibited delay): on the Kt (? וַיֵּיחַר) v. DrSm.


† II. אַחֵר 1 Ch 7:12 (ident. & meaning quite dub.; Be thinks = אַחֵר adj. another, to avoid naming Dan (cf. Gn 46:23 Nu 26:42) on account of the narrative Ju 17f. Öt identifies with שַׁחֲרַיִם 8:8).


אַחֲרוֹן51 f. אַחֲרוֹנָה, pl. אַחֲרֹנִים (also אַחֲרוֹנִים), adj. from אַחַר, coming after or behind (as a compar. or superl., according to the context); hence
a. of place, behind, hindermost Gn 33:2(×2); הַיָּם הָאַחֲרוֹן the hinder (= the Western) sea (i.e. the Mediterranean: opp. הַיָּם הַקַּדְמוֹנִי the front sea = the Dead Sea, the Semites, in defining the quarters of the heavens, turning naturally to the East, cf. קֶדֶם of the East, יָמִין, תֵּימָן of the South, above sv. אָחוֹר d. and Assyrian mat aḫarru ‘the Western land,’ of Phœnicia & Palestine) †Dt 11:24; 34:2 Jo 2:20 Zc 14:8; Jb 18:20 poet. אַחֲרֹנִים Ew Hi Di De the dwellers in the West (opp. קַדְמוֹנִים). More commonly
b. of time, latter or last (according to context) Ex 4:8 Dt 24:3 2 S 19:12 Is 8:23, of God Is 44:6 (‖ רִאשׁוֹן) 48:12 (do.) cf. 41:4; in genl. subsequent (vaguely), יוֹם א׳ = time to comeIs 30:8 Pr 31:25 (but Ne 8:18 הַיּוֹם הָאַ׳ = the last day), (הַ)דּוֹר (הָ)אַ׳ the following generation †Dt 29:21 ψ 48:14; 78:4, 6; 102:19, (הָ)אַחֲרֹנִים they that come after Jb 18:20 (GesSchl) Ec 1:11; 4:16, but Is 41:4 the last, Jb 19:25 וְאַחֲרוֹן עַל־עָפָר יָקוּם and as one coming after (me) (and so able to establish my innocence when I am dead) will he (גֹּֽאֲלִי my Vindicator) arise upon the dust.—The fem. is used adverbially (cf. רִאשֹׁנָה) = afterwards or at the last (acc. to context): (α) absol. †Dan 11:29; (β,) בָּאַחֲרוֹנָה (opp. בָּרִאשֹׁנָה) †Dt 13:10; 17:7 1 S 29:2 2 S 2:26 1 K 17:13 Dn 8:3; (γ) לָאַ׳Nu 2:31 (P) Ec 1:11.


אַחֲרַח a son of Benjamin 1 Ch 8:1 (perhaps corruption of אֲחִירָם Nu 26:38, cf. also אֵחִי).


אֲחַרְחֵל app. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 4:8 (deriv. & meaning dub.)


אַחֲרַי adj. Pr 28:23 (si vera l.) אָדָם אַחֲרַי a man that turneth backwards (cf. Je 7:24) so Jos Ki De Ol p. 429 (doubtfully) Now Sta§ 301 b: according to Ew§ 200 a Hi an abnormal adv. = afterwards, Lag Pr conj. בְּאָרְחוֹ cf. 𝔊 ὁδούς.


אַחֲרִית61 n.f. after-part, end;—
a. of place, only ψ 139:9 (late) א׳ יָם.
b. of time, latter part or actual close (according to context), opp. רֵאשִׁית;—of year Dt 11:12; of a man’s life Nu 23:10 Pr 5:11 Jb 8:7; 42:12; of a people’s existence Nu 24:20; = final lot Dt 32:20, 29 Je 12:4; 31:17 ψ 73:17; a future, i.e. a happy close of life, suggesting sometimes the idea of a posterity, promised to the righteous Pr 23:18 (‖ תִּקְוָה hope) 24:14 Je 29:11 (לָתֵת לָכֶם א׳ וְתִקְוָה), withheld from the wicked Pr 24:20 (‖ נֵר יִדְעָֽךְ׃: v. infr.); the end or ultimate issue of a course of action Je 5:31 Pr 14:12; 23:32 (of wine, i.e. of indulgence in it) 25:8 Is 46:10 (absol., but implicitly of a phase of history) 47:7 (of the conduct described v 6 b—7 a) Dn 12:8; Ec 7:8; of a prediction = the event Is 41:22. בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים in the end of the days, a prophetic phrase denoting the final period of the history so far as the speaker’s perspective reaches; the sense thus varies with the context, but it often = the ideal or Messianic future; †Gn 49:1 (of the period of Israel’s possession of Canaan) Nu 24:14; Dt 4:30 (of the period of Israel’s return to God after adversity) 31:29 (of the period of Israel’s rebellion) Ho 3:5; Is 2:2 (= Mi 4:1) Je 23:20 (v. Graf) = 30:24; 48:47; 49:39; Ez 38:16 (of the period of Gog’s attack upon restored Israel) Dn 2:28 (Aramaic) 10:14 (of the age of Antiochus Epiphanes): cf. בַּא׳ הַשָּׁנִים Ez 38:8.
c. א׳ הַגּוֹיִם Je 50:12 the last, hindermost of the nations (of Babylon), opp. ראשׁית הגוים Am 6:1 (Israel) cf. Nu 24:20 (Amalek) chief of the nations.
d. concr. posterity (extension of usage noted above in Pr 24:20) ψ 37:37, 38 (possibly not more than ‘a future’ in v 37) 109:13 (‖ בְּדוֹר אַחֵר יִמַּח שְׁמָם) Am 4:2; 9:1 Ez 23:25(×2) (acc. to others, in these four passages, remnant, residue) Dn 11:4.


אֲחֹרַנִּית adv. (proposes an adj. fem., cf. קְדֹרַנִּית Sta§ 367) backwards (= poet. אָחוֹר) Gn 9:23(×2) 1 S 4:18 1 K 18:37 2 K 20:10, 11 Is 38:8.


אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִים satraps (Pers. Khshatřapâvan, protectors of the realm, v. SpiegAPK 215 = ἐξατράπης, σατράπης, cf. Lag G. Abh. 68, 14; Sem. i. 42f, who rds אַחְשַׁדְרְפָן)א׳ Est 8:9; 9:3; cstr. אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנֵי 3:12 Ezr 8:36.


אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ Ahasuerus = Xerxes (Pers. Khshayârshâ = mighty + eye or man, vid. Spiegel l.c. 216; in Aramaic חשיארש, CISII. i. 122 [b.c. 481]) king of Pers. Ezr 4:6 Est 1:1(×2), 2, 9, 10 + 18 textual Est + Est 10:1 Qr (Kt אחשׁרשׁ); אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹשׁ Est 1:16; 2:21; 3:12; 8:7, 10; also Dn 9:1 where made father of ‘Darius the Mede,’ cf. Meinh.


אֲחַשְׁתָּרִי but in form adj. gent. (cf. Be) הָאֲח׳ 1 Ch 4:6 (perhaps Pers. = beloging to the realm, royal, vid. infr.)


[אֲחַשְׁתְּרָן] adj. (?) royal (from Pers. Khshatřa, lordship, realm, vid. Spiegel l.c. 215) pl. הָאֲחַשְׁתְּרָנִים agreeing with הָרֶכֶשׁ Est 8:10, 14.


אַחַת v. אֶחָד.


אַט v. אטט.


אַט subst. gentleness, used only adverbially:—
a. as adverb. accus. 1 K 21:27 וַיְהַלֵּךְ אַֽט׃ and he (Ahab) went about softly (sc. in penitence);
b. with לְ of norm or state (as in לָבֶטַח, v. לְ) 2 S 18:5 לְאַט־לִי לַנַּעַר (deal) gently for me with the young man, Is 8:6 the waters of Shiloah הַהֹלְכִים לְאַ֑ט that go gently; with pretonic qameṣ Jb 15:11 דָּבָר לָאַט עִמָּֽךְ׃ a word (spoken) gently with thee; with sf. Gn 33:14 אֶתְנַהֲלָה לְאִטִּי I will lead on gently (lit. according to my gentleness). S. p. 532 for לָאט secretly.


אטד (meaning dub.; perhaps cf. Arabic وطد make firm, strong, cf. Thes MV).


אָטָד n.m. Ju 9:15 bramble, buck-thorn (cf. Che ψ 58:10) (rhamnus, Arabic أَطَد, Assyrian eṭidu v. DlW, No. 153, Aramaic אַטְדָּא, ܐܛܕܐ cf. Löw No. 15) contr. עֵצִים Ju 9:14, 15(×2) (personif., in fable); ψ 58:10 as fuel (in fig., cf. Che); בְּגֹרֶן הָא׳, n.loc., Gn 50:10, 11 (v. גֹּרֶן & אבל מצרים).


אֵטוּן n.[m.] thread, yarn (etym. unknown; on form v. Ges 84 a. 12. R. Talm. אֵטוּנָא, אַטּוּנָא, cord, rope; so 𝔗) cstr. א׳ מִצְרַיִם Pr 7:16.


אטט Arabic أَطَّ to emit a moaning or craking sound (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes i. 604 f. Lane i. 66).


[אִטִּי Ol. 412] n.m. mutterer, pl. אִטִּים Is 19:3 mutterers (‖ אֹבוֹת, יִדְּעֹנִים) i.e. either ventriloquists or whisperers of charms (cf. 8:19; 29:4).


[אטם] vb. shut, shut up (Mish. אטם, cf. אוֹטֶם stoppage, Aramaic אֲטַם; Ar. أَطَمَ contract, stop, أُطُمٌ fortress; As. aṭamu, in list of headgear, etc. = turban? DlW, No. 155)
Qal Pt. act. אֹטֵם Pr 17:28 + 2 textual; pass. אֲטֻמִים 1 K 6:4; אֲטֻמוֹת Ez 40:16 + 2 times;—shut, stop, obj. lips Pr 17:28; ears 21:13 Is 33:15; pass. = closed (i.e. narrowed, narrowing, cf. 𝔖 in Co) חַלּוֹנוֹת א׳ Ez 40:16; 41:16, 26; cf. חַלּוֹנֵי שְׁקֻפִים אֲטֻמִים 1 K 6:4.
Hiph. Impf. i.q. Qal יַאְטֵם ψ 58:5 (juss. with sense of indic., cf. Dr§ 173 obs.) of adder, stopping ears, sim. of wicked.


אִטֵּר adj. shut up, bound (NH אִטֵּר, lame) אִישׁ א׳ יַד־יְמִינוֹ Ju 3:15; 20:16 a man bound, restricted, as to his right hand, i.e. left-handed.


אָטֵר (binder?) a chief of Jews Ezr 2:16, 42 Ne 7:21, 45; 10:18.


[אָטַר] vb. shut up, close, bind (Arabic أَطَرَ bend, curve, إِطَارٌ what surrounds, encloses)
Qal Impf. 3 fs. תֶּאְטַר ψ 69:16 (אַל תּ׳ עָלַי בְּאֵר פִּיהָ).


† I. אִי n.m. Is 20:6 (†f. Is. 23:2) coast, region (contr. from אֱוִי so Ol§ 152 b; place whither one betakes oneself for resting, etc., orig. from mariner’s standpoint)אִי abs. Is 20:6 +; cstr. Je 47:4; (Jb 22:30 v. sub IV. אִי cf. Di) pl. אִיִּים ψ 72:10 +; אִיִּן Ez 26:18 (Co איים) אִיֵּי Gn 10:5 +;—coast, border region (mostly late), of Philistia & Phoenicia with adjacent country Is 20:6; 23:2, 6; so of Caphtor (= Crete) Je 47:4; מַלְכֵי הָאִי אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיָּם Je 25:22; elsewhere pl., coasts of Kittim Je 2:10; Ez 27:6, of Elishah v 7; different countries (on or in sea) v 3, 15, 35; 26:15, 18(×2) (last del. Co cf. 𝔊) cf. 39:6, so also אִיֵּי הַגּוֹיִם Gn 10:5 (P); partic. אִיֵּי הַיָּם = coast-lands & islands Is 11:11; 24:15, ‖ הָאָרֶץ Est 10:1; v. (without הַיָּם) Dn 11:18, & ψ 72:10, so often Is 2 incl. inhabitants, 41:1, 5; 42:4, 10 (אִיִּים וְישְׁבֵיהֶםהַיָּם וּמְלֹאוֹ) v 12; 49:1; 51:5; 59:18; 60:9; 66:19; cf. Je 31:10 ψ 97:1, Zp 2:11 (אִיֵּי הַגּוֹיִם); islands, distinctly (taken up by י׳ as little things) Is 40:15; coasts, banks, i.e. habitable lands Is 42:15 (‖ נְהָרוֹת).


[אַי] (أَىٌّ, አይ in Syr. in cpds. as ܐܰܝܟܰܢ how? WSG 120—2; cf. As. aiu, who? what?).
1. interrog.adv. where? a. so with sf. אַיֶּ֫כָּה [a verbal form, v. Sta§ 355 b. 3] Gn 3:9; אַיּוֹ Ex 2:20, poet. where is he? = he is nowhere Jb 14:10; 20:7 (Je 37:19 rd. Qr אַיֵּה); אַיָּם Na 3:17 (in indirect qu.) and the place thereof is not known, אַיָּם where they are. Idiomatically, with the sf. anticipating the noun to which it refers (Ew§ 309 c, cf. DrSm i. 21, 14) 2 K 19:13 אַיּוֹ מֶלֶךְ־חֲמָת where is he, the king of Hamath? (‖ Is 37:13 אַיֵּה) Is 19:12 Mi 7:10. When used alone, or with other adverbs (v. infr.), it is contracted to אֵי Gn 4:9 Dt 32:37 1 S 26:16 Pr 31:4 Qr. (The more usual form is אַיֵּה.) b. strengthened by the enclitic זֶה (v. זֶה, 4) אֵי־זֶה15 where, then? (never of a person, exc. Est 7:5 (late), & only once 1 K 22:24 [but v. 2 Ch 18:23] with a verb) Is 50:1; 66:1(×2) Je 6:16, in indirect qu. 1 S 9:18; in the phrase אֵי־זֶה הַדֶּרֶךְwhere is the way (that) …? †1 K 13:12 2 K 3:8 2 Ch 18:23 Jb 38:19a, 24.
2. prefixed to other adverbs or prons., אֵי imparts to them an interrog. force: thus a. אֵי־זֶה which (of two or more)? only Ec 2:3; 11:6 (late), in indirect qu. b.אֵי־מִזֶּה whence? (מִזֶּה = hence; v. sub זֶה) Gn 16:8 אֵי־מִזֶּה בָאתְ 1 S 30:13 2 S 1:3, 13 Jb 2:2; in indirect qu. Ju 13:6 1 S 25:11; fem. subst. annexed 2 S 15:2 אֵי־מִזֶּה עִיר אַתָּה lit. whence, as regards city, art thou? Jon 1:8. c.אֵי־לָזֹאת Je 5:7 upon what ground? (𝔙 super quo?) how? With other adverbs, אֵי coalesces into one word, v. אֵיכָה, אֵיכָכָה, אֵיפֹה.

אִי כָבוֹד

אִי כָבוֹד (1 S 4:21), אִי־כָבוֹד (1 S 14:3) (inglorious), son of Phinehas (explained 1 S 4:21 by גָּלָה כָבוֹד מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל glory is gone into exile from Israel).


† II. [אִי] n.m. jackal (howler, for* אָוִי v. BaNB 188, cf. Arabic اِبْنُ آوَى, whence ܒ̈ܢܳܬ ܐܰܘܰܝ )—pl. אִיִּים, Is 13:22; 34:14; Je 50:39 (inhabitant of desert, ruin).


† III. אִי interj. (so in Rabb., v. DeKoh 197 WrEccl. 490) alas! (late) Ec 4:10 אִי לוֹ (written in MT as one word) alas for him (Ew§ 309 c), the one, who falleth, etc. (i.e. who falleth alone) 10:16.


† IV. אִי adv. not (frequently in Rabb., as אִי אֶפְשַׁר impossible; and in Ethiopic the ordinary negative; cf. Ph. אי CISi. 3, 5 and in איבל 165, 18; 167, 11; Ass. ai) Jb 22:30 אִי־נָקִי the non-innocent read perhaps אֵל (Me), or אֱלֹהַּ (Ley), with וְתִמָּלֵט in v b.


I. אִי n.m. isle, coast, v. I. אָוָה.


[אָיַב283] vb. be hostile to (Ass. aibu (v. DlW), enemy = אֹיֵב)
Qal Pf. †וְאָיַבְתִּ֫י Ex 23:22; Pt. אוֹיֵב (אֹיֵב) Ex 15:6 +; sf. (אוֹיְבִי) אֹיְבִי 2 S 22:18 = ψ 18:18 +; f. sf. אֹיַבְתִּי Mi 7:8, 10; אֹיִבְךָ Ex 23:4 +, etc.; pl. אוֹיְבִים ψ 68:24; 127:5; אֹיְבִים ψ 139:22, etc.;—be hostile to, treat as enemy Ex 23:22 (E, Cov’t code) וְאָיַבְתִּ֫י אֶת־אֹיְבֶיךָ וְצַרְתִּ֫י אֶת־צֹרְרֶיךָ (subj. י׳); elsewhere Pt. 1 S 18:29 וַיְהִי שָׁאוּל אֹיֵב אֶת־דָּוִד; usually as subst. & mostly sf.; enemy, of personal foe Ex 23:4 (E ‖ שֹׂנֵא v 5) Nu 35:23 (P) 1 S 19:17 (cf. 18:29) 24:5, 20 2 S 4:8 1 K 21:20 Jb 27:7 ψ 54:9; 55:13 (‖ מְשַׂנֵּא; opp. אַלּוּף, מְיֻדָּע v 14) Mi 2:8 Pr 16:7; 24:17 +; in sim. Je 30:14 (מַכַּת אוֹיֵב); of public national enemy, sg. Ju 16:23, 24; coll. Ex 15:6, 9 Dt 33:27 Na 3:11 2 Ch 6:24 +; personif. Mi 7:8, 10; more oft. pl. Ex 23:22 (E) Lv 26:7f (H) Nu 10:9 (P) Dt 1:42; 6:19 Je 15:9; 34:20, 21 +; of enemies of God, as protector of his people Nu 10:35 (J) Ju 5:31 1 S 30:26 2 S 18:19 ψ 66:3; 68:1, 22 Na 1:2, 8 Is 66:6 +; as morally supreme Jb 13:24; 33:10 ψ 37:20; 92:10(×2) +; of God as enemy of rebellious people Is 63:10, in sim. La 2:4, 5.


אֵיבָה n.f. enmityא׳ Gn 3:15 + 2 textual; cstr. אֵיבַת Ez 25:15; 35:5enmity, personal hostility, betw. men Nu 35:21, 22 (P), betw. serpent & woman Gn 3:15 (J), betw. peoples אֵיבַת עוֹלָם Ez 25:15; 35:5.


אֵיד n.m. Jb 18:12 distress, calamity (under wh. one bends, cf. Arabic آىِٔدٌ burdening)א׳ Jb 21:30 +; cstr. id. Jb 31:23 +; אֵידֵי 2 S 22:19 = ψ 18:19 etc.;—distress, calamity (poet. chiefly WisdLt & late); Pr 17:5; 27:10.
1. national calam. of Isr. (apostate) Je 18:17 Ez 35:5 Ob 13(×3); of Egypt Je 46:21; Moab 48:16; Edom (א׳ עֵשָׂו) 49:8; Hazor v 32.
2. of righteous sufferer 2 S 22:19 = ψ 18:19 cf. א׳ אֵל i.e. from God Jb 31:23 & אָרְחוֹת אֵידָם 30:12 their calamitous paths (sf. ref. to bereavement, pain, etc.)
3. often of wicked Jb 18:12; 21:17; 31:3 Pr 1:26, 27 (wisd. mocks at; ‖ פַּחַד) 6:15; 24:22; also יוֹם א׳ Dt 32:35 Jb 21:30 (cf. supr. 2 S 22:19 = ψ 18:19 Pr 27:10 Je 18:17; 46:21 Ob(×3) where ‖ יוֹם אֹבֶד יוֹם צָרָה v 12, 14, cf. יוֹם יהוה v 15). BevJPhil. xxvi. 302 der. from Arabic آدَ be strong [also oppress, burden], whence إِيَاد (or أَوَى) calamity.


אֵיד, אֵד v. אוּד.


אַיֵּה45 (lengthened from אַי, cf. הֵן & הִנֵּה) interr.adv. Where? Gn 18:9; 19:5; 22:7; the most gen. term expressing this idea, used of both persons & things (but never with a verb [contrast אֵיפֹה]); often in poet. or elevated style, where the answer nowhere is expected, Is 33:18; 36:19; 51:13 Je 2:28 (cf. Dt 32:37 אֵי) 17:15; 37:19, Jb 15:23 he wandereth abroad for bread אַיֵּה (saying Where is it? 21:28 Zc 1:5 (אַיֵּה־הֵם); in the (iron.) phrase where is thy (their) God?ψ 42:4, 11; 79:10; 115:2 (אַיֵּה־נָא) Jo 2:17; rhetorically, of an earnest inquiry Je 2:6, 8 Job 35:10, or longing Is 63:11, 15 Ju 6:13.


† I. אַיָּה n.f. hawk, falcon, kite (perhaps from cry; cf. Arabic يُؤْيُؤ, a kind of hawk) Lv 11:14; Dt 14:13 generic, cf.לְמִינָהּ & Di; Jb 28:7 (keen-sighted).


אַיֵּה v. אַי.


† II. אַיָּה (falcon)
1. a Horite Gn 36:24; 1 Ch 1:40.
2. father of Rizpah 2 S 3:7; 21:8, 10, 11.


אַיָּה v. III. אוה.


אִיּוֹב Job (meaning unknown; Thes √ איב; obj. of enmity, cf. for pass. sense יִלּוֹד; Ew comp. Ara. أَوَّابٌ he who turns (to God); but cf. Di on 1:1; all dub. cf. LagBN 90) Jb 1:1, 5(×3), 8, 9, 14 + 48 textual Jb; Ez 14:14, 20.


אִיזֶבֶל (sense uncertain, CIS i. 158 there occurs the בעלאזבל Baal exalts? or is husband to? [v. זָבַל], of which אִיזֶבֶל is conjectured by DHM to be an intentional alteration, made for the purpose of avoiding the name Baal. If so, א׳ perhaps suggested to the Hebrew ear the idea of un-exalted or un-husbanded), queen of Ahab, daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre 1 K 16:31; 18:4, 13, 19; 19:1, 2; 21:5 +; 2 K 9:7 +.


אִיִּים v. III. אוה.


אֵיךְ59 (Aramaic אֵיךְ, ܐܰܝܟ [pron. âch]) adv.
1. interrog. How? Gn 26:9 2 S 1:5, 14 1 K 12:6 Is 20:6 al.; of. with impf. (esp. in 1 ps.) in an expostulation Gn 39:9; 44:8, 34 Jos 9:7 2 S 2:22; 12:18 ψ 137:4, Is 48:11 for how should it be profaned? איך תאמר(ו) how canst or dost thou (do you) say …? Ju 16:15 Is 19:11 Je 2:23 (cf. 8:8 אֵיכָה) 48:14 ψ 11:1; in an indirect sentence 2 K 17:28 Je 36:17 Ru 3:18.
2. as an exclam. How! whether of lamentation 2 S 1:19 Je 2:21; 9:18 Mi 2:4 Ec 2:16; or of satisfaction Is 14:4, 12 Je 48:39; 51:41 Ob 5 al.; with intensive force = how gladly! Je 3:19, how terribly! 9:6 (but others render here ‘for how [else] should I do’? etc.), Ho 11:8 acc. to Hi.


אֵיךְ, אֵיכָה, אֵיכָכָה v. sub אַי (p. 32).


אֵיכָה (from אַי and כָּה = כֹּה; cf. As. ekiam) adv.
1. interrog. In what manner? τίνι τρόπῳ; (rather more definite than אֵיךְ = πῶς;) Dt 1:12; 7:17; 12:30; 18:21; 32:30 Ju 20:3 (indirect sentence) 2 K 6:15 Je 8:8 ψ 73:11.
2. exclam. How! (slightly more emph. than אֵיךְ) Is 1:21 Je 48:17 La 1:1; 2:1; 4:1, 2.
3. Where? (prob. north-Isr.; cf. Aramaic אֵיכָא, ܐܰܝܟܳܐ where? Cf. DrIntr. 178, 421) only 2 K 6:13 (K3 אֵיכֹה) Kt Ct 1:7(×2),—each time in an indirect sentence.


אֵיכוֹ 2 K 6:13 Qr where? v. אֵיכָה 3.


אֵיכָ֫כָה (Ct) אֵֽיכָכָ֫ה (Est) (from אַי & כָּ֫כָה thus) How? only Ct 5:3(×2) Est 8:6(×2).


אֱיָל n.m. help (loan-word from Aramaic ܐܻܝܳܠܴܐ, ܐܻܝܳܠ help, so LagOr ii. 7, BN 175, NöZMG 1883, 526) only in sim. כְּגֶבֶר אֵין א׳ ψ 88:5.


I. אַ֫יִל156 n.m. Gn 22:13 ram (as leader of flock, NHeb. & Aramaic id., Assyrian ailu DlW, Ph. איל, = אַיִל rather than אַיָּל, cf. CISi. p. 231)אַיִל (אָ֑יִל) Gn 15:9 +; cstr. אֵיל Ex 29:22 +; pl. אֵילִים (אֵילִם, אֵלִים) Gn 32:15 +; cstr. אֵילֵי Gn 31:38 Is 60:7.—ram,
1. used as food Gn 31:38 (E) Dt 32:14 (cf. ram of sacrifice, infr. e.g. Ex 29:32 cf. Lv 8:31); as yielding wool 2 K 3:4; as tribute 2 Ch 17:11; as merchandise Ez 27:21; as gift Gn 32:15 (E); in sim. of leaping, skipping ψ 114:4 (הֶהָרִים רָקְדוּ כְּא׳) v 6; in Dn.’s vision, ram with two horns symbol. kings of Media and Persia Dn 8:3, 4, 6, 7(×4), 20; fig. of rich and powerful in Isr. Ez 34:17.
2. slain in ceremony of ratification of covenant betw. י׳ & Abr. Gn 15:9 (J); in Abr.’s sacrif. Gn 22:13(×2) (E); Balaam’s sacrif. Nu 23:1 + 5 times Nu 23 (JE); so in ritual (P), (a) in consecration ceremony of Aaron & his sons Ex 29:1 + 15 times Ex 29 (א׳ מִלֻּאִים v 22 cf. v 26, 27, 31) Lv 8:2 + 8 times Lv 8 (א׳ הַמִּלֻּאִים v 22, 29 א׳ הָעֹלָה v 18); (b) in guilt-offering (אָשָׁם) Lv 5:15, 16, 18, 25; 19:21, 22 cf. Ezr 10:19 & א׳ הַכִּפֻּרִים Nu 5:8; (c) burnt-offering (עֹלָה) Lv 9:2 & Nu 15:6, 11 & Ez 46:4, 5, 6, 7, 11, on day of atonement Lv 16:3, 5, Pentecost 23:18; (d) peace-offering (שְׁלָמִים) Lv 9:4, 18, 19; beginning of month Nu 28:11, 12, 14 cf. 29:2, 3; passover 28:19, 20 cf. Ez 45:23, 24; day of firstfruits Nu 28:27, 28; in 7th month 29:8 + 18 times Nu 29; (e) in law of Nazarite Nu 6:14, 17, 19; (f) in consecration of altar of tabernacle Nu 7:15 + 25 times Nu 7, cf. consecr. of Ezek.’s temple-altar Ez 43:23, 25; (g) more generally 1 S 15:22; Is 1:11 Mi 6:7 Jb 42:8 ψ 66:15, also Is 34:6; 60:7; at bringing ark to Jerus. 1 Ch 15:26; other occasions 29:21; 2 Ch 13:9; 29:21, 22, 32; Ezr 8:35; cf. fig. Je 51:40; Ez 39:18.
3. עֹרֹת אֵילִים מְאָדָּמִים rams’ skins dyed red, of covering of tabernacle Ex 25:5; 26:14 35:7, 23; 36:19 cf. 39:34 (all P).


אַיִל, אַיָּל, אַיָּלָה, אַיָּלוֹן, אֵילוֹן, אֵילָם, אֵילִם, אֵילַת, אֵילוֹת etc. v. אול. אִילוֹ v. אִי.


אַיָּל n.[m.] (f. ψ 42:2) hart, stag, deer (Aramaic id., ܐܰܝܠܴܐ Arabic إِيَّلٌ Assyrian ailu DlW, but dub., v. HptBAS i. 170, Ethiopic ሀየል = leader? cf. אַיִל. Arabic إِيَّلٌ = ibex (i.q. وَعْلٌ, وَعِلٌ).) א׳ abs. Dt 12:15 + 6 times; pl. אַיָּלִים Ct 2:9 + 3 times;—hart, stag, allowed as food Dt 12:15, 22; 15:22 (all ‖ צְבִי); 14:5 (‖ צְבִי, יַחְמוּר etc.); eaten in Sol.’s household 1 K 5:3 (‖ as Dt 14:5); sim. of leaping Is 35:6; id. עֹפֶר הָא׳ Ct 2:9, 17; 8:14 (all ‖ צְבִי); as in search of pasture, sim. of princes of Judah La 1:6; as longing for water, sim. of longing for י׳ ψ 42:2.

אֵיל פָּארָן

אֵיל פָּארָן (terebinth (or palm? v. Di) of Paran) town & harbour at head of Ælanitic Gulf Gn 14:6 (v. Di); = אֵלָה 36:41; אֵילַת Dt 2:8; 2 K 14:22; 16:6; אֵילוֹת 1 K 9:26; 2 K 16:6; close to Ezion Geber (v. עֶצְיוֹן גֶּבֶר).