Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

עלק — עָנֵף


עלק (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic عَلِقَ hang, be suspended, cleave, adhere; عَلَقٌ leech; n. unit. عَلَقَةٌ; Assyrian ilḳitu, of some inferior animal (word-list); Syriac ܥܰܠܘܽܩܳܐ, etc., T עֲלוּקָא all leech).


עֹלָ֫תָה Jb 5:16 etc., v. עַוְלָה sub עָוַל.


עִם prep. with (Aramaic עִם, ܥܰܡ, Sab. עם DHMEpigr. Denkm. 12 HomChrest. 51; cf. Arabic مَعَ, مَعْ (but v. PrätBAS. i. 26)), sf. עִמִּי46 and עִמָּדִי45 (prob. akin to Arabic عِنْدٌ side, عِنْدَ beside: cf. √ ענד), without difference of meaning (עמי in Pent. Gn 31:31; 39:7, 12, 14; Ex 33:12 Lv 26:21, 23, 27, 40 [H] Nu 22:19; Jos-K. 13 times; ψ 42:9; 86:17; Jb 10:17; Ru 1:11; Est 7:8; in Dn 7 times, Ezr Ne Ch 11 times: עמדי in Pent. Gn [JE] 14 times, Ex 17:2; Lv 25:23; Dt 5:28; 32:34, 39; Ju S 7 times; ψ 23:4; 50:11; 50:19; 101:6; Jb 14 times, Ru 1:8); עִמְּךָ, †עִמְּכָה 1 S 1:26, עִמָּ֑ךְ; עִמּוֹ, עִמָּהּ; עִמָּ֫נוּ; עִמָּכֶם; עִמָּם27 (Gn 18:16, etc.: Gn-K 20 times; Ne 13:25; not Ezr Ch), and עִמָּהֶם23 (chiefly late: Nu 22:12; Dt 29:16 (v 24 עמם), Jon 1:3; Jb 1:4, and 19 times Ne Ezr Ch):
1. of fellowship and companionship (Lat. cum), as Gn 13:1 ולוט עמו and Lot with him, 18:16; 19:30; 24:54 הוא והאנשׁים אשׁר עמו, וכל ישׂראל עמו Jos 7:24 al.; + often Peculiar to Ch Ezr are clauses introd. by ועמהם1 Ch 12:34; 13:2; 15:18 +, Ezr 8:13, 14 (Aramaic 5:2) +; so ועמו1 Ch 12:28; 2 Ch 17:14—18; 26:17; Ezr 8:3—12, 33. Coupling substantives, together with, chiefly in poetry: Dt 12:23 לא תאכל הנפשׁ עם הבשׂר, Jos 11:21; Ju 16:3; Ec 7:11; 2 S 1:24 שָׁנִי עִם עֲדָנִים, Dt 32:14 עִם חֵלֶב כרים, v 14, 24, 25 Am 4:10; Is 25:11; 34:7; Je 6:11; 51:40; Na 3:12 ψ 66:15 אעשׂה בקר עם עתודים, 81:3; 83:8; 87:4; 89:14; 104:25 +, Ct 1:11; 4:132) כפרים עם נרדים, v 142); 5:1(×3). Unusually, Est 9:25 אמר עם הספר he ordered in conjunction with writing, in a written order. Poet. or late uses: ψ 42:9 ובלילה שִׁירֹה עמי, ψ 89:22 אשׁר יָדִי תִּכּוֹן עמו, v 25; in Jb of the companionship of sufferings or prosperity, 6:4 חִצֵּי שַׁדַּי עמדי, 17:2 אם לא הֲתֻלִים עמדי, 29:6 וְצוּר יָצוּק עמדי פלגי שׁמן, v 20 כבודי חָדָשׁ עמדי, 2 Ch 14:5 ואין עמו מלחמה, 16:9 ישׁ עמך מלחמות, 28:10 עִמָּכֶם אֲשָׁמוֹת. Hence, in partic. a. of aid, Ex 23:5 Dt 22:4; 1 Ch 12:19; especially of God, Gn 21:22 אלהים עמך, 26:3 ואהיה עמך, v 33; 31:3, 5; Ex 3:12; Jos 1:5; Is 8:10 כ׳ עמנו אל ψ 23:4; 46:8, 12; Jb 29:5 + often (cf. אֵת, Gn 39:2, 3, 21, 23; Is 43:5 +): so הִתְחַזַּק עם 1 Ch 11:10; 2 Ch 16:9; Dn 10:21, עָזַר עם 1 Ch 12:21, כי גם ידם עם דוד 1 S 22:17; 2 S 3:12; 1 Ch 4:10 (cf. Ex 23:1, and II. אֵת 1 a) With the help of (= Gk. σύν), 1 S 14:45 כי עם אלהים עשׂה היום הזה, Dn 11:39 (rare). b. Of actions done jointly with another, as ירשׁ עם inherit with, Gn 21:10, כרת ברית עם 26:28 + often, עם (חִלֵּק) חָלַק to share with Jos 22:8; Is 53:12 +; cf. Dt 10:9 חֵלֶק וְנַחֲלָה עִם אֶחָיו, 18:1. c. If the common action be of the nature of a contest or combat, עִם is with in the sense of against: so often with נִלְחַם to fight, נִשְׁפַּט to dispute, נֶאֱבַק to wrestle, רִיב to strive (see these verbs), Gn 26:20; 30:8; 32:29; בּא בְּמִשְׁפָּט עם to enter into judgment with Is 3:14 +, Jb 14:3 (הֵבִיא), רִיב לי׳ עִם Hos 4:1 +; hence, without a verb expressing the idea explicitly, ψ 94:16 מי יקום לי עִם מְרֵעִים in the struggle with evil-doers? v b 55:19 כי בְרַבִּים היו עמדי for as many are they in combat with me, Jb 9:14 אָבְחֲרָה דְבָרַי עמו in the contest with him, 10:17b; 16:21; perhaps צָדַק עִם 9:2; 25:4 (cf. 4 b end). d. Of dealing with a person, or of the relation in which one stands with, or towards, another: as עשׂה חסד עם to do kindness with Gn 24:12 + often (in 1 pers. observe that in this phr. עמדי, not עמי, is regul. used, Gn 19:19; 20:13; 40:14; 1 S 20:14; 2 S 10:2 [‖ 1 Ch 19:2 עמי: here only], al.), עשׂה טוב עם Gn 26:29 +, v. also 20:9; 31:29; Dt 33:21; Ju 15:3; Jb 10:12; 13:20; 42:8 ψ 86:17 (cf. אִתְּכֶם Dt 1:30; 10:21; and Aramaic Dn 3:32), 119:124; 126:2 (1 S 12:24), Jb 33:29; הֵיטִיב עם Gn 32:10, 13 +, הֵרַע עִם 31:7; רָצָה עם be well pleased with ψ 50:18; Jb 34:9; דִּבֶּר עם to speak with (subj. usually God) Ex 19:9 + (v. דִּבֶּר 3 e), hence דָּבָר עִם Ju 18:7, 28; 2 S 3:17; 1 K 1:7; Jb 15:11 דָּבָר לָאַט עמך a word (spoken) gently with thee, cf. 11:5 ויפתח שׂפתיו עמך; יֵאָמֵן עם 2 Ch 1:9: and with adjj. תמים עם perfect with (i.e. toward) Dt 18:13 ψ 18:24, שָׁלֵם עם 1 K 8:61 +; cf. וְלִבָּם לֹא נָכוֹן עִמּוֹ ψ 78:37; 2 S 21:4; 23:5; 1 K 3:6 (עמך), Mi 6:8 הַצְנֵעַ לֶכֶת עִם אֱלֹהָיו, ψ 73:22 toward thee, 1 Ch 19:6; Hos 12:1 (?); also הָלַךְ קְרִי עִם Lv 26:21 ff. (7 times), מַמְרִים הֱיִיתֶם עם Dt 9:7, 24; 31:27; 2 Ch 16:10; 26:19 ψ 85:5; Jb 10:17 a. e. Of a common lot, Gn 18:23 האף תספה צדיק עם רשׁע together with the wicked, v 25 Jb 3:14, 15; Is 38:11 ψ 26:9 אל תאסף עם חטּאים נפשׁי, v b; 28:32), 69:29; Jb 30:1; 1 Ch 24:5; hence like, ψ 73:5 ועם אדם לא יְנֻגָּ֑עוּ with (i.e. like) men (in general), 106:6 חטאנו עם אבותינו, Ec 2:16 ואיך ימות הֶחָכָם עם הכסיל i.e. like the fool. f. Of equality or resemblance generally (poet.), Jb 9:26 חָֽלְפוּ עִם אֳנִיּוֹת אֵבֶה they pass by with, i.e. as swiftly as, skiffs of reed, 37:18 תרקיע עמו שׁחקים i.e. like him, 40:15 אשׁר עשׂיתי עמך; so נִמְשַׁל עִם ψ 28:1; 143:7, נֶחְשַׁב עִם 88:5, cf. Ec 7:11. †g. Of time, = as long as, ψ 72:5 יִירָאוּךָ עם שׁמשׁ as long as the sun endureth (cf. Aramaic Dn 3:33; 4:31; also Ovid. Am. i. 15, 16 cum sole et luna semper Aratus erit); at the time of (?) 2 Ch 21:19 (but read perhaps מֵחָלְיוֹ); and c. inf. (late), Ezr 1:11 עִם הֵעָלוֹת הַגּוֹלָה (cf. ἅμα τῷ sq. inf. Ju 3:21; 9:33; also עִם Ecclus 40:14).
2. Of a locality, close to, beside:Gn 25:11 וישׁב יצחק עם באר לחי ראי beside the well of, etc., 35:4 תַּחַת הָאֵלָה אשׁר עם שׁכם (so, after אשׁר, Jos 7:2; Ju 9:6; 18:22 2 S 13:23), Jos 19:46 (?), Ju 18:3 הֵמָּה עִם בֵּית מִיכָה (so 19:11; 2 S 20:8), 1 S 10:2; 2 S 6:7 וַיָּ֫מָת שָׁם עִם אֲרוֹן הא׳, 19:38; 24:16; 1 K 1:9; 1 Ch 13:14 by the house of O., in its own house (v. Be), 21:15 (2 S 24:16), 26:16 (cf. אֵת 2). By a person, Dt 5:28 וְאַתָּה עֲמֹד פֹּח עמדי by me, 1 S 1:26 הַנִּצֶּבֶת עִמְּכָה +; of one living near another, Ex 22:24; Lv 25:35, 36, 39, 47.
3. Of persons, עִם is spec. a. in the house or family or service of (apud, chez): Gn 23:4 גֵּר וְתוֹשָׁב עמך (fig. of י׳ Lv 25:23 ψ 39:13), 27:44; 29:14 וַיֵּשֶׁב עִמּוֹ, v 25 עבדתי עמך I have served with thee (so v 30, cf. Dt 15:16), 31:38; Lv 25:6, 402), 50, 53; Dt 22:2; 23:17; Ju 17:10; 2 S 19:34; 1 K 11:22; cf. 1 S 2:21 עם י׳ i.e. at his sanctuary. b. In the possession of (Lat. penes): Gn 24:25 straw, etc., is עִמָּנוּ, 31:32 Dt 17:19 והיתה עמו with him, at his side, 29:16; Jb 28:14 וְיָם אָמַר אֵין עִמָּדִי; = stored up with, Dt 32:34 כָּמֻם עִמָּדִי, Jb 27:13 (but read here prob. מֵאֵל; cf. 20:29); of ethical or mental attributes, 1 S 25:25 וּנְבָלָה עִמּוֹ, Jb 12:13 עִמּוֹ חָכְמָה וּגְבוּרָה, v 16; 25:2 ψ 130:7; 2 Ch 19:3, 7. cf. fig. ψ 36:10 כי עמך מְקוֹר חַיִּים. c. In the custody or care of, 1 S 9:23 שִׂים אֹתָהּ עִמָּ֑ךְ; 22:23 כִּי מִשְׁמֶרֶת אַתָּה עִמָּדִי: cf. Jb 17:3 עָרְבֵנִי עִמָּ֑ךְ be surety for me with thyself. d. Beside = except, Dt 32:39 אֵין אלהים עִמָּדִי, ψ 73:25 ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ and beside thee I delight not (in aught that is) upon earth (al. in comparison of thee, 1 f), 2 Ch 14:10 וְאֵין עִמְּךָ לַעֲזֹר there is none beside thee to help, 20:6; perhaps Hos 9:8 (Hi Ke; but very dub., v. Comm.). cf. אֵת 1 b. e. With = friendly with, Gn 31:2 כי איננו עמי (syn. v 5 אֶל towards), 2 K 10:15 לְבָבִי עִם לְבָֽבְךָ, Pr 23:7 וְלִבּוֹ בַל עִמָּ֑ךְ.
4. Idiom. of a thought or purpose present with one:— †a. עִם לְבַב פ׳, especially in Dt. and the later Deut. style, Dt 8:5 וְיָדַעְתָּ עִם לְבָבְךָ thou shalt know with thy heart, 15:9 פן יהיה דבר עם לבבך בליעל a wicked thought with thy heart, Jos 14:7 I brought back word כאשׁר עם לבבי; היה עם לְבַב פ׳, especially of a purpose, 1 K 8:17 ויהי עם לבב דוד לִבְנוֹת וגו׳ i.e. it was David’s purpose to build, etc., v 182); 1 K 10:2 (= 2 Ch 6:7, 82); 9:1), 1 Ch 22:7; 28:2 (both based on 1 K 8:17, etc.), 2 Ch 1:11; 24:4; 29:10; rather differently, to muse or talk with one’s heart, ψ 77:7; Ec 1:16. †b. עִם alone, = in one’s consciousness, whether of knowledge or memory or purpose (cf. אֵת 3 b; عِنْدَ WAG ii. § 66): Nu 14:24 עֵקֶב הָֽיְתָה רוּחַ אַחֶרֶת עִמּוֹ i.e. operating in his mind, 1 K 11:11 יען אשׁר היתה זאת עמך, 1 Ch 28:12 the pattern of all אשׁר היה בָרוּחַ עמו that was in spirit (i.e. mentally) with him, ψ 50:11 וְזִיז שָׂדַי עִמָּדִי is with me (i.e. is known to me; ‖ ידעתי), prob. also 73:23; 139:18 (= in thy thought and care); Jb 9:35 לא כן אנכי עמדי not so am I with myself (my consciousness—or conscience—does not tell me that I need dread him), 10:13 ידעתי כי זאת עמך i.e. that this was thy purpose (‖ אֵלֶּה צָפַנְתָּ בִּלְבָבֶ֑ךָ), 15:9 ולא עמנו הוא and is not with us (= in our knowledge; ‖ וְלֹא נֵדָ֑ע), 23:10 כי ידע דרך עמדי the way of which I am conscious (De; Ew Di the way attending me, my usual way), v 14 וְכָהֵנָּה רַבּוֹת עמו i.e. he has many such purposes, 27:11 אֲשֶׁר עִם שַׁדָּי לֹא אֲכַחֵד i.e. his purposes or principles of action. Also sometimes in the judgment or estimation of, 1 S 2:26 טוֹב עִם, 2 S 6:22 נִכְבַּד עִם, perhaps צָדַק עִם Jb 9:2; 25:4 (Ges Bu; but Ew as 1 c, Hi De beside, in comparison of).
5. Metaph. together with = in spite of, notwithstanding Ne 5:18 וְעִם זֶה (cf. مَعَ WAG ii. § 57; in Heb. בְּ is the more usual syn.).—In 1 S 16:12 אַדְמֹנִי עִם יְפֵה עֵינַיִם (cf. 17:42 עִם יְפֵה מַרְאֶה), if text correct, יפה must be a neuter subst., with beauty of eyes; but read prob. (Gr Bu) עֶלֶם a youth (17:56; 20:22) for עם (v. HPS; Che Expos. Times x. 521 אַדְמֹנִי עֶצֶם, cf. La 4:7).


I, II. עַם, עִם v. sub I. עמם.


I. עַם, עָם n.m. Gn 11:6 (v. infr.) people (NH id., plebeian, common man; 𝔗 עַמָּא people, pl. peoples, tribes, etc.; Syriac ܥܰܡܳܐ; Arabic عَمٌّ v. supr.; orig. meaning prob. those united, connected, related, cf. WeGGN 1893, 480);—abs. עַם Gn 11:6 +, עַם Ju 9:36 +, הָעָם Jos 8:11 +; cstr. עַם Nu 21:29 +; sf. עַמִּי Ex 3:7 +, עַמְּךָ 22:27 +, etc.; pl. עַמִּים Is 2:3 +, עֲמָמִים (cf. Biblical Aramaic) Ne 9:22; cstr. עַמֵּי 1 K 8:43 +, עַמְמֵי Ne 9:24; pl. c. sf. v. ii. עַם;—(Thes cites foll. as f. וְחָטָאת עַמֶּ֑ךָ Ex 5:16 [but corrupt and unintellig.; read perhaps וְחַטָאתָ לְע׳, so 𝔊 𝔖 Di]; Ju 18:7 [but ישֶׁבֶת must agree with lost word city, or the like, v. GFM]; Je 8:5 [but read שׁוֹבַב for שׁוֹבְבָה Gie]);—
1. a people, nation (sometimes ‖ גּוֹי), n. coll. (sg. Ex 21:8 Jos 17:14, 15, 17; 2 S 17:29 + often, or pl. Ex 20:15; 24:2; Je 5:31 + often, or both in same clause Ex 1:20; 2 S 13:24): עַם אֶחָד = all mankind Gn 11:6 (J); peoples in gen. 27:29 (J; ‖ לְאֻמִּים), Ex 19:5 (E), Dt 2:25; 4:6 + often Dt, Ne 13:24 + often; קְהַל עַמִּים Gn 28:3 (P) an assembly (multitude) of peoples, 48:4 (P), Ez 23:24; 32:3 (+ דַבִּים); one’s own people Je 46:16 ψ 45:11; Ru 1:10, 15, 162) + (on עַמִּי נָדִיב Ct 6:12 v. especially Bu); particular peoples, Egypt Gn 41:40 (E), Ex 1:22 (E), Ne 9:10 +; עַם־אֲרָם Am 1:5; עַם־כְּמוֹשׁ (i.e. Moab) Nu 21:29 (JE), Je 48:46; but especially Isr. Ex 1:20 (E) + often; עַם־בְּנֵי יִשׂ׳ v 9 (J); called ע׳ יהוה Nu 11:29 (E), 1 S 2:24 +, and (by י׳) עַמִּי Ex 3:7; 5:1 (J) + often (all periods); קְהַל עַם־הָאֱלֹהִים Ju 20:2, עַם־הַקָּהָל Lv 16:33 (P), קְהַל עָם ψ 107:32; especially הָעָם הַזֶּה (often in contempt or disgust) Nu 11:1, 12, 13 +; fig. of ants Pr 30:25, the shaphan v 26, locusts Jo 2:2, cf. לְעַם לְצִיִּים ψ 74:14 (where read לְעַם צִיִּים Hup-Now).—On Ju 1:16 v. עֲמָלֵקִי.
2. = smaller units, e.g. a. inhab. of a city Gn 19:4 (J), 1 S 9:12, 13; Je 29:16, 25; 2 Ch 31:4 + (Je 8:5 del. יְרוּשׁ׳ 𝔊 Gie Co Rothst). b. inhab. of a locality Je 37:12 [appar. not = tribe, Dt 33:3 read עַמּוֹ 𝔊 Di Dr, Ho 10:14; Ju 5:8, 14 read בְּעָרֶיךָ We Now; v. sub d]. c. retainers, followers Gn 14:16; 32:8; 33:15; 35:6; Ju 3:18; 8:5; 2 S 15:17; Je 41:13, 14 +. d. people bearing arms 1 S 11:11; 1 K 20:10 +; ע׳ כָּבֵד Nu 20:20 (JE), i.e. a powerful force; עַם הַצָּבָא Nu 31:32 (P), ע׳ הַמִּלְחָמָה Jos 8:1, 3, 11; 10:7; 11:7 (all JE); so prob. Ju 5:8 a (fighting) band; perhaps also v 14 (read sg.? v. GFM Bu).
3. = common people Je 21:7; 22:4, Lv 4:27 (opp. ruler v 22), Ne 5:1 (opp. יְהוּדִים), 7:5 (opp. rulers).
4. people in gen., persons Gn 50:20 (E), so appar. כָּל־הָעָם אֲשֵׁר וגו׳ Ex 33:16 (J), Nu 11:34 (J), Jos 5:52) (D), Ju 9:36 (as sg.), v 37 (as pl.), Je 36:9; persons labouring 1 K 9:23; superior persons Jb 12:2 (iron.); עַם עוֹלָם Ez 26:20 people of long ago (now in Sheʾôl).
5. phrases are: a. (עַמָּהּ, עַמִּי, עַמְּךָ) כְּנֵי עַמּוֹ members of one’s people, compatriots, fellow-countrymen, etc. Nu 22:5 (E), Gn 23:11 (P) Lv 19:18 (H), Ju 14:16, 17; Ez 33:2, 12 +. b. בְּנֵי הָעָם = common people (v. 3) 2 K 23:6; Je 26:23 +; people in gen. שַׁעַר בְּנֵי הָעָם Je 17:19 i.e. public gate 2 Ch 35:5, 12. c. עַם הָאָרֶץ the people at large, as a body 2 K 11:14, 18, 19, 20; 15:5; 16:15; 21:242) +, Je 37:2; 44:21 Lv 20:2 (H), Gn 23:7, 12, 13 (P); common people Je 34:19, cf. דַּלַּת ע׳ הא׳ 2 K 24:14; disting. from prince Ez 45:22; 46:3, 9, from priests Hg 2:4 Zc 7:5; = Canaanites Nu 14:9 (JE), cf. עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ 1 Ch 5:25; mixed post-exil. population Ezr 4:4. d. עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ usually peoples of the earth Jos 4:24 (D), 2 Ch 32:19 +; of heathen peoples about and in Pal. after exile Ezr 10:2, 11; traders Ne 10:31; עַמֵּי הָאֲרָצוֹת 9:30; 10:29; 2 Ch 32:13. e. מִשְׁפְּחוֹת עַמִּים ψ 96:7 = 1 Ch 16:28 (cf. ψ 22:23). f. בַּת־עַמִּי = people personif. Is 22:4; Je 4:11 + 7 times Je + 6:14 (van d. H.; om. בַּת Baer Gi), La 2:11; 3:48; 4:3, 6, 10; בְּתוּלַת בַּת־עַמִּי Je 14:17. g. designations of Isr. are: עַם־קָדוֹשׁ Dt 7:6 + 3 times, ע׳ קְדוֹשִׁים Dn 8:24, ע׳ (ה)קֹדֶשׁ Is 62:12; 63:18; Dn 12:7; ע׳ סְגֻלָּה Dt 7:6; 14:2; 26:18. h. of foreign (non-Isr.) peoples: ע׳ נָכְרִי Ex 21:8 (E), ע׳ אַחֵר Dt 28:32, and especially from language, ע׳ עִמְקֵי שָׂפָה Ez 3:5 cf. v 6, כִּלְשׁוֹן עַם וָעָם Ne 13:24 cf. Est 1:222); 3:12, ע׳ לֹעֵג ψ 114:1. i. עַם עֶבְרָתִי Is 10:6, ע׳ חֶרְמִי 34:11, ע׳־מִבְחָרָיו Dn 11:15, עַמֵּי תּוֹעֵבוֹת הָאֵלָּה Ezr 9:14; לֹא עַם בִּינוֹת Is 27:11.—For עַם־עוֹלָם Is 44:7 read (אֹתִיּוֹת) מֵעוֹלָם (מִי הִשְׁמִי)עַ Oort Du Kit CheHpt cf. PerlesAnal. 40, 64.


† II. [עַם] n.[m.] kinsman* kinsman, later development of i. עַם RSK 58; 2nd ed. 72. (on father’s side) (Arabic عَمٌّ paternal uncle, etc. v. I. עמם; cf. perhaps TelAm. ammu, kinsmen (?); on Nab. עם ancestor cf. Lzb151, 499; v. also especially NesEg 187, ZAW xvi (1896), 322 f. Krenkelib. viii (1888), 280—84);—sf. עַמִּי in בֶּן־עַמִּי (q.v.), and sqq.; elsewhere pl. sf. עַמֶּיךָ Nu 27:13; 31:2 (Lv 19:16 read עַמְּךָ 𝔊 Sam), + (poss.) עֲמָמֶיךָ Ju 5:14; עַמָּיו Gn 25:8 + 15 times, עַמֶּיהָ 17:14 + 3 times; read עַמַּי (for MT עַמִּי, 1עַם; cf. Krenkell.c. 281) Gn 49:29 and perhaps Ju 14:3 (cf. Lv 21:14); according to Buhl Kit also 2 K 4:13;—father’s kinsmen: וַיֵּאָסֵף אֶל־עַמָּיו Gn 25:8 (of joining kinsmen in Sheʾôl), so v 17; 35:29; 49:33; Nu 20:24; Dt 32:50, cf. Gn 49:29 (v. supr.), Nu 27:13; 31:2; Dt 32:50 (all P); וְנִכְרְתָה הַנֶּפֶשׁ מֵעַמֶּיהָ Gn 17:14 (severed from living kinsmen), so Lv 7:20, 21, 25, 27; 19:8; 23:29; Nu 9:13, מִקֶּרֶב עַמֶּיהָ Ex 31:14, cf. 30:33, 38; Lv 17:9 (all PH); מֵעַמָּיו יִקַּח אִשָּׁה 21:14 (H), and perhaps Ju 14:3 (sim. 1עַם: [ם—ָ, הּ—ָ] מִקֶּרֶב עַמּוֹ Lv 17:4, 10; 18:29 +); other combin. Ju 5:14 (si vera l., read perhaps בְּעַמֶּ֑ךָ, v. 1.עַם 2 d), Lv 21:1, 4, 15 (H), Ez 18:18 and (perhaps) 2 K 4:13.—בֶּן־עַמִּי (v. p. 122 b) perhaps = son of my kinsman; on c. עַם v. GrayProp. N. 41 ff..


עָמַד520 take one’s stand, stand (NH id.; Ph. עמד; Assyrian emêdu, stand, set up; Arabic عَمَدَ prop up, support, and deriv.; Ethiopic ዐምድ: pillar; 𝔗 עַמּוּדָא pillar, Syriac ܥܰܡܽܘܕܳܐ, Palm. עמודא, cf. also תימעמד; Sab. עמד pillar, according to CISiv. 91 (or other deriv. from √ עמד DHMZMG xxxvii (1883), 5), pl. אעמדן pillars DHMEpigr. Denkm. aus Abess. 80);—
Qal435 Pf. ע׳ Gn 19:27 +, 3 fs. עָֽמְדָה 2 K 13:6 +, etc.; Impf. יַעֲמֹד Ex 21:21, יַעֲמוֹד Na 1:6 +, יַעֲמָד־ 1 S 16:22 +; 1 s. אֶעֱמֹ֑דָה Hb 2:1, וָאֶעֱמֹד 2 S 1:10; 3 mpl. יַעַמְדוּ Je 32:14 +, יַעֲמֹ֑דוּ Ez 1:21 +; f. יַעֲמֹדְנָה Dn 8:22; 2 mpl. וַתַּעַמְדוּן Dt 4:11, etc.; Imv. עֲמֹד 1 S 9:27 +, עֲמָד־ 2 S 1:9; fs. עִמְדִי Is 47:12; Je 48:19, etc.; Inf. abs. עָמֹד Est 9:16; cstr. עֲמֹד Ex 18:23 +, sf. עָמְדִי Je 18:20, עֲמָדְךָ Ob 11, etc.; Pt. עֹמֵד Is 3:13 +, f. עֹמֶ֫דֶת Hg 2:5 +, etc.;— 1. a. stand, be in a standing attitude: c. עַל by, 1 S 26:13; 2 S 2:25; 2 K 2:7 +, so pt. Gn 18:8 (J), 41:1, 17 (E) +, עַל on, Ex 3:5 (E), Dt 27:12 +; c. ב loc. Ex 32:26; Nu 22:24, 26 (all JE), +; c. אֶל loc. 1 K 20:38 (+ לְ pers.), Je 48:19; Ez 21:26; 27:29; c. אֶל pers. 1 S 17:51; 2 K 5:25; c. אֵצֶל Gn 41:3 (E), Ez 9:2; 10:6; Ne 8:4; c. לִפְנֵי Gn 18:22; 1 K 3:16; 8:22 +; before י׳, for intercession Gn 19:27 (J), Dt 4:10; Je 15:1; 18:20, etc.; take one’s stand and do a thing 1 S 17:8; 1 K 8:55; 2 K 18:28 = Is 36:13 +; sq. inf. 1 K 8:11 = 2 Ch 5:14 +. b. stand forth (to speak, etc.) 2 K 10:9 +. c. take a stand against (עַל), in opposition to, Ju 6:31; Ezr 10:15 (but stand over, = have charge of, according to KueGes. Abh. 247 f.) 2 Ch 26:18; cf. עַל־דַּם Lv 19:16 (H) against the blood of, i.e. seek one’s blood, life; c. יָ֑חַד Is 50:8 together, i.e. against each other. d. present oneself before (לִפְנֵי) Gn 43:15 (J), Ex 9:10 (E), Nu 27:2, 21 (P), 1 S 16:21 +; before י׳ (in sanctuary) Dt 19:17; Je 7:10 cf. 18:20 Lv 9:5 (P); so in heaven 1 K 22:21 = 2 Ch 18:20; c. ב loc. of child at birth Ho 13:13, in palace (as retainer, courtier) Dn 1:4. e. c. לִפְנֵי attend upon, be (come) servant of 1 S 16:22 (v. Dr), 1 K 1:2 +; servant of י׳ 1 K 17:1; 18:15 2 K 3:14; 5:16 Je 15:19; priests (לְשָֽׁרְתוֹ) לִפְנֵי י׳ Dt 10:8; Ju 20:28; Ez 44:15; 2 Ch 29:11; of Levites, stand before congreg. for menial duties Ez 44:11; Nu 16:9 (P). f. stand afar מֵרָחוֹק Ex 20:18, 21 (E), Is 59:14 ψ 38:12, בְּר׳ ψ 10:1; מִנֶּגֶד מֵר׳ 2 K 2:7; stand aloof, מִנֶּגֶד Ob 11 ψ 38:12. g. stand (silent) Jb 32:16. h. stand (appealingly) Jb 30:20 (but read עָמַדְתָּ, of God, Me Hi Du). i. stand, subj. רֶגֶל Zc 14:4 (עַל loc.), ψ 122:2 (ב loc.) so 26:12 (fig.). j. stand, of water, עַל־הָרִים ψ 104:6. Vid. also preps. אֶל, אֵצֶל, עַל, מִמַּעַל, עִם, etc. 2. a. stand still, stop, cease moving, of moon Jos 10:13 (JE; ‖ וַיִּדֹּם), sun v 13, both, Hb 3:11; of pers. 1 S 9:27 (opp. עָבַר), 2 S 2:28 (opp. רָדַף), עִמְדוּ עֲמֹ֫דוּ Na 2:9 +; stop flowing (of oil) 2 K 4:6; remain standing, c. תַּחְתֵּינוּ Ju 7:21; 1 S 14:9 etc.; of eruption in skin = remain unchanged Lv 13:23, 28; so (without ת׳) 13:5, 37 (all P). b. = be inactive 2 Ch 20:17 (opp. לְהִלָּחֵם, + הִתְיַצְּבוּ). c. = be attentive Jb 37:14. d. stop, cease doing a thing 2 K 13:18; c. מִן Gn 29:35; 30:9 (both J), Jon 1:15. 3. a. tarry, delay Gn 45:9 (E), Jos 10:19 (JE; opp. רָדַף), 1 S 20:38 (opp. מְהֵרָה, חוּשָׁה), +. b. remain, c. ב loc. 2 K 15:20; Dt 10:10; c. עִמָּדִי Dt 5:28 (opp. שׁוּב); + inf. purpose Est 7:7. c. continue, abide Lv 13:5; Je 32:14; Is 66:22 ψ 102:27 Ec 2:9; = dwell Ex 8:18 (J; עַל loc.); לָעַד ψ 19:10; 111:3, 10; 112:3, 9; לְעוֹלָם ψ 33:11 Ec 1:4; בְּתוֹךְ Hg 2:5; of plan = be established ψ 33:11 (earlier קוּם, as Is 14:24), so Est 3:4; Dn 11:17 b; = maintain itself (earlier קוּם Jos 2:11) Ec 2:9; לֹא יַעֲמָד־בִּי כֹחַ Dn 10:17. d. endure Ex 18:23 (E), Ez 22:14 (‖ חָזַק). e. be steadfast Dt 25:8; Ru 2:7. f. persist Ec 8:3. 4. make a stand, hold one’s ground, Am 2:15; 2 K 10:4; Mal 3:2 +; c. לִפְנֵי Ju 2:14; 2 K 10:4; Est 9:2 +, בִּפְנֵי Jos 10:8; 21:44 (Ginsb; van d. H. Baer v 42), 23:9 (all D); c. עַל, for one’s life Est 8:11; 9:16. 5. stand upright: a. remain standing 2 K 13:6; of head 6:31 remain upright upon him (עָלָיו); of house (fig. of endurance) Jb 8:15, Pr 12:7. b. stand up, opp. sit, Ne 8:5; Jb 29:8 (+ קוּם); opp. lie prostrate Ez 2:1 (עַל־רַגְלֶיךָ), so 37:10 (id.), Dn 10:11, v 11 (עַל־עָמְדֶ֑ךָ), Est 8:4; of revival after death Dn 12:13 (late for קוּם). c. stand up, rise, of water Jos 3:13 (+ apposs. נֵד אֶחָד), v 16 (+ קָמוּ + id.; both JE). d. be erect, upright, of boards Ex 26:15; 36:20 (P). †6. a. arise, appear, come on the scene (= קוּם; late) Ezr 2:63 = Ne 7:65, ψ 106:30 (cf. Ecclus 47:1, 12), especially Dn 8:222), 23; 11:2, 3, 4; 12:1, cf. 11:7 (כַּנּוֹ), v 20, 21 (עַל־כַּנּוֹ); c. תַּחַת instead of Ec 4:15; of war 1 Ch 20:4, deliverance Est 4:14. b. stand forth, appear = come into being Is 48:13 ψ 33:9; 119:90. c. rise up as foe (earlier קום Am 7:9; Gn 4:8), c. עַל against 1 Ch 21:1; 2 Ch 20:23; Dn 8:25; 11:14, c. לְנֶגְדִּי against 10:13. 7. rare usages are: a. ע׳ אֶת־ stand with, as attendant, servitor Gn 45:1 (E), Nu 1:5 (P). b. take one’s stand in covenant, בַּבְּרִית 2 K 23:3. c. stand עַל־חֶרֶב Ez 33:26 (resort to the sword). d. stand בְּסוֹד י׳ Je 23:18, 22 (v. סוֹד). e. be appointed Ezr 10:14. f. stand before (לִפְנֵי) beast Lv 18:23 (carnal intercourse) g. grow flat, insipid (Gie), taste of wine Je 48:11 (fig. of Moab), or remain unchanged (so most, in that case cf. 3 b).—עָמְדִי Dn 11:1b is crpt., read prob. עָמַדְתִּי, or עָמַד (מִיכָאֵל subj.), join then to 10:21 and del. 11:1a; so Bev Behrm MartiKau.
Hiph.83 (cf. DrIntr. (6) 535) Pf. 3 ms. הֶעֱמִיד 1 K 12:32 +, 2 ms. הֶעֱמַדְתָּה ψ 30:8, וְהַעֲמַדְתָּ֫ Nu 3:6 +, etc.; Impf. יַעֲמִיד Pr 29:4 +, וַיַּעֲמֵד 2 K 8:1 +; 3 fs. sf. וַתַּעֲמִדֵנִי Ez 2:2; 3:24, 1 pl. וַנַּעֲמִיד Ne 4:3, etc.; Imv. הַעֲמֵד Is 21:6; sf. הַעֲמִידֶהָ Ez 24:11; Inf. abs. הַעֲמֵיד Ne 7:3; cstr. הַעֲמִיד 1 K 15:4 +; Pt. מַעֲמִיד 2 Ch 18:34 (but v.Hoph.);— 1. station, set, c. acc. Ju 16:25 (בֵּין); for duty Nu 11:24 (E; סְבִיבֹת), 1 K 12:32 (ב loc.), 2 Ch 19:5 (id.), Ne 13:11 (עַל־עָמְדָם), Is 21:6 + (Ne 4:7a read perhaps Qal, so PerlesAnal. 65), c. עַל against Ne 4:3. 2. cause to stand firm ψ 18:34 = 2 S 22:34 (c. עַל loc.); maintain (opp. overthrow) Ex 9:16 (J), 1 K 15:4, cf. Pr 29:4. 3. cause to stand up, set up, erect, c. acc. + עַל־רַגְלַי Ez 2:2; 3:24, so עַל־עָמְדִי Dn 8:18; temple Ezr 2:68 (על loc.), cf. 2 Ch 24:13 (על loc., of repairs); especially doors Ne 3:1 + 7 times Ne; Asherim 2 Ch 33:19, cf. 25:14. 4. + לִפְנֵי present one before king Gn 47:7 (P), י׳ (in sanctuary) Lv 14:11 + 3 times P, + (of goat) Lv 16:7, priest Lv 27:8 + 4 times P, + (of beast) Lv 27:11. 5. appoint Ne 7:3; 1 Ch 15:17 + (late); c. עַל over Ne 13:9 +, c. inf. purpose 6:7 +, c. 2 acc. 1 Ch 15:16; = assign (land) to (ל) 2 Ch 33:8 (‖ 2 K 21:8 נָתַן); appoint courses of priests 8:14; 31:2, cf. Ne 13:30; ordain commandments, עַל pers. Ne 10:33, cf. 2 Ch 30:5; establish עַד־הָעוֹלָם 1 Ch 17:14 (ב loc.), cf. 2 Ch 9:8 ψ 148:6; c. acc. of covenant ψ 105:10 = 1 Ch 16:17 (ל pers. + ל rei); c. חָזוֹן vision Dn 11:14 (= fulfil, earlier הֵקִים). †6. other meanings: a. ע׳ אֶת־פָּנָיו 2 K 8:11 have a fixed look. b. c. acc. רַגְלַי + ב loc. ψ 31:9 (fig.). c. make to stand (in a covt.; v. ‖ 2 K 23:3) 2 Ch 34:32. d. restore waste places Ezr 9:9. e. + לְפָנֶיהָ Est 4:5, i.e. make servant to. f. cause wind to arise ψ 107:25. g. = raise an army Dn 11:11, 13.—2 Ch 18:34 v. Hoph.; ψ 30:8 v. עֹז; Ez 29:7 v. מָעַד.
Hoph. Impf. 3 ms. יָעֳמַד־ Lv 16:10 be presented (of goat), + לִפְנֵי י׳; Pt. הָיָה מָעֳמָד 1 K 22:35 he was caused to stand, i.e. propped up, in (ב) his chariot, so read also ‖ 2 Ch 18:34 (as 𝔊), for MT מַעֲמִיד.—On Pf. הָעֳמַדְתִּי v. עֹז ψ 30:8.


[עֹ֫מֶד] n.[m.] standing-place;—only sf. after prep. וַיָּקוּמוּ עַל־עָמְדָם ׃ Ne 9:3 they stood up in their place (later equiv. of תַּחְתָּם), 8:7 (no vb.); c. עָמַד 2 Ch 30:16; 35:10, ע׳ עַל־עָמְדוֹ 34:31; וָאַעֲמִדֵם עַל־עָמְדָם Ne 13:11, so עַל־עָמְדִי Dn 8:18; וַיָּבֹא אֵצֶל עָמְדִי v 17; עֲמֹד עַל־עָמְדֶ֑ךָ 10:11.


[עֶמְדָּה] n.f. standing-ground;—sf. יִקַּח מִכֶּם עֶמְדָּתוֹ Mi 1:11; text dub. v. Now.


עִמָּדִי v. עִם infr. sub עמם.


עמה (√ of foll.; cf. Assyrian emû, be united, associated; emûtu, family, family connexion; NH עָמִית = BH (rare)).


† I. [עֻמָּה] n.f. juxtaposition, but only in st. c. with force of a prep. close by, side by side with, parallel to, agreeing with, corresponding to;—st. c. עֻמַּת, except Ec 5:15 always c. לְ, sf. לְעֻמָּתוֹ, once pl. cstr. לְעֻמּוֹת Ez 45:7;—
a. close by, side by side with: Ex 25:27 (37:14), 28:27 (39:20), Lv 3:9 לְעֻמַּת הֶעָצֶה יְסִירֶנָּה shall take it away close by the backbone; especially of what is parallel, Ez 42:7 the wall alongside of the chambers; of the contiguous portions in Ezek.’s division of the land, alongside of each other, Ez 45:6, 7; 48:13, 182), 21; of movement in parallel lines, 2 S 16:13 Shimei was going along לְעֻמָּתוֹ parallel with him, v 13 Ez 1:20 וְהָאוֹפַנִּים יִנָּֽשְׂאוּ לְעֻמָּתָם, v 21; 3:13; 10:19; 11:22; 3:8 נָתַתִּי פָנֶיךָ חֲזָקִים לְעֻמַּת פְּנֵיהֶם by the side of their face (which, as antagonism is implied, = against, RV), v 8.
b. agreeing with, corresponding to (a common result of juxtaposition), Ex 38:18 a screen five cubits high לעמת קלעי החצר agreeing with (RV answerable unto) the hangings of the court (in height), Ez 40:18; prob. also 1 Ch 26:16; Ne 12:24 מִשְׁמָר ל׳ מִשְׁמָר ward corresponding to ward.
c. correspondingly to, 1 Ch 24:31 they also cast lots לְעֻמַּת אֲחֵיהֶם correspondingly to their brethren, v b the head, correspondingly to his younger brother, 26:12 to these … belonged charges correspondingly to their brethren; as well as Ec 7:14.
d. before a sentence (Ges§ 155 n), 1 Ch 25:8 (strangely) לְעֻמַּת כַּקָּטֹן כַּגָּדוֹל (v. Ke) correspondingly to (the principle) of as the small so the great; Ec 5:15 כָּל־עֻמַּת שֶׁבָּא quite exactly as he came, so shall he go (but LambertRÉJ xxxi. 47, Rahlfs Th. Lt.-z. 1896 587 כִּלְעֻמַּת).
e. מִלְּעֻמַּת (v. מִן 1 c, 9 a) 1 K 7:20 close beside.


† II. עֻמָּה Jos 19:30, v. עַכּוֹ.


עַמּוּד, עַמֻּד n.m. 1 K 7:15 pillar, column;—עַמּוּד abs. 1 K 7:15 +, cstr. Ex 13:21 +; עַמֻּד abs. Je 52:21, cstr. Nu 14:14; sf. עַמּוּדוֹ 2 Ch 23:13; pl. עַמּוּדִים 1 K 7:16 +, less often עַמֻּ׳ v 21 +; cstr. עַמּוּדֵי Ex 26:32 + less often עַמֻּ׳ 38:17 +; sf. עַמּוּדָיו Ex 36:38 +, עַמֻּדָיו 27:10 +, etc.;—
1. pillar, supporting house Ju 16:25, 26, 29; pillars in tabern. Ex 27:10, 11, 17; 36:38; Nu 3:37 + 27 times Ex Nu (P), + עַמּוּדֵי שִׁטִּים pillars of acacia wood Ex 26:32, 37; 36:36; pillars in Sol.’s palace 1 K 7:2, 3, 6, אוּלָם הָע׳ v 6, עַמּוּדֵי אֲרָזִים v 2 pillars of cedar (P); in Ezek.’s temple Ez 42:62); ע׳ שֵׁשׁ Est 1:6 (in palace), Ct 5:15 (sim.).
2. two bronze pillars—1 K 7:15; 2 K 25:13 = Je 52:17—before temple 1 K 7:152) + 14 times 1 K 7, + 2 K 25:16, 172) = Je 52:20, 212), Je 27:19; 1 Ch 18:8; 2 Ch 3:15, 16, 17 + 4 times 2 Ch 4; perhaps one was הָע׳ by which king stood in temple 2 K 11:14 = 2 Ch 23:13; 2 K 23:3; > ע׳ here = standing-place, platform Thes al.; two pillars bef. Ezek.’s temple Ez 40:49.
3. columns, uprights, of silver Ct 3:10 (litter).
4. ע׳ עָשָׁן Ju 20:40 column of smoke: ע׳ (הֶ)עָנָן Ex 13:21, 22 (J) + 6 times JE, hence Ne 9:12, 19 ψ 99:7; ‖ ע׳ (הָ)אֵשׁ Ex 13:21, 22 (J), Nu 14:14 (JE), Ne 9:12, 19; ע׳ אֵשׁ וְעָנָן Ex 14:24 (J), all of the theoph at time of Exodus.
5. a. ע׳ בַּרְזֶל Je 1:18 (fig. of proph.). b. poet. of pillars of earth Jb 9:5 ψ 75:4, of heaven Jb 26:11. c. of wisdom’s house Pr 9:1.


עַמּוֹן106 n. pr. gent. Ammon, 𝔊 Αμμαν, Αμμων (Assyrian Bît Ammanu COTGloss.);—always (except 1 S 11:11 [where however 𝔊 reads בְּנֵי ע׳], ψ 83:8, which have ע׳ alone) בְּנֵי עַמּוֹן, connected by J with בֶּן־עַמִּי son of Lot Gn 19:38 (and meaning of name doubtless sought herein by J; cf. ii. עַם); people apparently akin to Isr., but usually hostile, dwelling E. of Jordan, NE. of Moab, between Arnon and Jabbok: Nu 21:242) (JE), Dt 2:192), 37; 3:11, 16; Jos 12:2; 13:10 (D), v 25 (P), Ju 3:13; 10:6 + 25 times Ju 10—12; 1 S 11:11; 12:12; 14:47; 2 S 8:12; 10:1 + 14 times 2 S 10—12, 17:27; 1 K 11:7, 33; 2 K 23:13; 24:2; 1 Ch 18:11 + 20 times Ch, Am 1:13; Is 11:14; Je 9:25 + 9 times Je, Zp 2:8, 9; Ez 21:25, 33 + 5 times Ez 25; Dn 11:41.—Vid. CheAmmon in Ency. Bib.


עַמּוֹנִי, עַמֹּנִי adj. gent. Ammonite;—abs. ms. עַמּוֹנִי as subst. Dt 23:4 an Ammonite (generic), so עַמֹּנִי Ne 13:1; הָעַמּוֹנִי of individual 1 S 11:1, 2; 2 S 23:37 = 1 Ch 11:39; Ne 2:19, so הָעַמֹּנִי 2:10; 3:35; fs. הָעַמֹּנִית 1 K 14:21 = 2 Ch 12:13; 1 K 14:31, so הָעַמּוֹנִית 2 Ch 24:26; הָעַמֹּנִי as subst. coll. Ezr 9:1; mpl. as subst. עַמֹּנִים 1 K 11:5, הָע׳ Dt 2:20; Ne 4:1, הָעַמּוֹ׳ 2 Ch 26:8 (on 20:1 v. מְעוּנִים); fpl. as adj. עַמֳּנִיֹּת 1 K 11:1, so Ne 13:23 Qr, Kt עמוניות.


עָמוֹס Amos the prophet;—Am 1:1; 7:8, 10, 11, 12, 14; 8:2, 𝔊 Αμως.


עָמוֹק a priest Ne 12:7, 20, Αμουκ.


עַמִּיאֵל and similar v. sub I. עמם.


עַמִּיאֵל (my kinsman is God, GrayProp. N. 254);—𝔊 Αμ(με)ιηλ:
1. E. Jordan name 2 S 9:4, 5; 17:27.
2. a Danite Nu 13:12 (P).
3. David’s father-in-law 1 Ch 3:5 (= אֱלִיעָם 2 S 11:3).
4. son of Obed Edom 1 Ch 26:5.


עַמִּיהוּד (my kinsman is majesty);—𝔊 (Σ)εμιουδ, Αμιουδ, etc.:
1. a Geshurite 2 S 13:37 Qr (> Kt עַמִּיחוּר, cf. Dr al., GrayProp. N. 43).
2. an Ephraimite Nu 1:10; 2:18; 7:48, 53; 10:22 (all P), 1 Ch 7:26.
3. a Simeonite Nu 34:20.
4. a Naphtalite Nu 34:28.
5. a Judahite 1 Ch 9:4.


עַמִּיזָבָד (my kinsman hath bestowed; cf. זָבָד, אֶלְזָבָד, יְהוֹזָבָד, זַבְדִּיאֵל, זְבַדְיָה, and, especially on Palm. equiv., v. GrayProp. N. 223f. also Lzb265 Cook46f.);—son of Benaiah 1 Ch 27:6, 𝔊 Ααιβαζαθ, A Αμιραζαθ, 𝔊L Αμειναζαβαδ.


עמיחור 2 S 13:37 Kt v. עַמִּיהוּד.


עַמִּינָדָב (my kinsman is noble);—𝔊 Αμ(ε)ιναδαβ:
1. Aaron’s father-in-law Ex 6:23; Nu 1:7; 2:3; 7:12, 17; 10:14 (all P), Ru 4:19, 20; 1 Ch 2:102).
2. Levites: a. 1 Ch 6:7. b. 15:10, 11.


עָמִיר n.[m.] swath, row of fallen grain (hay, as Mishn., according to Vogelsteinl.c. 74f. (who is then compelled to read עֹמֶר Mi 4:12), cf. Syriac ܥܡܺܝܪ grass, SchwallyIdiot. 69);—Am 2:13 (on cart), Je 9:21 (falling behind reaper), Mi 4:12 (brought to threshing-floor), Zc 12:6 (inflammable).


עַמִּישַׁדָּ֑י (my kinsman is Shaddai);—a Danite Nu 1:12; 2:25; 7:66, 71; 10:25, 𝔊 Αμ(ε)ισαδαι, 𝔊L Αμισαδε.


[עָמִית] n.m. Lv 19:17; 25:15 associate, fellow, relation (perhaps orig. f. abstr. association, cf. פֶּחָה);—always sf.: גֶּבֶר עֲמִיתִי Zc 13:7 a man (who is) my fellow; elsewhere only Lv: עֲמִיתוֹ 5:212); recipr. אִישׁ בַּעֲמִיתוֹ 19:11; 24:19, cf. 25:17; עֲמִיתְךָ 18:20, עֲמִיתֶ֑ךָ 19:15, 17; 25:142), 15.


† I. עָמֵל n.m. Pr 16:26 labourer, sufferer;—ע׳ Pr 16:26 + 2 times; pl. עֲמֵלִים Ju 5:26;—
1. labourer, workman: Ju 5:26 Pr 16:26.
2. sufferer, Jb 3:20 (‖ מָרֵי נֶפֶשׁ), 20:22.


עָמַל vb. labour, toil (NH id.; Arabic عَمِلَ labour, make; Sab. עמל work (? n. or vb.) CIS iv. No. 250; Aramaic עֲמַל, ܥܡܰܠ; Zinj. עמל; Assyrian nîmelu, gain, possessions);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. ע׳ Ec 2:21; 3 fs. עָֽמְלָה Pr 16:26; 2 ms. עָמַלְתָּ Jon 4:10; 1 s. עָמַלְתִּי Ec 2:11 + 2 times; pl. עָֽמְלוּ ψ 127:1; Impf. 3 ms. יַעֲמֹל Ec 1:3 + 3 times;—labour (very late): in building, c. בְּ ψ 127:1; tillage, c. בְּ Jon 4:10; gen., c. בְּ Ec 2:21, c. לְ Pr 16:26; Ec 5:15, c. לְ + inf. 8:17; עֲמָלוֹ שֶׁיַּעֲמֹל 1:3; 5:17, cf. 2:11, 19, 20.


† I. עָמָל n.m. Jb 4:8 f. Ec 10:15 (against AlbrZAW xvi (1896), 113, v. KöSynt. § 249 m) trouble, labour, toil (on this form as abstr. v. LagBN 143 BaNB 105);—ע׳ Nu 23:21 +; cstr. עֲמַל Ju 10:16 +; sf. עֲמָלִי Gn 41:51 +, etc.;—
1. trouble (‖ sorrow): one’s own suffering, עָמָל וְיָגוֹן Je 20:18; ע׳ וָכַעַם ψ 10:14; עֳנִי וע׳ Dt 26:7 ψ 25:18; ע׳ וָאָ֑וֶן 90:10; ‖ אָוֶן Nu 23:21; Jb 5:6; ‖ שָֽׁוְא Jb 7:3; ע׳ נפשׁו Is 53:11; ע׳ בְּעֵינָ֑י ψ 73:16; וַיַּסְתֵּר ע׳ מֵעֵינָ֑י Jb 3:10; מְנַחֲמֵי ע׳ 16:2; אדם לע׳ יוּלָּד 5:7; בע׳ אנושׁ אינימוֹ ψ 73:5; שׁכח ע׳ Jb 11:16; נַשַּׁנִי ע׳ Gn 41:51 (E); ע׳ לא זכר Pr 31:7; תקצר נפשׁו בע׳ Ju 10:16.
2. trouble, mischief, as done to others: ‖ שֹׁד Pr 24:2; יֹצֵר ע׳ ψ 94:20; ‖ רָע Hb 1:13; יָשׁוּב ע׳ בְרֹאשׁוֹ ψ 7:17; ע׳ וָאָ֑וֶן 10:7; און וע׳ 55:11; ‖ אָוֶן Is 10:1; 59:4; Hb 1:3 ψ 7:15; Jb 4:8; 15:35; עֲמַל שְׂפָתֵימוֹ ψ 140:10 mischief of their lips.
3. toil, labour (late in Heb.): Ec 2:102), 21, 24; 3:13; 4:4, 6, 8, 9; 5:14, 18; 6:7; 8:15; 10:15; c. עָמַל (q.v.) 1:3; 2:11, 19, 20; 5:17; עָמֵל (שְׁהוּא) ע׳ שֶׁאֲנִי 2:18, 22; ע׳ אֲשֶׁר עָמֵל 9:9; = fruit of labour, ע׳ לְאֻמִּים יִירָ֑שׁוּ ψ 105:44; וַיַּכְנַע בע׳ לִבָּם 107:12 he humbled their mind by toil.


† II. עָמֵל adj. verb. toiling, only Ec, as pred.;—Ec 2:18, 22; 3:9; 4:8; 9:9.


† II. עָמָל name in Asher 1 Ch 7:35, 𝔊 Αμαα, 𝔊L Αλαμ.


עֲמָלֵק39 Amalek (on—ָ v. LagBN 162 BaNB 160);—ancient people Nu 24:202), S. of Canaan—in Negeb 13:29 (all JE), fierce and warlike Bedawin (cf. GASmGeogr. 282 GFM Ju 6:3, 33), foes of Isr. during Exodus Ex 17:8 + 6 times Ex 17 (E), Dt 25:17, 19; later marauders in Isr. territory Ju 3:13; 6:3, 33; 7:12; 10:12, defeated by Saul 1 S 14:48; 15:2 + times 1 S 14:28, 18, and by David 30:18 (cf. infr.), 2 S 8:12 = 1 Ch 18:11, cf. ψ 83:8; also הָע׳ 2 S 1:1 (where read עֲמָלֵק or הָעֲמָלֵקִי, v. Comm.); ע׳ 1 Ch 4:43; as grandson of Esau Gn 36:12 (P) = 1 Ch 1:36, Gn 36:16; appar. connected with Ephr. territory Ju 5:14 (cf. 12:15 infr.; yet GFM conj. עֵמֶק).—On Amalek v. NöAmalekites (1864); Ency. Bi. s.v..


עֲמָלֵקִי 1 S 30:13; 2 S 1:13, also (as pred.) v 8; coll. = (the) Amalekites 1 S 15:6, 15; 30:1, elsewhere c. art. הָע׳ Nu 14:25, 43, 45 (J; all + הַכְּנַעֲנִי), 1 S 27:8; שְׂדֵה הָע׳ Gn 14:7; הַר הָע׳ Ju 12:15 (in Ephraim); read הָע׳ also Ju 1:16 (for הָעָם) Bu GFM, > עֲמָלֵק Hollenb Mey Kit Kau; on 2 S 1:1 v. foreg.


† I. עָמַם vb. (√ of foll. cf. Arabic عَمَّ be comprehensive, include; عَمٌّ company; also paternal uncle; perhaps Assyrian ummanu, people; Sab. עם either (a) people, or (b) paternal uncle CISiv. p. 20; pl. sf. אעממהו = (b) MordtmHimj. Inschr. 45. 70; also often in CISiv. No. 5, 1. 99, 7 etc., PrätNeue Beitr. 25 HomChrest. 12, 133; A. und A. 6 WeGGN 1893, 480).


† II. [עָמַם] vb. darken, dim (NH id.; Arabic غَمَّ cover, veil, conceal; 𝔗 עֲמַם grow dark);—
Qal Pf. 3 pl. sf. עֲמַמֻהוּ Ez 31:8 dub., but prob. (as Thes) cedars did not eclipse him; עֲמָמוּךָ 28:3 no secret do they hold dark (= is held dark) for thee (Ges§ 117 x).
Hoph. Impf. 3 ms. יוּעַם זָהָב La 4:1 (fig.) how is the gold dimmed! cf. Bu.


עֲמָמִים, עַמְמֵי v. i. עַם supr.


עִמָּנוּאֵל Immanuēl (with us is God);—ע׳ Is 7:14 van d. H. Baer; עִמָּנוּ אֵל Gi;—name of child, symbolizing presence of י׳ to deliver his people (on interpret. v. Comm.)—עִמָּנוּ אֵל 8:8, 10 is declaration of trust and confidence, with us is God! (cf. 1 K 8:57 ψ 46:8, 12); v. עִם.


עִמָּנוּאֵל v. sub עִם supr.


[עָמַס, ? עָמַשׂ] vb.
1. load. 2. carry a load (NH id.; Ph. עמס carry; cf. poss. Arabic عَمِسَ gravis et obscurus fuit dies (Frey));—
Qal Impf. 3 ms. וַיַּעֲמֹס Gn 44:13, יַעֲמָס־ ψ 68:20; Pt. act. עֹמְסִים Ne 13:15; עֹמְשִׂים 4:11 (but v. infr.); sf. עֹמְסֶיהָ Zc 12:3; pass. עֲמֻסִים Is 46:3, עֲמוּסוֹת v 1;— 1. load (obj. om.) upon (עַל) ass Gn 44:13 (E), Ne 13:15; so abs. 4:11, lit., si vera l. (v. Be-Ry Ryle); but read prob. חֲמֻשִׁים RyKau. 2. carry a load ψ 68:20 (י׳, for (ל) his people), carry as a load Zc 12:3 (fig.), pass. Is 46:1 (lit.), v 3 (fig.).*


עֲמַסְיָה name in Judah 2 Ch 17:16, 𝔊 Μασαιας, 𝔊L Αμασιας (cf. Ph. אשמנעמס, בעלעמס CISi. 139, 169, 719, v. also GrayProp. N. 296f.).


עַמְעָד in Asher, Jos 19:26, 𝔊 Αμιηλ, Α Αμαδ, 𝔊L Αλφααδ.


עֵ֫מֶק70 n.m. Mi 1:4 vale (proposes deepening, depth, v. GASmGeogr. 384f. 654f.; cf. בִּקְעָה, גַּיְא, נַחַל);—ע׳ abs. Jos 8:13 +, cstr. Gn 14:17 +; sf. עִמְקֵךְ Je 49:4, עִמְקָם 47:5 (but v. infr.); pl. עֲמָקִים Mi 1:4, sf. עֲמָקַיִךְ Is 22:7;—vale, valley, lowland, opp. הֶהָרִים Mi 1:4, amid mts., e.g. about Jerus. Is 22:7; Je 31:40, so perhaps ע׳ שָׁוֵה Gn 14:17 = ע׳ הַמֶּלֶךְ v 17; 2 S 18:18, cf. ע׳ חֶבְרוֹן Gn 37:14 (J), ע׳ בְּגִבְעוֹן Is 28:21; Jos 8:13 (JE), ע׳ הָאֵלָה 1 S 17:2, 19; 21:10 (perhaps Wady es-Sant, in Shephelah, W. of Bethlehem, GASmGeogr. 226); ע׳ אֲשֶׁר לְבֵית רְחוֹב Ju 18:28 in extreme north; in Moab Je 48:8 (‖ [opp.?] מִישׁוֹר); or wider, e.g. Ju 5:15 (scene of Sisera’s defeat; read perhaps ע׳ also for עֲמָלֵק v 14 GFM), ע׳ יִזְרְעֶ֑אל Ju 6:33; Ho 1:5; Jos 17:16 (JE), cf. Ju 7:1, 8, 12; 1 S 31:7 = 1 Ch 10:7, these all perhaps narrow ends of plain (cf. GASml.c.), but v. 1 K 20:28 (opp. הֶהָרִים; ‖ מִישׁוֹר v 23; = open country, cf. Aphek v 26); of Jordan-valley Jos 13:19, 27 (P); of Philistine plain (opp. הָהָר) Ju 1:19, 34; fit for chariots, so also אֶרֶץ הָע׳ Jos 17:16 (P), cf. Jb 39:21; ישֶׁבֶת הָע׳ Je 21:13, cf. Nu 14:25 (v. Gie Di); cultivated 1 S 6:13; Je 49:42) Jb 39:10, fertile 1 Ch 27:29 ψ 65:14; Ct 2:1; v. also אַיָּלוֹן, בָּכָא, בְּרָכָה, ii. חָרוּץ, יְהוֹשָׁפָט, סֻכּוֹת, עָכוֹר, קְצִיץ, רְפָאִים, שִׂדִּים; בֵּית הָע׳ v. p. 112a.—For עִמְקָם Je 47:5 read עֲנָקִם Anakim 𝔊 Thes Hi Gf Gie Co Rothst; so also (more dub.) 1 Ch 12:16 (van d. H. v 15) Gf Gie, where otherwise הָע׳ = people of valleys.


[עָמֵק] adj. deep, unfathomable;—pl. cstr. עִמְקֵי שָׂפָה (Ges§ 93 ii) i.e. unintelligible of speech Is 33:19; Ez 3:5, 6.—Pr 9:18 v. עֹמֶק.


[עָמֹק, LagBN 28] vb. be deep (NH in deriv.; Arabic عَمُقَ; Ethiopic ዐመቀ: prob. Assyrian [emêḳu


עֹ֫מֶק n.[m.] depth;—abs. Pr 25:3; pl. cstr. עִמְקֵי שְׁאוֹל 9:18 (Köii. 1, 32).


עָמֹק17 adj. deep (cf. BaNB § 23b);—
1. ע׳ lit. Lv 13:3 + 6 times Lv 13; f. עֲמֻקָּה of cup Ez 23:32, trench Pr 22:14; 23:27 (all 3 in sim.); ע׳ מִשְּׁאוֹל Jb 11:8 (fig.); pl. מַיִם עֲמֻקִּים (sim.) Pr 18:4; 20:5.
2. = unsearchable עָמֹק ψ 64:7 Ec 7:242); pl. עֲמֻקוֹת (Baer עֲמוּקוֹת, van d. H. עֲמֻקּוֹת) Jb 12:22.


I. עמר (√ of foll.; meaning dub., perhaps related to Arabic غَمُرَ be abundant (of water), surpass, overtop; NH עוֹמֶר, עָמִיר = BH; 𝔗 עוּמְרָא, עֲמִירָא = BH i. עֹמֶר).


[עִמֵּר] vb.Pi.denom. bind sheaves (NH id., so 𝔗 ψ 129:7, cf. ChrPal Aramaic SchwallyIdiot. 69);—Pt. מְעַמֵּר ψ 129:7 (in sim.; ‖ קוֹצֵר).


† II. [עָמַר] vb.
Hithp. deal tyrannically with (ב) (Arabic غَمِرَ cherish enmity, rancour, malice, iii. plunge into a conflict, غِمْرٌ rancour, malice);—Pf. 3 ms. וְהִתְעַמֶּר־ consec. Dt 24:7; Impf. 2 ms. תִּתְעַמֵּר 21:14.


† I. עֹ֫מֶר n.m. Lv 23:11 sheaf (swath, row of fallen grain, WetzstZ.f. Ethnol. 1873, 273 (Syriac Dreschtafel), ag. him VogelsteinLandwirthschaftinPal. 61 who trans. heap of sheaves);—ע׳ abs. Dt 24:19; Lv 23:11, 12, 15, cstr. v 10; fig. of food (abs.) Jb 24:10; pl. עֳמָרִים lit. Ru 2:7, 15.


III. עמר (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic عَمَرَ, عَمِرَ live, live long; also worship; عُمَرُ etc.; RSK266 proposes meaning worshipper, עָמְרִי worshipper of י׳ (cf. WeSkizzen iii. 165), against him NöZMG xl (1886), 185, who cp. meaning live, عُمْرٌ, عَمْرٌ life).


† II. עֹ֫מֶר n.m. Ex 16:22 omer (cf. Arabic غُمَرٌ small drinking cup or bowl; relation to i. ע׳ obscure);—a measure, only Ex 16;—the measure itself v 18, 32, 33; amount measured v 16, 22; = 1/10 ephah v 36; 𝔊 γόμορ.


עֲמֹרָה19 Gomorrah, Γομορρα (Γ = غ;; √ II. עמר according to LagBN54);—always c. סְדֹם q.v.; Gn 10:19 + 8 times Gn, in sim. Am 4:11; Is 1:9; 13:19; Dt 29:22; Je 49:18; 50:40; Zp 2:9, cf. Dt 32:32; fig. of iniquity Is 1:10; Je 23:14.


1. Omri, king of Israel (MI 4:5, 7 עמרי; in Assyrian Ḫumri COTGloss.);—1 K 16:16 + 11 times 1 K 16; 2 K 8:26 = 2 Ch 22:2; Mi 6:16, 𝔊 (Ζ)αμβρ(ε)ι.
2. a. name in Benj. 1 Ch 7:8. b. in Judah 9:4. c. in Issachar 27:18.


עַמְרָם14 (עמרZMG xl (1886), 185; poss. רָם + עַם Thes, cf. GrayProp. N. 45, 47, 51);—
1. father of Moses Ex 6:18, 202) + 4 times P, 1 Ch 5:28, 29 + 4 times Ch; Αμ(β)ραμ[ν].
2. Ezr 10:34.


עַמְרָמִי adj. gent. of 1, c. art. as n.coll. Nu 3:27; 1 Ch 26:23.


עמשׂ v. עמס.


עֲמָשָׂא16 (cf. עמס, עמשׂ? or read עַמִּשַׂי (ii. עַם + יִשַׂי), WeIsr. u. Jüd. Gesch. 24, cf. GrayProp. N. 44, 323);—
1. Absalom’s general 2 S 17:252) 19:14 + 8 times 2 S 20; 1 K 2:5, 32; 1 Ch 2:172), 𝔊 Αμεσσ(α)ει, 𝔊L Αμεσσα.
2. Ephraimite 2 Ch 28:12.


עֲמָשַׂי (cf. foreg.);—
1. warrior of David 1 Ch 12:19 (van d. H. v 18), Αμασαι, perhaps = אֲבִישִׁי (2 S 23:18).
2. Levites; a. 1 Ch 6:10, 20 (עֲמָשָׁ֑י). b. 2 Ch 29:12. c. priest 1 Ch 15:24.


עֲמַשְׁסַי (prob. textual error for foreg., Ol§ 2771, cf. Thes1004);—a priest Ne 11:13, Αμασεια [-σαι], = מִעֲשַׂי 1 Ch 9:12 (Μαασαια [-σει]).


ענב (√ of foll.; cf. NH עֵנָב = BH; Arabic عِنَبٌ id.; Sab. אנעב vineyards SabDenkm47; MordtmZMG xii (1887), 309, 364; 𝔗 עִנְּכָא; perhaps also Assyrian inbu, fruit (and not = אֵב q.v.), cf. HomA. und A. 94).


עֲנָב in hill-country of Judah Jos 11:21; 15:50, Αναβ(ωθ), Ανωβ[ν], mod. ʿAnab, 18 1/2 miles SW. from Hebron, BuhlGeogr. 164.


עֵנָב n.m. Gn 40:11 grape(s) (on formation cf. LagBN 153);—ע׳ abs. Dt 32:14 (coll.); elsewhere pl. עֲנָבִים Gn 40:10 +; cstr. עִנְּבֵי (Ges§ 20 h) Lv 25:5; Dt 32:32; sf. עֲנָבֵמוֹ v 32;—grapes Gn 40:10, 11 (E), Am 9:13 (all as yielding juice for drink), Ho 9:10 (sim.), Is 5:2, 4 (parable), Je 8:13; Ne 13:15; Lv 25:5 (H); מִשְׁרַת ע׳ Nu 6:3 (P), poet. דַּם־ע׳ Gn 49:11; Dt 32:14; בִּכּוּרֵי ע׳ Nu 13:20, אֶשְׁכּוֹל ע׳ v 23 (JE); eaten Dt 23:25 so ע׳ לַחִים וִיבֵשִׁים Nu 6:3; אֲשִׁישֵׁי ע׳ Ho 3:1 raisin-cakes; ע׳ רוֹשׁ Dt 32:12 grapes of poison.


[עָנֹג, LagBN31] vb. be soft, delicate, dainty (NH id. Pi. make soft, pliable, live or spend in enjoyment; Arabic غَنِجَ use amorous behaviour, after languor);—
Pu. Pt. f. הַמְּעֻנָּגָה Je 6:2 daintily bred, fig. of Jerusalem.
Hithp. 1. be of dainty habit, Inf. cstr. הִתְעַנֵּג Dt 28:56 (woman, ‖ רֹךְ). 2. take exquisite delight, Pf. 3 pl. וְהִתְעַנְּגוּ consec. ψ 37:11 (עַל rei); 2 mpl. וְהִתְעַנַּגְתֶּם consec. Is 66:11 (מִן rei); Impf. 3 ms. יִתְעַנָּ֑ג Jb 27:10; 2 ms. תִּתְעַנַּג Is 58:14, תִּתְעַנָּ֑ג Jb 22:26 (all c. [שַׁדַּי


עֹ֫נֶג n.[m.] daintiness, exquisite delight;—הֵיכְלֵי ע׳ Is 13:22; וְקָרָאתָ לַשַּׁבָּת ע׳ 58:13.


עָנֹג adj. dainty;—הֶע׳ Dt 28:54 man; הָעֲנֻגָּה v 56 woman; Is 47:1 (Bab. personif.); all ‖ רכ[ה].


[עָנַד] vb. bind around, upon (cf. Arabic عَنَدَ turn aside from way; Syriac ܥܢܰܕ defecit, defuit; cf. also עִמָּדִי (for עִמִּי));—
Qal Impf. 1 s. אֶעֶנְדֶנּוּ לִי Jb 31:36 (obj. garland, in fig.); Imv. sf. עָנְדֵם Pr 6:21 (fig.; ‖ קָשַׁר).


עֲנָה12 Horites:—
1. Gn 36:2 (read הַחֹרִי for הַחִוִּי v. Di) v 14, 18, 20, 252), 29 = 1 Ch 1:38, 41.
2. (‘nephew’ of 1) Gn 36:242) = 1 Ch 1:40.—Ανα, Α(ι)να(ν) (cf. ען, Safa, HalJAs 7, x. 374).


I. עָנָה316 vb. answer, respond (NH id., respond, make response; 𝔗 עֲנָא; Syriac ܥܢܳܐ; Old Aramaic Palm. ענה; cf. Arabic عنى, عَنَا intend by saying);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. ע׳ Mi 6:5 +; sf. עָנַנִי 1 S 28:15 +, עָנָךְ Is 30:19; Je 23:37, עָנָהוּ 1 S 9:17 +; 1 s. עָנִיתִי Ho 14:9, etc.; Impf. 3 ms. יַעֲנֶה Gn 41:16 +, וַיַּעַן Am 7:14 +, sf. יַעֲנֵנִי Jb 20:3 +, etc.; Imv. עֲנֵה Mi 6:3; Pr 26:5 etc.; Inf. cstr. עֲנוֹת Gn 45:3 + [2 S 22:36 v. עֲנָוָה]; Pt. עֹנֶה Ju 19:28 +, etc.;— 1. answer, respond to sthg. said, actual or implied, Ju 8:8; 1 S 4:20; Jb 9:15 +; especially a. of men, c. acc. pers. Gn 45:3 (E), Ju 5:29; 2 K 18:36 = Is 36:21; Jb 5:1 + very often (c. 110 times); specif. be responsive, i.e. answer kindly, grant request 1 K 12:7 (sf. pers.); = be amenable, docile (toward י׳) Ho 2:17 (of Isr. in fig.); seldom and late, c. acc. of thing replied to, Jb 32:12; 33:13 (De Di Bu), 40:2. b. of God answering (graciously): usually c. acc. pers.; by oracle 1 S 14:37; 28:6, 15 +, fig. Hb 2:11; by deed 1 S 7:9; 1 K 18:372), cf. בָּאֵשׁ v 24; 1 Ch 21:26, and especially Ho 2:23, 24; 14:9, v. also Mi 3:4 Is 41:17; 49:8 Je 33:3; Jb 12:4 +, especially ψψ, e.g. 3:5; 4:2; 20:2 + 33 times, etc. (in all c. 77 times); c. rarely c. acc., or cl., of answer: אלהים יַע׳ אֶת־שְׁלוֹם פַּרְעֹה Gn 41:16; Jb 15:2; Pr 18:23; Ne 8:6 they responded, Amen! 2 S 19:43 they made reply against Isr. (c. עַל against, only here), + quoted answer; c. acc. pers. + answer 1 S 20:28 Jonathan answered Saul, David asked leave, etc.; c. 2 acc. (c. 20 times) 2 K 18:36 = Is 36:21; Jb 23:5 +; so = grant, vouchsafe to, נוֹרָאוֹת תַּעֲנֵנוּ ψ 65:6 terrible things dost thou [י׳] vouchsafe to us. d. often + אָמַר Gn 18:27 Abr. answered and said, Ex 4:1 (J), 19:8 (E), Jb 4:1; 6:1 etc.; + אָמַר אֶל־ Gn 27:39 + 16 times; + א׳ לְ v 37 + 8 times; ע׳ + acc. pers. + אמר, 1 S 9:8 he answered Saul and said, + 23 times (in all c. 130 times); seldom + לֵאמֹרNu 32:31 (P), ע׳ + acc. pers. + לא׳ Gn 23:5, 10, 14 (P), 41:16; 42:22 (E), Jos 1:16 (D) †e. seldom + דִּבֶּר Jos 22:21 (P), 2 K 1:10, 11, 12; ע׳ + acc. pers. + ד׳ Gn 34:13 (P). 2. a. respond to an occasion, speak in view of circumstances: 1 S 9:17 (acc. pers. + quot.), Ju 18:14 (+ אָמַר), Nu 11:28 (JE; + id.), 2 K 1:11 (+ id.), + 19 times b. fig. יַעֲנֶה אֶת־הַכֹּל Ec 10:19 money meets all demands. †3. a. specif. respond as a witness, testify, so perhaps pt. עֹנֶה (abs.) Mal 2:12 (in good sense); c. בְּ pers. = in the case of = for Gn 30:33; usually against, 1 S 12:3; 2 S 1:16; Is 3:9; 59:12; Mi 6:3; Je 14:7; Jb 15:6; Nu 35:30 (P), Ru 1:21 (> Be be occupied with; Vrss Luth KitKau עִנָּה humiliate); c. בְּפָנָיו Ho 5:5; 7:10; Jb 16:8; c. לְפָנָיו Dt 31:21 (+ לְעֵד as witness); c. בְּ pers. + acc. of charge, סָרָה 19:16, of false witness שֶׁקֶר v 18, עֵד־שֶׁקֶר Ex 20:16 (Ginsb v 13), ‖ Dt 5:17, Pr 25:18: abs. (bad implic.) Ex 23:2 (E; עַל concerning). b. less often make response as one accused (respondent) Jb 9:14, 15.
Niph. 1. make answer, subj. י׳, c. ל pers., Pf. 1 s. נַעֲנֵיתִי Ez 14:4; Pt. נַעֲנֶה v 7 (Qal not in Ez). 2. be answered: Impf. 3 ms. יֵעָנֶה, a. Jb 11:2 (subj. words). b. of man = receive answer Pr 21:13, so 1 s. אֵעָנֶה Jb 19:7.
Hiph. Pt. מַעֲנֶה בְּשִׂמְחַת לִבּוֹ Ec 5:19, wholly dub.; Hi (God) cause (all things) to respond in the joy of his heart; De answers to the joy, etc.; de Jong Wild occupies him (II. עָנָה with the joy, etc.


[עֹנָה] n.f. cohabitation (NH עוֹנָה time, also = BH; poss. response or correspondence, commerce, from above √; or else euphemist., specific time, SS (cf. BaES17, from √ أنى); Thes from עוֹן dwell);—sf. עֹנָתָהּ Ex 21:10 (E) i.e. her marriage rights.—Ho 10:10 v. עָוֹן.


† II. [עָנָה] vb. be occupied, busied with (ב), only Ec (perhaps Aramaic loan-word; Syriac ܥܢܳܐ be occupied with, ܥܶܢܝܳܢ occupation, affair; cf. Arabic عنى, عَنَا concern one, also be occupied by; Ecclus 42:8 margin);—
Qal Inf. עֲנוֹת Ec 1:13; 3:10.


† III. [עָנָה] vb. be bowed down, afflicted (NH id.; MI Pi. ויענו l5, אענו l6; Assyrian enû, thwart, frustrate, do violence to; Arabic عنو, عَنَا be lowly, submissive, v. Rahlfsעָנִי und עָנָו in d. Psalmen (1892), 67 ff.; 𝔗 עַנִּי Pa. oppress; Syriac Ethpe. humble oneself, and deriv.);—
Qal Pf. 1 s. עָנִיתִי ψ 116:10; Impf. 3 ms. יַעֲנֶה Is 25:5; 31:4, etc.;— 1. be put down or become low, of song of triumph Is 25:5 (others as Hiph. he putteth down, ‖ תַּכְנִיעַ). 2. be depressed, downcast Is 31:4 (of lion; ‖ יֵחָ֑ת). 3. be afflicted ψ 116:10; 119:67; Zc 10:2.
Niph. Pf. 1 s. נַעֲנֵיתִי ψ 119:107; Inf. cstr. לֵעָנֹת (perhaps read as Qal Ges§ 51 l) Ex 10:3; Pt. נַעֲנֶה 53:7; fs. נַעֲנָה 58:10;— 1. humble oneself מִפְּנֵי Ex 10:3. 2. be afflicted ψ 119:107 Is 53:7; 58:10.
Piel. Pf. 3 ms. עִנָּה Dt 22:24 + 5 times; 2 ms. עִנִּיתָ ψ 88:8; 1 s. עִנֵּיתִי ψ 35:13, sf. וְעִנִּתִךְ consec. Na 1:12, etc.; Impf. יְעַנֶּה Jb 37:23, etc.; Imv. עַנּוּ Ju 19:24; Inf. abs. עַנֵּה Ex 22:22; cstr. עַנּוֹת Is 58:5 +, etc.; Pt. pl. sf. מְעַנַּיִךְ Is 60:14 Zp 3:19;— 1. humble, mishandle, afflict: individual Gn 16:6; 31:50 (J) Ex 22:21, 222) (E) Jb 30:11; by imprisonment and bonds Ju 16:5, 6, 19 ψ 105:18; a nation by way or in bondage Gn 15:13 (J) Ex 1:11, 12; Nu 24:242) (E) Dt 26:6; 1 S 12:8 (inserting וַיְעַנּוּם מִצְרַיִם, so 𝔊 Dr Bu Kit HPS (cf. Th We]), 2 S 7:10; 2 K 17:20 ψ 94:5; Is 60:14; Zp 3:19; dynasty of David ψ 89:23. 2. humble, a woman by cohabit., Gn 34:2 (J) Dt 21:14; 22:24, 29; Ju 19:24; 20:5 2 S 13:12, 14, 22, 32; Ez 22:10, 11; La 5:11. 3. afflict as a discipline (God agent) Dt 8:2, 3, 16; 1 K 11:39 ψ 88:8; 90:15; 119:75; Is 64:11 Na 1:122) La 3:33. 4. humble, weaken, obj. כֹּחַ ψ 102:24; משׁפט Jb 37:23 (cf. Talm עִנָּה דִּין); נֶפֶשׁ oneself, by fasting Lv 16:29, 31; 23:27, 32; Nu 29:7 (P) ψ 35:13; Is 58:3, 5; by an oath Nu 30:14 (P).
Pu. Pf. 1 s. עֻנֵּיתִי ψ 119:71; Impf. 3 fs. תְּעֻנֶּה Lv 23:29; Inf. cstr. sf. עֻנּוֹתוֹ ψ 132:1; Pt. מְעֻנֶּה Is 53:4;— 1. be afflicted, in discipline by God ψ 119:71; 132:1 Is 53:4. 2. be humbled by fasting Lv 23:29 (P).
Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. sf. תַּעֲנֵם 1 K 8:35 = 2 Ch 6:26 afflict, in discipline.
Hithp. Pf. 3 ms. הִתְעַנָּה 1 K 2:26; 2 ms. הִתְעַנִּיתָ v 26; Impf. 3 mpl. יִתְעַנּוּ ψ 107:17; Imv. הִתְעַנִּי Gn 16:9; Inf. cstr. הִתְעַנּוֹת Ez 8:21 Dn 10:12;— 1. humble oneself (c. תַּחַת יָדֶיהָ Gn 16:9 (J). 2. be afflicted, by men 1 K 2:262) by God in discipline ψ 107:17. 3. humble oneself in fasting Ezr 8:21 Dn 10:12.


† IV. עָנָה vb. sing (Arabic عَنَّى sing, chant, غِنَآءٌ singing, chanting, etc.; Syriac ܥܰܢܺܝ sing responsively, ܥܽܘܢܺܝܬܳܐ hymn, refrain; poss. Assyrian enû, resound (?); Egyptian anni is loan-word according to Bondi80);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. וְעָנוּ consec. Je 51:14; Impf. 3 ms. יַעֲנֶה Je 25:30; 3 fs. וַתַּעַן Ex 15:21; 3 fpl. וַתַּעֲנֶינָה 1 S 18:7, etc.; Imv. עֱנוּ Nu 21:17 ψ 147:7; Inf. cstr. עֲנוֹת Ex 32:182);—sing, utter tunefully, Ex 15:21 (E) and Miriam sang to (ל) them; of uttering shout (הֵידָד), as in vintage Je 25:30 (י׳ subj.; + אֶל־ pers.), in attack 51:14 (+ עַל־ pers.); קוֹל עֲנוֹתגְּבוּרָה(חֲלוּשָׁה) Ex 32:182) (E) Ho 2:17; c. ל rei v. pers. laudat. Nu 21:17 (JE; well); ψ 147:7 (י׳; ‖ זַמְּרוּ), Ezr 3:11; + אָמַר 1 S 18:7 the women sang, and said; יַעֲגוּ בַמְּחֹלוֹת לֵאמֹר 21:12; 29:5; c. acc. rei laudat. ψ 119:172 (cf. ‖ v 171).—Is 13:22 v. עון.
Pi. intens.: Imv. עַנּוּ־לַהּ Is 27:2 sing sweetly of it; Inf. קוֹל עַנּוֹת Ex 32:18 (E) the sound of distinct singing; cf. לְעַנּוֹת ψ 88:1.


ענו Kt v. עֻנִּי. עֲנוֹק v. i. עֲנָק.


עָנָו (?; LagBN 48) n.m. poor, afflicted, humble, meek;—עָנָו Nu 12:3 (Kt; Qr עָנָיו is to ensure the—ָ according to Di Köii 1, 76); elsewhere pl. עֲנָוִים Is 29:19 + 11 times + Kt עֲנָוִים Is 32:7 ψ 9:19 (Qr עֲנִיִּים); Qr עֲנָוִים ψ 9:13; 10:12 Pr 3:34; 14:21; 16:19 (Kt עניים); cstr. עַנְוֵי Zp 2:3 + 2 times, + Kt ענוי (Qr עֲנִיֵּי) Am 8:4 (so Jb 24:4 van d. H.; but עֲנִיֵּי Kt and Qr Baer Ginsb)—these forms shew confusion with עָנִי, which is perhaps only another form of עָנָו (otherwise Rahlfsop. cit. 62 f. Dr‘Poor’ in HastingsDB; עָנָו = humble, meek, עָנִי = pass. humbled, afflicted);—
1. poor, needy Pr 14:21 (Qr).
2. poor and weak, oppressed by rich and powerful Am 2:7; Is 29:19; 32:7 (Kt); ענוי (ה)ארץ ψ 76:10 Is 11:4 Zp 2:3 Am 8:4 (Kt), Jb 24:4.
3. poor, weak and afflicted Israel (usually rendered meek) ψ 10:17; 22:26; 25:92); 34:3; 37:11; 69:33 (עָנִי 3, also in all these ψψ), 147:6; 149:4 Is 61:1 (‖ נשׁברי לב, cf. 66:2 עָנִי 3), ψ 9:19 (Kt) v 13; 10:12 (Qr).
4. humble, lowly, meek Nu 12:3 (Moses); Pr 3:34; 16:19 (both Qr).


עָנוּב 1 Ch 4:8, Εννων, 𝔊L Άνωβ.


עֲנָוָה n.f. humility;—ע׳ Pr 15:33 + 3 times; עַנְוָה־ (contr. because of Maqqeph, see BrMP) ψ 45:5; עַנְוָֽתְךָ ψ 18:36 (= עֲנֹתְךָ 2 S 22:36 v. I. ענה; read עֶזְרָֽתְךְ Ol We);—
1. humility, meekness ψ 45:5 (dub.), Pr 15:33; 18:12; 22:4 Zp 2:3 (prob. gloss, v. We Now).
2. condescension ψ 18:36 (dub., v. supr.).


עֱנוּת n.f. affliction;—ψ 22:25; CheJBL xv (1896), 198 proposes צַעֲקַת cry [cf. 𝔊 𝔙 𝔗], (צ dropped out after ץ).


ענז (√ of foll.; Köii. 1, 38 cp. Arabic عَنَزَ turn aside, whence [from movements] عَنْزٌ goat, cf. Assyrian enzu; Syriac ܥܶܙܳܐ, cstr. ܥܢܶܙ; also ܥܰܢܙܳܐ; ܥܰܢܳܙܳܐ goat-herd; Ph. Palm. עז; NH עֵז (rare))


עֳנִי n.m. affliction, poverty;—ע׳ Ex 3:7 +; עֹ֑נִי Dt 16:3 +, ע֑וֹנִי ψ 107:41, עוני 2 S 16:12 (Kt, but read עָנְיִי; > Qr עֵינִי !); sf. עָנְיִי Gn 31:42 +, עָנְיֵךְ 16:11, etc.;—
1. affliction, Jb 36:15, 21 ψ 44:25; 88:10; 107:41; 119:50, 92 La 1:3; 3:19; ארץ ע׳ Gn 41:52 (E); יְמֵי ע׳ Jb 30:16, 27 La 1:7; כּוּר ע׳ Is 48:10; חַבְלֵי ע׳ Jb 36:8; אֲסִירֵי ע׳ ψ 107:10; בְּנֵי ע׳ Pr 31:5; ראה ע׳ Gn 31:42 (E), Ex 3:7; 4:31 (J), Dt 26:7; 2 K 14:26; Ne 9:9; Jb 10:15 ψ 9:14; 25:18; 31:8; 119:153; La 1:9; 3:1, ins. also before עַמִּי 1 S 9:16b 𝔊 Th We Dr Kit Bu HPS; ראה בע׳ Gn 29:32 (J), 1 S 1:11 2 S 16:12 (v. supr.); שׁמע ע׳ Gn 16:11 (J); העלה מע׳ Ex 3:17 (J); להם עני Dt 16:3.
2. frustration, בְּעָנִיִי in spite of my frustration, 1 Ch 22:14.


עָנִי adj. poor, afflicted, humble;—ע׳ Dt 24:12 + 51 times; pl. עֲנִיִּים Is 3:15 + 6 times; cstr. עֲנִיֵּי Is 10:2 + 4 times (v. also Kt and Qr sub עָנָו supr.); sf. עֲנִיֶּיךָ ψ 72:2; 74:19, עֲנִיֶּ֑ךָ Dt 15:11; עֲנִיָּו Is 49:13; fs. עֲנִיָּה Is 51:21; 54:11 (+ Is 10:30 MT, but read עֲנִיהָ, v. I. ענה);—
1. poor, needy, ‖ אביון Dt 15:11; 24:14, 15; Pr 31:20, ‖ יתום Jb 24:12; Ex 22:24 (E), Dt 24:12; having right to gleanings Lv 19:10; 23:22 (H); יְמֵי ע׳ Pr 15:15, cf. Pr 14:21 (Kt).
2. poor and weak, oppressed by rich and powerful Is 3:14, 15; 32:7 (Qr), 58:7; Jb 29:12; 36:6, 15; Pr 30:14; Ec 6:8; Ez 18:17; Zc 7:10; Jb 24:4, also Am 8:4 (Qr); ‖ דל Jb 34:28; Pr 22:22; עֲנִיֵּי עַמִּי Is 10:2; ענו ואביון Jb 24:14; Pr 31:9; Je 22:16; Ez 16:49; 18:12; 22:29.
3. poor, weak, afflicted Israel, or pious in Israel afflicted by wicked nations or the wicked in Israel itself ψ 10:2, 92), 14:6 (dub., cf. ψ 53:6) 102:1 (or, Is 14:32; Hb 3:14; of Zion, עֲנִיָּה Is 51:21; 54:11; שׁד ע׳ ψ 12:6; יחיד וע׳ 25:16; עני ואביון 35:10; 37:14; 40:18 = 70:6, 74:21; 86:1; 109:16, 22, pl. Is 41:17; עני וְכוֹאֵב ψ 69:30; ע׳ וָרָשׁ 82:3; עֱנוּת ע׳ 22:25; ע׳ וְג̇וֵעַ 88:16דל Is 26:6 Zp 3:12; ע׳ וּנְכֵה־רוּחַ Is 66:2;—Zc 11:7, 11 v. ii. כְּנַעֲנִי;—God does not forget them ψ 9;13 (Kt)19 (Qr) 10:12 (Kt) 74:19, but has pity on them Is 49:13, saves ψ 34:7, delivers 35:10, and bestows various favours 68:11; 140:13, the king also judges 72:2, 4, and delivers 72:12.
4. humble, lowly, Zc 9:9 (victorious king); opp. לֵצִים Pr 3:34 (Kt); opp. גֵּאִים 16:19 (Kt); עם עני opp. עינים רמות ψ 18:28 = 2 S 22:28.


עֻנִּי Levites:—
1. 1 Ch 15:18, 20, Ωνει, 𝔊L Ανανιας.
2. Ne 12:9 Qr (Kt ענו), Ιανα(ι).


עָנָיו v. עָנָו sub III. ענה.


עָנִים in hill-country of Judah Jos 15:50, Αισαμ, Ανειμ[β], perhaps Ghuwain, c. 17 miles W. of S. from Hebron, BuhlGeogr. 163 f.


עָנִים v. p. 745.


עִנְיָן n.m. Ec 1:13 occupation, task, only Ec (Aramaic loan-word LagBN 205; common in NH);—ע׳ abs. Ec 2:26; 3:10; 5:2; 8:16; sf. כַּעַס עִנְיָנוֹ 2:23 his task is (sheer) vexation; עִנְיָן רָע 1:13 an evil (worthless) task, so 4:8 (Mass. עִנְיַן as if cstr., v. Baer1, 13 but Köii. 1, 99), and, in weakened sense, 5:13 a bad business, bad affair.


עִנְיָן v. II. [ענה].


עָנֵם v. עֵין גַּנִּים.


עֲנָמִים in (or near) Egypt Gn 10:13 = 1 Ch 1:11, Αινειαμιειμ, Αινεμετιειμ, etc.; form dub. and locality unknown, v conj. in Di.


עֲנַמֶּ֫לֶךְ of סְפַרְוַיִם (q.v.) 2 K 17:31, Ανημελεχ (om. 𝔊L); = Assyrian Anu-malik according to SchrCOT ad loc., but dub., v. Kitad loc. and reff.; CheExpos. Times, June, 1898, 429 reads ענומלך, and ins. also 2 K 19:37 (bef. אלהיו); cf. also Hal cited sub עֲנָת.


I. ענן (√ of foll., perhaps orig. cover, as Sab. ענן = טֿלל (Heb. צלל), DHMEpigr. Denkm. 26 f.; or < Arabic عَنَّ appear, present oneself, specif. intervene as an obstacle (Lane; cf. LagBN 103), hence عَنَانٌ clouds, as intervening, and so obstructing; cf. NH עָנָן cloud = BH (rare), vb.denom. Pi. עִנֵּן as BH; 𝔗 עֲנָנָא, Syriac ܥܢܳܢܳܐ clouds).


[עָנַן] vb. denom.
Pi. Inf. cstr. sf. c. acc. cogn. בְּעַנְנִי ע׳ עַל־הָאָרֶץ Gn 9:14 (P) when I bring clouds, etc.


I. עָנָן87 n.m. Ex 19:16 cloud-mass, cloud;—(הֶ)ע׳ abs. Ex 19:9 +; cstr. עֲנַזִ Ho 6:4 +; sf. עֲנָֽנְךָ Nu 14:14, עֲנָנוֹ Jb 26:9; 37:15; pl. עֲנָנִים Je 4:13;—
1. cloud-mass: a. especially of theophanic cloud (58 times), chiefly at Exodus in JE (less often P), usually עַמּוּד הֶע׳ Ex 13:21, 22 + (v. עַמּוּד), but also ע׳ alone Ex 34:5 cf. 14:20 (J), Nu 10:34; 11:25; 14:14 (all JE); עַב־הֶע׳ Ex 19:9, ע׳ כָּבֵד v 16 (E); ע׳ in P Ex 16:10; 24:15 + 23 times; also Dt 1:33; 4:11; 5:19, ψ 78:14; 105:39; in temple 1 K 8:10, 11 = 2 Ch 5:13, 14, cf. Ez 1:4; 10:3, 4; hence in gen. ψ 97:2, as symbol of protection Is 4:5; as a barrier La 3:44; cf. וע׳ אֲבַק רַגְלָיו Na 1:3. b. of rain-bow cloud Gn 9:13, 142), 16 (P), Ez 1:28 (sim.). c. עֲנַן־בֹּקֶר Ho 6:4; 13:3 (sim. of transitoriness; on phenom. in Pal. v. ChaplinPEQ, 1883, 19), cf. Is 44:22; Jb 7:9 (both id.); sim. of invasion Ez 38:9, 16, pl. Je 4:13. d. poet. in various connex. Jb 26:8, 9; 38:9; c. אוֹר as thunder-cloud 37:11, 15; e. symbol. of gloom Ez 30:18; 32:7; יוֹם ע׳ וַעֲרָפֶל Zp 1:15; Ez 34:12; Jo 2:2, cf. Ez 30:3 (all of day of י׳).
2. ע׳ קְטֹרֶת Lv 16:13 (P) cloud of incense, so Ez 8:11 (del. ע׳ 𝔊 Co Berthol, not Toy).


† II. [עָנַן] vb. Pōʿ. practise soothsaying (prob. denom., but orig. meaning dub.; connex. with i. עָנָן (De Is 2:6) now gen. abandoned; LöwZMG xxxi (1877), 539 cp. עַיִן eye, so WeSkizzen iii. 148 (but v. infr.); RSJPhil. xiv (1885), 119 f. cp. Arabic غُنَّةٌ nasal twang, hum of insects, whence diviners as crooning; Ew Gerber31 of diviner as interpreting hum of insects, whisper of leaves, etc.; WeHeid. 2, 204 now cp. عَنَّ appear, i.e. dealers in phenomena);—Pf. 3 ms. consec. וְעוֹנֵן 2 K 21:6 = 2 Ch 33:6; Impf. 2 mpl. וְלֹא תְעוֹנֵ֑נוּ Lv 19:26 (H); Pt. as subst. מְעוֹנֵן Dt 18:10 (forbidden), pl. מְעֹנְנִים v 14, מְעוֹ׳ Mi 5:11, אֵלוֹן מְעוֹנְנִים Ju 9:37 (v. i. אֵלוֹן; seat of an oracle, cf. RSSem i. 179, 2nd ed. 196); also (without מְ, cf. Sta§ 233i. 349) עֹנְנִים Is 2:6, sf. עֹנְנֵיכֶם Je 27:9; fs. in בְּנֵי עֹנְנָה Is 57:3 sons of a soothsaying woman, fig. of apostates.—Vid. כִּשֵּׁף, II. [נָחַשׁ], [קָסַם].


† II. עָנָן Ne 10:27, Ηναμ, Η(ι)ναν (cf. Sab. ענן SabDenkm30; Palm. ענני).


עֲנָנָה n.f. cloud (Ges§ 122t) Jb 3:5.


עֲנָנִי 1 Ch 3:24, Μανει, Ανανι(ας).


1. m. Ne 3:23, Ανανια(ς).
2. loc. Ne 11:32, Ανανια, Ανια; perhaps mod. Beit Ḫanîna, c. 4 miles NNW. from Jerusalem, cf. BuhlGeogr. 167.


ענף (√ of foll.; meaning unknown; NH עָנָף = BH, 𝔗 עַנְפָּא (both rare), Syriac ܥܢܳܦܳܐ ).


[עָנֵף] adj. full of branches;—fs. עֲנֵפָה Ez 19:10 (of vine, in fig.).