Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


עדל — עַז


I. עדל ( √ of foll.; poss. = Arabic عَدَلَ act equitably (so Thes)).


II. עדל ( √ of foll.; cf. Arabic عَدُلَ turn aside, whence עֲדֻלָּם = retreat, refuge, so LagBN 54, cf. DrSm, p. 293 BuhlGeogr. 97).


עַדְלָ֑י 1 Ch 27:29, 𝔊 Αδαι, 𝔊L Αδλι.


עֲדֻלָּם old Canaanite city, 𝔊 Οδολλαμ, with king Jos 12:15 (D), in the שְׁפֵלָה 15:35 (P; 𝔊L Αδαλαμ), cf. Mi 1:15; Ne 11:30; (re-) built by Rehob. according to 2 Ch 11:7 (Οδολαμ); מְעָדַת ע׳ (read מְצֻדַת, מְצָדַת, v. מְצָרָה sub I. ערר) 1 S 22:1; 2 S 23:13; 1 Ch 11:15; site prob. ʿÎd-el-Mîye, c. 13 miles WSW. from Bethlehem, v. GASmGeogr. 229 BuhlGeogr. 193 and reff.


עֲדֻלָּמִי Adullamite;—אִישׁ ע׳ Gn 38:1, הָע׳ as subst. v 12, 20.


I. עדן ( √ of foll.; cf. Arabic غَدَنٌ mollities, languor, etc., Frey (Kam.); Palm. עדנא (good) fortune Cook89; NH עִידּוּן luxuriousness).


עֲדֶן, עֲדֶ֫נָה v. עַד prep. sub I. עדה.


† I. [עֵ֫דֶן] n.[m.] luxury, dainty, delight;—pl. abs. עֲדָנִים luxuries 2 S 1:24 si vera l. (read perhaps סְדִינִים [v. סָדִין] Klo Gr HPS); pl. sf. Je 51:34 he hath filled his belly מֵעֲדָנָ֑י from my dainties (fig. of Nebuchad.’s plunder; Gie reads מַעֲדַנָּי֑); 𝔗 Gf Rothst join with foll.: from my dainties hath he thrust me forth; fig. of delights of worshipping י׳, נַחַל עֲדָנֶיךָ ψ 36:9 (‖ דֶּשֶׁן בֵּיתֶ֑ךָ).


עֶ֫דֶן (? urb. et) terr. conquered by Assyria (prob. = iv. עֵדֶן; pointed עֶדֶן, to differentiate from iii. ע׳, cf. WMMAs. u. Eur. 291);—בְּנֵי־ע׳ 2 K 19:12 (𝔊 υἱοὺς Ἔδεμ) = Is 37:12 (in Telassar), ע׳ alone Ez 27:23 (+ חָרָן וְכַנֶּה); prob. = Adini on Middle Euphrates SchrCOT 2 K19, 12 DlPa 263 f..—בֵּית ע׳, v. p. 112.


[עָדַן] vb.denom.
Hithp. luxuriate (NH Pi. delight (act.), so Syriac ܥܰܕܶܢ );—Impf. 3 mpl. וַיִּתְעַדְּנוּ בְּטוּבְךָ Ne 9:25 and they luxuriated in thy great goodness (+ וַיֹּאכְלוּ וַיִּשְׂבְּעוּ וַיַּשְׁמִינוּ).


II. עדן ( √ of foll.; cf. perhaps Assyrian edinu, plain (in word-lists), SchrCOT Gn 2, 8, DlPa 79 f.; other views v. Di Gn 2:8).


† II. עֵ֫דֶן Levite name 2 Ch 29:12 (𝔊 Ιω(α)δαν), 31:15 (𝔊 Οδομ, 𝔊L Ιαδαν).


† III. עֵ֫דֶן (prob. associated by Heb. with i. עֵדֶן);—district in which lay garden of י׳, home of Adam and Eve: וַיִּטַּע גַּן־בְּעֵדֶן Gn 2:8, river יֹצֵא מֵע׳ v 10, קִדְמַת־ע׳ 4:16; גַּן־ע׳ 2:15; 3:23, 24 (all 𝔊 Εδεμ); cf. כְּגַן־ע׳ Ez 36:35 Jo 2:3 and כְּע׳ Is 51:3 (‖ גַּן־י׳), all sim. of fertility; ע׳ גַּן־אֱלֹהִים Ez 28:13, עֲצֵי ע׳ אֲשֶׁר בְּגַן הָאֱלֹהִים 31:9, עֲצֵי ע׳ v 16, 182) (𝔊 Ez Jo ἡ τρυφή; Is παράδεισος).


1. man with foreign wife Ezr 10:30 (Ginsb; עַדְנָה van d. H. Baer), 𝔊 Αιδαινε, 𝔊L Εδνα.
2. Ne 12:5, 𝔊א Αδανας, 𝔊L Εδνας.


עֲדֶ֫נָֿה Ec 4:2 Baer Ginsb (al. עֲדֶ֫נָּה), abbrev. עֲדֶן Ec 4:3 (from עַד־הֵנָּה, עַד־הֵן; cf. NH עֲדַיִן, e.g. Ned. 9:10), adv. hitherto, still.


עֶדְנָה n.f. delight;—Gn 18:12 (sexual).


עַדְנַה v. עַדְנָה sub i. עדן.


1. a prince of Judah 2 Ch 17:14, 𝔊 Εδνα(α)ς.
2. a Manassite 1 Ch 12:21, prob. (reading ע׳, with Codd., for עַדְנַח; van d. H. עַדְנָח, 𝔊 Εδνα).—Vid. also עַדְנָא.


עַדְעָדָה v. ii. עֲרוֹעֵר sub II. ערר.


[עָדַף] vb. remain over, be in excess, syn. of סרח q.v., only PH (NH id., Aramaic עָדִיף superior (to); Arabic غَدَفَ be profuse, iv. let down veil, or curtain, etc.; غَدَفٌ plentifulness);—
Qal Pt. סֶרַח הָעֹדֵף Ex 26:12 the surplus (of curtains) that remains over, so f. הָעֹדֶפֶת v 12, and הָעֹדֵף as subst. v 13 the excess in (ב) length; הָעֹדֵף = the surplus of food Ex 16:23, of price of field Lv 25:27 (P); הָעֹדְפִים עַל־ those over and above, Nu 3:46, 49, cf. v 48 (no עַל־).
Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הֶעְדִּיף Ex 16:18 have a surplus (of manna; opp. הֶחְסִיר).


† I. עֵ֫דֶר n.m. Gn 29, 2 flock, herd (NH id.; Aramaic עַדְרָא on 𝔊 Γαδερ Gn 35:16 (= ℌ v 21) v LagBN 76 f., who assigns ע׳ therefore, plausibly, to III. עדר (غدر), as lagging, loitering);—ע׳ abs. Gn 32:172) +, cstr. Ct 4:1 +; sf. עֶדְרוֹ Is 40:11 +; pl. עֲדָרִים Gn 29:2 +, cstr. עֶדְרֵי Mi 5:7 +, etc.;—
1. flock: a. of sheep, ע׳ צֹאן Gn 29:2 (J), Mi 5:7, ע׳ הַצּ׳ Jo 1:18; cf. Gn 29:2, 3, 8; 30:40 (all J), 1 S 17:34 Je 51:23 Mal 1:14; ‖ צֹאן Ez 34:12 (sim.), Pr 27:23; + בְּהֵמָה 2 Ch 32:28; ע׳ הָֽרְחֵלִים Ct 6:6 = 4:2 (ins. prob. הָֽר׳); sign of desolation Is 17:2; 32:14 (מִרְעֵה ע׳), Zp 2:14 Je 6:3, of peace 31:24; in sim. also Mi 2:12 Je 31:10 ψ 78:52; fig. of Isr. Is 40:11 Je 13:20 (‖ זֹאן), ע׳ יהוה v 17, so עֶדְרוֹ Zc 10:3. b. of goats, ע׳ הָעִוִּים Ct 4:1; 6:5. c. undefined Ju 5:16 Jb 24:2 Ct 1:7.
2. herds, flocks and herds: a. incl. sheep, cattle, etc., Gn 32:17(×4), 20 (cf. v 14; all E) b. specif. ע׳ בָקָר Jo 1:18.—מִגְדַּל־עֵדֶר v. p. 154 supr.


[עֶ֫דֶר] a Benjamite, עָ֑דֶר 1 Ch 8:15; 𝔊 Ωδηδ, A Ωδερ, 𝔊L Αδαρ.


† I. [עָדַר] vb. prob. (si vera l.) help (Aramaic loan-word, Syriac ܥܕܰܪ, 𝔗 עֲדַר (rare) = Heb. עזר q.v.; > Thes, assuming meaning arrange, order);—
Qal Inf. cstr. לַעֲדֹר 1 Ch 12:34 (Baer Ginsb; van d. H. v 33; this meaning also 𝔊 𝔙); but < Codd. לַעֲוֹר (cf. v 18, 22, 23. van d. H. v 17, 21, 22), so Kau Buhl; Pt. pl. cstr. עֹדְרֵי מַעֲרָכָה v 39 (van d. H. v 38), read עֹרְכֵי (q.v. v 34) 𝔊 Kau; see ערך.


† II. עֵ֫דֶר (cf. Nab. עדרו = Arabic غُدَرُ Lzb 337);—a Levite 1 Ch 23:23; 24:30, 𝔊 Αιδαθ, Ηλα, A 𝔊L Εδερ.


† II. [עָדַר] vb. hoe (NH id.; so Arabic (in Syria) عَدَرَ, مَعْدُور pick, hoe, Cuche (معدور also Dozy ii. 101b); cf. FlKl.Schr. ii. 628);—
Niph. Impf. 3 ms. לֹא יֵעָדֵר Is 5:6 it (the vineyard) shall not be hoed (‖ יִזָּמֵר); 3 mpl. בַּמַּעְדֵּר יֵעָדֵר֑וּן 7:25 which used to be hoed with the hoe (subj. הֶהָרִים).


† III. עֵ֫דֶר in extreme S. of Judah Jos 15:21, site unknown; 𝔊 Αρα, A Εδραι, 𝔊L Εβερ.


† III. [עָדַר] vb.Niph. be lacking, fail (Arabic غَدِرَ remain or lag behind);—
Niph. Pf., all c. לֹא, 3 ms. נֶעְדַּר לָהֶם 1 S 30:19 not anything was lacking to them; נֶעְדָּ֑ר none was lacking 2 S 17:22 Is 40:26; of י׳, Zp 3:5 he doth not fail; 3 fs. נֶעְדָּ֔רָה Is 34:16 no wild beast is lacking. Pt. f. נֶעְדֶּ֫רֶת Is 59:15 truth has become lacking.
Pi. Impf. 3 mpl. לֹא יְעַדְּרוּ דָּבָ֑ר 1 K 5:7 they left nothing lacking.


עַדְרִיאֵל son-in-law of Saul (appar. Aramaic name, my help is God = Heb. עַזְרִיאֵל q.v.; so NesAm. Jour. Sem. Lang. xiii (1897), 173 HPS cf. GrayProp. N. 309; cf. Old Aramaic יעדראל ClGannJAs 1883. Fev.—Mar., 139, No. 13);—1 S 18:19 (𝔊 A Ιηλ, 𝔊L Εδριηλ), 2 S 21:8 (𝔊 Σερει, A Εσδρι, 𝔊L Εζρι).


[עֲדָשָׁה] n.f. lentile (NH עֲדָשָׁה id.; LöwNo. 140; Arabic عَدَسٌ; on formation v. LagBN 50);—pl. עֲדָשִׁים growing 2 S 23:11; art. of food, 2 S 17:28; Ez 4:9; נְוִיד ע׳ Gn 25:34 (J) pottage of lentiles.

עֵדֻת עֵדוּת

עֵדֻת עֵדוּת v. עוד.


עַוָּא v. עַוָּה.


עוב ( √ of foll.; cf. Arabic غيب, غَابَ; be absent, hidden, of sun, set; غَابَةٌ hidden place, thicket, wood, so Syriac ܥܳܒ; hence obscuring clouds, cf. NH עָב, Aramaic עִיבָא cloud(s)).


[עוּב] vb.denom.
Hiph. becloud, Impf. 3 ms. יָעִיב בְּאַפּוֹ אֲדֹנָי אֶת־בַּת־צִיּוֹן La 2:1 (Bu הֵעִיב).


עוֹבֵד, עֹבֵד (worshipper; cf. Sab. עבד Os22 and DHMZMG xxxvii (1883), 14;—
1. son of Boaz and Ruth Ru 4:17, v 21 = 1 Ch 2:12; Ru 4:22 (only here עֹבֵד) = 1 Ch 2:12, 𝔖 Ωβηδ.
2. names in Judah, 𝔊 Ωβηδ: a. 1 Ch 2:37, 38. b. 2 Ch 23:1.)
3. a mighty man of David 1 Ch 11:47, 𝔊 Ιωβηθ, A Ιωβηδ.
4. a doorkeeper 1 Ch 26:7, 𝔊 Ωβηδ.


עוֹבָל i. עֵיבָל n. pr. gent. Arabian people, descended from Joktan according to Gn 10:28 (𝔊L Γαιβαλ); = עֵיבָל 1 Ch 1:22 (𝔊L Ηβηλ). On loc. cf. GlaserSkizze ii. 426.


עוג ( √ of foll., cf. NH id. draw a circle, עוּגָה (circular) ditch; Aramaic עוּגִית Arabic عَوِجَ be crooked, curved, bent, عَاجٌ elephant’s tusk, tortoise-shell).


עוֹג and (1 K 4:19) עֹג (orig. div. according to RSSem i.91, 2nd ed. 93);—Og, giant king of Bashan (i.e., peculiarly, of a country, v. RSl.c.), usually + סִיחוֹן (q.v.); Nu 21:33 (JE), 32:33 (P), Dt 1:4; 3:1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13; 4:47; 29:6; 31:4; Jos 2:10; 9:10; 12:4; 13:12, 30, 31 (prob. all D), 1 K 4:19; Ne 9:22 ψ 135:11; 136:20; 𝔊 Ωγ (Γωγ B Dt 3:1; 4:47).


[עוּג] vb.denom. bake (a cake; lit. make a cake of);—
Qal Impf. 2 ms. sf. 3 fs. תְּעֻגֶנָֿה (so Baer Ginsb, > van d. H. תְּעֻגֶּנָּה) thou shalt bake it (on form v. Köi. 496 f. Ges§ 58 k) Ez 4:12.


עוּגָב n.m. a musical instr. (poss. from above √, because of sensuous or appealing tones);—Gn 4:21 (J; + כִּנּוֹר), Jb 21:12 (‖ תֹּף, כִּנּוֹר), ψ 150:4 (+ מִנִּים), sf. עֻגָבִי Jb 30:31 (‖ כִּנֹּרִי);—according to 𝔗 a reed-pipe or flute (אַבּוּבָא), 𝔙 a Pan’s pipe (organon, made up of several reeds together); NowArch. i. 277 BenzArch. 276 think of bag-pipe (= סוּמְפֹּנְיָה Dn 3:5, 10, 15), cf. also in Weψψ Eng.Tr. 219; > a stringed instr. 𝔊 𝔖 (Gn 4:21).


עוּגָב, עֻגָב v. עגב.


עוֹד and (14 times: FrMM 256) עֹד, subst. a going round, continuance, but used mostly as adv. acc. still, yet, again, besides: with sf. עוֹדֶנִּי (with appar. verbal form, like אֵינֶנִּי: Ol§ 222 g Sta§ 352 bii. 444, iii. 360 Ges§ 100. 5), †Dt 31:27; Jos 14:11; 1 S 20:14, עוֹדִיGn 48:15 ψ 104:33; 139:18; 146:2; עוֹדְךָ Gn 46:30 + 4 times, f. עוֹדָךְ1 K 1:14; עוֹדֶנּוּ Gn 18:22 + 20 times (never עוֹדוֹ), עוֹדֶנָּה1 K 1:22, עוֹדָהּIs 28:4; עוֹדָםEx 4:18 Est 6:14, 3 fpl. עוֹדֶינָהLa 4:17 Kt (Qr 1 pl. עוֹדֵינוּ); there occur also עוֹר אֲנִי2 S 14:32; Dn 9:20, 21, and עוֹד הֵםIs 65:24:—
1. as adv.: a. (a) expressing continuance, persistence, usually of the past or present, still, yet, Gn 18:22 ואברהם עודנו עֹמֵד and A., he was still standing before י׳ (note often so עוֹדֶנּוּ after cas. pend., 44:14 1 S 13:7; 1 K 12:2; Je 33:1; 2 Ch 34:3), 29:7 הן עוד היום גדול the day is still high, 31:14; 43:7 הַעוֹד אֲבִיכֶם חַי, v 27; 45:3; Ex 4:18; 9:2; Nu 19:13; Ju 6:24; 8:20; 1 K 20:32 הַעוֹדֶנּוּ חַי; 2 S 14:32 (but Köiii. 558 עַד), 18:14; Is 5:25 ועוד יָדוֹ נְטוּיָה; 10:32 עוֹד הַיּוֹם בְּנֹב לַעֲמֹד still to-day (such is his haste) will he tarry in Nob; 1 K 22:44 עוד העם מְזַבְּחִים the people were still sacrificing, etc. (so 2 K 12:4 +); 2 S 1:9 כי־כל־עוד נפשׁי בי, Jb 27:3 (v. כֹּל 1 f); Mi 6:10 (v. הֲ 1 b end, and Ke; but also We Now); La 4:17 the sf. is anticipatory, either of eyes (Kt) or our (Qr 𝔊), poet. for עוֹד עֵינֵינוּ בָּלוֹת; but Dys Löhr al. read עַד מָה for ע׳, Bi 1 Wild simply עוֹד. 2 Ch 14:6 read either עוֹדֵנוּ (sf. 1 pl. antic. of לפנינו), or עוֹד. Twice, peculiarly, עוֹד לֹא still not (Germ. noch nicht) i.e. not yet (in class. Heb. טֶרֶם), Je 40:5 עוֹדֶנּוּ לא ישׁוב, 2 Ch 20:33 ועוד העם לא הֵכִינוּ לבבם (the vb. fin. on acc. of לֹא). Sq. וְ, Nu 11:33 הבשׂר עודנו בין שׁנּיהםואף י׳ חרה בעם the flesh was still between their teeth …, and (= when) etc., (cf. ψ 78:30 f. Jb 8:12); and often in the phr. (מְדַבְּרִים) מְדַבֵּר (עוֹדָם וגו׳) עוֹדֶנּוּ he (they, etc.) was (were) still speaking, and (= when) etc., Gn 29:9 עודנו מְדַבֵּר עמם ורחל באה, 1 K 1:22, 42; 2 K 6:33; Est 6:14; Dn 9:20, 21, so עוֹד זֶהJb 1:16, 17 (+ v 18 for עַד): and of the future, 1 K 1:14; Is 65:24 (עוֹד הֵם מְדַבְּרִים ואני אשׁמע); cf. Ex 9:17. (b) Expressing addition or repetition, still, yet, more, Gn 7:4 כי לימים עוד שׁבעה after yet seven days, 8:10, 12; 29:27, 30 עוד שׁבע שׁנים אחרות, 45:6; 2 K 6:33; Is 1:5; Hb 2:3 כִּי עוֹד חָזוֹן לַמּוֹעֵד (cf. Dn 10:14; 11:2, 27, 35), Je 13:27 אַחֲרֵי מָתַי עוֹד after how long still? with stress on the idea of continuance, Gn 46:29 וַיֵּבְךְ עַל צַוָּארָיו עוֹד still going on (AV. a good while), Ru 1:14, ψ 84:5 עוד יהללוך they will be still praising thee, Jb 34:23; with עוֹד prefixed for emph., Ex 11:1 עוד נגע אחד אביא על פ׳, Is 49:20; 56:8 עוֹד אֲקַבֵּץ וגו׳, Ez 8:13, 15 ψ 42:6; 92:15 +; in the phr. עוֹד מְעַט וְ sq. pf. consec., †Ex 17:4 עוד מעט וּסְקָלֻנִי yet a little, and they will stone me, Ho 1:4; Je 51:33, cf. ψ 37:10, Is 10:25; 29:17; simil. Jon 3:4 (cf. בְּעוֹד Is 21:16), 2 Ch 10:5 (but see 𝔊 and ‖ 1 K 12:5); עודלא no more, both of the past, as Ex 2:3; Jos 5:1, 12; 1 K 10:5, and of the fut., as Gn 17:5 לא יִקָּרֵא עוד שׁמך א׳, 32:29; Dt 31:2; Is 2:4; 30:20; 62:4; Je 3:16 + often, לאעוד Gn 8:22; so with אֵין Is 23:10; Je 10:20; 48:2 ψ 74:9 al. b. When the continuance is limited by its nature to a single occurrence, עוֹד becomes = again, Gn 4:25; 9:11 לא יִכָּרֵת כל בשׂר עוד, 18:29 וַיֹּסֶף עוֹד לְדַבֵּר and he added still to speak, i.e. he spake yet again (so often with יָסַף; v. √), 24:20 וַתָּ֫רָץ עוֹד and she ran again, 29:33 וַתַּ֫הַר עוֹד, 35:9; 37:9; Ex 3:15; 4:6; Dt 3:26; 1 S 10:22 + often; with עוֹד prefixed, Ho 12:10; Je 31:4, 5, 23; 32:15; 33:12, 13; לאעוֹד not again, no more, Dt 13:17; 34:10. c. Still, moreover, besides (not in temporal sense); Gn 19:12 עֹד מי לך פה whom hast thou here besides? 43:6 הַעוֹד לָכֶם אָח Am 6:10; 1 S 10:22 הֲבָא עוֹד הֲלֹם אִישׁ is there still a man come hither? (sc. besides ourselves: but 𝔊 We al. הֲבָא הֲלֹם הָאִישׁ), 16:11 עוֹד שָׁאַר הַקָּטָן, 18:8 ועוד לו אך המלוכה, 1 K 22:7, 8; 2 K 4:6 אֵין עוֹד כֶּ֑לִי, Is 5:4; Je 36:32; Ez 20:27; 23:38; 36:37; Pr 9:9; Ec 12:9; 1 Ch 29:3; 2 Ch 17:6 +; וְאֵין עוֹד and there is none besides, †Dt 4:39 (cf. v 35), 1 K 8:60; Is 45:5, 6, 14, 18, 22 (cf. v 21), 46:9; Jo 2:27; אֲנִי וְאַפְסִי עוֹדIs 47:8, 10; Zp 2:15.
2. With prefixes:— †a. בְּעוֹד, lit. in the continuance of …, i.e. (a) while yet: Gn 25:6 בְּעוֹדֶנּוּ חַי while he was yet alive, Dt 31:27; 2 S 12:22 בְּעוֹד הַיֶּלֶד חַי, Is 28:4 ψ 39:2; Jb 29:5; בְּעוֹדִי alone, = so long as I live, ψ 104:33; 146:2 (‖ בְּחַיַּי); 2 S 3:35 בעוד היום, Je 15:9 בעוד יומם, Pr 31:15. (b) within yet, usually of time, Gn 40:13 בְּעוֹד שְׁלשֶׁת יָמִים יִשָּׂא ונו׳ within yet three days, etc., v 19; Jos 1:11; Is 7:8; 21:16 בְּעוֹד שָׁנָה (sq. pf. cons.), Je 28:3, 11; Am 4:7; but also of distance, Gn 48:7 בְּעוֹד כִּבְרַת ארץ לבוא אפרתה (cf. 35:16 ויהי עוד וגו׳); cf. SI 2 ובעוד שׁלשׁ אמה לה[נָּקֵב]. b.מֵעוֹד, lit. from the continuance of …, only in the phr. (מֵעוֹדְךָ) מֵעוֹדִי עד היום הזה ever since I was (thou wast) unto this day, Gn 48:15; Nu 22:30.


[עוּד] vb. prob. return, go about, repeat, do again (Arabic عود, عَادَ return, do again, iv. restore, also say again, iterate, عَادَةٌ habit; Ethiopic ዖደ: turn about, surrouend, ዐውድ: circuit, circle; Syriac Pa. ܥܰܝܶܕ accustom, Ethpe. Aph. be accustomed, ܥܝܳܕܳܐ usage, ceremong, ܥܺܐܕܳܐ festival (Brock), whence Arabic عِيدٌ id., as loan-word, Frä276; Palm. עידא usage Lzb337 Cook90; NH עֵד, and especially עֵדוּת = BH, also עִיד festival, 𝔗 עִידָא; cf. prob. Assyrian Shaph. uš-id, he solemnly affirmed DlHWB 32);—only intens.:
Pi. surround (cf. Ethiopic), Pf. 3 ms. sf. עִוְּדֻנִי ψ 119:61 (cf. סְבָבוּנִי 18:6). Polʿēl, restore, relieve (cf. Arabic iv.), Impf. 3 ms. יְעוֹדֵד, c. acc. pers. ψ 146:9 (‖ שָׁמַר), ptcp. m. s. מְעוֹדֵד 147:6. Hithpoʿl, be restored, Impf. 1 pl. וַנִּתְעוֹדָ֑ד ψ 20:9 (+ קוּם, opp. נָפַל; 𝔊 ἀνωρθώθημεν).


[עוּד] vb. denom. (Gerber 42 f.) bear witness;—
Qal Impf. 1 s. sf. אֲעוּדֵךְ La 2:13 Kt; < Hiph. Qr Bu.
Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הֵעִיד 2 K 17:15; Mal 2:14; הֵעִד Gn 43:3; 2 ms. הַֽעִידֹ֫תָ Ne 9:34; הַֽעֵדֹ֫תָה Ex 19:23; 1 s. הַֽעִידֹ֫תִי Dt 4:26; Je 42:19; 3 mpl. הֵעִ֫ידוּ Ne 9:26, etc.; Impf. וַיָּ֫עַד 2 K 17:13; Zc 3:6; 3 fs. sf. וַתְּעִידֵ֫נִי Jb 29:11 + 15 times Impf.; Inf. abs. הָעֵד Gn 43:3 + 4 times; Imv. הָעֵד Ex 19:21 + 2 times Imv. Pt. מֵעִיד Dt 32:46.— 1. testify, bear witness, c. sf. against one 1 K 21:10, 13; in favour of Jb 29:11; La 2:13 (Qr); c. בֵּין Mal 2:14; c. בְּ + כִּי Dt 8:19. 2. cause to testify, take as witness, c. acc. pers. Is 8:2; Je 32:10, 25, 44; call as witness, invoke, c. acc. ואת הארץ את השׁמים + בְּ against Dt 4:26; 30:19; 31:28. 3. protest, affirm solemnly, warn: subj. men, abs. Je 6:10; Ne 13:15; c. בְּ pers. Gn 43:32) (J) Ex 19:21 (E) 1 S 8:92) 1 K 2:42; 2 Ch 24:19; Ne 9:26; 13:21; Je 42:19; Am 3:13; exhort solemnly, admonish, charge, י׳ subj., c. בְּ pers., Ex 19:23 (J) 2 K 17:13; Ne 9:29, 30; Je 11:7(×3); Zc 3:6 ψ 50:7; 81:9; enjoin solemnly, c. בְּ pers. + acc. rei עֵֽדְוֹת 2 K 17:15 Ne 9:34, דברים Dt 32:46.
Hoph. Pt. 3 ms. וְהוּעַד consec. Ex 21:29 (E) impers. and protest be entered, c. בְּ pers.


II. עוה (√ of foll., cf. Arabic غَوَى err from the way, Ethiopic ዐየየ err; distinct from I. עוה, cf. LagM. i. 236 f. Dr 18 20, 30 Gerber90).


† I. עַוָּה n.f. distortion, ruin;—עַוָּה עַוָּה עַוָּה אֲשִׂימֶנָּה Ez 21:32 (cf. √ Pi. Is 24:1).


† I. [עָוָה] vb. bend, twist (so Arabic عَوَى );—
Niph. Pf. 1 s. נַעֲוֵיתִי Is 21:3 ψ 38:7; Pt. cstr. נַעֲוֵה Pr 12:8; f. cstr. נַעֲוַת 1 S 20:30 (but read נַעֲרַת 𝔊 We Dr SS Bu HPS);—be bent, bowed down, twisted, ‖ שׁחה ψ 38:7; ‖ נבהל Is 21:3; נַעֲוִה לֵב Pr 12:8 one perverted of mind.
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. עִוָּה, subj. י׳:—La 3:9 my paths hath he twisted; וְע׳ Is 24:1 its surface will be distort (‖ בּוֹקֵק הָאָרֶץ).
Hiph. Pf. 1 s. יָשָׁר הֶעֱוֵיתִי Jb 33:27 the right have I perverted (‖ חָטָא); so 3 pl. הֶעֱזוּ אֶת־דַּרְכָּם Je 3:21.


† II. עַוָּה, עִוָּה city conquered by Assyrians;—עַוָּה 2 K 17:24 (van d. H. עַוָּא) = עִוָּה 18:34; 19:13 = Is 37:13; 𝔊 Αια(ν), Ανα, and (2 K 19:13) Ουδου, A Αυτα, 𝔊L Αιναγ, etc.; site in N. Syria WklAlttest. Unters. 102 f. Benz; SachauZA xii (1897), 48 proposes Emma (Tab. Pent.) = Ἴμμα Ptol v. 152), mod. ʿImm betw. Antioch and Aleppo.—i. עַוָּה v. sub I. עוה.


[עָוָה] vb. denom. (Gerber90) commit iniquity, do wrong (Aramaic עוי commit sin, עֲוָיָא sin, cf. LevyNHWB iii. 626);—
Qal (late) Pf. 3 fs. עָֽוְתָה Est 1:16 she hath done wrong (c. עַל); 1 pl. עָוִינוּ Dn 9:5 we have committed iniquity (‖ חָטָא).
Hiph. commit iniquity;—Pf. 3 ms. הֶעֱוָה 2 S 19:20; 1 s. הֶעֱוֵיתִי 24:17 (‖ חָטָא); 1 pl. הֶעֱוִינוּ 1 K 8:47 = 2 Ch 6:37, ψ 106:6 (all ‖ חָטָא); Inf. abs. הַעֲוֵה Je 9:4, cstr. sf. הַעֲוֹתוֹ 2 S 7:14.—Jb 33:27 v. I. עָוָה.


עוֹז n. v. עֹז sub עזז.


[עוּז], עוֹז vb. take or seek refuge (Arabic عوذ, عَاذَ take refuge, seek protection, مَعَاذٌ a refuge);—
Qal Inf. cstr. לָעוֹז בְּמָעוֹז Is 30:2 (‖ לַחְסוֹת בְּ).
Hiph. bring into safety, Pf. 3 mpl. הֵעִ֫יזוּ Is 10:31, obj. om., and so Imv. mpl. הָעִ֫יזוּ Je 4:6, הָעִ֫זוּ מִקֶּרֶב 6:1; c. acc., ms. הָעֵז Ex 9:19.


[עַוִּי] only pl. הַעַוִּים as subst., inhab. of ii. עַוָּה 2 K 17:31 (another עַוִּים infr.).


עֲוִיל v. II. עול.


† I. [עֲוִיל] n.m. young boy;—pl. עֲוִילִים Jb 19:18; sf. עֲוִילֵיהֶם 21:11.—ii. עֲוִיל sub III. עול.


† II. עֲוִיל n.m. unjust one, Jb 16:11 (v. foll.).


1. gent. הָע׳ people on SW. coast of Mediterr. before the כַּפְתֹּרִים (q.v.) came Dt 2:23, and remaining thereafter Jos 13:3 (D2), 𝔊 Ευαιοι.
2. loc. הָע׳ city in Benj. Jos 18:23 (= הָעַי?) 𝔊 Αιειν, Αυειμ.—Vid. also [עַוִּי] supr.


עֲוִית in Edom Gn 36:35 = Qr 1 Ch 1:46 (Kt עיות); 𝔊 Γεθθαιμ, but 𝔊L 1 Ch 1:46 Ευιθ.


II. עול (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic عول, عَالَ feed, nourish; v. Wetzst in De Jb 16:11).


† I. [עוּל] vb. give suck (Arabic غيل, غَالَ give suck (while pregnant); cf. Aramaic ܥܽܘܠܴܐ foetus, sucking child; ܥܺܝܠܴܐ foal, so Ethiopic ዕዋል Talm עִילָה);—
Qal Pt. fpl. עָלוֹת giving suck, of cows 1 S 6:7, 10, ewes ψ 78:71 and (fig. of returning exiles) Is 40:11; of both Gn 33:13 (J).


עַוָּל n.m. unjust, unrighteous one;—especially of oppressive ruler Zp 3:5; Jb 18:21; 27:7 (‖ רָשָׁע), 29:17; 31:3 (‖ פֹּעֲלֵי אָ֑וֶן); prob. also 16:11 (for MT עֲוִיל, so Di; ‖ רְשָׁעִים).


עָ֫וֶל n.m. injustice, unrighteousness (opp. צְדָקָה);—ע׳ Lv 19:15 +; cstr. עֶ֫וֶל Ez 28:18 (van d. H. עָוֶל, but v. Baer Ginsb); sf. עַוְלוֹ 18:26; 33:13;—עשׂה עול Lv 19:15, 35 (H) Dt 25:16; Ez 3:20; 18:24, 262); 33:132), 15, 18; פעל ע׳ Jb 34:32; הִתְעִיבוּ ע׳ ψ 53:2 (‖ עֲלִילָה 14:2); שׁפט ע׳ 82:2; אישׁ ע׳ Pr 29:27; ע׳ בְּכַפַּי ψ 7:4; מצא ע׳ בְּ Je 2:5, read prob. also Ez 28:15 (for MT עולתה); מע׳ ישׁיב ידוֹ 18:8; בְּעֶוֶל רְכֻלָּֽתְךָ 28:18; of God, אין עול (‖ אֱמוּנָה) Dt 32:4; חָלִלָה מע׳ Jb 34:10.


עָוַל vb. denom. (Gerber31) act wrongfully;—
Pi. Impf. 3 ms. יְעַוֵּל Is 26:10 (opp. נְכֹחוֹת); Pt. מְעַוֵּל ψ 71:4 (+ חוֹמֵץ, ‖ רָשָׁע).


III. עול (√ of foll., cf. Arabic عول, عَالَ deviate from (right course); Aramaic ܥܘܠ Aph. act unjustly, and many deriv., עַוְלָא unrighteousness; Ethiopic ዐለወ: pervert, corrupt).


עוּל n.m. sucking child, suckling;—cstr. ע׳ יָמִים Is 65:20 a suckling of days, i.e. a few days old; sf. עוּלָהּ 49:15 (‖ בֶּז־בִּטְנָהּ).


I. [עוֹלָה] v. III. עול.


עַוְלָה n.f. Jb 11:14 (? m. Mal 2:6ii. 2, 453, § 345 d Ez 28:15 [עולתה; but ע׳ only here Ez, error for עול] questioned by SS, v. AlbrechtZAW xvi (1896), 117) injustice, unrighteousness, wrong;—ע׳ ψ 37:1 + 24 times, + i. עוֹלָה Is 61:8 (read prob. עַוְלָה); עַוְלָ֫תָה ψ 125:3; 92:16 (Qr) + 2 times; עֹלָ֫תָה v 16 (Kt) Jb 5:16; pl. עוֹלוֹת ψ 58:3; 64:7;—
1. violent deeds of injustice, בְּנֵי עַוְלָה 2 S 3:34; 7:10 = 1 Ch 17:9; בֶּן־ע׳ ψ 89:23, cf. בְּנֵי עַלְוָה Ho 10:9 (read עַוְלָה Now); אישׁ מרמה וע׳ ψ 43:1; בע׳ Is 61:8; ‖ דַּם Mi 3:10; Hb 2:12; עשׂה ע׳ ψ 37:1 Zp 3:5, 13; פעל ע׳ ψ 58:3; 119:3; Jb 36:23; שׁלח בע׳ ידים ψ 125:3.
2. injustice of speech: דבּר ע׳ Jb 13:7; 27:4; לשׁונכס ע׳ תהגה Is 59:3; בלשׁוני ע׳ Jb 6:30; ע׳ לא נמצא בשׂפתיו Mal 2:6; ע׳ קפצה פיה ψ 107:42; Jb 5:16.
3. injustice, in general, ψ 64:7; Jb 6:29; 11:14; 15:16; 22:23; 24:20, + 36:33 (for MT עוֹלֶה according to 𝔊 Di Bu Du al.), Ez 28:15 Pr 22:8; Ho 10:13; of God, לא ע׳ בוֹ ψ 92:16; אֵין עִם י׳ ע׳ 2 Ch 19:7.


II. עוֹלָה v. עלה.


עוֹלֵל, עוֹלָל v. II. עלל.


עוֹלֵל, עוֹלָל n.m. La 2:19 child;—abs. עוֹלֵל 1 S 15:3 +, עוֹלָל Je 6:11; 9:20; usually pl. עוֹלְלִים ψ 8:3, עֹלְלִים Jb 3:16, עוֹלָלִים La 4:4 Jo 2:16; cstr. עֹלְלֵי La 2:20; sf. עֹלָלַיִךְ ψ 137:9, עֹלָלֶיהָ Mi 2:9 +, עֹלְלֵיהֶם 2 K 8:2 +, etc.;—child Mi 2:9 La 2:19, 20; 4:4; + יוֹנֵק (sometimes disting. from men and women), 1 S 15:3; 22:19 ψ 8:3 Je 44:7 La 2:11 Jo 2:16, ‖ בַּחוּרִים Je 6:11; 9:20; ‖ בָּנִים ψ 17:14 (heirs of father); dashed in pieces (רטשׁ) by for 2 K 8:12; Ho 14:1; Na 3:10; Is 13:16, cf. ψ 137:9 (נִפֵּץ); taken captive La 1:5; stillborn Jb 3:16.


עוֹלֵלוֹת intens. gleaning (going over a second time);—gleaning (of grapes and olives; לֶקֶט of grain), always fig. of remnant: abs. ע׳ Is 17:6 (‖ כְּנֹקֶף זַיִת), 24:13 (sim.; ‖ id., + בָּצִיר), Je 49:9 (cf. בֹּצְרִים v a) = Ob 5 (id.); cstr. עֹלְלֹת בָּצִיר Mi 7:1; fig. of warlike achievement עֹלְלוֹת אֶפְרַיִם Ju 8:2 (opp. בָּצִיר).


עוֹלָם v. עלם.


עוֹלָם439 n.m. long duration, antiquity, futurity;—ע׳ Gn 9:12 + 405 times; עֹלָם 3:22 + 19 times; עֵילוֹם 2 Ch 33:7, read prob. עוֹלָם (for other explan. v. note in KitHpt); sf. עֹלָמוֹ Ec 12:5; pl. עוֹלָמִים Is 26:4 + 7 times, עֹלָמִים ψ 145:13 + 2 times; cstr. עוֹלְמֵי Is 45:17;—
1. of past time: a. ancient time: יְמֵי ע׳ days of old Is 63:9, 11 Am 9:11 Mi 5:1; 7:14 Mal 3:4; יְמוֹת ע׳ Dt 32:7; עַם ע׳ Is 44:7 ancient people; גּוֹי מֵע׳ Je 5:15; חָרְבוֹת ע׳ old waste places Is 58:12 61:4, cf. Ez 26:20 b; פִּתְחֵי ע׳ ancient gates ψ 24:7, 9; ארח ע׳ Jb 22:15; נתבות ע׳ Je 6:16; שְׁבִילֵי ע׳ 18:15; גבול ע׳ Pr 22:28; 23:10; במות ע׳ Ez 36:2; מִן (םֵ)ע׳ from of old Is 64:3 Je 2:20 Jo 2:2, of the fathers Jos 24:2, the prophets Je 28:8, the ancient נפלים Gn 6:4; (Ez 32:27 𝔊 Co for מערלים; but 1 S 27:8 read מִטֵּלָם for מעולם We Dr HPS); בהם ע׳ long in them Is 64:4 (text dub.). b. מֵתֵי ע׳ the long dead ψ 143:3 La 3:6; so עַם ע׳ Ez 26:20. c. of God, מֵע׳: former acts Is 46:9; as redeemer Is 63:16; of love ψ 25:6, judgment 119:52, dominion Is 63:19; long silence 42:14; 57:11*; his wisdom personif. Pr 8:23; his existence ψ 93:2. d. of things: גבעות ע׳ ancient hills Gn 49:26 (J), Hb 3:6 (‖ הררי־עד), Dt 33:15 (‖ הררי קדם). e. pl. שְׁנוֹת עולמים ψ 77:6 years of ancient times; דורות עולמים Is 51:9; לעלמים Ec 1:10 in olden times.
2. a. indef. futurity, c. prep. for ever, always (sometimes = during the lifetime); עֶבֶד עולם slave for ever Dt 15:17; 1 S 27:12; Jb 40:28; עָבַד לע׳ serve for ever Ex 21:6 (E), Lv 25:46; עד ע׳ 1 S 1:22; גְּאֻלַּת ע׳ Lv 25:32 redemption at any time; הֲרַת ע׳ Je 20:17 ever pregnant (womb); כְּלִמַּת ע׳ v 11 of persecutors of Jeremiah; חרפת ע׳ 23:40; שַׁלְוֵי ע׳ ψ 73:12 alway at ease; יְחִי לע׳ (יחיה) may the king live always 1 K 1:31; Ne 2:3; cf. אֹרֶךְ יָמִים עולם ועד ψ 21:5; ישׁב עולם לפני אלהים 61:8; so of the pious, לע׳ לא ימוט 15:5; בל ימוט Pr 10:30, cf. ψ 30:7; other phr.: ψ 37:27, 28 41:13; 55:23; 61:8; 73:26; 121:8 Pr 10:25; ע׳ אשׁירה ψ 89:2 I will sing for ever (as long as I live), cf. 52:10; 115:18; 145:1, 2; הוֹדה לע׳ 30:13; 44:9; 52:11; 79:13; other emotions and activities continuous through life 5:12; 31:2 = 71:1, 75:10; 86:12; 119:44, 93, 98, 111, 112 Mi 4:5, cf. לע׳ 2:9. b. = continuous existence, (1) of things: the earth, הָאָרֶץ לְעוֹלָם עֹמֶדֶת Ec 1:4; other phr.: ψ 78:69; 104:5, heavens and contents 148:6, ruined cities Is 25:2; 32:14 Ez 26:21; 27:36; 28:19, ruined lands Je 18:16; 25:9, 12; 49:13, 33; 51:26, 62 Ez 35:9 Zp 2:9; לעד עד ע׳ Is 30:8 for a witness for ever, in a book; (2) of nations: לעולם אהיה 47:7 (Babylon loqu.), cf. ψ 81:16 Ob 10; ישׁב לע׳ of Judah Jo 4:20; (3) families ψ 49:12 Is 14:20; the dynasty of Saul 1 S 13:13; house of Eli 2:30; (4) national relations: איבת ע׳ continual enmity Ez 25:15; 35:5; of exclusion from קהל י׳, עד ע׳ Dt 23:4 = Ne 13:1; various relations Is 32:17; 34:10; חרפת ע׳ perpetual reproach ψ 78:66, of dynasty of David 2 S 3:28; 12:10 1 K 2:33, families v 33 2 K 5:27 ψ 106:31 Je 35:6. c. of divine existence: אל עולם Gn 21:33 (J); אלהי ע׳ Is 40:28; חי אנכי לע׳ Dt 32:40; חֵי הע׳ Dn 12:7; of divine name, זה שׁמי לְע׳ Ex 3:15 (E), cf. 2 Ch 33:7 (v. supr.); blessing and praise of it 2 S 7:26 = 1 Ch 17:24, ψ 72:19; 135:13; of י׳ himself 89:53; attributes, אהבה Je 31:3 1 K 10:9; חסד Is 54:8 ψ 89:2; 138:8; לע׳ חַסְדּוֹ 1 Ch 16:34, 41 2 Ch 5:13; 7:3, 6; 20:21 Ezr 3:11 ψ 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1, 2, 3, 4, 29; 136:1 + 25 times, Je 33:11; כבוד ψ 104:31; אמת 117:2; 146:6; צדק 119:142; עצה 33:11; reign Ex 15:18 (E), ψ 10:16; 66:7; 92:9; 146:10 Je 10:10 Mi 4:7; יהוה לע׳ ישׁב ψ 9:8; 29:10; 102:13 La 5:19; presence in Zion 1 Ch 23:25; Is 33:14; 60:19, 20 Ez 37:28; 43:7, 9; his salvation Is 51:6, 8; זרעת ע׳ Dt 33:27 everlasting arms; כל אשׁר יעשׂה האלהים יהיה לע׳ Ec 3:14. d. of God’s covenant: בְּרִית ע׳ everlasting covenant Gn 9:16; 17:7, 13, 19 Ex 31:16 Lv 24:8 Nu 18:19 (all P), 2 S 23:5; 1 Ch 16:17 = ψ 105:10, Is 24:5; 55:3; 61:8 Je 32:40; 50:5; Ez 16:60; 37:26; covenant with Noah, לְדֹרֹת ע׳ Gn 9:12 (P); God remembers it 1 Ch 16:15 = ψ 105:8, ψ 111:5; will not break it, לע׳ Ju 2:1; אוֹת ע׳ Ex 31:17 (P); אוֹת עד ע׳ Dt 28:46. e. of God’s laws: דבר(ים) Is 59:21 ψ 119:89; משׁפט 119:160; עדות v 144, 152; חק ע׳ Ex 29:28; 30:21 (E), Lv 6:11, 15; 7:34; 10:15; 24:9 Nu 18:8, 11, 19 (P), also Je 5:22 (of bounds of sea); חק עד ע׳ Ex 12:24 (J), חֻקַּת ע׳ v 14, 17; 27:21; 28:43; 29:9 Lv 3:17; 7:36; 10:9; 16:29, 31, 34; 17:7; 23:14, 21, 31, 41; 24:3, 8; Nu 10:8; 15:15; 18:23; 19:10, 21 (P) (most of these in fact specif. Jewish and temporary); temple to bear God’s name, עד ע׳ 1 K 9:3 = 2 Ch 7:16; לע׳ 2 K 21:7 2 Ch 33:4; consecrated לע׳ 30:8; its ceremonies לע׳ 2:3; Levit. priesthood, לשׁרתו עד ע׳ 1 Ch 15:2; Aaronic priesthood, לברך בשׁמי עד ע׳ 23:132). f. of God’s promises: his word, יקום לע׳ Is 40:8; promised dynasty of David, עד (ה)ע׳ 2 S 7:13, 162), 25 = 1 Ch 17:12, 142), 23 ψ 18:51 = 2 S 22:51; 1 K 2:33, 45 1 Ch 22:10 ψ 89:5; לע׳ 1 K 9:5; 1 Ch 28:4, 7; 2 Ch 13:5 ψ 89:29, 37 2 S 7:292) = 1 Ch 17:272); of holy land 1 Ch 28:8, אֲחֻזַּת ע׳ Gn 17:8; 48:4 Lv 25:34 (P); given לע׳ Ex 32:13 (J) 2 Ch 20:7; עד ע׳ Gn 13:15, inherited לע׳ Is 60:21 ψ 37:18; עד ע׳ Is 34:17; dwelt in עד ע׳ Ez 37:25; other blessings, לע׳ Dt 5:29 Ho 2:21; עד ע׳ Dt 12:28; 2 S 7:24 = 1 Ch 17:22, ψ 133:3; שִׂמְחַת ע׳ Is 35:10; 51:11; 61:7; דֶּרֶךְ ע׳ ψ 139:24; שׁם ע׳ Is 56:5; 63:12; אות ע׳ 55:13; גאון ע׳ 60:15; Jerus. to abide לע׳ Je 17:25 ψ 125:1, cf. Je 31:40; עד ע׳ ψ 48:9. g. of relations between God and his people, לע׳ 1 Ch 29:18 ψ 45:18; 85:6; 103:9; 145:21; Is 57:16; Je 3:5, 12; La 3:31; Jo 2:26, 27; עד (ה)ע׳ ψ 28:9 Mal 1:4. h. of Messianic dynasty and king: (ל)ע׳ ψ 110:4; having divine throne 45:7; name endures 72:17; established 89:38; God blesses him 45:3; of his reign, מעתה ועד ע׳ Is 9:6. i. = indefinite, unending future: live לע׳ Gn 3:22; Jb 7:16; הנביאים הלע׳ יִחְיוּ Zc 1:5 the prophets, can they live for ever? cf. חדל לע׳ ψ 49:9; c. neg. never Ezr 9:12; Pr 27:24. j. after death: שׁנת ע׳ Je 51:39, 57; בית ע׳ Ec 12:5; חַיֵּי ע׳ Dn 12:2; דראון ע׳ v 2; also v 3 Jon 2:7; Ec 2:16; 9:6. k. = age (duration) of the world: את העלם נתן בְּלִבָּם Ec 3:11 the age of the world he hath set, etc. (cf. especially NH; others i). l. pl. intens. everlastingness, eternity: תשׁועת עולמים Is 45:17; צדק עלמים Dn 9:24; צור עולמים Is 26:4 (RVm rock of ages); מלכוּת כל עלמים ψ 145:13; also 61:5; 77:8; 1 K 8:13 = 2 Ch 6:2. m. special phr.: מ(ה)עולם (ו)עד (ה)עולם (מן) from everlasting to everlasting, of י׳ ψ 90:2, חסד י׳ 103:17; benedictions 1 Ch 16:36 = ψ 106:48, Ne 9:5; 1 Ch 29:10 ψ 41:14; the land given למן עולם ועד עולם Je 7:7; 25:5; מעתה ועד עולם from now and for ever ψ 115:18; 121:8 (i.e. as long as one lives); of people’s hope in God 131:3; dynasty of David Is 9:6; of God’s acts, words, etc. Mi 4:7; Is 59:21 ψ 125:2, cf. 113:2;—v. further i. עַד p. 723.


[עוּן] vb. dwell (prob.; √ of foll.; Arabic عون, عَانَ is support, help, v. especially FlKl.Schr. i. 87 ff.);—
Qal Pf. 3 fs. consec. וְעָנָה֫ (read וְעָ֫נָה?) Is 13:22 and jackals shall dwell, etc. (on agreement v. Ges§ 145 k; ‖ שׁכן v 21), so 𝔊 Buhl; CheHeb. Hpt.. 124 וְשָֽׁכְנוּ; > 𝔖 𝔗 𝔙 al. √ IV. ענה.—ψ 87:7 v. מַעְיָן.


עָוֹן n.m. Is 22:14 iniquity, guilt or punishment of iniquity;—ע׳ abs. Ex 28:43 +; עָווֹן 2 K 7:9 ψ 51:7; cstr. עֲוֹן Gn 15:16 +; עֲווֹן 1 Ch 21:8; sf. עֲוֹנִי Gn 4:13 + (2 S 16:12 read בְּעָנְיִי), עֲוֹנְךָ Ho 9:7 +; עֲוֹנֵ֑כִי ψ 103:3; עֲוֹ֔נָהֿ Nu 15:31 (Ges§ 91 e), etc.; pl. עֲוֹנוֹת abs. ψ 130:3 +, cstr. Jb 13:26 +; עְוֹנֹת abs. ψ 65:4, cstr. Lv 16:21 +; sf. עֲוֹנֹתֶיךָ Is 43:24, עֲוֹנֹתֵיכֶם Nu 14:34 +, etc.; also עֲוֹנֶיךָ Ez 28:18; עֲוֹנֵינוּ Is 64:6 +, etc. (SS doubt all these);—
1. iniquity, Jb 15:5; 20:27 Je 11:10; 14:7; 16:17 La 2:14 Ez 4:5; 7:13; ‖ חטאת 1 S 20:1 Jb 13:23 Is 5:18; 43:24; 59:2 Je 5:25; 16:10 La 4:6, 13 Dn 9:16 Ho 4:8; 13:12; ‖ פשׁע Jb 14:17; 31:33 ψ 107:17 Is 50:1; 53:5; ‖ אשׁמה Ezr 9:6, 7, 13; רעה Jb 22:5 Ho 7:1. a. ע׳ נְעוּרַי Jb 13:26 iniquities of my youth; ע׳ חֶרֶב 19:29 iniquities calling for the sword; ע׳ פְּלִילִי(ם) 31:11, 28 iniquity for (to be punished by) judges; שְׁתֵּי עֲוֹנֹתָם Ho 10:10 (so read Vrss Hi al.); כשׁל בע׳ stumble by iniquity Ho 5:5; 14:2; cf. מִבְשׁוֹל ע׳ Ez 7:19; 14:3, 4, 7; 18:30; 44:12; לכל־עון Dt 19:15; אשׁתמרה מע׳ 2 S 22:24 = ψ 18:24; עָוֹן אֲשֶׁר־חֵטְא Ho 12:9. b. iniquity as recognized, ידע ע׳ 1 S 3:13; Is 59:12; Je 3:13; 14:20; confessed, התודה ע׳ Lv 16:21; 26:402) (P), Ne 9:2; הגיד ע׳ ψ 38:19; לא כסה ע׳ 32:5; brought to remembrance, הזכיר ע׳ Nu 5:15 (P) 1 K 17:18; Ez 21:28, 29; 29:16; causing shame, יִכָּֽלְמוּ מע׳ Ez 43:10; turned from, שׁוּב מע׳ Dn 9:13, cf. השׁיב מע׳ Mal 2:6. c. (i) phrases of punishment: פקד ע׳ על Ex 20:5 = Dt 5:9; Ex 34:7; Nu 14:18; (J), Lv 18:25 (H) 2 S 3:8; Is 13:11; 26:21; Je 25:12; 36:31; Am 3:2; without על, La 4:22, פקד ע׳ ב ψ 89:33; Jb 11:6 v. II. [נשׁא]; יסּר על ע׳ ψ 39:12 chastise for iniquity; שַׁתָּ֯ ע׳לנגדךָ 90:8 set our iniquities before thee; גמל כע׳ 103:10; שׁמר ע׳ 130:3; שׁלּם ע׳ Is 65:72); Je 16:18; 32:18; מַטְבֵּחַ בע׳ Is 14:21; (2) of forgiveness or removal: העביר ע׳ 2 S 24:10 = 1 Ch 21:8; Jb 7:21 Zc 3:4; משׁתי ע׳ 3:9; סלח לע׳ Ex 34:9 Nu 14:19 (J), ψ 25:11; 103:3; Je 31:34; 33:8; 36:3; נשׂא ע׳ Ex 34:7; Nu 14:18 (J), ψ 32:5; 85:3; Is 33:24; Ho 14:3; Mi 7:18; סר ע׳ Is 6:7; יכבושׁ ע׳ Mi 7:19; (3) of covering over, כסה על ע׳ Ne 3:37; כפּר ע׳ ψ 78:38; Pr 16:6; Is 22:14; 27:9; Dn 9:24; כפּר על ע׳ Je 18:23; יתכפּר ע׳ 1 S 3:14; (4) of cleansing from: כבּס מע׳ ψ 51:4; מחה ע׳ v 11; טהר מע׳ Je 33:8; Ez 36:33; (5) of imputing, reckoning to one: חשׁב ע׳ ל 2 S 19:20 ψ 32:2; (ל) זכר ע׳ 79:8; Is 64:8; Je 14:10; Ho 8:13; 9:9; יִזָּכֵר ע׳ ψ 109:14; בקשׁ (ל)ע׳ Jb 10:6; Je 50:20; (6) פדה מע׳ ψ 130:8 ransom from iniquity.
2. Guilt of iniquity (not always easy to disting. from 1; SS give more, Buhl fewer, sub 2);—‖ תועבות Ez 36:31; ‖ דם Is 59:3; ‖ חמם Ez 9:9; ע׳ פעור Jos 22:17 (P); ע׳ סדם Ez 16:49; ע׳ בצעוֹ Is 57:17; שְׁנֵי עונם Ez 4:4; נִכְתָּם עֲוֹנֵךְ לְפָנַי Je 2:22 the guilt of thine iniquity is marked before me; מצא ע׳ Gn 44:16 (E) ψ 36:3. a. ע׳ בְ: guilt of iniquity upon one Nu 15:31 (P) 1 S 20:8; 2 S 14:32; לא ע׳ לִי Jb 33:9 (‖ זַךְ); בלי־עון ψ 59:5 without my guilt. b. guilt, as great, increased: רֹב עָוֹן Je 13:22; 30:14, 15; Ez 28:18; Ho 9:7; לֹא־שָׁלֵם ע׳ Gn 15:16 (J); ע׳ עָֽבְרוּ רֹאשִׁי ψ 38:5; ע׳ עֲקֵבַי יְסוּבֵּנִי 49:6; ע׳ הִשִּׂיגוּנִי 40:13; ע׳ גברו מני 65:4; עַם כֶּבֶד ע׳ Is 1:4; בע׳ נלקח Ez 33:6. c. as a condition, בע׳: d. חוללתי was I brought forth ψ 51:7; e. גָּוַע expire Jos 22:20 (P); c. מות die Je 31:30; Ez 3:18, 19; 18:17, 18; 33:8, 9.
3. Consequence of, or punishment for, iniquity (SS include most of these under 2, and do not recognize 3; Buhl thinks this meaning rare, giving only Gn 4:13; Is 5:18);—אִם יִקְּ֯רֵךְ ע׳ בדבר הזה 1 S 28:10 no punishment shall happen unto thee for, etc.; נשׂא ע׳ bear the punishment for iniquity of others Ex 28:38; Lv 10:17 (take away ע׳ Di Nowii. 233 n.) 16:22; Nu 30:16 (P), Ez 4:4, 5, 6; בע׳ 18:19, 20(×2); one’s own, Ex 28:43 Lv 5:1, 17; 7:18; 17:16; 19:8; 20:17, 19; 22:16; Nu 5:31; 14:34; 18:12), 23 (P), Ez 14:10; 44:10, 12; גדול ע׳מנשׂוא Gn 4:13 (J) my punishment is greater than I can bear; נִרְצָה עֲוֹנָהּ Is 40:2 her punishment is accepted, cf. רצה ע׳ Lv 26:41, 43 (H); ומצאנוּ ע׳ 2 K 7:9 punishment will overtake us; תנה ע׳ על ע׳ ψ 69:28 add punishment to their punishment; ע׳ הוא יסבל Is 53:11 the consequences of their iniquities he shall bear, cf. ע׳ סָבָ֑לְנוּ La 5:7; הפגיע בו ע׳ Is 53:6; נִקָּה מע׳ freed from punishment Nu 5:31 (P) Jb 10:14; בי אני העון 1 S 25:24 on me the punishment; עלי הע׳ 2 S 14:9; בע׳ c. various vbs.: Gn 19:15 (J) Lv 26:392) (H) ψ 31:11; 106:43; Je 51:6; Ez 4:17; 7:16; 24:23; 39:23; עת ע׳ קץ 21:30, 34; 35:5; see also: Pr 5:22 (‖ חַבְלֵי חטאת), Is 30:13; 64:5, 6; La 4:22; Ez 4:4; 14:102); 32:27.


עֹוֵן Kt 1 S 18:9 v. עין.


עָוֹן v. II. עוה.


[עוֹנָה] Qr, [עֵינָה] Kt n.f. only sf. Ho 10:10: Qr pl. עוֹנֹתָם Baer, sg. עוֹנָתָם Ginsb; > עֵינֹתָם Kt; but read עֲוֹנֹתָם, v. עָוֹן 1 a. p. 730.


עִוְעִים distorting, warping (for *עַוְעֲוִים);—רוּחַ עִוְעִים Is 19:14 temper of distorting, i.e. warped judgment.


עִוְעִים v. sub I. עוה.


עוֹף70 n.m. Gn 40:17 coll. flying creatures, fowl, insects;—ע׳ abs. Gn 1:20 +, cstr. v 21 +;—
1. fowl birds, Gn 40:17, 19 (E), 7:8 (J), 1:20, 22 (P), 1 K 5:13 +; especially (38 times) ע׳ הַשָּׁמַיִם fowl of the sky, Gn 2:19, 20 (J), 1:26, 28, 30 (P), Ho 2:20 Ec 10:20 +, carrion birds 1 S 17:44, 46 2 S 21:10 1 K 14:11 + 11 times; ע׳ הָרִים ψ 50:11, ע׳ נוֹדֵד Is 16:2, כִּכְלוּב מָלֵא ע׳ Je 5:27; redundantly ע׳ כָּנָף fowl of wing Gn 1:21 (P), ψ 78:27 (for food); for food also Lv 7:26 (P), 17:13; 20:25 (both H), cf. Lv 11:13, 46 (H, clean and unclean); for offering Gn 8:20 (J; הָע׳ הַטָּהוֹר), Lv 1:14 (P).
2. winged insects (clean and unclean) שֶׁרֶץ הָע׳ הַהֹלֵךְ עַל־אַרְבַּע Lv 11:20, 21 (H), שׁ׳ הָע׳ Dt 14:19, so prob. הָע׳ alone v 20; שׁ׳ הָע׳ אֲשֶׁר־לוֹ אַרְבַּע רַגְלָ֑יִם Lv 11:23 (H).


† I. עוּף vb. fly (NH id., (rare) flicker, flutter, עוֹף fowl; Aramaic עוֹפָא, ܥܰܘܦܳܐ id.; Ethiopic ዖፍ id.; Arabic عَوْفٌ augury, from birds (cf. WeHeid. 2, 202), fortune, عيف, عَافَ practice augury, عَاىَٔفٌ augur; also عوف, عَاَفَ fly about, of birds);—
Qal Pf. 3 mpl. וְעָפוּ consec. Is 11:14; Impf. 3 ms. יָעוּף Jb 20:8 ψ 91:5 + Pr 23:5b Qr (> Kt ועוף [van d. H.], or ועיף [Ginsb]); וַיָּעֹ֑ף 2 S 22:11 = ψ 18:11; Na 3:16, וַיָּ֫עָף Is 6:6; 3 fs. (הֲ)תָעוּף Pr 23:5a Kt (v. infr.); 3 fpl. תְּעוּפֶינָה Is 60:8, etc.; Inf. cstr. עוּף Jb 5:7; Pr 26:2; Pt. fs. עָפָה Zc 5:1, 2; pl. עָפוֹת Is 31:5;— 1. a. fly, of birds Dt 4:17, specif. of swallow (in sim.) Pr 26:2 (‖ נוּד); of seraph Is 6:6 (cf. Pōʿl.); י׳ riding (רכב) on cherub 2 S 22:11 = ψ 18:11; roll (in vision) Zc 5:1, 2; arrow ψ 91:5; of swift army Is 11:14 (under fig. of bird, sq. בְּכָתֵף) Hb 1:8 (sim. of vulture); fig. of ships (like cloud, or doves) Is 60:8; בְּנֵי־רֶשֶׁף יַגְבִּיהוּ עוּף Jb 5:7 make high to fly, i.e. make their flight high, soar aloft (sim. of irresistible tendency). b. hover (protectingly) Is 31:5 (birds, sim. of י׳; on sense cf. Dt 32:11). 2. fly away, to a distance, ψ 55:7 (fig.; ‖ אַרְחִיק נְדֹד v 8); = vanish, of locusts Na 3:16 (fig.); כְּנֶשֶׁר יָעוּף הַשָּׁמַיִם Pr 23:5b (Qr) sim. of riches (v. Toy); of wicked Jb 20:8 (כַּחֲלוֹם); end of life, in gen., וַנָּעֻ֑פָה ψ 90:10.—הֲתָעוּף Pr 23:5a Kt, do thine eyes fly (light) upon it? (הֲתָעִיף Hiph. Qr dost thou cause thine eyes to fly, etc.?) is difficult, and line perhaps not original (v. Toy).
Pōʿl. 1. fly about, to and fro; Impf. 3 ms. יְעוֹפֵף of birds Gn 1:20 (P); seraphim Is 6:2; Pt. שָׂרָף מְעוֹפֵף flying fiery serpent Is 14:29; 30:6. 2. cause to fly to and fro, brandish, Inf. cstr. sf. בְּעוֹפְפִי חַרְבִּי Ez 32:10 when I brandish my sword before them. Hithpōʿl. Impf. 3 ms. כָּעוֹף יִתְעוֹפֵף כְּבוֹדָם Ho 9:11 like a bird their glory shall fly away.
Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. Qr, v. Qal ad fin.


† II. [עוּף] I. [עִיף] vb. be dark;—only Qal Impf. 2 fs. תָּעֻ֫פָה Jb 11:17 (though) it be dark, but read prob. תְּעֻפָה, subst., v. infr.


עוֹפַי Kt, עֵיפַי Qr a Neṭophathite, Je 40:8, 𝔊 Ιωφε, Ωφε, Ωφετ.


[עוּץ] vb. counsel, plan (Aramaic id.; ‖ form of יעץ);—only
Qal Imv. mpl. עֻ֫צוּ Ju 19:30 (GFM reads עֵצָה, but v. Bu), Is 8:10 c. acc. cogn. עֵצָה. (StaThLZ 1894, Apr. 28, 235 der. עֻצוּ from יעץ).


עוּץ n. pr.
1. m. a. (eldest) ‘son’ of Aramaic Gn 10:23 (P), = ‘son’ of Shem 1 Ch 1:17, 𝔊 Ως, 𝔊L Ch Ουζ. b. eldest ‘son’ of Naḥor Gn 22:21 (J), A Ωξ, 𝔊L Ωζ. c. Edomite name Gn 36:28 = 1 Ch 1:42, 𝔊 Ως, 𝔊L Ους.
2. loc. (= 1. a, b, poss. also c), מַלְכֵי אֶרֶץ הָעוּץ Je 25:20 (𝔊 om.); בְּאֶרֶץ־עוּץ Jb 1:1 (home of Job), 𝔊 Αυσιτις; La 4:21 (del. עוּץ 𝔊 cf. Bu and reff.); on Uz as vague name for E. country v. especially Bu ix. f.; DlPa259, ZKF ii. 87 ff. puts in Ḥauran, or N. (NE.) therefrom, = Assyrian Uṣṣu, but dub. With name עוּץ RSK 261 cp. Arabic div. عَوْض,, so WeHeid. 2, 146; against this NöZMG xl (1886), 183 f., but v. reply RSSem i. 43.


[עוּק] vb. dub. (if correct, Aramaic form (cf. עוּק, ܥܳܩ) for צוּק press, so Thes al.);—only
Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. תָּעִיק Am 2:13, Pt. מֵעִיק v 13; but read prob. תָּפוּק, מֵפִיק totter, cause tottering Hi We Now Dr.


III. עור ( √ of foll.; meaning unknown).


עוֹר99 n.m. Jb 7:5 skin (NH id.; Ph. ערת Lzb 346);—ע׳ abs. Gn 3:21 +, cstr. Ex 34:29 +; sf. עֹרוֹ 29:14 +, עוֹרוֹ Je 13:23, עֹרָהּ Nu 19:5, etc.; pl. cstr. עֹרֹת Gn 27:16 +, עוֹרֹת Ex 39:34, sf. עֹרֹתָם Lv 16:27;—skin:
1. of men (55 times), שׂמְלָתוֹ לְעֹרוֹ Ex 22:26 (E), ע׳ פָּנָיו 34:29, 30 cf. v 35 (all P); (dark) skin of Cushite Je 13:23; v. also Ez 37:6, 8 La 3:8 Jb 7:5; 10:11 +; in hyperb. Mi 3:2, 3; עוֹר שִׁנָּ֑י Jb 19:20b the skin of my teeth, i.e. gums (si vera l.); also Lv 13:2 + 33 times Lv 13 (P), in tests for leprosy (v. especially ע׳־בְּשָׂרוֹ v 2(×2), 3, 4, 11, cf. v 3, 38, 39, 43); עוֹר בְּעַד עוֹר Jb 2:4 skin in behalf of, for, skin, appar. proverb. phrase of barter, = everything has its price (on varieties of interpr. v. Comm.).
2. hide of animals (44 times), always—except Jb 40:31—after skinning: Gn 27:16 (J); of sacrif. victims Ex 29:14 Lv 4:11 + 5 times (all P); prepared for use (by some process of tanning, cf. NowArch. i. 242), sometimes = leather: material of garments Gn 3:21 (J), girdle 2 K 1:8, any article Lv 11:32; 13:48 ff; Nu 31:20 (P); covering of tabern. Ex 25:52) + 10 times Ex 26, 35, 36, 39, of ark, sacred utensils, etc., Nu 4:6 + 5 times Nu 4.


† I. [עוּר] vb. rouse oneself, awake (NH id.; Aramaic עוּר, ܥܳܪ; Arabic عير, عَارَ v. עיר, עַיִר; غير, غَارَ is be jealous, cf. Syriac ܥܝܳܪܳܐ hate, revenge);—
Qal Impf. 3 ms. sf. יְעוּרֶנּוּ Jb 41:2 Baer Ginsb, and Qr van d. H., but Kt יעירנו (Hiph.), Bab. Mass. (v. Baer p. 58), so Ginsbmargin van d. H.; read thus, or יְעוֹרְרֶנּוּ (Pōʿl.) Bu; > contr. form of Pōʿl. Ges§ 72 cc Di; cf. Sta§ 484 e; Imv. ms. ע֫וּרָה ψ 7:7 +, fs. ע֫וּרִי Ju 5:122) + 3 times, עוּרִ֫י Ju 5:122) + 5 times (for rhythm); Pt. עֵר Ct 5:2 + Mal 2:12 (read prob. עֵד We Now GASm, cf. 𝔊 ἓως = עַד);—rouse oneself to activity, of Deborah Ju 5:12(×4); of י׳ ψ 7:7 (‖ קוּמָה, הִנָּשֵׂא), 59:5 (sq. inf.), 44:24 (opp. יָשֵׁן), of י׳’s arm Is 51:9(×3), of oneself ψ 57:9, of Zion Is 52:12), of stone (idol) Hb 2:19, sword Zc 13:7 (+ עַל against), wind Ct 4:16, harp and lyre ψ 57:9 = 108:3; לִבִּי עֵר Ct 5:2 my heart waketh (opp. יָשֵׁן).—Jb 41:2 Mal 2:12 v. supr.
Niph. Pf. 3 ms. נֵעוֹר Zc 2:17; Impf. 3 ms. יֵעוֹר Je 6:22 Zc 4:1; 3 mpl. יֵעֹרוּ Je 50:41 Jb 14:12, יֵעוֹרוּ Jo 4:12;—be roused Zc 4:1 (from [מִן] sleep, in sim.), so Jb 14:12 (sleep of death, ‖ יָקִיצוּ, יָקוּם); be incited to activity, c. מִן loc.: of י׳ Zc 2:17, of nation Je 6:22, kings 50:41, whirlwind 25:32; abs. of nation Jo 4:12. Pōʿl. Pf. 3 ms. עוֹרֵר 2 S 23:18 +, וְע׳ consec. Is 10:26, 1 s. וְעוֹרַרְתִּ֫י Zc 9:13, sf. עוֹרַרְתִּיךָ Ct 8:5; Impf. 3 fs. תְּעֹרֵר Pr 10:12, 2 mpl. תְּעוֹרְרוּ Ct 2:7; 3:5, תְּעֹרְרוּ 8:4 (fem. subj. Ges§ 144 a); Imv. ms. עוֹרְרָה ψ 80:3; Inf. עֹרֵר Jb 3:8;—rouse, incite to activity, c. acc. pers. Zc 9:13 (+ עַל against), acc. רְפָאִים Is 14:9 (subj. שְׁאוֹל v. Ges§ 145 t); ע׳ אֶת־גְּבוּרָתֶ֑ךָ ψ 80:3 (of י׳); הָעֲתִידִים עֹרֵר לִוְיָתָּן Jb 3:8; especially rouse, excite love Ct 2:7; 3:5; 8:4 (all ‖ תָּעִירוּ; fem. subj. v. Ges§ 144 a); עוֹרַרְתִּיךָ 8:5 is dubious, of exciting love De, arousing from slumber Bu, so, reading עוֹרַרְתִּיךְ, Siegf; שִׂנְאָה תְּע׳ מְדָנִים Pr 10:12 hatred stirreth up strifes; c. acc. of weapon 2 S 23:18 rouse, awaken, i.e. wield, brandish (+ עַל against), so read also v 8 (v. חֲנִית 1) = 1 Ch 11:11, 20, so Is 10:26.—Is 23:13 v. ערר.
Pilp. Impf. 3 mpl. זַעֲקַת־שֶׁבֶר יְעֹעֵ֑רוּ Is 15:5, usually expl. as = יְעַרְעֵ֑רוּ (wh. some read), rouse (i.e. raise?) a cry of destruction, GesComm. Thes. De Di Du Ges§ 72 cci. 500; ii. 497; Phip. not elsewhere, very dub.; read perhaps יְעוֹרֵ֑רוּ; LagProph. Chald. IL Che GuKau SS read יְרֹעָ֑עוּ shout, but improb. with זַעֲקַת. Hithpōʿl. Pf. וְהִתְעֹרַ֫רְתִּי כִּי consec. Jb 31:29 and I was (joyfully) excited, triumphant, that (‖ אֶשְׂמַח), so perhaps Impf. 3 ms. Jb 17:8, reading וְחָנֵף עַל־נָקִי יִתְעֹרָ֑ר Me Di Beer (MT וְנָקִי עַל־חָנֵף יִתְע׳, i.e. be excited with displeasure); rouse oneself to activity, Pt. מִתְעוֹרֵר לְהַחֲזִיק בָּךְ Is 64:6; cf. 51:17.
Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הֵעִיר Is 41:2 +; 1 s. הַעִיר֫וֹתִי Is 41:25 (v. Köi. 500 Ges§ 72 x), sf. הַעִירֹתִהוּ 45:13; Impf. 3 ms. יָעִיר Dt 32:11 +, וְיָעֵר Dn 11:25, וַיָּ֫עַר Hg 1:14 +, sf. וַיְעִירֵנִי Zc 4:1, etc.; Imv. ms. הָעִירָה ψ 35:23; mpl. הָעִירוּ Jo 4:9; Inf. בָּעִיר (= בְּהָעִיר) ψ 73:20 (Ges§ 53 q); Pt. מֵעִיר Is 13:17 +, sf. מְעִירָם Jo 4:7;— 1. rouse, c. sf. Zc 4:1 (as if from sleep, v. Qal); rouse, stir up, to activity, כְּנֶשֶׁר יָעִיר קִנּוֹ Dt 32:11; c. acc. pers., or equiv., expressed or implied, especially subj. י׳: Is 45:13; c. מִן loc. 41:2, 25; Jo 4:7; + עַל against Is 13:17, cf. Je 50:9; 51:1 Ez 23:22; הֵעִיר אֶת־רוּחַ פ׳ Je 51:11 Hg 1:14 1 Ch 5:26; 2 Ch 21:16 (+ עַל against), 36:22 = Ezr 1:1, cf. v 5; י׳ subj. also ψ 78:38 (חֵמָה) Is 42:13 (קִנְאָה) יָעִיר 50:42) (+ לִי אֹזֶן); human subj., c. acc. pers. Jo 4:9, Dn 11:2 (+ אֵת in conflict with, 𝔙 de W Meinh Behrm, cf. Bev. who thinks יערך לקראת poss.); perhaps also, obj. crocodile Jb 41:2 (reading יְעִירֶנּוּ v. Qal); וְיָעֵר כֹּחוֹ וּלְבָבוֹ Dn 11:25 (+ עַל against); especially of rousing love Ct 2:7; 3:5; 8:4 (all ‖ Pōʿl. q.v.); fig. אָעִירָה שָׁ֑חַר ψ 57:9; 108:3 I will arouse the dawn (‖ Imv. Qal q.v.); pt. abs. = stirring up (a fire) Ho 7:4 (si vera l.; cf. Ges§ 120 b; but text dubious cf. We Now GASm). 2. declarative or exhibitive sense, act in an aroused manner, awake, הָעִירָה וְהָקִיצָה לְמִשְׁפָּטִי ψ 35:23, cf. Jb 8:6 (+ עַל over = for; both subj. י׳); abs. ψ 73:20.


עִוֵּר adj. blind;—only abs. ע׳ Ex 4:11 +, pl. עִוְרִים 2 S 5:6 +, f. עִוְרוֹת Is 42:7; (c. art. הָעִוֵּר Dt 28:29, elsewhere הַע׳ Baer Ginsb; van d. H. לָעִוֵּר Jb 29:15, הָעִוְרִים 2 S 5:6, 8; Is 42:18);—blind, usually as subst. = the blind:
1. lit., physically blind: a. of men Ex 4:11 (J; opp. פִּקֵּחַ), 2 S 5:6, 82); Lv 19:14 (H), Dt 27:18; Je 31:8 Jb 29:15; in sim. Dt 28:29; Zp 1:17; Is 59:10, cf. La 4:14 (appos.); as adj. attribute אִישׁ ע׳ Lv 21:18 (H). b. of sacrif. animal Dt 15:21; Mal 1:8.
2. fig., a. of the helpless, groping Is 29:18; 35:5; 42:16 ψ 146:8; as adj. attribute, עֵינַיִם עִוְרוֹת Is 42:7. b. of the dull, unreceptive, Is 42:18, 19(×3) (but v 19 c read חֵרֵשׁ q.v.); as adj. attrib. עַם עִוֵּר 43:8; as predicate 56:10.


[עָוַר] vb.Pi. make blind, blind (orig. meaning of √ dub.; Thes עור = dig (Arabic غَارٌ etc. cave); HalRÉJ xi, 67 cp. עוֹר skin, whence blindness as cataract;—Aramaic adj. עֲוִיר, ܥܘܺܪ blind, Pa. עַוַּר, ܥܰܘܰܪ = Heb. Pi.; Arabic عَوِرَ be one-eyed, Ethiopic ዖረ be blind Di 995);—
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. עִוֵּר 2 K 25:7, c. עֵינֵי put out the eyes of = Je 39:7 = 52:11; Impf. 3 ms. יְעַוֵּר fig., Ex 23:8 (E) a bribe blindeth, c. acc. pers. (Sam. 𝔊 ins. עֵינֵי); Dt 16:19, c. עֵינֵי.


† II. [עוּר] vb. be exposed, bare (akin to עָרָה, ערר; Arabic عَوْرَةٌ = pudenda);—
Niph. Impf. 3 fs. עֶרְיָה תֵעוֹר קַשְׁתֶּ֑ךְ Hb 3:9 into nakedness (i.e. utterly) is thy bow laid bare, made ready; We proposes עוֹרֵר תְּעוֹרֵר (cf. 2 S 23:18, I. עור Pōʿl.), and so Now [from √ ערר, lay bare] thou layest, etc.


עִוָּרוֹן n.[m.] blindness;—only in phr. (subj. י׳), smite (הִכָּה) with blindness: fig. of ‘blind incapacity’ (Dr) בְּע׳ Dt 28:28; of smiting horses בַּע׳ Zc 12:4, i.e. with blind staggers, making them helplessly wild.


עורים Is 30:6 v. עַיִר.


עַוֶּ֫רֶת n.f. id.;—of sacrif. animals, abstr. for concr., Lv 22:22 (H).


[עוּשׁ] vb. si vera l., lend aid, come to help (Arabic غَاثَ iv. aid, succour; Sab. עֿותֿ n. help, Sab Denkm 91; Nab. Sin. עות in Lzb 337 Cook 90);—
Qal Imv. mpl. עוּשׁוּ וָבֹאוּ Jo 4:11 but dub.; Gr Dr, plausibly, חוּשׁוּ; Che Expos., Nov. 1897, 365 גְּשׁוּ (√ נגשׁ); עוּרוּ We Now.


עוּת vb. very dub.; only in לָדַעַת לָעוּת אֶת־יָעֵף דָּבָר Is 50:4 usually to help, so Ges Del Di RyKau; al., but in that case an Aramaism (Aramaic עות = Arabic غاث, q.v. sub עוּשׁ); text prob. corrupt, 𝔊 OortTh Times 1891, 469 לְעִתּוֹ, and del. אֶת־יָעֵף; Klo CheComm. לִרְעוֹתteach, edify,’ Gr לַעֲנוֹת, CheHpt. לְהַחֲיוֹת.


[עָוַת] vb. be bent, crooked (NH id., Pi. Nithp.; Aramaic עַוֵּית Pa.; cf. ܥܰܬ, ܥܬܳܐ deceive PS 3008);—
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. sf. עִוְּתָ֑נִי Jb 19:6, עִוְּתוֹ Ec 7:13; 3 pl. sf. עִוְּתוּנִי ψ 119:78; Impf. 3 ms. יְעַוֵּת ψ 146:9 Jb 8:3, יְעַוֶּת־ v 3; Inf. לְעַוֵּת Am 8:5 La 3:36;— 1. a. make crooked = falsify, scales Am 8:5; pervert justice (מִשְׁפָּט, צֶדֶק) Jb 8:32); 34:12 (all God subj.); c. acc. pers. subvert (i.e. deprive of justice), לְע׳ אָדָם בְּרִיבוֹ La 3:36, cf. ψ 119:78 (v.l. 119:61); so עִוְּתָנִי Jb 19:6 (י׳ subj.). 2. bend, make crooked, דֶּרֶךְ רְשָׁעִים ψ 146:9 (י׳ subj.); in gen. Ec 7:13 (God subj.; opp. תִּקֵּן).
Pu. Pt. מְעֻוָּת Ec 1:15 what is bent (opp. תְּקֹן).
Hithp. Pf. 3 pl. consec. וְהִתְעַוְּתוּ Ec 12:3 and the strong men bend themselves.


[עַוָּתָה] n.f. subversion, i.e. deprivation of justice;—sf. עַוָּתָתִי La 3:59 (opp. מִשְׁפָּטִי).


1. name in Judah 1 Ch 9:4, Γωθει (= עֲתָיָה Ne 11:4).
2. Ezr 8:14, Ουθι.


עֵז v. ענז.


עַז, עֹז, עֻזָּא v. עזז.