Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon

מַעְבָּד² — מַעֲרִיץ


[מַעְבָּד] n.[m.] work (late form; Biblical Aramaic מַעֲבַד);—pl. sf. מַעְבָּדֵיהֶם Jb 34:25.


[מַעֲבֶה] v. עבה.


מַעֲבֶה n.[m.] si vera l., thickness, compactness; — בְּמַעֲבֵה הָאֲדָמָה 1 K 7:46 in the compactness of the soil, i.e. clayey ground or clay mould = 2 Ch 4:17 (where MT בַּעֲבִי הָ׳); but read doubtless in both בְּמַעְבֶּרֶת אֲדָבָה at the ford of Adamah, v. GFM Ju 7:22 BenzK.


[מַעֲבָר], מַעְבָּרָה v. עבר.


[מַעֲבָר] n.[m.] ford, pass, passing;—only cstr.:
1. מַעֲבַר יַבֹּק Gn 32:23 (J) the ford of (the) Jabbok.
2. pass, מַעֲבַר מִכְמָשׂ 1 S 13:23 the pass of M.
3. passing, sweep, כָּל־מַעֲבַר מַטֶּה Is 30:32 every sweep of the rod (עָבַר 4 c).


מַעְבָּרָה n.f. ford, pass, passage;—abs. מ׳ Is 10:29; pl. מַעְבָּרוֹת Is 16:2; Je 51:32, מַעְבְּרוֹת abs. Jos 2:7; 1 S 14:4; cstr. Ju 3:28 + 2 times;—
1. ford, only pl. Jos 2:7 (JE), Ju 3:28; 12:5, 6; Is 16:2; so also 1 S 13:7 (for MT עָֽבְרוּ) We Dr Kit Löhr; + מַעְבֶּרֶת 1 K 7:46 = 2 Ch 4:17, v. סֻכּוֹת.
2. pass (wady, ravine), 1 S 14:4; Is 10:29.
3. passage in defensive works of Bab. Je 51:32.


מַעְגָּל, מַעְגָּ֫לָה v. עגל.


מַעְגָּל n.m. ψ 65:12 1. entrenchment; 2. track;—abs. מ׳ 1 S 26:5 +, c. ה loc. הַמַּעְגָּ֫לָה 17:20; cstr. מַעְגַּל Pr 4:26 +; pl. cstr. מַעְגְּלֵי ψ 23:3 Pr 4:11; sf. מַעְגָּלֶיךָ ψ 65:12, elsewhere מַעְגְּלוֹתֶיךָ 17:5, מַעְגְּלֹתָיו Pr 5:21, -תֶיהָ 2:12; 5:6, -תָם 2:15 Is 59:8;—
1. circumvallation, entrenchment 1 S 17:20; 26:5, 7.
2. track (proposes wagon-track), only fig.: a. in fig. of snares of wicked ψ 140:6. b. = course of action, or life, מ׳ רַגְלֶ֑ךָ Pr 4:26, מ׳ 5:21 (‖ דַּרְכֵי־אִישׁ); specif. good, right, מ׳ צֶדֶק ψ 23:3, מ׳ ישֶׁר Pr 4:11, מ׳ טוֹב 2:9, מ׳ צַדִּיק Is 26:7; bad sense Pr 2:15, 18; 5:6 Is 59:8; tracks of י׳ are those approved by him ψ 17:5; or those traversed by him, מַעְגָּלֶיךָ יִרְעֲפוּן דָּ֑שֶׁן 65:12 fig. of richly-laden cart dropping its contents in its track.


[מָֽעַד] vb. slip, slide, totter, shake (only Heb.);—
Qal Pf. 3 pl. מָֽעֲדוּ 2 S 22:37=ψ 18:37; Impf. 3 fs. תִּמְעַד ψ 37:31; אֶמְעָ֑ד ψ 26:1; Pt. pl. cstr. מוֹעֲדֵי Jb 12:5;—slip, subj. feet, (fig.) 2 S 22:37=ψ 18:37, Jb 12:5; subj. אֲשֻׁרָיו ψ 37:31; cf. ψ 26:1.
Pu. Pt. מוּעָ֑דֶת (=מְמוּ׳ Ges§ 53 s; or old Qal Pt. pass.,—cf. BaNB 273;—but pass. not needed here, read perhaps מוֹ׳ Qal Pt. act. v. SchwallyZAW x, 1890, 176);—רֶגֶל מ׳ Pr 25:19 (sim. of untrustworthiness).
Hiph. Pf. וְהִמְעַדְתָּ֫ (so read for ℌ והעמדת, cf. Sm Co Da Berthol) Ez 29:7; cause to shake obj. כָּל־מָתְנַיִם, i.e. make them totter; cf. Imv. דַמְעַ֑ד (obj. id.) ψ 69:24.


מֹעֵד v. מוֹעֵד sub יעד.


מַעְדַּי (van d. H מַעֲדַי) one of those who had taken strange wives Ezr 10:34. 𝔊 Μοδεδ(ε)ια, A 𝔊L Μοο(ν)δεια (perhaps=foll., q.v.)


מַֽעַדְיָה a priest of Zerubbabel’s time according to Ne 12:5; 𝔊א Μααδιας, 𝔊L Μαασιας; appar.=מוֹעַדְיָה v 17, 𝔊L Μασαι (etym. dub.; Thes puts sub עדה=ornamentum Jovae, but proposes מֹע׳=מוֹע׳, √ יעד=conventus Jovae).


[מַעֲדָן], מַעֲדַנִּים v. עדן.


[מַעֲדָן] n.[m.] dainty (food), delight;—only pl.;—מַעֲדַנֵּי מֶלֶךְ Gn 49:20 (poem) royal dainties; הָאֹכְלִים לְמַעֲדַנִּים La 4:5 those who ate (according to dainties) daintily; more gen. וְיִתֵּן מַעֲדַנִּים לְנַפְשֶׁ֑ךָ Pr 29:17 he shall give delight to thy soul (‖ וִינִיתֶ֑ךָ).—מַעֲדַנּוֹת, v. p. 588 and p. 772.


מַעֲדַנּוֹת n.[f.]pl. Jb 38:31 v. sub ענד; מַעֲדַנֹּת 1 S 15:32 is dub.;=above, as adv. acc. in bonds, fetters, Ki Gr Klo; 𝔗 Sym We Dr assign to √ עדן=delicately, voluptuously; but 𝔊 τρέμων, whence LagProph. Chald. li proposes מְעֹדַנִּת (cf. אֲחֹרַנִּית) √ מעד=totteringly, so HPS.


מַעֲדַנּוֹת bonds, bands; so appar. הַתְקַשֵּׁר מ׳ כִּימַה Jb 38:31 (by metath. or error from √ ענד, v. Di Bu).—1 S 15:32 v. מ׳ p. 588 supr.


מַעְדֵּר v. עדר.


מַעְדֵּר n.[m.] hoe Is 7:25, v. foregoing.


מעה (√ of foll.; meaning dubious).


[מֵעֶה] n.m. Is 16:11 only pl. internal organs, inward parts (intestines, bowels), belly (NH id.; Aramaic מְעָא, מַעֲיָא, ܡܥܶܐ, ܡܥܰܝܴ̈ܐ; Arabic مّعَّى / مِعٍى; Ethiopic አማዑት;—on form cf. LagBN156 BaZMG xlii. 1888, 345);—pl. [מֵעִים] cstr. מְעֵי ψ 71:6 + 3 times; sf. מֵעַי 2 S 16:11 + 9 times, מֵעָ֑י ψ 22:15; 40:9; מֵעֶיךָ Gn 15:4 + 6 times; מֵעַיִךְ Gn 25:23 Nu 5:22; מֵעָיו 2 S 20:10 + 5 times; מֵעֵיהֶם Ez 7:19;—
1. lit.: a. וַיִּשְׁפֹּךְ מֵעָיו אַ֫רְצָה 2 S 20:10 and he poured out his inward parts on the ground (through a wound); cf. מַחֲלֵה מ׳ 2 Ch 21:15, 18, יָֽצְאוּ מ׳ v 15, 19. b. as digestive organs, but without precision, nearly=stomach, belly, Jb 20:14; Ez 3:3 (‖ בֶּטֶן), 7:19 (‖ נֶפֶשׁ; both c. מָלֵא), Nu 5:22; so of fish that swallowed Jonah Jon 2:1, 2.
2. source of procreation: אשׁר יצא מִמּ׳ (said of offspring) Gn 15:4 (JE), 2 S 7:12 (‖ זַרְעֲךָ), 16:11; צֶאֱצָאֵי מ׳ Is 48:19 (‖ id.); מִיצִיאֵי מ׳ 2 Ch 32:21.
3. = womb, שְׁנֵי לְאֻמִּים מִמֵּעַיִךְ יִפָּרֵ֑דוּ Gn 25:23 (J; ‖ בֶּטֶן), cf. Is 49:1 (‖ id.), ψ 71:6 (‖ id.), Ru 1:11.
4. in gen.=inwards, inward part, לִבִּינָמֵס בְּתוֹךְ מ׳ ψ 22:15, cf. תּוֹרָֽתְךָ בְּתוֹךְ מ׳ 40:9.
5. fig.=seat of emotions: pity, Is 16:11 (‖ קֶרֶב); of God’s compassion, Je 31:20 (‖ רחם; in both subj. of vb. הָמוּ); הֲמוֹן מֵעֶיךָ Is 63:15 (‖ רַחֲמֶיךָ); distress, Je 4:19(×2) (‖ לֵב), מֵעַי חֳמַרְמָרוּ La 1:20 (‖ לֵב), 2:11 (‖ כָּבֵד liver); מֵעַי רֻתְּחוּ Jb 30:27 (dub., v. Bu); love, מֵעַי הָמוּ עָלָיו Ct 5:4.
6. the external belly, מֵעָיו עֶשֶׁת שֵׁן Ct 5:14.


[מָעָה] n.f. grain (of sand), si vera l. (NH מָעָה, seed (of melon, etc.), coin, Aramaic ܡܳܥܳܐ מָעָא coin);—only fpl. sf.: וַיְהִי כַחוֹל זַרְעֶ֔ךָ וְצֶאֱצָאֵי מֵעֶיךָ כִּמְעֹתָיו Is 48:19 and thy seed had been like the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the grains thereof, cf. 𝔙 𝔗 De Di Du al. > pl. of [מֵעֶה] the entrails of it (i.e. the sea) AE Ges Hi CheComm..—𝔊 ὡς ὁ χοῦς τῆς γῆς, whence Gr כְּעפרותיו.


מָעוֹג v. עוג.


מָעוֹג n.[m.] cake;—abs. 1 K 17:12; לַעֲגֵי מ׳ ψ 35:16 mockers of (for) a cake, i.e. buffoons, but 𝔊 Che al. read לַעַג (לֹעֲגֵי) לָֽעֲגוּ.


מָעוֹז, מָעֹז v. עוז (cf. עזז).


מָעוֹז n.m. Ju 6:26 place or means of safety, protection (MT sfs. as if from עזז, but prob. erron., cf. BuhlLex 13 Ges§ 85 k);—מ׳ abs. Ju 6:26 +, cstr. Is 30:2 +; sf. מָעוּזִי 2 S 22:33 (but read הַמְּאַזְּרֵנִי as ‖ ψ 18:33), מָעוּזִּי ψ 31:5 +, מָעֻזּי Is 27:5 +, מָעוּזּוֹ ψ 52:9 +, מָעֻזֹּה Dn 11:10, etc. (read proposes מְעוֹזִי, etc.); pl. מָעֻזִּים v 38, 39, sf. מָעֻזְּנֶיהָ Is 23:11, read מָעֻזֶּיהָ (Ges§ 20 o CheHeb. Hpt. al.; del. d. f. in all, v. supr.);—
1. lit. place of safety 2 S 22:33, hence (c. collat. idea of strength, as if from עזז) = fastness Ju 6:26; Is 23:11, 14 (in v 14 (CheHeb. Hpt. proposes מְחוֹזְכֶם your city), Ez 24:25; 30:15; Dn 11:7, 10, 19, הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַמּ׳ v 31, מִבְצְרֵי מָעֻזִּים v 39; מ׳ הַיָּם i.e. harbour Is 23:4, but del. Ol Du CheHpt.; מ׳ מֵאוֹיֵב Na 3:11; cf. עָרֵי מ׳ Is 17:9.
2. a. fig., of God (י׳) as refuge Na 1:7 ψ 27:1; 31:5; 37:39; 52:9; Is 25:4(×2); Jo 4:16, י׳ עֻזִּי וּמָעֻזִּי וּמְנוּסִי Je 16:19, מ׳ יְשׁוּעוֹת מְשִׁיחוֹ ψ 28:8 (‖ עָז־); so צוּר מ׳ Is 17:10 ψ 31:3, אֱלֹהֵי מ׳ 43:2; also יַחֲזֵק בְּמָעֻוִּי Is 27:5 let him lay hold of my refuge (me as refuge); cf. חֶדְוַת י׳ הִיא מָעֻזְּכֶם Ne 8:10, מ׳ לַתֹּם דֶּרֶךְ י׳ Pr 10:29. b. of a heathen god, אֱלוֹהַּ מָעֻזִּים Dn 11:38 (read מְחֹזִים cities Che Is 23:1 Heb. Hpt.).
3. fig. of human protection, מ׳ פַּרְעֹה Is 30:2, 3 (both ‖ צֵל מִצְרַיִם); אֶפְרַיִם מ׳ רֹאשִׁי ψ 60:9 = 108:9, i.e. my helmet; also (of angel) Dn 11:1 (‖ מַחֲזִיק).


מָעוֹךְ father of Achish of Gath (on form cf. LagBN 32);—1 S 27:2 (𝔊 Αμμαχ, A Μωαβ, 𝔊L Αχιμααν)=מַעֲכָה 1 K 2:39 (𝔊 Αμησα, A 𝔊L Μααχα).


I, II. מָעוֹן, מְע (וֹ)נָה, מְעוֹנֹתַי v. עון.


† I. מָעוֹן n.[m.] refuge, hence habitation;—abs. מ׳ ψ 71:3 +, cstr. מְעוֹן Je 25:30 +, sf. מְעוֹנֶ֑ךָ ψ 91:9, etc.;—
1. lair of jackals Je 9:10; 10:22; 49:33; 51:37 (all of desolated cities); מ׳ אֲרָיוֹת Na 2:12 (‖ מִרְעֶה; fig. of Nineveh).
2. dwelling of י׳: a. in heaven מ׳ קָדְשְׁךָ Dt 26:15 cf. Je 25:30 (‖ מָרוֹם), Zc 2:17 ψ 68:6; 2 Ch 30:27. b. in temple מ׳ בֵּיתֶ֑ךָ ψ 26:8, מְעוֹנוֹ 2 Ch 36:15 (only here alone).
3. fig. of י׳ as refuge of his people, צוּר מ׳ ψ 71:3, מ׳ alone 90:1; 91:9.—מ׳ 1 S 2:29, 32 is unintelling. (v. Comm.), poss. read מְעוֹיֵן (eyeing [enviously], v. עין denom.) Klo HPS, cf. 𝔊 Bu. מְעוֹנָהּ Zp 3:7 is difficult in context, 𝔊 We Now read מֵעֵינֶיה (cf. Jos 9:23; 2 S 3:29).


† II. מָעוֹן
1. loc. in Judah Jos 15:55 (P), 1 S 25:2 (𝔊 Μααν, Μαων), now Maʿîn (BuhlGeogr. 163 and reff.), 8 miles S. of Hebron; hence מִדְבַּר מ׳ 23:24, 25(×2), so read also 25:1 (for MT פארן) 𝔊 Th We Dr Bu Klo Kit Löhr; cf.
2. m. in Judah 1 Ch 2:45(×2), 𝔊 Μεων, Μαων.
3. gent. Ju 10:12 named with Sidonians and Amalek as ancient foes of Isr.; poss. intended by writer as = מְעוּנִים q.v. p. 589 supr.; many read מִדְיָן (𝔊Biblical Aramaic 𝔊L Μαδιαμ); v. GFM.—מְעוֹן v. בֵּית בַּעַל מְעוֹן p. 111 supr.; 1 Ch 4:41 v. מְעוּנִים p. 589.


מְעוּנִים Meʿunim, Meʿunites (usually connected with מָעוֹן (v. עון), but dub., cf. Buhl Edom. 41 f.);—a people S. (SE?) of Canaan (cf. Buhl l.c.);—הַמּ׳ 2 Ch 26:7 and 1 Ch 4:41 Qr (Kt המעינים, 𝔊B τοὺς Μιναίους, 𝔊L τ. κιναίους); read also מֵהַמְּעוּנִים 2 Ch 20:1 (for MT מֵהָעַמּוֹנִים), so 𝔊Biblical Aramaic (𝔊L Αμμανιειμ), Ew Be Ke Öt Kau Kit; בְּנֵי־מְעוּנִים (among Nethinim who went back with Zerub.) Ezr 2:50=Neh 7:52 are perhaps descendants of those named above (2 Ch 26:7). 𝔊 οἱ Μιναῖοι, but against מ׳=Minæans (GlaserSkizze ii. 450 f. al.) v. SprengerZMG xliv (1890), 505.


מְעוֹנֹתַי name in Judah 1 Ch 4:14, 𝔊 Μα(ω)ναθει.


[מָעוּף] v. I. עיף.


[מָעוּף] n.[m.] id.;—cstr. מְעוּף צוּקָה Is 8:22 (‖ הֲשֵׁכָה); CheHpt. reads מוּעַף.


מָעוֹר v. II. עור.


[מָעוֹר] n.[m.] nakedness, pudendum;—only pl. sf. מְעוֹרֵיהֶם Hb 2:15.


מעז (√ of following).


מַֽעַזְיָהוּ, מַֽעַזְיָה of priests.
1. 1 Ch 24:18 ascribed to David’s time, A Μοοζαλ, 𝔊L Μοοζια.
2. Neh 10:9, Nehemiah’s time, A Μααζεια, 𝔊L Μααζίας.


מְעַט101 subst. a little, fewness, a few;—מ׳ abs. and cstr., מְעָ֑ט Is 10:7 +, pl. מְעַטִּיםψ 109:8 Ec 5:1;—
1. a. Gn 30:30 מעט אשׁר היה לך לְפָנַי the little that thou hadst, 47:9 מעט ורעים היו ימי שׁני חיי few and evil, Lv 25:52 Nu 26:54 (cf. 33:54) וְלַמְעַט תמעיט נחלתו and to the small (few) thou shalt make small his inheritance, v 56; 35:8 וּמֵאֵת הַֽמְעַט תמעיטו, Dt 7:7 וכי אתם הַֽמְעַט מכל־העמים ye are the fewest out of all peoples, 1 S 14:6 לְהוֹשִׁיעַ בְּרַב אוֹ בִמְעָ֑ט, Je 42:2 כִּי נִשְׁאַרְנוּ מְעַט מֵהַרְבֵּה we are left as few out of many, Ez 5:3 וְלָקַחְתָּ מִשָּׁם מְעַט בְּמִסְפָּר, Hg 1:6 זְרַעְתֶּם הַרְבֵּה וְהָבֵא מְעָ֑ט (cf. v 9), ψ 8:6 ותחסּרהו מעט מאלהים, 37:16 טוֹב מְעַט לַצַּדִּיק (cf. Pr 15:16; 16:8), 2 Ch 29:34 רַק הַבֹּהֲנִים הָיוּ לִמְעָ֑ט; as pred. Nu 13:18 הַמְעַט הוּא אִם־רָ֑ב, Jos 7:3 כִּי מְעַט הֵמָּה, Jb 10:20; Ru 2:7; Ne 7:4; Is 16:14 וּשְׁאָר מְעַט מִזְעָר.—Ho 8:10 וַיָּחֵלּוּ מְעַט and they begin as littleness (=to be minished) because of, &c. but read prob. (𝔊) וְיֶחְדְּלוּ מְעַט מִמְּשֹׁחַ and they shall cease for a little (d) from anointing, etc. b. as subst. with foll. gen., Gn 18:4 מְעַט מַיִם a little of water, 24:17, 43, מְעַט אֹכֶל 43:2; 44:25; 1 S 14:43; 17:28 מְעַט הַצֹּאן הָהֵ֫נָּה lit. the fewness of those sheep, Pr 6:10 +; as gen. to a previous subst., מְתֵי מְעָ֑ט men of fewnessDt 26:5; 28:62; in appos., †Is 10:7 לְהַכְרִית גּוֹיִם לֹא מְעָ֑ט, Ezr 9:8 מִחְיָה מְעַט, Ne 2:12 וַאֲנָשִׁים מְעַט עִמִּי, Ec 9:4; either gen. or appos., 10:1; Dn 11:34 יֵעָֽזְרוּ עֵזֶר מְעָ֑ט with a help of smallness. c. twice declined as an adj., ψ 109:8 יִהְיוּ יָמָיו מְעַטִּים, Ec 5:1 על־כן יהיו דבריך מְעַטִּים. d. as adverb. acc., of place, 2 S 16:1 וְדָוִד עֹבֵר מְעַט; of time, Jb 10:20b; of degree, 2 K 10:18 אַחְאָב עָבַד אֶת־הַבַּעַל מְעָ֑ט, Ez 11:16 and have been to them for a sanctuary but little, Zc 1:15; repeated מְעַט מְעַט by little, by little=gradually, Ex 23:30; Dt 7:22. e. phrases:—a. with the interr. הֲ, †Gn 30:15 הַֽמְעַט קַחְתֵּךְ אֶת־אִישִׁי וְלָקַחַת was thy taking my husband (too) little? and (wilt thou be) for taking also my son’s love-apples? Nu 16:9—10 הַֽמְעַט מִכֶּם כִּי הִבְדִּילוּבִקַּשְׁתֶּם גַּם כְּהֻנָּה is it too little for you that J. hath separated, etc., … and do ye seek, etc.? v 13 הַֽמְעַט כִּי הֶעֱלִיתָנוּכִּי תִשְׂתָּרֵר גַּם הִשְׂתָּרֵר, Jos 22:17f. הַֽמְעַט לָנוּוְאַתֶּם תָּשׁוּבוּ וגו׳, Is 7:13 הַֽמְעַט מִכֶּם הַלְאוֹת אֲנָשִׁים כִּי תַלְאוּ וגו׳ is wearying men too little for you, that you will weary also my God? Ez 34:18 (as Ew Co AV RV), Jb 15:11; הַֽמְעַט מִמְּךָ תַּנְחוּמוֹת אֵל. But Ez 16:20 (si vera l.) was it (too) little because of thy whoredom? (was that insufficient for thee? Köiii. 406 m). b. עוֹד מְעַט וְ׳, †Ex 17:4 עוֹד מְעַט וּסְקָלֻנִי yet a little, and they will stone me, Je 51:33; Ho 1:4 ψ 37:10; עוֹד מְעַט מִזְעָר וְ׳Is 10:25; 29:17; cf. Hg 2:6; Jb 24:24.
2.כִּמְעַט like a little: hence a. almost (cf. ὀλίγου), of unrealized action, Gn 26:10 כִּמְעַט שָׁכַבalmost had lain …, ψ 73:2 Qr, 94:17; 119:87 Pr 5:14 (all sq. pf.); Ez 16:47 כִּמְעַט קָט וַתַּשְׁחִתִי מֵהֶן like only(?) a little, and thou hadst done more corruptly than they; Ct 3:4 כִּמְעַט שֶׁעָבַרְתִּי מֵהֶם=hardly had I passed. b. with impf., just, 2 S 19:37 כמעט יעבר עבדך just would thy servant pass over; lightly, easily, quickly (cf. διʼ ὀλίγου), ψ 2:12 כִּי יִבְעַר כִּמְעַט אַפּוֹ, 81:15 Jb 32:22. c. =shortly, 2 Ch 12:7. d. =little worth, Pr 10:20 ולב רשׁעים במעט. e. pleon. for מְעַט, Is 1:9 (accents) שָׂרִיד כִּמְעָ֑ט a little remnant, ψ 105:12 (=1 Ch 16:19) כִּמְעַט וְגָרִים בָּהּ; כִּמְעַט רֶגַע like the littleness of a moment=for a little moment, Is 26:20; Ezr 9:8.


[מָעַט] vb. be or become small, diminished, few (NH, Talm., id.; Arabic مَعِطَ is to be without hair on the body)
Qal Impf. יִמְעַט Ex 12:4, 2 mpl. תִּמְעָ֑טוּ Je 29:6, 3 mpl. יִמְעָ֑טוּ Is 21:17 +, וַיִּמְעֲטוּ ψ 107:39; Inf. מְעֹם Lv 25:16;—Ex 12:4 אִם־יִמְעַט הַבַּיִת מִהְיוֹת מִשֶּׂה if the house be too small for a lamb; Ne 9:32 אַל־יִמְעַט לְפָנֶיךָ אֵת כָּל־הַתְּלָאָה (cf. Ges§ 117 l); of a people, Je 29:6 וּרְבוּ שָׁם וְאַל־תִּמְעָ֑טוּ and become not few, 30:19 וְהִרְבִּתִים וְלֹא יִמְעָ֔טוּ, Is 21:17 ψ 107:39; Pr 13:11 הוֹן מֵהֶבֶל יִמְעָ֑ט diminishes (opp. יַרְבֶּה); Lv 25:16 וּלְפִי מְעֹט הַשָּׁנִים according to the fewness of the years.
Pi. become few (Ges§ 52 k), Pf. 3 pl. Ec 12:3 וּבָֽטְלוּ הַטֹּחֲנוֹת כִּי מִעֵ֔טוּ.
Hiph. Pf. 3 fs. consec. וְהִמְעִ֫יטָה (Ges§ 49 k), Lv 26:22, 1 s. with sf. וְהִמְעַטְתִּים Ez 29:15; Impf. 2 ms. תַּמְעִיט Lv 25:16, תַּמְעִטֵ֫נִי Je 10:24, 2 fs. תַּמְעִ֫יטִי 2 K 4:3, etc.;—make small or few, diminish: a. Lv 26:22 (of the sword) וְהִמְעִ֫יטָה אֶתְכֶם, Ez 29:15 וְהִמְעַטְתִּים, Je 10:24 אַל־בְּאַפְּךָ פֶּן־תַּמְעִטֵנִי lest thou make me (the people) small, ψ 107:38 וּבְהֶמְתָּם לֹא יַמְעִיט; Lv 25:16 וּלְפִי מְעֹט הַשָּׁנִים תַּמְעִיט מִקְנָתוֹ according to the smallness (fewness) of the years, thou shalt make small its price, Nu 26:54 לָרַב תַּרְבֶּה נַחֲלָתוֹ וְלַמְעַט תַּמְעִיט נַחֲלָתוֹ and to the small (few) thou shalt make small his inheritance (so 33:54). b. qualifying an action (sometimes to be understood from the context), Ex 16:17 וַיִּלְקְמוּ הַמַּרְבֶּה וְהַמַּמְעִיט and they gathered, he that made much, and he that made little (sc. לִלְקֹט), v 18 Nu 11:32 הממעיט אסף עשׂרה חמרים, 2 K 4:3 כֵּלִים רֵקִים אַל־תַּמְעִיטִי empty vessels make not few (sc. in borrowing); Ex 30:15 הֶעָשִׁיר לֹא יַרְבֶּה וְהַדַּל לֹא יַמְעִיט מִמַּחֲצִית הַשָּׁ֑קֶל לָתֵת וגו׳ shall not diminish from the half shekel to give, i.e. shall not give less, Nu 35:8 מֵאֵת הָרַב תַּרְבּוּ וּמֵאֵת הַמְעַט תַּמְעִיטוּ and from the few ye shall make few (sc. לָתֵת) i.e. ye shall give few (cities).


מִעֻטָּה Ez 21:20 textual error, v. sub מרט.


מַעֲטֶה v. I. עטה.


[מַעֲטֶה] n.[m.] wrap, mantle;—only cstr. fig. מַעֲטֵה תְהִלָּה Is 61:3 a mantle of praise.


[מַעֲטָפָה] v. II. עטף.


[מַעֲטָפָה] n.f. overtunic (so Arabic مِعْطَفٌ, Aramaic ܥܛܝܺܦܬܳܐ, ܥܛܳܦܳܐ );—pl. abs. מַעֲטָפוֹת Is 3:22.


מְעִי only in והיתה מ׳ מַפָּלָה Is 17:1; according to AV RV Thes al. n.[m.]=עִי ruin-heap, but form very strange; 𝔊 om. (ἔσται εἰς πτῶσιν); Gr proposes כְּעִי, Di לְעִי; < dittogr. from מעיר LagSem. i. 29 Che NöZMG xxxii. 1878, 401 Brd SS Buhl Gu in Kau Du.


מָעַי a musician Ne 12:36; 𝔊אc, a Μααι, 𝔊L Μαια.


מְעִי n. [m.] ruin (si vera l.);—וְהָֽיְתָה מְעִי מַפָּלָה consec. Is 17:1 Damascus shall become a ruinous heap (but del. מ׳ 𝔊 Lag Che SS Buhl).


מְעִיל v. sub מעל.


מְעִיל n.m. 1 S 2:19 robe (Thes conj. orig. meaning cover for √ מעל, cf. בגד; BAES 15 comp. Arabic مُلَاءَةٌ an outer garment, but against this StaThLZ, Apr. 28, 1894, 235);—מ׳ Ex 28:31 + 18 times; sf. מְעִילוֹ 1 S 15:27; מְעִלוֹ Jb 1:20; 2:12 + 4 times sg.; pl. מְעִילִים 2 S 13:18, (but del. We Klo Kit Bu SS; orig. gloss מֵעוֹלָם We Kit Bu); מְעִילֵיהֶם Ez 26:16;—exterior garment, robe, worn over the inner tunic כְּתֹנֶת:
1. worn by men of rank: Saul and Jonathan 1 S 18:4; 24:5, 12(×2); princes of the sea Ez 26:16; Job Jb 1:20; 2:12; Samuel 1 S 15:27; 28:14; Ezra Ezr 9:3, 5; David clothed with מ׳ בוץ 1 Ch 15:27 (in the procession of the ark); the child Samuel had מ׳ קָטֹן 1 S 2:19;—(it had a skirt כנף 1 S 15:27; 24:5, 12(×2)).
2. worn by the daughters of David 2 S 13:18 (but prob. del., v. supr.)
3. robe of high priest (only P): מְעִיל הָאֵפוֹד, made of purple stuff, Ex 28:31; 29:5; 39:22; אפוד ומעיל 28:4; הַמְּעִיל Lv 8:7, having שׁוּלֵי הַמְּעִיל skirts Ex 28:34; 39:24, 25, 26, around which were alternate coloured pomegranates and golden bells, and פִּי הַמְּעִיל, an opening or hole by which it might be drawn over the head 39:28.
4. fig. of attributes (of י׳, and of men), קנאה Is 59:17; צדקה 61:10; משׁפט Jb 29:14; בשׁת ψ 109:29.


מֵעִים v. מעה.


מַעְיָן v. sub עין.


מַעְיָן n.m. Pr 8:24 spring;—abs. מ׳ ψ 74:15 +; cstr. מַעְיַן 2 K 3:25 +, מַעְיְנוֹ ψ 114:8 (Ges§ 90 n); sf. מַעְיָנוֹ Ho 13:15; pl. מַעְיָנוֹת Is 41:18 +, מַעְיָנִים ψ 104:10; cstr. מַעְיְנוֹת Gn 7:11 +, מַעְיְנֵי 1 K 18:5; 2 K 3:19, מַעַיְנֵי Is 12:3; sf. מַעְיָנַי ψ 87:7 (but v. infr.), מַעְיְנֹתֶיךָ Pr 5:16;—spring, cstr. before מַיִם 1 K 18:5; 2 K 3:19, 25, Jos 15:9; 18:15 (both P), ψ 114:8, cf. Pr 8:24; מַע׳ alone Is 41:18; Lv 11:36 (P), ψ 74:15; 104:10; 2 Ch 32:4, cf. Jo 4:18 (in eschatol. picture); in sim. Pr 25:26; מ׳ תְּהוֹם Gn 7:11; 8:2 (cf. Pr 8:28); fig. of source of happiness, enjoyment Ho 13:15 (‖ מְקוֹרוֹ) ψ 84:7; Pr 5:16 (of wife, v. Toy), cf. מ׳ חָתוּם Ct 4:12, מ׳ גַּנִּים v 15; also ψ 87:7 (si vera l.; so De Che Du; Hup Bae We read form of מָעוֹן dwelling); מ׳ הַיִשׁוּעָה Is 12:3.


מעינים 1 Ch 4:41 Kt v. מְעוּנִים.


[מָעַךְ] vb. press, squeeze (NH id.; 𝔗 מְעַךְ; Arabic مَعَكَ rub);—
Qal Pt. pass. וּמָעוּךְ וְכָתוּת וְנָתוּק וְכָרוּת Lv 22:24 (H), not to be offered to י׳, reference to emasculation (cf. Di); וַחֲנִיתוֹ מְעוּכָה־בָאָרֶץ 1 S 26:7 and his spear pressed (thrust) into the ground.
Pu. Pf. 3 mpl. שָׁמָּה מֹעֲכוּ שְׁדֵיהֶן Ez 23:3 there were their breasts squeezed (‖ עִשּׂוּ; unchastely; fig. of intercourse of Samaria and Jerus. with Egypt, involving idolatry).


מַעֲכָה, f. et gent.
1. 𝔊 Μ(ο)ωχα, Μα(α)χα: a. son of Nahor by his concubine רְאוּמָה Gn 22:22 (J), ancestor of people v. 3. b. father of חָנָן, a hero of David 1 Ch 11:43. c. Simeonite name 1 Ch 27:16. d. father of Achish 1 K 2:39 (v. מָעוֹךְ supra).
2. 𝔊 Μ(ο)ωχα, Μααχα, etc.: a. Geshurite princess, wife of David, mother of Absalom, 2 S 3:3=1 Ch 3:2. b. daughter of Absalom, wife of Rehoboam, mother of Abijam, 1 K 15:2; 2 Ch 11:20, 21, 22; read also מ׳ 2 Ch 13:2 (so 𝔊 𝔖) for MT מִיכָיָה, where called daughter of Uriel of Gibeah (on this difficulty v. Be Öt, and cf. c). c. mother of Asa, and called also daughter of Absalom (as b) 1 K 15:10, cf. v 13=2 Ch 15:16, (on this difficulty v. Th Kmp in Kau). d. concubine of Caleb according to 1 Ch 2:48. e. wife of Machir 1 Ch 7:16, cf. v 15 (corrupt, v. Be). f. wife of (יעיאל), father of Gibeon, 1 Ch 8:29; 9:35.
3., 𝔊 Μοοχα, Μωχα, Μα(α)χα; dwelling W. of Bashan, near Ṣoba, and Geshur (cf. especially adj. gent. infr.), 2 S 10:6, 8=1 Ch 19:7, אֲרַם מ׳ v 6 (cf. Gn 22:24 supr.);=מַעֲכָת Jos 13:13 (+ גְּשׁוּר), 𝔊 ὁ Μαχατει, Μαχαθι.—אָבֵל בֵּית מַעֲכָה v. sub בַּיִת, p. 112 supr., and אָבֵל, p. 5.


מַעֲכָת v. supr. מַעֲכָה 3.


מַעֲכָתִי הַמּ׳ 1 Ch 4:19; so בֶּן־הַמַּעֲכָתִי 2 S 23:34 of one of David’s heroes, We del. בן; read prob. בֵּיח הַמּ׳ Klo HPS; v. also Dr; of associate of Ishmael the Judaean 2 K 25:23=Je 40:8; coll.=the Maachathites Dt 3:14 Jos 12:5; 13:11, 13 (all + הַגְּשׁוּרִי; cf. מַעֲכָה 3).—𝔊 Μαχ(ε)ι, Μαχατ(ε)ι, Μααχαθι, etc.


מֵעַל v. עַל.


† I. מַ֫עַל n.m. Ezr 9:2 unfaithful, treacherous act (NH מְעִילָה);—מ׳ Lv 5:15 + 16 times; מָ֑עַל Nu 5:12 + 2 times; sf. מַעֲלוֹ Ez 17:20 + 4 times; מַעֲלָם Ez 39:26 + 3 times;—
1. ag. man: נשׁאר מעל Jb 21:34 faithlessness remains (cf. Nu 5:12, 27 Pr 16:10 under מָעַל).
2. elsewhere ag. God, c. בְּ, Jos 22:22 (P); without בְּ, 1 Ch 9:1 2 Ch 29:19; 33:19 Ezr 9:2, 4; 10:6.—מַעַל elsewhere only c. מָעַל q.v. (1; all cited).


מָעַל vb. act unfaithfully, treacherously, a priestly word (P Ez. Ch.), chiefly late (NH id., act unfaithfully; Arabic مَغَلَ whisper, backbite, مَغَالَةٌ perfidy, fraud);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. מָעַל Jos 22:20 + 4 times; 3 fs. מָֽעֲלָה Lv 5:21 Nu 5:12 + 13 times Pf.; Impf. יִמְעַל Pr 16:10 2 Ch 26:16; 3 fs. תִּמְעֹל Lv 5:15 Nu 5:27; 3 mpl. יִמְעֲלוּ Jos 7:1, וַיִּמְעֲלוּ 1 Ch 5:25; 2 mpl. תִּמְעָ֑לוּ Ne 1:8; Inf. cstr. לִמְעֹל, so read for ℌ למסר Nu 31:16 Thes Di;—act unfaithfully, treacherously, usually 1. מָעַל מַ֫עַל: a. abs. בַּחֵרֶם in the matter of the devoted thing (the sin of Achan) Jos 7:1 (JE), 22:20 (P), cf. Lv 5:15 (P), 2 Ch 36:14 Ez 14:13; 15:8; 18:24. b. wife against (בְּ) husband Nu 5:12, 27 (P; marital infidelity). c. elsewhere ag. (בְּ) God, Lv 26:40 (H), 5:21 Nu 5:6; 31:16 (?) Jos 22:16, 31 (all P), 1 Ch 10:13 2 Ch 28:19 Ez 17:20; 20:27; 39:26 Dn 9:7. 2. usage without מַעַל (only late): a. במשׁפט לא ימעל פיו Pr 16:10 let not his (the king’s) mouth act treacherously against justice (RV in judgment). b. elsewhere against God, c. בְּ, Dt 32:51 (P), 1 Ch 5:25 2 Ch 12:3; 26:16; 28:22; 30:7 Ezr 10:2 Ne 13:27 Ez 39:23; without בְּ, 2 Ch 26:18; 29:6 Ezr 10:10 Ne 1:8; בַּהֵרֶם 1 Ch 2:7.


[מֹ֫עַל], מַעֲלֶה I, II. מַעֲלָה v. sub עלה.


II. מַ֫עַל v. sub עלה.


מֹ֫עַל n.[m.] lifting;—בְּמֹעַל יְדֵיהֶם Ne 8:6.


II. מַ֫עַל140 subst., higher part, only in adv. and prep. phrases; above, upwards (Ph. מעל, v. sub מַ֫טָּה p. 641: abbrev. from מַעֲלֶה; cf. מַ֫עַן in לְמַ֫עַן from עָנָה: Köii 116):—
1. מִמַּ֫עַל = above (v. מִן 1 c): a. as adv. Am 2:9 וָאָשְׁמִיד פִּרְיוֹ מִמַּעַל his fruit above (opp. שָׁרָשָׁיו מִתָּ֑חַת), Jb 18:16; 1 K 7:3, 20, 29; often in the phr. הַשָּׁמַיִם מִמַּעַל Dt 4:39; 5:8 (= Ex 20:4), Jos 2:11; 1 K 8:23; Is 45:8; Je 4:28; cf. שְׁחַקִים מ׳ ψ 78:23; Pr 8:28, אֱלוֹהַּ מ׳ Jb 3:4; 31:2, אֵל מ׳ 31:28. b. מִמַּעַל לְ, as prep. (מן 1 c), on the top of, above, Gn 22:9 ממעל לָעֵצִים above the wood, Ex 28:27 = 39:20, Lv 11:21 כְּרָעַיִם מִמַּעַל לְרַגְלָיו, Is 6:2 שְׂרָפִים עֹמדים מִמַּעַל לוֹ, 14:13; Je 43:10; Ez 1:26; Dn 12:6, 7; = on higher ground than, Je 35:4; fig. Je 52:32 (‖ 2 K 25:28 מֵעַל).
2. With ה—ָloc. מַ֫עְלָה, מָ֑עְלָה, upwards (opp. מַ֫טָּה p. 641): †a. fig. Dt 28:43 יַעֲלֶה עָלֶיךָ מַ֫עְלָה מָ֑עְלָה upwards, upwards, i.e. higher and higher (opp. מַ֫טָּה מָֽטָּה). †b. וָמַ֫עְלָה (a) of direction in space, Ju 1:36 מֵהַסֶּלַע וָמַ֫עְלָה from the rock and upwards (cf. Bu), 1 K 7:31 (corrupt: v. Sta VB Benz), 1 S 9:2 = 10:23 מִשִּׁכְמוֹ וָמַ֫עְלָה from his shoulder and upwards: so וּלְמ׳, †Ez 1:27 מִמַּרְאֵה מָתְנָיו וּלְמָ֑עְלָה, 8:2; 43:15. (b) of direction in time, or age:—(α) מִבֶּן עֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה וָמָ֑עְלָה Ex 30:14; Nu 1:3 + 19 times P, מִבֶּן חֹדֶשׁ וָמ׳ Nu 3:15, 22 + 6 times P, simil. 4:3; 8:24 + 7 times P; elsewhere only 1 Ch 23:3, 24; Ezr 3:8, and with וּלְמַעְלָה1 Ch 23:17; 2 Ch 31:16, 17; לְמִבֶּןוָמ׳2 Ch 25:5; and 2 K 3:21 מִכֹּל חֹגֵר חֲגֹרָה וָמ׳. †(β) מהיום ההוא וָמ׳ from that day and onwards, 1 S 16:13; 30:25. †(γ) מן היום הזה וָמ׳ from this day and upwards (i.e. and back), Hg 2:15, 18.* †c. לְמַ֫עְלָה upwards, more common than מ׳ alone (a): (α) Ex 25:20 (= 37:9) פֹּֽרְשֵׂי כְנָפַיִם למ׳, Ju 7:13 ויהפכהו למ׳ overthrew it upwards, i.e. turned it downside up, Is 7:11 אוֹ הַגְבֵּהַּ למ׳ or make it (the request) high upwards, 8:21 וּפָנָה למ׳, 37:31 (2 K 19:30) זעשׂה פרי למ׳ (cf. Am 2:9, 1 a), Ez 41:7 a β (v a α bis למ׳ למ׳ = higher and higher), ψ 74:5; fig. וְהָיִיתָ רַק למ׳ Dt 28:13 (cf. a), Pr 15:24 אֹרַח חַיִּים למ׳ (opp. שְׁאוֹל מָֽטָּה׃), cf. Ec 3:21; sq. a noun, Ezr 9:6 למ׳ רּאשׁ over the head, sq. מֵעַל (cf. Aboth 2:1 לְמַעְלָה מִן) = on high above, 2 Ch 34:4: v. ba, ba. (b) metaph. = exceedingly, only in Chr, 1 Ch 14:2; 22:5 the house must be built to J. לְהַגְדְּיל למ׳ so as to shew greatness exceedingly, 23:17 וּבְנֵי ר׳ רָבוּ למ׳, 29:3 (sq. מִן; = over and above …), v 25 2 Ch 1:1 וַיְגַדְּלֵהוּ למ׳, 20:19; עַד לְמַ֫עְלָה, 16:12; 17:12; 26:8. †d. מִלְמַ֫עְלָה (v. מִן 9 a), adv., above (the more usual prose syn. of מִמַּעַל): Gn 6:16 אֶל־אַמָּה תְּכַלֶּנָּה מ׳, 7:20 15 cubits מ׳ (i.e. above the mountain-tops), Ex 25:21 (40:20) וְנָתַתָּ֫ה אֶת־הַכַּפֹּרֶת על הארון מ׳ upon the ark above, 26:14 (36:19; 40:19; Nu 4:25) a covering of skins on the tent מ׳ above, 39:31; Nu 4:6; 1 K 7:11; 7:25; 8:7 (2 Ch 4:4; 5:8), Je 31:37 אִם יִמַּדּוּ שָׁמַיִם מ׳ (cf. 1 a), Ez 1:11 פְּרֻדוֹת מ׳ separate above, v 22, 26; 10:19; 11:22; 37:3; from above, Jos 3:13, 16 הַמַּיִם הַיֹּרְדִים מ׳.


מַעֲלֶה19 n.m. Is 15:5 ascent;—מ׳ Ne 12:37; cstr. מַעֲלֵה Jos 10:10 + 14 times; מַעֲלָו֯ Ez 40:31, 34, 37;
1. ascent of hill or city: Ju 8:13; 1 S 9:11, to the royal sepulchres (in Jerus.) 2 Ch 32:33; מ׳ הַזֵּיתִית 2 S 15:30 (v. זַיִת 3); מ׳עַקְרַבִּים = Scorpion-pass, on S. border of Pal., Ju 1:36; Nu 34:4; Jos 15:3 (both P), i.e. prob. the Naḳb eṣ-ṣafâ SW. from Dead Sea BuhlGeogr. 16, 66 Di and GFM ad loc., and reff.; often def. by מ׳ אֲדֻמִים 15:7; 18:17, S. of valley of Achor, between Jerusalem and Jericho, cf. mod. Telʿat ed-dâm BuhlGeogr. 98; v. also בֵּית חוֹרֹן, i. גּוּר, ii. הֶרֶם, לוּחִית, ii. ציץ.
2. of stairs Ez 40:31, 34, 37; to a wall Ne 12:37; מַעֲלֵה הַלְּוִיִּם Ne 9:4.


† I. [מַעֲלָה] n.f. what comes up;—pl. cstr. מַעֲלוֹת רוּחֲכֶם Ez 11:5, i.e. your thoughts.


II. מַעֲלָה46 n.f. step, stair;—מ׳ Ezr 7:9; 1 Ch 17:17; pl. מַעֲלוֹת Is 38:8 +, sf. מַעֲלֹתָו֯ Am 9:6, etc.;—
1. step, stair of temple Ez 40:6 + 5 times 40, and temple porch 40:49; of altar Ex 20:26 (E) (forbidden, cf. RSOTJC xii, n. 1; 2nd ed. 358) Ez 43:17 (prescribed); of house 2 K 9:13, of throne 1 K 10:19, 20; 2 Ch 9:18, 19; to the city of David Ne 3:15; 12:37.
2. steps (forming sun-dial, cf. Di Is) 2 K 20:9(×2), 10(×2), 11(×3) = Is 38:8(×5).
3. stories of heaven Am 9:6.
4. ascent מִבָּבֶל Ezr 7:9.
5. שִׁיר (ל)הַמַּעֲלוֹת song of ascents, to the three great pilgrim feasts, i.e. to be sung on way up to Jerusalem, titles of ψψ 120—134 + 84:6 We al.—כְּתוֹר הארם המעלה 1 Ch 17:17 is crpt., v. loc. (and on ‖ 2 S 7:19).


[מעליל], מעליליהם Zc 1:4 Kt, v. foreg. 1.


[מַעֲלִיל, מַעֲלָל] v. עלל.


[מַעֲלָל41] n.m. Ne 9:35 deed, practice;—only pl. מַעֲלָלִים 1 S 25:3; cstr. מַעַלְלֵי ψ 77:12; 78:1; sf. מַעֲלָלֶיךָ Dt 28:20, מַעֲלָלָיו Ho 4:9 + מַעַלְלֵיכֶם Is 1:16 +, מַעַלְלֵיהֶם 3:10 +, etc.;—
1. usually (especially Je 17 times) bad practices of men, רַע מַעֲלָלִים 1 S 25:3 he was evil in his practices; Ju 2:19 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ), Ho 5:5; 7:2; Is 3:8; Je 11:18 ψ 106:29, 39 (‖ מַעֲשֵׂיהֶם); מ׳ הָרָעִים Ne 9:35; רֹעַ מ׳ the evil of your (their, etc.) practices Ho 9:15; Is 1:16; Je 4:4; 21:12 (sf. 3 mpl. Kt, 2 mpl. Qr), +; מ׳ הָרָעִים Zc 1:4 Qr (+ ד׳ הָרָעִים; Kt מעליליהם), מ׳ אֲשֶׁר לֹא טוֹבִים Ez 36:31 (+ id.); הֵרֵעוּ מ׳ Mi 3:4; פְּרִי מ׳, i.e. their consequences, Is 3:10 Je 17:10; 21:14; 32:19 (+ דֶּרֶךְ).
2. deeds of י׳ ψ 77:12, of אֵל 78:7; cf. Mi 2:7.
3. acts, in gen., of youth Pr 20:11 (‖ פָּעֳלוֹ).


מֵעִם72 from with or beside (= παρὰ with a gen.: cf. מֵאֵת): hence
a. after verbs of departing, taking, removing, etc., Gn 13:14 אַחֲרֵי הִפָּרֶד־לוֹט מֵעִמּוֹ, 26:16 לֵךְ מֵעִמָּנוּ, 1 S 10:2, 9; 14:17 מי הלך מעמנו, 2 S 1:2; 1 S 16:14 ורוח י׳ סרה מעם שׁאול, 18:12; 2 K 2:9 בטרם אֶלָּקַח מעמך; 2 S 15:28 עַד בּוֹא דָבָר מֵעִמָּכֶם; of heart turning מעם י׳ Dt 29:17; 1 K 11:9; after שׁאל to ask, Ex 22:13; Dt 10:12 מה י׳ שֹׁאֵל מֵעִמָּ֑ךְ, 1 S 1:17; 20:23 (Niph.), Is 7:11 +; דרשׁ to require, Dt 18:19; 23:22; 1 K 14:5 (to inquire); יצא מֵעִם פרעה from (being) with Ph. Ex 8:8, 25, 26; 9:33 +: cf. 2 S 3:26; 1 S 18:13 ויסירהו שׁאול מעמו; and מֵעִם פְּנֵי Gn 44:29; Jb 1:12. †Sq. a word denoting a place, Gn 48:12 וַיּוֹצֵא יוֹסֵף אֹתָם מֵעִם בִּרְכָּיו, Ex 21:14 מֵעִם מִזְבְּחִי (cf. 1 S 2:33), Ju 9:37 מֵעִם טַבּוּר הארץ, 1 S 20:34 מֵעִם הַשֻּׁלְחָן; Jb 28:4 מֵעִם גָּר away from, far from (si vera l.).
b. Gn 24:27 אשׁר לא עזב חסדו מעם אֲדֹנִי (cf. with הכרית 1 S 20:15, הסיר 2 S 7:15; 1 Ch 17:13 (‖ 2 S 7:15 מן), הפיר ψ 89:34); Ru 4:10 לֹא־יִכָּרֵת שֵׁם מֵעִם.
c. From the possession, or custody, of (cf. עִם 3 b, c): so with גזל Gn 31:31, ערב to take in pledge 44:32, גנב Ex 22:11, יצא (subj. a slave; cf. עם 3 a) Lv 25:41 Dt 15:16 (cf. with שִׁלַּח חָפְשִׁי Dt 15:12, 13, 18; Je 34:14, הִנָּצֵל Dt 23:16), לקח 2 S 3:15, קנה 24:21.
d. Expressing origination or authorship: 1 S 20:7 כִּי כָֽלְתָה הָרָעָה מֵעִמּוֹ, v 9, 33 (cf. מֵאֵת Est 7:17); especially of י׳ (cf. מֵאֵת c), Gn 41:32 נָכוֹן הַדָּבָר מֵעִם הא׳ is established from, on the part of, God, 1 K 2:33 שׁלוםמעם י׳, 12:15 (2 Ch 10:15) כִי הָֽיְתָה סִבָּה מעם י׳, Is 8:18 signs and portents מעם י׳, 28:29 גם זאת מעם י׳ יצאה, 29:6 ψ 121:2 עֶזְרִי מעם י׳, Ru 2:12. And of a judgment proceeding from any one: 2 S 3:28 נקי מעם י׳ = pronounced guiltless by י׳, Jb 34:33 הֲמֵעִמְּךָ at thy judgment shall he requite? (cf. מִן 2 d end).


[מַעֲמָד], מָעֲמָד v. עמד.


מָעֳמָ֑ד n.[m.] standing-ground, foot-hold ψ 69:3 (in fig.).


[מַעֲמָד] n.[m.] office, function, service;—
1. station, office, post מַעֲמָֽדְךָ Is 22:19 (‖ מַצָּֽבְךָ), עַל־מַעֲמָדָם 2 Ch 35:15 at their post.
2. office, function 1 Ch 23:28.
3. service, prob. specif. waiting at table (strictly mode of standing), cstr. מַעֲמַד מְשָֽׁרְתָיו 1 K 10:5 = 2 Ch 9:4.


מַעֲמָסָה v. עמס.


מַעֲמָסָה n.f. load, burden;—אֶבֶן מ׳ Zc 12:3 a stone of burden = heavy stone, hard to lift.


מַעֲמַקִּים v. עמק.


מַעֲמַקִּים depths;—abs. מ׳ ψ 130:1 (fig.); cstr. lit. מַעֲמַקֵּי־יָם Is 51:10; fig. מ׳ מַיִם Ez 27:34 (fall of Tyre), ψ 69:3, 15 (distress).


מַ֫עַן v. מַעֲנֶה sub I. עָנָה.


[מַ֫עַן] subst. purpose, intent, only with לְ, in לְמַ֫עַן271 prep. and conj. for the sake of, on account of, to the intent or in order that (abbrev. from מַעֲנֶה: cf. מַ֫עַל: Köii. 116);—with sf. לְמַעֲנִי, לְמַעַנְךָ, and לְמַעַנְכֶם;—
1. prep.:— a. Gn 18:24 wilt thou … not spare the place למען חמשׁים הצדיקים for the sake of the 50 righteous? Dt 30:6 ל׳ חַיֶּיךָ for thy life’s sake, 1 K 8:41 the foreigner who comes from afar ל׳ שְׁמֶ֑ךָ, Is 43:14 לְמַעַנְכֶם שִׁלַּחְתִּי בָבֶ֫לָה, 45:4; 62:1 ל׳ ציון, 63:17 ל׳ עבדיך, 65:8; Ez 36:22(×2) Jb 18:4 ψ 122:8, 9; (עַבְדִּי ד׳) לְמַעַן דָּוִד, i.e. for the sake of David’s memory, and the promises given to him, †1 K 11:12, 13, 32, 34; 15:4; 2 K 8:19; 19:34 (= Is 37:35), 20:6 (all D2); לְמעֲנִי (of י׳) for my own sake, i.e. to vindicate my name, †2 K 19:34 (= Is 37:35), 20:6; Is 43:25; 48:11 לְמַעֲנִי אֶעֱשֶׂה לְמַעֲנִי, so לְמַעַנְךָ Dn 9:19, ל׳ אֲדֹנָי v 17 (cf. Is 55:5); י׳ is said (or entreated) to act (שִׁמְךָ, שְׁמִי) לְמַעַן שְׁמוֹ i.e. to maintain his reputation, or character, †ψ 23:3; 25:11; 31:4; 79:9; 106:8; 109:21; 143:11; Je 14:7, 21 Ez 20:9, 14, 22, 44; Is 48:9; simil. ל׳ חַסְדְּךָ (i.e. to maintain it consistently) †ψ 6:5; 44:27, ל׳ טוּבְךָ25:7, ל׳ צִדְקוֹIs 42:21. b. In view of, on account of (but not expressing causation distinctly, like מִן 2 f, or מִפְּנֵי), Dt 3:26 ויתעבר י׳ בי לְמַעַנְכֶם on your account, 1 K 11:39 ל׳ זֹאתּ in view of this, ל׳ שׁוֹרֲרַי on account of my watchful foes, †ψ 5:9; 27:11, ל׳ צורריך ψ 8:3, simil. 69:19; 48:12 (97:8) ישמח הר ציוןל׳ משׁפטיך in view of thy judgments. c. Sq. inf. Gn 18:19 לְמַעַן הָבִיא י׳ for the purpose of J.’s bringing = to the intent that J. might bring, 37:22 ל׳ הַצִּיל in order to rescue, 50:20; Ex 1:11; 9:16; 10:1, etc., Dt 2:30; 6:23, etc., 2 K 10:19; Je 7:10, 18; 11:5; 50:34 (on הִרגיע, v. עַד 2 a b), Ez 14:5; 21:15; 22:6, etc., 36:5 (v. p. 176), + often (Köiii. 595 f.). Once, pleon., לְמַעַן לָמוּג לֵב Ez 21:20 (cf. בַּעֲבוּר לְ 1 Ch 19:3; but read prob. הִמּוֹג).
2. Conj. (sq.impf.):— a. לְמַעַן אֲשֶׁר Gn 18:19 I have known him ל׳ אשׁר יְצַוֶּה to the end that he might command, etc., Dt 27:3; Jos 3:4; 2 S 13:5; Je 42:6; more often b. without אשׁר, as Gn 12:13 לְמַעַן יִיטַב לִי, 27:25; Ex 4:5 ל׳ יאמינו, 8:6, 18; 9:29; 10:2; Is 5:19; 23:16; ψ 9:15; 30:13; 48:14 + often (Köiii. 571). c. Sq. לֹא: (a) ל׳ אשׁר לֹאNu 17:5; Dt 20:18; Ez 31:14; 36:30; 46:18; (b) ל׳ לֹאEz 14:11; 19:9; 25:10; 26:20; Zech 12:7 ψ 119:11, 80; 125:3 (Köiii 574. Less common than לְבִלְתִּי or מִן with inf., or פֶּן־).
Note.1לְמַעַן is always in order that, never merely so that (ἐκβατικῶς); but sometimes, in rhetorical passages, the issue of a line of action, though really undesigned, is represented by it ironically as if it were designed: Dt 29:18 (v. Dr) וְהִתְבָּרֵךְ בִּלְבָבוֹל׳ סְפוֹת וגו׳ and he congratulate himself … in order to sweep away the moistened with the dry (i.e. to destory all together), Is 30:1; 44:9 בל יראו ובל ידעו ל׳ יֵבוֹשׁוּ in order that they may be put to shame, Je 7:18 ל׳ הַכְעִיסֵנִי, v 19 ל׳ בֹּשֶׁת פְּנֵיהֶם, 27:10, 15; 32:19; Ho 8:4 their silver, etc., they have made into idols ל׳ יִכָּרֵת in order that it may be cut off (of course, not the real purpose of the idolatry), Am 2:7; Mi 6:16; cf. ψ 51:6 (v. Comm.) in order that thou mightest be just when thou judgest (sc. by manifesting thy justice in judgment on my sin). cf. لِ Qor 28:7 (FlKl.Schr. i. 397 f.).
Note.2 —In Jos 4:24 for the anom. ל׳ יְרָאתֶם, read inf. ל׳ יִרְאָתָם in order that they might fear (Dr§ 41 Obs.): Neh 6:13 לְמַעַן שָׂכוּר הוּא לְמַעַן אִירָא (si vera l.) the first ל׳ points forwards, to this intent was he hired, to the intent that I should be afraid.—On Pr 16:4, v. מַעֲנֶה.


מְעֹנָה v. עון.


מַעֲנֶה v. I. ענה.


מַעֲנָה, מַעֲנִית v. II. ענה.


מְעֹנָה n.f. habitation;
1. den, lair of wild beasts: of כְּפִיר, מְעֹנָתוֹ Am 3:4, so pl. abs. מְעוֹנוֹת Jb 38:40 (‖ סֻכָּה), sf. מְעוֹנֹתָם ψ 104:22; cstr. מְעֹנוֹת אֲרָיוֹת Ct 4:8; מְעֹנֹתָיו Na 2:13 (‖ חֹרָיו; of אַרְיֵה, fig. of Nineveh); of חַיָּה in gen., בִּמְעוֹנֹתֶיהָ תִשְׁכֹּן Jb 37:8 (‖ אָ֑רֶב); so appar. fig. of men, hunted by י׳, מְעוֹנוֹתֵינוּ Je 21:13, fig. also of י׳ dwelling in temple, sg. sf., מְעוֹנָתוֹ בְּצִיּוֹן ψ 76:3 (‖ סוּכּוֹ).
2. fig. מְעֹנָה אֱלֹהֵי קֶדֶם Dt 33:27 the ancient God is a refuge (for his people; cf. i. מָעוֹן 3).


מַעֲנֶה n.m. Pr 15:1 answer, response;—abs. מ׳־רַךְ Pr 15:1 a gentle answer; cstr. מַעֲנֵה פִּיו v 23, cf. מ׳ לָשׁוֹן 16:1 (i.e. ability to answer); מ׳ אֱלֹהִים Mi 3:7 i.e. response for guidance; abs. also Pr 29:19 response = obedience; Jb 32:3, 5 reply, refutation; sf. לַמַּעֲנֵהוּ Pr 16:4 = for its purpose, that for which it answers (v. Toy).


מַעֲנָה n.f. place for task (?), specif. field for ploughing;—pl. sf. לְמַעֲנוֹתָם ψ 129:3 Kt they have extended their ploughing-grounds (Qr מַעֲנִיתָם); sg. מַעֲנָה only 1 S 14:14, where text corrupt and meaning dub. v. Comm.


מַעֲנִית ψ 129:3 Qr v. foregoing.


מעץ (√ of foll.; perhaps=be wrathful, cf. Arabic مَعِضَ be enraged; cf. also אֲחִימַעַץ, supr. p. 27).


מַ֫עַץ in Judah 1 Ch 2:27; 𝔊 Μαας.


מַעֲצֵבָה v. I. עצב.


מַעֲצָד v. עצד.


[מֹעֵצָה] v. [מוֹעֵצָה] sub יעץ.


מַעְצוֹר, מַעְצָר v. עצר.


מַעֲקֶה v. עקה.


מַעֲקַשִּׁים v. עקשׁ.


מַ֫עַר, מַעֲרֶה v. ערה.


I. מַעֲרָב merchandise v. II. ערב.


II. מַעֲרָב, מַעֲרָבָה west v. V. ערב.


מְעָרָה v. I. ערר.


מערות 1 S 17:23 Kt v. מערכה sub ערך.


[מַעֲרִיץ] v. ערץ.