Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


מַחְבֶּ֫רֶת² — מַחֲשָׁבָה²


מַחְבֶּ֫רֶת [מְחַבְרָה v. חבר.


מַחֲבַת n.f. flat plate, pan, or griddle for baking, only P and late; abs. מ׳ Lv 2:5 + 2 times; מַחֲבַ֑ת Lv 7:9; cstr. מַחֲבַת Ez 4:3;—
1. used in preparing the (baken) mincha, preceded by עַל־ Lv 2:5; 6:14; 7:9 (all P), cf. 1 Ch 23:29.
2. מ׳ בַּרְזֶל Ez 4:3 a plate of iron, signifying an iron wall, in prediction of siege of city.


מַחֲבַת v. חבת.


מַחֲגֹ֫רֶת n.f. a girding, cincture, only cstr.; תַּחַת פְּתִיגִיל מַחֲגֹרֶת שָׂ֑ק Is 3:24 instead of a mantle a girding of sackcloth.


מַחֲגֹ֫רֶת v. חגר.


† I. מָחָה vb. wipe, wipe out (NH id.; Arabic مَحَا, efface, erase, cancel, obliterate; Aramaic מְחָא (i), cf. Ph. למחת according to stroke = exactly HoffmPh. Inschr., Abh. GGW. xxxvi. May 1889, 9).—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. מָחָה Nu 5:23 + 3 times 3 fs. מָֽחֲתָה Pr 30:20 + 4 times Pf.; Impf. יִמְחֶה 2 K 21:13; וַיִּמַח (Baer; var. וַיִּמַּח) Gn 7:23; 1 s. sf. אֶמְחֶנּוּ Ex 32:33; + 4 times Impf.; Imv. מְחֵה ψ 51:3, 11; sf. מְחֵנִי Ex 32:32; Inf. abs. מָחֹה Ex 17:14; cstr. לִמְחוֹת 2 K 14:27; Pt. מֹחֶה Is 43:25; fpl. (לְ)מֹחוֹת Pr 31:3 (Ges Fl Nö De Str for MT לַמְחוֹת);— 1. wipe, the mouth Pr 30:20; tears from (מעל) the face Is 25:8; written curse, into the water (אל־מים) for drinking Nu 5:23 (P); Moses’ name from the book (מספר) of God Ex 32:32, 33 (J); וּמָחִיתִי אֶת־יְרוּשָׁלַם כַּאֲשֶׁר יִמְחֶה אֶת־הַצַּלַּחַת מָחָה וְהָפַךְ עַל־פָּנֶיהָ 2 K 21:13 and I will wipe Jerusalem as one wipeth a dish,—he doth wipe and turn it (but read prob. מָחֹה וְהָפֹךְ) upside down. 2. blot out = obliterate from the memory, מִתַּחַת הַשָּׁמַיִם from under heaven e.g. the name Dt 9:14; 29:19 2 K 14:27; the remembrance Ex 17:14(×2) (J), Dt 25:19; the name for ever ψ 9:6; transgressions (פשׁע; no more remembered by God against sinner) ψ 51:3 Is 43:25; 44:22; עָון ψ 51:11. 3. blot out = exterminate, כל־היקום all existing things Gn 7:23 (J) and mankind, מֵעַל פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה Gn 6:7; 7:4 (J); מֹחוֹת מְלָכִין Pr 31:3 (with the text-change, v. supr.) = destroyers of kings (i.e. impure women), but expression strange and dubious. Niph. Pf. 3 mpl. נִמְחוּ Ez 6:6; Impf. יִמָּחֶה Dt 25:6 Ju 21:17; יִמַּח ψ 109:13; 3 fs. תִּמָּ֑ח ψ 109:14; + 4 times Impf.;— 4. be wiped out מִסֵּפֶר חַיִּים ψ 69:29. 5. be blotted out, מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל of a name Dt 25:6, a tribe Ju 21:17; name (‖ posterity) ψ 109:13; from memory, of sins Ne 3:37 ψ 109:14; reproach, Pr 6:33. 6. be exterminated, מִן־הָאָרֶץ Gn 7:23 (J); of idolatrous works of Israel Ez 6:6.
Hiph. . Impf. 2 ms. תֶּ֫מַח Ne 13:14; תֶּ֑מְחִי Je 18:23 (but tone suggests תֶּ֫מַח cf. Ges§ 75. R. 17; Gie reads Qal and doubts Hiph. altogether); Inf. לַמְחוֹת Pr 31:3 (= לְהַמְחוֹת but see Qal 3);—blot out, from the memory; pious acts Ne 13:14; sins Je 18:23.


† II. מָחָה vb. strike (Aramaic מְחָא (ii), ܡܚܳܐ; according to L GeiUrspr. d. Spr. 416 LagSem. i. 26, BN 142ZMG xxxii, 1878, 409 weakened from ܡܚܰܥ = مخض, Heb. מָחַץ q.v., cf. Dr§ 178 n.; Assyrian maḫû = crush, oppress, DlHWB 396);—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec., וּמָחָה עַל־כֶּתֶף וגו׳ Nu 34:11 (P) and the border shall strike upon (reach unto) the shoulder of the sea of Chinnereth (> Di al. der. from I. מָחָה rub along by, brush past, skirt).


III. מָחָה v. מֹחַ sub מחח.


† IV. מָחָה vb. denom. only
Pu. Pt. מְמֻחָיִם (Ges§ 75. R. 13) in phr. שְׁמָנִים מ׳ Is 25:6 fat pieces full of marrow.


מְחוּגָה n.f. circle-instrument, compass, used by carvers of idols וּבַמְּחוּגָה יְתָֽאֳרֵ֑הוּ Is 44:13.


מְחוּגָה v. חוג.


[מָחוֹז] n.[m.] city (Assyrian loan-word; from maḫâzu, city, Asrb.Annals iii. 115 and often; v. DlHWB 271; cf. 𝔗 מָחוֹזָא market-place, province, ܡܳܚܽܘܙܳܐ small town)—only cstr. וַיַּנְחֵם אֶל־מְחוֹז חֶפְצָם ψ 107:30 and he guided them unto the city of their desire.


מְחוּיָאֵל great-grandson of Cain Gn 4:18a = מְחִיָּי֯אֵל v 18b (J; A 𝔊L in both Μαιηλ, E Μαουιηλ; cf. further LagOr. ii, 35 BN 96 (Μαιουιαηλ) BuUrgesch. 125).—(Etym. dub.; ThesAdd. 97 perhaps smitten of Ēlמחה; BuUrgesch.128 Kerber Eigennam, d. AT. 91 מְחַיִּיאֵל, or מַחְיִיאֵל Ēl maketh alive; DHMMV 10 thinks of div. יאל,—cf. Ph. יאלפעל, and CISi. 132, 4; especially p. 163 b, = god יאל giveth life (against this GrayProp. N. 164)).


מַחֲוִים appar. adj. gent., only אֱלִיאֵל הַמּ׳ 1 Ch 11:46, but read prob. הַמַּחֲנִי (Be), v. מַחֲנַיִם sub חנה; Öt suggests also הַמְּעוֹנִי; 𝔊 ὁ Μιει, A ὁ Μαωειν, 𝔊L ὁ Μαωθε.


מַחֲוִים v. sub II. חוה.


† I. מָחוֹל n.m. La 5:15 dance;—abs. מ׳ ψ 30:12 + 3 times; cstr. מְחוֹל Je 31:4; מְחוֹלֵנוּ La 5:15;—dance, token of joyousness ψ 30:12 (opp. מספד), Je 31:4, 13 (cf. v b), La 5:15 (opp. אֵבֶל); act of praise to י׳ ψ 149:3; 150:4; accompanied by timbrel (תֹּף) and sometimes other instruments ψ 149:3, 4 Je 31:13.


I. מָחוֹל v. I. חול.


† II. מָחוֹל father of Heman, etc., 1 K 5:11, 𝔊 Μαλ, A Μαουλ, 𝔊L Μααλα.


[מְחוֹלָה] n.f. id.;—cstr. מְחֹלַת Ct 7:1; pl. מְחֹלֹת Ex 32:19; מְחֹלוֹת Ex 15:20 + 5 times; dancing, token of joyousness after victory, Ju 11:34 1 S 18:6; 21:12; 29:5; in worship, at feast Ju 21:21; act of praise to י׳ Ex 15:20 (song); in idolatrous worship Ex 32:19 (E); as graceful and beautiful Ct 7:1; accomp. by timbrel Ex 15:20 Ju 11:34, and by singing Ex 15:20 1 S 18:6 (where however read prob. Poʿlel Pt. הַמְּחֹלְלוֹת, cf. vb. חוּל supr.; so 𝔊 We Dr), 21:12; 29:5.


מְחוֹלָה v. ii. אָבֵל p. 6 supr.; v. also מְחֹלָה.


מֶחֱזָה n.f. light, place of seeing, window, מֶחֱזָה אֶל־מֶחֱזָה light over against light 1 K 7:4(×2), 5(×2).


מַחֲזֶה n.[m.] vision—abs. מ׳ Gn 15:1; cstr. מַחֲזֵה Nu 24:4, 16 Ez 13:7;—vision, in the ecstatic state מַחֲזֵה שָׁוְא (‖ מִקְסַם כָּזָב) Ez 13:7 of the false prophets; מַחֲזֵה שַׁדַּי Nu 24:4, 16 (JE; poems of Balaam); הָיָה דְבַר י׳ אֶל־אַבְרָם בַּמַּחֲזֶה Gn 15:1 (R) the word of י׳ came unto Abram in a vision.


מַחֲזֶה, מֶחֱזָה, מַחֲזִיאוֹת v. חזה.


מַחֲזִיאֹת (visions) 1 Ch 25:4 (but on this list cf. RSOTJC 422; ed. 2, 143), = מַחֲזִיאוֹת 1 Ch 25:30 a Hemanite chief of a course of singers.


מחח (√ of foll.; cf. Arabic مخّ iv. be fat, also contain marrow).


מְחִי n.[m.] only in מְחִי קָבֳלּוֹ Ez 26:9 the stroke of his battering ram (cf. (מ)מחיו Ecclus 42:5 smiting a deceitful servant, margin מוסר).


מְחִי v. II. מחה.


מְחִידָא head of a family of returning exiles Ezr 2:52 (𝔊 Μαουδα, 𝔊L Μεειδα) = Ne 7:54 (𝔊 Μεειδα).


מִחְיָה n.f. preservation of life, sustenance, מ׳ Gn 45:5 + 4 times; cstr. מִחְיַת Lv 13:10, 24; sf. מִחְיָתֶ֑ךָ Ju 17:10;—
1. preservation of life Gn 45:5 (E), 2 Ch 14:12.
2. sustenance Ju 6:4; 17:10.
3. reviving, Ezr 9:8, 9.
4. the quick (בָּשָׂר) מִחְיַת the quick (or raw spot) of the flesh Lv 13:10, 24 (P).


מִחְיָה v. חיה.


מְחִיָּיאֵל v. מְחוּיָאֵל.


† I. מְחִיר n.m. price, hire (as that which is placed in front of one, presented, offered; Assyrian maḫîru, price; maḫirânu, buyer, DlHWB 404, Prol. 94);—מ׳ abs. Mi 3:11 + 9 times; cstr. Dt 23:19 + 2 times; sf. מְחִירָהּ Jb 28:15; pl. sf. מְחִירֵיהֶם ψ 44:13;—
1. price, often בִּמְחִיר for a price; in trade 2 S 24:24 1 K 10:28 2 Ch 1:16; cf. La 5:4 (‖ כֶּסֶף), also (no בְּ) 1 K 21:2 and מ׳ שָׂדֶה עַתּוּדִים Pr 27:26; of wisdom Jb 28:15 (‖ סְגוֹר כֶּסֶף) cf. Pr 17:16; (no בְּ); fig. בְּלוֹא־כֶסֶף וּבְלוֹא מ׳ Is 55:1 in purchase of blessings from י׳; of price of people, fig. ψ 44:13, cf. Je 15:13.
2. hire, מ׳ כֶּלֶב (i.e. of male prostitute) Dt 23:19 (‖ אֶתְנַן זוֹנָה) v. Di Dr; of venal priests Mi 3:11 (‖ שֹׁחַר) = reward, gain, denied of Cyrus Is 45:13 (‖ id.); affirmed of Ant. Epiph. Dn 11:39.


† II. מְחִיר 1 Ch 4:11, 𝔊 Μα(χ)ειρ.


[מְחִלָּה] n.f. hole, מְחִלּוֹת עָפָר holes of the dust Is 2:19 (‖ מְעָרוֹת צֻרִים cause of the rocks).


מְחֹלָה v. I. חול.


1. a daughter of Zelophehad Nu 26:33; 27:1; 36:11 Jos 17:3, 𝔊 Μα(α)λ(α)α.
2. a Gileadite name (poss. m.) 1 Ch 7:18 𝔊 Μαελα, 𝔊L Μααλαθ.


[מַחֲלֶה] n.[m.] sickness, disease—sf. מַחֲלֵהוּ Pr 18:14 his sickness (= any sickness of his); of specif. disease, cstr. מַחֲלֵה מֵעֶ֑יךָ 2 Ch 21:15 (+ בָּחֳלָיִים רַבִּים, מֵהַחֹ֑לִי).


מַחֲלָה n.f. sickness, disease, מַחֲלָה Ex 15:26 + 3 times—sickness, disease (in gen.) Ex 23:25 (JE); so c. כל, 1 K 8:37 = 2 Ch 6:28 (‖ כל־נֶגַע), Ex 15:26 (JE; cf. אני יהוה רֹפְאֶ֑ךָ ad fin.)


[מְחִלָּה] v. I. חלל.


[מַחֲלֶה], מַחֲלָה v. I. חלה.


[מַחֲלוּי] n.m. sickness, suffering (caused by wounds, cf. חלה 2 K 8:29)—only pl. intens. מַחֲלֻיִים 2 Ch 24:25.


מַחְלוֹן son of Elimelech and Naomi, first husband of Ruth, Ru 1:2, 5; 4:9, 10, 𝔊 Μααλων.


† I. מַחְלִי
1. Levite, son of Merari Ex 6:19 Nu 3:20 1 Ch 6:4, 14; 23:21(×2) 24:26, 28 Ezr 8:18 (prob.), 𝔊 Μοολλει.
2. son of Mushi, and grandson of Merari 1 Ch 6:32; 23:23; 24:30, 𝔊 Μοολει, Μοολ(λ)ι.


† II. מַחְלִי of above; only c. art. as coll. הַמּ׳ Nu 3:33; 26:58.


מַחֲלֻיִים v. [מַחֲלוּי] sub I. חלה.


[מַחֲלָף] n.m. knife, so 𝔙 (cf. Syriac ܚܠܰܦ, totondit (in Lex.), ܚܠܳܦܳܐ, ܚܠܘܽܦܬܳܐ knife, Talm. חליפות knives, according to Levy, Jastr; Thes as passing through (cf. vb. 3 a)); but √ and meaning not certain, only Pl. מַחֲלָפִים Ezr 1:9, among temple utensils (v. BeRy Ryle).


[מַחֲלָף] [מַחֲלָפָה] v. חלף.


[מַחֲלָפָה] n.f. plait (of hair; so called from intertwining, passing through each other, of the strands)—Pl. cstr. מַחְלְפוֹת רֹאשִׁי Ju 16:13, cf. v 19.


[מַחֲלָצָה] n.f. robe of state (taken off in ordinary life);—only pl. abs. מַחֲלָצוֹת Is 3:22 robes of ladies of Jerusalem; Zc 3:4 of high priest.


מַחֲלָצוֹת v. [מַחֲלָצָה] sub I. חלץ.


מַחְלְקוֹת smoothness, סֶלַע הַמּ׳ 1 S 23:28 rock of smoothness, i.e. slippery rock, perhaps original meaning of this, v. further מַחֲלֹקֶת sub I. חלק.


II. מַחְלְקוֹת v. II. חלק.


מַחֲלֹ֫קֶת n.f. division, course (almost wholly Chr.)—מ׳ abs. 1 Ch 27:1, 2; cstr. 1 Ch 27:4; sf. מַחֲלֻקְתּוֹ 1 Ch 27:2 + 14 times 1 Ch 27; abs. מַחְלְקוֹת 1 Ch 23:6 + 6 times Ch + 1 S 23:28 (v. infr.); cstr. id. 1 Ch 26:12 + 5 times Ch + Ne 11:36; sf. מַהְלְקוֹתֵיכֶם 2 Ch 35:4; מַחְלְקוֹתֵיהֶם 2 Ch 31:16, 17; מַחְלְקוֹתָם 1 Ch 24:1 + 3 times in Ch; מַחְלְקֹתָם Jos 11:23; 12:7; 18:10 Ez 48:29;—
1. division, part, of land assigned to the several tribes of Isr. Jos 11:23; 12:7 (both D) 18:10 (JE; others, divisions of Isr., but v.) Ez 48:29.
2. techn. term of organization of priests and Levites (late), 1 Ch 23:6; 24:1; 26:1, 12, 19 2 Ch 8:14(×2); 31:2(×2); 35:4, 10 Ne 11:36 + 26 times in Ch., + (of royal officials) 1 Ch 28:1.—סֶלַע הַמַּחְלְקוֹת 1 S 23:28 was popularly connected with this √, = rock of divisions, where Saul and David parted from neighbourhood of each other (Dr) so Vrss Th al.; Bö Klo, where their forces lay divided from each other; orig. connex. was perhaps with II. חלק, smooth, slippery; Ges De W Ke al. expl. here as rock of escapes, but this meaning for חלק dubious.


מַחֲלֹ֫קֶת v. I. חלק.


מְחֹלַת v. מְחוֹלָה sub I. חול.


† I. מַחֲלַת n.f. only in ψ titles עַל־מ׳ ψ 53:1; 88:1; appar. a catchword in a song, giving name to tune; meaning dub.; Aq. Symm. 𝔙 מְחֹלֹת dance; v. Ol Psalmen, p. 27 Bae Psalmen, p. xviii.


I. מַחֲלַת v. sub II. חלה.


† II. מַחֲלַת
1. daughter of Ishmael Gn 28:9, 𝔊 Μαελεθ.
2. granddaughter of David 2 Ch 11:18, 𝔊 Μολλαθ; 𝔊L Μαελλεθ.


מְחֹלָתִי only c. art. הַמְּ׳ the Mĕḥolathite, of ʿAdriel 1 S 18:19, A τῷ Μοουλαθειτῃ; 𝔊L τοῦ Μαολλαιου; of Barzillai 2 S 21:8; 𝔊 τῷ Μωουλαθει, 𝔊L τοῦ Μααθει.


מַחֲמָאֹת curd-like things = smooth, hypocritical, words, only cstr. חָֽלְקוּ מ׳ פִּיו ψ 55:22 smooth are the butter-words of his mouth (Ew De Hup), but read prob. (פניו) חלק(ו) מֵחֲמָאֹת פיו his mouth (face) is smoother than curds (Vrss Ki Thes Ol Che Bae We Du [מֵחֶמְאָה]).


מַחֲמָאֹת only (appar. cstr.) חָֽלְקוּ מ׳ פִּיו ψ 55:22, according to Ew De Hup = curd-like (i.e. smooth, hypocritical) words, smooth are the butter-words of his mouth; but read prob. (פניו) פִּיו (or מֵחֶמְאָה) חלק(ו) מֵחֲמָאֹת his face is smoother than curds (Vrss Ki Thes Ol Che Bae We).


מַחְמַד n.m. desire, desirable thing—abs. מַחְמַד Ho 9:6; cstr. id. 1 K 20:6 + 3 times Ez; pl. מַחֲמַדַּים Ct 5:16; cstr. מַחֲמַדֵּי La 2:4; Ho 9:16; sf. מַחֲמַדַּי Jo 4:5; מַחֲמַדֵּינוּ Is 64:10; מַחֲמַדֶּיהָ 2 Ch 36:19; La 1:10; מַחֲמַדֵּיהֶם La 1:11 Qr (v. also מַחְמֹד);—desirable, precious things כלי־מ׳ 2 Ch 36:19; sg. coll. Ho 9:6; pl. Jo 4:5; Is 64:10; La 1:10, 11; (Qr), מ׳ בִּטְנָם Ho 9:16; v. especially pl. intens. כֻּלּוֹ מַחֲמַדִּים Ct 5:16 all of him is delightfulness (‖ מַמְתַֿקִּים); elsewhere מַחְמַד עינים desire of the eyes, i.e. that in which the eyes take delight 1 K 20:6; Ez 24:16; (of proph.’s wife), v 21, 25; pl. La 2:4.


[מַחְמֹד] n.[m.] desirable, precious thing;—מַחֲמֻדֶיהָ La 1:7, מַחֲמוֹדֵיהֶם La 1:11 Kt (Qr מַחֲמַדֵּיהֶם). Perhaps מַחֲמַדּ׳ to be read in both; cf. Sta§ 273 a.


מַחְמַד [מַחְמֹד, מַחֲמֻדִים] v. חמד.


[מַחְמָל] n.[m.] thing pitied, object of compassion, only cstr. מַחְמַד עיניכם וּמַחְמַל נַפְשְׁכֶם Ez 24:21 object of your eyes’ desire, and of your soul’s compassion.


[מַחְמָל] v. חמל.


מַחְמֶ֫צֶת n.f. anything leavened, only Ex 12:19, 20 (P).


מַחְמֶ֫צֶת v. I. חמץ.


מַחֲנֶה214 n.m. Gn 33:8 + 16 times and f. ψ 27:3; 1 Ch 11:15 (on Gn 32:9a v. Di) encampment, camp—abs. מ׳ Gn 32:9(×2) + 126 times (incl. Ez 1:24, del. Co); cstr. מַחֲנֵה Gn 32:3 + 56 times; sf. מַחֲנֵהוּ Nu 1:52 + 5 times; מַחֲנֶיךָ Dt 23:15; 29:10, מַחֲנֶךָ Dt 23:15, מַחֲנֵיכֶם Am 4:10, מַחֲנֵיהֶם Nu 5:3 Ju 8:10 (cf. infr., and on form of noun c. sf. vid. Ges§ 93, 3, R 3); pl. abs. מַחֲנוֹת Gn 32:8 + 9 times; cstr. 1 Ch 9:18 + 2 times, מַחֲנִים Nu 13:19; sf. (appar. pl. n.) מַחֲנֵיהֶם Jos 10:4 + 5 times;—on du. v. מ׳ infr.
1. camp, place of encampment: a. of caravan of travellers Gn 32:22 (J), especially of Isr. at Exod. and in wildern. Ex 16:13(×2) 19:16, 17 (all P; disting. from עַם); שַׁעַר מ׳ Ex 32:26 (JE); especially מִחוּץ המ׳ in connexion with uncleanness, etc., Ex 29:14; Lv 4:12 (P) + often, of position of tent of meeting Ex 33:7(×2) (JE), contr. Nu 2:17 (P), where of encampments of several tribes, cf. 1:52; 2:3; 10:2, 5, 6, 25 etc., (all P), already passing over to 3 (cf. הַחֹנִים 10:5, 6); b. specif. of camp of Levites, surrounding tabernacle, so that P can say אֹהֶל־מוֹעֵד מַחֲנֵה הַלְוִיִם Nu 2:17; and so (late) of temple הַשֹּׁעֲרִים לְמַחֲנוֹת בְּנֵי לֵוִי 1 Ch 9:18, as well as שַׁעֲרֵי מַחֲנוֹת י׳ 2 Ch 31:2; pl. (opp. מִבְצָרִים = fortresses) Nu 13:19.
2. camp of armed host Jos 6:11(×2), 14 (JE), 1 S 4:3, 5, 6(×2), 7; 17:53; 2 K 7:16 etc.
3. a. those who encamp Nu 10:5, 6; 1 Ch 11:5 ψ 27:3 (all c. vb. חנה), cf. (prob.) Is 37:36 = 2 K 19:35, etc. b. company, body of people; people and beasts Gn 32:8, 9(×2), 11; 33:8, funeral company of Jacob Gn 50:9; of Isr. on march Ex 14:19, 20 cf. Nu 10:5, 6. c. army, host Jos 8:13; 10:5; 11:4 Ju 4:15, 16(×2) 7:1, 8; 8:10(×2), 11(×2) 12 1 S 17:1, 46 2 K 3:9 even while in the thick of the fight; 1 K 22:34 = 2 Ch 18:33 etc.


מַחֲנֵה־דָ֑ן = camp of Dan, name given, Ju 13:25; 18:12, to place where Danites encamped (v. Bla).


מַחֲנֶה, מַחֲנֵה־דָן, מַחֲנַיִם v. חנה.


מַחֲנַיִם (two camps)—E. of Jordan; name from Jacob’s meeting angels according to Gn 32:3 (J), place on border of Gad Jos 13:26, of Manasseh v 30 (P); Levit. city in Gad 21:36 (P) = 1 Ch 6:65; named also 2 S 2:8 (מַהֲנָ֑יִם), v 12, 29 (-נָ֑יִם), 19:33; 1 K 2:8 (-נָ֑ים); מַחֲנָ֑יְמָה 2 S 17:24, 27 1 K 4:14; site unknown, v. Di Gn; כִּמְחֹלַת הַמַּחֲנָ֑יִם Ct 7:1 is put here Ex Hi Öt al.: as at a (the) dance of Mahanaim; dance of a double choir Gi Stickel RV.


מַחֲנָק n.[m.] strangling, suffocation, as a mode of death, וַתִּבְחַר מַחֲנָק נַפְשִׁי Jb 7:15 and my soul chooseth strangling (‖ מָוֶת).


מַחֲנָק v. חנק.


מַחְסֶה n.m. Pr 14:26 refuge, shelter;—abs. מַ׳ Jb 24:8 + 5 times; מַחֲסֶה ψ 46:2 + 2 times; cstr. מַחְסֵּה Is 28:17; sf. מַחְסִּי ψ 62:8 + 5 times; מַחֲסִי ψ 71:7 Je 17:17, מַחְסֵּהוּ ψ 14:6, מַחְסֵּנוּ Is 28:15;—shelter:
a. from rain and storm Is 4:6; 25:4; Jb 24:8.
b. from danger סְלָעִים מַחְסֶּה לַשְׁפַנִּים rocks a refuge for conies ψ 104:18; מחסה כזב refuge of falsehood Is 28:17; כזב מחסנוּ falsehood our refuge Is 28:15; elsewhere of God as the refuge of his people ψ 14:6; 46:2; 61:4; 62:8, 9; 71:7; 73:28; 91:2, 9; 94:22; 142:6; Pr 14:26; Je 17:17; Jo 4:16.


מַחְסֶה, מַחֲסֶה v. חסה.


מַחְסוֹם n.m. muzzle, אֶשְׁמְרָה־לְפִי מ׳ ψ 39:2 let me keep a muzzle to my mouth, to avoid (hasty and) erring speech.


מַחְסוֹם v. חסם.


מַחְסוֹר, מַחְסֹר n.[m.] need, thing needed, poverty;—מ׳ abs. Pr 11:24 + 6 times; cstr. Ju 18:10; 19:19; sf. מַחְסוֹרְךָ Ju 19:20; מַחְסֹרְךָ Pr 6:11; מַחְסֹרוֹ Dt 15:8; pl. sf. מַחְסֹרֶיךָ Pr 24:34;—
1. need = thing needed דֵּי מַחְסֹרוֹ Dt 15:8 enough for his need (sq. אשׁר יֶחְסַר לוֹ, cf. חָסֵר vb.); כָּל־מ׳ עָלָ֑י Ju 19:20 all thy need be upon me (for me to provide).
2. lack, want אֵין מ׳ כָּל־דָּבָר Ju 18:10 no lack of anything, 19:19 ψ 34:10.
3. in gen., need, poverty Pr 6:11 (‖ רֵאשׁ) = 24:34 (‖ רֵישׁ), 11:24; 14:23; 21:5; 22:16; 28:27; אִישׁ מ׳ 21:17 a man of poverty.


מַחְסוֹר v. חסר.


מַחְסֵיָה (י׳ is a refuge) ancestor of Baruch and Seraiah Je 32:12 (Baer מַחֲס׳) 51:59.


מַחְסֵיָה v. חסה.


מַ֫חַץ n.[m.] severe wound;—only cstr. מַחַץ מַכָּתוֹ יִרְפָּא Is 30:26 of י׳’s restoration of his people (‖ חָבַשׁ שֶׁבֶר עַמּוֹ).


מָחַץ vb. smite through, wound severely, shatter (poet.) (Assyrian maḫâṣu, smite, wound, DlHWB 398; Arabic مَخَضَ churn; beat or agitate the milk, etc.; Sab. מחֿץֿ DHMZMG xxx. 1876, 684; xxxvii. 1883, 338; Burgen u. Schlösser (SB. xcvii. 1881), 965 (of stone-cutter’s work), HomChrestom. 127; Ethiopic መሐጸ: );—
Qal Pf. 3 ms. מ׳ Jb 26:12 + 3 times וּמָֽחֲצָה Ju 5:26 etc.; Impf. יִמְחַץ Jb 5:18 ψ 68:22; 1 s. sf. אֶמְחָצֵם ψ 18:39; וָא׳ 2 S 22:39;—smite through, sq. רֹאשׁוֹ, of Jael, Ju 5:26 (‖ הָלַם, מָחַק, חָלַף); of Isr., shattering enemies, חִצָּיו יִמ׳ Nu 24:8 (obj. om.; ‖ עַצְמֹתֵיהֶם יְגָרֵם) cf. v 17 (obj. פַּֽאֲתֵי מוֹאָב); cf. ψ 18:39 = 2 S 22:39; of י׳, smiting through or shattering his foes, ψ 110:5, their heads v 6 68:22 Hb 3:13, loins Dt 33:11; cf. Jb 26:12 obj. רַהַב, q.v.; abs., Dt 32:39 (opp. רָפָא; ‖ cl. אָמִית וַאֲחַיֶּה) cf. Jb 5:18 (opp. רָפָא, ‖ cl. יַכְאִיב וְיֶחְבָּ֑שׁ). For תִּמְחַץ (רגלך בְּדָם) ψ 68:24, read תִּרְחַץ (58:11), Ol Br Che Bae We.


מַחְצֵב n.[m.] hewing, always אַבְנֵי מ׳ = hewn stones 2 K 12:13; 22:6 = 2 Ch 34:11 (in all ‖ עֵצִים).


מַחְצֵב v. חצב.


מֶחֱצָה n.f. half, of spoils;—abs. מֶחֱצָה Nu 31:36; cstr. מֶחֱצַת Nu 31:43 (both P).


מֶחֱצָה, מַחֲצִית v. חצה.


מַחֲצִית n.f. half, middle—cstr. מַחֲצִית Ex 30:13(×2) + 8 times; מַחֲצִת Nu 31:30, 47; sf. מַחֲצִיתוֹ Ex 30:23, מַחֲצִיתָהּ Lv 6:13(×2), מַחֲצִיתָם Nu 31:29
1. half of a shekel Ex 30:13(×2), 15 cf. v 23; 38:26; the flour for offering Lv 6:13(×2), of spoils Nu 31:29, 30, 42, 47; of tribe Jos 21:25 (all P), 1 Ch 6:46, 55; of chariots 1 K 16:9.
2. middle מ׳ היּוֹם=midday, noon Ne 8:3 (cf. midnight, חָצוֹת, חֲצִי 2).


[מָחַק] vb. utterly destroy, annihilate (cf. GFM) (NH id., wipe or rub off, erase; Aramaic מְחַק id.; Arabic مَحَقَ utterly destroy, annihilate);—only 3 fs.: מָֽחֲקָה רֹאשׁוֹ Ju 5:26 (‖ הָלַם, מָחַץ, חָלַף).


[מֶחְקָר] n.m. range (as place to be explored), מֶחְקְרֵי־אָ֑רֶץ ψ 95:4 (cf. חֵקֶר Jb 38:16).


[מֶחְקָר] v. חקר.


מחר (√ of foll.; be in front of, meet, cf. Assyrian maḫâru, DlHWB 400 come to meet, receive [cf. קִבֵּל], and Id Prol. 93; Sab. מחֿר receive, etc., n. id., token of favour, ‖ gift, נחלת; DHMZMG xxxvii. 1883, 408).


מָחָר52 n.m., used often as adv., to-morrow, in time to come (Aramaic מְחַר, ܡܚܰܪ; prob. properly time in front, Köii. 263, cf. √, and Assyrian maḫru, front, often of time, though always of former time, of old, DlHWB 402):—
1. to-morrow (the day following the present day), a. as subst. Ex 16:23 שַׁבָּתוֹן שַׁבַּת קֹדֶשׁ לְי׳ מָחָר to-morrow is a sabbath, etc., 1 S 20:5 חֹדֶשׁ מָחָר to-morrow is the new moon, v 18; in יוֹם מָחָרGn 30:33 Pr 27:1 Is 56:12; in the idiom. phr. כָּעֵת מָחָר at the like of the time, (being) to-morrow, = about to-morrow (v. כְּ 1 a) †Ex 9:18 1 S 9:16; 20:12 1 K 19:2; 20:6 2 K 7:1, 18; 10:6; and in לְמָחָרEx 8:19 לְמָחָר יִהְיֶה הָאֹת הַזֶּה, = for, against, to-morrow, Ex 8:6 Nu 11:18 Jos 7:13 Est 5:12. b. as adv. acc. Ex 8:25; 9:5 מָחָר יַעֲשֶׂה י׳ הַדָּבָר הָזֶּה, 10:4 הִנְנִי מֵבִיא מָחָר אַרְבֶּה, 17:9; 32:5 Nu 14:25 1 S 11:9 etc., Jos 11:6 מָחָר כָּעֵת הַזֹּאת; opp. to הַיּוֹם Ex 19:10 הַיּוֹם וּמָחָר Jos 22:18 2 S 11:12a; rhetorically, Is 22:13 כִּי מָחָר נָמוּת.
2. = in future time, Ex 13:14 כִּי יִשְׁאָֽלְךָ בִנְךָ מָחָר לֵאמֹר = Dt 6:20, Jos 4:6, 21; 22:24, 27, 28; so בְּיוֹם מָחָר Gn 30:33.


[מַחֲרָאָה] n.f. only pl. cloaca, cesspool;—מחראות 2 K 10:27 Kt (Qr מוֹצָאוֹת).


[מַחֲרָאָה], מחראות v. חרא.


[מַחֲרֵשָׁה, מַחֲרֶ֫שֶׁת] n.f. ploughshare—sg. sf. לִלְטוֹשׁ אִישׁ מַחֲרַשְׁתּוֹ v 20 to sharpen each man his ploughshare 1 S 13:20 (+ אֵתוֹ, קַרְדֻּמּוֹ) + מַחֲרֵשָׁתוֹ v 20, read prob. דָּרְבָּנוֹ his goad (so 𝔊 𝔖 We Dr, see v 21); pl. abs. מַחֲרֵשֹׁת v 21 (+ similar list; on text of both vv. see Dr).


[מַחֲרֵ֫שָׁה, מַחֲרֶ֫שֶׁת] v. I. חרשׁ.


מָחֳרָת n.f. the morrow (the day following a past day)—abs. מ׳ Gn 19:34 +, cstr. מָחֳרַת Lv 23:11 +;—the morrow, Nu 11:32 וְכֹל יוֹם הַמָּחֳרָת; מִמָּחֳרָת = on the morrow, so וַיְהִי מִמָּחֳרָת, Gn 19:34 Ex 18:13; 32:30 Nu 17:23 Ju 9:42; 21:4 1 S 11:11; 18:10; 31:8 (= 1 Ch 10:8) 2 K 8:15 Je 20:3; (וַיַּשְׁכִּימוּ) וַיַּשְׁכֵּם מִמָּחֳרָת, Ex 32:6 Ju 6:38 1 S 5:3, 4; Ex 9:6 ויעשׂ י׳ את הדבר הזה ממ׳, Nu 17:6 Jos 5:12; 2 S 11:12b: מִמָּחֳרַת הַשַּׁבָּת on the morrow of (= after) the sabbath, Lv 23:11, 15, 16, ממ׳ הַפֶּסַח Nu 33:3 Jos 5:11, מִמָּחֳרַת הַשֵּׁנִי [בַּיּוֹם 𝔊] הַחֹדֶשׁ (MT falsely מִמָּחֳרָת) 1 S 20:27; of the morrow after a day specified in a law, Lv 19:6 בְּיוֹם זִבְחֲכֶם יֵאָכֵל וּמִמָּחֳרָת, 7:16. Twice (late) with לְ, Jon 4:7 לַמָּחֳרָת on the morrow, 1 Ch 29:21 לְמָחֳרַת הַיּוֹם הַהוּא.—1 S 30:17 strangely וַיַּכֵּם דָּוִד מֵהַנֶּשֶׁף וְעְד־הָעֶרֶב לְמָחֳרָתָם from the dawn to the evening of their following day (We Bu לְהַחֲרִימָם).


מַחֲשָׁבָה n.f. thought, device (chiefly poet. and late)—abs. מ׳ Je 18:11; 49:30; מַחֲשֶׁ֫בֶת Ez 38:10; מַחֲשָׁ֑בֶת Ex 35:33 2 Ch 2:13; cstr. מַחֲשֶׁ֫בֶת Est 8:5 2 Ch 26:15; sf. מַחֲשַׁבְתּוֹ Est 8:3; 9:25; pl. מַחֲשָׁבוֹת Je 11:19 + 7 times; מַחֲשָׁבֹת Ex 31:4 + 3 times; cstr. מַחְשְׁבוֹת Is 59:7 + 13 times; מַחְשְׁבֹת Gn 6:5; sf. מַחְשְׁבוֹתַי Is 55:8 etc. + 19 times sfs.;—
1. thought: a. of man מ׳ אדם ψ 94:11; מ׳ לֵב ψ 33:11 thoughts of the mind; (כל) יצר מ׳ (לב) Gn 6:5 (J), 1 Ch 28:9; 29:18. b. of God מ׳ יהוה Mi 4:12; c. אֶל־ ψ 40:6; עַל־ Je 51:29; the thoughts of God are exceeding deep ψ 92:6; higher than man’s thoughts Is 55:8(×2), 9(×2).
2. device, plan, purpose Is 55:7; 59:7; 65:2; 66:18 Je 6:19; 18:12 ψ 56:6 Pr 19:21 Jb 21:27 La 3:60, 61 Est 8:5; מ׳ חָרוּץ Pr 21:5; מ׳ עֲרוּמִים Jb 5:12; מ׳ צדיקים Pr 12:5; מ׳ עמים ψ 33:10; מ׳ און Is 59:7 Je 4:14 Pr 6:18; מ׳ רע Pr 15:26; מ׳ שָׁלוֹם Je 21:11; חשׁב מ׳ devise devices 2 S 14:14 Je 11:19; 18:11, 18; 29:11; 49:20, 30; 50:45 Ez 38:10 Dn 11:24, 25 Est 8:3; 9:25; מ׳ as subj. of נָכוֹן be established Pr 16:3; 20:18; הפר מ׳ break plans Pr 15:22.
3. invention Ex 31:4; 35:32, 33, 35 (all P), 2 Ch 2:13; 26:15 (v. חָשַׁב I 5).


מַחֲשָׁבָה, מַחֲשֶׁ֫בֶת v. חשׁב.