The Divine-Human Family

The Divine-Human Family


The historical setting of these studies by W. W. Prescott, from the 1895 General Conference Session held in Battle Creek, Michigan, is very helpful and important. Prescott had just recently left his position as president of Battle Creek College that he had held since 1885, to focus more on his duties as General Conference Education Di-rector, which he had been since 1887. Prescott’s work in the educational ministry, and church administration, would continue for many years. DHF 3.1

The most important influence in 1895 was that of the General Conference Session held seven years earlier in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the issues surrounding it, in regard to what God was longing to give to those carrying the three angels’ messages to the world. This “newlight was to impact every believer, their home lives, the ministries of the church in which they worked, and all of their witness to the world. The following extracts from a biographical review of Prescott address some of these details. DHF 3.2