The Three Angels’ Messages


Thorough training essential—The third angel is represented as flying in the midst of heaven, showing that the message is to go throughout the length and breadth of the earth. It is the most solemn message ever given to mortals, and all who propose to connect themselves with the work should first feel their need of an education, of the most thorough training. Plans should be made and efforts put forth for the improvement of those who anticipate entering any branch of the work.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 500 (1913) 3AM 169.3

The purpose for our schools—When the truth for these last days came to the world in the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages, we were shown that in the education of our children a different order of things must be brought in; but it has taken much time to understand what changes should be made. 3AM 170.1

Our work is reformatory; and it is the purpose of God that through the excellence of the work done in our educational institutions the attention of the people shall be called to the last great effort to save the perishing. In our schools the standard of education must not be lowered. It must be lifted higher and still higher, far above where it now stands; but the education given must not be confined to a knowledge of textbooks merely. The study of textbooks alone cannot afford students the discipline they need, nor can it impart true wisdom. The object of our schools is to provide places where the younger members of the Lord’s family may be trained according to His plan of growth and development.... 3AM 170.2

The third angel’s message, the great testing truth for this time, is to be taught in all our institutions. God designs that through them this special warning shall be given, and bright beams of light shall shine to the world. Time is short. The perils of the last days are upon us, and we should watch and pray, and study and heed the lessons that are given us in the books of Daniel and the Revelation.... 3AM 170.3

We shall have to stand before magistrates to answer for our allegiance to the law of God, to make known the reasons of our faith. And the youth should understand these things. They should know the things that will come to pass before the closing up of the world’s history. These things concern our eternal welfare, and teachers and students should give more attention to them. By pen and voice, knowledge should be imparted which will be meat in due season, not only to the young, but to those of mature years also.... 3AM 170.4

In every case the great decision is to be made whether we shall receive the mark of the beast or his image, or the seal of the living God. And now, when we are on the borders of the eternal world, what can be of so much value to us as to be found loyal and true to the God of heaven? What is there that we should prize above His truth and His law? What education can be given to the students in our schools that is so necessary as a knowledge of “What saith the Scriptures?”—Testimonies for the Church 6:126-131 (1901) 3AM 171.1