The Three Angels’ Messages


The need for diligent study of the messages

Search to find out what the messages mean—The third angel’s message means far more than we take it to mean. We should search to find out all that is possible concerning this solemn message. The earth is to be lightened with its glory. The angels of God will even now go through our land to arouse the minds of the people if we will cooperate with them; but sad indeed is the fact that we are far behind the providences of God, and the work that ought to be done to send the rays of truth to those who sit in darkness, is undone.—Letter 1, 1875 (October 12) (Counsels to Writers and Editors, 140, 141) 3AM 22.1

God will open our understanding of His truths—We are living in the last days, and there is a large work to be done among the people of all languages. Therefore every soul that believes the truth for this time, whatever his country or speech, should have an intelligent knowledge of the truths of the third angel’s message, that he may be able to do an intelligent work for God. The Lord will open the understanding of all who will come into right relation to Him. If you will search the Scriptures, and will walk humbly with God, you will find that there will come to you an understanding of the Word, and you will receive power to do a work for God.—Manuscript 77, 1909 (August 26) 3AM 22.2

Even the children and youth to understand the message—The third angel’s message reveals the great saving truth for this time. Its truths are constantly unfolding, and it is God’s design that even the children and youth shall understand intelligently what God requires, that they may distinguish between righteousness and sin, between obedience and disobedience.—Manuscript 67, 1909 (October 7) 3AM 23.1

Study especially the sanctuary and the three messages—With what care should every one come to the study of the Scriptures! With what a determination to know all that it is possible for him to know of the reasons of every point of the faith; especially the Sanctuary question, and the first, second, and third angels’ messages, should he study.—Letter 98a, 1897 (April 8) 3AM 23.2

Study in connection with Daniel and Revelation—Those who make light of the third angel’s message do it because they know little of Daniel or Revelation. They have not read with a determination to find out the meaning by prayer, by study, and by fasting. If they had had the experience of Daniel or of John, they would know that the third angel’s message will go forth unto perfect victory. Those who proclaim that message because they see and believe it will understand that very much is comprehended in it. The third angel is represented as flying through the heavens with a banner on which is inscribed “The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” [Revelation 14:12.]—Manuscript 21, 1897 (March 17) 3AM 23.3

Study in connection with Revelation 13—In connection with this Scripture [Revelation 13:4-8, 11-18], the entire fourteenth chapter of Revelation should be studied much by God’s people. Verses nine to eleven bring to view the special message of warning against worshiping the beast and his image and receiving his mark in the forehead or in the hand. This warning is to be given to the world by those who are mentioned in the twelfth verse as keeping “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”—Manuscript 153, 1902 (November 5) 3AM 24.1

Most believers lack a thorough understanding—From the light that God has given me, I can say that not half of those who profess to believe the present truth have a thorough understanding of the Third Angel’s Message. Many believe the truth because they have heard it preached by someone in whom they had confidence. When our people search the word of God for themselves, we shall hear less murmuring than we hear today. We need that faith that will lead us to study the Bible for ourselves, and take God at His word.—The Signs of the Times, November 11, 1889 3AM 24.2

There are but few, even of those who claim to believe it, that comprehend the third angel’s message, and yet this is the message for this time. It is present truth. But how few take up this message in its true bearing, and present it to the people in its power! With many it has but little force.—Manuscript 15, 1888 (November 1) 3AM 24.3

There is a great work to be done for this time, and we do not half realize what the Lord is willing to do for His people. We talk about the first angel’s message, and the second angel’s message, and we think we have some understanding of the third angel’s message; but we should not be satisfied with our present knowledge. Our petitions, mingled with faith and contrition, should go up to God, for an understanding of the mysteries that God would make known to His saints.—The Review and Herald, June 4, 1889 (Ye Shall Receive Power, 23) 3AM 24.4

Know the reasons for our faith—Solid instruction must be given to the people upon the reasons of our faith. They must be educated to a far greater extent than they have been in the doctrines of the Bible, and especially in the practical lessons that Jesus gave to His disciples. The believers must be impressed with their great need of Bible knowledge. There must be painstaking effort to fasten in the minds of all, the solid arguments of the truth; for every one will be tested, and those who are rooted and grounded in the work of God will be unmoved by the heresies that will arise on all sides; but if any neglect to obtain the necessary preparation, they will be swept away by errors that have the appearance of truth. At our camp-meetings, sermons should be delivered of such a character as will prepare the hearers to give a reason of the hope that is in them with meekness and fear. I have been shown that but a small number of the people in our churches know for themselves what constitutes the third angel’s message. This fact should enable us to realize the need of Bible classes. At our camp-meetings especially, there should be daily classes for Bible study. Instruction should be given on the subjects of faith and Christian experience, and there should be seasons of earnest prayer. Then the influence of our camp-meetings would not be of so transitory a character, but would leave an abiding impression.—Gospel Workers, 1892 ed., 228, 229 (1892) 3AM 25.1

Demonstrate the messages in daily life—The theme of greatest importance is the third angel’s message, embracing the messages of the first and second angels. All should understand the truths contained in these messages, and demonstrate them in daily life; for this is essential to salvation. We shall have to study earnestly, prayerfully, in order to understand these grand truths; and our power to learn and comprehend will be taxed to the utmost.—Letter 97, 1902 (July 7) (Evangelism, 196) 3AM 25.2