The Three Angels’ Messages


“To every nation, tribe, tongue, and people”

Lightening every continent—The truth comprised in the first, second, and third angels’ messages must go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; it must lighten the darkness of every continent and extend to the islands of the sea. Nothing of human invention must be allowed to retard this work.—Testimonies for the Church 6:133 (1901) 3AM 52.1

The truth will belt the world—As we draw near to the coming of Christ, more and still more of missionary work will engage our efforts. The message of the renewing power of God’s grace will be carried to every country and clime until the truth shall belt the world. Of the number of them that shall be sealed will be those who have come from every nation and kindred and tongue and people. From every country will be gathered men and women who will stand before the throne of God and before the Lamb in worship, crying, “Salvation unto our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.” [Revelation 7:10.]—Manuscript 59, 1907 (June 18) (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 532) 3AM 52.2

Monuments of God’s mercy from every nation—From “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” there will be those who will gladly respond to the message, “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come.” They will turn from every idol that binds them to this earth, and will “worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” They will free themselves from every entanglement, and will stand before the world as monuments of God’s mercy. Obedient to every divine requirement, they will be recognized by angels and by men as those that “keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:6, 7, 12.—The Review and Herald, February 26, 1914 (Prophets and Kings, 299, 300) 3AM 52.3

Same gospel declared in Eden—The message proclaimed by the angel flying in the midst of heaven is the everlasting gospel, the same gospel that was declared in Eden when God said to the serpent, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” [Genesis 3:15.] Here was the first promise of a Saviour that would stand on the field of battle to contest the power of Satan and prevail against him. Christ came to our world to represent the character of God as it is represented in His holy law, for His law is a transcript of His character. Christ was both the law and the gospel. The angel that proclaims the everlasting gospel proclaims the law of God; for the gospel of salvation brings men to obedience of the law, whereby their characters are formed after the divine similitude.—Manuscript 32, 1896 (December 6) (Selected Messages 2:106) 3AM 53.1

Christ’s second coming an essential part of the gospel—In the prophecy this warning of the judgment, with its connected messages, is followed by the coming of the Son of man in the clouds of heaven. The proclamation of the judgment is an announcement of Christ’s second coming as at hand. And this proclamation is called the everlasting gospel. Thus the preaching of Christ’s second coming, the announcement of its nearness, is shown to be an essential part of the gospel message.—Christ's Object Lessons, 227, 228 (1900) 3AM 53.2

Last-day gospel proclamation involves varied ministries—A great work is to be accomplished in setting before men the saving truths of the gospel. This is the means ordained by God to stem the tide of moral corruption. This is His means of restoring His moral image in man. It is His remedy for universal disorganization. It is the power that draws men together in unity. 3AM 53.3

To present these truths is the work of the third angel’s message. The Lord designs that the presentation of this message shall be the highest, greatest work carried on in our world at this time. That this work may be carried forward on correct lines, He has directed the establishment of schools, sanitariums, publishing houses, and other institutions. In these institutions the attributes of God are to be unfolded, and the glory and excellence of the truth is to be made to appear more vivid.—Manuscript 166, 1899 (December 22) (Medical Ministry, 187, 188) 3AM 54.1

[For more on the centrality of the gospel in the proclamation of the three angels’ messages, see chapter 4 under “Those who keep ... the faith of Jesus.”] 3AM 54.2