The Three Angels’ Messages


The messages form a perfect chain of truth

Embraced in their order—Many who embraced the third message had not an experience in the two former messages. Satan understood this, and his evil eye was upon them to overthrow them; but the third angel was pointing them to the Most Holy place, and those who had an experience in the past messages were pointing them the way to the heavenly Sanctuary. Many saw the perfect chain of truth in the angels’ messages, and gladly received it. They embraced them in their order, and followed Jesus by faith into the heavenly Sanctuary. These messages were represented to me as an anchor to hold the body. And as individuals receive and understand them, they are shielded against the many delusions of Satan.—Spiritual Gifts 1:165, 166 (1858) 3AM 27.4

Not detached doctrines—Bear in mind [that the] doctrines held by Seventh-day Adventists are the gospel that Christ said must go to all people, tongues, and nations. Righteousness through a crucified and risen Saviour, the third angel’s message, and the faith of Jesus are broad outlines of eternal truth.... These important testing truths are not detached doctrines, no loose, unconnected units and sentiments. The truth, the Word of the living God, is the bread of life. The truths form one string of varied precious gems. The person and work of Christ is a complete system of truths. Christ being its living center, they are linked in one grand, practical, essential, whole—the salvation of the soul by faith in Christ Jesus. That faith in Jesus sinks self into the small dust of the balance.—Manuscript 199, 1899 3AM 28.1

Truths unfolded in their order—The burden of the warning now to come to the people of God, nigh and afar off, is the third angel’s message. And those who are seeking to understand this message will not be led by the Lord to make an application of the Word that will undermine the foundation and remove the pillars of the faith that has made Seventh-day Adventists what they are today. The truths that have been unfolding in their order, as we have advanced along the line of prophecy revealed in the Word of God, are truth, sacred, eternal truth today. Those who passed over the ground step by step in the past history of our experience, seeing the chain of truth in the prophecies, were prepared to accept and obey every ray of light. They were praying, fasting, searching, digging for the truth as for hidden treasures, and the Holy Spirit, we know, was teaching and guiding us.—Manuscript 31, 1896 (November 8) (Selected Messages 2:103) 3AM 28.2

The Spirit of Prophecy is also linked—As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning to the world extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and influence of the Testimonies, which God in His providence has linked with the work of the third angel’s message from its very rise.—Testimonies for the Church 5:654 (1889) 3AM 29.1

There are some who occupy positions of responsibility who have had little experience in the working of the Holy Spirit. They do not appreciate the light in warnings, reproofs, and encouragement given to the church in these last days, because their hearts and minds have not been receiving the Spirit of divine grace. These persons are disposed to conceal the fact that, in connection with the work of the third angel’s message, the Lord through the Spirit of prophecy has been communicating to His people a knowledge of His will. They think that the truth will be received more readily if this fact is not made prominent. But this is mere human reasoning. The very fact that this light, coming to the people, is not presented as having originated with human minds will make an impression upon a large class who believe that the gifts of the Spirit are to be manifested in the church in the last days. The attention of many will thus be arrested, and they will be convicted and converted. Many will thus be impressed who would not otherwise be reached.—Manuscript 31, 1890 3AM 29.2