The Truth About Angels


Saul and Jonathan

God had raised up Samuel to judge Israel. He was honored by all the people. God was to be acknowledged as their great Head, yet He designated their rulers, and imbued them with His Spirit, and communicated His will to them through His angels.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:67. TA 119.1

Because of Saul's sin in his presumptuous offering, the Lord would not give him the honor of vanquishing the Philistines. Jonathan, the king's son, a man who feared the Lord, was chosen as the instrument to deliver Israel.... TA 119.2

Angels of heaven shielded Jonathan and his attendant, angels fought by their side, and the Philistines fell before them.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 623. TA 119.3

Angels of God fought by the side of Jonathan, and the Philistines fell all around him. Great fear seized the host of the Philistines in the field and in the garrison.... The earth trembled beneath them, as though a great multitude with horsemen and chariots were upon the ground prepared for battle. Jonathan and his armor-bearer, and even the Philistine host knew that the Lord was working for the deliverance of the Hebrews.—Spiritual Gifts 4a:70. TA 119.4