The Truth About Angels


Before the Court of Annas and Caiaphas

Christ was to be tried formally before the Sanhedrin; but before Annas He was subjected to a preliminary trial.... TA 197.3

When the council had assembled in the judgment hall, Caiaphas took his seat as presiding officer.... As Caiaphas ... looked upon the prisoner, he was struck with admiration for His noble and dignified bearing. A conviction came over him that this Man was akin to God. The next instant he scornfully banished the thought.—The Desire of Ages, 698, 703, 704. TA 198.1

All heaven saw the cruel work done to Christ. In the dreadful scenes transacted in the judgment hall, God showed to the heavenly universe the spirit that would be manifested by those that are unwilling to yield obedience to His law.—Manuscript Releases 12:412. TA 198.2

It was difficult for the angels to endure the sight. They would have delivered Jesus out of [the] hands [of His inquisitors]; but the commanding angels forbade them.... Jesus knew that angels were witnessing the scene of His humiliation. TA 198.3

There stood Jesus, meek and humble before the infuriated multitude, while they offered Him the meanest abuse. They spit in His face—that face which they will one day desire to be hid from, which will give light to the city of God, and shine brighter than the sun—but not an angry look did He cast upon the offenders. He meekly raised His hand, and wiped it off. They covered His head with an old garment; blindfolded Him, and then struck Him in the face, and cried out, Prophesy unto us who it was that smote thee. There was commotion among the angels. They would have rescued Him instantly; but their commanding angel restrained them.—Spiritual Gifts 1:50, 51. TA 198.4