An Earnest Appeal



Our system to raise means for the support of the cause is equitable in its workings, and will be ample in its results. But when all our people shall come up to the figures, in the rapid growth of the cause, it must be guarded carefully from abuses by careless auditors and unconsecrated ministers, lest our people become discouraged at improper appropriations, and the system become broken down. EAAP 24.1

The auditing of accounts and settling with licentiates at the last annual meeting of the Michigan Conference, in some cases, was such that, if our people were acquainted with the facts, many would not pay into the treasury at all. We are glad to know that the President of the General Conference is aroused to the dangers to which our S. B. is exposed. EAAP 24.2

The books at the Office show that several hundred dollars were paid to a licentiate, a single youth, of wealthy, believing parents, who had not made his mark as a successful laborer, while a preacher of considerable experience, who had labored ardently and successfully in Indiana and Michigan, received less than the licentiate, simply because he was conscientious in bringing in his account of time spent in work. EAAP 24.3

True, this youth, as well as others in Michigan, speaks from place to place, reports good attendance, prejudice removed, etc., etc. But where are the conversions? What churches are being raised up by these young men to bring funds into the treasury? Is it not astonishing that auditing committees will pay funds out of the treasury to such men, who do little or nothing to bring means into the treasury? And men in such circumstances in life, who do not add to the cause and the treasury, who would take money out of it, would sell their Lord for fewer pieces of silver than were pocketed by Judas. EAAP 24.4

We will here mention another abuse of the S. B. treasury. A certain preacher encouraged a certain brother to go out and labor. He went on the cars, from Michigan to Wisconsin and back, at the expense, as he reported, of $50.00. The Wisconsin Conference was invited to pay the bill; but not having employed the brother, and not being able to see $50.00 worth of work done, very sensibly refused. The brother then appealed to Battle Creek, and the now ex-president of the Michigan Conference, and one of the General Conference Committee, decided to pay the bill, $25.00 from the General Conference fund, and $25.00 from the Michigan Conference fund. EAAP 25.1

In the first place, it is the duty of the officers of our conferences to encourage men to go out to labor. The most that ministers can do, is to report persons to the proper authorities. And, in the second place, men should go out on their first trips on foot, or with their own private conveyance, near home, at their own expense. And, in the third place, we thank God that General Conference had backbone to decide that the two officials who paid the money out of the two funds, should pay the sums from their own pockets into the treasury again. EAAP 25.2

As a people, we should have a zeal for truth, justice, and righteousness. Our efficient ministers, who labor and study, and become workmen, and are successful, especially those who are worn under the burdens of the cause, should be fully sustained. Our young men should be encouraged to become strong men in the work. And all licentiates should be directed and encouraged to take a course to become men of God, and successful laborers. But those who have not a heart in them to venture out, and endure hardships and discouragements, and still believe and hope on until God gives them success, which will place them in the confidence of our people, are not worthy to receive funds which have been sacredly consecrated to the cause. EAAP 25.3

And we would suggest that, before paying money from the treasury, the auditing committees would do well to take into account the amount of actual labor put forth, and the amount of good accomplished; the circumstances and real wants of the minister, and the number of dependents in his family; whether he keeps house and entertains others, and has heavy home expenses, or whether he and his family live upon the brethren, and have no home expenses. EAAP 26.1

The entire amount of S. B. paid by all our people, as given in last General Conference report, is $30,687. It is not difficult to show that, according to the plan adopted by our people, the entire sum should not be less than $75,000. The New England Conference is supposed to come up nearer to the figures of our adopted plan of S. B. than any other. That Conference has longest enjoyed the legitimate workings of the Tract and Missionary Society. And this being one of the branches of the work of the Society, its officers have brought the figures up nearer to the plan than are those of any other Conference. That Conference averages about $10 to each member. EAAP 26.2

And we make the statement, partly from personal knowledge, and partly from the opinions of proper judges, that the members of the New England Conference will not average, in point of amount of property, with the members of our Conferences generally. EAAP 27.1

But suppose that they do average in point of property with others; then, if others put their figures up as near the plan as the New England Conference has, the average amount for the entire membership will be $10. The membership given in last report is 5,875. Should each pay into the treasury, this conference year, equal to the members of the New England Conference, the entire sum would be 58,750. But there are not less than 10,000 Seventh-day Adventists in the United States. And there are no reasons why our numerous scattered friends, who are not members of churches, should excuse themselves from adopting the plan of S. B. Should all our people enter the plan, and come up to the figures set forth in the plan, the amount would be not less than $75,000 annually. EAAP 27.2

Now, who shall take hold of the work to bring all our people up to the figures? Our preachers have other work on their hands, more proper for their calling. And the elders and deacons of our churches sustain so close relation to their churches as to make this work, in many cases at least, a delicate one for them. Who, then, are the proper persons to do this work? The answer to this question is at hand. The officers of our Tract and Missionary Societies are the very persons to take hold of it. It is their duty to ascertain whether the members of our churches, and scattered brethren as far as possible, do, or do not, come up to the figures of the plan of S. B. Let the men be elected to those offices that have the nerve to do this work, and the good judgment and the piety to do it in a manner in harmony with the name — Systematic Benevolence. EAAP 27.3

Bro. E. H. Root and his twelve associate directors have a large work on their hands. The membership of the Michigan Conference was, at last report, 1616, whose S. B. is $6,528.72, which is only $4.04 a member. This is less than one-half, to a member, of the amount paid by the New England Conference; when, if the members of the Michigan Conference would come up to the figures on their comparative wealth, they would pay into the treasury at least twenty five per cent more to a member than the average amount of the members of the New England Conference. But should Michigan average only as high as the New England Conference, the entire amount would be $16,160, instead of $6,528.72. We believe that the amount of S. B. of the Michigan Conference can be raised to $20,000 before the close of 1874, if the officers of the Tract and Missionary Society will take hold of the work in good old New England style. The officers of the Tract and Missionary Societies in all the States should take hold of this work in earnest. And let the General Conference Committee see that all our scattered brethren adopt our plan of S. B. EAAP 28.1

But what shall be done with so much money? Answer: The General Conference should expend, before the close of 1874, the sum of $20,000 in the preparation, translation, and publication, of works in the German, French, Danish, and Swedish languages. And the General Conference must extend its missions to Europe, to the Pacific, and, in fact, in all directions, as far as the calls can be supplied. EAAP 29.1

And, then, not less than $300,000 must be raised for our School, Publishing Association, Health Institute, and Book Fund, during the years 1874 and 1875. There should be raised, during the year 1874, the sum of $50,000 for our School, $50,000 for the Health Institute, and $50,000 to be divided equally between the Publishing Association and the Book Fund, making in all, $150,000. And the same amounts should also be raised during 1875. EAAP 29.2

Suppose that our S. B. is one per cent on all the property of our people, amounting to $75,000. In order to raise the $150,000 annually, for two years, two per cent more would be required annually beside the S. B. These sums can be raised by our people without the least embarrassment. Will the General Conference Committee set the stone rolling, the work to be carried out by the Officers of the Tract and Missionary Societies? We suggest that there should be among us persons who would pay, besides the full figures of S. B., the following sums during 1875, quarterly on the first of March, June, September, and December. EAAP 29.3

50 persons, each,$200 00per quarter,$40,000
100 “ ”100 00“ ”40,000
100 “ ”50 00“ ”20,000
100 “ ”25 00“ ”10,000
250 “ ”10 00“ ”10,000
500 “ ”5 00“ ”10,000
500 “ ”2 50“ ”5,000
1000 “ ”1 25“ ”5,000
2000 “ ”62 1/2“ ”5,000
5000 “ ”25“ ”5,000