My Journey to Life, Step 11—God, the Holy Spirit

7. What is the purpose of the Latter Rain?

The culture was largely agrarian during the time the Bible was written. People understood references to crops, seasons, planting and harvest. Thus, the Inspired Word uses rain as a metaphor to explain the work of the Spirit in the Latter Rain. The literal early rains were to germinate the seed, causing it to spring up. This symbolizes the early rain of God’s Spirit at Pentecost, with the subsequent explosion of the good news as the disciples of Christ carried His name to many places. It also represents the beginning process of individual spiritual growth, as the Spirit awakens an interest for God in the heart. JTL11 5.1

Those working the fields understood that the late rain, or Latter Rain, ripened the grain and prepared it for harvest. In the same vein, the Holy Spirit will be poured out on His followers with mighty power near the close of Earth’s history, which enables Earth’s inhabitants to understand the issues in the great controversy between Christ and Satan and proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. JTL11 5.2

In addition, the Latter Rain will spiritually strengthen those who receive it, sustaining them through the great time of trouble that will come on the Earth just before the coming of Christ. JTL11 5.3