My Journey to Life, Step 8—The Three-Person Godhead

11. How can the doctrine of the 3 in 1 Godhead make my life better?

Everyone at some point has experienced loss, abandonment, loneliness or rejection. Our hearts long for love—unconditional, intimate, self-sacrificing, never-stopping love! At the cross, the Trinity made a full demonstration of the kind of love for which we long. Through Christ the love of the Godhead fills our aching, empty hearts with companionship and caring. We now have purpose—to be fully reconciled to our Creator God and enter every day into deeper relationship with Him. JTL8 6.4

We are valued by the Trinity as though there were not another person on earth to share their love! Christ, the mediator between God and us, unites us to the Godhead with ties that will endure through eternity. JTL8 6.5