My Journey to Life, Step 8—The Three-Person Godhead


7. What member of the Godhead is the focus of Scripture?

Because it was through Jesus that God’s love and purpose were revealed, the Bible focuses on Him. All the Old Testament sacrifices and festivals pointed forward with hope to the coming Messiah. Jesus is the focal point of the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. He is the Good News proclaimed by the disciples in sermons and writings—the Blessed Hope. The Old Testament writers look forward to the first coming of Jesus, while the New Testament reports His advent and helps us look forward to His return. JTL8 4.5

Even though the early church baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, 20), it was through Jesus that God’s love and purpose were revealed. Thus, the focus of the Bible is on Jesus Christ, and the Christian’s hope of redemption and eternal life through the cross. JTL8 4.6