My Journey to Life, Step 8—The Three-Person Godhead

6. Are all three members of the Godhead doing the same thing?

Though Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all work together to redeem humanity, they each perform different tasks in saving us. Two examples of these differences include that (1) The Father gave His Son, Christ gave Himself, and the Spirit gave Jesus birth; (2) At Jesus’ baptism, the Father gave encouragement, Christ gave Himself to be baptized as our example, and Spirit gave Himself to Jesus to empower Him. JTL8 4.1

The great work of the Trinity is to reveal God and a knowledge of Christ to everyone (John 17:3) and make Jesus present and real (Matthew 28:20; cf. Hebrews 13:5). Though all three members of the Trinity work together to save, only Jesus lived as a man, died as a man, and became our Savior (John 6:47; Matthew 1:21). But because “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19), God could in that sense also be designated as our Savior (cf. Titus 3:4), for He saved us through Christ (Ephesians 5:23; Philippians 3:20). The Holy Spirit represents Christ; yet is a distinct personality (John 14:26). JTL8 4.2