My Journey to Life, Step 8—The Three-Person Godhead


2. If human wisdom is not always helpful in knowing God, how does He reveal Himself?

God realized our predicament of failing to understand His heart of love for us. To bridge that gulf, the Godhead chose together to manifest themselves through the incarnation of Jesus. The Scriptures are His self-revelation, telling Christ’s story from eternity through humanity’s redemption. But the Scriptures do not prove God’s existence as much as they assume it. Since God is not an object to be analyzed or quantified, to find the truth about God in Scripture, we must have an openness to the Holy Spirit and a willingness to do God’s will. JTL8 2.1

Additionally, God discloses Himself through the general revelation of nature. Though sin has marred nature, giving it an imperfect testimony regarding the Creator, God nonetheless uses His creation to reveal Himself to all people, even those who have not had access to Scripture. JTL8 2.2