My Journey to Life, Step 8—The Three-Person Godhead


12. Does our understanding of the doctrine of the Godhead really matter?

Isn’t our relationship with Jesus all that is essential? The concept of the Trinity is at the very center of the doctrine of God. Knowledge about the Father and Holy Spirit is essential to understanding Christ’s incarnation, cross, resurrection and heavenly ministries. JTL8 6.8

The essence of the gospel is seen in the love demonstrated for us by the triune God at Calvary. Consider this: God the Father so loved you that He sent God the Son to die for you that you may be born of God the Spirit (see John 3:8, 13, 16, 17). Before earth’s creation this triune God considered the risk of creating you and me with the power of choice. They knew the terrible heartbreak Jesus would endure on the Cross as our sins separated Him from God the Father and God the Spirit (Isaiah 59:2; Matthew 27:46). Yet He came! Only recognition of the perfect unity and purpose of the Godhead can enable us to respond in gratitude to the depth of God’s amazing love. JTL8 6.9