My Journey to Life, Step 6—The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

2. When is Jesus coming?

It is not possible to pinpoint the exact day, hour, or year of Jesus’ coming. Although Jesus never announced a specific time for His coming, He told His followers in Matthew 24:32, 33 that when they saw specific signs occurring, they would know His return was near. The great religious awakening of the 19th century drew attention to the following biblical signs of Christ’s Second Coming: JTL6 2.4

* The biblically predicted time of 1260 years of religious persecution ended in 1798, marking the beginning of the “time of the end.” (Matthew 24:21, 22; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3; Revelation 12:14-16; Revelation 13:1-10) JTL6 2.5

* A great earthquake–The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 covered an area of about four million square miles and inspired a surge in the study of end-time prophecy. (Revelation 6:12) JTL6 2.6

* Signs in the sun, moon, and stars–A supernatural darkening of the sun and a blood-like moon occurred on May 19, 1780. Again, the remarkable regional event drew many to the study of the Second Coming of Christ. (Mark 13:24-26) JTL6 2.7

* Falling stars–On November 13, 1833, the most extensive display of a meteoric shower on record fulfilled this prophecy. (Matthew 24:29; Revelation 6:13) JTL6 2.8

* Preaching the gospel–In 1900, the Bible was available in 537 languages. In 2020 the Bible, in full or part, was available in more than 1,800 languages, representing 96 percent of the world population. Radio stations, television networks, and the internet beam the gospel to virtually every country around the globe. (Acts 17:31; Matthew 24:14; 2 Peter 3:12) JTL6 2.9

* A decline of genuine Christianity–Sexual immorality, neglect of God’s law, increase in crime, neglect and oppression of the poor and marginalized, materialism, exploitation of the earth’s resources and perhaps unprecedented global anger and divisiveness all point to the soon coming of Jesus. (Malachi 3:5; Matthew 24:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Revelation 11:18) JTL6 3.1

* War and calamities–Although there have been wars throughout history, World Wars I and II caused more casualties than all previous wars combined. Yet war, strife, terrorism, and conflict continue around the globe. (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:10, 11) JTL6 3.2

* Natural disasters–Earthquakes, famines, floods, uncontrolled wild fires and other disasters seem to have accelerated and intensified in recent years. Many scientists predict more changes in climate and structure ahead, driven by human carelessness and greed. (Isaiah 51:6; Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:26; Revelation 11:18) JTL6 3.3

* A resurgence of papal power–Many historicist interpreters have recognized the papacy as the political and religious power described as a horn emerging from the Roman Empire in Daniel 7. During the 1,260 years prophesied in Daniel 7:25, this power persecuted those who disagreed with it. Though the papacy experienced a “deadly wound” in 1798 that greatly reduced its power, today its global influence is almost unprecedented. Many consider the pope to be the moral leader of the world. (Daniel 7-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 13:3; 16:13, 14) JTL6 3.4

* Apocalyptic prophecy unsealed–After 1798, many Bible students world-wide began a focused study on the return of Jesus and the judgment message of Revelation 14:6, 7. The Second Coming of Jesus is a cardinal tenet of the Seventh-day Adventist movement. The worldwide nature of this movement that proclaims the end time message of Revelation 14:6-12 is a clear sign that Christ’s return is drawing closer. (Daniel 12:4) JTL6 3.5

All these signs should provide renewed hope and anticipation to believers. Christ will come! Pray for the Spirit to give you strength and remain steadfast until the great day of His appearing. JTL6 3.6