My Journey to Life, Step 4—The Sanctuary

2. What does “then shall the sanctuary be cleansed” mean in Daniel 8:14?

William Miller thought the sanctuary was the earth, and it would be cleansed by the fires of the judgment at Christ’s second coming. He believed this was at the conclusion of the 2300 day/year prophecy in 1844. On closer investigation of Scripture, early Sabbath-keeping Adventists discovered the Bible speaks of an earthly sanctuary modeled after the heavenly sanctuary. Confessed and forsaken sins which had symbolically accumulated over the year in the earthly sanctuary were “cleansed” when the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place on the annual Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Heaven’s sanctuary is the center of God’s government, where Jesus now works to restore us to full fellowship with Him. We are in the judgment phase of Earth’s history, which Yom Kippur prefigured. JTL4 2.5