My Journey to Life, Step 2—Our Savior


1. Why do Christians call Jesus their Savior?

Scriptures tell us that everyone has sinned, and the result of sin is death. At His crucifixion, Jesus chose to take the punishment of death that should have been ours. When believers accept Christ as their Savior and Redeemer, they not only enter into a loving relationship with Jesus but are also saved from sin and its punishment. This new life in Christ is symbolized by His resurrection. JTL2 1.6

Furthermore, Jesus came into the world not only to die for our sins but also to live a life of perfect obedience to God’s law. If He had only died for us, we would need to obey in order to be saved. But since He already obeyed on our behalf, His perfect obedience is credited to us. So, we don’t obey to be saved but rather because we are saved (see Ephesians 2:8-10). JTL2 2.1