International Standard Version


Exodus 38

1 Then he made the altar for burnt offerings of acacia wood. It was a square, five cubits a long and five cubits b wide, and it was three cubits c high.

2 He made horns d on its four corners. Its horns were of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with bronze.

3 He made all the utensils for the altar—the pans, the shovels, the bowls, the forks, and the fire-pans—and he made all its utensils of bronze.

4 He made a lattice, a netting of bronze, for the altar. It was under its ledge, extending halfway up.

5 He cast four rings on the four ends of the bronze lattice as holders for the poles.

6 He made poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with bronze.

7 And he put the poles through rings on the sides of the altar to carry it. e He made it hollow, out of boards.

8 He made the bronze basin and its bronze base from f mirrors contributed by the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

9 Then he made the court. On the south g side the hangings for the court were made of fine woven linen, 100 cubits h long. i

10 He made their 20 pillars j and their 20 sockets of bronze, while the hooks of the pillars and their bands k were made of silver.

11 The north side was 100 cubits l long, m and its n 20 pillars o and 20 sockets were made of bronze, and the hooks of the pillars and their bands p were made of silver.

12 For the west side there were hangings 50 cubits q long with their ten pillars and ten sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were made of silver.

13 The east side r was 50 cubits s long. t

14 The hangings for one section u were fifteen cubits v long, with their three pillars and three sockets,

15 and also for the second section. On either side of the gate of the court were hangings of fifteen cubits w long with their three pillars and three sockets.

16 All the hangings around the court were made of fine woven linen.

17 The sockets for the pillars were made of bronze and the hooks of the pillars and their bands x were made of silver. Their tops were overlaid with silver, and all the pillars of the court were banded with silver.

18 The screen of the gate of the court was the work of an embroiderer of blue, purple, and scarlet material, and fine woven linen. The length was 20 cubits y and it was five cubits z high along its width, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

19 Their four pillars and their four sockets were made of bronze, and their hooks were made of silver. Their tops were overlaid with silver and their bands were made of silver.

20 All the pegs for the tent and for all around the court were made of bronze.

21 Here is a summary of materials for the Tent of Meeting that was compiled at Moses’ direction, the work of the descendants of Levi under the direction of Aaron the priest’s son Ithamar.

22 Now Uri’s son Bezalel, grandson of Hur from the tribe of Judah, made everything that the LORD had ordered Moses to build. aa

23 With him was Ahisamach’s son Oholiab from the tribe of Dan, an engraver, designer, and embroiderer in blue, purple, and scarlet material, and of fine linen.

24 All the gold that was used in the work, in all the work on the sanctuary, including bb the gold from the wave offering, totaled cc 29 talents, dd 730 shekels, ee according to the standard used in ff the sanctuary.

25 The silver from those of the congregation who were recorded gg totaled hh 100 talents ii and 1,775 shekels, according to the standard used in jj the sanctuary;

26 a beka a head (a beka is half a shekel, according to the standard used in kk the sanctuary) for everyone who went through the registration ll process mm from 20 years old and older. The total numbered 603,550 bekas.

27 One hundred talents nn of silver were used to cast the sockets for the sanctuary and the sockets for the curtain, 100 sockets for 100 talents, oo a talent pp per socket.

28 And with 1,775 talents qq he made hooks for the pillars, overlaid their tops, and made bands for them.

29 The bronze from the wave offering totaled rr 70 talents ss and 2,400 shekels.

30 With it he made the sockets for the doorway to the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze lattice for it, all the furnishings tt for the altar,

31 the sockets for all around the court, the sockets for the gate to the court, all the pegs for the sanctuary, and all the pegs for all around the court.