International Standard Version


Psalm 94

1 God of vengeance, LORD God of vengeance, display your splendor! a

2 Stand up, judge of the earth, and repay the proud.

3 How long will the wicked, LORD, how long will the wicked continue to triumph?

4 When they speak, they spew arrogance. Everyone who practices iniquity brags about it. b

5 LORD, they have crushed your people, afflicting your heritage.

6 The wicked c kill widows and foreigners; they murder orphans.

7 They say, “The LORD cannot see, and the God of Jacob will not notice.”

8 Pay attention, you dull ones among the crowds! You fools! Will you ever become wise?

9 The one who formed d the ear can hear, can he not? The one who made the eyes can see, can he not?

10 The one who disciplines nations can rebuke them, can he not? The one who teaches mankind can discern, can he not?

11 The LORD knows the thoughts of human beings— that they are futile.

12 How blessed is the man whom you instruct, LORD, whom you teach from your Law,

13 keeping him calm when times are troubled until a pit has been dug for the wicked.

14 For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage.

15 Righteousness will be restored with justice, and all the pure of heart will follow it.

16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?

17 If the LORD had not been my helper, I would have quickly become silent.

18 When I say that my foot is shaking, your gracious love, LORD, will sustain me.

19 When my anxious inner thoughts become overwhelming, your comfort encourages me.

20 Will destructive national leaders, e who plan wicked things through misuse of the Law, be allied with you?

21 They gather together against the righteous, condemning the innocent to death.

22 But the LORD is my stronghold, and my God, the rock, is my refuge.

23 He will repay them for their sin; he will annihilate them because of their evil. The LORD our God will annihilate them.