International Standard Version


Job 36

1 Elihu responded again and said:

2 “Be patient with me a moment longer, and I’ll show you that there’s more to say on God’s behalf.

3 I’ll take what I know to its logical conclusion a and ascribe righteousness to my Creator,

4 because what I have to say isn’t deceptive, and the one who has perfect knowledge is with you.”

5 “Indeed God is mighty and he doesn’t show disrespect; he is mighty and strong of heart.

6 He doesn’t let the wicked live; he grants justice to the afflicted.

7 He won’t stop looking at righteous people; he seats them on thrones with kings forever, and they are exalted.

8 “If they’re bound in chains, caught in ropes of affliction,

9 he’ll reveal their actions to them, when their transgressions have become excessive.

10 He opens their ears and instructs them, commanding them to repent from evil.

11 If they listen and serve him, b they’ll finish c their lives in prosperity and their years will be pleasant.

12 “But if they won’t listen, they’ll perish d by the sword and die in their ignorance.

13 The godless at heart cherish e anger; they won’t cry out for help when God f afflicts g them.

14 They h die in their youth; and their life will end i among temple prostitutes.

15 He’ll deliver the afflicted through their afflictions and open their ears when they are oppressed.”

16 “Indeed, he drew you away from the brink of distress to a spacious place without constraints, filling your festive j table with bountiful k food.

17 But now you are occupied with the case of the wicked; but justice and judgment will be served.

18 So that no one entices you with riches, don’t let a large ransom turn you astray.

19 “Will your wealth sustain you when you’re in distress, despite your most powerful efforts? l

20 Don’t long for night, when people vanish m in their place.

21 Be careful! Don’t turn to evil, because of this you will be tried by more than affliction.

22 “Indeed, God is exalted in his power. Who is like him as a teacher?

23 Who ordained his path for him, and who has asked him, ‘You are wrong, aren’t you?’

24 Remember to magnify his awesome activities, about which mortal man has sung.

25 All of mankind sees him; human beings observe him from afar off.”

26 “God is truly awesome, beyond what we know; the number of his years is unknowable. n

27 He draws up drops of water, distilling it to rain and mist. o

28 When the clouds pour down; p they drop their rain on all of humanity.

29 “Furthermore, can anyone understand cloud patterns, or the thundering in his pavilion?

30 He scatters his lightning above it, and covers the bottom q of the sea.

31 He uses them to judge some people and give food to many.

32 His hands are covered with lightning that he commands to strike his designated target.

33 His thunder r declares his presence; and tells the animals what is coming.”