International Standard Version


Job 5

1 “Cry out, won’t you! Is there anyone who will answer you? To whom will you turn among the holy ones?

2 For wrath will slay a fool; zealous anger will kill the naive.

3 “I myself saw a fool becoming established, but I suddenly cursed where he lived. a

4 His children are far from deliverance; they’ll be maltreated before they leave home, b with no one to rescue them.

5 Then the hungry will devour his harvest, snatching it even from the midst of thorns, while the thirsty covet their wealth.

6 For wickedness doesn’t crop up from dust, nor does trouble sprout out of the ground;

7 But mankind is born headed for trouble, just as sparks soar skyward.”

8 “Now as for me, I would seek God if I were you; c I would commit my case to God.

9 He is always doing great things that cannot be explained, countless awesome deeds.

10 He sends rain on the surface of the earth, and waters the surface of the open country.

11 He sets the lowly on high, and lifts those who mourn to safety. d

12 He frustrates the plans of the crafty; so that what they work for never succeeds.

13 He captures the wise in their own craftiness, bringing a quick end to their cunning advice.

14 They meet with darkness in broad daylight; at noonday they grope around as if it were night.

15 So he delivers from the sword of their mouth— the poor from the power e of the mighty.

16 Therefore there is hope for those who are poor, and iniquity shuts its mouth.

17 “Indeed, how blessed is the person whom God reproves! So never disrespect the discipline of the Almighty,

18 because though he wounds, but then applies bandages; though he strikes, his hands still heal.

19 “He will deliver you through six calamities; and calamity won’t touch you throughout the seventh.

20 He will deliver you from death by famine; in war from the power f of the sword.

21 You’ll be protected from the accusing g tongue; you need not fear destruction when it heads your way.

22 You’ll laugh at destruction and famine; and you need not fear the beasts of the earth.

23 For you’ll have a pact h with the stones in the field; and the beasts of the field will be at peace with you.

24 You’ll know that your home i is secure; when you search your possessions, and nothing will be missing.

25 You’ll know that you’ll have many children; and that your offspring will be like the grass of the earth.

26 You’ll go to your grave at a ripe old age; like a stack of grain that’s harvested at just the right time.

27 “Look! We have thought all this through, and what we’ve said is true; j So please listen and learn for your own good!”