Vindication of the Business Career of Elder James White
According to previous notice, the members of the Church of Seventh-day Adventists of Battle Creek, Mich., convened at their house of public worship on the 29th of March, 1863, Uriah Smith, one of the elders of the Church, acting as chairman. The meeting was opened with prayer by Eld. Moses Hull. The following preamble and resolutions were read before the meeting, after which they were separately considered and unanimously adopted. VBCJW 4.2
Whereas, We have believed that the providence of God has called Eld. James White to lead out in the proclamation of the truth of the third angel’s message, especially in the Publishing Department, and, VBCJW 4.3
Whereas, The reputation of a man occupying so public a position becomes to him a treasure above all price; and not to him only, but to all those who may be connected with the cause which he is engaged in promulgating; inasmuch as in no more effectual way could that cause be brought into disrepute, and its progress crippled and hindered, than by destroying the reputation of such a man; and, VBCJW 4.4
Whereas, There are certain reports prejudicial to the character of Eld. White, as a man of upright and honest dealing, being extensively circulated through the country, and used to cut off his influence and that of his brethren, to shut the ears of the people against the truth, and steel their hearts against its reception; therefore, VBCJW 5.1
Resolved, That we, the church of Seventh-day Adventists of Battle Creek, deem it our duty to take measures to ascertain the grounds of the charges, complaints, and murmurs that are in circulation, that they may be sustained, and action taken accordingly, or may be proved to be groundless, and slander be effectually stopped. To this end, be it further VBCJW 5.2
Resolved, That we appoint Brn. U. Smith, G. W. Amadon, and E. S. Walker, a committee to take this matter in charge. VBCJW 5.3
Resolved, That we hereby earnestly request all those, far and near, who think they have any grounds of complaint against Eld. White, all who have handed to him means that he has not appropriated as directed, all who think that he has wronged the aged, the widow, and the fatherless, or that he has not in all his dealings in temporal matters, manifested the strictest integrity, probity, and uprightness, to immediately report their grievances, and the grounds upon which they base them, to Uriah Smith, chairman of the above named committee, that they may be received previous to the middle of May next. VBCJW 5.4
Resolved, That we also hereby invite all those who have had dealings, more or less extensive, with Eld. White, since the commencement of his public labors, to testify in what light they regard his dealings, so far as their knowledge of observation goes, and send in their testimony as above directed. VBCJW 5.5
Resolved, That then this whole matter be laid before the approaching General Conference, the last of May next, that the brethren then assembled may take such action upon it, as in the premises they may deem proper. VBCJW 5.6
Moved, by Bro. Hull that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Review. Carried. VBCJW 6.1
Adjourned sine die.
URIAH SMITH, Chairman.
E. S. WALKER, Ch. Clerk.
Battle Creek, Mich., March 29, 1863.
REMARKS. — The above resolutions are of themselves sufficiently plain and explicit, yet as chairman of the committee above named, I would urge upon all interested the necessity of prompt and immediate action upon resolutions 3 and 4. Those who are engaged in the circulation of the reports referred to in the foregoing proceedings, if they are acting honestly, think that they have grounds sufficient to sustain them. They now have not only an opportunity, but a request, to bring them forward that we may see and examine them. And let it be understood by them that if they refuse to do this, it will appear that have been acting without even a conviction of truth upon their side, which certainly will not place them in a very enviable light; and in this case it will not only devolve upon them hereafter to ever hold their peace, but it would be well for them if the memory of their past course could be blotted from the minds of mankind. VBCJW 6.3
Let those also to whom the course of Bro. White appears unimpeachable, and who can from their own experience testify in his behalf, not fail to send in their testimony. Ample time is given for all to send in what documents they may wish, and yet there is none to lose. It is due to Bro. White, it is due to all sincere lovers of the truth, it is due to the precious cause everywhere, that this matter be followed to a final settlement. U. S. VBCJW 6.4
The foregoing report of the doings of the Battle Creek church, was published in Review, No. 18, Vol. xxi. In the next paper, of April 7, appeared the following call from Bro. White’s own pen: VBCJW 6.5