Principles for Christian Leaders


Encouraging the president

Do not get together and give expression to criticism and questioning in regard to matters you [workers in Michigan] have learned by hearsay. Do not draw within yourselves and work in secrecy and darkness with a select few, giving no words of encouragement, offering no prayer for the blessing of the Lord to rest upon your president. Come right up to help him; talk with him; encourage him. Keep distrust out of your own hearts. Give the man who carries the heavy responsibility your hearty cooperation. Do not manufacture burdens to perplex his tired brain and wearied nerves. God calls upon you to act your part with fidelity and guard the interests of the church with which you are connected. PCL 164.3

Work with an eye single to the glory of God. Keep pressing your way to the light and you will have light. Talk faith, and you will have faith. Seek for harmony; seek to be of one mind, of one judgment, thus answering the prayer of Christ. Leave not all the agonizing prayer to be poured forth day and night by your soul-burdened president, and a few faithful standard-bearers. —MS 3, 1890 (August 10) PCL 164.4