Principles for Christian Leaders


Choosing presidents

The men who act as presidents of state conferences should be carefully selected. Then let these men bear the responsibilities of the conference in a most thorough, earnest, God-fearing manner. If they are not qualified to do the work thoroughly and successfully, do not keep them in that position.—MS 17, 1896 (May 13); TM 322 PCL 156.1

Great care should be exercised in choosing men to occupy positions of responsibility as guardians of the churches. My brethren, do not make this choice blindly, lest the flock of God be given an example that will teach them to tear and devour. —MS 113, 1907 (October 21) PCL 156.2

Sometimes the men chosen to preside over the state conferences are not the best and most trustworthy men. Some cannot reason correctly, because they have lost their spiritual eyesight. “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.” Much careful consideration should be given to the matter of appointing state conference presidents. Much prayer should be offered to God. He should be sought most earnestly, that the presidents of the state conferences may show themselves to be men of ability in spiritual understanding. The Lord requires this of all who come near to Him.—MS 91, 1899 (June 19) PCL 156.3