Principles for Christian Leaders


Believer in the Spirit of Prophecy

Satan has been well pleased with the work of those men and women who have used their influence to undermine the confidence of our people in the messages the Lord is sending through the Spirit of prophecy. I have been instructed that those who have engaged in such a work should not be chosen to occupy positions as leaders; for the influence they exert, and their misstatements concerning this agency in which they have no faith, will result in making unbelief popular in our churches. Let no man or woman be entrusted with responsibility in the church who will use the advantages such a position would give them to advocate sentiments of unbelief, thus sowing the tares of heresy among believers. And it has sometimes been the case that when men have been reproved for this kind of work, they have begun a warfare against the messages sent, by making light of the warnings and reproofs. PCL 91.2

What can be done to make these men with strong traits of character realize that they need to be reconverted? Unless this experience comes to them, they will never become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King. They are wrapping themselves up in a garment of self-confidence. The messages that the Lord sends them, that they may understand how much they need to be taught of Him, they cast aside as idle tales, thus placing themselves where they will accept their own suppositions as divine revelations. With their deficient experience, they are unfitted to understand the dealings of the Lord with His people.—MS 27, 1908 (May 5) PCL 91.3

Danger in setting aside testimonies—To be in office seems to you [G. W. Reaser] to mean to be a voice for the people. The pure and holy truths of the Word of God are not brought into your experience. Your will has been the controlling power. Unless you can learn lessons in humility, you should not be encouraged to hold official responsibilities in the work of God. You make it exceedingly difficult for those who differ from you in judgment. So far as pure and undefiled religion is concerned, you act like a blind man. Unless there is a decided change wrought in your character, you will never see the kingdom of God. If the testimonies I send you are cast aside, and you continue in your self-confident attitude as ruler of the minds and actions of those who are engaged in work in the conference; if you continue to uproot the confidence of the people in the testimonies that God has been sending to His people for more than sixty years, you will go deeper and still deeper into darkness.—Letter 382, 1907 (November 9) PCL 92.1