Principles for Christian Leaders


Faithful to God and His church

The Lord has placed men in responsible positions to guard the church which is the flock of God, and certain duties which the Lord requires of His church are enjoined upon them as His appointed agencies. Should they neglect to do this work devolving on them, the Lord charges the guilt of the wrongdoing upon the whole church. Until that wrong is corrected, and thoroughly purged from the church, the blessing of God will not rest upon it. . . . PCL 89.1

I present this matter again before you, for your attentive consideration. If the officers who have charge in any branch of the work of God dishonor Him in any line connected with His work, the Lord lays that charge upon the whole church. He will not serve with any man’s sin. Those in positions of trust are to honor God by a faithful duty toward all, ministers or laymen. They are to do faithful work as representatives of the character of Jesus Christ, to maintain order and purity of morals in the church, so that there shall be no unrighteousness practiced in selfish dealing, brother with brother, or in breaking down the barriers which the Lord has erected to preserve the clean, pure virtues of His people.—Letter 120, 1897 (March 10) PCL 89.2

There was a time when Israel could not prevail against their enemies. This was because of Achan’s sin. God declared, “Neither will I be with you any more until the accursed thing is put away from you” (Joshua 7:12). God is the same today. If defiling sins are cherished by those who claim to believe the truth, the displeasure of God rests upon the church, and He will not remove it until the members do all in their power to show their hatred for sin and their determination to cast it out of the church. God is displeased with those who call evil good and good evil. If jealousy, evil surmising, and evil-speaking are allowed to have a place in the church, that church is under the frown of God. It will be spiritually unhealthy until it is cleansed from these sins, for till then God cannot reveal His power to strengthen and elevate His people and give them victory.—MS 8a, 1888 (October 21) PCL 90.1