Principles for Christian Leaders


God is leading

From light to light, God is leading His people. He liveth in light unapproachable, but surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands of holy, happy beings, every one of them waiting to do His bidding. They are not inactive, but in communication with other worlds in all God’s vast dominion. This little world is but an atom of the Lord’s dominion. Through various agencies, divine and human, He is seeking to save. He is actually stooping from His throne and observing the movements of every living being, and in His books are recorded every transaction; and through heavenly agencies He is lifting up the oppressed and pointing the way before every soul—the way to reach the mansions above. PCL 302.2

If men would cooperate with God, light from His throne would be penetrating all the highways and byways of life. All things are possible to those who are connected with the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness.—Letter 36a, 1890 (September 18) PCL 303.1

Elder Olsen, I urge you to be of good courage. Have confidence in God. Carry every burden to Him. He can and will make you efficient, but you must have faith. Do not be depressed, do not mourn in secret because of the unfaithfulness of the watchmen on the walls of zion. There is no call for despondency and misapprehension. Place yourself where the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness can shine into all the chambers of your mind and into the soul temple. Ye are the light of the world, God says. He will make those who are faithful in the church radiant with the Word of God. His Spirit will be communicated to human instrumentalities, giving them light before which moral darkness must flee away.—Letter 43, 1890 (December 18) PCL 303.2