Principles for Christian Leaders


Chapter 10 - Managing God’s Money

Work God’s vineyard

The men in positions of trust should regard the means they handle as God’s revenue and use it in an economical manner. When there is an abundance in the treasury, they are not to invest it in adding building to building in places already provided with memorials for God. Hundreds of other places are in need of this money, that they, too, may have something established to represent the truth. All parts of the Lord’s vineyard are to be worked. PCL 242.1

The power to use and disburse the Lord’s money is not to be left to the judgment of any one man. An account must be given for every dollar expended. God’s means is to be used at the proper times and in the right places, that it may be a blessing, and also an object lesson of how He works, in accordance with principles of equity, justice, and righteousness.—MS 154, 1902 (October 24); MM 165 PCL 242.2

Never take action to narrow and circumscribe the work unless you [G. I. Butler] know that you are moved to do so by the Spirit of the Lord. Our people are doing work for foreign missions, but there are home missions that need their help just as much as these foreign missions. We should make efforts to show our people the wants of the cause of God and to open before them the need of using means that God has entrusted to them to advance the work of the Master both at home and abroad.—Letter 5, 1885 (October 31); TM 299, 300 PCL 242.3